Rev. Noah Barrells Record of Marriages, 1823 - 1874 |
Contributed by George Morton Barrell of Gloucester, Mass to the NEHGR, Oct
1922 (p262-278)
Typed and submitted for the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project by Mary Lou
Noah Barrell was born at Hartford, Washington Co, NY 5 May 1794, became a Baptist minister, and died at Geneva, Walworth Co, Wisconsin 16 Apr 1875. Of the 253 marriages solemnized by him the first 153 (in 1823-1848 and one in 1849) took place in seven different counties in northern and central NY, Jefferson, St. Lawrence, Genesee, Cayuga, Ontario, Wayne and Steuben. The following 37 (in the years 1849-56) were celebrated in three different counties (Geauga, Ashtabula and Medina) in northeastern Ohio and the remaining 63 (1857-1874 ) except one in 1869 in Lee Co., Illinois, were performed in Walworth and Racine Co, in southeastern Wisconsin.
List of Marriages Solemnized by Noah Barrell, with the Names of Persons, their Places of residence and witnesses.
In Antwerp, Jefferson Co, NY, on Lords day, Sept 7 1823, Mr. John Sanderson to Miss Clarissa Covey, both residing in Antwerp.
In Fowler, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Thursday, Sept 11, 1823, Mr. Calvin Rice of Antwerp, Jefferson Co, to Miss Cynthia Ralph of Fowler.
In Fowler, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Wednesday, Oct 8 1823, Mr. Nathaniel Lamphier to Miss Emely Gustin, both of Fowler.
In Fowler, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Thursday, Oct 9, 1823, Mr. Elisha Lamphear to Miss Polly Deland, both of Fowler.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Lords day, Mar. 28, 1824, Mr. Samuel Roggers of Fowler to Miss Emely Marble of Governeur.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Thursday, June 17, 1824, Mr. ______ Converse of Gravely Point to Miss Ann Harris of Governeur.
In Fowler, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Wednesday, Oct 20, 1824, Mr. John Ryon to Miss Gertrude McGraffee, both of Fowler.
In Antwerp, Jefferson Co, NY, Wednesday, Oct 27, 1824, Mr. Levy Cross of Rossie, St. Lawrence Co, to Miss Patty Burge of Antwerp.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Lords day, Feb 6, 1825, Mr. James Barr of Champion, Jefferson Co, to Miss Densey Townsend of Governeur.
In Antwerp, Jefferson Co, NY, Lords day, Mar 6, 1825, Mr. Cyrus French to Miss Lusena Bell, both of Antwerp.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Monday, Mar 14, 1825, Mr. Jonas Stone of Malone, Franklin Co, to Miss Sophia Griffin of Governeur.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Lords day, May 1, 1825, Mr. Almond Z. Maddison to Miss Deborah Rowley, both of Governeur.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Wednesday, Aug. __ 1825, Mr. Asa Hunt to Miss Alvira Smith, both of Governeur.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Wednesday, Aug __ 1825, Mr. Wm. Mockrige to Miss Hannah Hunt of Rossie.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Lords day, Sept 11, 1825, Mr. Waters Bebee of Adams, Jefferson Co, to Miss Jerusha Rich of Governeur.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Monday, Oct 10, 1825, Mr. Thomas Townsend to Miss Ann Webb, both of Governeur.
In Fowler, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Wednesday, Sept 14, 1825, Mr. Moses Bailey to Miss Atilda Fuller, both of Fowler.
In Antwerp, Jefferson Co, NY, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 1825, Mr. Archibald Higgins of Champion to Mrs. Esther Ellis of Fowler, St. Lawrence Co.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Jan , 1826, Mr. Asa Parker to Miss Ann Albro, both of Governeur.
At my house in Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Jan 31, 1826, Mr. Allen Woodard to Miss Susan Blodget, both of Antwerp, Jefferson Co.
In Rossie, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Wednesday, Mar 8, 1826, Mr. Josiah Burge of Antwerp, Jefferson Co, to Miss Phebe Cross of Rossie.
In Rossie, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Tuesday, Apr 11, 1826, Mr. Jacob Townsend of Governeur to Miss Sally Pike of Rossie.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Tuesday, May 30, 1826, Mr. James S. Lake to Miss Polly Headin, both of Governeur.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Thursday, June 22, 1826, Mr. William Rhodes to Miss Electa Smith, both of Governeur.
In Fowler, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Nov 14, 1826, Mr. Alfred Burt to Miss Polly Conant, both of Fowler.
In Dekalb, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Thursday, Nov 16, 1826, Mr. Chauncey Done to Miss Asenath White both of Dekalb.
In Governur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Wednesday, Feb 7 1827, Mr. Henry Seely of Dekalb to Miss Annis Campbell of Governeur.
In Gouverneur, Lords day, Feb 11, 1827, Mr. Truman Lamphear of Fowler to Miss Prudence Cole of Governeur.
In Governeur, Lords day, Feb 11, 1827, Mr. John Rhodes to Miss Lucinda Cole, both of Governeur.
In Antwerp, Jefferson Co, NY, Tuesday, Feb 13, 1827, Mr. Ruel Cotton to Miss ___ Griffen, both of Antwerp.
In Governeur, at my house, Saturday, Mar 31, 1827, Mr John Nason of Oswegatchie to Mrs. Phebe Loshbrook of Governeur, both of St. Lawrence Co, NY
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Dec 23, 1827, Mr. Zadock Day of Oswegatchie to Miss Diana Noble of Governeur.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Dec 27, 1827, Mr. Elisha Stoddard of Salsbury, Herkemer Co, to Miss C____ Streeter of Governeur.
In Dekalb, St Lawrence Co, NY, Jan 1, 1828, Mr. Harlow Goddard to Miss Mary Ann Rich, both of Dekalb.
In Governeur, St. Lawrence Co, NY, Jan 2, 1828, Mr. Emery Edgar to Miss Melissa Ayres, both of Governeur.
In Perry, Genessee Co, NY, Aug 10, 1828, Mr. Levy T. Spelman of Castile to Miss Matilda Terne (?) of Perry.
In Castile, Genessee Co, NY, Sept 24, 1828, Mr. Lyman Tyrrel of Bloomfield, Ontario Co, to Miss Trypena Harington of Castile.
In Perry, Genessee Co, NY, Dec 3, 1828, Mr. Noah S. Benton of Leicester to Miss Martha Lacy of Perry.
In Castile, Genessee Co, NY, Jan 1, 1829, Mr. George Duyrel(?) to Miss Sally Calkins, both of Castile.
In Castile, Genessee Co, NY, Jan 29, 1829, Mr. Veranus Calkins to Miss Betsy Utter, both of Castile.
In Middlebury, Genessee Co, NY, Oct 1, 1829, Mr. Jonathan Sleeper of Perry to Miss Elmyra Braman of Bethany.
Oct 8, 1829 in Perry, Luther Calkins and Emely Roe *(Entry dated 5 Feb 1829 but placed after entry of Feb __ 1832.)
In Perry, Genessee Co, NY, Dec 24, 1829, Mr. Daniel G. Foster to Miss Caroline Brainard, both of Perry.
In Perry, Genessee Co, NY, Dec 31, 1829, Mr. Paris Olin to Miss Sophia Phillips, both of Perry.
