Ferris Cemetery

(Town of Ira, NY)  #75

Located opposite Emerick Road (West side) - Corner of Myers Road

These records were taken by Miss Flora Daniells in 1962. They were changed into digital format by Sharon Ross Loysen in December 1997.

APPLEBY,   John				d.  Sept. 21, 1828	ae  47 yrs

BARTLETT, Benjamin			d.  Sept. 15, 1841	ae  80 yrs

BARTLETT, Rebecca     w of "		d.  Apr.  14, 1841	ae  87 yrs

BLAKE, Norman  stone turned upside down	

BLAKE, Mary Ann	     w of "		d.  Apr.  15, 1860	ae  59y  7mo

BLAKE, Napolean				d.  Sept. 10, 1844	ae   4y  6mo  10da	

BLAKE, Franklin				d.  Feb.   4, 1825	ae       4mo  10da

BULHANET, Elilzabeth  w of Benjamin	d.  Aug.  16, 1828	ae  36 yrs

DUDLEY, Sardia				d.  Jan.  26, 1876	ae  84 yrs

DUDLEY, Mary  w of "    stone in ground

DUDLEY, Celestia C.     dau of above	d.  	      1812	ae   2 y  2mo  15da

DUDLEY, EMILY M.    dau of above	d.  Oct.   8, 1816	ae  17 yrs

DUDLEY, Julia L.			d.  May 17,   1837	ae   3 y 

DUDLEY, Angelina			d.  Mar. 12,  1825	ae  12y  7mo    2da	

DUDLEY, Zipporah A.			d.  Aug.  1,  1828	ae  13y  3mo  21da

DUDLEY, Austis				d.  Mar. 30,  1827	ae  31y  3mo  21da

FERRIS, Henry				d.  Mar. 25,  1808	ae  45 yrs

FERRIS, Elizabeth			d.  Feb. 21,  1809	ae  43 yrs

FERRIS, Harry				d.  Dec.  5,  1878	ae  89 yrs

FERRIS, Sally            w of "		d.  Oct.  8,  1877	ae  84 yrs

FERRIS, Luther B.  b. June  21, 1828	d.  Jan. 23,  1856	ae  27y  7mo  2da

FERRIS, Dea. Thatcher			d.  Jan.  4,  1864	b.  Jan. 5, 1787

FERRIS, Betsey             w of "	d.  Feb. 19,  1836	ae  45y  1mo  6da

FERRIS, Susan C.          w  of T.I.	d.  May   9,  1862	ae  57y  9mo  0da

FERRIS, Cinthia Eliza   dau of Thatcher	d.  May   1,  1832	ae       11mo  11da

			& Betsey

FERRIS, Luiretia Z.   dau of Thatcher	d.  Sept. 12, 1838	ae  21 yrs

			& Betsey

FERRIS, Juliet M.    dau of Thatcher	d.  Apr.  1,  1842	ae  21y  7mo

			& Betsey

FERRIS, Steven	    son of Thatcher	d.  Mar. 11,  1843	ae       8mo

			& Betsey

FERRIS, James L.        		d.  July  9,  1862	ae  6 yrs

	son of Harvey D. & Helen M.

FULTON, David E.

FULTON, D.N. Scott - child

SMITH, Mary       dau of Ward & Polly	d.  July 21,  1833	ae      10mo

SNYDER, George W.			d.  Nov. 18, 1849	ae  4y  1mo  18da

	   son of Henry & Julie Ann

SNYDER, Palmyra	 			d.  Apr. 26,  1849	ae  8y  3mo   0da

	   dau of Henry & Julie Ann

VAN AUKEN, Jeremiah			d.  Mar. 17,  1848	ae  70y  1mo  22da

VAN AUKEN, Mary     w of "		d.  Dec. 13,  1831	ae  53y  9mo  21da

VAN BUREN, Henrietta			d.  Apr. 27,  1810	ae  27y  2mo'		

	   w of Martin J. Van Buren

VAN BUREN, Elizabeth E.			d.  June 11,  1837	ae  1y  7mo  7da

           dau of M.J. & O.

The following additions and corrections to the cemetery records of the Town of Ira were made on February 2, 1988 by Dorothy Southard, Town/Ira Historian.


	Norman Blake    		b.   July 12, 1800

	       				d.   Dec. 15, 1871

	wife, Mary Ann Appleby        	b.   Nov. 16, 1806

					d.   April 15, 1866     ae   59 yrs

This is from a family Bible (Blake) - information from Karol Fedigan, 2 First St.,  Auburn, NY   13021.

Thanks to Sharon Ross Loysen for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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Bernie Corcoran , Cayuga County, NYGenWeb Project Coordinator