ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section

Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Faatz Herve L, laborer, bds 68 Grant ave				

Faatz Sarah E, widow Philip A, bds 68 Grant ave				

Fagan Bernard J, mill op, bds 11 Derby ave				

Fagan Catherine E, mill op, bds 11 Derby ave				

Fagan Peter, mill op, h 11 Derby ave				

Fagan Rose T, mill op, bds 11 Derby ave				

FAILEY, see FEALY also FEELY				

Failey _______, emp D M O & Co, bds 24 North				

Failey James H, engineer, L V R R, h 3 Garrow				

Failey John, engineer, L V R R, h 7 Baker ave				

Failey William Q, fireman, L V R R, h 90 1/2 Orchard				

Fairbanks Mary M, widow George H, h 10 Arch				

Fairbanks Myra M, Emp Tel and Tel Co, res 10 Arch				

Fairbanks Welles C, electrician, Emp Tel and Tel Co, bds 10 Arch				

Fairchild George, ass't, "Kiemele's," bds 38 Water				

Fairchild Mrs Helen, milliner, res 8 William				

Falcone Joseph, laborer, bds 13 Underwood				

Falcone Michael, laborer, h 13 Underwood				

Fall Adam, mechanic, bds 70 Perrine				

Fallan Anna, domestic, 106 North				

Fallon Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds 73 Nelson				

Fallon Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds 176 State				

Falvey Elizabeth, dressmaker, 123 Metcalf B'k, 141 Genesee, res do				

Falvey Margaret G, widow Dennis, h 62 Washington				

Fancher Rev Abram, h 32 Perry				

Fanelli Oronzio, laborer, bds 60 Division S				

Fanning Anna, shoe op, res over 3 Clark				

Fanning Frank M, emp D M O & Co, bds 17 Fulton				

Fanning George B, shoe cutter, h 38 Seymour				

Fanning George W, carpenter, h 214 Franklin				

FANNING GURDON'S, inventor, also patentee and prop'r The 20th Century Car Brake, office and res 32 				

Fanning James M, h 19 Seminary ave				

Fanning Margaret, widow Edward, h 17 Fulton				

Fanning Nellie, mattress op, bds 98 Van Anden				

Fanning Patrick, mason tender, bds over 59 Owasco				

Fanning Rose, widow Michael, h 34 Walnut				

Fanning Thomas, painter, bds 12 Garden				

Fanning William F, emp D M O & Co, bds 34 Walnut				

Fannorz Anton, laborer, bds 93 Perrine				

Farrelli Tony, laborer, bds 21 Monroe				

Farley Dora, widow Philip, res 133 Van Anden				

Farley Frank E, shoe op, bds 133 Van Anden				

Farley Frank H, core maker, bds 222 Seymour				

Farley James, teamster, h 56 Water				

Farley James P, moulder, h 222 Seymour				

Farley John, mechanic, bds 133 Van Anden				

Farley Kate, domestic, 33 William (ref '98)				

Farley Katie, domestic, 195 Genesee				

Farley Patrick J, moulder, bds 133 Van Anden				

Farley William J, newsboy, bds 56 Water				

Farmer Stella E, domestic, over 28 Wood				

FARMER'S CREDIT CO, (THE,) incorporated, loans made on mortgages and live stock, also notes				
	purchased (legal rates), offices over 133 Genesee (Flint Block)			

Farnham Adaline E, weaver, bds 36 Aurelius ave				

Farnham Ann, widow Patrick, res 4 Kelsey				

Farnham Ella, cook, 67 South				

Farnham Mrs Joseph, h 36 Aurelius ave				

Farnham Mrs Martha A, h 36 Aurelius ave				

Farnham Monroe, iron planer, bds 36 Aurelius ave				

Farr A Dudley, coachman, bds over 19 1/2 North				

Farrar Edward, painter, bds 21 Frances				

Farrar Florence A, res 16 Bradford				

Farrar John R, saloon keeper, h over 16 Bradford				

Farrar Michael, h 21 Frances				

Farrar William J, barber, bds 13 Frances				

Farrell Elizabeth A, res 120 Seymour				

FARRELL JAMES J., (Laper & Farrell), Hotel de Assman, 109 Mechanic				

Farrell Jennie, nurse, 114 South				

Farrell John, sexton Holy Family ch, h 120 Seymour				

Farrell John H, pres State B B League, h 20 Mann				

Farrell John J, moulder, h 13 Aurelius ave				

Farrell Michael, laborer, h 21 Frances				

FARRELL M. J., sample rooms and pool parlors, 7 North, h Janet st ext'n   Keeping pace with the times,				
	our conveniences and service are up to date   The quality of our goods is A--1			

Farrell Sarah H, tailoress, res 120 Seymour				

Farrell William J, barber, 96 Genesee, h 13 Frances				

Farrington Elmer, coachman, h 45 Hamilton ave				

Farrington Lottie, domestic, 5 Mary				

Farrington Mabel, domestic, 17 Elizabeth				

Farrington Sarah, attendant, Radney House, 34 E Genesee				

Fasce Lena J, shoe op, bds 4 Garden				

Fasce Luigi, fruiterer, h 4 Garden				

Fasce William E, shoe op, bds 4 Garden				

Fassett Amanda, widow Oel R, h 95 Franklin				

Faulkner Anna M, laundress, bds 29 Van Anden				

Faulkner George M, shoe cutter, h 7 Madison ave				

FAUNTAIN & BAIRD, (James H. Fauntain and James Baird), prop'r's 7th Ward Meat Market, dealers in				
	fresh, salt and smoked meats, also fish, oysters and poultry, 127 1/2 Wall			