In Perry, Genessee Co, NY, Mar 24, 1830, Mr. Benjamine S. Woodward, farmer, age 21, to Miss Mary Danielson, tayloress, age 18. Identified to me by Jeremiah Smith of Perry. Geo. Smith and H. C. Howden, attesting witnesses.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Oct 27, 1830, Mr. Isaac Strope of Aurora, Erie Co, farmer, age 53, to Mrs. Lydia Montgomery, housewife age 42, of Mentz. James Wheeler and Bhama (Bahama) Rice, witnesses, all known to Noah Barrell.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Dec 2, 1830, Mr. Samuel Curtis, farmer, aged 23, to Miss Esther Slater, housewife, aged 17, both of Mentz and to me known. Benjamine Rice and Isaac B. Lewis, witnesses.
In Perry, Genessee Co, NY, Jan 26, 1831, Mr. Daniel Matteson, farmer, aged 25, of Castile, to Miss Hannah Waldo, weaver, aged 26, of Perry. Samuel Waldo and Lyman Waldo, witnesses all known to me.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Mar 29, 1831, Mr. Marvin B. Converss, tanner, aged 23, to Miss Ursula Clapp, school-teacher, aged 20, both of Mentz and to me personaly known. Cephas W. Clapp and Benj. B. Clapp, attesting witnesses.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Mr. Hugh Slater, shoemaker, aged 22, to Miss Dorcas Rice, weaver, aged 19, both of Mentz, Samuel Curtis and Wm. A. Foster, attesting witnesses, Nov 3, 1831.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, May 12, 1831, Mr. Giles Mead, tanner, of Conquest, aged 22, to Miss Pamelia Downing, of Mentz, housewife, aged 20, both to me known. Asahel L. Downing and Joseph Slayton, witnesses.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Dec 4, 1831, Mr. John C. Stamp of Owasco, farmer, aged 21, to Miss Affea Hopping of Mentz, housewife, aged 20, both of Cayuga Co, NY. Mary Hopping and Catherine Hopping, attesting witnesses.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Dec 8, 1831, Mr. Joab Enos of Walcott, Wayne Co, wheelright, aged 22, to Miss Eliza Mead of Mentz, school-teacher, aged 22. James Slone and Alfred Mead, attesting witnesses.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Jan 5, 1832, Mr. Seth Conklin, farmer, aged 23, to Miss Ann Mead, housewife, both of Mentz. Daniel W. Mead and Alfred Mead, attesting witnesses.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb , 1832, Mr. Daniel Crowfoot, farmer, aged 26, and Miss Patty Scribner, housewife, aged 20, both of Mentz. Joseph Rouse and Harriet Rouse, attesting witnesses.
In Perry, Genessee Co, NY, Feb 5, 1829, Mr. Luther Calkins to Miss Emely Row, both of Perry. (entry dated Oct 8, 1829.)
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, June 24, 1832, Mr. David Rice, farmer, aged 30, to Mrs. Betsey Herrick, tayloress, aged 28. Norris Barns and Hannah Warren (?), attesting witnesses.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Sept 6, 1832, Mr. Isaac B. Lewis, farmer, aged 28, to Miss Betsey Willson, housewife, aged 17, both of Mentz. Ezekiel King and Charlotte King, attesting witnesses.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Sept 6, 1832, Mr. John Worden, farmer, aged __, to Miss Jurusha Works, housewife, aged __, both of Aurelius. John Tuttle and Angeline Works, attest.
In Aurellius, Cayuga Co, NY, ____, Mr. Johnson Taylor of Elbrige, farmer, aged __, to Miss Olive Rouse, housewife, of Aurillius, aged __ . Joseph Rouse and Ezra Armstrong, attesting witnesses.
In Sennett, Cayuga Co, NY, Nov __ 1832, Mr. Daniel Stanton, farmer, aged 27, to Miss Maranda E. Tanner, housewife, aged 17, both of Sennett. Cyrus S. Tanner and Diana Tanner, attesting witnesses.
In Aurilius, Cayuga Co, NY, Nov 11, 1832, Mr. Peter Vanderhoef, miller, of Port Byron, aged 27, to Miss Mary Woodworth of Aurilius, housewife, aged 18. Jarvis Woodworth and Betsey M. Woodworth, attesting witnesses.
At my house in Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Dec 27, 1832, Mr. Henry W. Wade of Canada, carpenter, age 24, to Miss Emeline A. Norton of Mentz, housewife, age 23. Charles Norton, Mariah Norton, attest.
In Aurilius, Jan 20, 1833, Mr. Frederick Lamb of Conquest, farmer, aged 22 to Miss Sarah Terry of Aurilius, school-teacher, aged 23, both of Cayuga Co, NY. Horace Terry and Lydia Ann Terry, attesting witnesses.
In Mentz, Feb 10, 1833, in Cayuga Co, NY, Mr. John Thomas, farmer, aged 22, to Miss Catherine T. Hopping, housewife, aged 18, both of Mentz.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb 10, 1833, Mr. Wm. Lyon of Aurelius, farmer, aged 24, to Miss Mary Hopping of Mentz. Attest witness, Charles Hopping and Betsey M. Woodworth.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Mar 7, 1833, at my house, Mr. William Tanner, farmer, aged 25, to Miss Bahama Rice, housewife, age 28, both of Mentz. Attest, Aurillia Barrell, Olive E. Barrell.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Apr 28, 1833, 8 O. P.M., Mr. Alexander T. Montgomery, farmer, aged 26, of Aurileus, Cayuga Co, to Miss Catherine Rice of Mentz, age 21, housewife. Attest witnesses, Nathan Barbour, Eliza Barr.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, July 3, 1833, Mr. Alexander Foster, farmer, aged 31, to Miss Abbey Wellington, housewife, aged 20, both of Auburn. Identified to me by John Wiggins and Sabrina Wiggins, to me personaly known. Attest, Charles Bennett, Sabrina Lamb.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Sept 16, 1833, Mr. Fernando C. Annable, farmer, aged 28, to Miss Betsey Ranney, housekeeper, aged 25, both of Aurelius. Attest, John Ranney, Luke Ranney.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Sept 19, 1833, Mr. Francis N. Groom, carpenter and joiner, aged 21, to Miss Lucy Ann Wethey, housekeeper, aged 17, both of Mentz. Attest, Wm Foster, Clarissa Foster.
In Sennett, Cayuga Co, NY, Oct 9, 1833, Mr. Wm. P. Gardner, farmer, aged 21, to Miss Perlinia Morley, housekeeper, aged 21, both of Sennett. Attest, Jasper Morley, Sally M. Gardner.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Friday Oct 1833, Mr. Wm. Bell, farmer, aged 57, to Mrs. Margaret Wallis (?Wattis), housewife, aged 53 (?33 or 35), both of Mentz. Attest, Hester Henry.
In Mentz, Dec 1, 1833, Mr. John Guest, miller, aged 28, to Miss Mary Ann Rose, housekeeper, aged 20, both of Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY. Maryann identified to me by John Rose. John Rose and Elizabeth Rose, attest.
