ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section

Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs
, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.

ARE you a subscriber to The Empire State Telephone & Telegraph Company?
Names in Bold Face Letters are Patrons.


  ABAR, see also ABER   

  Abar Frank, mill op, bds 20 Miller 
  ABAR LEO, (Bancroft & Abar) h 137 Mechanic 
  Abar Margaret, widow Leo, h 20 Miller 
  Abar Mary, shoe op, bds 20 Miller 
  Abbey Jane B, widow Benjamin, h 6 Pulsifer 
  Abbey Rhoda M, widow Abijah, bds 113 Franklin 
  Abbott Adaline O, widow Chauncey M, res 12 Gaylord 
  Abbott Alice A, widow Samuel E, res 114 North 
  ABBOTT CHARLES H., com trav, also school comm'r, h 12 Gaylord 
  Abbott Chauncey W, student, A H S, bds 12 Gaylord 
  Abbott Eliza A, seamstress, bds 114 North 
  Abbott Grace U, telephone op, bds 114 North 
  Abbott Mary O, accountant, 92 Genesee, res 18 Seminary ave 
  Abbott Samuel E, shoe cutter, h 114 North 
  Abbotts Jane, widow John, res 4 Madison ave 
  Abel Laura A, widow John, bds 34 Grant ave 
  ABER, see also ABAR 
  Aber Elias, h 45 Franklin 
  Aber Susan, widow Alonzo, res 160 Genesee 
  Abraham Michael, pedler, bds 23 Monroe 
  Abram Preston, carpenter, bds 8 Paddock Bl'k, 76 Franklin 
  Abrams Ella E, widow George B, dressmaker, over 141 Genesee, h 20 Morris
  Abrams Henry W, teamster, h over 15 1/2 Wall 
  Acker John F, bottler, 245 State, bds 13 Union 
  Ackerman Herman E, com trav, h 14 Jefferson 
  ACKERMAN JOHN J., chief engineer city water works, h 193 Mechanic 
  ACKERMAN J. WALTER, engineer and surveyor, room 15 Seward Block, over 
  92 Genesee Emp Tel 966 Specifications and plans carefully made and construction
  Ackerman Minnie E, res 193 Mechanic 
  Acre Charles F, shoe op, bds 248 Seymour 
  Acre David C, core maker, h 6 Case ave 
  Acre Leah F, weaver, bds 248 Seymour 
  Acre Mary, widow Charles, h 248 Seymour 
  Adams Abram, groom, 21 Elizabeth, res do 
  Adams Anna, widow Evelyn U, h over 6 South 
  Adams Arthur E, drug clerk, 117 Genesee, h 9 Westlake ave 
  Adams Arthur J, junk dealer, h 12 Aspen 
  Adams Asaph D, pattern maker, h 3 Grant ave 
  Adams Bert, iron worker, bds 35 Delevan 
  ADAMS CHARLES G., sec'y Business Men's Association, and dealer in real estate,
  office over 77 Genesee, h 10 Nelson 
  ADAMS CHARLES L., manager C. L. Adams' Medicine Co, also lawyer, office over 
  25 Genesee, h 54 Grant ave 
  ADAMS CHARLES L., MEDICINE CO., m'f'rs proprietary medicines, office and
  laboratory over 25 Genesee 
  ADAMS CHARLES R., (Adams & Son,) res over 121 Genesee 

