Route 90, Montezuma, New York
Officers of Sunday Schools
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
Church Sociables:
Removed without letter
In Memoriam:
From the "Auburn Citizen" (newspaper) dated March 30, 1945: Fire of
unknown origin completely destroyed the 60 year old Montezuma Methodist Church
late yesterday afternoon and for a time threatened to spread to nearby buildings.
The loss is estimated at $10,000. The destruction of the church is a serious
blow to the parish. Firemen of Engine Co. 4 of the Auburn Fire Department
responded to an appeal for help and the local men worked with members of
the volunteer companies of Montezuma, Savannah and Port Byron. The burned
church is almost a total loss, and only a small amount of insurance was carried
on the property. The blaze had been going for some time before it was discovered
by Mrs. Henry Decker of River Road. Mrs. Decker was on her way to the
village when she immediately gave the alarm. The church, of frame construction,
had a slate roof and the roofing kept the fire from bursting through and
confined it until the entire interior was ablaze. the firemen of the volunteer
companies could do little toward halting the flames in the church building
and turned their attention to the buildings on both sides of the church.
The Methodist parsonage, occupied by Rev. Kenneth Stewart, was scorched but
it did not ignite. Also located nearby is the rectory of St. Michael's Roman
Catholic Church and the home of Martin Nugent and family was just south of
the burning church building. Neither the Nugent home nor the St. Michael's
rectory was damaged. The call to Auburn was received at 4:39 p.m. and Engine
Company 4 with Drillmaster Luke Bergan in charge made the trip. When the
firemen arrived they hooked their pumper into lines, but the church already
was doomed. The fire originated, it is thought, in the northwest corner of
the church. Firemen believe that defective electric wiring may have been
the cause as there had been no fire in the church furnace since last Sunday.
Flames spread so fast through the building that very little in the line of
furnishings could be moved out. Nothing except the church piano was saved.
This later was taken to the Montezuma Town Hall. The steeple of the church
fell with a crash and the church bell was dropped into the interior. The
burned building measured approximately 60 by 80 feet. Now the parishioners
will have to seek a place of worship. The Auburn firemen returned to their
station shortly after 7 o'clock after their 23.2 miles round trip. Preparations
of Easter services were to be made Good Friday night by the pastor and leaders
of the congregation. They planned to meet in the church to put flowers into
The church was rebuilt on it's current site, and the Service of Dedication was held Sunday, December 23, 1951 by Rev. Arnold Mellin. In 1945, the church which was destroyed by the fire, stood at the site of the current Thruway bridge on Route 90 in the village. Apparently all of the records were lost. However, following the construction of that church in 1882, the pastor, Rev. William M. Benger, published a small, pamphlet that included a list of members and probationers, as well as those individuals who had contributed to the construction of the church. When settling the estate of Paul Radford, the family donated a copy of this booklet to town historian, Horace M. Carner, and he has preserved it with other town memorabilia, where the original may be seen. A copy is also available at the church. In transcribing this for this publication, I have included several letters and editorials written by the pastor that give an insight to some of the problems encountered by this church family, and some advertisements by local merchants. Other advertisements by out of town merchants have been omitted.
Auburn St., Montezuma, N.Y.
_______ MARCH, 1882 _______
Rev. Wm. M. Benger, Pastor _______
Auburn, N.Y. Printed by Warren S. Towner, 82 Genessee St. 1882
Pastor's Letter. To the Members of the Church - Suffer a Word. Your society has now passed a crisis not known before in its history. God has lead you in a way that you knew not, and He has lead you safely and gloriously. Do not fail to praise Him for it. We issue this little directory not for vain show, but with the hope that it will secure 1st A better acquaintance among you as members of Christ's Church 2nd. A more thorough knowledge of the various officers, committees, and organizations of the church. 3rd More sympathy and cooperation with all that makes for the success of the church. If it will do this it will reach the end for which we were impelled to get up this directory. We are ambitious that all the members shall be in earnest to know and love one another and also become conversant with all the workings of the church. Let me urge your consistent attendance upon the prayer meetings and every social means of grace. Much is lost to you individually by your absence from the prayer meetings. Take care of this little book. Read it often. Know and enjoy all you can of your own church. Be true to it: as it is the church of your own choice. Remember all your obligations. N. B. - I invite your attention to the advertisements in this directory. When you need anything in their line call on them. -William M. Benger
Times and Places of Various Church Services ________ MENTZ Sunday-school
10 A. M. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 A. M. Class meeting always at the
close of the Public services Prayer meeting and general Bible class Friday
evenings MONTEZUMA Sunday school 12 m. Preaching at 1 p.m. Brother Bennett
Radford's class meeting at 2 1/2 p.m. Preaching at 7 1/2
p. m. with the exception of a portion of the winter, when it is held at 7
p.m. Brother Horatio Mack's Class meets at the close of the services Half
an hour's Prayer meeting always before the Public services. General Prayer
meeting Thursday evening at 7 1/2 p.m. in the summer months, in the winter
at 7. General Missionary Concert by the Sabbath schools held at Montezuma
on the first Sunday evening of every month Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
meets at the church the second Tues. of every month or at the call of the
President. General Church Sociable held in the reception rooms of the church
first Tuesday evening of every month.