In Mentz, Dec 8, 1833, Mr. Seth Conklin, farmer, aged 24, to Miss Jane Mead, housekeeper, aged 20, both of Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY. Robert Mead, Elizabeth Mead, attest.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Sunday, Sept __, 1833, Mr. Amos Smith, farmer, aged 26, to Miss Eliza Hudson, housekeeper, aged 25, both of Mentz. (Attest) John C. Barr
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Oct 31, 1833, Mr. John N. Wayn, farmer, aged 23, to Miss Lucy Hutchinson, housekeeper, age 18, both of Aurelius. George F. Moss, Elizabeth Wayn, attest.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, ____, 1833, Mr. Daniel Goodrich, farmer, aged 22, of Tyre, Seneca Co, to Miss Mary Curtis, housekeeper, of Mentz, aged 20. Melatiah Lothrop, Aletha Lothrop, attest.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Dec 26, 1833, Mr. Henry Edsall of Auburn, farmer, aged 25, to Miss Emeline Baxter, housekeeper, aged 17, of Mentz. Solomon Ostrander and Wm. A. Baxter, attest.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Mar 16, 1834, Mr. Henry Conrad of Ira, farmer, aged 28 years, to Mrs. Mary Lee of Aurilius, aged 32, housekeeper. Mr. Conrad identified to me by John N. Wayne. Attest John N. Wayne, Lucy Wayne.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Mar 16, 1834, Mr. Luther Crowfoot, farmer, aged 23, to Miss Catherine De Graff, housekeeper, aged 23, both of Mentz. Lyal Crane, Jane Gilmore (attest).
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb 9, 1834, Mr. David Pratt of Fleming, carpenter and farmer, aged 18, to Miss Welthy Bristol of Mentz, aged 17, housekeeper. In presence of N. B. Eldridge and Caroline Carver.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, July 3, 1834, Mr. George F. Moss, farmer, aged 21 to Miss Elizabeth Wayne, tailoress, aged 22, both of the town of Aurelius. In presence of Harvey Montgomery and Hannah Wayne.
In Hopewell, Ontario Co, NY, Oct 10, 1834, Mr. Gilbert Chilson, farmer, aged 17, to Miss Sarah Ann Harington, housekeeper, 17, both of Hopewell. Identified by David Butler. Attest witness, John Harington, James Hines.
In Manchester, Ontario Co, NY, Nov 23, 1834, Mr. Albert Stedman, cooper, aged 23, to Miss Jane Buccannon, housekeeper, aged 18, both of Manchester. Attest witnesses, Truman F. Corey and Juliet Ryan.
At my house in Manchester, Ont(ario) Co, NY, Feb 22, 1835, Mr. Oliver Smith, farmer, aged 27, to Miss Lydia Ann Terry, housekeeper, aged 23, both of Aurelius, Cayuga Co. Horace Terry and Norman Allen, attest.
In Manchester, Ontario Co, NY, Mar 12, 1835, Mr. Benjamine Warren, farmer, 26, to Miss Ellin Maltman, 25, housekeeper, both of Canandaigua, Ont(ario) Co, in presence of Mr. James H. Miner and Miss Mariah Warren, attest.
In Manchester, Ontario Co, NY, Apr 14, 1835, Mr. _____ Rhodes of _____, Onondaga Co, NY to Miss Hariet Ryon of Manchester, housekeeper, aged ___.
In Manchester, Ont(ario) Co, Apr 21, 1835, Mr. Increase Baker of Penfield, Monro Co, NY, farmer, aged 27, to Miss Julia Ann Canfield of Manchester, housekeeper, aged 17, in presence of Almon Melvin and Lydia H. Reed.
In Hopewell, Ont(ario) Co, NY, Sept 7, 1835, Mr. George Barker of Naples, cabinetmaker, aged 22, to Miss Wealthy Tyler, housekeeper, age 21, of Naples. Attest, Stephen Bates, Lorenzo Abel.
In Hopewell, Ontario Co, NY, Dec 17, 1835, Mr. John Wallis of Scipio, Cayuga Co, farmer, aged 45, to Miss Sally Hall of Hopewell, housekeeper, aged 22, in presence of Leonard Knap and Asher Bishop, attesting witnesses.
In Farmington, Ontario Co, NY, Dec 23, 1835, Mr. Charles St. John, farmer, aged 29, to Miss Lydia Thompson, housekeeper, aged 17, both of Farmington, in presence of Alfred S. Spencer and Allen Payne, attesting witnesses.
In Farmington, Ontario Co, NY, Feb 4, 1836, Mr. James H. Miner, farmer, aged 24, to Miss Maria C. Spencer, houskeeper, aged 19, both of Farmington. James Power and Lorinda Miner, attesting witnesses.
In Manchester Ont(ario) Co, NY, Feb 28, 1836, Mr. James C. Anthony, cooper, aged 23, to Miss Martha Ann Wheeler, aged 14, both of Manchester. Attesting witnessses, G. Oscar Wheeler and O. Adaline Boothe.
In Manchester, Ont(ario) Co, NY, Mar 2, 1836, Mr. Joseph Tilton, miller, of Canandaigua, aged 23 years, to Miss Juliett Ryan, housekeeper, of Manchester, aged 19, Abner Booth and Esther Kingsley, attest witnesses.
In Manchester, Ont(ario) Co, NY, Mar 23, 1836, Mr. Nathaniel P. Johnson of Manchester, farmer, aged 26, to Miss Cinderilla Ann Sax of Palmyra, tailoress, aged 28 years. Joseph Hudson and Evan Fitz-Gerald, attesting witnesses.
At my own dwelling in Manchester, Mar 29, 1836, Ontario Co, NY, Mr. William R. Howe, joiner, of Williamson, Wayne Co, aged 20, to Miss Catherine Burger of Hopewell, Ontario Co, aged 21, houskeeper. Charles Latting and Jane E. Latting, attesting witnesses.
In Manchester, Ontario Co, NY. Apr 14, 1836, Mr. Samuel King of Hopewell, farmer, aged 23, to Miss Mary Ann Stid of Manchester, aged 16, houskeeper. Attesting witness, Duzenbury Johnson, Abby Jane Stid.
In Farmington, Ontario Co, NY, May 31, 1836, Mr. Josep(h) M. Stilwell, carpenter, aged 21, to Miss Sally Ann Dilano, tailoress, aged 20, both of Farmington. John E. Bolckom and Rhoda Stilwell, attes witness.
In Manchester, Ont(ario) Co, NY, May 31, 1836, Mr. John E. Balckom of Palmyra, Wayne Co, mason, aged 27, to Miss Rhoda Stilwell of Ontario, Wayne Co, aged 24, housewife. Joseph M Stilwell and Sally Ann Stilwell, attest witnesses.
In Manchester, Ont(ario) Co, NY, July 3, 1836, Mr. Oscar Wheeler, cooper, aged 20, to Miss Adaline Boothe, housekeeper, aged 18, both of Manchester. Harvey B. M. Barrell and O. Esther Barrell, attest witnesses.
In Sodus, Wayne Co, NY, Dec 13, 1836, Mr. James Maddison Stever, carpenter, aged 22, of Arcadia, to Miss Elisabeth Filkins of Sodus, aged 20, housekeeper. Wm. Filkins and Matilda White, witnesses.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, Jan 9, 1837, Mr. John De Graff, farmer, aged 21, to Miss Eliza Pratt, tailoress, aged 26, both of the same place. Ezra Rowland and Martha Rowland, witnesses.
