Lakeview Cemetery
( Town of Fleming, NY) #54
Today, the cemetery area located behind (south-west) of the former Sand
Beach Church building in Fleming NY appears to be one single medium-sized
cemetery. Actually, the cemetery area directly behind (south-west)
of the former Sand Beach Church building is comprised of three separate cemetery
land parcels. Directly behind the former church, along West Lake Road,
is a very small (26 feet wide) cemetery area that was owned and maintained
by the Protestant Dutch Church At The Owasco Outlet (also known as:
Sand Beach Reformed Church) until December 1950.
A small section further south-west (now in the apparent northwest corner and also the middle of the cemetery area behind the former church) was originally owned by The Owasco Cemetery Association and also was commonly known as the Sand Beach Cemetery or Owasco Lake Cemetery. In December 1950, The Reformed Dutch Church Of Owasco Outlet deeded their ownership title for the small 26-foot wide area still owned by the church; to also become owned by The Owasco Lake Cemetery Association. Adjacent, further south-west, from the Owasco Lake Cemetery Association land parcels was another small cemetery land parcel originally owned by: Lake View Cemetery Association. In December 1974, the Lake View Cemetery Association deeded title for their cemetery land parcel to become owned by: The Town Of Fleming NY All of the assets of the Owasco Lake Cemetery Association, including both the former Sand Beach Cemetery and Owasco Lake Cemetery land parcels, were also deeded to: the Town of Fleming NY in August 1978. As a result, the entire area of the cemetery located directly behind the former Sand Beach Church building in Fleming NY is now owned and maintained by the Town Of Fleming (NY). |
This adjoins Sand Beach Cemetery and looks like one large cemetery.
Copied 1963 by Mable Crosby
additions from Mrs. Kenneth Colson
ADAMS - BUCHANAN mon. Nelson J. 1847-1922 Nelson Ruth Alida Reynolds w of 1851-1922 Alida GILMORE, Nelson L. 1848-1910 Nelson Betsey A. Reynolds w of 1843-1930 Betsey GILMORE, Rey. E. 1878-1922 Reynolds BUCHANAN, Riley 1850-1921 Riley Eliza Adams w of 1850-1906 Eliza Fred W. 1879-1938 Fred M. Grace Graves 1873-1910 Grace AHLES see STOTT ALLING see JONES ALLNUTT, Clarence L. 1888-1951 Hattie Ward 1887-1924 AMES see WOODBURN ARUNDEL see COATES BABCOCK see HOLCOMB BACKUS, H. Carl 303rd Engrs. A.E.F. 1888-1940 Mapple M. his w 1894-19__ BAIN, Joseph P. (mon.) 1902-1951 Helen W. WOODEN, Raymond E. 1909-19__ on same Lot Frances E. (BAIN) 1910-1952 as above BAKER, Alfred 1892-1949 BAKER, Nellie M. (mon.) 1894-1960 Walter E. 1894-1960 IOOF Orrie James 1932-1945 BAKER, Leland S. N.Y. Pvt. U.S. Army Nov. 5, 1942 VFW mrkr BAKER, Edna J. (on lot with Leland) 1899-1952 BAKER see WILLIS - WHITE - MARTIN BAME, Willard A. 1858-1919 Eliza J. w of 1867-1954 BARBER see BOLENIUS BARNETT, Marion F. 1907-____ Curtis I. 1907-____ BARRETT see HYATT BARTICK see SHEPARD BATES, Joy T. 1868-1938 (this stone close to Ella E. Dayton his wife 1865-1942 Aristedes Daytons) CHATWIN, Iris Bates w of Percy G. Chatwin 1899-1957 BEARDSLEY see BURDEN BECKER, Lyman P. 1837-1908 Mary A. w of 1840-1919 Effie J. 1865-1943 BECKER, Harry H. 1874-1925 Amelia V. w of 1876-1961 Parry R. 1902-1943 (metal mrkr in form of Martha Riby w of 1902-____ knight - FCB) BELAND, Joseph 1888-1953 (with G.H. Peterson) BENNETT, Harry 1893-19__ Della E. 1891-1961 BERRY, William 1880-1958 Charlena M. 1906-1941 BERRY, John C. 1879-1939 (Natl Guard mrkr) Elizabeth 1889-1949 BERRY, John H. 1852-1923 Elizabeth w of 1856-1918 STEVENS, Elizabeth B. - hs with above, no dates. hss: Father Mother BEYER, George W. (mon.) 1874-19__ Jennie D. 1877-1950 BEYER, George B. hs. with above 1850-1930 IOOF BILES, Ward 1874-1961 Celia D. 1863-1958 BILLS, Archie E. 1884-1948 Mary Woodward 1885-19__ BILLS, Charles P. 1858-1916 Father Katie Leary w of 1855-1909 Mother BLAIR, Frank 1870-1945 Father Minnie B. 1871-1944 Mother also hs. : Irene BOCKES - HOYT mon. no inscript. but hss. Virginia Ann June 3 - Sept. 29, 1927 D. Clive 1930-1946 Alan D. Co. A, 346 Bn. Tank Corps. 