  Adams Charles S., foreman, D M O & Co, h over 23 E Genesee 

  Adams Darius W, res 46 South 

  Adams Edwin H, musician, also wood engraver, bds 146 Franklin 

  Adams Elizabeth I, seamstress, h 74 Elizabeth 

  Adams Florence A, sales clerk, 131 Genesee, res 6 Lewis 

  Adams Mrs Fred, h 20 Court 

  Adams Frederick R, mason, h 6 Lewis 

  ADAMS GEORGE F, manager Wegman Co Piano Store, 133 Genesee, res 100 South

  Adams George W, carpenter, h 3 Havens ave 

  Adams Glenn B, clerk, bds 12 Aspen 

  Adams Harold B, shoe op, bds 104 E Genesee 

  Adams I Belle, res 33 Fitch ave 

  Adams Ida M, artist, bds 71 Fulton 

  ADAMS JACOB (Adams & Son), h 68 Washington 

  Adams Jennie E, bds 71 Fulton 

  Adams Jennie Hurn, sales clerk, 125 Genesee, res 68 Washington 

  Adams John, laborer, h 85 Cottage 

  Adams John Q, mason, h 48 Frances 

  Adams Joseph A, carpenter, h 71 Fulton 

  Adams Mary, widow Daniel R., res 71 Division S 

  Adams Mary C, dressmaker, bds 8 Cross 

  Adams Nannie A, accountant, bds 6 Capitol 

  Adams Nellie, waitress, bds 8 Van Anden 

  Adams Nellie O, seamstress, bds over 6 South 

  Adams Nelson B, mechanic, bds 33 Fitch ave 

  Adams Nelson J, emp D M O & Co, h over 20 Lincoln 

  Adams Philo B, farmer, h 200 North 

  Adams Richard, mason, h over 11 Frances 

  ADAMS & SON, (Jacob and Chas R Adams) manufacturers and dealers in choice 
  confectionary and soda waters, 125 Genesee Ice Cream Parlors attached 
  Adams Stephen C, sewer contractor, h 19 Grant ave 
  Adams Sumner, cigar maker, bds 3 Havens ave 
  Adams Thomas M, painter, h 1 Melrose 
  Adams Walter A, treas Adams' Medicine Co, bds 54 Grant ave 
  Adams Warren, res 54 South 
  Adams William, wood worker, bds 12 Aspen 
  Adams William H, organist 2nd Pres ch, h 2 Nelson 
  Adamski john, laborer, h 85 Cottage 
  Adamson Annie M, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 17 Frazee 
  Adamson John, weaver, h 16 Myrtle ave 
  Adamson Joseph C, weaver, h 17 Frazee 
  Adamson Louis J, weaver, bds 8 Aurelius ave 
  Adamson Margaret E, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 17 Frazee 
  Adamson Mary A, widow John, h 17 Frazee 
  Adamson Robert, weaver (Prison), h 8 Aurelius ave 
  Adamson William J, loom fixer, h 19 Walnut 
  Adell Juliette, widow Hiram C, res 24 Grant ave 
  Adriance Rev Edward H, pastor Calvary Pres ch, h 101 Franklin 
  Adventists S D, rooms over 7 Exchange 
  Agett Anna I, attendant, 32 Foote 
  Agnew Eliza A, widow Robert C, h 63 Wall 
  Agnew Sarah R, dressmaker, bds 63 Wall 
  Ahern Bessie, res 102 South 
  AIKEN E. CLARENCE, (Rich & Aiken), also school com'r, Bench Lumber Co
  and treas Aub Telephone Co, h 21 Orchard 
  Aiken Ellen O, widow Ira, res 21 Orchard 
  Aiken Eva M, salesclerk, "Big Store," res 54 1/2 Walnut 
  Aiken Jane, res 38 Orchard 
  Aiken John D, com trav, res 26 Parker 
  Aiken Robert, gardener, h 26 Parker 
  Aiken Robert, Jr, clerk cost dept, D M O & Co, bds 26 Parker 
  Aiken Robert W, salesman, 6 south, bds over 45 Genesee 
  Aiken Thomas, painter, h 54 1/2 Walnut 
  Aiken William A, student, Theo Seminary, res do 
  Aikin Charles R, salesman, 87 Genesee, bds Osborne House 
  Aikins Olen, emp, Kiemele's, h 77 Lewis 
  Aisley Anna, domestic, 139 E Genesee 
  Albee Edward, painter, bds 38 Water 
  ALBERT CHUCK CO., (THE) (Albert & Tucker), 12 Greene (See adv, next page)
  Albert Grace, clerk, Big Store, 141 Genesee, res 24 Park ave 
  Albert James W., (Albert & Tucker), h 24 Park Ave 
  ALBERT & TUCKER, (James W. Albert & Jno. C. Tucker) Albert Chuck
  Co., general machinists, 12 Greene (See adv, next page) 
  Alberts Lewis, pedler, bds 12 Division S 
  Alberts Zelyette, pedler, h 12 Division S 
  Albin Charles G, accountant, G C Smith M'f'g Co, bds 4 James 
  Albin E, tel op, bds 16 Clark 
