Head of Household Name Index for the

1870 Federal Census

Town of Ira

Cayuga County, New York

Note: This index provides only the name of the apparent Head of Household and census Page number within the Town Section.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W-X  Y-Z  

Abbott, Hiram Ira 45
Acker, David J. Ira 19
Acker, E. R. Ira 19
Acker, Delaney Ira 19
Acker, Cornelius Ira 21
Allen, Julius R. Ira 18
Allen, Kate E. Ira 18
Allen, C. F. Ira 22
Andrews, William Ira 34
Andrews, G. B. Ira 34
Applegate, Charles Ira 16
Archer, Thomas Ira 1
Armstrong, John Ira 28
Arnold, G. M. L. Ira 27
Arnold, Mary Ira 28
Ash, Horace Ira 30
Austin, Curtis Ira 12
Austin, Electa Ira 18
Avery, J. M. Ira 16
Baird, A. P. Ira 4
Baird, Joshua Ira 5
Baker, Alexander Ira 42
Baldwin, Philo Ira 13
Baldwin, David Ira 13
Baldwin, David Jr. Ira 13
Baldwin, George Ira 14
Baldwin, J. H. Ira 14
Baldwin, Hiram Ira 36
Baldwin, (no name) Ira 40
Baldwin, Henry Ira 40
Baldwin, Harry S. Ira 43
Baldwin, James Ira 47
Baldwin, Mina Ira 50
Barr, Edward Ira 6
Barr, E. G. Ira 28
Bartlett, Amos Ira 17
Bartlett, Smith Ira 20
Bartlett, Abram Ira 30
Bassett, Augustus Ira 18
Bates, Samuel Ira 1
Bates, James Ira 1
Becker, Eliza Ira 37
Bell, Henry Ira 48
Bennett, Amos Ira 25
Benton, Heman Ira 14
Benton, James Ira 18
Benton, Allen Ira 18
Benton, Charles D. Ira 48
Birch, Bartlett Ira 13
Birch, Lydia Ira 23
Bird, Joseph Ira 32
Bishop, John A. Ira 5
Blake, Jabez Ira 2
Blake, Isaac O. Ira 3
Blake, John E. Ira 44
Blake, John Ira 47
Blake, Moses Ira 48
Blakeman, A. Ira 14
Blessing, Adam Ira 33
Blessing, David Ira 36
Blodgett, Frederick Ira 42
Book, Rebecca Ira 29
Bordan, James Ira 5
Bostick, Sylvester Ira 50
Boyce, Terlinus Ira 41
Brackett, Truman Ira 40
Brackett, James H. Ira 40
Brackett, Frank Ira 49
Bradley, William Ira 22
Bradt, M. J. Ira 15
Brandt, Charles Ira 11
Brewster, A. J. Ira 21
Brick, Ned Ira 50
Briggs, Edward Ira 17
Bristol, John Ira 3
Britton, Phebe Ira 6
Brown, L. M. Ira 16
Brown, Peter Ira 17
Brown, Henry Ira 20
Brown, L. Ira 22
Burghdorf, Zechariah Ira 45
Burns, John Ira 2
Burritt, Charles Ira 25
Burritt, Woolcott Ira 32
Byam, Leyman Ira 13
Cadwell, James Ira 4
Cadwell, Charles Ira 4
Cadwell, E. W. Ira 5
Cady, Matilda Ira 15
Cady, James N. Ira 43
Campbell, John Ira 9
Campbell, Frederick Ira 28
Carey, John Ira 47
Carncross, Margrett Ira 1
Carr, William Ira 37
Carter, Amos Ira 11
Carter, Randolph Ira 12
Carter, W. B. Ira 24
Cartner, George Ira 41
Casey, Joshua Ira 39
Chandler, Ann Ira 46
Chase, William Ira 9
Chase, John Ira 9
Chase, Edward Ira 34
Chesebro, Sarah Ira 43
Ciderback, Maria Ira 43
Clark, Harry Ira 6
Clark, Ezra Ira 11
Coats, Benjamin Ira 21
Coe, Sanford Ira 27
Coe, Florence Ira 33
Cole, Byron Ira 1
Cole, Robert W. Ira 18
Cole, Charles Ira 32
Coller, Robert Ira 41
Collins, Lewis Ira 4
Colton, Irwin Ira 3
Conger, G. W. Ira 29
Conger, D. R. Ira 29
Conkling, Charlotte Ira 23
Connelly, Jerry Ira 5
