Head Of Household Name Index for the
Federal Census of 1870
Town of  Locke
Cayuga County, New York

Note: This index provides only the name of the apparent Head of Household
and census Page number within the Town Section.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

This census index only includes the apparent head of household or alternate surnames within a household.  The number opposite the name is the page number in the specific Town section of this 1870 census.  The page numbers cited, are as indicated on the 1870 Census volumes on file in the Cayuga County Clerk's Office, 160 Genesee Street, Auburn, NY  13021.  These page numbers may NOT be the same page numbers contained on the National Archives Microfilm of the 1870 census.  This index was compiled by the staff of the Cayuga County Historian's Office.  This index was transcribed into a digital format in October 1998 by Heidi Petty.

Surname		First Name	Town	Page #	

Allen,		George		Locke	27
Alley,		W. W. Jr.	Locke	15
Ashton,		Oliver		Locke	1
Ashton,		Joseph		Locke	20
Atwood,		B. F.		Locke	2
Austin,		Isaac		Locke	5

Baker,		Jared		Locke	4
Baker,		Thomas		Locke	19
Barhite,	Edwin		Locke	2
Barnes,		Hannah		Locke	8
Barnum,		Richard M.	Locke	18
Barrett,	Jacob		Locke	24
Barrett,	Brisding	Locke	24
Beard,		Jason		Locke	3
Bennett,	Isaac		Locke	10
Bentley,	Gerry		Locke	23
Bingham,	George		Locke	19
Blanchard,	John		Locke	18
Boice,		Daniel B.	Locke	21
Booth,		Parker		Locke	3
Booth,		Elemer		Locke	5
Bostwick,	Henry		Locke	9
Bothwell,	N. S.		Locke	21
Bothwell,	James		Locke	22
Bowie,		John		Locke	27
Bowker,		Silas		Locke	16
Bowker,		Saphrona	Locke	18
Brigden,	George		Locke	6
Brigden,	Crissie		Locke	10
Brigden,	Edwin		Locke	18
Briggs,		Gideon		Locke	2
Brinsmaid,	Bradford	Locke	22
Brogdem.	John		Locke	13
Brokaw,		Day		Locke	10
Brooks,		Abraham		Locke	26
Brown,		David		Locke	8
Brown,		Oliver		Locke	12
Brown,		Henry		Locke	14
Brown,		Julia A.	Locke	16
Brown,		Asa W.		Locke	16
Brown,		Samuel		Locke	18
Brown,		George		Locke	23
Brown,		Martha J.	Locke	24
Brown,		William N.	Locke	26
Brown,		Warren		Locke	26
Brown,		William H.	Locke	27
Burris,		Eli		Locke	12
Bush,		Anna		Locke	17
Bush,		Elijah		Locke	21
Bush,		David L		Locke	22
Bush,		Henry R. C.	Locke	24

Cady,		J. P.		Locke	25
Caldwell,	George		Locke	10
Campbell,	Albert		Locke	3
Canavan,	James		Locke	14
Canavan,	Polly		Locke	16
Case,		John		Locke	4
Case,		Adam		Locke	22
Chipman,	Ruth		Locke	4
Clarke,		Wilber		Locke	4
Clarke,		Porter		Locke	7
Clarke,		William		Locke	9
Close,		Franklin F.	Locke	19
Cobb,		Weston		Locke	2
Coggshall,	Vanburen	Locke	3
Cone,		Hannah		Locke	25
Congden,	Warren		Locke	20
Conklin,	J. D.		Locke	19
Conley,		Betsey		Locke	3
Conley,		Roxie		Locke	5
Conley,		Robert		Locke	8
Conley,		Stephen B.	Locke	17
Contine,	Jonas		Locke	7
Cooke,		Reuben		Locke	5
Cooke,		Simon		Locke	5
Cooke,		Harvey		Locke	17
Cornwell,	Merit		Locke	5
Cosman,		James		Locke	15
Cosman,		Dbrue		Locke	27
Cox,		William T.	Locke	15
Crain,		Ruby A.		Locke	24
Croft,		Francis		Locke	6
Cropsey,	Joseph S.	Locke	1
Cropsy,		John E.		Locke	26
Cross,		John H.		Locke	23
Cruthers,	Martin		Locke	5
Cuatt,		John		Locke	8
Culver,		Ambrose		Locke	17
Cummings,	George		Locke	17