1897-19__ Mabel H. Hoyt w of 1893-19__ HOYT, Harrison L. 1851-1909 Father Lizzie A. Cole 1859-1923 Mother (Skil. had a clipping: Funeral services for Mrs. Lizzie C. Hoyt, 63, widow of Harrison L. Hoyt, who d. at Lowell, Mass., Thursday were held at Trinity Meth. Church this afternoon (May 13, 1923). Rev. R.C. Hebblethwaite, pastor of the church officiated. Burial was in Lake View Cem. in town of Fleming. Mrs. Hoyt resided in Auburn until last Oct. when she sold her home in E. Genesee St. and moved to Lowell to live with her dau., Mrs. Mabel H. Bokes. Mrs. Hoyt was one of the most active workers of Trinity Church. Survivors are one son, Leslie F. Hunt, of N.Y.; two daus: Mrs. Mabel H. Bokes of Lowell and Mrs. Any H. Wood of Erie, PA and two grandchildren. (d. May 10, 1923.) (ae. 63) BODINE see CONKLIN BOLENIUS, Frederick A. Jessie A. Barber w of 1896-1962 BOLES, Ernest J. 1882-1951 Grace E. 1880-19__ BOLES, Martha E. 1901-1955 Mother BOND, Joseph 1872-1941 BOOTH, Ella C. 1874-____ matching CAMPBELL, Harriet A. 1845-1941 headstones BOULT, Henry (mon.) 186(5)2-1907 Father Elsie E. w of 1868(58)-1940 Mother Charles H. their son 1880-1936 Charles BOULT, Ernest (mon. on same Lot) 1882-1946 (Corrected by Niles Gladys Swayne 1884-1949 death rec.) Mabel E. 1888-1950 BOWEN, Wilfred M. (mon.) June 5, 1827-Sept. 17, 1893 Father Caroline his w Jan. 11, 1827-Nov. 26, 1906 Mother HASKINS, Hannah Her Mother Dec. 3, 1802-July 31, 1900 Hannah also on same Bowen Lot hss: OUIMETTE, Charles C. 1883-19__ Lena B. 1879-1959 BOWEN, Wilford M. 1888-1961 Alice L. 1894- BRAY see JOHNSTON BREWSTER see SAXTON BRILL see SAXTON BRITTON, George E. 1884-____ Masonic Emma R. 1889-1961 O.E.S. BROTHERTON, Sarah A. aged 2 days children of Charles & Charles W. 1 mo 8 da Rebecca Brotherton Willie H. 11 mo 3 da BROWN, James 1884-1940 Jane Ann 1894-1938 BROWN see CASE BRYANT, Edward 1892-1956 Edna A. 1890-19__ BUCHANAN xee ADAMS BUCK, Russle M. 1883-1956 Elizabeth T. 1887-19__ BUCKLEY, John J. 1859-1933 BUCKLEY see KNOX BURDEN, Howard R. 1865-1944 Emma E. 1862-1951 BEARDSLEY, Ruth E. (on same lot) 1902-1935 BURNSIDE, Elmer R. N.Y. Pfc. U.S. Marine Corps WW II (Res.) July 18, 1903 - Dec. 7, 1951 Am. Leg. mrkr BURT, Fred 1878-1950 BURTON, Otto S. Feb 9, 1894-June 29, 1942 Am Leg. mrkr (on same lot as Norman Wells) BUSH, Clark W. 1863-1942 Clark Franc B. (D.) w of 1864-1916 Franc F. Adrienne 1889-1948 Adrienne BUTLER, Irving F. 1907-19__ Clementine B. 1911-19__ Gary Frances ____-1935 BUTLER, William E. N.Y. Sgt. Co. F, 328 Inf, WWI Amer Leg. mrkr May 4, 1886-Oct. 28, 1954 CALKINS, William H. (mon.) 1861-1929 Kate S. w of 1856-1952 CALKINS, James H. N.Y. Pvt. 15 Co., 152 Depot Brigade WWI (govt. stone with Wms mon.) Sept. 3, 1892-Aug. 13, 1962 Between the Wm. calkins mon. and Erwin Norton was a small mon: My Babies Meriam L. 1921 Harold, Jr. CAMPBELL see BOOTH - FANNING CARPENTER, William D. 1881-1933 Flora M. 1882-1955 CARTNER, Frederick Smith 1856-1943 Fanny w of 1865-1949 Neil Clifford 1911-1914 CARTNER, Frederick S. N.Y. Cook 309 Field Art. 78 Div. WWI VFW (on Wm. B. Vernier Lot) Aug 20, 1894-July 14, 1951 CASE, William V. 1872-1942 Elsie A. Brown w of 1877-1938 CASLER, Harry