  Albring William R, barkeeper, 47 Genesee, h 28 Clark 
  Alden Elnora S, bds 46 Lansing 
  Alden Fred C, bds 10 Rock ave 
  Alden Frederick A, student, Theo Sem, res do 
  Alden James M, salesman, 4 E Genesee, h 46 Lansing 
  Alden Lillian R, student, A A H S, res 46 Lansing 
  Aldrich Marion C, stenog'r, over 141 Genesee, res 16 Liberty 
  Aldrich Mrs Sarah C, res 18 1/2 Park ave 
  Alexander Elizabeth M, music teacher, bds 35 Capitol 
  Alexander Helen C, widow James, h 35 Capitol 
  Alexander Harriet C, Salvation Army, bds over 87 State 
  Alexander James, bookkeeper, Aub Agency D M O & Co, h 17 Capitol 
  Alexander Janet M, Supt W E & I U, office 25 William, res 35 Capitol
  Alfred George, teamster, h 14 1/2 Canoga ave 
  Alger Eva E, trained nurse, City Hospital, bds 114 Franklin 
  Alger John M, teamster, h 2 Morris 
  Alger Laura M, waitress, 24 North, bds 114 Franklin 
  Alger Marcus E, baggageman, N Y C R R, h 114 Franklin 
  Alger Milton A, teamster, h 30 Cayuga 
  ALLEN BENJ. B., ticket and passenger agent, N Y C R R , res 3 Harrington
  Terrace, 78 North 
  Allen Betsey A, widow Silas W, res 16 Fitch ave 
  Allen Carrie, domestic, 3 1/2 Franklin 
  Allen Charles G, foreman, D M O & Co, h 9 Lawton ave 
  Allen Dorcie R, seamstress, bds 2 Greene ave 
  Allen Dwight T, painter, h 162 Grant ave 
  Allen Edward F, (Auburn Gas Engine Co), h 23 Mattie 
  Allen Edward J, mason, bds 62 Bradford 
  Allen Edwin J, gardener, h over 26 Hamilton ave 
  Allen Elizabeth, h 170 Genesee 
  Allen Elizabeth D, widow Edward M, h 2 Greene ave 
  Allen Erastus W, prison guard, h 125 Division N 
  Allen Eva B, saleslady, 91 Genesee, bds 2 Greene ave 
  Allen Frank H, mechanic, bds 23 Mattie 
  ALLEN FRED I., (ALLEN M'f'g Co), lawyer and patent solicitor, office over
  75 Genesee, h 52 south 
  Allen Frederick, vice pres National Bank of Auburn, h 5 Fort 
  Allen Frederick G, student, Cascadilla Sch, res 5 Fort 
  Allen George M, carpenter, h r 147 Van Anden 
  Allen George W, prison keeper, h 3 Harrington Terrace, 78 North 
  ALLEN GORTON W., treas'r, (Henry & Allen), h 85 South 
  Allen Hattie J, bds over 20 Clark 
  Allen Helen M, widow John H, res 106 North 
  Allen Henry M, student, Williams Col, res 5 Fort 
  Allen James M, teamster, h over 121 1/2 Genesee 
  Allen John F, mill op, bds 62 Bradford 
  ALLEN LOUIS E, student, Cornell Law Sch, res 125 Division N 
  Allen Louise, widow Marvin, h over 35 Genesee 
  ALLEN M'F'G CO., Fred I Allen, pres, wagons and sleighs, 18 Water 
  Allen Moses J, teamster, h over 121 Genesee 
  Allen Philip J, shoe op, bds 62 Bradford 
  Allen Rose, shoe op, bds 8 Paddock blk, 76 Franklin 
  Allen Sally A, widow Lucius, h 16 Court 
  Allen Sarah P, widow William, res 191 Genesee 
  Allen Susan, res 170 Genesee 
  Allen Sylvester S, lather, h 25 Catlin 
  Allen Thomas B, polisher, bds 62 Bradford 
  Allen titus P, mason, h 62 Bradford 
  Allen William E, loom fixer, h 5 1/2, Florence 
  Allen William P, attorney at law, res 191 Genesee 
  Alliger Cornelius B, dealer in and repairer of all kinds of sewing machines,
  also supplies, 136 Genesee, h over 3 William 
  Alling Albert, carpenter, h 138 Seymour 
  ALMY C. EUGENE, sup't Iron Works Dep't, D M O & Co, office 1 Pulsifer,
  h 133 E Genesee 
  Almy Huldah M, widow Henry, h 21 Morris 
  Alnutt James, moulder, h 13 Academy 
  Alnutt John L, carpenter builder, over 8 south, h 54 Steel 
  Alnutt Jefferson, milkman, h 44 Bradford 
  Alnutt Samuel, farm hand, bds 44 Bradford 
  Alphonsus Bartholomew, laborer, h 1 O'Neil ave 
  Alt Ellis E, barber, 57 Market, h 52 Seymour 
  Alt Laura L, widow Adam, button op, res 52 Seymour 
  Alvord Albert, teamster, bds over 98 State 
  Alvord George H, farmer, h 18 Anna 
  Alvord Luella B, accountant, 42 Genesee, bds 18 Anna 