Bishop - Henry W. Warren, D. D.
Presiding Elder - Rev. Theron Cooper
Class Leaders - John Gilmore, 1st; Ford Doty, Bennett Radford, Horatio Mack.
Stewards - For Montezuma - John W. Mills, C. C. Mallory, Alonzo J. Weston,
L. D. Fenlon,
Henry Damewood
For Mentz - George W. Bell, Benjamin Beach, William Gilmore, 2nd; Wesley
Recording Steward - George W. Bell
District Steward - John W. Mills
Trustees for Montezuma - W. W. Emerson, Pres.; Horatio Mack, Sec. and Treas.:
Charles C.
Mallory, Jacob Gutchess, George Denman, Alonzo J. Weston,
Robert H. Bush. Trustees for Mentz - George W. Bell, William Gilmore, 2nd;
Wallace Weston.
S. S. Superintendent for Montezuma - Horatio Mack
SS. Superintendent for Mentz - Mrs. Joseph McLoud
Missions: George W. Bell, Horatio Mack, L. D. Fenlon
Sunday Schools:
MENTZ: John Gilmore, 1st; Ford Doty, Mrs John Bell
MONTEZUMA: W. W. Emerson, A. J. Weston, Mrs. George Denman,
C. C. Mallory,
Horace Carner, Mrs. W. B. Janes
Temperance: George W. Bell, Horatio Mack, Bennett Radford
Tracts: Mrs. Wallace Weston, Mrs. Ann Barlow, Mrs. George Ross
Education: C. C. Mallory, W. W. Emerson, Ford Doty
Church extension: B. F. Beach, Horace Carner, Arthur Vreeland
Church records: George W. Bell, L. D. Fenlon, John W. Mills
Parsonage and Furniture: Henry Damewood, Mrs. L. D. Fenlon, Mrs. W. W. Emerson,
Mrs. A. J. Weston, Mrs. George W. Bell, Mrs.
John Gilmore, 1st, Mrs Wm. Gilmore 2nd, Mrs B.
F.Beach, Robert H. Bush.
Church Music
MENTZ: John Gilmore, Mrs. John Bell, Mrs.Joseph McLoud
MONTEZUMA: S. D. Mallory, Richard Vreeland, Mrs. B.
Radford, Mrs. S. Kelley, Nelson
Estimating Preacher's salary: W. W. Emerson, George W. Bell, R. H. Bush,
John W. Mills,
William Gilmore, 2nd.
WENDEL GILMORE Montezuma's Popular Butcher, will run his wagon and keep up
his Meat Market. Best of Meat always on hand.
WILLIAM DAILY Will start up his Market and furnish the same article as good
as any. Let Montezuma patronize
her own boys.
MRS. LEWIS GILMORE is ready to furnish Lessons in Music. The youth of Mentz
will do well to form a class and engage her as
MRS. GEORGE PAYNE, Montezuma NY whose experience and accomplishments in the
realm of Music, is seldom excelled, will be at liberty
this summer more than for some time in the past to give
lessons to any who wish to unite with her class, which at present is quite
large. Music accomplishments are unquestionably
desirable and our people can not do better than to
engage her as Teacher of their youth.
HORATIO MACK, Montezuma NY - Keeps everything in the line of Drugs. He still
lives - does a thriving business, and expects to. Call
on him.
_____ Officers of Sunday Schools
Horatio Mack . . . . Superintendent
John W. Mills . . . . . Assistant Superintendent
Mrs. A. A. Benger. . Secretary
Miss Mertie Warrick Treasurer
Teachers: Mrs. Horatio Mack, John W. Mills, Mrs. Sarah Kipp, B. H. Benham,
Mrs. George
Ross, Mrs. Mary Mitchell, Mrs. Samuel Bonker.