Fauntain George R, plane maker, h 15 Aurelius ave				

FAUNTAIN JAMES H., (Fauntain & Baird) h 127 Wall				

Faustman Agnes H, shoe op, bds 50 Logan				

Faustman Agnes M, box maker, bds 31 Wall				

Faustman Ferdinand, h 50 Logan				

Faustman Frederick, shoe op, bds 50 Logan				

Faustman Hattie A, domestic, 94 E Genesee				

Faustman John, shoe op, bds 50 Logan				

Faustman Max, emp D M O & Co, bds 50 Logan				

Faustman Paul H, carpenter, bds 50 Logan				

FAY & BOWEN, (Walter L. Fay and Ernest S. Bowen), manufacturers of Bicycle parts, office and factory				
	Mill st n Big Dam			

FAY CHARLES R., (E. R. Fay & Sons), h 54 South				

Fay Dudley W, student, bds 63 South				

FAY EDWIN R., (E. R. Fay & Sons), also Pres't Auburn Savings Bank, h 174 Genesee				

FAY EDWIN R. & SONS, (Charles R. and Fred H. Fay), bankers   also safety deposit vaults, 72 Genesee,				
	(Aub Sav Bank B'd'g)			

FAY FRED H., (E. R. Fay & Sons), also lawyer, h 63 South				

Fay Hilem B, h 37 1/2 Grover				

Fay Mary L, widow Edmund B, bds 69 Fulton				

FAY WALTER L., (Fay & Bowen), h 67 E Genesee				


Fealy Catherine, widow Dennis, h 92 Orchard				

Fealy John, shoe op, bds 92 Orchard				

Fealy William, fireman, L V R R, h 90 1/2 Orchard				

Fear George W, emp D M O & Co, h 18 Garrow				

Fearing Charles N, h 139 North				

Fedigan Ann, widow Peter, h 33 Franklin				

Fedigan Catherine, dressmaker, bds 33 Franklin				

Fedigan George F, shoe maker, bds 124 Division S				

Fedigan George I, shoe foreman, h 17 Havens ave				

Fedigan James E, wood worker, h 124 Division S				

Fedigan John, shoe op, bds 135 1/2 Mechanic				

Fedigan Martha, dressmaker, bds 33 Franklin				

Fedigan Mary C, bds 124 Division S				

Fedigan Theodore, clerk, bds 124 Division S				

Fedigan Thomas, laborer, h 133 Mechanic				

Feeck Mrs Emma, h 61 Mechanic				

Feeck William H, emp D M O & Co, bds 61 Mechanic				

Feeley Agnes, attendant, 48 South				

Feeley John W, salesman, 39 Genesee, h 71 Hamilton ave				

Feeley Maggie, attendant, 79 South				

Feeley Mary H, widow Michael J, h over 8 Derby ave				

Feeley Thomas P, emp D M O & Co, h 20 Lincoln				

Feeter Frank L, machinist, h 3 Easterly Place				

Feeter Harry, emp D M O & Co, bds 79 1/2 Van Anden				

Feld Rev George, h 47 Grover				

Fell Anna E, gospel worker, bds 36 E Genesee				

Fell Henry H, foreman D M O & Co, h 27 1/2 Holley				

Felldin Carolina W, widow Abraham, h 7 Chestnut				

Felldin Jennie S W, res 7 Chestnut				

Felldin William A, bill clerk, D M O & Co, bds 7 Chestnut				

Fellows Charles G, salesman, 34 State, h over 60 North				

Fellows Nancy J, widow Edmond D, bds 21 Mann				

Fellows Nellie G, dressmaker, bds 21 Mann				

Fennelly Edward J, shoe op, bds 188 Seymour				

Fennelly Mary, widow Patrick, h 188 Seymour				

Feltus George H, res 29 Elizabeth				

Fenner Fred L, drug clerk, 54 State, h 43 Grant ave				

Fenner Herman, mechanic, bds 16 Clark				

Fenner William, carpenter, h 178 E Genesee				

Fenton Harry, mill op, bds over 7 Dill				

Fenton Phoebe, widow Harry, h over 7 Dill				

Fenton Ray, bootblack, bds over 7 Dill				

Ferguson Aldanie, res over 22 E Genesee				

Ferguson Anneka, res 50 1/2 Clark				

Ferguson Betsy, widow Charles, res 103 Mechanic				

Ferguson Clinton M, twine op, bds over 22 E Genesee				

Ferguson Harry H, accountant, 101 Orchard, h 50 1/2 Clark				

Ferguson Mrs Mary D, res 5 Court				

Ferguson Ralph, teamster, bds 191 E Genesee				

Ferguson Thomas, coachman, 22 William				

Ferguson William J, upholsterer, h over 22 E Genesee				

FERREY WILLIAM I., (Mc Intosh, Seymour & Co,) h 6 William				

Ferrin Emory E, shoe cutter, h 39 Augustus				

Ferrin Eva May, mill op, bds over 20 Barber				

Ferrin Mary, widow Wilbur, mill op, h over 20 Barber				

Ferris Bert A, salesman, 103 Genesee, h 71 South				

Ferris Edward C, plane maker, bds 32 Delevan				

Ferris Ellen M, widow George, res 90 Washington				

Ferris Grace M, res 90 Washington				

Ferris Harold L, student, A H S, bds 71 South				

Ferris John J, twine op, bds 32 Delevan				

Ferris Joseph, pedler, bds 247 Genesee				

Ferris Julia C, teacher, Cent Gram Sch, h 7 Court				

Ferris Sarah L, widow Chas J, law clerk, over 59 Genesee, h 140 Franklin				

Ferris William P, moulder, h 32 Delevan				

Ferry Catherine N, shoe op, bds 61 Bradford				

Ferry James, mechanic, bds 38 Water				

Ferry James J, mechanic, h 61 Bradford				

Ferry Kittie, shoe op, bds 53 Frances				

Ferry Laura, shoe op, bds 22 Barber				

Fiarenza Domenico, laborer, bds 20 Dill				

Fiarenza Flario, laborer, bds 20 Dill				

Fick George, emp D M O & Co, h 46 Perrine				

Fick Michael, emp D M O & Co, bds 46 Perrine				

FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT CO., of Maryland, Harry T. Dayton, agt, office Court House, 152 Genesee				