  Alvord Oren, carpenter, res over 98 State 
  Alvord Rachel A, widow Truman, nurse, h 84 Garrow 
  Alward Byron R, accountant, 22 and 24 State, bds 154 E Genesee 
  Alward Eliza, widow Charles G, h 154 E Genesee 
  AMERICAN CLOTHING CO., Abel Sakoski, m'g'r, 10 Exchange, Ladies' and children's suits 
  AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., J E Leonard, agent, office 114 Genesee 
  AMERICAN OIL CO., M C Backman, agent, office 128 Wall 
  AMERICAN STEAM LAUNDRY (THE,) D W Haley, prop'r, 10 1/2 and 12 Market (See adv) 
  AMERICAN WRINGER CO., (Auburn Factory,) A G Beardsley, Jr, m'g'r, H J White,
  sup't, from 51 to 55 Washington 
  Ames Bertha A, saleslady, 40 Market, bds 22 Orchard 
  Ames Fred, farmer, h near city limits, Grant ave 
  Ames William D, grocer, 32 1/2 Capitol, h 17 1/2 do 
  Amesbury Michael, spinner, bds 4 Hulbert 
  Amidon Charles M, mechanic, h over 22 Garrow 
  Amidon Charles S, medical student, bds 227 Seymour 
  Amidon Edwin L, emp D M O & Co, bds 227 Seymour 
  Amidon George S, mechanic, bds over 22 Garrow 
  Amidon Charlotte, widow Samuel, h 227 Seymour 
  Amidon Mary Helen, dressmaker, bds over 22 Garrow 
  Amidon Robert L, scythe maker, bds 227 Seymour 
  Amidon Walter L, scythe plater, h 81 Wall 
  Ammerman A, res 20 Elizabeth 
  Ammerman J Lewis, emp D M O & Co, bds 24 North 
  Ammerman Paul, h 1 Cayuga 
  Ammerman Paul H, twine op, h 49 Capitol 
  Amos Millie, dressmaker, rooms 79 Seymour 
  Andelfinger Melissa, widow Edward, h 74 Walnut 
  Anderson Agatha G, dressmaker, bds 27 Park ave 
  Anderson Alexander R, carpenter, bds Gernand's hotel, 114 State 
  Anderson Alice, proprietress Rochester Cafe Dining Rooms, 112 State, h do
  Anderson Alicia, widow Thomas, h 15 Madison ave 
  Anderson Anna, cook, 110 South 
  Anderson Anna, widow Michael, h 12 Sherman 
  Anderson Anna E, dressmaker, bds 12 Sherman 
  Anderson Charles, emp d M O & Co, bds 27 Park ave 
  Anderson Charles, mechanic, h 5 Sheldon ave 
  Anderson Clarence F, mechanic, h 220 Franklin 
  Anderson Eddy M, carpenter, h 18 Maple 
  Anderson Edgar C, mechanic, h over 51 Mattie 
  Anderson Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 27 Park ave 
  Anderson Edward A, mechanic, h 51 Mattie 
  Anderson Edward M, student Williams Col, bds 55 Seymour 
  Anderson Elmer, core maker, h 84 clark 
  Anderson Eugene B, teamster, res 220 Franklin 
  Anderson Frances M, bds 27 Park ave 
  Anderson Frank G, student, A H S, bds 121 E Genesee 
  Anderson George, coachman, bds 27 E Genesee 
  Anderson James J, student, Williams Coll, bds 55 Seymour 
  ANDERSON JOSEPH C., (Wm H Seward & Co), also treas'r Columbian Cordage
  Co, h 79 South 
  ANDERSON JOSEPH W., sec'y Nye & Wait Carpet Co, res 121 E Genesee 
  Anderson Julia A, widow, Joseph, h 55 Seymour 
  Anderson Louis R, printer, bds 55 Seymour 
  Anderson Margaret, widow Edward, h 27 Park ave 
  Anderson Mary P, shoe op, bds 84 Clark 
  Anderson Richard T, student, A H S, bds 55 Seymour 
  Anderson Rose G, domestic, 113 North 
  Anderson Sylvester J, pedler, h r 41 Market 
  Anderson Thomas A, salesman, 32 State, bds 74 Fulton 
  Anderson Thomas B, mechanic, h 114 Washington 
  Anderson Truman N, laborer, res 220 Franklin 
  ANDERSON WILLIAM, clerk Water Board, City of Auburn, office over 94 Genesee,
  h 121 E do 
  Anderson William E, shoe op, bds 84 Clark 
  ANDREWS ALBERT E., select family groceries and country produce, 6 South,
  h 30 Seminary Fresh goods placed in stock daily 
  Andrews Albert J, salesman, 6 South, bds 30 Seminary 
  Andrews Benjamin F, carpenter, h 14 Maple 
  Andrews Frank E, shoe cutter, h 13 Beach ave 
  Andrews Fred W, salesman, 6 South, bds 30 Seminary 
  Andrews Florence, domestic, 117 Franklin 
  Andrews George, saloon, 147 State, h 12 1/2 Union 
