Spring Lake Village Cemetery
Town of Conquest, NY (cemetery #44)
BY: Cheryl L. Armlin
To view an earler, circa 1960 burial headstone transcription,
To view a combined listing of both the 1960s and 2002 transcriptions,
SPRING LAKE (FORMERLY PINEVILLE) SPRING LAKE CEMETERY TOWN OF CONQUEST NORTH OF THE VILLAGE OF PORT BYRON, NY CAYUGA COUNTY NEW YORK STATE Armlin, Gerald Orson - August 8, 1935 - April 2, 1989 Tree on stone Armlin, Geraldine L. -Beloved Daughter & Sister-June 3, 1964 - December 10, 1964 Picture of Angel on stone Allen, David Paul - May 8, 1950 - Mar. 1, 1969 Allen, Dennis R. 1951 - Jean A. 1954-1992 Aldrich, LeGrand L. 1867- 1926 - Luella M. 1871 - 1950 Aldrich, George C. 15th Regt. NY Vo 1 1849-1922 Sarah L. Wendover 1848-1922 Andrews, Robert 1827 - 1908 Ellen his wife 1835 - 1905 Anthony, Emma F. 1838-1885 Burghdurf, Floyd S. 1901-Feb. 2002 Minerva J. 1908- 1970 Burghdurf, John G. 1898-1961 Lela D. 1898-1992 Jennie F. 1868-1935 Burghdurf, Frank J. father 1867-1940 Burghdurf, Clyde R. 1902-1962 Clara B. 1898-1995 Burghdurf, Althea E. mother1866-1935 John A. 1855-1938 Mary A. 1856-1942 Baltzell, John Edward 1885-1962 Maude Day 1892-1966 Baltzell, Daniel Day 1922-1979 Baltzell, Ellen 1918 - no date. Married name Rowe Baltzell, Dorothy 1920 wife of Franklin J. Vaughn 1920-1990 sons-Douglas & Gregory Burghduff, Morris J. 1890-1955 Ruth E. 1898- no date given Burghduff, William 1895-1936 Burghduff, Minervia July 26, 1814 - May 29, 1860 Bowen, George H. 1898-1974 Florence M. his wife 1893-1955 Behm, John W. 1924-1971 Norma J. 1922-1984 Burgdorf, Harry 1878-1950 Lillie Burdorf 1879-1949 Burgdorf, Dorson 1905-1985 Irene 1914-1966 Baldwin, Albert S. 1911-1971 Leah M. 1914-1998 Burghart, Baby Girl 1973-1973 Beebe, Clarence S. 1866-1953 Lula A. Beebe 1869-1962 Beebe, Andrew E. 1840-1918 Mina E. 1878-1960 Corydon I. 1873-1919 Beebe, James Z. 1851-1921 Ida E. his wife Beebe, Alvaretta 1853-1922 Beebe, Corydon I. 1873-1919 Beebe, Isaac died Jan. 8, 1890 aged 70 years & 11 days Mary L his wife died 1821-1908 aged (not legible) Bruns, Frank E. PFC US Army World War I Apr. 16, 1886-Mar. 10, 1976 Bruns, Raymond C. PVT US Army World War I Jul. 24, 1890-Dec. 1, 1976 Benson, Donald Paul SGT US Marine Corps Vietnam-Uly.28, 1940-Apr. 4, 1982 Berry, Vincent 1892-1972 Sadie 1886-1972 Belknap, William H. 1859-1895 Emma J. 1863-1947 Belknap, William H. March 27, 1859-March 5, 1955 separate stone from one w/Emma Belknap, Melvin P. 1865-1934 Eva 1876-1951 Julia 1897-1908 Belknap, Adelia wife of _______Belknap died May 13, 1892 age 47 years Belknap, Pilgrim died Feb. 23, 1869 in his 73 year Belknap, Anna wife of Pilgrim Belknap died Mar. 18, 1881 aged 82 yrs., 3 m's, 15 d's Burton, Philander 1845-1919 Mary E. his wife 1837-1913 Burton, Phema wife of Wm. Burton 1793-1890 mother of Philander Blass, Hiram died Apr. 6, 1885 aged 82 yrs., 6 mos., 20 d's Blass, Hiram born July 3, 1846 died Jan. 10, 1876 Charles Blass 1889-1916 James Blass 1848-1914 Blass, Zachariah Born Nov. 12, 1795 died July 25, 1851 Margaret wife of Zachariah Blass born Nov. 3, 1805 died Mar. 3, 1823 Blass, Maranda wife of Hiram died May, 8, 1879 aged 69 yr's, 3 mos., 11 d's Blass, Freeman son of Hiram & Maranda died Aug. 21, 1846 age 18 yrs, 7 mos., 6 d's Blass, Lafayette 1845-1931 Ellen Aikins his wife 1850-1923 We will wait till Jesus come for your reward Blass, Maude 1887-1929 Blass, Leon J. 1972-1932 Mary L. Url his wife 1876-1950 Blass, John 1829-1921 Emily Wendover wife of John Blass Died Aprl 25, 1908 aged 72 Years Blass, Walter 1843-1912 Sarah E. Blass 1847-1926 Blass, Stephen 1837-1913 Maria Blass 1831-1901 Blass, Floyd S. 1885-1953 Brooks, Harvey A. 1847-1930 Martha Ketchum 1850-1946 veteran's star & flag Brooks, Orvillo son of Charles Brooks-no dates Brooks, Charles A. 1840-1924 Almira J. his wife 1840-1909 Mary Kent Brooks his Wife 1846-1916 Bell, Edward S. 1852-no date given Harriett 1850-1909 Bacon, Rufus 1/9/1818 - 1/20/1899 Rachel Smith his wife 10/20/1820 - 10/28/1902 