Union Hill Cemetery - Village Of Cato, NY (In The Town Of Ira)
(Cayuga County)
Cemetery No. 35
Surname Section "V"

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On the west side of the grounds is a building called Kingsley Memorial Chapel , in memory of Jennie A.L. and Ira J. Kingsley, her husband, erected 1963. In the front of the cemetery, built into the hill, is a large vault inscribed Rockwell - 1876 . Another large vault, also built into side of hill, inscribed Silas Kellogg ; and a monument to the Unknown Soldier , presented by the American Legion Auxilliary, Jay LaBuff Post 911 - 1930.

Copied by Flora & Helen Daniells & Mable Crosby 1965

Van Aernum Benjamin C. died Nov. 13, 1862 ae. 23y
Rachel E. died Jan. 12, 1867 ae. 23y
A.W. died Apr. 8, 1871 ae. 1 month
Sally A. died Aug. 10, 1869
Hester died Feb. 2, 1855 ae. 11y 7mo
Maria died Apr. 4, 1849 ae. 2y
Van Aernum see Hunter
Van Auken Charles E. died Apr. 16, 1905 born June 22, 1874
Lavina A. Bevier died Sept. 13, 1905 born Oct. 6, 1875
Homer P. 1880-1961
Mae L. wife of " 1900-
Van Auken John 1825-1894
Sarah Miller - wife of " 1840-1917
Frank M. 1863-1900
Van Auken see Phelps (2)
Vanderhuff see Cooper
Van Doren see Applegate
Van Dusen John 1821-1901
Minerva Willard - wife of " 1829-1904
Fred M. 1838-1921
Carrie wife of " 1857-1940
Leroy 1888-1892
Blanch 1883-1883
Clarence no dates
[Father" 1850-1892
[Mother" no dates
Van Dusen Clarence W. 1881-1943
Jennie M. 1884-19
Van Dusen Henry died June 26, 1903 born May 10, 1814
Catherine Williams - wife of " died Dec. 13, 1908 born May 8, 1830
Van Dusen William H. 1867-1930
Grace H. wife of " 1876-1932
Van Dusen see Coe
Van Hoosen Hiram 1839-1913
Hannah wife of 1848-1922
Van Hoosen Mace 1881-1948
Lillian De Forest 1870-1957
Van Norstrand David Earl 1892-19
Wava Cooper 1893-1947
Van Norstrand D.H. died Apr. 28, 1902 in 69th year
Candis wife of " died June 3, 1861 in 25th year
Theoda G. wife of " died Jan. 5, 1899 in 58th year
Freddie J. Son died Feb. 14, 1862 in 6th year
Van Norstrand Grover W. 1888-1957
Linna M. Lincoln - wife of " 1888-
Bernice J. Daughter 1922-
Van Norstrand Walter H. 1885-19
Nora B. wife of " 1884-1952
Van Norstrand Wessel 1861-1938
Bessie Dowling - wife of " 1862-1922
Van Norstrand see Botsford
Van Patten Emmett 1907-1965
Van Patten Frederick 1842-1905
Sarah A. Olmsted wife of " 1849-1930
Van Patten Harlow died June 22, 1914 ae. 88y
Delia F. Jewell - wife of " no dates
Norman S. died Sept. 22, 1879 ae. 81y
Eliza Bennett - wife of " no dates
Howard J. Som died Sept. 7, 1881 ae. 3y
Van Patten Herbert 1860-1936
Emma 1868-1927
Van Patten Sarah Daug. of Nicholas & Martha died Sept. 10, 1865 ae. 20y 6mo
George A. died Mar. 11, 1897 ae. 11y
Van Vranken Erastus R. 1825-1890
Hannah C. Wells - wife of " 1831-1893
Gertrude 1805-1882
Van Wie Jacob 1844-1907
Ann wife of " no dates
Van Wie Earl G. 1892-1964
Marie V. wife of " 1896-19
Van Wormer Chester C. 1844-1917
Theoda Brewster - wife of " 1852-1928
Van Wormer see Spoor
Vaughn Clinton 1880-1948
Olive Rhoades - wife of " 1888-19
Vaughn Merritt W. 1891-1959
Edith M. 1896-19
Vaughn see Van Norstrand ?
Vaun Eva 1887-1942
Harriet widow of Clinton 1847-1925
same lot as Merritt Vaughn
Vosler John [Father" died June 14, 1862 ae. 62y
Abigail wife of " died Jan. 28, 1896 ae. 89y
Nancy M. Daughter died Jan. 15, 1862 ae. 16y
Wm. N. [Brother" 1834-1907
Vosler Theron W. died May 8, 1889 born Sept. 3, 1845
Alice L. Wilkinson - wife of " 1856-1926
William J. 1880-1956
Dora W. 1879-1962

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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