Dean,		Harry M.	Locke	24
Demmon,		William N.	Locke	16
Demmon,		John F.		Locke	24
Demmon,		Rebecca		Locke	25
Doan,		Charles		Locke	11
Dolton,		S. R.		Locke	27
Dosyan,		Peter		Locke	3
Downing,	Eunice		Locke	9
Dunks,		John		Locke	1
Dunks,		Theodore	Locke	7
Dunks,		Erasmus		Locke	14

Edsall,		Jane		Locke	20
Edsall,		Corydon		Locke	21
Edsall,		Ashton K.	Locke	21
Eliott,		Minor R.	Locke	7
Elliott,	James H.	Locke	16
Ellis,		Martha		Locke	26
Emree,		Phebe O.	Locke	5
Englehart,	George		Locke	27
Ercunbrack,	Anna		Locke	24
Ercunbrack,	Frank		Locke	27

Ferris,		Ana		Locke	20
Force,		Isaac		Locke	25
Freelove,	Rodney		Locke	15

Gail,		Lewis		Locke	5
Gibson,		George		Locke	10
Gilkey,		Joanna		Locke	22
Goodman,	George		Locke	1
Gower,		Louisa		Locke	26
Grant,		Joseph		Locke	15
Green,		Jared		Locke	19
Greene,		Lavern		Locke	1
Greene,		Edward		Locke	19
Greene,		Lamott		Locke	21
Greene,		Harriet		Locke	22
Greenfield,	Caleb		Locke	25
Greenleaf,	William		Locke	2
Greenleaf,	Beriah		Locke	6
Greenleaf,	Samuel		Locke	7
Greenleaf,	George L.	Locke	18
Griffeth,	Ansel		Locke	10
Guernsey,	Henry		Locke	19
Guest,		Edwin		Locke	25
Guest,		T. M.		Locke	25
Guest,		Catharine	Locke	26

Hackett,	Lucinda		Locke	3
Hakes,		John D.		Locke	14
Halladay,	Daniel		Locke	21
Hamblin,	Hawley		Locke	10
Hammon,		Letitia		Locke	24
Hand,		Elsora		Locke	18
Harris,		Alonzo		Locke	1
Harris,		Joseph		Locke	1
Harris,		Harvey		Locke	2
Harris,		Henry		Locke	18
Harris,		Joseph		Locke	22
Hart,		John		Locke	4
Haskill,	Elida		Locke	21
Hathaway,	Elijah		Locke	17
Hazen,		Smith		Locke	5
Heald,		Day		Locke	5
Heath,		Harvey		Locke	1
Heath,		Harlow		Locke	1
Heath,		Warren		Locke	1
Heath,		Riley		Locke	22
Heath,		Alva		Locke	24
Helm,		Peter		Locke	16
Henry,		James		Locke	14
Henry,		Sarah		Locke	16
Henry,		Aseli		Locke	25
Hike,		William		Locke	13
Hinman,		Wolcott		Locke	23
Hinman,		Milo		Locke	23
Hirst,		William		Locke	1
Hoag,		James		Locke	18
Hobby,		Sophia A.	Locke	27
Holden,		A. J.		Locke	2
Houser,		Tillman		Locke	11
Houser,		Sarah		Locke	21
Howard,		James		Locke	6
Howe,		Isaac		Locke	24
Howell,		David		Locke	27
Hubert,		John		Locke	12
Hughman,	Rhodee		Locke	20
Hulse,		Joseph		Locke	21
Humphrey,	William		Locke	6

Ingley,		J. W.		Locke	13
Ingraham,	Mary		Locke	27

Jackson,	William		Locke	6
Jacobs,		Lucina A.	Locke	16
Jakway,		Thomas		Locke	12
Johnson,	Charles H.	Locke	9
Johnson,	J. E.		Locke	14
Johnson,	Julia A.	Locke	15
Johnson,	Martin M.	Locke	17
Jones,		James		Locke	27

