In promulgating esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological observations, we ignore platitudinous
ponderosity. Our statements possess a clarified conciseness, compacted
comprehensibleness, coalescent consistency and a concentrated cogency. Eschewing
all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejeune babblement and asinine
affectations. In trying to impress upon others the superiority and value
of the
Auburn City Directory
we do not indulge in jaw breakers. Our extemporaneous decantings and unpremeditated expatiations have intelligibility and veracious vivacity, without rhodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoiding all polysyllabic profoundity, psittaceous vacuity, ventriloqual verbosity and valdiloquent vapidity and shunning double entendres, prurient jocosity and pestiferous profanity, obscurent or apparent. In other words, we talk plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthfully say, that Business Men who do not advertise in The City Directory are ignorant of the full signification of the word Progressiveness.
" He that writes, or makes a feast, more certainly invites his judges than
his friends; there's
not a guest but will find something wanting or ill drest."
For Names and Corrections received too late for regular Classification, see opposite page 380.
This volume of the Auburn City Directory rounds up a period of thirty years of my labors in connection therewith. The dimensions of length and width remain the same, but in thickness, it has increased from two hundred to over seven hundred pages, due principally to the yearly increase of names, which is indisputable evidence of our city's growth. At this point, I avail myself of the opportunity to remind Directory patrons, that notwithstanding the three-fold enlargement of the work, entailing the same increased ratio of expenditure, the subscription and advertising rates have not been advanced. Of Auburn, I can say but little in continuation of the facts so admirably set forth in the recent Souvenir published by the Business Men's Association; her EXCELLENT LOCATION, REMARKABLE resources and superior transportation facilities have made her a world famous manufacturing centre. No word, painting, or glittering pretense is necessary to substantiate the claim that Auburn is of a surety in the van of progression among American cities. Ocular evidence is abundant, that her claims to prolific progress are not mere day dreams; her Public and Commercial Buildings and Places of Interest compare favorably with those of more pretentious cities. Auburn is the Great Industrial Hive of Central New York and richly endowed by Nature as a manufacturing and distributing centre and a place of residence. The best evidence that can be adduced of our city's growth is the yearly increase of Directory Names, embracing only those eighteen years of age and upwards, and not including the names of wives. The increase in the number of names over last year is 964. The following is an alphabetical comparison of this year's Directory with those of 1898 and 1899.
1898 | 1899 | 1900 | 1898 | 1899 | 1900 | |||
A............ | 404 | 438 | 445 | N............ | 258 | 283 | 289 | |
B............ | 1598 | 1712 | 1777 | O............ | 420 | 460 | 486 | |
C............ | 1412 | 1525 | 1595 | P............ | 611 | 675 | 728 | |
D............ | 868 | 930 | 1000 | Q............ | 96 | 97 | 107 | |
E............ | 228 | 253 | 264 | R............ | 678 | 733 | 752 | |
F............ | 598 | 649 | 688 | S............ | 1482 | 1574 | 1724 | |
G............ | 678 | 764 | 787 | T............ | 512 | 568 | 591 | |
H............ | 1200 | 1451 | 1554 | U............ | 24 | 30 | 26 | |
I............ | 39 | 45 | 45 | V............ | 234 | 253 | 277 | |
J............ | 270 | 300 | 317 | W............ | 949 | 1008 | 1051 | |
K............ | 589 | 671 | 718 | X............ | ||||
L............ | 557 | 607 | 657 | Y............ | 86 | 93 | 98 | |
M............ | 1599 | 1710 | 1806 | Z............ | 10 | 11 | 12 | |
Totals........................................................................ | 16830 | 17794 |
Estimating that every directory name is equivalent to one more of population,
Auburn has 17,794 x 2, giving her 35,588. Another estimate carefully
made, taking the known number of dwellings and families in apartments as
a basis, gives practically the same result. Our city promises to long
retain its present prominence and flourishing condition--it is well known
as one of the most progressive cities of the State. In social, religious
and educational institutions Auburn is fully equal to any city of its size,
and a few of her enterprising capitalists are constantly working to still
further develop her possibilities. Rapid as the City's strides have been
in the past decade, the next generation will see an extensive enlargement
of its manufacturing industries, commensurate with the ambition of her citizens.
The Directory for 1900-1901 I trust will meet with patrons' approval,
and hoping to serve them in a similar way next season,
I am respectfully theirs,
Auburn, N. Y., July 20th, 1900
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LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory
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