Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "L"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

LaBuff Harry 1895-1898
LaBuff Lemuel J. 1861-1938
Estella wife of " 1869-19
Jay L. Corp. 309 Field Art. 78th Div. died Feb. 3, 1919
LaDue see Mills
Lamont Robert 1828-1904
Mary wife of " died Jan. 10, 1874 ae. 46y
John son died Aug. 10, 1879 ae. 21y
Sarah daughter died Mar. 13, 1880 ae. 23y
Ellen daughter died Apr. 18, 1891 ae. 36y
Jennie M. daughter 1862-1880
Lamson David J. 1827-1901
Esther M. Lawson wife of " 1846-1925
Lamson Lloyd J. 1875-1948
Cora Smith wife of " 1875-1960
Lane J. Dudley 1832-1897
M. Adaline Bogart wife of " 1835-1908
E.D. 1858-1909
Lang Stewart B. 1893-19
Blanche S. 1897-19
Lang see Weber
Laveck John 1870-1951
Lawrence Morgan died Aug. 3, 1890 born Dec. 4, 1805
Eliza Hutchins wife of " died Mar. 18, 1885 ae. 75y 6mo 8da
Lawrence see Coats
Lawson see Lamson
Leach see Ketchum
Lee David 1868-1938
Alta Jones 1873-1954
Howard J. 1901-1963
Lee William A. "Father" 1871-1940
Minnie J. "Mother" 1874-19
Lester A. 1893-19
Ivah Snyder wife of " 1895-19
Lee see Burns - Jewell
Legg William W. 1846-1922
Jennie Opdenbroun wife of " 1848-1922
Legg William W. 1870-1948
Louise D. wife of " 1873-1950
Lewis William E. 1891-1962
Verna P. wife of " 1889-1964
Leyburn Clare G. 1890-1963
Evalena H. 1892-19
Leyburn Dennis 1863-1950
Adelle M. wife of " 1865-1941
Leyburn see Roarke
Lincoln Marshall S. 1870-1933
Elizabeth M. wife of " 1863-1959
Lincoln Milton 1847-1923
Emma J. Lyon wife of " 1852-1940
Lincoln Seth died Mar. 4, 1852 in 70th yr.
Rebecca wife of " died Oct. 5, 1843 ae. 59y
Lincoln Silas Sheldon 1892-1959
Katherine Harris wife of " 1888-19
Lincoln see Van Norstrand
Lindsley George H. 1846-1930
Ellen L. wife of " 1849-1911
Leon H. 1887-1947
Lindsley J. B. no dates
Mary Follett wife of " 1834-1914
Lindsley Joseph B. 1816-1902
Eliza Green wife of " 1817-1869
Lindsley see Buckingham - Southworth
Littlefield Lillian Schmidt 1928-1964
Livingston see Campbell
Locke Thered E. 1856-1909
Frances M. wife of " 1859-1889
Beulah E. wife of " 1872-1915
Locke Willard S. 1881-1954
Mary R. 1883-19
Francis W. 1902-19
Locke see Ruleff
Loomis see Kingsley
Lott Lydia daug. of Jacob & Caroline died June 29, 1872 in 12th year
Loveless Silas J. 1847-1921
Delia wife of " 1857-1932
Lower Benjamin H. 1888-1939
Pervilla Ross - wife of " 1887-19
Earl Henry 1913-1944 died in France
Luddington Murry Co.H 12th N.Y.V. died June 29, 1875 ae. 41y
Lyon Eugene 1859-1952
Emma J. wife of " 1860-1937
Lyon Frank 1855-1921
James H. 1849-1927
Sarah A. Cooper wife of " 1857-1953
Lyon James died May 26, 1869 in 69th year
Lyon see Lincoln

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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