C. N.Y. Pfc. Co. M, 108 Inf. WWI Sept. 20, 1898-July 5, 1958 CASLER, Harry C. (mon.) 1898-1958 Laura M. 1898-1961 CASLER, John D. (H.) (mon.) ____-____ Fanny d. May 22, 1899(95) ae 2y 2mo 11da John ____-____ Mary w of d. Feb. 22, 1899 ae 69 yrs Charles M. son of d. Dec. 24, 1893 ae 23y 4mo THURSTON, Ella Casler 1863-1938 (h. with above mon.) CASLER, John Knox Co. M, 103 Reg. N.Y.S. Vol. 1896-1935 CHAMBERS, Nina B. 1889-19__ Mother Herbert G. 1886-1937 Father CHAPMAN, Morgan W. 1857-1950 Adella 1865-1946 CHATWIN see BATES CHURCHILL, John Lewis 1860-1918 three matching hss Alice S. 1874-1913 ARUNDEL, Sarah A. 1850-1916 CLARK, Fred R. 1887-19__ Ruby B. 1887-19__ CLARK see PELTON - PELTON COATES, James J. 1837-1931 Alice M. w of 1855-1930 STARK, Agnes C. dau of 1884-____ COBURN see COPLEY COFFIN see HODDER COLE see BOKES CONKLIN, John H. Bat. A, 3rd N.Y. (mon.) 1840-1917 Father Sarah A. w of 1840-1913 Mother Maude S. (D.) dau of 1872-1884 Maudie BODINE, Wilfred R. 1877-1962 Wilfred Grace E. Conklin w of ; dau of John H. 1869-May 28, 1943 Grace CONKLIN, Ai 1874-1932 Ai BODINE, Wilfred R. (metl. mrkr.) d. Oct. 22, 1962 ae 85y 2mo 16da COOK, Pearl W. 1881-1946 Mabel I. 1886-1955 COOK see HEALD COPLEY, Charles Alexander (mon.) Father Georgiana Hayden Mother COPLEY, Loren Coburn (hs with mon.) 1903-1942 CORRY, Samuel D. (mon.) 1839-1925 S.D.C. Elizabeth w of d. Jan. 21, 1897 ae 52y 8mo E.C. TAYLOR , Berton E. 1864-1934 Berton Millie E. Corry w of 1863-1925 Millie TRAUTMAN, Solomon M. d. July 31, 1894 ae 79 yrs Father Arminda Sutton w of d. Dec. 9, 1904 ae 88 yrs Mother CORRY, Myron W. d. Nov. 29, 1884 ae 16 yrs Myron Bertha A. d. Nov. 29, 1884 ae 16 yrs Bertha CRANDALL see ROBERTS CRAVEN, Leonard 1874-1939 Bertha E. 1875-Oct. 11, 1954 CROFOOT see STEBBINS CROWTHER see ROBBINS CUSHING, Francis A. 1881-1949 May Payne w of 1885-1956 DABINETT, George 1850(56)-1932 (mon.) Father Margaret J. (I.) Feathers w of 1871-1926 Mother Margaret J. dau of 1899-1908 Margaret DAVID, William F. 1882-1957 DAY, Donald Thomas 1942-1943 DAY see BERRY - TINCKNELL DAYTON, Aristedes 1858-1912 Father Grace E. Daughter 1883-1961 DAYTON, Arthur H. 1871--1945 Alice P. 1875-1962 Aristedes 1837(27)-1918(12) Father Julia Etta V. w of Aristedes no date showing in 1963, but Skil. has 1842-1916 DAYTON see BATES DEAN, Alice G. 1886-1929 Daughter DECKER see ROUSE DEFENDORF see GOVE DEHART, Walter C. (mon) 1879-1937 Nellie P. 1873-19__ DEHART, Harold W. N.Y. Capt. Army Air Forces WWII same lot as above May 13, 1902-Aug. 27, 1954 DELANEY see WILBUR - WILBUR DEMING, Harry C. 1898-1957 (Masonic emb. and flag) Frances S. 1896-19__ DEMING, John Scott d. Aug. 4, 1962 ae 2 days DERBY, Dayton L. Esther Stebbins DICK, David (mon.) Christine C. David D. (hs with above) 1921-1936 DIMMICK, Guy L. 1892-19__ Clara M. 1892-1963 DOLBEY, William H. 1870-1944 Anna R. 1883-1959 DUNCAN, Henry S. (mon.) 1864-1933 Henry Ida E. w of 1864-1933 Ida John P. 1873-19__ John Coletta w of 1883-1940 Coletta Chauncey 1831-1910 Father Mary J. w of 1833-1917 Mother Addie M. 1860-1936 Addie Jay W. 1869-1918 IOOF mrkr Jay ELLIS, Robert L. 1879-1938 W. Ruth 1888-19__ ELY, George 1814-1895 Father Mary w of 1813-1901 EMLAW, Harry B. 1885-1957 Rosina 1883-1959 EMMONS see MILES - MILES ENNIS see HUTCHINGS FAATZ, Hattie 1878-1938 These Alberta 1911-1936 three metal mrkrs WITHEY, Elizabeth 1875-1937 together. FAIRBANKS, Wells C. 1868-1942 Three Emma M. 1867-1944 matching FLANAGAN, Mary V. 1868-1936 headstones. FANNING, George B. 1868-1923 Grace Campbell w of FARMER, Henry (mon.) 1850-1943 Eliza 1850-1931 George 1874-1952 Janet 1886-19__ FEATHERS see DABINETT FEDIGAN, Sarah 1861-1944 