Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "M"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Mack Virgil 1901-1958
Genevieve 1912-
Manly see Paine
Mann Abram 1836-1920 "Father"
E. Jane 1843-1916 "Mother"
Mann John D. died Apr. 14, 1863 ae. 65y
Mann Stephen A. 1865-1947
Lillian E. wife of " 1875-1911
Manwarren George 1872-1935
Emma Hunt Church 1873-19
Etta Woodworth 1870-1917
Mapley George E. 1886-1957
Maude I. wife of " 1890-1937
Mapley see Harvey
Marcellus see Bates
Marsh Charles J. Died Sept. 29, 1893 ae. 51y
Anna W. wife of " died Apr. 18, 1880 ae. 38y
Eunice daughter died July 1878
John son died Sept. 1866
Marshall E.L. died Mar. 3, 1917 born Mar. 22, 1861
Marshall Joseph David 1862-1954 "Father"
Katie Halstead wife of " 1874-1947 "Mother"
Marshall W.B. 1866-
E.C. 1835-1902
F.M. 1836-1924
Marshall William died June 12, 1890 born June 4, 1811
Sarah wife of " died Apr. 12, 1900 born Mar. 20, 1813
Martin J.V.R. died June 6, 1852 43y 3mo 4da
Melissa L. wife of " died Mar. 19, 1863 40y 5mo 24da
M. Jerome son died Jan. 19, 1844 5mo 6da
Martin see Ferris
Matteson Joseph died Sept. 9, 1867 ae. 89y
_________ wife of " - broken stone died Jan. 9, 1869 ae. 80y
Maxon Henry E. no dates
Stella Porter wife of " died May 23, 1883 born Dec. 27, 1863
Infant son of " born May 2, 1883 died age 4 days
McCadden William D. (or V.) "Father" 1894-1949
Ethel B. wife of " "Mother" 1899-1900 ???
McIntyre Nina M. "Mother" 1890-1922
McMahan see Gumaer
McMaster Charles H. Only son of D.B. & Mary E. died May 25, 1855 ae. 8y 11mo 20da
McNett Alonzo "Vet. 1861-65" 1826-1912 "Father"
Nancy L. wife of " 1828-1891 "Mother"
McNett Fred H. 1889-1961
Emma J. wife of " 1887-1964
Adelbert 1864-1928
Mary wife of " 1865-1922
McNett William Co.I 3rd Regt. N.Y. Art. died Jan. 5, 1906 ae. 71y
McNett see Ferguson
Mead see Dutton - Rich
Menzies Vincent J. 1921-
Pearl E. 1924-
Michael James 1954-1963
Merchant see Bevier
Merritt Elnora Holcomb 1873-1924
Merritt Evalon 1829-1892
Alletta wife of " 1845-1915
Merritt Lloyd C. 1879-19
Edna W. Doty wife of " 1879-1954
Merritt William H. 1852-1905
Helen Nichols wife of " 1858-1926
Florence C. 1879-1911
Mikels George B. 1852-1940
Morris H. 1911-1930
Reba Pearl 1919-1927
Miller Harry F. died Dec. 26, 1960 born Mar. 6, 1889
Gladys M. wife of " 1894-19
Miller Samuel N. died May 18, 1892 born Nov 10, 1814
Cynthia Coon wife of " died May 12, 1891 born Oct. 16, 1821
Miller see Coulling - Van Auken
Mills Charles L. 1856-1928
Albertie Harris wife of " 1857-1937
Mills Henry B. 1818-1898
Lydia J. Chase wife of " 1824-1910
Matie J. Daughter 1860-1864
Mertilla D. 1862-1927
Bert H. 1868-1950
Grace L. 1884-1959
Walter E. 1921-1921
Wava C. 1917-1938
Mills J. Newton 1849-1922
Eleanor A. wife of " 1859-1923
Mills John A. died Jan. 8, 1883 ae. 68y 8mo 17da
Julia F. wife of " died Jan. 2, 1898 ae. 74y 3mo 1da
Frankie M. Daughter died Dec. 2, 1882 ae. 4y 8mo
Mills Justus died Dec. 10, 1869 ae. 54y
Ella died Sept. 25, 1863 ae. 19y
Mills Leonard 1831-1912
Nancy O. Ladue wife of " 1833-1905
Mills Norris died Oct. 20, 1874 rest underground
Mills Elmer 1848-1906
Harriet E. Smith wife of " 1857-1921
Mills Samuel 1813-1904
Mills W. Eugene 1867-1943
Eugenia 1859-1923
Mills Wallace C. 1870-1964
Grace Brakley wife of 2 1880-19
Charles 1925-1901
Electa S. wife of 2 1831-1893
Mills William H. 1808-1873
Lydia wife of " 1813-1892
Mills see Blumrick - Bryan (?) - Dutton - Hickok - Hunter
Monday see Allnutt
Moochler Gertrude M. wife of " 1895-19
Moody Bert 1878-1947
Cora A. wife of " 1882-1960
Moody see Snyder
Moore Roger Lee 1954-1955
Barbara Ann 1956-1957
Cynthia Alice 1960-1962
On each stone "Gone to be an angel"
Morell Archibald died Feb. 16, 1924 born May 10, 1844
Mattie E. Spoor wife of " died June 22, 1939 born Apr. 3, 1860
Kate C. Spoor 1863-1940
Morrell Joyce Ann 1940-1942
Morris Clark 9th Regt. N.Y.H. Art. Co.K died Nov. 21, 1906 born June 16, 1828
Morris Raymond E. "Dad" 1894-1938
Vera M. died May 1, 1922 born Oct. 12, 1897
Baby Smith born or died 1952 ?
Morrow Emma Allen 1848-1933
Mosher William H. 1878-1949
Moss see Taber
Mott Austin L. 1836-1908
Mary A. Robinson wife of " 1838-1916
Mott George E. 1866-1935
Earnesteen 1852-1930
Mott see Hooker
Murphy Howard S.R. 1872-1937
Mina Coleman wife of " 1874-1902
Jeanie D. 1885-1942
Murphy James A. 1883-1936
Louise C. wife of " 1885-19
Onetta M. 1905-19
Murphy Lora wife of John 1865-1930
John son no dates
Myer Charles Soule 1861-1945
Nancy Holcomb wife of " 1875-1946
Mae R. 1880-1959

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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