ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart -
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Gaff James, blacksmith, h 6 Chapel ave								

Gaff Nellie M, twine op, bds 6 Chapel ave								

Gafferty Jennie A, domestic, 180 Genesee								

Gagan Catherine G, weaver, bds 9 Garrow								

Gagan Elizabeth F, weaver, bds 9 Garrow								

Gagan James P, laborer, bds 9 Garrow								

Gagan Margaret, maid, 202 Genesee								

Gagan Mathew, hammersman, h 22 Case ave								

Gage Edmund D, mill op, bds 66 Wall								

Gage Henry A, com trav, h 66 1/2 Wall								

Gage William B, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Galbraith Robert H, tool maker, h 17 Mary								

Gale Charles J, machinist, bds 36 Lincoln								

Gale Egbert J, machinist, h 36 Lincoln								

Gale Fred, machinist, h 24 First ave, Melrose								

Gale Gertrude H, widow Charles M, bds 14 Chestnut								

Gale Harlem P, tinsmith, h 70 Mechanic								

Galipo Joseph, carpenter, h 4 Lizette								

Gall Augusta B, attendant, bds 21 Chase								

Gall Charles A, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Chase								

Gall John W, emp D M O & Co, h 21 Chase								

Gall John W, Jr, barber, 34 E Genesee, bds 21 Chase								

Gallagher Carrie E, weaver, bds 1 1/2 Derby ave								

Gallagher Catherine, widow Michael, h 1 1/2 Derby ave								

Gallagher Charles A, emp D M O & Co, bds 1 1/2 Derby ave								

Gallagher Delia, cook, 48 South								

Gallagher Edward F, shoe op, bds 1 1/2 Derby ave								

Gallagher James, dairyman, Owasco Lake, res 16 State								

Gallagher James J, mechanic, bds 39 Chase								

Gallagher John, Moulder, h 7 Tehan ave								

Gallagher John J, shoe cutter, bds 28 Frazee								

Gallagher Mary, agent, res 10 Court								

Gallagher Mary C, accountant, 24 Clark, res 7 Tehan ave								

Gallagher Mathew, laborer, bds 151 Clark								

Gallagher Nellie B, weaver, bds 79 Division N								

GALLAGHER THOMAS J., telegraph op, Aub Bulletin, h 11 1/2 Easterly ave								

Gallery Agnes, domestic, enq 7 Mc Master								

Gallery Elizabeth C, domestic, 15 Fort								

Gallery James, emp D M O & Co, bds 3 Mary								

Gallery James, twine op, bds 31 Chapel								

Gallery Mary, cook, 211 Genesee								

Gallinger Alexander, mason, h 2 Fulton								

Gallinger Alice E, seamstress, bds 2 Fulton								

Gallinger Harvey E, clerk, bds 2 Fulton								

Gallup Ira J, laborer, h 18 Lincoln								

Galvin Mary A, teacher, Cent Gram sch, bds 18 William								

Galvin Sarah, widow James, h over 106 Seymour								

Gamble Earl H, salesman, 163 state, res over do								

Gamble Harry B, salesman, 163 State, h 90 1/2 Van Anden								

GAMBLE JOHN,dealer in fine shoes, rubbers, &c, &c, 163 State, h over do   					
	We have special facilities for selling the best goods at low prices(See adv, next page)							

Gamble John A, salesman, 163 State, h over do								

Ganey Daniel J, hammersman, h 96 Perrine								

Ganey Dennis E, prison guard, h 5 Bundy ave								

Ganey Jeremiah, bds 14 Lewis								

Ganey Margaret A, attendant, 100 South								

Ganey Mary, domestic, 230 Genesee								

GANEY WILLIAM D., (The P. M. Herron Hardware Co,) res 14 Lewis								

Ganier Frank E, loom fixer, h 8 Mattie								

Gannon M Henry, truckman, h 37 Cottage								

Gannon John J, bookkeeper, res 148 Grant ave								

Gannon Kate, mill op, bds 148 Grant ave								

Gannon Thomas F, teamster, bds 148 Grant ave								

Ganther Charles, machinist, bds 17 Monroe								

Garbin Joseph, emp D M O & Co, h 18 Coon								

Garbinsky Augustus, emp D M O & Co, h over 52 Mechanic								

Gard William, prison guard, h 7 Van Anden								

Gardiner Caroline E, widow William, h 85 Washington								

Gardiner Emma C, dressmaker, bds 85 Washington								

Gardiner Frederick W, machinist, h 83 Washington								

Gardiner Mary L, widow Harmon, h 29 Cayuga								

Gardiner Sydney, artist, bds 29 Cayuga								

Gardiner Warner, carpenter, rooms over 64 Genesee								

Gardiner William H, dentist, bds 29 Cayuga								

Gardinier A Burt, carpenter, h over 14 Beach ave								

Gardinier Edith M, student, A H S, res 5 1/2 John								

Gardinier Miles T, carpenter builder, 45 1/2 State, h 5 1/2 John								

Gardner Bessie E, student, A H S, bds 71 Seymour								

Gardner Carroll K, fr't clerk, D M O & Co, bds 14 Easterly ave								

Gardner Catherine, widow Godfrey, bds 60 1/2 Nelson								

Gardner Charlotte E, res 79 Wall								

Gardner Elmie F, bds 17 Madison ave								

Gardner Frances T, res 71 Seymour								

Gardner Frank, wood worker, h 17 Madison ave								

Gardner Helen A, widow Lorenzo D, h over 175 State								

Gardner Henry, wood worker, bds 75 Aurelius ave								

Gardner Hiram, delivery clerk, 42 Chapel, h over 175 State								

Gardner Jane, widow Allen H, res 34 Orchard								

GARDNER JOHN J.,dealer in paints, oil, varnishes, &c., U. S. Navy Deck Paints and					
	Harrison's Town and Country House Paints, also Treas'r The Builder's Exchange, 8 Exchange,							
	h 140 E Genesee   (See adv)							