FERNANDES see YOUNG FLANAGAN see FAIRBANKS FLESHER, Henry (mon.) 1859-1930 Estella A. w of 1868-1949 FLESHER, Frances E. (hs with above) 1902-1950 Henry G. 1902-1949 FLESHER, Albert (mon. with above) 1871-1954 Rose A. 1877-1909 FLESHER, Henry (hs. with above) d. Sept. 28, 1889 ae 61y 7mo 9da FORWARD, Raymond Frederick 1931-1949 FRANCIS, James 1844-1918 Father Eliza w of 1842-1928 Mother FULLER see GRANT GADSBY, Ernest 1883-1951 Cecelia 1890-____ GADSBY, Harold 1890-1942 Cecilia 1889-____ GALE, Fred 1869-1947 Annie L. 1869-1956 GARDNER, Sarah A. 1857-1957 GATES, John C. 1860-1929 Sarah M. 1863-1948 GATES, Wm. W. Co. G, 111 Reg (mon.) Sept. 10, 1846-1922 Father Eliza Barth w of 1846-Mar. 10, 1910 Mother Wm. W., Jr. 1867-1929 William HAIRHOUSE, Maud Gates 1871-1928 Maud GATES, Alice A. 1887-1948 TERRILL, Mabel Gates 1877-1955 Moses Weld 1873-1961 GEARY, Allen F. 1884-1954 Josephine M. 1893-19__ GENKOS, Christos 1900-1956 Dorothea M. 1916-19__ GIFFORD, James A. (mon.) 1873-1943 IOOF Father Minnie M. w of 1876-1959 Mother Harold their son 1900-1917 James H. 1898-1962 _____, Marion (hs. with above could be Gifford or Heald) 1897-1921 GILMORE, John H. 1854-1928 Josephine A. w of 1859-1934 GILMORE see ADAMS - ADAMS GOODMAN, Julia Selover 1881-1952 GOODMAN, Annie E. w of George A. 1863-1910 Mama GORDON, William 1879-1957 Ethel 1883-19__ GOVE, Samuel G. 1833-1914 Minerva J. 1837-1913(18) also on this lot were 2 sm. metl. mrkrs: DEFENDORF, Sarah L. 1853-1941 Fay T. 1876-1930 GRANT, Harold M. (mon.) 1895-19__ Ethel Taylor 1896-1956 GRANT, Ulysses S. (mon. on next lot) 1867-1939 Ina Fuller 1870-19__ GRAVES see ADAMS - BUCHANAN GREEN, Albert (mon.) 1877-1935 Gertrude M. Secaur w of 1883-1933 A. Kenneth 1907-1942 SECAUR, John 1889-1918 Amer. Leg. mrkr. (Also sep. stones A. Kenneth; Father; Mother. GUNDERSON, Thomas T. Co. A, 308 Reg, N.Y. S. Vol. 1897-1938 HAINES, Leslie W. 1914-1957 Ruby D. w of 1912-____ (nee Dougherty) HAINES, Orrin T. 1865-1948 Mattie V. 1871-1943 HAIRHOUSE see GATES HARMON, Edward J. Co. H, 3rd Ill. H. Art. d. Mar. 6, 1893 ae 49 yrs GAR HARMON see HODDER - HODDER HARMON, Belle w of Edward J. (above) 1849-1891 Mother HASENJAGER, Theo. 1874-1941 Edna R. w of 1877-1957 HASKINS see BOWEN HATCH, William T. 1879-19__ Father Virginia M. 1879-1931 HATHAWAY, Frederick A. 1860-1918 Harriett M. 1868-1954 HAVENS, Edgar B. Co G, 126 Reg. N.Y.V. (mon.) Edgar Oct. 16(18), 1843 - Sept. 7, 1903 Elizabeth M. Hough his w 1846-____ Elizabeth On back of Havens mon. is MAIN but no inscript., a hs: MAIN, Howard 1884-1958 HAVENS see SAXTON HAYDEN see COPLEY HEALD, Morvin 1872-1922 IOOF Morvin Clara H. Cook w of 1885-____ HEALD see GIFFORD HEALEY, John C. 1855-1919 Alice A. w of 1854-1910 HICK, Thomas 1837-1922 Mother Lavinia w of 1844-1915 Father HILL, Frank E. 1866-1935 Anna Belle w of 1871-1956 HILLIARD, Ralph E. 1881-1949 HINTON, Edward 1861-1945 Ella D. 1870-1944 HOCKEBORN, Wilbur A. (mon.) 1918-1951 ____________ _______ (no markings on other half of stone) WARWICK, Elsie F. (stone matches above mon.) 1892-1951 HOCKEBORN, Wilbur A. N.Y. T. Segt. 492 Ord. Ham. Co. WWII Apr. 21, 1918-Apr. 14, 1951 HODDER, William Lord (mon.) 1879-1949 Father Capt. Co. M, 108th U.S.Inf. 27th Div. A.E.F. Minnie Harmon (his wife) 1880-1954 Ethel J. -1907- hss. on lot COFFIN, Ethyl Harmon 1886-1942 with Wm Hodder HODDER, Ross L. 1877-1912 HODDER see BUTLER HODGE, William Henry 1880-1934 Elizabeth Ann 1880-1948 HOLCOMB, Burney 1828-1908 Margaret A. Babcock w of 1829-1907 also another hs. illeg. HOLE, Walter 1894-1948 Amer. Leg. mrkr Lillian H. 1896-19__ HOLMES, Edward G. 1887-1937 Anna E. 1891-1946 HOUGH see HAVENS HOWELL, Isaac (mon.) 