Beach, Manley V. 1867-1914 Carrie his wife 1868-1905 Baldwin, Clayton B. 1858-no date given M. Viola 1855-1929 Barton, Eliza J. wife of Talman Barton 1856-1919 Buettner, Jodi Leigh Sept. 14, 1974-Dec. 13, 1992 on stone with her sister Tina Marie Mullin Apr. 18, 1982-Dec. 17, 1984 Carr, Stanley Bacon CPL US Army World War II Apr. 21, 1920-Jul. 27, 1989 Carr, Ruth M. 4/29/1928-2/4/1986 Carr, Donald D. 9/26/1914-10/18/2000 Carr, Leila M. 1892-1981 Carr, Charles D. 1893-1937 Carr, Robert born 1922 died 2001 funeral home marker Cole, Emma R. mother 1870-1956 Cole, Walter C. 1890-1969 Mertie Walker 1894-1990 Cole, Robert E. 1930- Cole, Ernest J. 1932- Cleason, Edward 1880-1959 American Legion Conklin , only a monument with this last name Carter, Ethel M. 1905-1939 Carter, Neil Charles 1938-1943 Carter, Carol Doris 1929-1948 Carter, Charles D. 1870-1952 Carter, Frank R. 1874-1951 Helen V. Carris his wife 1880-1945 Carter, James H. 1837-1904 Myra E. his wife 1846-1901 Carter, Ruth G. 1899-1902 Corgnell, Arthur N. 1886-1945 World War II Cushing, Wm. John 1899-1963 Iva L. 1901-1983 Cook, Faye(Hoellein -married name)1892-1967 Nellie J. 1857-1947 Henry F. 1858-1944 Criss, Leland 1912-1989 Edith E. 1913- no date given Clarke, Alfred Jan. 26, 1847-? Elizabeth Boarder his wife March. 3, 1837-? Clarke, Charles Nov. 19, 1871-Dec. 18, 1871 0n same stone w/ Alfred & Elizabeth Clarke, Jennie March 27, 1875-Jan. 29, 1891 On same stone w/Alfred & Elizabeth Glorify God In Your Body And In Your Spirit Which Are God's IOC.20 Currie, Jacob Co. C 19th Regt NY H Art. 1819-1911 Corner, John 1836-1908 father, mother Selinda wife of John 1837-1901 Lg. Stone Currin, Daniel E. 1862-1943 Viola G. 1872-1953 Curren, Henry 1836-1904 Eliza Haley his wife 1839-1908 Clarissa A. wife of Daniel Curren 1809-1885 Fannie Curren 1868-1947 Edwin L. son 1885-1887 Orvillo C. son 1870-1872 Curren, W. T. 1861-19 no date given Curren, Theador Co. K NY Vol. Died Nov. 5, 1865 Court, Earl W. Apr. 24, 1806 Sept. 18, 1864 Father Cox, Thomas died Nov. 5, 1911 aged 80 years Cox, Anna wife of Thomas Cox died Oct. 11, 1884 aged 60 years Chappell, Lucretia E. 1830-1893 Cuddeback, Irvin 1853-1930 his wife Julia 1854-1922 Cuddeback, Nathan died Mar. 4, 1890 82 years Patty Hall his wife 1824-1912 Cuddeback, Charles son of Nathan & Patty Cuddeback died Jan. 11, 1875 aged 26 yrs. 9 m's 17 d's Cummings, ? Oct. 24, 18??-Mar. 11, 1935 Sally A. McArthur Dec. 1829-Jan. 15, 1889 Center, Sarahette 1843-1927 Caswell, Frank 1867-1934 Rose 1871-? Caswell, Samuel Mar. 5, 1824-May 16, 1902 Cynthia Nov. 20, 1825-Dec. 5, 1912 Caswell, Mertie w/o Charles Teachout and d/o Samual & Cynthia 11/2/1869-9/10/1895 Caswell, Frank 1867-1934 Caswell, Rose 1871 - no date Caswell, Samuel born Mar. 5, 1824 died May 16, 1902 Cynthia his wife born 1825 Nov. 20, 1825 died Dec. 5, 1912 Conklin, Elizabeth Pulver 1854-1939 mother
Curren, Marilla Jane 1895-1981 Dunham, John 1791-1842 Sally his wife 1798-1840 Dunham, Henry 1820-1908 Laura A. his wife 1826-1882 Mary E. his wife 1856-1931 Dunham, Jerry 1842-1907 Permelia H. 1845-1926 Johnnie 1876-1878 Dunham, Erastus 1838-1903 Decker, Lewis Jr. PFC US Army Korea Jul. 23, 1933-Mar. 2, 1999 Barbara A. 1936 Decker, Monty J. 1957-1958 Doane, Harry W. 1887-1933 Grace B. 1880-1958 Dutcher, Militta P. 1863-1925 Dodge, Alpha died May 9, 1881 Aged 75 years scripture not legible Dodge, Alice C. wife of Andrew E. Beebe died June 28, 1870 In the 28 year of her life Douglas, William father 1867-1937 Isabelle mother 1867-1937 Loana 1895-1907 Durran, Theodore died Nov. 8, 1865 Jerusha A his wife 1882-1913 Deynuitus, infant son of Nelson & Avilla died Apr. 16, 1800 aged 12 days Eldredge, Baby Willie Jr. 1972 Emerson, Edward C. 1876-1922 Gertie A. Blass his wife 1878-1955 Exner, Edward Mar. 17, 1828-Mar. 23, 1902 his wife buried in Montezuma Fox, Clinton E. Pvt. US Army World War I Sept. 25, 1897-Jan. 13, 1978 Fox, Anna C. mother 1897-1981 Fox, Gilbert G. New York PFC 325 Glider Inf. 82 Abn. Inf. Div. World