In Newark, Wayne Co, NY, Jan 12, 1837, Mr. James M. Crosby, merchant, of Lockville, aged 23, to Miss Amelia Burney of Newark, aged 19. Attest witness, George Mills, Mary Hinsdale.
In Phelps, Ontario Co, NY, Mar 2, 1837, Mr. Henry Shear, farmer, aged 25, to Miss Philana Farley, aged 20, housekeeper, both of Phelps. Attest, Thomas Bond, Lydia Bond.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, Mar 9, 1837, Mr. George Barclay of Lyons, carpenter, aged 21, to Miss Mary Robison, miliner, of Lockville, aged 21, Attest, Sally Jenery, Lucinda Payne.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, Mar 15, 1837, Mr. William Thompson, sadler, aged 21, to Miss Permelia Lusk, housekeeper, aged 18, both of Lockville. Joshua Fuller, Sarah Lusk, attest witness.
In Newark, Wayne Co, NY, Mar 23, 1837, Mr. Patrick Coney, boatman, aged 25, to Miss Jane A. Hutchinson, housekeeper, aged 16, both of Newark. Franklin Couch, Menerva Niles, attest.
In Newark, Wayne Co, NY, Mar 23, 1837, Mr. Samuel Johnson of Newark, boatman, aged 23, to Mrs. Deborah Hutchinson of Arcadia, aged 27, housekeeper. Franklin Couch, Menerva Niles attest.
In Newark, Wayne Co, NY, Apr 13, 1837, Mr. Joshua Fuller of Parma, Monro Co, saddler, aged 20, to Miss Sarah Lusk of Newark, 19. Daniel Lusk, Alzina Lusk, attest.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, May 22, 1837, Mr. John M. Pitts of Chatham, Columbia Co, NY, merchant, aged 23, to Miss Mary Ann Clark of Arcadia, needleworker, aged 16. Attest, George C. Mills, Catherine Root.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, May 25, 1837, Mr. Hiram R. Betts of Buffalo Citty, chair maker, aged 25, to Mrs. Mercy Ann Carpenter, tailoress of Lockville, aged 25. Attest, Wm. Thompson, Permelia Thompson.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, May 30, 1837, Mr. Wallis Little of Galen, farmer, aged 36, to Miss Catherine Tobias, housekeeper, of Schodack, Columbia Co, aged 23. Attest, Ebenezer Little and his wife.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, June 22, 1837, Mr. Elias Olmstead, farmer, aged 21, to Miss Mary McWithey, 16 y, both of Newark. Peter Howe and Eliza McWithey, witness.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, July 9, 1837, Mr. Moses Marble, farmer, aged 19, to Miss Fanna Snook, aged 13, both of Arcadia. Attest Ebenezer Marble, Sally Marble.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, Sept 27, 18(37), Mr. James M. Cosad of Junius, Seneca Co, farmer, aged 26, to Miss Eliza Stout, housekeeper, of Arcadia, aged 24. Attest, P. P. Howe and Rebecca Ann Norris.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, Oct 8, 1837, Mr. William Holdridge, grocer, aged 33, to Mrs. Mary Gates, housekeper, aged 35, both of Arcadia. Attest, Mary Safford, Electa Clark.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, Nov 5, 1837, Mr. Isaac Frost, carpenter, aged 25, to Miss Menerva Niles, dressmaker, aged 21, both of Lockville. Attest, Luke J. Frost, Olive H. Niles.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, Dec 23, 1837, Mr. Elon G. St. John, farmer, aged 21, to Miss Julia Ann Burton, housekeeper, aged 23, both of Arcadia. Josiah St. John and Jacob Temper, attes witness.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, Dec 28, 1837, Mr. John Kanouse of Phelps, Ont(ario) Co, farmer, aged 28, to Miss Olive Terry of Arcadia, tailoress, aged 28. Allen Robinson, Alzina Lusk, attesting witness.
In Phelps, Ontario Co, NY, Jan 1, 1838, Mr. Joseph Wadsworth, carpenter and joiner, aged 25, to Miss Lilles Hicks, housekeeper, aged 19, both of Phelps. Thomas Hicks and Hannah Averiel, attest witness.
George H. Shaver, farmer, aged 22, to Hannah Shirts, housekeeper, aged 22, both of Arcadia, Feb 4, 1838, in Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, in presence of James Reed and Eliza Shaver.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, Dec 24, 1838, Capt. Daniel H. Lusk, boatman, aged 21, to Miss Eliza Reed, dressmaker, aged 22, both of Lockville. D. O. Drumm and Mary Jane Reed, attest.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, Feb 8, 1838, Mr. Alonso Crosby of Sodus, farmer, aged 23(?), to Miss Sophia Jane Clark of Arcadia, aged 19, in presence of all there parents.
In the Baptist Meting house in Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, Jan 13, 1839, Lords day morning, Mr. Alfred Hedges, house carpenter and joiner, aged 24, to Miss Olive Esther Barrell, housekeeper, aged 22, both of Lockville. Peter Covey and Catherine Fisk, attest.
In Lockville, Wayne Co, NY, June 27, 1839, Mr. Amos Bentley, farmer, aged 20, and Miss Mahala Ann Easterly, aged 19, both of Phelps, Ontario Co, NY. Attest, Nathan Bostwick and his wife.
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, July 3, 1839, Mr. Andrew See (?Lee), farmer, aged 26, and Miss Orinda Ann Clark, housekeeper, aged 24. Alonso Crosby and Sophia Jane Crosby (attest witness).
In Arcadia, Wayne Co, NY, Oct. 13, 1839, Mr. Peter H. Covey, carpenter, aged 22, and Melissa C. Barrell, aged 18, housekeeper, both of Arcadia, in presence of Alfred Hedges and E. O. Hedges.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Apr 29, 1840, Mr. Luther Goodrich, Jun., farmer, aged 24, and Miss Jerusha Ann Lothrop, housekeeper, aged 18, both of Aurelius. Attest, Andrew B. Pickard, R. Jane Needham.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Apr 29, 1840, Mr. Andrew B. Pickard of Sennett, farmer, aged 25, and Miss R. Jane Needham, tailoress, of Aurelius, aged 22.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Nov 7, 1840, Mr. Benjamine Rice, carpenter and joiner, aged 34, of Mentz, and Miss Rhoda Hamblin of Aurelius, aged 19, housekeeper. Attest, Henry Bunnell, Jnr, and Mary Rice.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Jan 27, 1841, Mr. Stephen B. Harlow of Aurelius, farmer, aged 21, and Miss Mary Rice of Mentz, teacher, aged 21. Attes, Allen Rice and Arietta Terry.