Field Charles, emp D M O & Co, h over 4 Genesee				

Field Ira, seamstress, bds 3 Hulbert				

Field Louis H, druggist, res 6 Thornton ave				

Field Martin L, carpenter, h 6 Thornton ave				

Field Mary W, widow Elijah S, res 26 Fulton				

Field Stanley I, emp Tel office, res 6 thornton ave				

Fiero Edward R, stenographer, bds 146 Van Anden				

Fiero Helen A, widow William L, h 13 Frazee				

Fiero Jennie L, compositor, Daily Adv'r, res 146 Van Anden				

Fiero Jessie M, button op, bds 13 Frazee				

FIERO JOSIAH, Fire Insurance, Old Established and Reliable Stock Co's, office over 95 Genesee, h 26				

Fiero Lulu B, button op, bds 13 Frazee				

Fiero Stephen A, teamster, h 146 Van Anden				

Fiero William H, attache, Bell's livery, bds over 61 State				

Fijatkowski Adam, emp D M O & Co, bds 45 Perrine				

Filice toney, laborer, bds 8 South				

FILKIN CLARENCE J., (Clark & Filkin,) res 259 Genesee				

Filkin Edgar, clerk, 64 Genesee, bds 56 Elizabeth				

Fillingham Charles W, emp D M O & Co, bds 40 Seward ave				

Fillingham Edward G, tinsmith, h 40 Seward ave				

Fillingham Emily L, dressmaker, bds 40 Seward ave				

Fillingham Fred A, tinsmith, bds 59 Owasco				

Fillingham George, emp D M O & Co, h 13 Seward ave				

Fillingham Nellie A, salesclerk, 83 Genesee, bds 40 Seward ave				

Finch Frank A, coachman, 203 Genesee, h 17 Ross Place				

Finch Frank R, student, A H S, res 17 Ross Place				

Fingar Myrtle, domestic, 10 Easterly ave				

Finlay Catherine, widow Alexander, bds 2 Fulton				

Finlayson Donald, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Finley Edward J, shoe op, bds 188 Seymour				

Finley Ellen, domestic, 209 Genesee				

Finley Lizzie G, attendant, bds 55 West				

Finley Mary P, widow Patrick, h 188 Seymour				

Finn Ann, widow John, bds 47 Seward ave				

Finn Charles, emp D M O & Co, bds 76 Wall				

Finn Etta, salesclerk, 83 Genesee, bds 49 Holley				

Finn Helena F, salesclerk, 73 Genesee, res 23 Perry				

Finn James T, horse shoer, 35 Water, h 135 1/2 Seymour				

Finn Jeremiah, laborer, h 9 Underwood				

Finn Maggie, waitress, City Hosp, 15 Lansing				

Finn Mary, widow John, tailoress, bds 13 Delevan				

Finn Mary, widow Thomas, h 33 Lansing				

Finn Mary A, weaver, bds 111 Lansing				

Finn Michael, twine op, h over 101 Cottage				

Finn Thomas, R R brakeman, h 13 Delevan				

Finn Thomas J, salesman, 48 and 50 Genesee, h 23 Perry				

Finn William R, shoe cutter, bds 23 Perry				

Finnegan John, laborer, bds 21 chapel				

Finnegan Theresa, cook, 81 South				

Finnerty James, coachman, 88 South, h 18 Hamilton ave				

Finnessy Bridget, widow Maurice, h 221 Seymour				

Finnessy Catherine, widow Richard, h 40 Division N				

Finnessy Elizabeth, shoe op, bds 221 Seymour				

Finnessy James, twine maker, bds 221 Seymour				

Finnessy Maggie L, shoe op, bds 221 Seymour				

Finnessy Mary J, dressmaker, bds 221 Seymour				

Finnessy Michael R, scythe drawer, h 65 Division N				

Finney Augustus C, conductor, A C Ry, h 8 Maple				

Finney William S, conductor, A C Ry, h 43 Grant ave				

Firmon Lena, domestic, 97 North, bds 51 Garrow				

Firth Agnes, res 15 Grant ave				

Firth Elizabeth, widow William H, h 15 Grant ave				

Firth Fred, com trav, h 29 Seymour				

FIRTH WILLIAM C., city treas, office City Hall, h 5 Grant ave				
	Hours from 9 A M to 3 P M			

Fish John, emp D M O & Co, h over 94 Clark				

Fisher Albert, physician, 110 Metcalf B'd'g, 141 Genesee				

Fisher Carrie, res 99 E Genesee				

Fisher Harriet M, musical merchandise, 121 Genesee, res 99 do				

Fisher Henry, farm hand, 232 North				

Fisher Henry, Jr, emp D M O & Co, h over 27 Genesee				

Fisher John H, engineer, L V R R, h 109 Wall				

Fisher James, laborer, h 104 Van Anden				

Fisher Joshua, mechanic, h over 32 Dill				

Fisher Marcus L, com trav, h 35 Elizabeth				

Fisher Mary, widow Bernard, h 197 State				

Fisher Mary A, seamstress, bds 197 State				

Fisher Mary E, machine op, bds over 27 Genesee				

Fisher Mary J, widow Joseph, h 8 Grant ave				

Fisher Mary Rosaline, h 35 Elizabeth				

Fisher Theo M, jeweler and repairer, 121 Genesee, h 99 E do				

Fisher William, farm hand, 232 North				

Fitch Edwin R, 86 Genesee, h 15 1/2 Franklin				

Fitch Rev Frank E, pastor, Free M E ch, h 24 Wood				

Fitch Frederick E, plumber, h 7 Gibson Square				

Fitch Margaret O, res 15 1/2 Franklin				

FITCH MRS. MARY M., (widow Horace B.) Fire Insurance Agency,
	representing reliable companies, office over 105 Genesee, res 171 do