Gardner Joseph F, mechanic, bds 17 Madison ave								

Gardner Josephine, student, A H S, bds 140 E Genesee								

Gardner Leonard, wood worker, h 75 Aurelius ave								

Gardner Lewis A, wood turner, h 60 1/2 Nelson								

Gardner Lillian E, res 33 Grover								

Gardner Lucy, weaver, bds 75 Aurelius ave								

Gardner Maria E, widow John M, res 2 James								

Gardner Minnie L, bds 71 Seymour								

Gardner Rose, attendant, 170 Genesee								

Gardner Samuel F, mechanic, bds 21 Cottage								

Gardner Sarah E, widow Robert R, h 14 Easterly ave								

Gardner Willard S, com trav, h 71 Seymour								

Garey Herbert C, salesman, 87 Genesee, h 75 Hamilton ave								

Garfield Montford F, steward, Hotel Avery, h 52 Clark								

Gargan Alice V, student, Aub Bus Col, bds 49 Seymour								

Gargan John P, ass't sup't, Metropolitan Life, res 1 Grant ave								

Garling William H, carpenter, h 50 1/2 Hamilton ave								

Garner Mrs Ida M, bds over 89 State								

Garrett James A, chef, Hotel Avery, h 28 Cross								

Garrett Mary A, widow Albert H, bds 26 Perry								

GARRETT THOMAS H., JR., (successor to Lanehart & Garrett)								
	Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Hard and Soft Coal  (Loyal Sock and Pittston) Coal Yards							
	n L V R R, office 82 Genesee and 79 Clark, h 103 E Genesee							

Garrity Nellie, attendant, 112 State								

Garruccio Flario, laborer, bds 20 Dill								

Garvey Joseph, bartender, res over 22 Clark								

Gaskell Emma S, widow Isaac, bds 46 Grant ave								

Gaskin Delia, widow James, h 14 1/2 Barber								

Gaskin Frank, bds 18 Aspen								

Gaskin Philip, teamster, h 34 Union ave								

Gaskin Richard, laborer, h 18 Aspen								

Gaskin Richard P, bell boy, bds 18 Aspen								

Gaston Augustus, laborer, bds 351 Genesee								

Gaston Frank, mechanic, h 351 Genesee								

Gately & Co, installment house, 78 1/2 State								

Gates Ella M, student, A H S, bds 11 E Genesee								

Gates Emiline, widow Noah, res 161 Lake ave								

Gates Frederick, painter, h over 11 E Genesee								

Gates Frederick A, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Gates John C, meat cutter, 35 Genesee, h over 25 E do								

GATES LEVI S., treas Aub Theo Sem, office Seminary Building, h 86 E Genesee								

Gates Mary, bds over 11 E Genesee								

Gates William C, piano maker, h 39 Morris								

Gates William Chauncey, bds 107 South								

Gates William W, machinist, h 161 Lake ave								

Gaumar Laura B, seamstress, bds over 24 Market								

Gaumar Lewis A, callman, Hose 1, A F D, bds over 24 Market								

Gaumar Louisa B, widow James S, h over 24 Market								

Gavigan Rose, domestic, 3 Elizabeth								

Gay Benjamin F, coachman, h 4 Elizabeth								

Gay Charles F, shipper, D M O & Co, h 4 Elizabeth								

Gay Mrs Florence, twine op, bds 3 Green ave								

Gaylord Arthur M, prison foreman, iron dep't, h 43 Franklin								
Gaylord Mary A, bds 21 Cayuga								

Gaylord Thomas A, h 123 Franklin								

Gaynor Ann, widow Martin, bds 5 Coon								

Gaynor Anna May, shoe op, bds 5 Coon								

Gaynor Catharine, widow Michael, h 47 Garrow								

Gaynor Dennis, emp D M O & Co, h 13 Hamilton ave								

Gaynor Dennis H, machinist, bds 13 Hamilton ave								

Gaynor Edward F, shoe maker, h 5 Coon								

Gaynor James F, painter, bds 5 1/2 burt ave								

GAYNOR JAMES H., prop'r The Waldorf, 33 State, Branch 80 Fitch ave, h 45 Garrow.   A selected stock								
	of gilt edged wet goods and all of the popular makes of Cigars.  The latest reports of all							
	sporting events.This is THE Place.					

Gaynor James J, moulder, bds 13 Hamilton ave								

Gaynor John T, painter, h 5 1/2 Burt ave								

Gaynor Joseph M, garment cutter, bds 47 Garrow								

Gaynor Lawrence J, painter, bds 5 1/2 Burt ave								

Gaynor Lawrence L, moulder, h 5 Moravia								

Gaynor Michael, barkeeper, 80 Fitch ave, bds 45 Garrow								

Gaynor Michael F, moulder, bds 13 Hamilton ave								

Gaynor Sarah A, dressmaker, bds 47 Garrow								

Gaynor William E, moulder, bds 13 Hamilton ave								

Gaynor William F, shoe op, bds 47 Garrow								

Geddes Daniel M, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Gee Edwin, architect, rooms 9 Franklin								

GEER, see also GERE								

Gehan Hattie, cook, 44 South								

Gehan Katie, seamstress, res 52 Nelson								

Geiser M'f'g Co, threshing machines, 53 Division S								

Gelston Eliza, widow Samuel, h over 11 Madison ave								

Gelston Eliza J, bds over 11 Madison ave								

Gelston William S, machinist, bds over 11 Madison ave								

Genoski Frank, emp D M O & Co, bds over 26 North								

George Charles, emp D M O & Co, h 46 Walnut								

George Edgar S, salesman, 87 Genesee, bds 46 Walnut								

Geerge (sic) Eleanor F, shoe op, bds 118 Fulton								

George Mable A, bds 46 Walnut								

George Maurice W H, shoe cutter, bds 118 Fulton								

George Walter, salesman, 88 Genesee, h 118 Fulton								

George Winifred R, bds 118 Fulton								

Geraghty Alice F, dressmaker, res over 9 North								

Geraghty Catherine, domestic, 140 North								

Geraghty Delia, attendant, 110 South								

GERAGHTY EDWARD R., Cafe, Sample Rooms and Billiard Parlors, 9 North, res do   Strictly high class								
	gentlemen's resort  We aim to give the best goods and Best Service Obtainable to secure							
	Continual Patronage   Recent improvements for the convenience of the public have been							
	made   Call and see us							