  Andrews George M, wool sorter, h 5 Pulsifer 
  Andrews James, gardener, 143 North 
  Andrews James J, mechanic, h over 47 Pulsifer 
  Andrews Lee, teamster, h over 160 Perrine 
  Andrews Lydia C, widow John P, h 20 Division N 
  ANDREWS MARTHA C., widow Sylvester, h 43 Barber 
  Andrews Maude G, shoe op, bds 5 Pulsifer 
  Andrews Theodore J, carpenter, h 226 Seymour 
  Andrews William, h 56 Fulton 
  Angel James R, prison keeper, h 161 Seymour 
  Angell Garbutt, machinist, h 163 Clark 
  Angell Julia A, spooler, bds 163 Clark 
  ANGUS ALEXANDER, (Hislop, Angus & Co), h 10 Hamilton ave 
  Annas Oakley J, wood worker, h r 86 Clark 
  Annin Frank B, machinist, h r 19 Park Place 
  Anthony Arthur, motorman, A C Ry, h r 25 Court 
  Anthony Bert, grinder, bds 166 Clark 
  Antone Anna, button op, bds 33 Walnut 
  ANTONE CLEMENCE W., (2) letter carrier, h 47 Elizabeth 
  Antone Gertrude C, button op, bds 33 Walnut 
  Antone John A, city policeman, h 22 1/2 Augustus 
  Antone Peter, h 33 Walnut 
  Appelt Anton, baker, h 1 Augustus 
  Appleby Mark, iron worker, h 42 Lansing 
  Applegate Kate F, res 11 1/2 Mary 
  Applegate Louis G, shoe op, h over 66 Lansing 
  Apthorpe Charles G, moulder, h 26 Hamilton ave 
  Apthorpe Sarah, widow William, res 28 Hamilton ave 
  Apthorpe William, emp D M O & Co, h 28 Hamilton ave 
  ARCADE HALL, John J. O'Neil, manager, office 1 Monroe, entrances 150 1/2
  Clark and 3 1/2 Railroad sts (See O'Neil's card) 
  Archambault Delia M, shoe op, bds 28 1/2 Division N 
  Archambault Frederick P, shoe op, bds 28 1/2 Division N 
  Archambault Louis, blacksmith, h 28 1/2 Division N 
  Archambault Louis, Jr, laborer, h 26 Wallace ave 
  Archambault Rosa J, shoe op, bds 28 1/2 Division N 
  Archer Caroline N, widow Dr M C, bds 46 Grant ave 
  Archer Joseph C, carpenter, h 48 fitch ave 
  Archibald Thomas F, student, Theo Sem, res do 
  ARCHIE (THE HOTEL), Archie White, manager, 62 and 64 State 
  Aresemus Buelus, laborer, h over 23 Monroe 
  Armbruster Adolph, pattern maker, bds 33 Union 
  ARMBRUSTER CARL, prop'r Floral Nurseries, 204 Clark, junc Aurelius ave, h
  8 Myrtle ave   
  Auto phone 342, Emp phone 724 (See adv, p 51) 
  Armistead Ada M, accountant, 22 E Genesee, res 21 Capitol 
  Armistead Alfred, emp d M O & Co, h 21 Capitol 
  ARMISTEAD GEORGE F., manufactur'g hatter, ( wholesale and retail), office,
  salesroom and factory 1 State, h 2 1/2 Grant ave (See adv, next page) 
  Armishaw Jessie, domestic, 52 Clark 
  Armitage Anna E, res 28 Howard 
  Armitage Edward, mason, h 40 Elizabeth 
  Armitage Edith E, student, A A H S, bds 28 Howard 
  Armitage Evelyn H, button op, bds 40 Elizabeth 
  Armitage Joseph, twine op, h 18 Sheridan 
  Armitage Luther, clerk, 30 1/2 Howard, h 30 do 
  Armitage Mary, res 28 Howard 
  Armitage Richard, grocer, 30 1/2 Howard, h 28 do 
  Armitage Walter F, foreman Col Cord Co, h 215 Seymour 
  Armitage William H, motorman, a C Ry Co, h 19 Holley 
  ARMORY BUILDING, (N. Y. S.,) F J Stupp, armorer, 57 Water, also 97 and 99
  Armstrong Andrew J, bds 13 1/2 Maple 
  Armstrong Anna R, res 8 Grover 
  Armstrong Asahel G, real estate, h 30 Sherwood 
  Armstrong Charles L, slate roofer, bds 13 1/2 Maple 
  Armstrong Mrs Clara M, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 52 Barber 
  Armstrong Clarence J, slate roofer, bds 13 1/2 Maple 
  ARMSTRONG DAVID F., physician and surgeon, office 8 Grover, res 197 Genesee
  Office hours until 9:30 A M, 2 to 4 and 7 to 8:30 P M 
  Armstrong Edward W, painter, bds 96 Division N 
  Armstrong Elizabeth M, res 135 E Genesee 
  Armstrong Emma M, teacher, Fulton St Sch, bds 135 E Genesee 
  Armstrong Fanny, widow James, nurse, res 138 Owasco 
  Armstrong Frank H, architect, over 92 Genesee, res 135 E do 
  Armstrong Fred, sash maker, bds 93 Cottage 