WarI May 23, 1923-Oct. 5, 1944 Fox, Clinton E. 1921-1989 Margaret T. 1928- Fox, Thomas J. Jr. July 18, 1977 Fuller, Daniel R. 1866-1918 Fuller, Emma A. 1875-1947 Fuller, George L. 1850-1934 Mary E. Monfort his wife 1848-1938 Fuller, Henry CO. C 9 Regt. NY H Art. 1841-1931 Sarah S. Foote his wife 1849-1927 Fuller, Anna H. 1875-1892 N. Ettle 1870-1950 daughters of Henry & Sarah Fuller, Reuben died Dec. 22, 1876 aged 74 yrs., 11 mos., 17 d's Fuller Sherwood R. 1834-1929 Catherine B. his wife 1843-1924 Fuller, Infant daughter of Sherwood & Catherine Fuller Fuller, Daniel W. 1838-1907 Elizabeth H. Wakeman his wife 1840-1927 Fuller, Caroline 1836-1904 (on Wakeman stone with Daniel & Elizabeth) Fowler, Thomas O. died Sept. 16, 18?? Aged 24 yrs. ? mos. 25 d's Fowler, Abel D. father 1848-1895 Foodmite, Phillip H. Oct. 26, 1829 Andelus Be?????his wife July 28, 1831-Nov. 27, 1908 Forbes, Newell 1852-1910 Sarah J. Earl his wife 1852-1914 Forbes, Lucious Nov. 15, 1835-June 7, 1872 Elsie A. Sept. 17, 1833-Mar. 19, 1915 Forbes, Loguis born Nov. 15, 1835 died June 7, 1872 scripture not legible Forbes, William died Nov. 5, 1867 aged 28 yrs. 3 mos., 21 d's scripture not legible Forbes, Elsie A. born Sept. 17, 1833 died Mar. 19, 1915 Forbes, Archibald died Jan. 22, 1884 aged 73 yrs. Jane his wife died Mar. 26, 1894 Aged 79 years Fleming, Gilbert 1839-1901 Frost, Charles L. 1827-1901 Susan Herrick his wife 1822-1918 Frost, Willis M. 1858-1943 Mattie J. Exner his wife 1858-1927 Frost, Lucinda 1888-1905 Frost, Wm. 1888-1905 Frost, Myrtle May dau of Wm. O. Frost died Oct. 12, 1874 aged 2 m's 28 d's Grimes, Stephen A. 1877-1964 Marie M. 1893-1973 Grimes, George J. 1882-19?? Verna Younkin 1888-1977 Gould, Rebecca J. 1967 Gould, Lester E. 1905-1988 Frances 1918-1984 Gould, Frderick L.1954-1978 Gould, Oren 1880-1949 Gee, Roy O. Dad 1915-1989 Mom Elizabeth J. 1920-1987 mar. Apr. 25, 1935 Precious Moments picture and wedding rings encircled. Goodell, Baby Daughter 1945 Goodell, Lloyd C. 1913-1972 Doris A. 1910-1971 Grapensteter, Mynor E. 1910-1978 Anna H. 1909-1995 Graham, Walter A. 1901-1969 Jennie M. 1906-19?? Graham, Isaac 1821-1909 Caroline A. Dickinson his wife 1839-1906 Graham, Alfred J. 1867-1943 Grace R. 1875-1961 Graham, George O. 1859-1913 mother Genevieve C. Pitts 1915-1968 on same stone With Isaac & Caroline Graham Grey, Kenneth E. July 6, 1918-Feb. 5, 1971 New York PVt Co. D ND TNG BN WW2 Grey, Alice E. 1931-1983 wife of Kenneth Grey, Stanley infant son of Ernest H. & Kate Grey 1912-1918 spelling of last name is Grey but parents names are spelled Gray Gray, Ernest H. 1884-1954 Katherine E. 1887-1958 Gifford, Howard W. 1877-1962 Gifford, Anna E. (Conklin maaiden name) 1881-1962 Gee, Baby Richard 1939 Gahoon, Daniel D. Co. B US Army died Sept. 11, 1916 Gibson, Mae R. 1886-1966 Gibson-Van Guilder stone standing next to that of Mae Gaswell, Melvina wife of Augustus died April 2, 1976 aged 18 yrs. 10 mos. 17 dys. Gillhuly, James L. 1862-1948 Jennie E. 1864-1936 Gunder, Douglas Green, Judson 1858-1923 Merton 1874-1921 Gray, Hulbert 1852-1929 Ida Johnson his wife 1859-1937 Godfrey, Maud L. 1875-1961 Gage, Franklin 1943- 12-21-2001 Green, Amos Aug. 28, 1860 28 yrs. 10 mos. 16 days Green, Esther 1801-1888 Hiserodt, Howard J. 1880-1963 Nettie C. Hiserodt 1878-1944 Hiserodt, Clarence E. Nov. 22, 1872-Mar. 11, 1900 Hiserodt, John D. Nov. 16, 1897-June 2, 1918 Enlisted June 20, 1917 as First Class Engineer on USS Leviathan more information hard to read Heindl, Anton 1906-1982 Dorothy 1920- Heindl, William A. Sr. Aug. 17, 1943-May 19, 1996 Harris, Phillip C. May 21, 1955 Harris, Dawson I. Oct. 12, 1912-Nov. 23, 1965 Jane A. 1918- no date given New York Pvt. 125 Armd. Engr. BN World War II (2 separate stones for Dawson) Harris, Charles father 1914-1989 Marjorie mother 1917-1968 Harris, Margaret M. mother 1928-1996 Harris, Roy W. 1916-1984 Mary E. 1916-1993 Harris, Roy W. separate stone SGT US Army World War II June 15, 1916-Nov. 22, 1984