In Mentz, at Parsonage, Cayuga Co, NY, Apr 24, 1841, Mr. Finley J. Cole, farmer, aged 22, of Esopus, Ulster Co, NY, to Miss Sophia Eckert of Mentz, aged 19, housekeeper. Attest, Harvey Montgomery and Armantha Montgomery.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, June --, 1841, Mr. Wm. Aspenwall, farmer, aged 27, and Miss Ann Perrigo, aged 20, both of Mentz, in presence of Erastus Wethey and Clarissa Wethey.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, July 4, 1841, Mr. Hiram White, farmer, aged 22 to Miss Lucy Bennett, aged 19, both of Mentz, in presence of J. McGloghin and Gitte McGloghin.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Sept 16, 1841, Mr. Jonathan Belcher of Jordan, farmer, aged 42, to Miss Laura N. Thompson of Aurelius, dressmaker, aged 30, in presence of Wm. A. Foster and Clarissa Foster.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Sept __, 1841, Mr. Edward C. Willis, farmer, aged 45, and Miss Harriet N. Seaman, tailoress, aged 19, both of Mentz, in presence of Mariah Stevens and Melissa C. Covey.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb 2, 1842, Mr. Alburtus L. Taylor, farmer, of Mentz, 22, and Miss Mary B. Taylor, of Aurelius, housekeeper, aged 17, in presence of Halsey W. Taylor and Louiza Taylor.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, at the Parsonage, Feb. 15, 1842, Mr. Edwin H. Cobb of Auburn, carriage maker, aged 22, and Miss Delia A. Miner of Montezuma, aged 16, housekeeper. Attest, Aurillia Barrell and Miss Miner.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb 19, 1842, Mr. Lewis C. Hamblin, farmer, aged 22, and Miss Hannah L. Ward, aged 19, both of Aurelius. Attest, Jarvis Woodworth and Eliza Woodworth.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb 24, 1842, Mr. John Kelly, Jun., blacksmith, aged 23, and Miss Phebe Barber, housekeeper, aged 17, both of Throopsville, Mentz. Attest, Wm. Wilshire, Huldah Barber.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Nov 11, 1842, Mr. Elias M. Sanders, farmer, of Aurelius, aged 23, years and Miss Olive M. Beach of Mentz, housekeeper, aged 21 years, in presence of Myron Doty and Harriet A. Sanders.
In Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Dec 1, 1842, Mr. Morris M. Worden, farmer, aged 26, and Miss Rachel Ann Verplank, tailoress, aged 18, both of Mentz, in presence of Henry Bunnel, Jun, and Eliza Bunnel
In Port Byron, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb 8, 1843, Mr. Erastus Wethey, farmer, aged 22, and Miss Caroline V. Davis, teacher, aged 21, both of Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, in presence of Nelson Groom and Lucy A. Groom.
At the Parsonage in Mentz, Cayuga Co, NY, Feb ,1843, Mr. David H. Verplank, farmer, aged 23, and Miss Abigail M. Tichenor, tailoress, aged 26, all of Mentz. Atttest, Melissa C. Covey, Fidelia Snider.
In Aurelius, Cayuga Co, NY, Mar 21, 1843, Mr. Oscar F. Knapp, farmer, of Summer Hill, aged 24, and Miss Arietta M. Terry, housekeeper, aged 22 of Aurelius. Attest, Oliver Smith and Lydia Ann Smith.
In Wolcott, Wayne Co, NY, Sept, 3, 1843, Mr. ___ Adams of Volney, Oswego Co, to Mrs. Mary Center of Butler, Wayne Co, in presence of J. A. Olmstead and Polly Olmstead.
In Wolcott, Wayne Co, NY, Dec 26, 1844, Mr. Daniel Brundidge, cooper, aged --, and Miss --- Brown, housekeeper, aged --, both of Wolcott, in presence of Alfred Hedges and Peter H. Covey.
At my house, Mr. Phillip Dutcher, farmer, aged 21, and Miss Mary Smith, housewife, aged (blotted), both of Wolcott. Attest, Ann E. Barrell, Aug 2 (blotted), 1845.
In Wolcott, Wayne Co, NY, July 4, 1846, Mr. Cyrus Churchill, clothier, aged 24, and Miss Elvira Mellen, housewife, aged 22, both of Wolcott. Attest, Judson Mellin, Miriam A. Ballard.
In Wolcott, Wayne Co, NY, Aug ,1846, Mr. A. Eden Saxton, farmer, aged 22, and Harriet Bassett, aged 18. John V(illegible) Wicks and Salome Southwick.
In Huron, Wayne Co, NY, Oct 7, 1846, Mr. Wm A. Prior of South Port, Wis. Ter., farmer, aged 22, and Miss Martha Carrier of Huron, housewife, aged 19. Attest, Wm Carrier, Ann A. Pattrige.
In Dansville, Steuben Co, NY, Dec 5, 1847, at my house, Mr. Thomas Ridley, farmer, aged 23, and Miss Mahala Ridley, housekeeper, aged 16, both of Manchester, Ontario Co, NY. Attest, Philip Brayton and Miriam A. Ballard, waiters.
In Dansville, Steuben Co, NY, Dec 29, 1847, Mr. Charles Spencer Beach, farmer, aged 22, and Miss Abigail R. Buck, housekeeper, aged 21, both of Dansville. Attest, Anson Clark, Melinda C. Beach.
In Dansville, Steuben Co, NY, Apr 24, 1848, Mr. Orison Wood, clothier, of Burns, Allegany Co, aged 22, and Miss Maryett Ruckle of Dansville, aged 21, housekeeper. Attest, Richd Lampman, Emeline Lampman.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Apr 12, 1849, Mr David Barnes, waggon maker, aged , of Munson, and Miss Mary Ann Cook, housekeeper, aged , of Chardon. Attest, Martin Cook and Lucy Merril.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Apr 19, 1849, Mr. Jabin S. Stocking, joiner, aged 23, and Miss Susan Randall, housekeeper, aged 22, both of Maddison, Lake Co, OH.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, May 3, 1849, Mr. Terah H. Curtis of Painesville, Lake Co, and Miss Betsey Ann Sweet of Chardon. Attest, Benj. Cook and wife.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, May 10, 1849, Mr. Aaron M. Proctor of Thompson, 26, and Miss Sarah Jane Multer of Huntsburgh in Geauga Co, OH, in presence of Dr. --- Taylor and Mr. ----- Hathway.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Aug 1, 1849, Mr. Martin B. Cook and Miss Lucy E. Merrill, both of Chardon. Attest, David Barns and wife.
In Munson, Geauga Co, OH, Aug 16, 1849, Mr. Dilus Day of Mantua, Portage Co, and Miss Clarrissa Harris of Munson, Geauga Co. Attest, Ann E. Barrell and Miriam Ballard.
In Munson, Geauga Co, OH, Sept 5, 1849, Mr. George W. Vaughn of Chardon and Miss Almina Parlin of Munson. Attest, Ann E. Barrell and Miriam Ballard.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Oct 11, 1849, Mr. Edward Osborn of Chardon and Miss Arodyne Day of Mantua, Portage Co, OH. Attest, S. V. R. Hendryx, Lucia Hendrix.
In Dansville, Steuben Co, NY, Sept 27, 1849, Mr. David Porter of Dansville, Livingston Co, NY and Miss Carolyn M. Beach of Dansville, Steuben Co. Attest, Charles S. Beach and Abigail B. Beach.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Jan 1, 1850, Mr. Oliver C. Smith and Miss Martha J. Randall, both of Chardon. Attest, Anne E. Barrell and Miriam A. Ballard.