King,		Caleb		Locke	12
King,		Martin		Locke	16
King,		Norman		Locke	16
King,		Thomas		Locke	18
King,		Barnabas	Locke	26
Knap,		Mary Jane	Locke	1

Lacey,		Franklin	Locke	4
Lambert,	Sarah		Locke	20
Lane,		Freeman		Locke	21
Lawler,		John		Locke	21
Layman,		Patrick		Locke	22
Leghorn,	J. C.		Locke	20
Leister,	Charles		Locke	20
Leonard,	Susan		Locke	3
Lewis,		Elizabeth	Locke	3
Lockey,		John		Locke	21
Lockwood,	Lawrence	Locke	1
Lockwood,	Henry		Locke	18
Loomis,		Burt		Locke	25
Loomis,		Timothy		Locke	27
Loomis,		Seth		Locke	27
Lowe,		James		Locke	20
Lowe,		Leander		Locke	20
Lowe,		James		Locke	21
Ludlow,		George W.	Locke	2
Lung,		R. D.		Locke	18
Lyons,		A. M.		Locke	15

Main,		Cary C.		Locke	24
Main,		N. P.		Locke	24
Main,		Clinton C.	Locke	27
Maine,		N. G (female)	Locke	7
Maine,		Charles		Locke	11
Maine,		Purdy		Locke	15
Maine,		William		Locke	17
Maine,		Amelia		Locke	19
Mariott,	Ada		Locke	22
Masten,		Adam A.		Locke	10
Matton,		Alonzo		Locke	10
Matton,		John		Locke	10
Mattoon,	Crissel		Locke	10
McCargar,	Thomas		Locke	13
McIntosh,	Daniel		Locke	5
McIntosh,	John		Locke	8
McIntosh,	Archibald	Locke	9
Mead,		Edward		Locke	23
Mead,		B. H.		Locke	25
Mead,		Nelson		Locke	27
Metzgar,	Delos		Locke	14
Middleton,	Arthur		Locke	25
Miles,		William		Locke	3
Miller,		Samuel		Locke	12
Miller,		Diantha		Locke	26
Miner,		John		Locke	16
Miner,		William		Locke	16
Monaghan,	Henry J.	Locke	27
Morey,		Whitman		Locke	17
Morse,		John		Locke	26
Mosher,		Charles		Locke	22
Moss,		Thomas		Locke	10
Munger,		William		Locke	17
Murphy,		Lancaster	Locke	7
Murphy,		Franklin	Locke	8
Murphy,		Levi		Locke	8
Murphy,		Joseph		Locke	12
Murphy,		Byron K.	Locke	26

Newton,		Alice		Locke	2
Nichols,	Luther		Locke	26
Nye,		Obed		Locke	4

Oakley,		Elisha		Locke	9
O'Connell,	Michael		Locke	3
O'Donnell,	William		Locke	3
Onely,		Oreley		Locke	2

Parks,		Philander	Locke	27
Patterson,	Minerva		Locke	2
Paul,		Euphemia	Locke	21
Peck,		Lyman		Locke	13
Pelham,		Lewis		Locke	15
Pierce,		Robert E.	Locke	7
Powell,		Abbie		Locke	17
Powers,		Franklin	Locke	4
Pursell,	Costher A.	Locke	10


Rayner,		Elijah		Locke	21
Rayner,		David Jr.	Locke	22
Raynes,		David		Locke	1
Reynolds,	Harvey		Locke	11
Reynolds,	George W.	Locke	11
Riley,		Peter		Locke	3
Roberts,	J. L.		Locke	13
Robinson,	George		Locke	5
Robinson,	William		Locke	6
Robinson,	Charles		Locke	7
Robinson,	William A.	Locke	16
Robinson,	Levi		Locke	23
Ross,		Nellie		Locke	20
Rounds,		Alexander	Locke	8
Rounds,		Reuben		Locke	16
Rowley,		Warren		Locke	12
Ryan,		John		Locke	14
Ryan,		Maggie		Locke	19