Harris, Charles R. Sr. 1939-2002 Haney, Mary L. March 16, 1937 Holmes, Hollis E. 1892-1984 Lena Battram 1893-1989` Hotaling, Lansing son of Wm. & M. Hotaling died Aug. 1, 1870 aged Hotaling, Melissa wife of Wm. Hotaling Feb. 19, 1848-Oct. 15, 1918 William Hotaling Died Feb. 15, 1881 aged 72 yrs., 10 ms., 27 days on same stone w/ Lansing Hart, Betsey E. wife of Jacob Hart 1798-1891 Sarah wife of MW Fuller 1830-1977 On stone is written mother and sister Hart, Horace 1826-1905 Holmes, H. Elwood 1915-1982 Alice M. 1919 Hutchings, Stephen Matthew 8-28-2001 angel on stone Haley, Lyman died Apr. 10, 1860 aged 31 yrs. 6m's & 28 days Haley, Jane wife of Sidney Haley died Oct. 21, 1891 aged 77 years Haley, Sidney died Nov. 2, 1866 age 50 yrs., 4 mos. & 8 days Haley, Mary died July 11, 1900 aged 72 yrs. Rest is not legible Helmer, Abagail died Dec. 12, 1864 Holcomb, Roscoe son of H.V. & Caroline Holcomb died Feb. 21, 1873 age 23 yrs. 3 mos. Holcombe, Horace Co. C 9th Reg. N.Y. Vol 1843-1925 Holcombe, Homer V. 1810-1892 Caroline his wife 1817-1899 Hall, Maudie M. 1912-1987 Jones, Irvingt V. 1909-1990 Leta M. 1910-no date given Jenks, Robert L. New York TEC 5 US Army World War II Nov. 7, 1911-Nov. 30, 1968 Johnson, Rufus born July 17, 1824 died Nov. 25, 1900 Sally his wife born Oct. 12, 1929 Died Oct. 12, 1887 Johnson, Orville 1838-1919 Jane Murphy his wife 1828-1906 Charles I. Son 1873-1884 Johnson, Addie 1865-1930 Mary Johnson 1861-1940 on stone w/Orville, Jane & Charles Johnson, Marion E. 1871-1912 Nettie M. Chapman his wife 1876-1955 Johnson, Fred E. 1874-1935 Martha Blass his wife 1881-19 Johnson, Charles 1877-1910 Helen 1851-1927 James, Sarah J. Jan. 1, 1835-May 13, 1918 Jenkins, Caroline G. 1838-1903 Ketchum, William J. 1860-1950 Sarah L. 1862-1944 Ketchum, Charles M. 1839-no date Amelia C. wife of Charles M. Ketchum 1849-1903 Ida May daughter of C.M. Ketchum Little Maud daughter of C.M. Ketchum Died Aug. 11, 1880 aged 7 mos. 23 days On stone w/surname of Burton Ketchum, Ollie 1857-1937 Kowalski, Ronald Jr. 1966-1972 An Angel of God Knapp, Kenneth A. 1912-2001/02 Elva A. 1918-1989 Kanpp, Adelbert 1885-1952 Vera B. 1883-1971 Knapp, Louis E. 1910-1984 Emma L. 1915-1978 Kikendall, Charles B. 1846-1912 Ella F. his wife 1856-1923 on same stone: Eugene L. 1881-1909 Spencer L. 1896-1918 Co. M 49th US Inf. Clarence G. 1882-1920 Kilmer, Margaret died June 14, 1882 92 yrs. 3 mos. 24 days LaGreco, Francis C. 1896-1928 Nora M. 1896-1970 Laird, Sarah O. 1855-1924 Laird, Leonard 1848-1926 Laird, Margaret 1849-1909 Lamphere, Floyd E. New York SFC US Army World War II Jan. 13, 1928 - March 20, 1973 Rachel B. Lamphere 1925 Lamphere, Lester H. 1906-1981 Gladys S. 1909-1988 Laiton, Gladys 1907-1982 Lock, David died July 24, 1874 aged 68 yrs. 5 m's 1 d another name on stone but too Weather worn to read Lane, Nelson Grover 1891-1972 Mary Arliss 1897-1999 Lane, Samuel died June 28, 1860 aged 65 yrs. 5 mos., & 13 d's Lane, Alida wife of Samuel Lane died Oct. 7, 1882 aged 22 y, 11 m & 16 d Lane, Harold W. 1916-1937 Loasterlia, Alva H. born Dec. 2, 1835 died March 23, 1867 Miller, Willis L. 1859- no date Emma A. 1857-1912 Monument-Miller on one side and Caswell on the other side Miller, Austin Co. C 9th NY Artillery died Aug. 22, 1905 aged 75 years Isabel Crowell Phelps his wife died Dec. 25, 1905 Miller, Caroline M. Miller, Andrew died Apr. 18, 1893 aged 30 years Miller, David R. died Dec. 18, 1891 aged 71 yr. 4 mos 26 days Mason, John A. 1857-1945 Morgan, Dora Fox 1866-1952 Mac Ann, Wayne N. 1948-1973 Sandra J. 1946-1973 Mettler, William W. (Bill) 1938-1995 Picture of firetruck on stone McArthur, Annie wife of Henry McArthur died Jan. 21, 1872 aged 33yrs. & 7 m's Mettler, Paul (Peely) F. 1923-1987 Alice Terwilliger 1927 Whither Thou Goest I Will Go Two rings encircled Feb. 24, 1945 Melvin, Robert E. Aug. 12, 1931 Phyllis Quinn Dec. 18, 1938-Jan. 4, 1997 Whither Thou Goest I Will Go McArthur, Elizabeth wife of Reuben McArthur died Feb. 21, 1875 McArthur, Winfield S. son Reuben & Elizabeth