Mrs. Joseph McCloud . . . . . Superintendent
Mrs. Wallace Weston . . . . . . Assistant Superintendent
Teachers: Mrs. Wallace Weston, Mrs. Hannah Cole, Mrs. Ann Barlow, Mrs. Mary
Hutchinson, Mrs. John
Bell, Mrs. George Bell, Miss Gertie Bell
Sunday School Missionary Society
George W. Bell . . . . . . . President
R. Lasher . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President
Mrs. Hannah E. Cole . . Secretary
Mrs. Wallace Weston . Treasurer
John W. Mills . . . . . . . President
Mrs. A. A. Benger . . . Vice President
Mrs. Sarah Kipp . . . . . Secretary
Mrs. H. Mack . . . . . . . Treasurer
Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
Mrs. A. A. Benger . . . President
Vice Presidents: Mrs. L. D. Fenlon, Mrs. C. Pease, Mrs. C. C. Mallory, Mrs.
mary Mitchell, Mrs. Frank Curry,
Mrs. J. V. Stewart, Mrs. George Denman
Mrs. Samuel Bonker. . Recording Secretary
Mrs. C. E. Chase . . . . Corresponding Secretary
Mrs. William kelley . . . Treasurer
Mrs. Fenemore Helmer: Solicitor for Heathen Woman's Friend
(Other Members) Mrs. Benj. Helmer, Mrs. B. H. Benham, Mrs. E. Ross, Mrs Jacob
Gutches, Mrs. Frank Harrington, Mrs. Forshee, Mrs. W. W Timpson, Mrs. W.
Weston, Mrs. h. Carner, Mrs. W. Mills, Mrs. Zimori Weaver, Mrs. R. H. Bush,
Mrs. Foster, Mrs. Eliza Burk, Mrs. Eliza Post, Mrs. Eugene McAarther(sic),
Mrs. W. W. Emerson, Mrs. D. Adams, Miss Emma Traver, Mrs. A. Cook, Mrs. E.
Burk, Miss R. Teal, Mrs. Jessie Helmer, Mrs. Horatio Mack.
Church Sociables:
William M. Benger. . . . . . . President
C. C. Mallory . . . . . . . . . . Secretary
John W. Mills . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer
Finance collectors: Nelson Ross, George Denman
Church Sexton
Montezuma: S. D. Mallory
Mentz: Charles Weston
Alonzo J. Weston . . . . . Church Chorister
Miss Emma Bush . . . . . Church Organist
Miss Gertie Kipp . . . . . sunday School Organist
Mrs. Ann Barlow. . . Church Organist at Mentz
All the seats are free and we trust always will be (A One page Financial Plan is included in original here)
Names Society Residence Adams, Catherine Montezuma Village Benger, A. A. Montezuma Village Bell, Mary Montezuma Village Bush, Robert H. Montezuma S. of village Burk, Eliza Montezuma S. of village Burk, Elizabeth Montezuma S. of village Bush, Jacob M. Montezuma S. of village Beach B. F. Mentz S. of church Beach, Portia Mentz S. of church Beach, Samantha Mentz S. of church Bell, Mary E. Mentz S.E. of church Bell, George W. Mentz S.E. of church Bell, Julia A. Mentz S.E. of church Bell, Ethan Mentz Near Batavia Bell, Zelia Mentz Near Batavia Barlow, Ann E. Mentz S.E. of church Bell, Gertie Mentz S.E. of church Bivins, Martha Mentz Crusoe Island Baldwin, Elizabeth Mentz S.W. of Village Carner, Horace Montezuma S.E. of Village Carner, Emily F. Montezuma S.E. of Village Carner, Lottie Montezuma S.E. of Village Carl, Philinda Montezuma S.W. of Village Carl, Sarah H. Montezuma S.W. of village Clark, Levi Montezuma Village Clark, Alida Montezuma Village Clark, Charles C. Montezuma Village Comerford, S. Montezuma S.W. of village Cole, J. H. Mentz E. of church Cole, Hannah E. Mentz E. of church Denman, George Montezuma N. of village Denman, Mrs. George Montezuma N. of village Denman, Kittie Montezuma N. of village Damewood, Henry Montezuma N. of village Devoe, Daniel Montezuma N. of village Devoe, Pheobe Montezuma N. of village Devoe, Libbie Montezuma N. of village Dennes, Sarah Montezuma N. of village Dolly, Oliver O. Montezuma Village Davidson, Julia Montezuma Crusoe Island Doty, J. F. Mentz S. of church Doty, Cornelia Mentz S. of church Emerson, W. W. Montezuma Village Emerson, H. E. Montezuma Village Fenlon, L. D. Montezuma Village Fenlon, Eliza Montezuma Village Fitch, Wm* Montezuma Village Fitch, Luiza* Montezuma Village Foster, John Montezuma W. of village Filkin, Dora Montezuma Village Gilmore, William