In Hambden, Jan 12, 1850, Mr. Butler Lord and Mrs Prudence Kibby, both of Hambden, Ceauga Co, OH. Attest, Stephen Saunders.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Sept 11, 1850, Mr. Simon J. Henry and Miss Almira B. Whipple. Attest, Eli Bruce and Mr. ----- Worello.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Sept. 23, 1850, Mr. Luther Walker and Miss Lucy Ann Stockwell.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Oct 24, 1850, Mr. Joseph A. Cummings and Miss Ellin Rudd.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Sept 23, 1850, Mr. Asa Gurney of Granvill and Mrs Wealthy W. Nicholas of Chester. Attest, Dr. Richmond and Mr. Bixby.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Nov 11, 1850, John B. Rowley of Madison, Dane Co, WI and Miriam A. Ballard of Chardon.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Nov 21, 1850, Baxter Colvin and Betsey Burr of Troy, Geauga Co, OH. Recorded.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Jan 1, 1851, Enoch Sleiter and Maria Crampton of Burton, and John Sleiter of Burton and Malina Parsons of Munson, all together. Recorded.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Jan 20, 1851, Oliver C. Fisk and Sophia M. Dewey of Montville, in presence of David Fisk and his wife.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Feb 1, 1851, George N. Elder of Mantua and Harriet Luther of Auburn in presence of Curtis Luther and his wife. Recorded.
In Hambden, Geauga Co, OH, Mar 12, 1851, Aaron Wooden and Betsey Smith, both of Hambden.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Mar 14, 1851, George Loyer of PA and Electa A. Babcock of Munson. Recorded.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Apr 3, 1851, Mr. H. Packard and Betsey A. Chafee, both of Geauga Co, OH, by me. Noah Barrell, Pastor of Baptist Chh, Chardon.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, OH, Mar 25, 1851, Isaac M. Richmond and Maria S. Steel of Claridon, Geauga Co, OH.
In Colebrook Ashtabula Co, OH, June 5, 1851, Mr. John C. Center of Newbury and Mrs. Betsey Vaughn of Chardon, Geauga Co, OH. By me, Noah Barrell, Pastor of Baptist Church, Colebrook.
In Chardon, Geauga Co, Aug 11, 1852, Mr. Robert Basquin and Miss Elizabeth Ann Pierce both of Montville, Geauga Co, OH
In Colebrook, Ashtabula Co, OH, Jan 27, 1852, Charles Marlow and Miss Emeline Alger, both of Colebrook.
In Seville, Medina Co, OH, Mar 25, 1853, Mr. Tho. N. Fuller and Miss Harriett Ransom, both of Lafayett, Medina Co, OH. Noah Barrell, Pastor.
In Seville, Medina Co, OH, May 4, 1853, Mr. Cyrus B. Gillett and Miss Sarah E. Stokes, both of Medina. Sent to Recorder.
On Lords day, Oct 2, 1853, in Seville, Medina Co, OH, Mr. Joseph Park and Miss Mary Dawson, both of Harrisville, Medina Co, OH.
In Seville, Medina Co, OH, Dec 25, 1853, Mr. Andrew Jackson Weldey and Miss Nancy Kile, both of Milton, Wayne Co, OH.
In Guilford, Dec 28, 1853, Mr. Jerome Bacon and Miss Artimesha Crawford, both of Guilford, Medina Co, OH.
In Seville, Medina Co, OH, Feb 14, 1854, Mr. Eugenius B. Dawson of Milton and Miss Sarah L. Moses of Seville.
In Seville, Medina Co, OH, Mar 20, 1854, Mr. Sidney S. Hastings and Miss Julia Dix, both of Guilford.
In Seville, Medina Co, OH, Apr 18, 1854, Mr. Chauncey Whitton and Miss Phebe Chapman. Certificate given and certificate returned to Judge Prentiss.
In Seville Medina Co, OH, July 4, 1854, Mr. Reuben Heyd and Miss Cornelia M. Crocker, both of Montville. Certificate returned to Probate Office.
In Westfield, Medina Co, OH, Feb. 17, 1856, Mr. John Babbit and Miss Charlotte St. John. Certificate returned by Rev. M. Shank Feb 20.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, May 31, 1857, Mr. William Jones, carpenter and joiner, aged 21, to Miss Louisa Johnson, aged 20, both of Geneva, in presence of Allen Johnson and Lewis Jones of Geneva, attesting witnesses. Returned to Co. Clerk by me, Aug 28, 1857, Noah Barrell, Minister.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, July 9, 1857, Mr. Erastus Kaskey, blacksmith, aged 26, and Miss Sarah L. Barney, aged 18, both of Geneva, in presence of Robert Barney and Frances Barney, parents and attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 17, 1857, Mr. Zenas Smith of Geneva (late from NY) and Mrs. Clarissa A. Wright of Geneva, in presence of Alfred Hedges and Esther O. Hedges, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Dec, 12, 1857, Mr. Orley Shaw, farmer, aged 42, and Mrs. Nancy Macintyre, tailoress, aged 41, both of Geneva. Being strangers, I examined them both on oath in presence of Benj. Potter and Martha Potter, attesting witnesses.
At my house in Geneva Walworth Co, WI, Thursday, Jan 28, 1858, Mr. Jeremiah Rouse of Geneva, 24, and Miss Hariet Delong of Hudson, 21, both of Walworth Co, WI, after due examination, in presence of James Rouse and Catherine Mattison, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Mar 8, 1858, Wm. A. Bentley, farmer, aged 38, of Genoa, Dekalb Co, IL, and Mrs. Mary Anderson, miliner, aged 30, of London, Canada West, after due examination upon his oath in the presence of Mr. M. H. Baldwin of Geneva, WI and Mrs. Lucy Bentley of Genoa, IL, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Mar 18, 1858, Mr. Alfred Sherman and Mrs. Sarah Calhoun, both of Geneva; he, being duly sworn, testified to their lawful right to marry, in presence of Eliza Jane Calhoun and Maggie Calhoun, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Mar 28, 1858, Mr. Portus R. Nutt and Miss Joanna Button, both of Lynn, Walworth Co, WI, after due examination, he testifying to their lawful right to marry, in presence of Hiram S. Nutt and Elizabeth Weter, attesting witness.
In Linn, Walworth Co, WI, May 8, 1858, Mr. Elijah P. Utter of Linn and Mrs. Abigail Trimble of Linn, both testifying on oath that they have a lawful right to marry, in presence of Ezekel Hopkins and Susan Hopkins, attesting witnesses.
In Linn, Walworth Co, WI, July 4, 1858, Mr. Benjamine F. Trimble and Miss R. Maria Loop, after due examination on his oath, in presence of Ezekiel Hopkins and Samuel R. Darrow, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Apr 26, 1859, Mr. Wm. Dinsmore, 21, and Miss Josephen Wharry, 18, both of Geneva, in presence of Elizabeth M. King and Hellen S. Vanduzen, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, May 12, 1859, Mr. Henry Kennell, 23, and Miss Laura Ann Potter, 17, in presence of Matilda Kennell and Hellen S. Vanduzen, attesting witnesses.
In Racine, Racine Co, WI, Oct 20, 1859, Mr. J. A. Conover, 21, and Miss Nellie B. Davis, 20, in presence of Mr. Andrew Cutting and Mrs. Sophia Cutting, attesting witnesses. Noah Barrell, Pastor. Certificate left at Registers office, Nov 12, 1859. Certificate handed to Recorder of Harmony Baptist Church, Racine.