Geraghty Ellen, attendant, 112 State								

Geraghty Fannie, shoe op, bds over 9 North								

GERE, see also GEER								

Gere Edson, teamster, h 36 Jefferson								

Gere Fred S, clerk, bds 9 Maple								

Gere George F, painter, h over 19 1/2 North								

Gere Mrs John W, h over 152 Genesee								

Gere Mary A, widow Wm A, h 55 Capitol								

Gere Raymond I, shoemaker, 169 State, bds 7 Dill								

Gere Sarah R, widow James, h 6 Derby ave								

Gerhardt John, spinner, bds 242 Seymour								

GERIN, see also GHERIN								

Gerin John, prison physician, 135 State, alsp physician and surgeon, office and res 68 North								

Germain Frank E, machinist, h 16 Garrow								

GERMANIA HALL, Ferd (sic) Wildner, prop'r, 92 Owasco								

Gernand Hotel, Jacob Gernand, prop'r, 114 State								

Gernand Jacob, prop'r Gernand's Hotel, 114 State, h 172 E Genesee								

Gernand Jay V, carpenter, bds 172 E Genesee								

Gervis Francis X, wood turner, h 217 Seymour								

Gesellchen Peter J, coremaker, h 87 Mechanic								

Getchel Edward, coremaker, h 72 Fitch ave								

Getchel Otis H, res 12 Seward ave								

Getka Tony, emp D M O & Co, bds 4 Pulsifer								

GHERIN, see also GERIN								

Gherin Charles, iron worker, h 32 Catlin								

Gherin Charles M, iron worker, bds 32 Catlin								

Ghoman Belle E, dressmaker, bds 27 Frances								

Ghoman Catherine, widow Henry, res 27 Frances								

Ghoman George, moulder, h 27 Frances								

Gibbard Zoretta S, widow Christopher, h 126 Franklin								

Gibbert George, emp D M O & Co, bds 5 Chapel ave								

Gibbing John P, carpenter, h 2 Bundy ave								

Gibbon Leo H, drug clerk, 51 Genesee, h 52 1/2 State								

GIBBONS REV. JAMES J., ass't pastor, St Mary's Ch, res 15 Clark								

Gibbons John P, emp D M O & Co, bds 33 West								

Gibbons Mary, widow James, h 85 Cottage								

Gibbons Peter, butcher, h 33 West								

Gibbs Angeline G, widow William F, h 61 E Genesee								

Gibbs Eva J, res 253 North								

GIBBS FRANK N., custom shoemaker, 8 E Genesee, h Lake ave n limits								

Gibbs George E, photographer, 8 E Genesee, res 61 do								

Gibbs Lester M, milk pedler, bds 253 North								

GIBBS LYMAN S., storekeeper, Aub Prison, h 77 Seymour								

GIBBS MATHEW, farmer and dairyman, also grocer, 81 and 83 North, h 253 do   
Phones Auto 374, Emp 174 Gibbs Robert, milk pedler, bds 253 North Gibbs Thomas A, machinist, 101 Orchard, bds Lake ave n limits Giblin Agnes T, weaver, bds 237 Seymour Giblin Bernard F, twine op, bds 237 Seymour Giblin Thomas C, laborer, h 237 Seymour Giblin thomas J, twine op, bds 237 Seymour Gibson Thomas E, meat cutter, 28 1/2 Orchard, h over 31 Washington Giffin Luke, iron melter, h Division S Giffin Luke, laborer, bds 29 Perrine Gifford Araminda M, widow Samuel C, bds over 6 Fulton Gifford Charles A, carpenter, h 21 Perry Gifford Charles A, carpenter, h 48 1/2 Mechanic Gifford Charles H, moulder, h 34 Barber Gifford Frank M, forman, D M O & Co, h 2 Janet Gifford Le roy M, bds 21 Perry Gifford Lula B, bds 21 Perry Gifford Maude L, student, bds 34 Barber Gifford Raymond F, salesman, 262 Genesee, bds 34 Barber Gifford Mrs Rhoda E, widow Thomas D, h 6 Fulton Gifford William H, shoe op, h 151 Franklin Gilbert Abbie F, res 149 Seymour Gilbert Albert E, mason, h 15 Cross Gilbert Amanda M, res 15 Cross Gilbert Arthur G, ass't bookkeeper, Seward's Bank, h 28 Court Gilbert Burt L, clerk, res 276 Seymour GILBERT EDMOND,dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Country Produce, also select Teas, Coffees and Spices, 49 Genesee, h 12 Hamilton ave Gilbert Edward J, machinist, bds 33 Swift GILBERT EDWIN W., with Pimm's Central Storage Warehouse Co, 14 and 18 Market, h 14 Morris Gilbert Elizabeth, widow Charles, h 69 Washington GILBERT ELMER F., (Gilbert & Son), h 30 Frazee Gilbert Emily E, button op, bds 33 Swift Gilbert Emma A, twine op, bds 276 Seymour Gilbert Eva A, twine op, bds 276 Seymour Gilbert Francis E, salesman, bds 30 Frazee GILBERT FRANCIS X., (Gilbert & Son) also Supervisor 7th ward, h 276 Seymour Gilbert Grace E, res 15 Cross Gilbert Henry J, carpenter, bds 33 Swift Gilbert Ida M, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 15 Cross Gilbert Jane M, widow Horace, h 16 Court Gilbert Laura L, shoe op, bds 138 Wall Gilbert Lou, res 16 James Gilbert Marion J, housekeeper, 10 Gaylord Gilbert Peter J, carpenter, h 33 Swift Gilbert Sarah M, res 145 E Genesee GILBERT & SON,(Francis X. and Elmer F.,) dealers in choice family groceries and provisions, also a line of high grade teas, coffees and spices, 272 Seymour Gilbert Susie B, shoe op, bds 276 Seymour Gildersleeve Catherine A, seamstress, bds 93 Seymour Gildersleeve Charlton J, twine op, bds 93 Seymour Gildersleeve David H, fireman, C C C, h 37 Lincoln Gildersleeve Josephine, widow James, h 93 Seymour Gildersleeve Josephine I, seamstress, bds 93 Seymour Giles Maggie, weaver, bds over 143 Van Anden Giles Mary, weaver, bds over 143 Van Anden GILFOILE, see also GUILFOILE GILFUS, see also