McArthur aged 2 years McArthur, Henry W. 1860-1937 Marion 1864-1937 Magee, Woolsey Magee, Rachel A. wife of Woolsey Magee died May 26, 1879 aged 66 y 2 m 2 d Mosher, J. M.A. Mosher Mack, Earl E. 1912-1997 Lucille W. 1915 McQueen, H.G. died Mar. 22, 1876 aged 14 yrs., 3 mos., 22 days Caroline 1836-1920 Mead, Ida J. wife of Charles W. Mead & daughter of W. & H. Thomas born Nov. 25, 1860 died Mar. 29, 1888 Ida May Mar. 11, 1888-Sept. 18, 1888 Grace H. Nov. 4,1888 -Sept. 15, 1892 children of C.W. Miller, Willis L. 1859-no date Miller, Eamma A. 1857-1912 McGonigal, Chas D. 1866-1945 Emma P. 1866-1958 Newton, Emma 1874-1961 Nichols, George W. Feb. 14, 1842 Emily E. his wife July 22, 1835 Dec. 31, 1892 Bertie Jan. 5, 1867 Geb. 19, 1867 Lottie May Jan. 23, 1873 Feb. 4, 1873 Claudie Dec. 6, 1878 Nov. 6, 1882 Ottman, Ruth E. 1906-1966 Oakley, Elijah born July 15, 1824 died not legible Margaret E. his wife born Oct. 16, 1818 Cornell L. died Oct. 6, 1880 aged 4yrs. Oliver B. born not legible Henry J. born May not legible children of E & M Oakley Olmstead, Marion March 3, 1846-Feb. 22, 1924 Ann Ellen July 28, 1845-Dec. 20, 1896 Olmstead, Eddie son of M & A E Olmstead Apr. 2, 1870-May 27, 1876 Olmstead, Viola 1867-1941 Olmstead, Clarence B. father 1876-1930 Palmer, Gary E. b. 1936 d. 12-14-2002
Pender, Robert L. 1939-1967 Ellan A. 1941 Pipgrass, Darrell R. June 8, 1938 Diane E. July 4, 1946-Nov. 25, 1996 Children's names on stone: Sherry M. June 18, 1966, Sindy A. June 5, 1968, Derek R. Sept. 17, 1976, Brent J. June 27, 1978 Parker, Deanna L. Nov. 18, 1979-Feb. 17, 1993 Stone shows etched picture of Deanna Perrine, Andrew J. March 3, 1967-Nov. 3, 1999 In Loving Memory Patchen, Bernice 1923-1924 Phelps, Matthew 1850-1904 Ann 1823-1904 Price, Frank M. Nov. 4, 1847-Feb. 4, 1902 Flora E. his wife Jan. 18, 1857-no date Pulver, James A. 1833-1908 Mary J. his wife 1837-1919 Pulver, Sherman G. 1865-1921 Phoebe J. his wife 1864-1922 Mabel E. their daughter 1887-1902 Palmer, Daniel 1811-1891 Priddy, Willoughby B. Dec. 21-1835-Sept. 22, 1910 Lucy J. Cotton his wife Oct. 30, 1839-Dec. 10, 1916 Plumb, Mabel E. Fuller Feb. 28, 1879-Jan. 2, 1946 Porter, Norris N. 1910-1972 Elizabeth A. 1914-1982 Pickney, 1879-1961 Pickney, William 1876-1952 Pickney, George W. 1849-1924 Harriett 1853-1923
Porter, Gilbert L. Dec. 5, 1927 Quinn, Pauline Ruth Allen Wormuth 1930 Quinn, Roy P. 1902-1978 Lula H. 1908-1995 Rowe, Donald Mullen 1916-1990 Rigby, Henry L. 1882-1963 Adella R. 1892-1978 Rigby, Charles L. 1917-1979 Ann 1913-1969 Rigby, Ralph M. US Army Feb. 20, 1929-Aug. 18, 1985 Reynolds, William T. F2 US Navy World War II July 18, 1917-Nov. 20, 1989 Ripley, Leon H. 1883-1956 Mae A. 1883-1978 Robinson, Earl James 1911-1995 Robinson, Clark A. 1877-1948 Carrie M. 1886-1973 Lewis E. 1923-1923 Leland D. 1908-1908 Richardson, Richard Battery C NY H Art. Died Apr. 5, 1892 aged 74 yrs. Richard, Rev. James H. Im memory of the Onondaga District MP Church Passed from Labour to Reward July 13, 1879 In the 75 year of his age Rathbun, John H. March 26, 1866-Nov. 18, 1898 Viola M. Upham his wife Nov. 16, 1862-Apr. 11, 1890 Roland V. 1896-1900 Grace J. Baxter wife of John 23, July 23 1872-Mar. 13, 1960 Rathbun, Dannie son of JM & M Rathbun Jan. 13, 1890-Apr. 26, 1890 Roarke, Sarah A. Sept. 20, 1863-Feb. 16, 1885 Rice, Jennie M. 1874-1937 Rorabeck, John no dates Rorabeck, Melissa wife of John Rorabeck no dates Rorabeck, Garry A. no dates Rorabeck, Mary Ann wife of G.A. Rorabeck died Sept. 14, 1880 aged 68 yrs. 1 m, 9 d's Stoddard, Harvey 1893-1957 Daisy 1892-1966 Stoddard, Clara Jane 1884-1935 Stoddard, Doris V. 1906-1909 Stoddard, Talman 1916-1918 Southwick, Willoughby L. 1906-1961 Marie N. 1911-1989 Stoneburg, Timothy Gould July 6, 1986-July 15, 1986 Snyder, Clinton D. 1879-1973 Mildred A. 1901-1990 Snyder, Richard L. Sgt. US Army Oct. 7, 1935-Nov. 27, 1998 Snyder, George E. 1927 Ethel 1895-1967 Snyder, William H. 1855-1937 Julia A. 1861-1947 Snyder, Albert Co. H 75 Regt. NY Inf. June 5, 