Conover, John Ira 44
Cook, William Ira 3
Cook, Philip Ira 5
Cook, Bradford Ira 17
Cook, A. P. Ira 20
Cook, Frank D. Ira 27
Cook, Darius Ira 28
Cool, Henry P. Ira 20
Cool, Lorenzo Ira 21
Cooper, Ann Ira 29
Cooper, Isaiah Ira 50
Coppenall, George Ira 30
Cornwell, P. Ira 23
Coulling, Lucetta Ira 22
Countryman, Jacob Ira 1
Courd, Mary Ira 41
Cowan, Albert Ira 2
Cowan, H. H. Ira 13
Cowell, J. M. Ira 6
Crailey, Henry Ira 24
Crailey, John Ira 47
Craily, John T. Ira 47
Crossett, J. D. Ira 28
Culver, John A. Ira 24
Curtis, Susan Ira 7
Curtis, C. H. Ira 12
Curtiss, Beardsley Ira 46
Cusick, Martin Ira 38
Cusick, Martin Ira 39
Dallas, Charles R. Ira 15
Dallas, Archibald Ira 15
Dallas, Charles Ira 16
Darat, John Ira 22
Daratt, W. A. Ira 20
Daratt, Samuel Ira 23
Daratt, James H. Ira 46
Davis, Harvey Ira 1
Davis, Lavina Ira 28
Davis, Stephen Ira 47
Dean, H. L. Ira 28
Deforrest, Jacob Ira 19
Deforrest, Charity Ira 19
Deforrest, David Ira 30
Deidrich, Philip Ira 40
Deline, Edward Ira 32
Denick, James Ira 24
Devoe, Sarah Ira 7
Devoe, Sarah Ira 22
DeWitt, Salomon Ira 19
Dickinson, David Ira 8
Dingman, A. Ira 8
Dings, Richard Ira 14
Dings, Henry Ira 47
Doharty, Sarah A. Ira 24
Doty, Walter Ira 25
Doty, Theodore Ira 49
Dowd, James Ira 39
Downs, Lewis Ira 19
Downs, Simeon Ira 46
Drake, Edward Ira 6
Drake, Darius Ira 26
Drake, Chancey Ira 31
Duger, John Ira 9
Durkee, McCloud Ira 31
Durkee, Avery Ira 31
Durkee, Andrew Ira 31
Dutton, Edmund Ira 16
Dutton, J. M. Ira 21
Dutton, E. Q. Ira 23
Dwight, Myron Ira 33
Earl, Ashabel Ira 31
Ells, William M Ira 44
Ells, Almon Ira 44
Emeric, Elijah Ira 9
Everts, Addison Ira 36
Fairbanks, Laura Ira 40
Farick, John Ira 24
Faxon, Edwin R. Ira 47
Ferris, L. O. Ira 4
Ferris, Harvey Ira 4
Ferris, Harvey D. Ira 9
Ferris, Andrew Ira 33
Ferris, Judson Ira 37
Fink, Christian Ira 17
Fink, Manning Ira 18
Fink, Andrew Ira 30
Flint, Cornelius Ira 33
Follett, Isaac Ira 30
Follett, James Ira 33
Follett, Wesley Ira 35
Follett, William Ira 36
Fooler, Alice Ira 26
Foote, William Ira 14
Fort, Florence Ira 11
Forte, Garrett Ira 26
Forward, Harriet Ira 50
Freeman, Milan Ira 4
Freeman, Calvin Ira 39
Freeman, Beniah Ira 50
French, John Ira 20
Frisbee, Milton Ira 27
Fuller, Gard Ira 7
Fuller, Elisha Ira 43
Fuller, Elisha Ira 43
Gallant, Warren Ira 22
Gallant, Asher Ira 32
Garrett, Stephen Ira 4
Gifford, John Ira 14
Gifford, George H Ira 43
Gifford, Reuben Ira 45
Gilbert, Anna Ira 28
Gillett, William Ira 24
Gilt, Frederick Ira 11
Godfrey, Alice Ira 19
Goodell, Oselva Ira 48
Goodell, James M. Ira 49
Goodfellow, C. A. Ira 32
Goodrich, Clara Ira 14
Goodrich, Charles Ira 28
Goodrich, Samuel Ira 39
Goodrich, Joel Ira 39
Goodrich, Affa Ira 40
Goodsell, Frank Ira 15
Goodsell, Rufus Ira 23
Graves, William Ira 40
Green, Simon Ira 19
Green, Smith Ira 26
Green, E. M. Ira 35
Greis, Henry Ira 10
Griggs, John Ira 12
Guernsay, Henry Ira 25
Hale, Elisha Ira 25
Hallisey, Michael Ira 39