GUILFOOS Gilfus Daniel, emp D M O & Co, bds 1 E Genesee Gilfus Fred A, carpenter, bds 126 Seward ave Gilfus George, carpenter, h r 31 Van Anden Gilfus George H, wood worker, h 126 Seward ave Gilfus William, emp D M O & Co, h 48 Mechanic Gill Alfred T, warper, h 4 Mary Gill Alice, domestic, 7 Grant ave Gill Mrs Amelia F, tailoress, h 51 Hamilton ave Gill Anna R, widow Henry, h 10 Throop ave Gill Arthur J, h 51 Hamilton ave Gill Emma E, domestic, 17 Washington Gill Frank A, warper, bds 4 Mary Gill Fred C, general painter, h 28 Moravia Gill Henry E, shoe laster, bds 51 Hamilton ave Gill Henry J, painter, h 13 Augustus Gillam Sylvanus M, student, Theo Sem, res do Gillam Walter S, pattern maker, h 221 1/2 Seymour Gillern John C, moulder, h 251 State Gillern Julia, shoe op, bds 251 State Gillern Maggie, housekeeper, 251 State Gillern Mary, bds 164 State Gillespie Erastus W, (Gillespie & Co,) rooms 51 E Genesee Gillespie Etta, dressmaker, bds 131 E Genesee Gillespie James K, slater, h 53 Steel Gillespie John J, carpenter, h over 63 State Gillespie Margaret, domestic, 18 Orchard Gillespie Mary, widow Robert, h 131 E Genesee Gillespie William, painter, bds 131 E Genesee Gillespie William W, carpenter, h 119 E Genesee Gillett Charles C, cooper, h over 59 Washington Gillett Charles H, meat market, 78 State, h 10 Van Anden Gillett Isaac M, wholesale meat dealer, h 20 Frazee Gillett Mrs Mary, domestic, 10 Holley Gillett Robert I, meat cutter, 78 State, h 33 1/2 Frazee Gillett Sloan, bds 3 Holley GILLETTE ADELBERT M., (Gillette Bro's,) h over 66 North GILLETTE BROTHERS,(W. D. and A. M. Gillette,) jewelers and brokers, also Auctioneers, 8 Genesee Diamonds and Watches a specialty Our Bargain Department contains a complete line of Dry Goods, Shoes,
Notions, Furniture and Hardware, also Musical, Optical and Sporting Goods
N B-- Cash Paid for all kinds of Stocks (See page 2) Gillette Caroline S, widow Norman, h over 28 Steel GILLETTE C. L., res over 66 North Gillette Frances W, emp D M O & Co, h 5 Hoffman Gillette George K, mechanic, bds 14 1/2 Liberty Gillette Grace P, bds 5 Hoffman Gillette Sarah M, salesclerk, bds 14 1/2 Liberty Gillette Sarah M, widow George, h 14 1/2 Liberty Gillette Prosper F, (Aub Extract Co,) h 13 Foote GILLETTE WARREN D., (Gillette Bros,) bds over 66 North Gilling Albertha M, mill op, bds over 20 Parker Gilling Alma, widow Robert, h over 20 Parker Gilling Carrie H, mill op, bds over 20 Parker Gilling George H, dyer, bds over 20 Parker Gillon George, machinist, bds 25 Washington Gilman Frank F, architect, over 141 Genesee, h 231 1/2 Genesee Gilman Priscilla B F, widow Silenus, res 231 1/2 Genesee Gilmore Agnes R, housekeeper, 28 Walnut Gilmore Amelia W, physician, office and res 30 South Gilmore George, res 28 Walnut Gilmore John, mechanic, h 28 Walnut Gilmore John H, engineer, h 73 Division S Gilmore Nelson L, machinist, h 74 Washington Giltrap Anna M, principal Orp Asylum sch, bds 8 Cayuga Giltrap Clarence Q, student, bds 8 Cayuga Giltrap John, gardener, 168 Genesee, h 8 Cayuga Ging Martin, quarryman, h 133 Cottage Ginnity John B, shoe op, bds 255 Seymour Ginnity Mary K, weaver, bds 255 Seymour Ginnity Patrick, iron worker, h 255 Seymour Ginnity Rose E, weaver, bds 255 Seymour Ginnity William J, shoe op, bds 255 Seymour Girard John, mill op, h 51 Owasco Girvan Frank D, mechanic, h 72 Walnut Glancy Catherine, waitress, 42 State, bds do Glancy Mary, waitress, 42 State, bds do Glancy William, emp D M O & Co, h over 190 Seymour GLANVILLE ARTHUR, dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, also Sausage, Lard, &c, &c,
159 State, h 74 Owasco Glanville Rev Frederick, h over 12 Washington Glanville Sarah J, res over 12 Washington Glanville William L, real estate, h 109 North GLASGOW J. R. BRUCE,physician and surgeon, office and res 132 Genesee, bds Hotel Avery Emp Tel 422 Hours 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 P M Glass Edward A, mason, h over 70 Franklin GLASS JOSEPH J., with D M O & Co, h 26 franklin Glavin David, teamster, h 98 1/2 Washington Glavin Edmond W, agt Koenig's lager, bds 98 1/2 Washington Glavin John C, machinist, bds 98 1/2 Washington Glavin Mary R, instructress, bds 98 1/2 Washington Glazier Edward E, hostler, bds over 96 State Glazier Marvin B, mechanic, h 104 Division S Glazier Maude M, seamstress, bds over 96 State Glazier William L, (Vosburgh & Glazier,) h 96 State Gleason Bridget, shoe op, bds 46 Cottage Gleason Bridget, widow Thomas, h 46 Cottage Gleason Catherine, housekeeper, bds 30 Hoffman Gleason Daniel, iron worker, bds 215 State Gleason Dennis, stone cutter, h 20 Pulsifer Gleason Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 Hoffman Gleason Edward J, mechanic, bds 215 State Gleason George, blacksmith, h over 32 Elizabeth Gleason James, mechanic, h 215 State Gleason Johanna E, attendant, 8 Seminary Gleason John, emp D M O & Co, h 30 Hoffman Gleason John, moulder, bds 46 Cottage Gleason John B, button op, bds 20 Pulsifer Gleason John F, iron worker, h 53 Barber Gleason John J, shoe op, h over 80 Owasco