1903 aged 60 years Storms, Hugh R. 1926 Ruth B. 1932 Sawyer, Gerald F. Pvt. US Marine Corps World War II Jan. 1, 1927-May 14, 1979 Schaft, George 1875-1953 Cora 1867-1945 Shaft, Ralph N. 1899-1942 Erma O. 1888-1944 Shoemaker, Thomas Sr. 10-10-1925-10-18-1998 Ruth 7-27-1930 Shoemaker, Anna M. Oct. 10, 1925-Dec. 25, 1995 Shoemaker, Frederick H. 1874-1954 Mary Lowe 1894-1954 Shoemaker, Irene 1896-1971 Ervia N. 1888-1961 Newton A. 1866-1944 (on stone With Brughdurf) Shoemaker, only name in front of 4 stones Smith, Harriet S. daughter of James & Nancy Smith died Jan. 29, 1852 aged 15 yrs. 4 mos. 11 d's Mary J. daughter of James & Nancy Smith died Dec. 28, 1856 aged 22 yrs. 4 mos. & 1 day Willard son of G. & M.J. Winegar died Nov. 4, 1856 aged 1 yr. 4 mos. 4 d's Smith, James died April 16, 1871 aged 65 years Nancy wife of James Smith died Jan. 7, 1892 age 86 years Smith, J.C. 1881-1890 Smith, Freddie A. son of J.G. & M. Smith died Jan. 16, 1877 aged 22 yrs. Harriett L. Daughter of J. C. & M. Smith died Dec. 17, 1856 aged 12 years 11 mos., 8 d's
Smith, Robert L. Dec. 7, 1951 Carol J. May 24, 1954-July 25, 1998 Two rings joined July 28, 1973 Smith, Gladys M. 1912-1980 Smith, Lillian May 1914-1991 In Loving Memory Of Our Mother & Grandmother Smith, Albert J. 1855-1917 (with Belva) Smith, Elisher Sept. 16, 1794-Dec.. 22, 1875 Eva Weaver his wife Aug. 10, 1800-Sept. 15, 1872
Samuel B. Oct. 24, 1832 March 11, 1903
Emily A. McArthur Aug. 11, 1828 Jan. 16, 1888 Shoecraft, Ernest 1864-1921 Clara his wife 1866-1934 Shoecraft, William son of ? & Mul? Shoecraft died ? 12, 1881 aged 17 yrs 7 mos 29 d Sherwood, Emeline sife of Ruben Fuller died Feb. 8, 1885 aged 75 yrs 3 mos 29 days Switzer, Henry Co. C NY H Art. Died Nov. ? stone too decayed Switzer, Matthias died Feb. 20., 1849 aged 33 yrs 3 mos 22 days Switzer, Eber 1843-1913 Mary E. his wife 1843-1896 Spickerman, Sarah R. wife of L A Stewart 1882-1920 Spickerman, Winifred M. wife of EJ Stewart 1880-1929 Spickerman, David H. Co. B 75 Rgt. NY Vol 1842-1918 Phebe A. Bacon his wife 1845- 1917 (wife was spelled wife on stone) Silliaman, Bettie wife of James Silliman died Dec. 12, 1879 aged ? yrs 3 mos 3 days Samson, Kenneth E. 1955-1978 Samson, Clinton W. 1930-1989 Eleanor E. 1930 Southwick, William 1860-1948 Sylvia L. 1862-1948 Southwick, Ervine S. 1870-1945 Jennie E. 1871-1961 Southwick, John H. died Sept 1st, 1869 In his 68 years Southwick, Eliza A. wife of John H. Southwick died Sept. 27, 1878 aged 63 years Spoor, Joseph J. 1834-1916 Margaret A. his wife 1834-1913 William P. their son 1857-1863 Spoor, Viola E. Frost wife of Wm. Elsworth Spoor died June 29, 1888 aged 25 years Stocking, Dr. Charles Giles 1822-1898 He served unselfishly Mary Woohull Stocking 1819-1907 I Have Kept The Faith Sibley, Mark H. 1853-1927 Sibley, Timothy L. 1815-1893 Electra his wife 1816-1896 Swift, infant son of N.R. & Mary Swift died March 29, 1869 Swift, Rev. Nathan R. 1821-1890 Mary A. his wife 1833-1916 Swift, Edgar & Everett D. sons of N.R. & M.A. Swift no dates Turtura, Joan P. Born 1931 died 2000 No stone only marker, Norton Monuments, Sodus, NY Tihy, Infant Children of Peter & Helen Tihy 1941 1943 1946 1958 Tihy, Peter 1916-1983 Helen M. 1921-1998 Taylor, Guy D. 1882-1973 Laura E. 1886-1975 Taylor, Nelson H. Co. V 3rd N.Y. Regt Arty died Apr. 4, 1915 aged 81 yrs. Terpening, Lloyd L. 1913-1989 Marion L. 1918-1995 Thomas, Charles C. born Feb. 10, 1848 died Apr. 12, 1848 Anne E. born June 12, 1845- Died Mar. 4, 1851 children of Wm. & Harriett Thomas Thomas, Sarah J. daughter of Dr. Wm. & Harriett Thomas born Nov. 12, 1849 - Died May 26, 1920 Thomas, Dr. William born June 12, 1819 died Feb. 14, 1896 Harriet his wife born May 4, 1826 died Dec. 5, 1879 scripture not legible Thompson, John N. Co C 9th NY Art died Nov. 18, 1870 Thompson, Peter born Sept. 13, 1812 died Mar. 30, 1878 Thompson, Ann M. wife of Peter Thompson born Feb. 22, 1815 died Aug. 9, 1890 Thompson, Henry W. 1862-1936 Thompson, Roy J. 1884-1979 Frances Waldris