  ARMSTRONG GEORGE N., plain and ornamental slate roofer The best kind of felt
  roofing to order Office 6 Market, res 13 1/2 Maple (See adv, next page) 
  Armstrong Henry M, emp D M O & Co, bds over 15 Grover 
  Armstrong James, carpenter, h 135 E Genesee 
  Armstrong James W, tinsmith, h 100 clark 
  Armstrong John, carpenter, h 108 Van Anden 
  ARMSTRONG JOHN, JR., (sub) letter carrier, h 172 Seymour 
  Armstrong Josiah, carpenter, bds 30 Sherwood 
  Armstrong Mrs Margaret E, nurse, 46 Grant ave, bds do 
  Armstrong Mary E, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 108 Van Anden 
  Armstrong Mary W, widow David H, h 8 Grover 
  Armstrong Nathan, emp D M O & Co, h 30 Mattie 
  Armstrong Nelson M, chandler, h 96 Division N 
  Armstrong Richard P, shoe laster, bds 108 Van Anden 
  Armstrong Sarah H, widow Amos, h 61 Owasco 
  Armstrong William H, drayman, h 115 Van Anden 
  Arnett Mary A, h 82 North 
  Arnold Benjamin F, shoemaker, bds 11 Walnut 
  Arnold Bertha F, seamstress, bds 11 Walnut 
  Arnold Edith A, dressmaker, h over 12 Grant ave 
  Arnold Edith M, compositor, Daily Adv, res 5 Church 
  Arnold Elnora, widow William A, h 26 Market 
  Arnold Francis L, drayman, h 11 Walnut 
  Arnold Herbert S, enq 2 Benton 
  Arnold Lela, compositor, Daily Adv, res 26 Walnut 
  Arnold Maude A, widow Edward A, boarding house, 28 Washington 
  Arnold Marian A, widow David P, h 2 Benton 
  Arnold Matilda, attendant, 9 Hamilton ave 
  Arnold William, mechanic, h 2 Benton 
  Arthur George, mill op, bds 34 E Genesee 
  Arundel John, coachman, 112 Genesee, bds 139 Van Anden 
  Arundel Kittie B, salesclerk, 79 Genesee, bds 191 Seymour 
  Arundel Margaret F, res 191 Seymour 
  Arundel Mary, weaver, bds 139 Van Anden 
  Arundel Nellie C, shoe op, bds 139 Van Anden 
  Arundel Thomas, h 139 Van Anden 
  Arundel Timothy, ag't, Ehrman Brew Co, h 230 Seymour 
  Arundel William, flagman, N Y C R R, h 191 Seymour 
  Asay E Ethel, stenog'r, 101-102 Metcalf B'd'g, res 47 Capitol 
  Asay John, mechanic, h 47 Capitol 
  Asay Julia V, salesclerk, 135 Genesee, bds 47 Capitol 
  Ashbury Elias T, printer, Aub Bulletin, bds 77 Van Anden 
  Ashbury Leonidas O, twine op, bds over 77 Van Anden 
  Ashbury Thomas A, grinder, h over 77 Van Anden 
  Ashley Elsie E, mill op, res 16 Canoga ave 
  Ashman Clarke P, scythe maker, h 172 Van Anden 
  Ashman Mary H, widow Charles, res 172 Van Anden 
  Ashmore Mrs Mattie, h 22 Park ave 
  Ashmore Sarah, widow George, res 22 Park ave 
  Ashton James H, carpenter, bds 13 Fourth ave. Melrose Park 
  ASHTON JAMES M., (Ashton & Smith), h 13 Fourth ave, Melrose Park 
  ASHTON & SMITH, (J. M. Ashton and C. W. Smith), Contractors and Carpenter
  Builders,  office and shop 2 Seminary ave. (See adv), 
  Assman Caesar, real estate, h 109 Mechanic 
  Assman Emil, baker, "Kiemele's," bds 109 E Genesee 
  Assman Lizzie, res 109 Mechanic 
  Assman Louis, spinner, bds 109 Mechanic 
  Atchison William E, student, Theo Sem, res do 
  Atherly Clifford E, clerk coll dep't, D M O & Co, h 96 1/2 Division N
  Atherly Fred L, clerk, D M O & Co, h 81 Nelson 
  Atherley Mrs Nellie E, milliner, h 94 Division N (surname sic) 
  Atherly Rollin E, emp D M O & Co, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North 
  ATHLETIC CLUB HOUSE AND GROUNDS, Adam Young, janitor, main entrance Mary st 
  Atkins Alexander W, machinist, h 42 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Benjamin F, sand dealer, 61 Fitch ave, h do 
  Atkins David F, draughtsman, 101 Orchard, res 6 Fort 
  Atkins Edwin H, salesman, 95 Genesee, bds 60 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Mrs Effie, h rear 41 Market 
  Atkins Eliza H, widow William R, h 60 Fitch ave 