Montezuma S. of village Gilmore, Caroline Montezuma S. of village Gilmore, John 2d Montezuma S. of village Gutchess, Jacob Montezuma S. of village Gutchess, Helen A. Montezuma S. of village Gilmore, Elizabeth Montezuma N. of village Grimes, Stephen Montezuma N. of village Graham, Elizabeth Montezuma N. of village Goodman, Athelia Montezuma Savannah Gilmore, John Mentz S.E. of church Gilmore, Mary Mentz S.E. of church Gilmore, William, 2d Mentz S. of church Gilmore, Louisa Mentz S. of church Gilmore, Eliza Jane Mentz S. of church Gilmore, Lewis Mentz N. of church Gilmore, Jane Mentz N. of church Glassgow, Smith Mentz N.E.of church Hooper, Ransom Montezuma Village Hooper, Mary A Montezuma Village Hubbard, P. J. Montezuma N. of village Hitchcock, S. P. Montezuma N. of village Hitchcock, Pheobe Montezuma N. of village Helmer, Fenimore Montezuma Village Helmer, Laura Montezuma Village Helmer, Orson Montezuma Village Helmer, Jessie Montezuma Village Harrington, Frank Montezuma Village Harrington, Mrs. F. Montezuma Village Kelley, Harriett Montezuma W. of Village Kurn, Louisa Montezuma Village Kipp, Sarah Montezuma Village Janes, W. B. Montezuma Village Janes, Mary A Montezuma Village Jones, Edgar Montezuma S.E. of village Jones, E. B. Montezuma S.E. of village Jones, Ursulia Montezuma Village Jones, Mary Montezuma Village Ladue, Abram Montezuma N. of Village Ladue, Maria Montezuma N. of Village Lasher, Renssalear Mentz S.E. of church Lasher, Maria Mentz S.E. of church Mallory, S. D. Montezuma Village Mallory, Lovina Montezuma Village Mallory, Louis Montezuma Village Mallory, C. C. Montezuma S.W. of village Mallory, Jane E. Montezuma S.W. of village Mack, Horatio Montezuma Village Mack, Sophia Montezuma Village Mills, John W. Montezuma S.E. of village Mills, Warren Montezuma S.E. of village Mills, Jennett Montezuma S.E. of village Mitchell, Mary Montezuma Village Mills, Hannah Mentz S. of church McKracken, Franc Mentz S. of chruch McLoud, Mary E. Mentz N.E. of church McLoud, Mary F Mentz N.E. of church McIntosh, Ella Mentz E. of church Pidge, Caroline Montezuma Village Post, Eliza Montezuma Village Pease, Emma Montezuma Village Pine, Ella Montezuma Village Pausley, John W. Montezuma Clyde Radford, Bennett Montezuma S.W. of village Radford, Sarah H. Montezuma S.W. of village Ross, Jane Montezuma Village Ross, Catharine Montezuma Village Rhodes, Catharine Montezuma Village Ross, Nelson Montezuma Village Ross, Unice Montezuma Village Rodgers, Josephine Montezuma N. of village Rowe, A Mentz S. Fosterville Robins, Retta Mentz N.E. of church Stahlnecker, Elizabeth Montezuma S.W. of village Sturge, Helen M. Montezuma Cato Stewart, Elivra Montezuma Village Sinclair, Jane Ann Mentz S.E. of church Trufant, Cordelia Montezuma Village Torry, Fanny A.* Montezuma Village Treat, Sarah Mentz S. of church Vreeland, Richard Montezuma Village Vreeland, Almena Montezuma Village Vreeland, Arthur Montezuma Village Vreeland, Eva A. Montezuma Village Weston, Alonzo J Montezuma E. of village Weston, Ruthett Montezuma Village Williams, Irene Montezuma Village Warrick, Kate Montezuma Village Watson, Emma Montezuma N. of village Weaver, Jane E. Montezuma E. of village Williams, Elizabeth Montezuma Village Weaver, Sarah M. Mentz Near church Wright, Nancy Mentz E. church Weston, Anna Mentz N.E. church Yarns, Jane Ann Mentz S. church PROBATIONERS Bush, Sarah Montezuma S. of village Burk, James Montezuma S. of village Benger, Edith F. Montezuma Village Banlon, Orluff Montezuma Village Ballow, Alace Montezuma Village Bonker, Samuel Montezuma S.W. of village Bonker, Louisa Montezuma S.W. of village Barlow, John Mentz S.E. church Curry, Deborah Montezuma S.W. village Cook, Alice Montezuma N. village Carner, Clara Montezuma S.E. village Collenwood, Sarah L. Mentz S.E. village Denman, Ida Montezuma N. village Denman, Walter