Portion of the 1880 Federal Census for the
Town of Owasco in Cayuga County, New York

Transcribers Note: Through personal knowledge of the names of several of my ancestors on this census, I have noticed that the middle initial is listed prior to the given name. I have listed them exactly as they appear on the census.

Surname First Color Sex Age at last birthday prior to June 1, 1880 (Months are given in fractions)
James Robert W M 72
  Ann W F 70
  William W M 25
Johnson Charlotte B F 62
Johnson William W M 82
  (listed below Robert James family)      
Jones F. Norman W M 24
  Carrie W F 21
  Florance (sic) W F 11/12

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Thanks to Linda Jasztal for transcribing the information on this page into a digital format.

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