In Racine, WI, after due examination, Mr. John Dunn, sailor, 27, and Miss Ellen M. Higgie, 17, both of Racine, in presence of John Higgie and Alexander Bell, attesting witnesses.
At J. B. Rowleys in Racine, WI, May 19, 1860, Marius Huntington, farmer, aged 25, and Lucinda Lane, aged 17, both of Racine, he testifying on oath that there were no lawful impediments to the marriage, and that her father gave his full consent thereto, in presence of Ann E. Barrell and Miriam A. B. Rowley, witnesses.
At my residence in Racine City, WI, on the evening of Sept 1, 1860, Mr. Cheney G. Barney, 27, and Miss Deett Eastman, 20, both of Racine, WI, after due examination, he testifying on oath there were no lawful impediments thereto, in presence of Ann E. Barrell, Miriam A. B. Rowley and Sena Anderson.
At the German Baptist Church, Racine, WI, in Publick Congregation, with Religious servises, Tuesday, Oct 23, 1860, Mr. Henry Kose, teacher in German, of New Holstien, WI, Calmut Co, and Miss Augusta Albrecht of Racine, after due examination upon the oath of said Henry Kose, being duly sworn and testifying that there were no legal objections to such marriage, in presence of attesting witnesses, Carl Kvenske and J. George Bucher. Noah Barrell, Pastor of Harmony Baptist Church. Mr. Henry Kose is a licensed German preacher.
At Racine, WI, Nov 11, 1860, George Sublet and Sylva Liese, both of Racine, both Black, both born slaves, both testifying that they had been married before to others but had now a lawful right to marry, in presence of Moses Rowley and John B. Rowley.
At Racine, WI, Dec 10, 1860, James P. Lockwood and Candace Salsbury, both of Racine, after due examination upon his oath.
Geneva, July 1861, Luther Calkins and wife being present, I found I had failed of recording their marriage which should have been the 42 No, next and one week after Veranus Calkins and Betsey Utter. (On Feb 5, 1829)
At my house in Geneva, Sabbath morning, Aug 18, 1861, Mr. James Rouse, 29, and Miss Catherine Thomas, 20, both of Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of Ann E. Barrell, and Harvey J. Hedges. Noah Barrell, late Pastor of Harmony Baptist Church.
At Geneva, Feb 19, 1862, Stephen H. Howe, farmer, late of Iowa, aged 26, and Mary J. Lockwood, ages 26, of Geneva, both born in NY, the same sent by mail for reccord. Daniel Forbes and Ann E. Barrell witnesses.
June 1, 1862, in Geneva, WI, John B. Handy and Helen T. Herrick. Witnesses Ann E. Barrell and Esther O. Hedges.
At Delevan, Walworth Co, WI, Sept 24, 1862, Mr. James N. Bellows and Miss Martha E. Cornue, after due examination, in presence of Ann E. Barrell, John H. Prime, Dan Cornue, and Addison G. Dudley.
In Geneva, Oct 7, 1862, Walworth Co, WI, Mr. Roswell M. Redfield and Miss Martha W. Brand, both of Milwaukee. Attesting witnesses, Ann E. Barrell, Henry Hastings and Julie J. Hastings.
In Hudson, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 22, 1862, Mr. Francis S. Thomas of Burnett, Dodge Co, WI, and Miss Ellen N. Carrington of Hudson, in presence of Calvin B. Carrington, John M. White, and Charlotte A. Jameson, attesting witnesses. Noah Barrell, Pastor of Baptist Church, East Delevan.
At Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 30, 1862, Mr. Elijah Storrs and Miss Sarah L. Fairchild, both of Geneva, in presence of Wilson Pitsor and David H. Fairchild.
At my house in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Nov 8, 1862, Mr. Lushes Foster, farmer, of Hebron, McHenry Co, ILL, and Miss Elizabeth N. Trimble of Linn, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of Ann E. Barrell, Esther O. Hedges, and Maria Trimble.
In Linn, Walworth Co, WI, Jan 1, 1863, at the brides fathers, Mr. Jonas Nellis, Junr., and Miss Esther Elizabeth Hopkins, both of Linn, Walworth Co, in presence of John B. Bailey, Mary A. Bailey and Cordelia E. Williams.
At Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Jan 1, 1863, Mr. Andrew Wallis Thomas, farmer, and Miss Sarah Ann Balcolm, both of Geneva, in presence of Richard N. Pierce, William A. Balcolm, and Abi R. Balcolm.
In Linn, Walworth Co, WI, Jan 19, 1863, Mr. Jacob Nellis, farmer, aged 24, and Miss Cornelia Eliza Burgess, aged 17, both of Linn, Walworth Co, WI, and the persons whose names are here appended were present as witnesses: Zenas Smith, Nancy Nellis, and Esther O. Hedges.
In Geneva, Mar 25, 1863, after due examination upon his oath and the full consent of her parents, both being present, Mr. Joseph Rouse, farmer, aged 25, and Miss Elizabeth Fay, aged 17, both of Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of the following attesting witnesses: Jeremiah Rouse, James Rouse, and Mary Vrooman. Noah Barrell, Pastor of East Delevan Baptist Church.
In Racine, WI, Sept 21, 1863, after due examination on his oath, Mr. Jacob Nelson, aged 23, and Miss Ann Mary Olsen, aged 22, both of Racine, in presence of Peter Knudson and James Hendriksen. Noah Barrell, Pastor of Baptist Church, Geneva.
In Geneva, at my house, Nov 4, 1863, Mr. James M. Millard, farmer, aged 25, and Miss Sarah C. Cornue, aged 22, both of Linn, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of Ann E. Barrell and Esther O Hedges.
At my house, in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 30, 1863, Mr. Hugh Cornue, farmer, aged 30, and Miss Mary C. Gardner, aged 20, both of Linn, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of Ann E. Barrell and Esther O. Hedges, witnesses.
At my house in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Oct 4, 1864, Mr. John B. Groat, farmer, aged 23, of Hartland, McHenry Co, IL and Miss Sarah Case, aged 26, of Alden, McHenry Co, IL, in presence of Allen B. Case and Sarah E. Trimble, attesting witnesses.
In Linn, at the brides fathers in Walworth Co, WI, Oct 11, 1864, Mr. Hamilton P. Bail, housebuilder, aged 28, and Miss Elizabeth A. McBride, aged 25, both of Linn, in presence of John B. Rowley, John A. McBride, and Sarah E. McBride, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Nov 13, 1864, Mr. Eliia McGinta, miller, aged 24, and Miss Nettie Taylor, 21, both of East Troy in Walworth Co, WI, upon his oath that they had a lawful right to marry, in presence of Peter Von Slike and Otis K. Hale, attesting witnesses.