1808-1895 Joanna Beardsley his w (L.C.) 1818-1895 HOWELL, Frank 1851-1926 2 hss Ella Slocum w of 1851-1928 with above mon. HOWELL see WOOD HOWLAND see KERR - KERR HOYT see BOCKES HUDSON, Howard C. 1880-1946 Matilda Walters w of 1882- HUDSON, Ethan F. (mon. w above) 1881-1946 Alta M. 1886-19__ HUFFMAN, Louis H. 1881-1937 HUGENIN, Thomas Gaylord d. Jan. 9, 1915 ae 5mo 5da son of Clarence and Theda HUNDLEY, Eleanor Ann (mon.) 1947-1949 Eleanor Ann (sep. hs.) Feb. 4, 1947-Sept. 8, 1949 HUNGERFORD, J. Arthur 1871-1932 Frances L. 1866-1963 HUSTED, Alida Mother three HUSTED, Lula 1888-19__ headstns RAMSEY, Edna 1892-1947 together HUTCHINGS, Edgar Philip (mon.) 1898-1945 Catherine Meehan TAYLOR, Frederick L. (same lot) 1901-1962 HUTCHINGS, Walter Father 1867-1937 Hutchings lots Sarah R. Mother 1862-1933 adjoining HUTCHINGS, Zelda L. Mother 1895-1942 (Rebecca) (also stone on ground beside Zelda, nothing visible - IOOF flag) HUTCHINGS, Joseph J. 1893-19__ Mina Ennis 1897-1957 HYATT mon. no inscript. but hss: Thelma 1901-1932 Bertha M. 1871-1950 Francis Eugene, Jr. 1872-1911 Frances Eugene 1844-1907 G.A.R. mrkr Mary Barth 1851-1920 BARRETT, Homer Hyatt (with above) 1901-1918 _________ __________ unmarked matching stone with above ______? Melvin tull (Hyatt?) 1873-1956 on same lot HYATT, Francis E. Co. I, 9th Reg. N.Y.V. H. Art. Mar. 3, 1844 - Feb. 25, 1907 (Skil. has HAYATT) HYATT see MERRITT IVES see LOOMIS JAYNE, Wilbur J. son of Robert M. Jayne 1924-1936 hss. with Dorothy P. Terwilliger 1897-1938 Jayne mon. Rose C. 1895-1943 JAYNE, Charles A. (w preceding Jayne) 1887-1951 JOHNSON, Fred L. 1885-1955 Mabel F. 1890-____ JOHNSTON, George E. 1881-1948 Annie Bray 1884-1962 JONES, M. Adelbert (mon.) 1882-19__ Masonic Jeannie A. (1st w) 1881-1941 OES JONES, Etta M. Wood Alling (2nd wife) Feb. 21, 1874-Aug. 29, 1955 (sep. mon.)(marked with star; also three links of Odd Fellows) KARKER see SAMBROOK KEELEY, John J. 1878-1941 Mary J. 1878-____ KEELEY, Emily D. 1880-1948 KERR, Mary Ann Howland w of below June 20, 1831-May 7, 1918 M.A.K. George W. 1832-1905 HOWLAND, Obidiah (mon. on same lot) 1808-1901 Obadiah Fanny w of 1808-1892 Fanny George son of 1853-1901 George also hss: Mother; Father HOWLAND see SHAW KILMER, Edward W. 1862-1950 Harriet L. w of 1869-1947 Leland A. son of 1900-1918 Leland 7 Bat. L. Art. D. in France of the flue Edward R. their 1894- Edward Raymond C. 1897 Raymond (Skil. clipping: Body brought from France Funeral services for Pvt. Leland A. Kilmer whose body has been brought home from France, will be held at 3:30 oclock Sun. afternoon at the home of his parents Mr. & Mrs. E.J.Kilmer, 127 Owasco St. Pvt. Kilmer went overseas early in 1918 and d. in France Oct. 1, 1918. Following the service burial will be in Lakeview Cemetery. Bur. Jan. 2, 1921. KING, Clara M. 1880-1941 KNAPP, Leon A. KNAPP, James D. 1866-1944 L. Luella 1869-1939 KNOX, John June 6, 1832-Dec. 29, 1900 Masonic J.K. Elizabeth Bulkley w of Apr. 14, 1835-Sept. 24, 1903 E.B.K. see SMITH KOKE, Frank 1882-1954 Edith w of 1882-1962 LAMB see VOLENTINE LANGE, Albert H. (mon.) 1871-1943 Cora L. 1881-19__ MCCARTHY, Mayme L. 1886-19__ LA ROWE see PETERSON LAXTON, Alfred 1869-1957 Father Emily Richardson 1868-1955 Mother LAXTON, Fred B. 1902-19__ Edythe M. 1900-19__ LEARY see BILLS LEE, Allen C. ____-1941 Am. Leg. mrkr Ida White ____-1939 Glenn C. son of ____-1955 LEE, Glenn Charles N.Y. Y.2, U.S.N.R. WWII Aug. 21, 1906-Apr. 21, 1955 LEE, Mary A. (with above Lees) 1851-1940 Mother LESTER see SHAW LEWIS, William F. (mon.) 1842-1927 Emma W. w of 1844-1913 WALKER, Charles G. 1870-1932 Emma L. w of 1866-1920 LEWIS, William F. 1842-1927 hss. w Lewis