  Atkins George C, wringer op, bds 60 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Herbert B, wood worker, bds 61 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Howard, mill op, bds 41 Fitch ave 
  Atkins James E, coremaker, bds 120 Division S 
  Atkins Janette M, student, A H S, bds 61 Fitch ave 
  Atkins John, grocer and marketman, 84 Fitch ave, h 86 do 
  Atkins John F, mason, h 165 Cottage 
  Atkins Laura S, dressmaker, bds 60 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Martha T, mill op, bds 60 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Mary A, housekeeper, bds 84 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Richard R, agt, h 84 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Robert H, mechanic, bds 60 Fitch ave 
  Atkins Samuel R, mechanic, bds 84 Fitch ave 
  Atkins William, inventor, h 41 Fitch ave 
  Atkins William A, machinist, h 60 Fitch ave 
  Atkins William H, hame op, h 9 1/2 Dexter ave 
  Atkins William H, shoe cutter, h 167 Cottage 
  Atwater Mrs Alice J, h r 25 Court 
  Atwater E King, carpenter, h 68 Mary 
  Atwater Harry A, student, A H S, bds 11 Park ave 
  Atwater Jesse G, city policeman, h 11 Park ave 
  Atwater Sibyl M, salesclerk, 64 Genesee, bds 25 Court 
  Atwell Charles M, coachman, h 26 Chapel 
  Atwell Mrs Eliza, attendant, 172 Genesee 
  Aubin Adelore, scythe polisher, bds 40 Barber 
  Aubin Cyprian, scythe polisher, h 24 Frazee 
  Aubin Eusebe, scythe polisher, h 3 Spring 
  Aubin Omar, grinder, bds 3 Spring 
  Aubin Napoleon, polisher, h 8 Derby ave 
  AUBURN BULLETIN, (THE) daily, published by the Auburn Bulletin Co., offices,
  27 and 29 Clark. (See adv, opp page) 
  AUBURN BULLETIN CO., (THE) publishers of Bulletin (daily), Semi-Weekly 
  Bulletin, Semi-Weekly Democrat-Argus. N B Eldred, pres; F S Smith, sec'y;
  A J C Smith, treas; 27 and 29 Clark (See adv, opp page) 
  AUBURN BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION, Charles G. Adams, sec'y, office and reception
  parlor over 77 Genesee 
  AUBURN BUTTON WORKS (THE), J. Hermon Woodruff, offices and factory, 40 Washington
  AUBURN CASH GROCERY, Harry J. Curtis, prop'r, 9 Clark 
  AUBURN CITY DIRECTORY, Alonzo P. Lamey, publisher, issued in July of each
  year, office 4 Market, opp City Hall, Empire Phone 11 
  AUBURN CITY HOSPITAL, Miss Emma Grobert, superintendent, 1 to 21 Lansing
  AUBURN CITY RAILWAY CO., R. A. Dyer, Jr., superintendent, offices and power
  house, State cor Chapel 
  AUBURN COPYING HOUSE, Geo. W. Hoffman, 31 E Genesee, (Nat'l Hotel Bl'k) 
  AUBURN CYCLER'S CLUB, G. Earle Treat, pres, h'dq'rs over 86 Genesee 
  AUBURN DAILY ADVERTISER, (Knapp, Peck & Thomson,) offices over 118 Genesee
  AUBURN DECORATING CO., John T. Doyle, pres't. and gen'l manager, office,
  salesrooms and wirks 26 Garden (See adv) 
  AUBURN DRAYING CO., (Weeks & Monroe,) successors to Webster Bro's, General
  Freighting and Storage of all kinds of Goods, office N Y Cent Freight House 
  Tel 305 Special attention given to moving Household Goods, Safes, Pianos, &c. 
  AUBURN DRESSED BEEF CO., Earle L. Lester, manager, Beef and Pork Products
  (wholesale), 42 and 44 Chapel Phones, Auto 222, Emp 45 
  AUBURN DRIVING PARK, James Caldwell, prop'r, 317 Genesee 
  AUBURN ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., James S. Mc Cabe, general superintendent, office
  and station r 24 North 
  Auburn Extract Co, extracts, 22 E Genesee 
  AUBURN GAS LIGHT CO., E. H. Avery, pres; D. M. Dunning, sup't, offices 122
  AUBURN IRON WORKS, C. W. Tuttle & Co., propr's, office and works on N
  Y C R R, bet Hulbert and Mc Master 
  AUBURN MARKET (THE), Tuxill Bros., prop's Beef and Pork Products, 35 Genesee
  AUBURN ORPHAN ASYLUM, (R. C.) Sister de Chantal sup't, 124 North 
  AUBURN PRISON, J. Warren Mead, agent and warden, 135 State 
