Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "Q & R"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Quackenbush Elias J. died Apr. 3, 1880 born Feb. 28, 1856
Justina H. Bogart wife of " died Apr. 23, 1908 born July 22, 1833
Alice M. died Apr. 27, 1860 born Jan. 1, 1856
Quackenbush James B. died Apr. 20, 1935 born Oct. 20, 1862
Anna Hager - wife of " 1882-1927
Quackenbush William J. N.Y. U.S. Marine Corps W.W.II died Apr. 17, 1954 born Aug. 7 1923
Quereau Mary M. 1858-1907 "Mother"
Qureau see Dutton
Quinnell McKinley J. 1898-1955
Viola D. no dates
Rahmann August 1877-1920
Ratter Carl F. 1865-1938
Rausher Charles O. 1849-1883
Reagan Edgar M. 1886-1958
Bernice L. wife of " 1886-1961
Robert Baby" born or died 1919?
Reed see Turner
Remington see Rich
Reynolds Frederick G. 1872-19
Hattie P. 1880-19
Frederick W. 1901-1920
Reynolds Palmer F. 1846-1924
Emily J. wife of " 1843-1932
Julia Daughter 1877-1929
Reynolds Samuel F. 1842-1912
Laura Spoor wife of " 1870-1947
Reynolds or Pierce
Georgia Pauline 1898-1911
Maude Laura 1895-1895
Reynolds see Brown - Forbes
Rhoades Adelbert 1854-1910
Caroline A. 1853-1931
Charles C. 1878-1964
Rhoades Isaac J. died Apr. 9, 1885 ae. 29y
Bell died Mar. 10, 1884 ae. 4y
Rhoades James L. 1828-1907
Sally A. Thompson wife of " 1829-1894
Rhoades Lewis E. 1871-1958
Cornelia wife of " 1869-1964
Rhoades Preston L. 1851-1926
S. Jennie Webber wife of " 1854-1932
Rhoades or Rhoads - see Dutton - Jakway - Vaughn
Rice or Rich Seth died Mar. 20, 1864 ae. 58y
Rich Albert P. died Sept. 24, 1933 born May 16, 1860
Ida M. Chase wife of " died Aug. 27, 1951 born Nov. 28, 1861
Rich Charles F. 1857-1910
Alice J. Turner wife of " 1855-1933
Rich William no dates
Elmena L. wife of " 1818-1909
Rich Eugene Mead 1891-19
Clara Remington wife of " 1891-1956
Frank 1883-1959
Cornelia Thomson wife of " 1886-1965
William T. 1914-1926
Rich Frank died Mar. 26, 1883 ae. 48y
Frances W. wife of " died Nov. 27, 1928 ae. 88y
Rich George R. died Aug. 10, 1889 born July 21, 1809
Margaret Ann wife of " died Apr. (4 or 14), 1897 born July 1, 1811
Gratia Daughter died Sept. 25, 1850 born Feb. 11, 1849
Charles Son died Apr. 14, 1855 born July 26, 1852
Rich Sarah wife of John died Aug. 25, 1870 born May 18, 1780
Rich Grove S. 1870-1947
Grace A. 1878-
Rich John K. 1854-1931
Ella A. wife of " 1852-1921
Lena R. 1883-19
William M. Co. B 12th Batt. U.S.N.Y. 1888-1927
Rich see House - Paine - Wood
Richard Gabriel B. 1877-19
Lillian E. 1875-19
Charles 1901-
Albert 1902-
Frank 1904-1907
Roarke Robert H. 1883-
Daisy B. Leyborn wife of " 1887-1916
Zpla D. wife of " 1888-1961
Robinson see Mott
Robson Harris D. 1861-1931
Nora E. 1862-1932
James P. 1877-19
Nelly A. 1859-19
Rockwell David died May 5, 1872 ae. 78y 2mo 29da
Laurella wife of " died May 21, 1867 ae. 70y 6mo 6da
James M. son died Oct. 14, 1817 ae. 2y 8mo 11da
Rockwell M. Louise Baker 1836-1921
Rockwell see Parker
Roe Norman S. Co.K 14th Regt. N.Y. Inf. - died Mar. 26, 1914 ae. 74y
Emma Bathrick 1836-1913
Hiram A. 1866-19
Ellen H. 1856-1940
Rohrer Simon 1846-1930
Edith Conger wife of " 1850-1942
Root Harvey 1810-1891 "Father"
Polly A. Barnes wife of " 1816-1891 "Mother"
Jennie Daug - buried at Victory 1835-1887
William W. buried at Mason Mich. 1837-1912
Martha A. Daughter 1839-1849
Amanda Daughter 1841-1855
John B. Son - buried Rockford Illinois 1844-1876
Orlando J. Son - buried Lansing Mich. 1846-1879
Charles R. 1863-
Root James R. 1844-1922
Sate Coulter wife of " 1846-1926
Fred 1860-1900
George A. 1877-1942
Jessie Showers wife of " 1880-1938
Root see Harris - Wood
Rose Giles 1877-1939 "Father"
Cherrie A. 1878-1932 "Mother"
Katherine 1913-1913
Dorothy 1908-1908
Rosekrans Wilmot L. N.Y. Cpl. 507 A.A.A. Gun Bn. C.A.C. W.W.II died June 21, 1951 born Dec. 10, 1917
Lawrence E. 1890-19
Mildred A. wife of " 1894-1961
Ross David Jakway died Sept. 12, 1919 born Apr. 20, 1919
Ross see Lower
Roth "Father" 1820-1906
"Mother" 1819-1912
Roth see Durkee
Rowe see Briggs
Ruleff Charles A. 1863-1904 "Father"
Cora E. Hammond wife of " 1867-1940 "Mother"
Bernice Daughter March - August 1890
Ruleff John 1833-1891 "Father"
Ellen wife of " 1837-1926 "Mother"
Francis Locke on back of Ruleff Monument 1859-1870
Ruleff Miles son of Henry & Mermelia died Nov. 26, 1869 ae. 26y
Ruleff see Tuller
Ryan John C. 1957-1963

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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