Fitch Minnie W, optician, over 92 Genesee, res 15 1/2 Franklin				

Fitch Nellie M, seamstress, bds 8 1/2 Cross				

Fitzgerald Andrew, tailor, 87 Genesee, h over 27 chapel				

Fitzgerald Anna, res 10 Baker ave				

Fitzgerald Anna A, seamstress, bds 12 1/2 Bradford				

Fitzgerald Bell A, bds 12 1/2 Bradford				

Fitzgerald Bridget, widow John, h 2 Pulsifer				

Fitzgerald Bridget, widow Richard J, h 12 1/2 Bradford				

Fitzgerald David, shoe op, bds 10 Baker ave				

Fitzgerald Edward, emp L V R R, h 10 Baker ave				

Fitzgerald Edward J, emp D M O & Co, bds 61 Hamilton ave				

Fitzgerald Ellen B, seamstress, bds 12 1/2 Bradford				

Fitzgerald James, engineer, bds over 27 Chapel				

Fitzgerald James J, delivery clerk, 88 State, h 6 Lincoln				

Fitzgerald Jeremiah, shoe op, bds 10 Baker ave				

Fitzgerald Johanna, widow Michael, h 44 steel				

Fitzgerald John, emp D M O & Co, bds 44 Steel 				

Fitzgerald John T, trav agent, h over 24 Bradford				

Fitzgerald Kittie E, shoe op, bds 12 1/2 Bradford				

Fitzgerald Mary R, shoe op, bds 12 1/2 Bradford				

Fitzgerald Mazie, tailoress, 87 Genesee, res 16 Garden				

Fitzgerald Michael J, painter, bds 2 Pulsifer 				

Fitzgerald Nellie, button op, bds 44 Steel				

Fitzgerald Nellie E, tailoress, res 2 Pulsifer				

Fitzgerald Patrick, wood worker, h 81 Cornell				

Fitzgerald Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds 192 State				

Fitzgerald Thomas W, machinist, bds 12 1/2 Bradford				

Fitzgerald William J, laborer, h 61 Hamilton ave				

Fitzpatrick Bernard F, mechanic, bds 78 Lansing				

Fitzpatrick James, emp L V R R, h over 41 North				

Fitzpatrick James E, mechanic, bds 78 Lansing				

Fitzpatrick John, helper, 26 North, bds 38 Water				

Fitzpatrick Julia, domestic, 217 Genesee				

Fitzpatrick Margaret C, salesclerk, Big Store, res 22 Burt ave				

Fitzpatrick Patrick, wringer op, h over 44 State				

Fitzpatrick Sarah, widow Thomas, h 78 Lansing				

Fitzpatrick Theresa, domestic, 14 Fort				

Fitzsimons Ann M, widow Michael, h 43 Wall				

Fitzsimons James J, shoe op, bds 43 Wall				

Fitzsimons John F, shoe op, bds 43 Wall				

Fitzsimons Thomas H, core maker, bds 43 Wall				

Fitzsimons Michael, laborer, bds 43 Wall				

Fitzwater David H, mechanic, h 258 Seymour				

Fitzwater H Clay, machinist, res 258 Seymour				

FIX ALEXANDER, manufacturer choice candies and ice cream, also dealer in confections and soda				
	water, 41 E Genesee, h do  A quiet and pleasant resort for ladies and children