his wife 1883-1929 Thompson, Matilda wife of Joseph P. Thompson died Mar. 21, 1885 aged 42 yrs Thompson, Joseph P. died May 28,1916 aged 88 years Thompson, Hattie wife of Howard F. Thompson and daughter of Robage & Nancy M. Hart died Jan. 14, 1874 aged 20 yrs. & 3 mos. Thornton, MJ Aug. 16, 1857-Jan. 31, 1903 Della A. his wife Jan. 25, 1866-Nov. 13, 1930 Mortimer J. their son Mar. 17, 1881-Nov. 3, 1887 Thornton, Harriet wife of James Thornton died Dec. 24, 1893 aged 80 yrs 9 mos 10 days Tripp, Dwight M. 1927-1927 Burton W. 1921-1921 Mabel 1899-1953 HM 1898-1985 Tallman, Edward A. 1842-1928 Martha P. Bacon his wife 1849-1943 Tallman, Thomas T. died Oct. 22, 1884 aged 83 yrs. 7 mos. Tallman, Deborah wife of Thomas T. Tallman died March 13, 1864 age 59 yrs 3m's 12 d's Thompkins, Charles Richard1913-1997 Maurice (Betty) 1929-1985 Flowers on each side Of names. Picture of a pipe and a turtle Upham, Daniel K. Jan. 14,1824-June 9, 1901 Luna Young his wife Mar. 2, 1827- July 5, 1893 Upham, Isaac Y. July 23, 1849-May 2, 1935 Mary J. Roarke his wife Feb. 12, 1861- Feb. 24, 1884 Van Norstrand, Wilson M. 1905-1972 Dorothy J. 1906-1996 Van Norstrand, Bertha E. 1880-1958 Van Norstrand, Fred 1883-1961 Van Norstrand, Rena E. Aug. 2, 1903-May 28, 1916 Van Guilder, Frank 1868-1948 Ida M. 1870-1942 Van Guilder, Lynn 1891-1924 Van Guilder, Simon 1835-1899 Catherine Holcomb his wife 1841-1911 Ida M. Finck Their dau. 1860-1886 Van Nortwick, Floyd H. 1877-1963 Van Nortwick, Wendy I. 1874-1956 Van Nortwick, J. Gipson 1853-1931 M. Adell Blass his wife 1858-1927 Van Duesen, Ricahard H. 1944-1968 Van Duesen, Harold 1903-1949 Van Duesen, Winifred A. 1908-1988 Van Duesen, Porter F. 1838-1921 Mary J. Bishop his wife 1838-1901 Van Olinda, Benjamin Nov. 8, 1824-Mar. 16, 1910 Rhoda J. his wife Apr. 13, 1825- Apr. 19, 1906 Van Olinda, Anna E. wife of Benj. Van Olinda died Aug. 28, 1875 aged 78 yr & 9 m's Van Olinda, Ben J. died Nov. 29, 1868 aged 71 yrs. 5 mos. & 16 days VanTassel died June 14, 1889 aged 66 yrs. Edgar died Oct. 17, 1870 aged 20 yrs. 11 mos. Martha Jane died Mar. 5, 1878 aged 20 yrs. 11 mos. Dewain died Dec. 11, 1878 aged 18 yrs, 18 mos., 5 d's He has gone to his god in his youth Weaver, Mahlon 1875-no date given Effie 1877-1944 Weaver, Morris Co. C NY Art born 1814 died 1896 Weaver, Ellen wife of Hiram Weaver died Oct. 7, 1826 Weaver, Infant date not legible child of Henry & Frances Weaver Weaver, Rita date not legible child of Henry & Frances Weaver Weaver, Frances E. wife of Henry Weaver1835-1927 Weaver, Henry Co B 15th NY Vol 1837-1919 Weaver, Andrew Co E 3rd NYS ART Y 1838-1925 Weaver, Sylvia wife of Henry Weaver died Jan. 21, 1873 age 73 yrs. 23 days Weaver, Stella Edinger 1887-1934 Weaver, Claude 1873-1961 Addie Forshee his wife 1874-1902 ?died 1907 Welsh, Charles 1894-1964 Walker, Raymond L. New York Cook Co C 117 Infantry World War I March 12, 1884-Dec. 9, 1961 Walker, Gertrude 1877-1948 Fred V. 1875-1955 Walker, James C. 1824-1891 Mary E. Vorce his wife 1846-1920 Walker, W. Henry 1840-1910 Walker, Courtland died April 5, 1868 aged 70 yrs. & 16 d's Mary Ann his wife Died June 13, 1870 aged 69 yrs. 1 mos. 2 d's Warner, Harry Daniels 1899-1991 Grace Mabel 1905-1984 Warner, Emory D. 1928-1952 Warner, Carolyn Beloved wife of Harry 1939-1957 Warner, Donald T. 1939-1956 He Who Walks With Jesus Walks In Heaven Warren, Frank 1891-1967 Mary R. 1900-1982 Warren, Walter J. New York PFC Co D 4 Ammo Trail World War I May 31, 1896-May 25, 1964 Warren, Anna 1862-no date given Waterman, Wilfred C. 1909-1991 Lucinda Smith 1915 Waterman, Paul L. 1916 Clara W. 1919-1970 Waterman, Cyrus W. 1850-1926 Mary Swift his wife 1856-1935 Waterman, Lewis 1820-1897 Laura his wife 1827-1911 Waterman, Laurence 1890-1958 Esther L. 1895-1944 Waterman, Lewis Swift 1885-1953 Harriet Myrtle 1882-1957 Walker, Walter F. 1915-1991 Mildred 1923-1998 Walker, D. Arthur 1914-1984 Mildred E. Countryman 1928-1983 Walker, Walter S. 1892-1942 Susan M. 1895-1961 Wright, Frederick A. 1867-no