Halstead, William Ira 9
Harmon, Fred Ira 22
Harmon, Winslow Ira 34
Harmon, Russel Ira 34
Harmon, David Ira 34
Harmon, William Ira 36
Harmon, Thomas Ira 36
Harp, Julia Ira 28
Harris, John Ira 10
Harris, James Ira 11
Harris, John Ira 15
Harris, William W. Ira 23
Harris, John Ira 48
Hart, T. T. Ira 23
Hart, Andrew Ira 48
Hawker, Frederic Ira 5
Hawkins, Francis Ira 33
Hayes, Michael Ira 49
Heath, Selsden Ira 27
Herrick, William Ira 20
Herrington, Charles Ira 43
Hildebrandt, Wandal Ira 1
Hill, John Ira 1
Hinman, O. N. Ira 27
Hoag, William Ira 8
Hoag, Valentine Ira 40
Hoag, Myron Ira 40
Hoag, Charles Ira 49
Hodge, George Ira 49
Hogan, Thomas Ira 21
Holcomb. Allen Ira 20
Hoogherk, Florence Ira 15
Hooker, Lucius Ira 17
Hopkins, Myra Ira 47
Hornburgh, Fred Ira 20
Houghtailing, W. A. Ira 4
Houghtaling, Limon Ira 11
Houghtaling, John Ira 33
Houghtaling, John Ira 37
Houghtalling, J. Ira 6
Hourigan, Patsy Ira 3
Hourigan, Patrick Ira 7
Hourigan, Clara Ira 12
House, A F Ira 1
House, Joseph Ira 2
Hubbard, Charles H. Ira 50
Hudson, Oriel F. Ira 45
Huggins, Edwin R. Ira 48
Hulbert, John Ira 35
Hulott, Jerome Ira 48
Hulott, Elmer P. Ira 48
Humphrey, J. R. Ira 8
Hunt, James Ira 4
Hunt, John Ira 5
Hunt, Henry Ira 18
Hunter, M. M. Ira 23
Hurd, Delphine Ira 50
Huyck, Jacob Ira 1
Irish, R. Ira 7
Irish, Henrietta Ira 7
Jackson, Frank Ira 32
James, Lyman Ira 42
James, Mary Ira 49
Jaynes, Eleazer Ira 38
Jaynes, Erastus Ira 38
Jaynes, William D. Ira 50
Jenkins, George Ira 6
Jenkins, William Ira 38
Jenkins, Frank Ira 43
Jewell, William Ira 29
Jewell, Betsy Ira 34
Johnson, Heber Ira 2
Johnson, John Ira 2
Johnson, George Ira 26
Johnson, Robert Ira 31
Jones, Rosena Ira 6
Jones, James Ira 15
Jones, Ferdinand Ira 15
Kellogg, D. L. Ira 19
Kellogg, Martha Ira 32
Kelly, Timothy Ira 6
Kennedy, James Ira 2
Kennedy, John Ira 29
Kenyon, Albert Ira 28
Kilmer, George Ira 35
Kilmer, Emeline Ira 37
King, Obadiah Ira 44
Knowlton, Jemima Ira 20
Knowlton, L. H. Ira 29
Lamont, Robert Ira 16
Lansing, Martha Ira 2
Lathrop, H. Ira 24
Lawrence, Edgar Ira 7
Lawrence, Morgan Ira 21
Lee, Mary Ira 12
Lindsley, Joseph Ira 34
Liverance, William Ira 9
Livingston, W. Ira 27
Livingston, John Ira 41
Livingston, John Ira 47
Livingston, Alfred Ira 47
Livingston, Harriet Ira 47
Locke, Matilda Ira 17
Lored, Wiley Ira 12
Lowerby, Abram Ira 28
Lowerby, Miles Ira 28
Mann, Abram Ira 20
Marion, D. R. Ira 24
Marshall, Carrie Ira 38
Marvin, Chancey Ira 26
Matson, Augustin Ira 25
Matson, W. L. Ira 25
Mattaa, Panthea Ira 48
Maxwell, Electa Ira 49
Maxwell, John Ira 50
McChase, Thomas Ira 26
McGraw, Marcus Ira 29
McGraw, John Ira 50
McIntosh, John Ira 24
McNeal, Isaac Ira 29
Merrijan, John Ira 29
Merrills, James Ira 2
Millard, Nagus Ira 4
Millbrink, Frank Ira 4
Miller, Herman Ira 1
Miller, Fanny Ira 4
Miller, George Ira 39
Miller, Jacob Ira 42
Miller, Sarah A. Ira 48
Mills, Martha Ira 23
Moon, Charles Ira 14
Morey, Julia Ira 29