Fix Augusta H, salesclerk, 41 E Genesee, bds do				

Fix Olga T, saleslady, bds over 41 E Genesee				

Flagg Fred B, machinist, h over 163 1/2 Clark				

Flagg Jesse E, machinist, bds 109 Orchard				

Flagg Nelson A, machinist, h 109 Orchard				

Flagg Nina May, bds 109 Orchard				

Flagler Emma C, res 82 South				

Flagler Isaac V, organist 1st Presby ch, h 82 South				

Flaherty Anna E, shirt maker, over 10 State, bds over 17 Burt ave				

Flaherty Bridget, widow Timothy, h over 17 Burt ave				

Flaherty C Evelyn, student A H S, bds 18 Easterly ave				

Flaherty Ellen, widow James, res 10 Church				

Flaherty James, emp d M O & Co, h 10 Church				

Flaherty James C, (Loveland & Flaherty,) h 39 Fitch ave				

Flaherty John, coachman, 99 south, h 55 Steel				

Flaherty John, prison guard, h 18 Easterly ave				

Flaherty Josephine, attendant, 159 Genesee				

Flaherty Margaret, bds 10 Church				

Flahive James, agent, bds 27 Burt ave				

Flahive John, mechanic, bds 27 Burt ave				

Flahive Kittie, waitress, 63 South				

Flanagan Alice, widow Michael, h 21 Howard				

Flanagan Catherine E, silk weaver, bds 21 Howard				

Flanagan Charles W, teamster, bds 103 Lewis				

Flanagan Mrs C L, res 50 Hamilton ave				

Flanagan Eugene A, salesman, 24 State, bds 25 Gaylord				

Flanagan Hugh E, twine op, h 61 West				

Flanagan Hugh J, merchant, h 44 West				

Flanagan James, grocer, 44 West, h do				

Flanagan James J, machinist, h over 27 Gaylord				

Flanagan James, Jr, mechanic, h 19 West				

Flanagan Jeremiah, emp D M O & Co, bds 103 Lewis				

Flanagan John, div'y clerk, 1 Genesee, h over 7 Hockeborn ave				

Flanagan John J, shoemaker, bds 103 Lewis				

Flanagan Joseph E, clerk, bds 44 West				

Flanagan Margaret, salesclerk, bds 44 West				

Flanagan Margaret, widow Hugh, h 27 Gaylord				

Flanagan Margaret, widow Owen, h 103 Lewis				

Flanagan Martha S, widow Charles L, h 50 Hamilton ave				

Flanagan Martin, emp D M O & Co, bds 34 E Genesee				

Flanagan Mary, dressmaker, bds 103 Lewis				

Flanagan Mary Agnes, accountant, 109 & 111 State, res 21 Howard				

Flanagan Mary V, massage op, res 50 Hamilton ave				

Flanagan Michael, moulder, bds 68 Orchard				

Flanagan Thomas, barber, h r 24 Gaylord				

Flannerty Mary, widow Cornelius, bds 5 Cornell				

Fleet Albert, moulder, bds 110 Division S				

Fleet Mrs Sarah E, housekeeper, 102 Wall				

Fleischman Carl, brewer, h 17 Madison				

Fleming Andrew J, carpenter, h 21 Chapel				

Fleming Durwood R, drug clerk, 121 Genesee, bds 3 Adams				

FLEMING ED. C., sample rooms and pool parlors, 11 North, h 24 Steel   A quiet and pleasant resort				
	for gentlemen			

Fleming Frederick W, drug clerk, 109 Genesee, bds 3 Adams				

Fleming George R, (Fleming & Pulver,) h 11 1/2 Steel				

Fleming Mrs Mary, dressmaker, bds 21 Chapel				

Fleming Mary A, widow Wm R, dressmaker, over 3 Adams, h do				

Fleming & Pulver, (G R F, and E E P,) carriage painters, over 10 South				

Flesher George, carpenter, h over 13 E Genesee				

Flesher Louis, mechanic, h 69 Division N				

Fletcher Ina M, teacher Genesee St Sch, bds 31 Seward ave				

Fletcher Maria, widow Harry, h over 20 Park ave				

Fletcher Raymond H, carpenter, h 31 Seward ave				

FLINT BLOCK, James Mc Donald, janitor, entrance 133 1/2 Genesee				

Flint Elizabeth L, res 18 Gaylord				

Flint George C, machinist, h 5 Church				

Flint Lester E, com trav, h 9 Church				

Flint Margaret L, widow Asher, h 18 Gaylord				

Flinter Mary, attendant, 34 Grover				

Flood Daniel, emp D M O & Co, h r 12 Van Anden				

Flood Timothy J, dining car, 45 State, h 14 Court				

Floni Tomasa, laborer, bds 1 O'Neil ave				

Florence Prof Antoine, dress cutter, res 14 Court				

FLUHRER HOWARD W., sup't Auburn Telephone co, res New National Hotel Block, 33 E Genesee				

