Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "S"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Sabins Wilbur 1839-1913
Jennie M. Olmsted 1845-1900
Salahawski Adolf died 1945
Peter 1920-1932
Henry 1922-1932
Salisbury Barney died Dec. 14, 1889 ae. 83y
Mary wife of " died Aug. 23, 1911 ae. 90y
Nelson died Apr. 23, 1882 ae. 32y
Ida May died July 12, 1864 ae. 4y 2mo
Jay died Nov. 28, 1893 born Feb. 27, 1856
James G. Co.K, 3rd N.Y.Vol. died Dec. 1, 1866 rest underground
Salisbury see Drake
Sant Sylvester 1858-1947
Agnes L. Streeter - wife of " 1861-1915
Savery Maj. John E. - 75th N.Y. Vol. 1835-1917
Laura E. Wallis - wife of " 1841-1919
Grace Mary Daughter no dates
Sayles Stella 1911-1960
Schmidt George 1898-
Loretta M. 1904-
Schmidt see Littlefield
Schuyler Edwin D. 1868-1922
Nettie Campbell - wife of " 1867-1961
Scofield Gary Dingman 1864-1885
Maria wife of Brinkerhoff 1809-1885
Scott see Wolford
Scouten Elbert S. 1910-1939
Edna P. 1911-19
Searing Edmund W. 1891-1960
Cora E. 1867-1931
Edwin R. 1867-1939
Seaton Clarence N. 1876-1957
Cephise wife of " 1877-1922
Seymour see Wolford
Shadbolt Lydia wife of Riley died Oct. 27, 1852 in 56th year
Shaw Helen Hopkins 1880-1963
Shaw George W. 1826-1909
Cynthia Wormuth 1832-
Sheldon see Lincoln
Shepard J. Milton 1825-1853
Matilda W. Benton - wife of " 1824-1906
This is Shepard - Hart Monument
Shepard see Wands
Sherwood see Cooper
Showers see Root
Simons Frank H. [Twins" died Feb. 7, 1893 ae. 28y
Mary Louise died June 22, 1940 ae. 75y
Slack Pearl V. 1875-1937
Slater Albert J. 1879-1941
Mary E. wife of " 1886-1958
Donald Son died May 30, 1914 no age given
Sleight Abram no dates
Martha A. wife of " died Jan. 11, 1878 ae. 38y 7mo
Sleight Peter died Apr. 19, 1875 ae. 73y 8mo
Elizabeth wife of " died Oct. 29, 1869 ae. 67y 9mo 8da
Rachel no dates
Maria no dates
John no dates
Sarah K. wife of " no dates
Smart George [Father" died May 20, 1871 ae. 59y 4mo 20da
Ann wife of [ [Mother" died July 10, 1901 ae. 85y 7mo 11da
Ann E. Daughter died June 20, 1870 ae. 30y 6mo 25da
Martha E. Daughter died Apr. 28, 1863 ae. 3y 1mo 12da
Smith Allen G. 1856-1941
Frances L. wife of " 1858-1925
Smith Benj. died July 12, 1888 ae. 84y 6mo
Ann wife of " died Mar. 13, 1890 ae. 83y
Smith Charles H. 1870-19
Arlene P. Foster - wife of " 1880-1922
Smith Clayton B. 1876-1947
Mame wife of " 1878-1965
Roy V. 1899-1940
Smith Edward G. 1923-1960
Smith Frank C. no dates
Ella Wolford - wife of " died Dec. 24, 1912 ae. 43y 2mo
Smith Frank L. 1874-1926
Mary S. Peer - wife of " 1876-1957
Smith Harry E. 1884-1957
Mary G. wife of " 1888-1955
Smith John W. 1816-1904
Mary O. Brocks - wife of " 1819-1942
Cecelia D. Daratt - wife of " 1828-1892
Smith Leon A. 1905-1954
Smith Maurice W. 1879-
Anna Wormuth - wife of " 1882-1965
Smith Randall A. Co.F, 9th N.Y. Art. 1847-1900
Emma C. 1854-1924
Smith Sidney no dates
Theoda A. wife of [ & Daug. of John & Theoda Knapp died Mar. 28, 1893 born Aug. 10, 1839
Smith Sofphronia 1863-
Smith Squire no dates
Lydia Bartlett - wife of " died Feb. 8, 1863 ae. 77y 10mo
Henrietta died Aug. 20, 1886 ae. 67y
Smith see Beardsley - Casey - Haws - Knowlton - Lamson - Mills - Stafford - Taylor
Snell William M. 1844-1916
Joan I. 1850-1917
Snell see Taylor
Snyder Ernest H. 1898-1928
Della C. 1870-
Snyder George no dates
Almeda Jones - wife of : died May 20, 1908 born Jan. 4, 1841
Snyder Irving D. 1867-1939
Dell S. Moody - wife of " 1870-1961
Leon L. Son 1896-1916
Snyder see Baird - Lee
Soule Charles L. 1879-1937
Lydia T. wife of " 1881-1954
Soule Eugene L. 1833-1911
Sarah A. wife of " 1841-1919
Howard E. Son 1880-1881
Soule George L. 1870-1906
Luella Burr - wife of " 1871-1957
Soule see Calkins - Myer
Southard Claude J. 1875-1936
Nellie Harvey - wife of " 1878-19
John 1833-1905 [Father"
Julia 1837-1917 [Mother"
Southard William 1856-1932
Carrie C. wife of " 1858-1942
Southworth George L. 1879-1944
Maye V. wife of " no dates
Southworth Hiram D. 1841-1882 Civil War Vet.