  AUBURN ROOFING CO., (Barnes, Jeremiah & Peck) roofing, cornice, steel
  ceiling and all other sheet metal goods for building, &c, also dealers in oil
  heating apparatus and the Thatcher Furnace, 18 Clark Auto Phone 826 
  Auburn Rubber Tire Works, (Brockway & Johnson), 13 Dill 
  AUBURN SAVINGS BANK, E. R. Fay, Pres, E. H. Townsend, Treas, 74 Genesee cor
  South (See adv) 
  AUBURN STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN, Anna M Welshe, matron, 50 Wall 
  AUBURN STEAM HEATING CO., James S. Mc Cabe, General Sup't, offices and station
  r 24 North 
  Auburn Tailoring Co, 46 1/2, State 
  AUBURN TELEPHONE CO., Oliver Watson, general manager, over 65 Genesee 
  AUBURN TOBACCO CO., (S. B. Lee, manager), wholesale Tobacconists and jobbers
  of Cigars, Snuff, Pipes, &c, &c, 109, 111 State 
  AUBURN TURN VEREIN HALL AND CAFE, Jacob Dieter, manager, 95 Owasco 
  AUBURN WEELY BULLETIN, published semi-weekly by the Auburn Bulletin Co, offices
  27 & 29 Clark (See adv, opp p 55) 
  AUBURN WEEKLY DEMOCRAT-ARGUS, published semi-weekly by the  
  Auburn Bulletin Co, offices 27 and 29 Clark (See adv, opp page 55) 
  AUBURN WEEKLY JOURNAL, (Knapp, Peck & Thomson) over 118 Genesee 
  AUBURN WOMEN'S UNION, Janet M. Alexander, Sup't, rooms 25 William 
  AUBURN WOOLEN CO. (THE), T. M. Clark, Sup't, manufacturers woolen cloths,
  &c, Mill n Owasco 
  Audet Peter, scythe maker, h 5 Frazee 
  Auel Mrs Grace, h 3 Burt ave 
  Aumock Dey R, mill op, h 22 Maple 
  Austen Hattie E, student, bds 49 Aurelius ave 
  Austen Richard J, sup't Canning Factory, h 49 Aurelius ave 
  Austin_______, h over 20 Lincoln 
  Austin Albert A, salesman, 9 Clark, h 2 Easterly ave 
  Austin Amelia K, widow Rev John M, bds 48 Perry 
  Austin Carrie L, bds 51 E Genesee 
  Austin Charles M, photographer, over 93 Genesee, h 99 Fulton 
  AUSTIN DE WITT F., City Surveyor, also Civil Engineer and Pres Ex and Sup'g
  B'd of Plumbers, office City Hall, h over 72 Genesee (See adv) 
  Austin Harvey, h 51 E Genesee 
  Austin James, laborer, bds 121 York 
  Austin Julius M, mill op, bds 3 Holley 
  Austin Milton R, photographer, h 99 Fulton 
  Austin Mary, widow Mortimer V, h 83 E Genesee 
  AUSTIN, M. V., attorney and counsellor at law, also com'r of deeds, over
  79 Genesee, res 83 E do 
  Austin Nellie M, res 83 E Genesee 
  Austin SEDGWICK E., physician and surgeon, office and res 6 1/2 Hours until
  9 A M, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P M 
  Auyer Burt, mechanic, bds 58 Van Anden 
  Avery Amanda A, h 126 Clark 
  Avery Augusta S, widow David N, res 13 Hulbert 
  Avery Ben Lee, painter, h 40 South 
  AVERY CARRINGTON, attorney at law, offices over 124 Genesee, res 32 South
  AVERY HON. CHARLES I., attorney at law, also United States Com'r, treas'r
  the Emp State Tel and Tel Co, office over 124 Genesee, h 168 do 
  AVERY COURTNEY C., manager Advertising Dep't, D M O & Co, h 5 Swift 
  AVERY EDWARD H., pres't National Bank of Auburn and aub Gas Co, also lawyer,
  office 120 Genesee, h 3 Grover 
  Avery Floyd O, machinist, bds 13 Hulbert 
  Avery Frank, emp D M O & Co, h 21 Derby ave 
  Avery Mabel, bds 13 Hulbert 
  Avery Oliver, mechanic, h 13 Hulbert 
  AVERY R. BURNS, D. D. S, surgeon dentist, offices and parlors over 72 Genesee,
  (Aub Sav Bank B'd'g) h 94 E Genesee My present location affords my patrons 
  more pleasant accommodations and more space to introduce the latest modern 
  scientific appliances in dentistry
  AVERY (THE HOTEL), Ralph A. Wells, prop'r, 36 to 42 State 
  AXTMANN VOL, (Sprague, Axtmann & Nolan) h 20 Burt ave 
  Axton Belle, seamstress, enq 34 Lincoln 
  Aylsworth John W, accountant, bds 7 Myrtle ave 
  Aylsworth Rev Nicholas J, h 7 Myrtle ave 

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
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