Montezuma N. village Davenport, Emeline Montezuma Village Forshee, Susan Montezuma Village Foster, Sibilla Montezuma W. of village Forshee, Mary Montezuma W. of village Fenlon, Flora C. Montezuma Village Gay, Moses Montezuma S.W. of village Ireland, Caroline M. Montezuma S.W. of village Morgan, Marietha Montezuma Village Pease, Charlotte Montezuma S.W. of village Shaw, Lousia Montezuma Village Simpson, James W. Montezuma W. of village Simpson, Mrs. J. W Montezuma W. of village Traver, Emma Montezuma Village Teal, Rilla Montezuma Village MEMBERS REMOVED BY LETTER Names Where removed to Adams, Mary Fairport, NY Butman, Mary E. Cato, NY Doty, Mary Caroline Dresden, NY Faatz, F. H. Kansas Faatz, Amelia Kansas Lemon, Jane A. Montezuma Port, Lizzie Cayuga Pease, Josephene Pennsylvania Peck, Hiram Auburn Peck, Mellie E. Auburn Radford, O.B. West Radford, Clayton West Radford, Helen M. Port Byron Radford, Annie Port Byron Radford, Nellie Port Byron Vreeland, Spencer Michigan Vreeland, Lousia Michigan Wright, Helen R. Colorado Wright, Caroline Colorado Wilkins, H. D. Colorado Removed without letter Scism, William Arkansas Lemon, Henry Village In Memoriam: Members who have died during the present administration and who are now
residents of the Church Triumphant" William Bell Mrs. Jacob Groff Ann Gilmore Diamanda Hall John M. Jones Mary A. Mills Mary Nye Abbie Sherman "Aggrieved" The following is a complete list of these members who withdrew Jan 1st,
1882 Bush, Susan H. Carl L. R. Crispell E. W. Crispell Isabel Crispell Levi McLoud J.J. McKone Mary C. Rockafeller Phillip Rockafeller Mrs. Phillip Ross P.W. Ross Martha S. Shook Grovernor Shook Mrs. Grovenor Stewart, Ann SUSCRIBERS TO THE NEW CHURCH EDIFICE Montezuma Adams, A. $ .25 Adams, Mrs. C. E. 10.00 Arnold, N. 2.00 Atwater, A. E. .50 Atwater, Addie .50 Atwater, L. L. 1.00 Baldwin, M. .50 Baldwin, Mr. 1.00 Baldlwin, S. .50 Baldwin, Theodore 1.00 Baldwin, William .50 Ball, Edward 1.00 Barnes, J. W. 1.00 Beattie, Edd. .25 Bell, Mrs. .25 Bells, N. D. 1.00 Benger, William M. & wife 35.00 Benham, B. H. 7.25 Benham, W. A. (of Throop) 5.00 Benton & Traver 15.00 Blanchard, James 5.00 Bonker, Samuel & wife 46.00 Buckingham, William & wife 12.00 Burk, Mrs. E. 1.00 Burk, Eliza 5.00 Bush, Jacob 10.00 Bush, Robert H 200.00 Carberry, Patrick 2.00 Carl, L. R. 20.00 Carl, William, Mrs. .25 Carner, Mrs. Emily & husband 30.00 Carris, James 3.00 Chase, Dr. & wife 17.00 Clark, Charles 26.00 Clark, Claude .50 Clark, Myron .50 Cobb, J. B. 1.00 Comerford, S. 37.00 Conger, Mr. 1.00 Cook, James M. 5.00 Cooley, Lewis .25 Curry, Francis 11.25 Curry, Willialm L. .50 Daily & Sons 11.00 Damewood, Oscar 1.00 Damewood, Henry & wife 150.00 Decker, William H. .50 Denman, Kittie .50 Denman, George & wife 65.00 Denman, Simpson 1.50 Denman, Walter 6.50 Deman, F. 2.00 Dennes, Sarah 7.00 Dickinson, Mrs. .75 Duffey, Michael 3.00 Doherty, Martin 5.00 Dolley, Oliver H. 5.00 Easter, J. 1.00 Ecker, George, Mrs. .50 Emerson, William W. 210.00 Errity, C. B. & wife 3.00 Ervin, Jacob 5.50 Fenlon, Flora, Miss 1.00 Fenlon, Lewis 126.00 Ferreo, Mr. .50 Filkins, Charles 2.00 Filkin, S. B. 6.00 Finney, Martha .25 Forshee, Garry 5.00 Forshee, Mary M. 11.00 Forshee, Susan 50.00 Foster, William 6.00 Fox, Michael & wife 3.00 French, Mr. 1.00 Gates, Charles H. 5.00 Gay, George 1.00 Gay, Milton 1.00 Gay, Moses 11.50 Gill, Mrs. .25 Gillen, Mary 6.25 Goodman, John 10.00 Gowers, James 4.00 Greaney, Edward 5.00 Gutchess, Jacob 35.00 Hall, Thomas 5.00 Harrington, Frank & wife 6.00 Hatfield, Jacob 2.00 Helmer, Mrs. Benjamin 1.00 Helmer, Mrs. Laura 1.00 Helmer, Ort 10.00 Hicks, S. .50 Higgins, Charles 10.00 Hitchcock, Samuel P. 7.00 Hooper, Ransom & wife 25.00 Humphrey, C. 5.00 Humphrey, George 2.00 Hurd, George B. & wife 6.00 Hutchinson, David 5.00 Janes, Lewis A. 25.00 Janes, Wheaton B. 25.00 Jenkins, Isabella .50 