Gleason Julia S, shoe op, bds 29 Walnut Gleason Kittie A, dressmaker, res 165 Seymour Gleason Margaret F, shoe op, bds 215 State Gleason Mary, shoe op, bds 215 State Gleason Mathew J, emp D M O & Co, bds 34 E Genesee Gleason Michael, laborer, bds 46 Cottage Gleason Patrick, moulder, h 117 Perrine Gleason Patrick J, teamster, h over 25 Monroe Gleason Robert H, mechanic, bds over 175 Cottage Gleason Rheuberta S, teamster, h over 19 Barber Gleason Thomas, laborer, bds 46 Cottage Gleason Thomas, mechanic, bds 30 Hoffman Gleason William, bds 20 Pulsifer Gleason William, teamster, h over 24 North Gleason William J, shoe op, bds 117 Perrine Gleason William J, stonecutter, bds 20 Pulsifer Glessing Charles J, iron worker, h 25 Grant Glessing Ferdinand W, iron roller, h 216 1/2 State Glessing Herman C, mechanic, bds 216 1/2 State Glessing William, twine op, h over 7 North Glinden Mary, domestic, res 10 Worden ave Glisch Joseph, laborer, h 143 Mechanic Godden Stephen F, h 10 Case ave Godfrey Frank W, cloth trimmer, 87 Genesee, h 39 Elizabeth Godfrey John, mechanic, h 11 Florence Godfrey William E, moulder, h over 7 Lewis Godsell William, tobacco and cigars, 62 Wall, h do Goessely Frieda S, widow William C, h 164 Perrine Goessely Minnie F, mill op, bds 164 Perrine Goessely William J C, twine op, bds 164 Perrine Goessing Martha H, domestic, 17 1/2 Franklin Goessing William C, iron worker, bds 19 Beardsley Goessing William F, emp D M O & Co, h 19 Beardsley GOFF, see also GOUGH Goff Albina R, seamstress, bds 73 Fulton Goff Arthur W, shoe cutter, h over 18 Clark Goff Ellen, widow Patrick, h 31 West Goff James J, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 West Goff Josephine L, weaver, bds 31 West Goff Mary, attendant, bds 31 West Goff Mary A, shoe op, bds 30 West Goff Michael F, shoe maker, bds 31 West Goff Morris, laborer, h 30 West Goff Nellie, weaver, bds 30 West Goff Mrs Nellie, prop'r Windsor Hotel, 161 State Goff Patrick J, shoe maker, bds 31 West Goggin Mary, widow John, h 31 Lansing Goggin Mary J, dressmaker, bds 31 Lansing Gohl Edward H, artist, studio and res over 108 Genesee Gokey Anna, seamstress, bds over 6 Garfield Gokey Louis. blacksmith, h over 6 Garfield GOLD DOLLAR (THE,) Wm. J. White, prop, 2 State Handsomely furnished and decorated, stock and service to correspond Golden Charles S, watchman, h 9 Cady ave Golden Laura L, widow William H, h 8 Maple Golden L Elizabeth, dressmaker, res 8 Maple Golden William A, core maker, h 35 Frazee Goldschmidt Otto, tool grinder, bds 195 Clark Golnisky Philip, emp D M O & Co, bds 150 Mechanic Goode M Blanche, attendant Woman's Prison, 50 Wall Goodelle Osceola, junk dealer, 32 Water, res Geneva, N Y Goodelle Theressa, dressmaker, h 40 1/2 Lincoln Goodfellow Mrs chrissie, attendant, 20 South, h over 80 Genesee (No 5) Goodlow Charles G, emp D M O & Co, h 177 Genesee Goodlow Lizzie, domestic, 26 Westlake ave Goodman Amos, tin pedler, rooms 30 Dill Goodman Jessie M, dressmaker, bds 41 Steel Goodrich Abram, engineer, Col Cordage Co, h 91 Wall Goodrich Charles E, clerk coll dep, D M O & Co, h 226 State GOODRICH CLARENCE E., dealer in stone and lime, also contractor, office,
quarries and kiln 135 Cottage, h 107 Washington GOODRICH CLARENCE O., (5) letter carrier, h 226 State GOODRICH D. RAYMOND, accountant, also Civil Engineer, 135 Cottage, h 229 Seymour Goodrich Edward H, engineer, Col Cord Co, h 91 Wall Goodrich Gertrude M, teacher, kindergarten, res 226 State GOODRICH HOWARD N., accountant, Col Cord Co, h 137 Wall Goodrich Louis M, clerk, cost dep't, D M O & Co, bds 32 Chapel GOODRICH LUTHER S., contractor, office 135 Cottage, h 105 Washington Goodrich Milton W, watchman, Birdsall Co, bds 93 Wall Goodrich Willis L, student A H S, bds 226 State Goodridge Daniel W, coachman, h 58 Cottage Goodridge Frances L, res 58 Cottage Goodridge Violet C, salesclerk, Big Store, res 58 Cottage Goodwin Frank E, clerk, 70 1/2 Genesee, bds 13 Morris Goodwin Gertrude L, clerk, D M O & Co, res 13 Morris Goodwin Jennie E, bds 13 Morris Goodwin Leonard, res 4 Grover Goodwin W Archie, milkman, bds 13 Morris Goodwin William H, stationary engineer, h 13 Morris Goodyear Albert, cashier, Aub Agency, D M O & Co, h 59 Seymour Goodyear Alice E, forewoman, Daily Adv'r, bds 73 Mechanic Goodyear Anna, clerk, Big Store, 141 Genesee, res 17 Fort Goodyear Ella E, bds 59 Seymour Goodyear Rena, saleslady, 141 Genesee, res 17 Fort Goodyear Sophila, widow Collins, h 73 Mechanic Gorbinsky Thomas, barkeeper, 149 State, h 45 Perrine Gordinear Joel A, m'fr's agent, 14 Lincoln, h do Gordon Abraham, moulder, h 1 Grove ave Gordon Albert C, printer, h over 38 Elizabeth Gordon Kittie, assistant, White's Cafe, 16 State Gordon Mary, trained nurse, City Hosp, 15 Lansing Gores Mrs Minnie M, nurse, res 115 Mechanic Gorham Frank B, accountant, 25 Wall, h 31 Franklin Gorman Anna M, mill op, bds 13 Wadsworth Gorman Helen G, accountant, 101 Division N, res 152 Seymour Gorman James, laborer, h 4 Mann Gorman James O, machinist, bds 4 Mann Gorman Margaret E, seamstress, bds 13 Wadsworth Gorman