Flynn Amelia, mill op, bds 53 Owasco				

Flynn Anna F, shoe op, bds 70 Clark				

Flynn Anna M, housekeeper, 42 Elizabeth				

Flynn Augustine F, shoe op, bds 64 Hamilton ave				

Flynn Bridget, widow John C, h 95 Washington				

Flynn Catherine, button op, h over 134 Genesee				

Flynn Catherine, cook, h over 12 1/2 Florence				

Flynn Catherine A, clerk, 45 Washington, bds 70 Clark				

Flynn Catherine M, milliner, bds 95 Washington				

FLYNN CHARLES T., barkeeper, Radney House, 34 E Genesee, bds 5 Bradford				

Flynn Edward, button op, bds 5 1/2 Burt ave				

Flynn Edward, mill op, h 141 Clark				

Flynn Edward J, shoe op, h 8 Fort				

Flynn Elizabeth, res 109 Van Anden				

Flynn Elizabeth A, shoe op, bds 70 Clark				

Flynn Ellen, widow Francis J, h 56 Orchard				

Flynn Ellen A, salesclerk, Big Store, bds 95 Washington				

Flynn Frank, twine op, bds 63 Cottage				

Flynn Frank G, carpenter, h 64 Hamilton ave				

Flynn John, h 70 Clark				

Flynn John, painter, h 5 1/2 Burt ave				

Flynn John J, freight handler, L V R R, h 64 Hamilton ave				

Flynn Margaret, button op, h over 134 Genesee				

Flynn Margaret, milliner, bds 5 Bradford				

Flynn Margaret Anna, bookkeeper, bds 64 Hamilton ave				

Flynn Margaret E, widow Michael, shoe op, res 114 Seymour				

Flynn Margaret M, dressmaker, bds 70 Clark				

Flynn Michael U, painter, bds 64 Hamilton ave				

Flynn Nellie T, shoe op, bds 70 Clark				

Flynn Patrick F, quarry foreman, h 5 Bradford				

Flynn Patrick H, W U Tel op, Osborne House, bds do				

Flynn Peter, mason, h 34 Fitch ave				

Flynn Thomas, blacksmith, h 8 Division S				

Flynn Thomas, blacksmith, h over 89 Orchard				

Flynn Thomas F, machinist, bds 64 Hamilton ave				

Flynn Timothy, salesman, 74 Wall, h do				

Flynn Timothy J, machinist, h ove 29 Genesee				

Flynn William J, moulder, bds 56 Orchard				

Flynn William T, salesman, 91 & 93 Genesee, h over 19 Van Anden				

Fogarty James, mechanic, h 21 Franklin				

Fogarty Joseph, iron worker, bds 44 Seymour				

Fogarty Michael, teamster, h over 88 State				

Foley Alice, attendant, 144 South				

Foley Alice, domestic, 5 Woodruff Place				

Foley Annie T, shoe op, bds 6 Howard				

Foley Catherine, dressmaker, bds 24 Chestnut				

Foley Edward, painter, bds 153 Clark				

Foley Helen M, compositor, bds 24 Chestnut				

Foley James, laborer, bds 81 Perrine				

Foley James H, emp D M O & Co, bds 24 Chestnut				

Foley James J, emp D M O & Co, h 6 Howard				

Foley John, machinist, h 20 Baker ave				

Foley Julia A, dressmaker, bds 24 Chestnut				

Foley Lillie, mill op, bds 153 Clark				

Foley Lizzie V, dressmaker, bds 6 Howard				

Foley Margaret, widow Michael, res 20 Logan				

Foley Margaret, widow William, h 81 Perrine				

Foley Margaret A, milliner, bds 24 Chestnut				

Foley Mary, button op, bds 4 Westlake ave				

Foley Mary, widow Thomas, h 153 Clark				

Foley Mary A, seamstress, bds 153 Clark				

Foley Thomas, moulder, h 6 Howard				

Foley Thomas B, machinist, h 24 Chestnut				

Foley Thomas B, plumber, bds Empire House, 34 Dill				

Foley William H, painter, bds 153 Clark				

Foley William J, coachman, 110 South, h 2 Linden place				

Folkalz Dizio, laborer, bds 93 Perrine				

Follett Alice E, compositor, Daily Adv, bds 93 Fulton				

Follett Carrie E, nurse, bds 93 Fulton				

Follett Edward H, bookkeeper, 41 Market, bds 93 Fulton				

Follett Josephine E, widow Harvey E, h 93 Fulton				

Follett Lydia, widow Rennsalaer, h over 52 Mechanic				

Follett Mary, laundress, h over 52 Mechanic				

Foltz Harvey, salesman, 7 Burt ave, bds 12 Grove ave				

Fonteine George N, accountant, bds 10 Mary				

Fonteine Herman A, harness maker, over 42 North, h 10 Mary				

Fonteine William J, barber, 74 Genesee, res 10 Mary				

Foose James O, machinist, h 39 Barber				

Foote Charlotte S, res 15 Seminary				

Foote Faye J, student, A H S, res 4 Washington				

Foote Fayette C, city express, h 289 State				

Foote Horace B, student, A H S, bds 4 Washington				

Foote James, carpenter, res over 103 State				

Foote Mary J, widow Stephen, bds 4 Washington				

FOOTE WILLIS S., sup't Dunn & Mc Carthy Co, h 4 Washington				

Forbes Mrs Louisa, h 20 Seymour				

Ford James W, butcher, h 8 Garfield				

Ford Lewie G, iron worker, h over 11 Exchange				

Ford Napoleon B, county sealer, h over 4 Academy				

Forgason Charles C, barkeeper, 5 E Genesee, h over 26 Dill				

Forgette Bertha V, accountant, bds 51 Cornell				

Forgette Edward A, shoe cutter, bds over 5 Spring				

Forgette Edward C, shoe op, bds 51 Cornell				

Forgette Eva V, button op, bds 51 Cornell				

Forgette Joseph, carpenter, h 51 Cornell				

Forgette Mary C, button op, bds 51 Cornell				

Forgette Peter, laborer, h over 5 Spring				

Forgette Roderick J, machinist, h 142 Perrine				

Forgette Rose A, shoe op, bds over 5 Spring				

Forgette William, shoe op, bds 51 Cornell				

Forgues Josephine E, widow Joseph N, h 79 Division N				

Foristel Ella J, res 136 Van Anden				

Foristel Mary A, h 136 Van Anden				

Forman Andrew J, physician and surgeon, office and res 55 E Genesee				

Forman Claire D, salesman, 70 1/2 Genesee, res 5 Cayuga				

Forman J De Witt, (Forman & Roach,) h 5 Cayuga				

Forman Lizzie, widow Dr Eugene S, h 55 E Genesee				

Forman Louis, emp D M O & Co, h over 32 Lincoln				

Forman & Roach, (J D Forman & J S Roach,) saloon, 18 E Genesee				

Forrest Charles A, stenographer, bds 165 Van Anden				

Forrest Charles C, machinist, bds 67 Division N				

Forrest Floyd V, moulder, bds 67 Division N				

Forrest Fred E, stenographer, bds 165 Van Anden				

Forrest Henrietta T, widow David R, h 67 Division N				

Forrest Nelson B, carpenter, h 165 Van Anden				

Forshay Cornelius, walk layer, bds 1 E Genesee				

Forshner Mary, nurse, 80 South				

Forsythe Charles E, stone cutter, h 64 Lewis				

FORT HILL CEMETERY ASS'N, Emmett Rhodes, sec'y and treas, offices Rooms A & B over 90 Genesee,				
	entrance to grounds junc Fort and westlake ave			

Forzuta Frank, shoemaker, 2 William, h over 32 Dill				

Fosbinder Elizabeth H, dressmaker, h over 37 Genesee				

Fosgate Alfred, stenographer, h 65 South				

Fosgate Clara, res 65 South				

Fosgate Frederick, res 65 South				

Fosgate Margaret P, res 65 South				

Fosgate William, Jr, proprietary medicines, 129 Genesee, h 65 South				

Foster Miss Adda N, experienced nurse, h 4 William				

Foster Alvin, student, A B C, bds over 50 Division N				

Foster Anna B, widow Albert, bds 41 Cayuga				

Foster Charles H, clerk, bds 35 Delevan				

Foster Mrs Ethelyn B. compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 14 Owasco				

Foster Frank J, coachman, h 1 Gibson Square				

Foster George C, blacksmith, h over 39 Lincoln				

FOSTER GEORGE W., sec'y and treas The R J Rogers Lumber and Coal Co, res Geneva, N Y				

Foster Harriet, widow Rufus, bds 50 Fitch ave				

Foster Harry C, (Slattery & Foster,) bds 137 North				

Foster Harry W, button op, bds over 39 Lincoln				

FOSTER JAMES H., (Foster, Ross & Baucus,) bds 13 Fort				

Foster Jerene C, bds 2 Paul				

Foster John, shoe op, bds 2 Paul				

Foster John H, ladies' furnishings, 124 Genesee, h 23 Court				

Foster Mary E, res 21 Court				

Foster Mary P, widow Charles, h over 137 North				

Foster Phoebe, widow Rufus, res 44 Grover				

FOSTER, ROSS & BAUCUS,(James H. Foster, James F. Ross and William I. Baucus,)
	prop'rs THE BIG STORE, dealers in foreign and domestic dry goods and general merchandise,			
	141, 143 and 145 Genesee   (See top lines throughout book and adv)			