Jetty, John 5.00 Jones, James P. 8.00 Jones, Jonathan P. 5.00 Jones, Washington 2.00 Kelley, Ross & Co 50.00 Kelley, William, Mrs. 5.00 Kern, Christian 15.00 Ladue A. 105.00 Ladue, C. P. 5.00 Ladue, Mortimer 5.00 Laraway, Frank 2.25 Lemon, Ezekiel 2.00 Mack, Horatio 110.00 Mallory, Charles C. 60.00 Mapes, Charles 2.00 Marcus, F. 1.00 Maroney, William 5.00 McCarthy, E. 2.75 McIntosh, C. D. 2.00 McNamara, John 5.00 McNamara, Mathew 5.00 Mills, Benjamin & wife 3.50 Mills, John W. 215.50 Mitchell, A. C. 3.00 Molloy, John J. 20.00 Morse, John 1.00 Mould, A. S. 2.00 Myers, Albert 2.00 Nolan, John 11.00 O'Brien, Patrick 3.00 Palmer, Mrs. Tryphena 5.50 Parker, John 1.00 Payne, Alford, Mrs. .50 Payne, George A. & wife 12.00 Pero, Peter H. 10.00 Pine, Emma 1.00 Post, Eliza 7.00 Post, Nathaniel 5.00 Radford, Bennett 35.00 Radford, Mrs. Bennerr-Com'n set 25.00 Ransom, robert & wife 210.00 Rapanork, James .50 Reckmond, James .50 Remer, A. L. 10.00 Ross, Jane 10.50 Ross, John 25.00 Ross, John, Mrs. 1.00 Ross, Nelson 5.00 Sawyer, Charles .25 Schemerhorn, Authur 5.00 Shaw, Jacob H. & wife 5.50 Shepard, Pratt - Furnishing 50.00 Shockey, Mrs. H. 1.00 Shook, Grovener 15.00 Simpson, James W. 5.00 Smith, Clinton H. 5.00 Stahlnecker, A. 3.50 Stahlnecker, William 11.00 Stalts, D. .25 Stewart, J. V. 15.50 Stewart, William M. 5.00 Stokes, Henry 105.00 Sturge, Helen 2.00 Sullivan, Frank 1.00 Sullivan, Thomas 5.00 Sullivan, William F. 1.00 Thompson, L. 3.00 Thorn, Edward 1.00 Thorn, William 60.00 Thorn, Mrs. William 25.00 Thurston, Mrs. H. 10.00 Tosh, Henry 1.00 Tosh, James E. 15.00 Traver, Charles & wife 5.75 Trufant, Adelia, Mrs. 2.00 Trufant, Caroline 5.00 Trufant, Curtis 5.00 Walling, Albert 2.00 Warrick, Jerome & wife 11.25 Watson, N. 1.00 Weed, Oscar 1.00 Weston, Alonzo J. 105.00 White, Arthur .50 Wiley, Mr. 1.00 Wiley, Mrs. 1.00 Winters, Alvin J. 10.00 Wyman, A. 8.00 VanDenburgh, P. F. 2.00 Vreeland, Arthur 5.50 Vreeland, Richard & wife 12.50 MENTZ Barlow, John & wife 3.00 Barlow, William 10.00 Beach, Benjamin F. 102.00 Beach, S. S. 10.00 Bell. E. 1.00 Bell,George & wife 15.50 Carberry, William 3.00 Cole, Jessie H. 3.00 Everett, David 5.00 Fowler, John 5.00 Fowler, John 2.00 Gilmore, Charles 5.00 Gilmore, John C. 2.00 Gilmore, Wendell 3.50 Gilmore, William 2nd 10.00 Hamm, E. 1.00 Holstead, Mr. 2.00 Howard, Sylvester 2.00 Jones, Clifford 5.00 Kick, John 10.00 Lasher, R. 10.00 Maroney, M. 10.00 McIntosh, Jarvis 3.00 McLoud, Joseph 10.00 Mills, Hannah 210.00 Mills, Warren 10.00 Sinclair, Robert 1.00 Tobin, David 2.25 Weston, Joseph 2.50 Weston, Wallace 10.00 Wright, Jennie 1.00 SAVANNAH Evans, D. H. 6.00 AUBURN Bailey, George 5.00 Beebe, U. S. 10.00 Burtis & Son 5.00 Carlisle, L.F. 5.00 Carpenter, Charles 10.00 Choate & Brother 25.00 Cook, Horace T. 10.00 D. M. Osborne & Co. 25.00 Dean, W. B. 10.00 Dunning & Co. 25.00 E. D. Clapp & Co. 35.00 F. L. Griswold & Co. 25.00 Fowler, John S. 5.00 Hoskins, J. H. 10.00 Hyde & Bettys 15.00 Ives, B. I. 10.00 Johnson, J. A. 5.00 Jones, Thomas 35.00 Lyon, S. 5.00 M. L. Walley & Co 5.00 Madden & Sons 15.00 Manroe, T. J. 5.00 McCrea, A. 5.00 Merrett, C. D. 5.00 Moses, William J. 25.00 Olmstead, M. M. 2.00 Peat, Robert 10.00 Pierce, A. B. 5.00 Richardson - In Furniture 9.00 Searles & Tallman 10.00 Searles, William 10.00 Smith, D. A. 10.00 Smith, Fred M. 10.00 Stokes, C. D. 15.00 Strong, J. B. 5.00 Tremaine Brothers 2.00 Turner, N. 10.00 W. H. Reilly (New York Store) 5.00 Wheeler, C., Jr. 25.00 William B. Hislop & Co. 25.00 Wooden, W. B. 25.00 ROCHESTER A. Soule (of the Hop Bitters Co) 50.00 PORT BYRON Ballard, Horatio 5.00 Dixon, T. Fayette 2.00 Gutchess, Oscar 10.00 Gutchess, Stephen 25.00 Gwynn, Wm. M. Dr. (Throop) 5.00 Hadden, Joseph H. 10.00 Homel, O. 25.00 Howard, Rush M. 5.00 Johnson, J. 5.00 Kelley, A. 5.00 Kent, Oscar 2.00 Mills, D. Mrs. 5.00 Mills, David H. 25.00 