Margaret M, saleslady, bds 152 Seymour Gorman Marie J, salesclerk, bds 13 Wadsworth Gorman Mary T, shoe op, bds 152 Seymour Gorman Michael, emp D M O & Co, h 77 Franklin Gorman Owen, hammersman, h 13 Wadsworth Gorman Owen B, twine op, bds 13 Wadsworth Gorman Thomas H, prison keeper, h 152 Seymour GOSS M. S.,Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Coal, office 13 Genesee cor William, Yards 21 and 23 Baker ave, h 25 Logan (See adv) Gotelle P M, photo operator, 130 Genesee, res Syracuse, N Y GOUGH, see also GOFF Gough Helen F, domestic, 10 Evans Gough Nellie, waitress, 174 Genesee Gould Benjamin C, student, A H S, bds under 12 Fort Gould Caroline E, widow Alfred, res 5 Van Anden Gould Charles J, machinist, bds 259 Genesee Gould Clinton D, wood worker, h under 12 Fort Gould Cora, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 11 Chestnut Gould Frank P, patern maker, h 10 Delevan Gould Marion A, nurse, bds 10 Delevan Gould Samuel S, machinist, h over 11 Chestnut Gould William J, temperer, h 45 Pulsifer GOVE DANIEL F.,Livery, Boarding and Hitching Stables,
1 Greene st n postoffice, h 3 Janet (See adv) Gove Frank C, barber, h 30 Augustus Gove Laura M, res 47 Augustus Gove Samuel C, carpenter, h 47 Augustus Gowers Henry, expressman, h over 80 Genesee GOWLAND MRS. ELIZABETH, proprietress The Hotel Archie, 62 and 64 State Gowland George S, veterinary surgeon, 64 State, bds do Grace Patrick, machinist, h 30 Frances Grady Patrick, emp 101 Orchard, bds 27 Division S Grady Thomas, laborer, bds 27 Division S Graf Barbara, widow Christian, h 25 Union Graf Frank Charles, carpenter, h 23 Union Graf Kittie A, twine op, bds 25 Union Graham Bridget, widow Thomas, res 29 West Grahan Catherine, widow John, h 246 Seymour Graham Catherine E, weaver, bds 246 Seymour Graham Charles A, livery ass't, h over 38 E Genesee Graham Fred, d'v'y clerk, 17 North, h over 109 Fulton Graham Frederick H, twine op, bds 15 Bradford Graham George, moulder, h over r 28 Lansing Graham George, salesman, 91 and 93 Genesee, h 64 Walnut Graham Hiram, expressman, h 31 Grant ave Graham James J, machinist, h 45 Holley Graham Jane, widow Robert, res 68 Washington Graham John F, shoes, 18 North, res Syracuse, N Y Graham John H, carpet weaver, h 15 Bradford Graham Lizzie, dressmaker, bds r 28 Lansing Graham Laura J, widow Martin, bds 7 1/2 Liberty Graham Martin C, city express, h 7 1/2 Liberty Graham Margaret, shoe op, bds over r 28 Lansing Graham Margaret E, widow John, h 246 Seymour Graham Mary A, weaver, bds 246 Seymour Graham Richard, machinist, bds 51 Market Graham Robert, laborer, h 72 Fitch ave Graham Theressa M, shoe op, bds 246 Seymour Graham Thomas, shoe op, bds 36 Madison ave Graham William G, clerk, bds r 28 Lansing Granby Anna M, dressmaker, h 4 Grant ave Granby Joseph, teamster, h 125 Cottage GRAND UNION TEA CO., A. P. Hemans, m'g'r, 95 Genesee Graney Anna L, weaver, bds 19 Case ave Graney Dennis J, emp D M O & Co, bds 19 Case ave Graney Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 20 Jefferson Graney Helen A, res 19 Case ave Graney Henry, machinist, bds 20 Jefferson Graney Jere M, tel op, N Y C f't office, bds 96 Van Anden Graney Jeremiah, moulder, h 28 Pleasant Graney John, flagman, N Y C R R, h 96 Van Anden Graney John, mechanic, h 31 Madison ave Graney John H, emp D M O & Co, h 89 Perrine Graney Lawrence J, U S Army, res 19 Case ave Graney Lulu A, bookkeeper, 88 1/2 Washington, res 31 Madison ave Graney Margaret H, stenog'r, over 141 Genesee, bds 96 Van Anden Graney Mary, housekeeper, 31 Madison ave Graney Mary, res 96 Van Anden Graney Mary, widow Jeremiah, res 31 Madison ave Graney Michael, flagman, L V R R, h 19 Case ave GRANEY MICHAEL, freight agent, N Y C & H R R R, office 138 State, h 159 Seymour Graney Michael, Jr, mechanic, bds 19 Case ave Graney Michael P, polisher, h 12 Case ave Graney Nellie, shoe op, bds 19 Case ave Graney Patrick, special dutyman, police, h'd q'rs, h 20 Jefferson Graney Patrick J, coremaker, bds 19 Case ave Graney William C, twine op, bds 19 Case ave Graney William J, clerk, N Y C f't office, bds 96 Van Anden Granger Fred L, drayman, h over 64 Fulton Granger Harrison L, night watchman, D M O & Co, h over 1 Beach ave Grano Jeos, laborer, bds 21 Monroe Grant Albert E, clerk, coll dep't, D M O & Co, h 9 Mc Master Grant Arthur B, florist, h over 178 1/2 Van Anden Grant Belle, widow Frank, wrapper op, bds 27 Lincoln Grant Charles F, conductor, A C Ry, h 15 Beach ave Grant Charles H, hair dresser, 128 1/2 Wall, h 132 do Grant Charlotte, widow Daniel, h 138 Wall Grant Daniel J, prison keeper, bds Empire House, 34 Dill Grant Drayton, conductor A C Ry, bds over 1 Sheridan Grant Edith E, winder, bds 5 Wadsworth Grant Floyd L, shoe cutter, bds 17 Myrtle ave Grant Frank, mechanic, bds over 6 Dill Grant George D, mechanic, bds 49 Aurelius ave Grant Mrs Hannah, widow Henry, weaver, h 17 Myrtle ave Grant Herbert W, emp D M O & Co, h 96 Mechanic Grant Jesse D, shoe cutter, bds 5 Wadsworth GRANT J. LEWIS, sup't City Water Works, also Sec'y City Club, office over 94 