Satterly,	Daniel B.	Locke	8
Searls,		James		Locke	9
Selleck,.	Noah		Locke	12
Sexton,		Amos		Locke	12
Shaw,		Harvey		Locke	8
Sherman,	John		Locke	5
Silcox,		John		Locke	22
Silcox,		Daniel		Locke	23
Simpson,	Daniel		Locke	5
Slocum,		Charles C.	Locke	13
Slocum,		Eugene		Locke	16
Slocum,		Albert		Locke	23
Smith,		Sarah		Locke	9
Smith,		Abraham		Locke	26
Sneed,		Phebe		Locke	12
Snell,		Charlotte	Locke	1
Southworth,	Erastus		Locke	3
Spafford,	Asaph		Locke	11
Spafford,	Uri		Locke	12
Spaulding,	John		Locke	18
Spink,		Monroe		Locke	20
Spore,		Peter		Locke	11
Stephen,	Lizzie		Locke	15
Stephen,	Corbit		Locke	18
Stewart,	Hector		Locke	5
Stewart,	Alexander	Locke	13
Stewart,	James M.	Locke	14
Stickles,	A. W.		Locke	15
Stoddard,	Myron		Locke	6
Stone,		Horatio C.	Locke	2
Stout,		Norton		Locke	13
Striker,	Abraham		Locke	1
Striker,	Cornelia	Locke	3
Stutle,		Samuel		Locke	20
Sutliff,	Caroline	Locke	4
Swarthout,	Lee T.		Locke	24
Swarthout,	Jacob		Locke	24

Tallmadge,	William S.	Locke	6
Taylor,		George		Locke	14
Taylor,		Edward		Locke	18
Taylor,		Benjamin F.	Locke	23
Taylor,		John W.		Locke	25
Taylor,		Sarah		Locke	27
Teter,		John		Locke	21
Thomas,		Jane		Locke	15
Thomas,		Jefferson	Locke	16
Thomas,		levi		Locke	26
Town,		Lydia		Locke	1
Tripp,		Charlotte	Locke	26
Trumble,	Chaunsey	Locke	3
Tuttle,		J. C.		Locke	17


Vandemark,	George		Locke	9
VanMarter,	Simeon		Locke	8

Waldo,		H. Eugene	Locke	25
Ward,		Robert T.	Locke	23
Ward,		Mary		Locke	25
Warner,		Henry		Locke	1
Warren,		Eugene		Locke	27
Weaver,		Melissa		Locke	21
Webb,		Jay N.		Locke	6
Weeks		Harvey		Locke	20
West,		Benjamin	Locke	19
Westcott,	Abraham		Locke	6
Weston,		Betsey		Locke	15
Wetherly,	C. H.		Locke	12
Wheatley,	Hiram		Locke	15
Whipple,	Dorr		Locke	2
Whipple,	Phebe A.	Locke	15
Whipple,	William		Locke	19
Whipple,	Emmett		Locke	19
Whipple,	William		Locke	19
Whipple,	Harvey		Locke	24
Whitbeck,	John		Locke	7
White,		Porter		Locke	14
White,		Erastus J.	Locke	20
Wilkins,	Burdett		Locke	3
Wilkins,	Henry		Locke	4
Williams,	Ebenezer L.	Locke	9
Willis,		Salomon		Locke	26
Winne,		Maria		Locke	25
Winy,		Sarah A.	Locke	18
Wood,		Rebecca		Locke	13
Wood,		James H.	Locke	13
Wright,		David		Locke	9

Young,		Henry		Locke	6
Young,		Caroline	Locke	25


Note: This index provides only the name of the apparent Head of Household  and census page number within the Town section.  The census page numbers are as indicated on the 1870 census volumes available for research in the Cayuga County Clerk's Office, 160 Genesee Street, Auburn, NY  13021.  These page numbers may NOT be the same page numbers contained on the National Archives Microfilm of the 1870 census.

This census index only includes the apparent head of household or alternate surnames within a household.  The number opposite the name is the page number in the specific Town Section of this 1870 census.  The page numbers cited, are as indicated on the 1870 Census volumes on file in the Cayuga County Clerk's Office.  This index was compiled by the staff xof the Cayuga County Historian's Office.  This index was transcribed into a digital format in May 2000 by Elaine Hutson.

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