Mills, George H. 10.00 Smith, J. P. 5.00 Toll, William C. 5.00 Van Blarican, J. C. 5.00 SYRACUSE Amos, Jacob & Son 10.00 Bronner, P. 3.00 Crouse, Jacob 10.00 Crouse, John 10.00 Durston, Thomas W. 5.00 Greenway, John 32.00 Hall, Francis 5.00 Hier & Aldrich 5.00 Kenyon, Potter & Co 5.00 Kenyon & Stevens 5.00 McCarthy, R. 5.00 Pierce, S. & Son 5.00 Price, Milton S. 25.00 Sperry, Neal & Hyde 10.00 NEW YORK Crosby, Hiram B., Esq. 200.00 Martin, R. H. 20.00 Perren, E. O. 10.00 Rapallo, Hon. Charles A. 25.00 Stahlnecker, O. 50.00 Stilwell, Silas M. 10.00 CAYUGA Anthony, D. W. 6.00 Baldwin, D. L. 5.00 Baldwin, James H. & wife 28.00 McArthur, W. L. 10.00 Niver, James A. 5.00 Titus, Hiram 5.00 Wiley, H. S. 2.00 Willard, H. 5.00 FOSTERVILLE Ball, C. W. 5.00 Cone, J. S. 5.00 Dean, William 2.00 Fuller, Jerome 10.00 Glasgow, Robert & wife 11.00 Mullen, J. W. 12.00 Townsend, R. L. & wife 6.00 Townsend, Samuel & wife 11.00 Warrick, J. 5.00 Warrick, S. B. 1.00 I have lost the list of subscribers for the bell Seneca Falls for the bell 100.00 Troy for the bell 100.00 Clark, James W. - Boston 50.00 WEEDSPORT Martin, F. 1.50 Martin, Philip 10.00 Shurtliff, A.W. 5.00 SUPERVISORS OF CAYUGA Abbott, Charles A. 1.00 Burlew, James B. 1.00 Chase, John P. 1.00 Cuykendall, T. .50 Gould, Charles B. 1.00 Guyon, C. F. .50 Hamilton, L. T. 1.00 Hunter, Hon. Thomas 5.00 Priddy, W. B. 1.00 Robins, B. C. .50 Robinson, E.R. 1.00 Roseboom, A. W. 1.00 VanBuskirk, M. B. 1.00 Waldron, Jacob A. 1.00
At a Quarterly Conference held at Montezuma March 18, 1882, Rev. Theron Cooper, P. E. in the chair, a resolution was unanimously adopted asking that the following editorial from the Evening Auburnian be inserted in this directory. In connection with this it is but proper that we should say that this editorial was published without the solicitation or knowledge of the pastor, and as far as we can learn, of any one connected with the Church. The editorial is a faithful showing of facts by a person not in the least interested. Facts gathered outside of the controversy thus expressive of public sentiment in general. We publish the editorial in full with the exception of the work "Parsonage" in one place, which was corrected by the editor a day or two after the publication of the editorial:
A CHURCH CONTROVERSY ENDED. Some of our neighbors at Montezuma are not ecstaticly
happy, if they may be judged by the standard by which the average man measures
happiness. A portion of the residents have been, for some time, engaged in
a controversy - one of those church controversies, than which there can be
none more unpleasant or bitter. So far as we can glean from sources not within
the controversy - and hence, unprejudiced - is (that it) has been a case
of youthful blood against antiquated notions and dictatorial intolerance
of anything new. It would appear that an earnest young clergyman was settled
over one of the churches in the city of the Montezumas, and that he was imbued
with a creative power and a degree of push that soon commended him to the
good will of the many. But, in every community there are to be found those
persons who have come to entertain a regard for their own importance not
shared by their neighbors. Old residents of almost any locality can point
out such persons. Why any man so contracted as to see naught but his imagined
virtues - why such a man should come to be regarded as one having authority
is something difficult to understand. Perhaps it may be accounted for by
the assumption that men of more intelligence than he, can afford to let him
think as well of himself as he may. Montezuma, if we are permitted to judge,
has this element in its community. The youthful and energetic young clergyman
felt that his congregation should have a a new church and the parsonage,
too, was one that was altogether inadequate. The enterprise of the new clergyman