Foucard Mercel, draughtsman, h r 45 Clark				

Foulds Benson S, cloth finisher, h 19 Myrtle ave				

Foulds Edwin E, shoemaker, bds 19 Myrtle ave				

Foulds Harry N, plane maker, bds 19 Myrtle ave				

Fountain Anna, dress cutter, bds r 14 Court				

Fountain George R, plane maker, 161 Genesee				

Fowler Charles A, attendant, 20 State, h over 129 Genesee				

Fowler Emma S, dressmaker, bds 12 Seward ave				

Fowler Eva J, mill op, bds 12 Seward ave				

Fowler Fannie E, button op, bds 12 Seward ave				

Fowler Frances J, teacher, North st sch, bds 20 1/2 Franklin				

Fowler Frederick H, attache, Tallman's Stables, bds 58 Orchard				

FOWLER HON. JOHN S., principal ass't postmaster, Gov't B'd'g, 153, 155 and 157 Genesee, h 43 Grover				

Fowler Mrs Kate, dressmaker, over 129 Genesee, h do				

Fowler Laura M, res 43 Grover				

Fowler Mary A, widow Samuel B, res 114 Franklin				

Fowler May, dressmaker, over 129 Genesee, bds do				

Fowler Thomas, blacksmith, h 12 Seward ave				

Fowler Thomas S, weaver, bds 12 Seward ave				

Fowler William, farmer, h 96 Aurelius ave				

Fox Alexander, laborer, bds 127 Cottage				

Fox Carrie M, domestic, 80 North				

Fox Carrie M, waitress, bds 33 1/2 Lincoln				

Fox Charles J, d'v'y clerk, 1 Genesee, bds 33 1/2 Lincoln				

FOX DEARBORN C., manager Collection Department, D M O & Co, h 9 Jefferson				

Fox James V, mechanic, h over 29 Van Anden				

Fox Mrs James V, manager, wrapper dep't, Emp M'f'g Co, h over 29 Van Anden				

Fox John H, machinist, h 1 Sheridan				

Fox Minnie B, dressmaker, bds 33 1/2 Lincoln				

Fox W Ryland, canvasser, bds 1 Sheridan				


Fraher Mollie, domestic, 31 Fulton				

Francis John B, wringer op, bds 6 Van Anden				

Francis William R, janitor, Theo Sem, h 6 Van Anden				

Francisco Charles C, engineer, h 252 State				

Francisco Clarissa A, dressmaker, h 3 Paddock B'l'k, 70 Franklin				

Francisco Eliza, dressmaker, bds 3 Paddock B'l'k, 70 Franklin				

Francisco Elmer W, blacksmith, bds 252 State				

Francisco Frank, shoe op, bds 61 Clark				

Francisco Grace M, shoe op, res 252 State				

Francisco Samuel, fruits, &c, h over 80 Genesee				

Frair Mary E, h over 10 Exchange				

Frank George, moulder, h 79 Owasco				

Frankenstein Charles, salesman, 110 Genesee, bds 82 1/2 North				

Franklin Mrs Agnes, boarding house, 30 Hoffman				

Franklin Catherine, widow Lawrence, h 16 1/2 Barber				

Franklin Charles, mechanic, bds 117 E Genesee				

FRANKLIN JAMES J., (Parsons & Franklin,) h 41 Moravia				

Franklin John, laborer, bds 16 1/2 Barber				

Franklin Lawrence, shoe op, bds 9 Coon				

Franklin Mrs Mary, h 9 Coon				

Franklin Michael, laborer, bds 16 1/2 Barber				

Franklin William J, baker, 94 State, bds 9 Coon				

Franzel Charles, emp D M O & Co, h 50 Havens ave				

Franzel Fred J, emp D M O & Co, bds 10 Frances				

Franzel Henry W, emp d M O & Co, bds 10 Frances				

Franzel Julius, h 10 Frances				

Fraser Simon L, student, Theo Sem, res do				

FRATERNITY HALL, over 135 Wall				

Frauenknecht Jacob, emp D M O & Co, h 109 Lansing				

Frawley Ella, housekeeper, 256 Genesee				

Frawley Honora, widow Michael, res 256 Genesee				

Frawley Mary C, tailoress, bds 256 Genesee				

Frawley Michael A, machinist, h 256 Genesee				

Frawley Nellie, res 256 Genesee				

Frawley Nora, laundress, Empire House, res 256 Genesee				

Frazer Alfred, mechanic, bds 154 Clark				

Frear Frank H, twine op, bds over 33 Frances				


Fredenburg George W, clerk, Empire House, h 8 Church				

Fredenbrug (sic) John, carpenter, h over 11 E Genesee				

Freelove Adalaide L, weaver bds 16 Frazee				

Freelove Charles T, conductor, L V R R, bds 143 Clark				

Freelove Hattie F, widow Frank D, h 16 Frezee (sic)				

Freeman Bridget T, waitress, 54 South				

Freeman Helen E, laundress, bds 12 Court				

Freeman John, laborer, h 100 Division N				

Freeman John W, gardener, h 19 Foote				

Freeman Lucy A, housekeeper, 7 Case ave				

Freeman Margaret E, cook, 54 South				

Freeman Mariah A, cook, 88 South				

Freeman Sarah, attendant, 40 Grover				

Freeman Thomas B, janitor, h 7 Case ave				

FREESE, see also FRIES				

Freese Minnie L, bds 22 Frazee				

Freese Nettie I, stenographer, enq 22 Frazee				

Freese Stephen, carpenter, h 22 Frazee				

French Charles E, carpenter, h 1 Court				

French Clara, saleslady, 131 Genesee, bds 27 Easterly ave				

French Clara M, artist, res 5 Mac Dougall				

FRENCH D. EDWIN, (Rich & French,) h 27 Easterly ave				

French Elizabeth, office ass't, Col Cord Co, res 52 1/2 Nelson				

French Esther, seamstress, h 5 Lincoln				

French George B, painter, h 5 Mac Dougall				

French Hannah E, widow William, res 134 Wall				

French Henrietta, widow Thomas H, h 52 1/2 Nelson				

French James H, engineer, 8 Lincoln, h 26 Lewis				

FRENCH JOSEPH,(French's Millinery House,) dealer in Millinery furnishings of every	
	description, also m'f'r and trimmer of ladies' head wear, 35 1/2 Genesee, h 23 Cayuga			
	Artificial Flowers and Genuine Feathers a Specialty			

