Arnold - Comstock Cemetery

(Town of Fleming, NY)  #51

Cemetery 1 1/2 miles N of Fleming Hill, Rt. 34 W side of road [Possibly Warrick Farm; Larkin farm in 1973]
Copied 1960 by Miss Flora Daniells, Auburn, NY

Note: This listing of cemetery burials was acquired from the collections of the Cayuga County, NY Historian's Office.  The source is  from an inventory compiled by local Historians through the Owasco, NY chapter DAR and Pomona Grange, dated 1966. At the bottom of this website is an E-mail message with a more detailed listing containing possible additions or corrections.
ARNOLD, Comfort					d. March 23, 1827 ae 84 yrs (in 84th yr)

ARNOLD, Mary w of "				d. Sept. 7, 1818 ae 68 yrs

COMSTOCK, Seth					d. April 2, 1848 in 75th yr
COMSTOCK, Chlolmilk (Chloe Milk) dtr. of Seth and Mary    d. May 20, 1840 ae 36 yrs 

WHEATON, Helen or Hellen G.   dtr. of Stephen and Celinda   d. Sept. 29, 1834 ae 5y 6mo (5 da)

WHEATON, Mary A.   dtr. of Seth and Mary Comstock	b. May 23, 1809	
							d. April 21, 1832

Small stones, initials only:

	M. A.		E.C.C.		M.A.W.

Items in parenthesis from Sheila Tucker's History of Fleming done in 1973.

The following E-mail message was sent by Shirley (Duckett) Vella -
E-mail: on December 7, 1999

Dear Bernie:
This is a much more accurate listing for the Arnold - Comstock Cemetery
The cemetery is located approximately 1/2 mile N of Fleming Hill on the West side of Rt. 34
on a farm owned since 1949 by George E. Duckett, Sr. and family.

ARNOLD, Comfort d. March 23, 1827 ae 84 yrs.
ARNOLD, Mary wife of Comfort d. Sept. 7, 1818 ae 68 yrs
CLARK, Charles A., son of Alanson M. & Sarah C. Clark d. Sept 6, 1850 ae 4 months & 2 D's
COMSTOCK, Daniel son of Seth and Mary Comstock b. Nov 24, 1806 d. Apr. 18, 1843
COMSTOCK, Eliza b. 1817 d. Dec. 25, 1837
COMSTOCK, Seth d. Apr. 2, 1848 ae 75 yrs.
MILK, Chloe daughter of Seth and Mary Comstock d. May 20, 1840 ae 36 yrs.
WHEATON, Mary A. daughter of Seth and Mary Comstock b. May 23, 1809 d. Apr. 21, 1832
WHEATON, Hellen G. daughter of Stephen & Celinda Wheaton d. Sept. 29, 1834 ae 5 years 6 months 5 days
Also in the cemetery are small stone with initials only CA MA CAC ECC HGW MAW

This cemetery has been a "hobby" of mine since childhood. Two years ago my husband, Sam, and I built a new home on my parents farm land adjacent to the cemetery. Feel free to use my E Mail address Shirley (Duckett) Vella , 5185 State Rte. 34, Auburn, New York 13021

I have additional information of a genealogical nature concerning the family buried in this cemetery accumulated through corresponding with relatives of these people. I'm also the unofficial "tour guide" when relatives have stopped by over the years looking for the cemetery. As you can see I added a couple of names. I also corrected the spelling of Hellen Wheaton - this is how it is spelled on her stone. I listed Chloe Milk under the surname Milk because she was married at the time of her death. Hope this information is helpful, Shirley (Duckett) Vella

Thanks to Bonnie Tidd Miller for transcribing portions of the information on this page into a digital format.

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