mon. Emma Wilcox w of 1844-1913 LOOMIS, Arthur L. 1876-1951 Marion Ives w of 1882-1960 LOOMIS, William 1866-1939 IOOF Mary E. w of 1862-1932 LUDKE, Otto 1885-1956 Grace I. 1887-19__ MAC DAVITT, George Hugh Dec. 12, 1892-July 9, 1954 VFW-Am Leg Annie May w of b. Sept. 6, 1899 MAIN see HAVENS MARKS, Edward S. 1852-1925 Martha J. w of 1857-1938 MARKS see WHITE MARQUART, Carrie Schafer 1879-1941 see MOBBS MARTIN, Joseph (mon.) 1886-1939 Nettie L. 1886-1931 BAKER, Alphenia E. (hs. w above mon.) 1851-1930 Mother MCHARGUE, Oscar F. 1862-1939 Camp 11 VS Alma T. 1862-1938 MCHARGUE see MILLIMAN MCKEEN, Charles J. 1879-1946 Eva L. 1878-1954 MEEHAN see HUTCHINGS MEEK, Lulu Grace d. Jan. 7, 1885 ae 3y 8mo 12da (seemed to be on Isaac West lot) MERRITT, Arthur J. 1886-1940 on Hyatt lot MILES - EMMONS mon. no inscrip. but hss: John H. 1866-1918 Elizabeth 1866-1946 Olga E. 1895-1896 EMMONS, Patricia Ann 1927-1931 Alvin D. 1896-19__ Catherine Jane w of 1897-1956 PERKINS, Jay M. 1882-1950 Mae Emmons w of 1885-____ MILLIMAN, Frank W. no dates MCHARGUE, Mrs. W.D. (this hs beside Milliman) 1839-1928 MILLS, Albert A. 1888-1944 Elizabeth A. 1885-1963 MOBBS, William H. 1862-1937 MOBBS, Harriet A. (next to Carrie Schafer Marquart) 1869-1941 MONROE, Martin Camp 11 VS 1871-1941 Laura 1869-1962 MOORE, Gideon T. 1868-1921 MOSHER, George A. 1876-19__ Kate A. 1876-1956 MOSSO, Thomas A. 1855-1937 Martha M. 1870-1951 Arthur E. N.Y. Wagr. Sup. co 108 Inf 27 Div. WWI May 12, 1894-Nov. 8, 1957 MUGGLETON, Harry E. 1891-____ Lula H. 1890- Robert E. 1917- Virginia Y. 1920 NORRIS, Englend 1866-1951 Ellen E. 1869-1951 NORRIS, Iva H. 1897-1899 hss matching & with Mabel M. 1893-1925 above Norrises NORRIS see SAXTON NORTON, Lorenzo D. 1874-1957 Sophia 1878-1949 NORTON, ERWIN L. 1901- Gladys L. 1898- see CALKINS, Wm OAKLEY, Vernon 1869-19__ Cora Reid w of 1869-1955 ODDEN, George W. 1872-1950 Annie L. 1866-1949 OHARA, Lloyd 1920-1947 Reva J. OSBORN, William A. 1852-1934 Sarah J. 1855-1928 OSTERHOUT, James E. Co. I, 108 Reg AEF Sp-Am War & Am Lg Richard E. 1914-1929 Robert E. 1910-1936 OUIMETTE see BOWEN PACE, Charles A. 1874-1947 Kate L. 1874-19__ PARKER, Helena H. 1893-1934 Mother PARSELL see REUTSCH - WILSON PATCHIN, Lucius A. 1879-1936 Ruth M. 1881-1949 PATCHIN, Charles L. 1906-1960 adjoining lot Dorothy M. 1904- PAYNE, George W. 1843-1921 Jane 1844-1926 PAYNE see CUSHING PEARCY, Herbert (mon.) 1882-1953 Alice M. 1877-19__ Pearcy STOCK, Henry J. 1872-19__ Stock mon. PEARSON, Robert H. d. Feb. 22, 1959 Baby (a twin) (son of Robert and Jeannine Warn Pearson) PELTON, Charles H. 1875-1931 CLARK, Luvua Pelton Sept. 8, 1882-Apr. 12, 1960 CLARK, James Isaac July 31, 1889- PERKINS see MILES PETERSON, G. Herbert (mon.) 1866-1938 Herbert Hattie J. Voorhees 1868-1907 Hattie LA ROWE, Herbert David 1915-1916 H.D.L. see BELAND - SELOVER PHILLIPS, Roy 1886-1931 PHIMISTER, James W. N.Y. Pvt. Ordnance Dept. WWI Am. Leg. mkrk PILAT, Walter 1916-1944 Martha Arlene w of 1918 PINE, George W. 1876-1941 POPE, Harry L. 1873-1959 Elizabeth A. 1874-1959 POST, Allen also Scipio Univ Ch funerals 1851-1923 Scipio Univ Ch marr= Clara E. Rumsey 1853-1931 Dec. 12, 1878 by E.R. Warren POWERS, Philip D. N.Y. Pfc. 68 Constabulary Sq. WWII Amer Leg July 1, 1927-Feb. 18, 1960 PRICE, Walter 1855-1930 Genevieve w of 1857-1930 Edward H. 1881-1943 Pearl E. 1878-1949 RAMSEY see HUSTED REED, Frederick A. 1881-19__ Eva Alice w of 1881-1948 REICHENECKER, John 1872-1947 Charlotte 1855-1933 REID see OAKLEY REMINGTON, Earl L. 1912-1928 all on Remington lot Theresa May w of 1867-1937 REUTSCH, Evelyn Parsell 1896-1953 Mother Robert L. 1897-19__ Father REYNOLDS see ADAMS - ADAMS RIBY see BECKER