Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "T"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Taber Daniel N. 1858-1916
Lydia M. wife of " 1865-(or ' 60) - 1921
Taber Lyman Alfred 1858-1959
Mattie Moss - wife of " 1861-1934
Taber O. Ray 1892-
Clara L. 1903-
Vesta 1895-1934
Tallman see Bennett
Tarr see Conger
Taylor Argalus died Sept. 23, 1886 ae. 73y
Frances E. Snell - wife of " died May 11, 1866 ae. 18y ? 9mo
Taylor Charles Co.D, N.Y. Art. died Dec. 28, 1878 ae. 35y
Ellen S. wife of " died Mar. 21, 1895 born May 16, 1849
Taylor George O. 1st Serg. Co.D, 75th Vol - 1842-1922
Mary J. Holcomb - wife of " 1843-1913
Taylor James W. 1940-1965
Taylor Jean E. 1864-1959
Taylor Ruth Spoor 1906-1931
Taylor William 1875-1960
Bertha B. 1882-1926
George H. 1902-1918
Ruth E. Smith 1903-1976
Taylor William S. 1877-19
Carrie M. wife of " 1873-1950
Leonard B. (Buck) 1897-1953
Edith P. wife of " born 9-12-1910 Van Buren, N.Y. died 5-12-1990 Auburn, N.Y.
Edith [R.[ is the daug. of Sanford Simon & Elizabeth Chase Simon and is the
granddaughter of Frank Simons and Lillie Sarr Simons
Additional information supplied by Linda Jasztal, g-g-granddaughter of Frank & Lillie Simons
Taylor see Spoor
Terpening see Hotaling
Terwilliger John Henry died Aug. 3, 1918 born Mar. 31, 1834
Caroline Bishop - wife of " died Sept. 30, 1921 born Nov. 3, 1846
Kittie M. Daughter died Mar. 21, 1907 born Dec. 22, 1878
Lisle Son 1875-19
Blanche M. wife of " 1876-1960
Teter Raymond S. 1879-19
Maud M. 1882-1961
Teter Royal B. 1876-1935
Libbie L. 1873-1939
Thayer Amos died Dec. 30, 1882 ae. 57y 11mo
Emily H. wife of " died Jan. 12, 1912 ae. 86y 6mo
Thayer A. Orlando 1850-1926
J. Augusta wife of " 1850-1931
Thayer Millard F. 1865-1943
Mary E. 1868-1917
Willard R. 1865-1950
Jennie Hart - wife of " 1868-1952
Stuart Lee 1915-1921
Thayer see Oakley
Thomas George W. died July 21, 1877 ae. 79y
Margaret C. died Oct. 30, 1888 ae. 86y
Royal no dates
Mary born or died Nov. 18, 1868 ?
George no dates
more children listed - couldn't read
Thompson Archie P. 1881-1950
Eva J. wife of " 1886-1962
Thompson Clifford L. born Mar. 8, 1922 died Oct. 10, 1963
N.Y. Pvt. 1273 SVC Com'd Unit W.W.II
Annabelle no dates
Thompson Harley died Jan. 2, 1958 born Nov. 4, 1890
Pvt. Btry E, 35 Field Art. W.W.I
Ebenezer 1832-1900
Elizabeth wife of " 1854-1931
Thompson Preston died Jan. 17, 1885 ae. 83y 4mo 13da
Emily wife of " died Sept. 15, 1872 ae. 70y 3mo 8da
Trowbridge died Dec. 186? ae. 18y
Baxter died Dec. 21, 1863 ae. 14y
Thompson see James - Rhoades - Rich
Thurling William J. 1855-19
Cora Ann wife of " 1856-1932
Tifft see Botsford
Tighe Patrick E. 1885-1958
Josephine wife of " no dates
Timerson Charles A. 1862-1926
Emily N. Jewell - wife of " 1874-1942
Walter A. Son 1901-1928
Marion E. Daughter 1908-1912
Titus Henry 1820-1884
Elizabeth wife of " 1839-1918
James A. Son 1873-1951
Cora Clapsaddle - wife of " 1876-1940
Charles N. 1900-19
Titus Pearl E. died July 24, 1935 born Feb. 20, 1888
Mary E. 1868-1930
W.H. 1865-1945
Titus Ralph H. 1901-1958
Titus Eva Emily born & died Aug. 23, 1930
also Wava, Bell no dates
Toms Harry 1899-1943
Toms Thola M. 1905-1925
Dolly Wood 1877-1933
Trescott Frank 1872-1920
Luther Corp, A. Miss. State Cav. died Mar. 31, 1893 ae. 62y 11mo
____?____ Carrie 1865-1866
Mary O. 1873-1877
Luella A. 1875-1895
Tuller Charles no dates
Beulah Ruleff 1886-1935
Turner Charles E. 1856-1940
Luella Hooker - wife of " 1861-19
Clinton E. 1882-1942
Blanche Reed - wife of " 1877-1940
Turner James E. no dates
Genevieve Knowlton - wife of " 1875-1923
Turner Seth died Mar. 10, 1860 ae. 62y 5mo
Betsey A. wife of " died Mar. 11, 1868 ae. 60y 5mo
Judson died Apr. 31, 1835 ae. 11y 1mo
John died Apr. 8, 1843 ae. 2months
Theoda died Sept. 15, 1848 ae. 11mo 10da
Angeline died Mar. 6, 1858 ae. 19y 10mo
Eli died Aug. 12, 1863 ae. 31y 4mo
Adison died Dec. 31, 1853 ae. 23y 11mo
Mary A. died Aug. 1, 1855 ae. 19y 5mo
Turner Julia T. Allen - wife of Angebert 1844-1908
Angie Daug. of A.& J. 1863-1864
Angabest Co.H, 111N.Y.V. died Mar. 30, 1863 ae. 25y
Edward J. 1828-1886
Francena D. Wright wife of " 1828-1898
Turner W. Clean B. (McClean?) 1871-1949 Methodist Minister
Madge Spur - wife of " 1880-1950
Mellony F. 1901-1949
Missionary to Bulgaria
Turner see Conger - Flint - Rich
Tyler Abraham died 1876 ae. 89y
Sarah S. wife of " died 1875 ae. 79y
Tyler Thompson died July 6, 1865 ae. 25y
Tyler see Birdsall

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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