date given Lucy A. 1869-1941 Tho lost to sight to memory dear Wright, Leroy F. 1895-1957 Wright, Elmer C. 1850-1919 Kate A. Usher his wife 1858-1930 Jeanette Morrison his Wife 1850-1883 Mary & Addie on side Big monument with Wright on it. Wilson, Edith E. 1886-1954 Winter, Mabel C. 1905-1960 Wendover, Howard T. son of C & E Wendover born July 4, 1880 died Sept. 28, 1880 Wendover, Cornelium born Mar. 29, 1834 died Jan. 25, 1889 at rest Wendover, Ellen J. born Sept. 7, 1847 died Apr. 5, 1917 wife of Cornelium Wendover, Philip died Aug. 3, 1850 aged 44 yrs. 5 mos. 27 days Sally his wife Died Nov. 21, 1882 aged 76 yrs. 6 mos. Dear Parents we'll miss you much But know you rest with God Wendover, Rachel died May 14, 1882 aged 89 years 7 mos. 8 days scripture not legible Wendover, Samantha wife of G. Wendover 1812-1863 Wendover, Garrett 1811-1906 Wendover, David died May 25, 1852 aged 20 y's 2 m's & 12 d's I loved and lips Rest not legible. Charlie son of Jacob & Millie Wendover age 6 yrs. Earth Counts _______________to heaven White, David E. 1828-1905 Melvina his wife 1834-1906 White, Jacob 1825-1913 Abigail T. his wife 1828-1899 Deborah L. 1853-1855 Wm. Irwing 1861-1861 Worden, James P. died Nov. 26, 1879 74 yrs. 9 mos. 3 days Catherine E. his wife Died July 5, 1882 71 yrs. 10 mos. 5 days Worden, Nelson M. died Aug. 29, 1866 Anna C. his wife Worden, Culvir son of Hannah & Hiram Worden died Dec. 8, 1804 23 yrs. Worden, Maria wife of George K. Worden died June 23, 1914 aged 75 years Worden, George K. died Jan. 3, 1888 aged 55 years Margaret his wife Died July 10, 1886 aged 73 yrs. 1 mos. 20 days Worden, Hiram died Aug. 17, 1863 aged 63 yrs. & 25 d's Worden, Clark E. died March 13, 1882 aged 20 yrs. & 10 mos. Wolf, George 1915-1986 Wolf, George M. 1879-1939 Wolf, Ida B. 1879-1879 Wolf, Ida B. June 27, 1905-Sept. 9, 1905 two separate stones with Ida's name White, David E. 1828-1905 Melvina A. his wife 1834-1906 on opposite side Enlisted in 125th REG NY Vol's. Aug. 12, 1862 2nd Lieut. June 12, 1864 1st Lieut. Aug. 8, 1864 discharged May 20, 1865 Wilsey, Irving C. 1870-1948 E. Augusta 1873-1940 Wilson, Grace Nov. 14, 1927
Winegar, Della M. 1885-1925 Wood, Emery 1850-1943 Harriet his wife 1858-1938 Wood, Eugene J. 1871-1945 Grace M. 1879-1945 Wood, Leroy 1912-1912 Gertrude 1903-1903 Alta 1918-1922 Mattie G. 1913-1916 On stone with Grace & Eugene Young, Henry C. 1925 Margaret E. 1930-1993 Young, Alida L. 1862-1932 on back of Fuller stone STONES THAT WERE NOT TOTALLY LEGIBLE Father ___________Wick Myrle Hoellein 1908-1996 Father stone next to Harriet Thornton Loyal W. born Aug. 18, 1869 died Aug. 29, 1869 next to Palmer stone George & Mary next to Fuller stone Stones between McQueen & Forbes not legible Stone next to John O. Hiserodt with flag & veteran's star not legible Isaac 1858-1937 Leafy 1864-1927 next to one another Separate stones next to one another with no last names: Baby Arthur 1872-1955 Eva L. his wife 1864-1934 Fannie D. 1894-19 no date Tallman (first name) Leroy 1887-1939 Dora L. 1889-1963 next to one another Jane E 1838- Darling, ___________________________Tweedie Everett O. ________________died Mar. 22, 1864 aged 90 yrs 8m's 14 d's Stone very weather worn Stone with lamb on it too weather worn to read Wm. R. 1841-1863 Geo w. 1845-1861 Mary A. Kleckler 1847-1877 Mertie her Daughter died 1878 The cemetery is located on Duck Lake Rd. just off of Spring Lake Rd.
At the end of the road is a sign that reads: Cayuga Co., Spring Lake, Formerly Pineville, Spring Lake House 1851 by Hiram Worden,
William Thomas Physician 1849, Town of Conquest. After numerous trips to the cemetery for documentation this is what I have come up
with as of April 15, 2002. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all of the information
as some of the stones were old and weather beaten. Cheryl L. Armlin Parsons 8610 Morgan Rd. Clay, NY 13041![]()
Thanks to Cheryl L. Armlin Parsons for transcribing and providing the information found on this website page.