Morley, Gideon Ira 6
Morris, Clark Ira 13
Mosher, Sylvester Ira 37
Munroe, David Ira 28
Murphy, James Ira 29
Myer, Ellen Ira 38
Navey, Cornelius Ira 39
Nichols, Jemima Ira 13
North, Alice Ira 14
Northrop, Charles Ira 48
O'Brine, Samuel Ira 36
Offerell, Ellie Ira 26
O'Harra, James Ira 29
Olmstead, Stephen Ira 19
Olmstead, Wyman Ira 23
Osborne, Alice Ira 13
Osborne, Alonzo Ira 40
Osborne, Alfred Ira 45
Osborne, Edwin R Ira 45
Osborne, Jesse R. Ira 45
Oswald, Jacob Ira 42
Oswold, John Ira 3
Ousterhout, Charles Ira 48
Paine, Lucian Ira 17
Paine, George Ira 23
Palmer, Theodore Ira 10
Palmer, Wright Ira 37
Palmer, G. N. Ira 38
Palmer, ?itus Ira 44
Palmeter, John Ira 5
Parks, James M. Ira 15
Parsons, George Ira 41
Peirce, E. Ira 49
Perine, Norton Ira 10
Perine, Amanda Ira 11
Perine, King T. Ira 11
Perine, F. H. Ira 11
Perkins, Thomas Ira 7
Perkins, Esther Ira 12
Perkins, David Ira 48
Perkins, Francis Ira 48
Perry, Elihu Ira 17
Peters, Foss Ira 50
Phelps, John Ira 26
Phelps, Walter Ira 27
Phelps, Clayton Ira 31
Phelps, Betsy Ira 33
Phelps, Amanda Ira 35
Phelps, Newton Ira 35
Phelps, Samuel Jr. Ira 37
Phelps, Dwight Ira 37
Phelps, Alpheus Ira 38
Phelps, Chancey Ira 46
Phillips, Clara Ira 19
Phillips, Betsy Ira 39
Phillips, Abram Ira 50
Pierce, Cora A. Ira 40
Pierce, George Ira 41
Pierce, Charles Ira 47
Pinney, Calvin Ira 31
Porter, Willis W. Ira 21
Potter, William Ira 23
Powell, Andrew Ira 50
Preston, Henry C. Ira 45
Prior, Harriet Ira 49
Pulsifer, D. C. Ira 26
Quick, David N. Ira 22
Radney, Mary Ann Ira 3
Rich, Hannah Ira 18
Rich, J. E. Ira 18
Rich, William Ira 18
Rich, G. R. Ira 19
Rich, Frank Ira 21
Richards, Lucy Ira 22
Riggs, George Ira 3
Riley, John Ira 15
Rood, Myron Ira 32
Root, Harvey Ira 18
Roth, Carl Ira 34
Salisbury, Benjamin Ira 21
Seaton, Eliza Ira 49
Shaddock, Nathan Ira 50
Shannon, William Ira 34
Shannon, Mike Ira 37
Sheldon, Henry Ira 26
Shepard, Wallace Ira 4
Shepperd, matilda Ira 18
Sholt, John Ira 2
Showers, W. W. Ira 14
Showers, Philip Ira 14
Showers, Nathan Ira 34
Sidney, Hannah Ira 43
Simons, Charles Ira 44
Skiver, Christiana Ira 43
Slocum, Heman Ira 27
Slocum, James Ira 42
Smith, Benjamin Ira 20
Smith, Truman Ira 29
Smith, John V Ira 46
Soule, Florence Ira 17
Southard, Peter Ira 4
Spade, Adam Ira 47
Spade, Nathan Ira 49
Spade, Charles Ira 50
Spafford, John Ira 8
Spafford, Solomon Ira 27
Spickman, John Ira 8
Spoon, Joseph Ira 31
Spoor, John L. Ira 22
Spoor, Francis Ira 32
Spoor, Abram Ira 33
Sprague, Burton Ira 36
Squyer, John Ira 37
Squyer, Nancy Ira 46
Stampp, Frederick Ira 9
Star, Matthew Ira 8
Stephens, Charles Ira 10
Stiles, George Ira 39
Stiles, Amos Ira 46
Stiles, Charles Ira 46
Stockwell, A. Ira 12
Stodart, G. F. Ira 35
Stone, William Ira 25
Strickland, W. Ira 3
Strickland, Hiram Ira 40
Sturge, James Ira 35
Sturge, John Ira 35
Sturge, Samuel Ira 36
Swick, Miner Ira 21
Swift, C. J. Ira 30
Talmage, Rainsford Ira 41
Taybour, Asa Ira 5
Taybour, Daniel Ira 6