Genesee, h 55 Clark Grant Joseph W, clerk, bds 27 Lincoln Grant Mrs Julia, attendant, Cayuga Asylum, 66 Owasco Grant Mary, widow Robert, dressmaker, over 5 Clark, h 49 Aurelius ave Grant Minnie S, res 140 E Genesee Grant Moses M, blacksmith, h 5 Wadsworth Grant Pearl E, milliner, bds 49 Aurelius ave Grant Robert E, boxmaker, bds 49 Aurelius ave GRANT S. ELLIOTT, auditor, D M O & Co, h 181 Genesee Grant Ulysses S, machinist, h 13 Garfield Grant William, machinist, h over 6 Dill Granville Mrs Kate, seamstress, 33 South Granville Katherine A, widow John, res 15 Madison ave Grasty Fannie, domestic, 330 Genesee Graves Ada M, tel op, bds 12 Steel Graves Frank J, emp d M O & Co, h 44 Franklin Graves J Burt, clerk, West End Hotel, 172 Clark, h over 5 State Graves Mrs J Burt, dressmaker, over 5 State, h do Graves Robert A, clerk, 116 Genesee, bds 12 Owasco Graves William L, tinsmith, bds over 5 State Gravitt Ada J, accountant, 39 E Genesee, bds 26 Maple Gravitt Arthur M, gardener, h 26 Maple Gravitt Ellgenia, student, bds 26 Maple Gravitt Jennie L, trained nurse, bds 26 Maple Gravitt Katie J, bookkeeper 39 E Genesee, bds 26 Maple Gravitt Pearl, student, A H S, bds 26 Maple GRAY, see also GREY Gray Adelia M, widow Daniel C, res over 98 Wall Gray Asa J, prison guard, h 28 Fitch ave Gray Charles H, moulder, h over 98 Wall Gay Clara B, weaver, bds 36 Barber Gray Clarence E, moulder, bds 9 Court Gray Cora L, saleslady, bds 25 Sheridan Gray Edward A, expressman, h 36 Barber Gray Edward F, com trav, h 25 Sheridan Gray Eugene P, salesman, 95 Genesee, h Janet st ex Gray Mrs Georgie, housekeeper, 22 Cornell Gray Henrietta P, widow william M, res 24 Grover Gray Jane R, res 24 Grover Greco Antonio, laborer, h r 52 Mechanic Greco Toney, laborer, bds 12 Clark Gregg Elijah J, student, Theo Sem, res do GREEN, see also GREENE Green Agnes E, dressmaker, bds 187 State Green Albert H, bicycle repairer, h 85 Walnut Green Albert H, prison guard, (special) h 12 Evans Green Annie E, mill op, bds 263 Seymour Green Barbara, widow Lawrence, h over 165 1/2 State Green Bridget, widow Stephen, h 181 Seymour Green Catherine, widow Charles, h 263 Seymour Green Charles R, mechanic, bds 181 Seymour Green Cora E, domestic, 17 Court Green Eliza, widow William, bds 111 Owasco Green Ellen, widow Michael, h 62 Hamilton ave Green Frank H, painter, bds 263 Seymour Green Frederick R, mechanic, bds 187 State Green George, broker, res 39 Clark Green Howard A, com trav, res 49 Franklin Green Mrs Johannah, bds 10 Garfield Green John, coachman, r 41 Water, h over 47 Genesee Green John, grocer, 1 Maple, h 156 E Genesee Green John J, mill op, bds 158 Mechanic Green Josephine, mill op, bds 87 Lansing Green Marshall, painter, h 187 State Green Mary, button op, bds 62 Hamilton ave Green Mary G, mill op, bds over 165 1/2 State Green Mary I, bds 49 Franklin Green Mary, widow James J, h 66 Lansing Green Nellie, button op, bds 158 Mechanic Green Patrick, laborer, h 87 Lansing Green Patrick T, emp D M O & Co, h 7 Academy Green Sadie C, attendant, 33 Seminary Green Thomas, mill op, bds 158 Mechanic Green Walter, delivery clerk, "Kiemele's," bds North st n line Green Walter, yardman, Osborne House, 77 State Green William, dyer, bds 54 1/2 Orchard Green William W, gas fitter, h 54 Water GREENE, see also GREEN Greene Emma M, widow Orrin, res 175 Van Anden Greene Frank B, com trav, h 17 Fort Greene Frederick L, student, Theo Sem, res do Greene Frederick R, res 17 Fort Greene George W, physician and surgeon, office and res 45 E Genesee Greene Henry D, carpenter, h over 180 State GREENE MERRITT D.,lumber dealer, yards foot Mc Master, on N Y C R R, also entrance foot Water, h 6 Jefferson(See mammoth sign)Side line notices throughout directory Greenfield Frank, coachman, 97 North, res do Greenfield Perl M, car inspector, h 99 Wall Greenfield Ralph P, conductor, A C R'y, h 99 fulton Greenlee Ida, widow Edgar, bds 12 John Greenman Peter V, mechanic, h 25 Park ave Greenwood John, emp D M O & Co, h 28 Walnut Greenwood Rachel, widow John, bds 28 Walnut Gregson Frank, butcher, h over 9 Genesee Greisner Wenzel, emp D M O & Co, bds 4 Miller GREY, see also GRAY Grey Ada A, seamstress, bds 30 Grove ave Grey Carrie L, attendant, 30 Grove ave Griffin Anna, widow Ransom, res over 1 Burt ave Griffin W Bernice, stenog'r, D M O & Co, res 111 Wall Griffin Bridget, domestic, 58 South Griffin Frank, carpenter, bds 276 North Griffin Henry, weaver, h 116 Mechanic Griffin James, front gate keeper, Aub Prison, h 111 Wall Griffin James B, hame op, bds 15 1/2 Parker Griffin John, twine op, h 15 1/2 Parker Griffin Josephine A, domestic, 4 Sheridan Griffin Mae M, student, A H S, res 15 1/2 Parker Griffin Maggie, domestic, 6 Mary Griffin Maggie A, domestic, 8 Ross Place Griffin M Edwin, draughtsman, 101 Orchard, h over 52 Genesee Griffin Minnie, widow Thomas, res 276 North Griffin Robert H, laborer, h 60 1/2 Garrow Griffin Selim B, insurance, rooms 64 Genesee Griffin William, laborer, bds 60 1/2 Garrow Griffith Edna G, student, res 5 Lawton ave Griffith Mrs Katherine, salesclerk, res 