Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "K"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Kelley Clarence H. "Father" 1889-1941
Bertha G. "Mother" 1889-1937
Kelly Thomas Joseph 1868-1957
Kennedy Edward 1850-1920
Elizabeth Briggs wife of " 1855-1886
Edna Crowninshield 1866-1943
Celia Mary 1890-1924
Letitia 1888-
Paul 1894-
Kennedy James 1856-1917
Elsie P. Crowninshield wife of " 1860-1915
Kennedy Michael died July 16, 1894 ae. 81y
Sarah Plunkett wife of " died June 10, 1884 ae. 55y
John son died Jan. 14,1879 ae. 28y
Kennedy see Wood
Kerns James 1880-1953
Minnie B. 1873-1953
Kellogg (see note at the bottom of this page) Silas Large Vault - No Dates (see note at the bottom of this page)
Ketchum Lucie A. Leach wife of Alvin no dates
Killough see Phillips
Kilmer George E. 1856-1921
Jennie C. Powers wife of " 1856-1929
Kimball Ansel died Dec. 9, 1865 ae. 75y 2mo 8da
Margaret wife of " died Mar. 9, 1881 ae. 89y 9mo 13da
Chauncey G. died Oct. 11, 1863 ae. 47y 2mo 22da
Catherine S. wife of " 1816-1892
D.B. no dates
Anna G. died Sept. 11, 1866 ae. 34y 13da
Kimball William A. 1856-1926
Myrta E. 1856-1907
C. Meade 1891-1906
Fannie L. 1862-1940
Kincaid see Knapp
Kingsley Ira J. 1885-1960
Jennie A. Loomis wife of " 1885-1956
Kingsley Maria R. wife of Edwin A. 1864-1890
Kimmey see Wands
Knapp Eddie C. 1867-1943
Lois M. 1863-1929
Knapp James D. 1st Lt. Co.H 9th N.Y.Art. 1843-1904
Armenia L. wife of " 1843-1924
Harry J. 1881-1918
Sarah Kincaid wife of " 1888-1959
Ambrose died ae. 4 months
Knapp Mark S. 1875-1951
Grace wife of " 1880-1909
Grace M. wife of " 1885-19
Knapp Mary J. Hyde wife of G.P. 1840-1926
Edward H. 1866-1929
Knapp John T. "Father" died Oct. 24, 1886 born May 19, 1802
Theoda Newcomb wife of " died Feb. 19, 1874 born Feb. 20, 1805
Capt. E.M. 52 Illinois Vol. - Fell at the Battle of Shiloh died Apr. 6, 1862 born Sept. 6, 1832
Lovenia E. daughter died Feb. 26, 1829 born May 26, 1828
Dwight B. son died Dec. 16, 1840 born Apr. 12, 1840
Submit J. daughter died Dec. 19, 1840 born Mar. 20, 1824
George P. died Sept. 26, 1917 born Mar. 4, 1843
Knapp see Barrett - Parker - Smith - Newcomb
Knight Arthur W. 1878-1935
Mary wife of " 1872-1963
Knight James C. 1875-1953
Ellen M. 1875-19
Knowlton Clark R. no dates
Jemimah A. Smith wife of " 1821-1899
Knowlton David N. 1891-19
Jessie M. 1873-1958
Knowlton Shepard H. 1843-1931
Celia L. Conger wife of " 1839-1922
David G. 1872-1877
Knowlton Garrard C. 1899-1932
Georgia A. wife of " 1896-1915
Knowlton see Turner
Kosters Esther Ormiston 1917-1938
Krause Adam 1879-1915

E-Mail Concerning Records Found On This Website Page

Sent: Saturday, January 18, 2003 12:11 PM
Subject: names from Kellogg vault in Cato Union Cemetery

These dates were copied from the vault in August 26,1973 by myself and family with me.

Some new occupants have been interred there, I believe, one being Charlotte Weldon, who was a daughter of Newton Ransom Titus

Katy M. Kellogg died Sept 1,1865 aged 16 years
Martha Simpson Kellogg 1793-1872
Geo.H.Kellogg 1859-1881
Day Hervey Kellogg 1852-1875
Lida V. Kellogg 1854-1913

Silas Kellogg 1789-1862
James Hervey Kellogg 1821-1884
Asa Day Kellogg 1818- 1897
David Simpson Kellogg 1813-1899
Mary F. Kellogg wife of Newton Ransom Titus 1848 -April 19,1907

Martha M. Kellogg wife of Horace M. Scofield 1848- 1914
Susan Ann Kellogg 1829-1875
Araminta Curtis Kellogg 1823-1904
Mary Noble Kellogg 1815-1875
Newton Ransom Titus 1841- 1925
Horace M. Scofield 1851-1915
Jennie A.Titus wife of Millard Ransom Titus {.Note* She was a Coppernoll } 1875-1959
Millard Ransom Titus 1875-1935

A loose stone Mary Jane ---
loose stone-- Silas and Martha Kellogg died Jan 9, 1849 in the 23rd year of her age

The key to this vault is heavy iron and about a foot long. The Weldon family had the key to this vault. Charlotte Titus Weldon was alive at this time and had possession of the key.
Diane Titus

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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