Taylor, Arzalus Ira 18
Taylor, George Ira 20
Taylor, Lena P. Ira 46
Taylor, George Ira 47
Terpenning, Samuel Ira 44
Terpenning, Reuben Ira 45
Terwilliger, Richard Ira 8
Terwilliger, K. Ira 34
Thayer, A. L. Ira 16
Thomas, Ophman Ira 7
Thomas, George W. Ira 23
Titus, Elick Ira 32
Titus, West Ira 33
Titus, Addie Ira 35
Tobin, Benjamin Ira 29
Tobin, Patrick Ira 30
Townsend, Justus Ira 12
Townsend, Helen Ira 15
Turner, Edward Ira 21
Turpening, Solomon Ira 41
Turpenning, J. E. Ira 2
Turpenning, Gertie Ira 4
Turpenning, Abram Ira 5
Turpenning, Allen Ira 5
Turpenning, James Ira 7
Turpenning, George Ira 28
Turpenning, Lewsi Ira 40
Tyler, Abraham Ira 33
Upson, Lawrence Ira 15
Vanatter, John Ira 25
Vanaucken, Evert Ira 4
Vanaucken, Peter Ira 7
Vanaucken, Thomas Ira 42
VanDoren, Luther Ira 3
VanDousen, John Ira 31
VanDousen, Harry Ira 39
VanHouser, David Ira 37
VanPatten, Nancy Ira 7
VanPatten, Nicholas Ira 23
VanPatten, Norman Ira 30
Vanpatten, Peter Ira 42
VanPatten, Christian Ira 43
Verplank, James Ira 34
Vinton, Samuel Ira 1
Wager, John Ira 29
Waggoner, Harmon Ira 16
Walker, James Ira 6
Walker, M. Ira 15
Wallis, Gracia Ira 21
Wallis, Daniel Ira 33
Wandell, Henry Ira 45
Wands, John Ira 30
Wands, Adson Ira 30
Wapner, Henry Ira 32
Ward, Elmer Ira 14
Wares, Charles Ira 38
Warner, J. H. Ira 28
Warner, William Ira 36
Washington, George Ira 35
Weaver, John Ira 10
Webb, Sidney Ira 38
Weber, Frederick Ira 10
Weight, Marcus Ira 21
Weller, Leonard Ira 50
Wells, Edward E. Ira 13
Wells, William Ira 26
Wells, William W. Ira 49
Wells, Sanford Ira 49
Welty, H. D. Ira 36
Wheeler, George Ira 38
White, John Ira 8
White, George G. Ira 43
Wilcox, Henry A. Ira 48
Wilkes, John M. Ira 38
Wilkinson, E. Ira 8
Wilkinson, J. Ira 15
Wilkinson, Pernela Ira 19
Williams, H. J. Ira 10
Williams, Rhoda Ira 39
Williams, Henry Ira 45
Wilson, Betsy Ira 46
Wise, George Ira 2
Wise, Christian Ira 9
Wise, John Ira 16
Wood, H. J. Ira 28
Wood, Barritt Ira 36
Woolford, George Ira 46
Wormouth, Sarah Ira 18
Wormouth, William Ira 42
Wormouth, Jacob Ira 42
Wormuth, Levi Ira 40
Wormuth, Maria Ira 50
Wright, Charles Ira 1
Wright, Theodore Ira 22
Wright, J. T. Ira 32
Wright, Benjamin Ira 43
Wyant, George Ira 19
Young, Betsy Ira 40

Note: This index provides only the name of the apparent Head of Household and census page number within the Town section.

This census index only includes the apparent head of household or alternate surnames within a household.  The number opposite the name is the page number in the specific Town Section of this 1870 census.  These page numbers may NOT be the same page numbers contained on the National Archives Microfilm of the 1870 census.  This index was compiled by the staff of the Cayuga County Historian's Office.

 Copyright 1998 Cayuga County Historian's Department & Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project 

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