5 Lawton ave Griffith K Lucille, student, res 5 Lawton ave Griffith LeRoy, machinist, bds 44 Grover Griggs Ellis R, expressman, h 31 Delevan Grinnell Lillian A, res 30 Sherman Grinnell Viola P, widow Evelyn P, bds 55 1/2 Fulton Grinnell William W, clerk Ex'g and Sup'g B'd of Plumbers and Plumbing, h 30 Sherman Griswold Alice H, widow Frank H, h 120 North GRISWOLD COLLINS L., (Barker, Griswold & Co,) h 47 Logan Griswold Ellen S, widow Sylvanus C, h 41 Grover Griswold Rev Tracev (sic) B, pastor Westminster ch, h 2 Pleasant GROBERT MISS EMMA, sup't City Hosp, 1 to 21 Lansing, h do Groening Andrew, mechanic, bds 31 Case ave Groening Florence, bds 31 Case ave Groening John, iron worker, h 31 Case ave Groening Mary, weaver, bds 31 Case ave Groening Rose M, bds 31 Case ave Groff Arthur, student, bds over 3 State Groff Charles, hackdriver, h over 3 State Groff Martin J, coachman, Tallman's Stables, h over 101 Genesee Groom Bert S, emp D M O & Co, bds 37 Grover Groom Harriet, salesclerk, 64 Genesee, bds 37 Grover Groom Ward B, salesmen (sic), 64 Genesee, h 37 Grover Groot Abram C, emp D M O & Co, h over 52 E Genesee Groot Anna M, widow Cornelius A, h 52 E Genesee Groot Edith S, bds 52 E Genesee Groot Emma, widow Samuel C, res 9 McMaster Groot Georgiana L, res 52 E Genesee Groot S Louise, stenographer, res 52 E Genesee Groskrutz Christina, widow Charles, res 53 Pulsifer GROSS CHARLES S., Undertaker and Embalmer, also Funeral Furnishings, 138 Genesee cor William, h 19 Grover Gross Ella C, res 19 Grover Gross Louise S, res 19 Grover Grover Jeannette O, res 44 South Grover Mary Jane, nurse, h over 233 North Grover Martha C, widow Abram G, h 76 Washington Grover Rhoda M, widow David, res 154 E Genesee Gruner Helen F, student, Fulton st sch, bds 26 Sherman GRUNER JOHN,dealer in Watches, Jewelry and Musical Merchandise, also sole agent for the famous Mehlin Pianos,office and salesrooms 5 State, h 26 Sherman (See adv, next page) Gruner Lillian L, music teacher, bds 26 Sherman Gruner William, emp D M O & Co, h 105 Lansing Grutzbech Marie, attendant, 85 E Genesee Guernsey Henry C, twine op, bds 62 Wall GUILFOIL, see also GILFOILE GUILD HOUSE OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, 16 Hoffman Guilfoil Daniel, barber, 1 Water, h 43 Perrine Guilfoil Daniel J, emp D M O & Co, bds 5 Chase Guilfoil Edward J, salesman, 99 Washington, bds do Guilfoil Frank, blacksmith, h 25 Cross GUILFOIL JOHN, select groceries, teas, coffees and spices, also Family Liquor Store, 99 Washington, h do Guilfoil John H, salesman, 99 Washington, bds do GUILFOIL WILLIAM J., (D. V. S.,) veterinary surgeon, office 99 Washington, res do GUILFOOS, see also GILFUS Guilfoos Eugene C, delivery clerk, 33 Grant ave, bds 9 Beardsley Guilfoos Ira, laborer, h 9 Beardsley Guilfoos Joseph, barnman, 1 Greene, bds 24 North Guilfoos Lillian I, twine op, bds 9 Beardsley Guilfoos Madue A, housekeeper, 9 Beardsley Guilfoos Murray, teamster, bds 126 Division S Guillemont Oscar C, salesman, 34 Genesee, bds 16 Court Guinnip Lydia, domestic, 103 E Genesee Guinnip Sophronia, widow Jabez, res 71 Clark GUION HON. CHARLES F., m'g'r, 44 and 46 Lewis, res 47 Clark Guion Elizabeth I, clerk, cost dep't, res 47 Clark Guise John, quarryman, bds 156 Perrine Guiteau George J, insurance agent, h 6 Hulbert Gullery Alice T, machine op, bds 42 Cayuga Gullery James, carpenter, h 42 Cayuga Gullery Mark E, dressmaker, bds 42 Cayuga Gulliver Henry, lather, bds 16 Chapel GUN CLUB ROOMS, over 41 and 43 Genesee Gunn Henry G, res 5 Sherman Gunn John B, cashier, L V R R freight office, bds 4 James Gunsolus Sarah J, widow Lambert, res 9 Sherwood GUPPY HENRY H.,select family groceries, also fruits, vegetables and all kinds of farm and garden products, also supervisor 10th ward, 18 Capitol, h do(See adv, page 132) Guppy Lou E, ass't matron, Woman's Prison, 50 Wall Guppy Mabel R, res 26 Lewis Gurnett Patrick, emp D M O & Co, bds 8 Perrine Gurney John, laborer, bds 195 Clark Gusa Adam, mill op, h 17 Beardsley Gusa Augusta, silk weaver, bds 17 Beardsley Gusa Frederick C, emp D M O & Co, h 36 Augustus Gusa Herman W, accountant, bds 17 Beardsley Gutchess Arthur, m'g'r, Kenfield's dining car, 44 Market, res 20 do Gutkowski Belle H, twine op, bds 38 Chase Gutkowski John, emp D M O & Co, h 38 Chase Gutkowski Joseph, plumber, bds 38 Chase Gutkowski Joseph L, plumber, bds 38 chase Gutkowski Martha, bds 38 Chase Gutkowski Nicholas, emp D M O & Co, h over 26 North Guyott Maria A, widow Marvin L, h over 26 Garrow Guyott Marvin J, shoe op, bds 78 Orchard Guyott Mary, widow John B, h 78 Orchard Guyott Mary A, shoe op, bds 78 Orchard Guynut Caroline, attendant, 10 William GWYNN CHARLES A., physician and surgeon, office and res 13 Grover
Hours until 9 AM, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P M Gwynn William, porter, Hotel Avery, 32 to 42 State GWYNN WILLIAM M., physician and surgeon, 14 Grover, h do Hours until 9 A M, 3 to 5, and 7 to 8 P M

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z
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