RICHARDSON see LAXTON RIDLEY, John P. 1867-1903 Sadie F. 1867-1943 Listed on back of mon., children: Marion; Jennie; Ruth; Ethel; Clarence; John; Irwin RISLEY see SMITH ROBBINS, Frank 1876-1938 Grace I. 1878-1952 SHAW, Daisy M. 1891-19__ these 2 hss CROWTHER, Anna E. 1872-1938 with Robbins ROBERTS, Mary L. 1871-1958 Edwin M. 1868-1950 CRANDALL, Eearl L. 1891-19__ Ethel M. (nee Roberts) 1892-1943 RODGERS, Orrin A. 1868-1946 ROGERS, Allen C. 1868-1958 Minnie E. w of 1873-1955 Walter H. 1897-19__ Stella W. w of 1901-1956 ROSE, Carol C. Reva I. 1902 Carrie B. Clinton J. 1950 ROUSE, Hiram E. (mon.) 1839 Annanettie w of 1847-1898 DECKER, May E. dau. of 1873-1898 Frank E. (her son) 1896 ROYS see WARRICK RUBLEE, Irving H. Nov. 30, 1864-Mar. 15, 1945 Father Harriette S. July 1, 1866-Dec. 19, 1946 SALZER, Elmer B. 1893-1958 Jennie M. 1894- SALZER, Elmer B. N.Y. Pvt. 6 Rct. Co, Gen Svc. Inf WWI Aug. 31, 1895- Jan. 31, 1958 SAMBROOK, C.A. 1868-1930 Ella M. Karker w of Charles A. 1874-1943 (On back of Ellas stone were listed, children: Augustus K.; Mollie; I.; E.Myrle; Frank J; J. Duane; Everett A.) SAWYER see SAXTON SAXTON - HAVEN (MON.) Charles 1859- Mary 1865-1929 HAVENS, Elizabeth 1884-1961 Milton 1887- SAXTON mon. no inscrip. but hss: Charles 1859-1943 Masonic Cora C. 1865-1895 BREWSTER, Laura M. 1821-1903 BRILL, Carrie E. 1834-1920 also see WOOLEY SAXTON, Carlon (mon.) 1880- Olive L. Norris 1888- Carlon C. their son 1916-1917 SAWYER, Jay E. (mon. with above) 1913- Flossie w of nee Saxton 1911-1954 David E. son of 1943-1954 (After a wind & electrical storm, David touched a power line and Flossie, his mother, tried to pull him off, thereby losing her life also. SCHAFER see MARQUART SECAUR see GREEN - GREEN SELOVER, Mary J. 1850-1933 on G. Herb. Peterson SELOVER see GOODMAN SHARPLES, James 1887-1962 Mary E. 1888-1941 SHAW, Charles Mar. 21, 1838-Feb. 11, 1897 IOOF C.S. Charity E. Lester w of Aug. 13, 1837-Jan. 8, 1922 C.E.S. Frank C. their son 1869-1927 F.C.S. SHAW, Anthony (mon.) 1830-1906 Father Alzina P. Howland w of 1829-1906 Mother James J. son 1867-1871 Hoxie E. 1869-1902 Hoxie SHAW, Edgar (hs. with above) 1860-1930 SHAW, J. Jewett, son of Anthony & Alzina d. Feb. 26, 1871 ae 3y 7mo 21da SHAW see ROBBINS SHEPARD, Fred H. 1883- Anna Bartick w of 1886-1946 SHORT, Leslie M. 1896-1959 Edna C. 1897-1948 SIMPSON, Robert H. 1884-1949 Masonic Anna C. 1881- O.E.S. SLOCUM see HOWELL SMITH, Willyam H. 1861-1945 see WIEGAND SMITH, William H. 1864-1943 Anna B. w of 1864-1932 SMITH, Seward 1855-1929 Eliza J. w of 1858-1931 SMITH, Sherman B. 1882-1957 Rose risley w of 1886-1942 William R. 1910- SMITH, Mary A. 1865-1942 on Knox lot Curtis A. 1855-1937 SNYDER, Patrick L. 1898-1958 Pearl M. 1885-1961 SPRINGER, Lewis Edson 1887-1957 other half unmarked SQUIRE, George 1844-1913 Ann w of 1836-1907 STALEY, Jay W. 1916-1937 STARK see COATES STARNER, John N. 1849-1914(15) Father Augusta C. w of 1856(66)-1936 Mothr Fred 1875-1875 Maud S. Their 1881-1892(82) John Robert children 1894-1901 STEBBINS, Ernest W. 1904-1960 Margaret Crofoot 1906- STEBBINS, James W. 1872-1937 IOOF Jennie M. 1868-1940 STEBBINS xee DERBY STEVENS see BERRY STOCK see PEARCY STOKER, Joan K. 1930-1937 STONE, Margaret E. 1880-1913 Elsie E. 1907- David H. 1876-19__ STONE see UTTER STORMS see WEST STORY, Manasseh L. 1866-1925 Father Inez w of 1869-1932 Mother Florence M. 1895-1946 Daughter STOTT, Frederick C. (mon.) 1866-1943 Clara R. 1876-1958 AHLES, William H. (mon. with ) 1901-1955 Elsie M. (nee Stott) 1907- STRONG see WOODBURN STUPP, Eugene W. 1873-1939 Lena A. 1871-1957 SUTTON see CORRY SWAYNE mon with no inscript. but hss: Father; Mother SWAYNE see BOULT