French Louise M, widow Emerson C, bds 100 E Genesee				

FRENCH'S MILLINERY HOUSE, all kinds of Millinery Furnishings, 35 1/2 Genesee				

French Samuel H, Grand Union Tea Co, h 61 Washington				

French William H, res 52 1/2 Nelson				

Freshman Harry, pedler, h over 26 West				

Freshman Mollie, res 26 West				

Freshour Byron W, prison guard, h 63 Fulton				

Friedel Frederic C, brewer, h 33 Union				

Friend Adam, bicycle op, bds 26 Bradford				

Friend Adam, moulder, h 25 Frances				

Friend Amelia A, res 25 Frances				

Friend Annie C, button op, bds 26 Bradford				

Friend John, shoe op, bds 25 Frances				

Friend Louise, widow George, h 26 Bradford				

Friend Nellie, button op, bds 26 Bradford				

Frier Mary, widow Joseph, h 17 Florence				

FRIES, see also FREESE				

Fries Arthur J, emp D M O & Co, h r 26 Walnut				

Fries Charles D, shipping clerk, bds 153 Van Anden				

Fries Charles S, mechanic, bds 153 Van Anden				

Fries Emma J, trained nurse, res 179 Seymour				

Fries Herbert M, twine op, h 282 North				

Fries William, h 179 Seymour				

Frisbie Earl R, emp D M O & Co, bds 4 Benton				

Frisbie Helen L, student, res 8 Chestnut				

Frisbie Larnard M, res 4 Benton				

Frisbie Mary L, widow Augustus C, h 8 Chestnut				

Frisbie Ray E, bds 4 Benton				

Frisbie Willard F, painter, h 4 Benton				

Fritts Mrs Anna, res 72 Franklin				

Fritts Charles C M, horse dealer, h over 46 Lewis				

Frith William Barnes, student, Theo Sem, bds 103 Fulton				

Froitzheim Andrew, emp D M O & Co, h 94 Perrine				

Froitzheim Andrew J, contractor, h 49 Frances				

Froitzheim Martin, moulder, h 106 Cottage				

Froitzheim Martin J, meat market, 24 1/2 Genesee, h 66 Lewis				

Frost Cuthbert C, student, Theo Sem, res do				

Frost James E, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Mattie				

Frost Robert, mason, h 21 Mattie				

Frost Thomas R, hoseman, Chem No 1, A F D, h 78 Nelson				

Frumel Peter, laborer, h 4 O'Neil ave				

Fry Charles J, coachman, h over 7 E Genesee, bds (smudge ?50 State)				

Fry Mabel L, bds over 7 E Genesee				

Frye Mrs Cornelia H, h 14 Sherman				

Frye Ella C, dressmaker, bds over 47 Genesee				

Frye Libbie, widow Jesse, dressmaker, over 47 Genesee, h do				

Frye Lucia Etta, res 53 Fulton				

Frye Moses M, physician and surgeon, office and res 167 Genesee				

FRYER, see FRAIR, also FREER				

Frysinger Robert H, shoe cutter, h 124 Van Anden				

Fuccoli Donato, laborer, bds 99 Orchard				

Fugill Alfred, shoe m'f'r, bds 6 Wallace ave				

Fugill Alfred, Jr, shoemaker, 88 Orchard, h 6 Wallace ave				

Fugill Walter E, machinist, h 6 Wallace ave				

Fuller Florian J, coll R E dep't, L V R R, bds 6 Mc Master				

Fuller Floyd J, bds r 147 Perrine				

Fuller George W, teamster, h r 147 Perrine				

Fuller Maude M, milliner, bds r 147 Perrine				

Fuller Mrs Rose A, attendant, 33 Grover				

Fullmer George, city policeman, h 18 Jefferson				

Fullmer Willard N, engineer, bds 155 Perrine				

Fulton Albert H, jeweler, 105 Genesee, bds 45 Steel				

Fulton Hugh, spinner, prison cloth dep't, h 45 Steel				

Fulton James B, kitchen helper, Aub Prison, h 47 1/2 Nelson				

Fulton Michael, laborer, h 13 Underwood				

Fulton Robert H, jeweler, 105 Genesee, bds 45 Steel				

Fulton William, weaver, Prison, h 22 1/2 Seymour				

Funnell Eliza, cook, 172 Genesee				

Furlong Anna A, weaver, bds 218 Perrine ave				

Furlong John J, farmer, bds 218 Perrine ave				

Furlong Michael, laborer, h 218 Perrine ave				

Furlong Michael F, polisher, bds 218 Perrine ave				

Furlong Nicholas, emp D M O & Co, h 31 Holley				

Furlong Sarah A, weaver, bds 218 Perrine ave				

FURNESS BROTHERS, (George B, Charles M, and William J., mason contractors
	and builders, office 34 Nelson   (See adv, next page)			

FURNESS CHARLES M., (Furness Brothers,) h 34 Nelson				

FURNESS GEORGE B., (Furness Brothers,) h 34 Nelson				

Furness Robert, mason, h 4 Fulton				

FURNESS WILLIAM J., (Furnace (sic) Brothers,) h 34 Nelson				

Furz Charles, laster, bds 48 Clark				

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z
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