gave birth to the new project, and it grew under his pushing influence. It
would naturally be supposed that this effort would have been appreciated
without exception by the young clergyman's congregation. But it was otherwise.
The element of dictatorial assumption asserted itself in certain quarters.
Here was a young person of whom people were beginning to speak in high
commendation. This would not do. The dictatorial factor must not suffer any
to outstrip its dictation. It must be consulted and deferred to in all details
pertaining to the growing enterprise. It must be looked up to and none must
travel at a pace beyond that it had set for his own locomotion. It must appear
to be the Nestor of all that was and should be, else its self-complacency
was disturbed by jealousy. But the young clergyman chose a faster pace and
led the work. This would not have been so bad, had not the people noted the
fact and applauded the effort that made it such. Then was Othello's occupation
gone. He could no longer assume the credit of good results flowing from the
ideas of others. Hence, cause was sought "gainst Rhoderic Dhu." The young
upstart should be taught that he could not stand up and dare - by his energy
- the wrath of the opinionated and dictatorial factors. But his people held
up the hands of the young clergyman, and those who must rule or ruin - they
withdrew and proceeded in an attempt to ruin. This at least, would seem to
have been the case so far as can be gleaned from sources outside the controversy.
The subsequent events would go to show that the dictatorial faction was not
able to hold its distorted opinion of itself and also a Christian spirit
at one and the same. A prejudiced mind might affirm that there never could
have been any Christian spirit filtered through the interces of arrogant
conceit in the self-important and dictatorial factor. But we have no prejudice
in this matter, and would by no means affirm anything of the kind. It is
thought to have been unfortunate that the seceding factor neglected to pay
any part of the sum it had subscribed to the new church, before going out
in pique and jealous anger. Indeed , so far as we are able to glean from
sources outside the controversy, those who complained most and were least
satisfied and who finally went out - so far as can be gleaned, we say - this
factor has never shed a dollar for the project it assumed to direct and control.
Thus was the controversy intensified and feeling waxed warm and was at length
carried into the espousal of either one or the other of two men who were
opponents in the political field. The young minister and his friends were
successful and the dictatorial factor was still deeper stabbed by its own
jealousy. The former, so far as we can learn from sources outside the controversy
- are now masters of the situation, and the dictation of the dictatorial
factor is now confined to an extremely limited number of subjects. So far
as we may judge, this has been a contest between earnest enterprise on the
one hand, and on the other hand that small spirit which turns its back upon
and puts up its elbows, to check anything which may grow into praise for
aught but its own selfish vanity. As to the influence of such an affair upon
those outside, there need be nothing said. It must be distressing to the
man ordained to preach peace and good will. But even the worldly will no
less respect the man who, when just cause arises, strikes back and strikes
hard too. If a battle must be fought, then hard blows bring not only victory
but admiration and respect. We congratulate the Montezumians upon the ending
of this contest.
The information on this page was Transcribed by Kathleen Shaw Decker
Photo images from the day of the final service
at the Montezuma NY Methodist
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