In Linn, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 15, 1864, Mr. Zenas Smith 62, and Mrs. Angeline Ingham (Stewart), 46, both of Linn. Sworn and married in presence of Rosette W. Fuller and Huldah A. (illegible), witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, May 2, 1865, Mr Andrew Allton, harness maker, aged 22, and Miss Josephene A. Wroe, miliner, aged 18, both of Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, after I had duly examined them, upon his oath, in presence of Susan Holden and Wm. H. H. Wroe, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Sept 3, 1865, Mr. Comodore Perry Drinkwine, farmer, aged 22, and Miss Almyra E. Payne (?), aged 16, both of Linn, on the oath of him and R. M. Trimble of the consent of parents, in presence of Mrs. Mary P. Barrell and Mrs. Rhoda Mariah Trimble, attesting witnesses. Noah Barrell, late Pastor of Baptist Churh Geneva.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Feb 6, 1866, Mr. George Standage, farmer, aged 21, and Miss Lottie J. Stewart, aged 18, both of Richmond, McHenry Co, IL. Examined on his oath, in presence of the attesting witnesses, whose names are appended. All their names signed to the stamped certificate I gave them. Mrs. Eliza Stewart, Miss Emma Parmelee, and Miss Emeline W. Dunbar, witnesses.
In Geneva, at Lake House, Mar 4, 1866, Mr. Randall W. Brigham, farmer, aged 19, and Lizzie A. Smith, age 17, both of Delevan, Walworth Co, WI. Examined on his affirmative and the written consent of parents, in presence of Edson Eaton and Edwin Williams, witnesses.
In the Baptist Meting house at Linn, Walworth Co, WI, June 3, 1866, Mr. Cyrus P. Dickerman, late of Oregon, aged 46, and Mrs. Mary M. Loyd of Linn, aged 40. Due examination on his affirmation that they had a lawful right to marry. The names of the attesting witnesses are John T. Matthews and Allen McBride.
At Racine City and Co, in WI, July 24, 1866, after due examination on the oath of both that they were of lawful age and had a lawful right to marry, Mr. George W. Keiser, railroad employee, of Racine, WI, and Miss Caroline R. Reushlein of Burlington, Racine Co, WI, in presence of Gilbert and Mary Henderson, John B. and Miriam A. B. Rowley, attesting witnesses.
In Linn, Walworth Co, WI, Jan 8, 1867, Mr. Julian U. Darrow, farmer, of Bloomfield, aged 25, and Miss Fannie E. Slater, of Linn, aged 22, after due examination upon his oath that they were both of age and had a lawful right to do so, in presence of Benjamine M. Ball and Cora D. Maynard, attesting witnesses.
At Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Sept 24, 1867, at my house, Mr. Delos Robinson, farmer, of Pontiac, Livingston Co, IL, aged 33, and Mrs. Eliza Howard of Richmond, McHenry Co, IL, aged 30, in presence of Jeremiah Robinson, Samuel M. Rowe, and Martin Robinson, attesting witnesses.
At my house in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Oct 13, 1867, Silas M. Darrow, farmer, aged 21 and Ellen A. Tupper, aged 19, both of Bloomfield, Walworth Co, WI, upon his oath that they have a lawful right to marry, being of lawful age. Mary P. Barrell, and Esther O. Hedges, attesting witnesses.
At my house in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 12, 1867, Albert Ball, farmer, aged 21, and Elizabeth Taylor, aged 18, both of Delevan, Walworth Co, WI, upon his oath that they were of lawful age and had a right to be married. Bennett Rockwell and Cata Ball, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 21, 1867, Orin D. Snow, carpenter, aged 29, and Hannah V. Manly, aged 22, both of Geneva, by consent of all present and his oath that they have a lawful right to marry, in presence of Mrs. Mary Manly and Mrs. Mary Vrooman, attesting witnesses.
At my house in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Jan 25, 1868, after due examination, Charles Simpson, farmer, aged 25, and Emma Bridges, aged 14, both of Bloomfield, Walworth Co, WI. Her mother being present testified that it was by the full consent of both parents. Attesting witnesses, Sarah Bridges, William Grossman, and Sylva Grossman.
In Delevan, Walworth Co, WI, Feb 3, 1869, Mr. Joseph T. Brown, farmer, of Walworth, aged 25, and Mrs. Sarah Ann Yost of Delevan, aged 23, in presence of George W. Dalton and Henry Dalton, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Apr 8, 1869, Mr. Neapolion Baskant of Geneva, blacksmith, aged 23, and Miss Ida Barney of Geneva, aged 15, in presence of both their fathers. Attesting witnesses, Robert Barney, Nelson Baskant.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Aug 5, 1869, Mr. George Paden, farmer, aged 62, and Mrs. Betsey Peck, aged 63, both of Spring Prairie, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of L. B. Mathews, W. W. Peck, and Mrs. Mary Vantine, attesting witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Sept 11, 1869, Mr. Corydon M. Perry of Darien, farmer, aged 39, to Mrs. Mary Williams of Delevan, aged 42, both of Walworth Co, WI, in presence of Mrs. Mary P. Barrell and Miss Melissa Hedges, attesting witnesses.
At Amboy, Lee, Co, IL, Oct 24, 1869, Rev. James Buchanan, 25, (?), and Miss Nellie Barrell, 21, both of Amboy, Lee Co, IL. Attesting witnesses, C. E. Wilcox, S. E. Wilcox, Henry S. Ayres, and Ann Ayres. Noah Barrell, Pastor of E. Delevan Baptist Chh.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Jan 15, 1870, Mr. Charles Kishner, farmer, aged 27, and Miss Mary Jane Taylor, 19, both of Delevan, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of Mary P. Barrell, Henry Kishner, and Lottie Taylor.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Apr 22, 1870, Mr. Daniel A. Harkness, farmer, of Spring-Prairie, aged 30, to Miss Ruth Ann Waters of Troy, aged 18, both of Walworth Co, WI, in presence of Frances Harkness and Burnham Harkness.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Sept 11, 1870, John R. Galley of Lyons, farmer, aged 30, and Sarah Ann Fay, aged 18, of Geneva, in presence of Anthony Moon and Betsey Rouse, witnesses.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Oct 2, 1872, Mr. N. A. Hopkins, son of Ezekiel and Susan Hopkins, aged 25, farmer, born in Hebron, IL and Miss G. M. Hodge, daughter of Benjamine and M. Hodge, aged 24, born in Dorset, VT, all of Hebron, McHenry Co, IL, in presence of Mr. John Alexander and Miss Sophrona Alexander, attesting witnesses.
At my house in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Oct 4, 1873, John O. Fay, farmer, aged 33, to Laura A. Green, aged 41, both of Lyons, Walworth Co, WI. Attesting witnesses, Joseph Rouse and Sarah Galley.
At my house in Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Dec 21, 1873, Augustus King, farmer, aged 25, and Ellen Jane Alderman, aged 24, both of Bloomfield, Walworth Co, WI, in presence of attesting witnesses, James C Stedman and Frederick King.
In Geneva, Walworth Co, WI, Apr 22, 1874, Mr. Charles W. Williams of Elkhart, IN, mechanic, aged 23, and Miss Ellin A. Seaman of Hebron, IL, aged 26. George W. Seaman, Susan Seaman, and Mary P. Barrell, witnesses.
At my house in Geneva, June 29, 1874, Mr. W. O. Boughton, 47, and Mrs. Jane
H. Boughton, 51, both of Hebron, McHenry Co, IL, on his oath that he knew
of no lawfull objection, in presence of Mrs. Mary P. Barrell and Mrs. E.
H. Rice, witnesses.
Thanks to (Mary Lou Barrett) for transcribing and providing
these records
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