Ada G. Lindsley - wife of " 1842-1922
Souyer Charles W. no dates
Nellie wife of " 1861-1892
Sowarby George M. 1872-1944
Jennie O. Wells - wife of " 1871-1924
Sowarby Greta T. 1882-1958
Sowarby Miles 1825-1900 [Father"
Anna Goodrich - wife of " 1850-1918 [Mother"
Mary Ann 1827-1891
Sowarby see Jewell
Spickerman John E. 1872-1945
Spooner Roy L. 1879-1950
Bertha M. wife of " 1883-1931
Spoor Abram 1828-1906
Marsha G. Wolford 1828-1906
Lizzie Daughter 1866-1867
Rosalia A. Spoor Taylor 1856-1890
Charles A. 1872-1933
Carrie A. died Sept. 14, 1956 born June 2, 1868
Spoor Joseph 1795-1884
Margaret Van Wormer - wife of " 1798-1883
Jacob Son - Co.G, 75th N.Y.V. 1836-1862
Spoor Walter 1874-1940
Susan Groves - wife of " 1879-19
Spoor see Goodfellow - Morell (2) - Parker - Reynolds - Taylor
Sprague Lewis H. 1882-1960
S. Belle 1880-1956
Sprague William B. 1869-1953
Viola J. wife of " 1875-1954
Spurr Frank H. 1888-1955
Hilda S. 1892-1959
Spurr see Pittroff - Turner
Stafford Leonard D. 1876-1949
Ella Smith wife of " 1878-1931
E. Gertrude - Daughter 1899-1962
Stampp John 1863-1934
Emma Mae Hornburg - wife of " 1870-1948
Stephens Kingsley died Oct. 9, 1865 ae. 62y 6mo 7da
Ann Eliza wife of " died May 30, 1888 ae. 80y 17da
Stevens Christopher no dates
Elizabeth wife of " died Mar. 28, 1887 ae. 86y
Stevens Floyd R. 1885-1948
Eleanor A. 1884-1962
Stevens Frank 1861-1935
Katie V. wife of " 1863-1932
Stevens Peter D. died Mar. 29, 1889 ae. 70y
Stiles Albert M. 1859-1936
Nellie E. wife of " 1858-1935
Stiles Charles E. 1854-1929
Emma R. wife of " 1857-1934
Stockwell Augustus 1819-1894
Sarah Draper - wife of " 1826-1889
Jasper 1849-1918
Frances C. 1851-1927
Sarah E. 1856-1924
Stone see Wagoner - Wilson
Streeter David 1855-1929 [Father"
Mabel Wagoner - wife of " 1855-1916 [Mother"
Streeter Clarence S. 1859-1940
Libbie V. 1865-1939
Nellie E. 1895-1946
Streeter Francis Egbert 1884-1956
Florence Mae - wife of " 1874-1952
Manford 1862-1923
Minnie DeLong - wife of " 1865-1954
J. Melvin 1885-1937
Anna wife of " 1890-
Russell D. Son 1918-1962
Streeter John died Sept. 1, 1889 born Jan. 24, 1817
Charity J. wife of " died Dec. 29, 1887 born Dec. 8, 1823
Sturge James Co.I, 110 Regt. N.Y.Vol. - died June 16, 1909 ae. 72y
Sturge see Daratt - Harvey
Sudro Frank G. 1868-1923
Elnora Cornelius - wife of " 1873-
Sudro Lewis E. 1865-1951
Margaret 1867-1952
Sutfin David G. N.Y. Tec. 5th U.S. Army W.W.II died Aug. 9, 1961 born Dec. 27, 1910

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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