Gifford Cemetery

(Town of Ledyard- Cayuga County NY)  #92

Located north of Barber's Corners on Brick Church Road. Cemetery is back from road 500 ' or more.  Plot is 40' by 60' surrounded by a heavy iron fence on the South side. It is overgrown with briars, nettles and other weeds. A large Maple tree stands on East boundry outside fence.

ALLEN , ALDEN 		D. JULY 14, 1859 33Y/7M/20D


ALLEN , AMAZIAH		D. JUNE 6, 1857    67 YRS.

ALLEN , ELIZABETH  W " and dau. of Jonathan GIFFORD of Dartmouth , Mass. 

			D. NOV. 12 , 1842 59 YRS.

ALLEN , RHODA A. 	D. FEB. 27 , 1847  38Y/4M/26D

GIFFORD , ABNER 	B. SEPT. 18, 1780	D. APR. 11, 1861  83Y/7M

GIFFORD , MARY		B. DEC. 7, 1787		D. SEPT. 9, 1867  79Y/9M/2D

GIFFORD , ABBEY  Dau. "				D. JAN. 20, 1830   3Y/11M/20D

GIFFORD , ICHABOD  son of			D. AUG. 1, 1831   29 YRS.

GIFFORD , ABNER S.	B. APR. 29, 1820	D. APR. 16, 1880  60 YRS.

GIFFORD , EUNICE W. 	B. FEB. 21, 1821	D. MAR. 21, 1863 42 YRS.

GIFFORD, MARY ANN W.	B. JUNE 24, 1840	D. FEB. 6, 1898    58 YRS.

                  MOTHER  no other inscription

GIFFORD , IRENE   dau.				D. FEB. 4, 1860    3Y/10M

GIFFORD , FRANCES  dau. of Sanford & Statia	D. OCT. 26, 1845 2Y/2M/9D

GIFFORD , LLOYD S.  son of W.W. & E.V.		D.                1894

The large monument of ABNER and MARY GIFFORD states that he was born in Dartmouth , Mass. That , he moved to Saratoga Co. in 1801 at the age of 21 ; came to Ledyard , Cayuga Co. Feb. 1, 1817. The inscription also states that MARY GIFFORD was born in Rhode Island . This monument is now overturned. the largest burial in this cemetry is a granite monument 7 ' high , that of ABNER S. GIFFORD and his two wives , EUNICE and MARY E. Inscription on the monument of ICHABOD W. GIFFORD who died at the age of 29 " As You Are Now , So Once Was I "

Thanks to Linda Brinkman for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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Bernie Corcoran , Cayuga County, NYGenWeb Project Coordinator