TANNER, L. Eugene 1869-1936 Masonic Maude G. 1870-1931 O.E.S. TAPLIN, Irwin no dates aged 6 yrs TAYLOR see GRANT - HUTCHINGS - CORRY TERRILL see GATES TERWILLIGER see JAYNE THOMAS, Thomas J. 1877-1938 IOOF Anna 1873-1958 THURSTON see CASLER TIDD see WOODBURN - WOODBURN TINCKNELL, Thomas 1883-19__ Amelia Day 1886-1957 TITUS, Myrnice L. N.Y. Cpl. 108 Inf. 27 Div. WWI VFW marker Sept. 7, 1897-Nov. 11, 1948 TITUS, Arthur W. 1889- Genevieve E. 1903-1952 TRAUTMAN see CORRY TULL see BARRETT TURNER, Harold G. 1890-1955 Mary S. 1891-19__ TYLER, Wilfred 1870-1942 Mary J. 1874- UTTER, George Edward Mar. 6, 1943 Father Ella Stone Jan. 3, 1944 Mother George Edward Feb. 7, 1955 Son VAN PATTEN, Arleigh S. 1879-1939 Mary E. 1884-19__ VAN WINKLE, Philip C. 1856-1934 Hannah M. 1862-1942 VAN WINKLE, Frederick N. 1892-1960 same lot as above Gladys C. 1897-19__ VERNIER, William B. 1879-1953 Masonic Mabel D. 1878-19__ see CARTNER VOGEL, Benson son of John & Alta Vogel 1930 infant hs. VOLENTINE, Nettie w of Eugene Lamb 1888-1918 VOORHEES see PETERSON VOSBURGH, Everton P. 1895-1951 Irene L. w of 1894-1950 WALKER, Charles G. 1870-1932 Emma Lewis w of 1868-1920 (The data on these two hss. is repeated on Wm. F. Lewis monument.) WALKER, L. Hugh 1868-1922 near preceding Lena L. w of 1870-1950 Walkers Blanche dau. of 1894-19__ WALTERS see HUDSON WARD, Verne B. (mon.) 1883-1959 George A. 1878-1954 WARD, Dorland B. (with above mon.) 1909-1935 WARD see ALLNUTT WARRICK, Stanley C. 1872-1946 Clara Roys w of 1875-1957 WARWICK see HOCKEBORN WATKINS, William J. 1873-1940 Maria 1873-1940 WELLS, Norman S. 1877-1941 see BURTON WEST, Isaac L 1826-1911 Esther Storms w of 1823-1883 Also sm. oval stone My Husband These were on lot with Meek and between the two were two small unmarked hss. WETHERBY, John M. 1917- Marjorie D. 1920- David W. 1952 WHEELER, Lewis A. 1878-1958 VFW mrkr Florence C. w of 1886-1941 WHIPLE, Frederick (mon.) 1870-1956 Frederick Esther R. w of 1872-1943 Esther Katherine F. 1868-1923 Katherine Jacob 1830-1904 Father Joanna F. w of 1842-1893 Mother also hs.: Baby WHITE, Albert G. 1878- Bertha Marks w of 1881-1926 WHITE, Charles H. 1870-1951 Ella L. 1875-1936 WHITE, Eugene 1874-1951 on Walter Baker lot WHITE see LEE WIEGAND, Karl 1905-1942 on Wm Smith lot WILBUR, Clarence 1888-19__ Mabel 1892-19__ Clarence Bud 1912-1939 June Delaney wo of C.L. (Bud) 1915-1938 DELANEY, James 1876-1958 Frances 1879-1962 WILCOX see LEWIS WILLIAMS, Osca J. 1873-1951 Mary 1875-1948 WILLIAMSON, Edwin J. (mon.) 1859-1920 Father Emma w of (Gleason or Geisel) 1858-1950 Mother Earl (also separate hs) 1889-1959 WILLIS, Charles A. 1855-1930 Phebe L. w of 1855-1946 WILLIS, Grace d. Sept. 22, 1959 on Walter Baker lot WILSON, Thomas 1865-1931 IOOF WILSON, Donald A. 1892-1950 Father Avis Parsell 1899- Mother WITHEY see FAATZ WOOD, Elizabeth Howell 1849-1934 WOOD see JONES WOODBURN - AMES - TIDD mon. John 1831-1900 Father Fanny Strong w of 1834-1931 Mother TIDD, Adelbert R. 1852-1938 Alice Woodburn w of 1856-1950 AMES, William D. 1850-1923 Adele Woodburn w of 1854-1929 TIDD, Harry A. 1878-1946 WOODRUFF, Charles R. (mon.) 1875-1957 Mary E. w of 1874-1932 WOOLEY, GEORGE 1831-1922 Catherine w of 1830-1900 (on lot with Saxton mon.) YOUNG, William H. 1854-1931 three Effie E. 1872-1945 hss. FERNANDES, Hattie E. 1903-1937 together Difference in dates compare to Skilton records indicated (). Note: I may have placed some inscriptions under the wrong cemetery, inasmuch as Sand Beach and Lake View run into each other. M. Crosby
Thanks to Bonnie Tidd Miller for transcribing the information on this page
into a digital format.
Bernie Corcoran, Cayuga County
NYGenWeb Project