ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Haas Adolph A, tailor, h 28 Frances								

Haas Christian, prison keeper, h 18 1/2 Park ave								

Haas Emily, attendant, Melrose c Lake ave								

Haas Pauline, attendant, Melrose c Lake ave								

Haberlau Carl J, laborer, h 9 Florence								

Haberlau Edward, tailor, bds 9 Florence								

Haberlau Paul, dyer, bds 9 Florence								

Haberlau Wanda, milliner, bds 9 Florence								

Hable Augustus, iron worker, h 36 Madison ave								

Hable Eugene, moulder, bds 60 Cottage								

Hable Fred, iron worker, h 60 Cottage								

Hable Fred, Jr, iron worker, bds 60 Cottage								

Hable John, iron worker, bds 60 Cottage								

Hacker George H, butcher, h 40 Fulton								

Hadden Charles H, city express, h 31 Union ave								

Hadley Maude, dressmaker, bds 45 Lewis								

Hadselle Charles A, (Hasdelle & Walker,) h 12 Holley								

Hadselle Ella J, saleslady, 123 Genesee, res 12 Holley								

Hadselle & Walker (C A H and W B W) shoe dealers, 69 Genesee								

Haeffner Augustus C, clerk, 42 Wadsworth, bds 3 Canoga								

Haeffner Augustus C F, machinist, h 3 Canoga								

Haeffner Grace, stenographer, over 95 Genesee, res 3 Canoga								

Haeffner Mary M, student, A H S, res 3 Canoga								

HAEFFNER WILLIAM B., bookkeeper, Seward & Co's Banking House, h 5 Woodruff Place								

Haendle Sophia F, teacher, Grover st sch, res 43 Logan								

Hagan Rose, shoe op, res over 3 Clark								

Hagan William H, clerk, 19 North, also insp pub wks, h 9 Throop ave								

Hager George L, shipping clerk, bds 169 Van Anden								

HAGER HENRY W., (White & Hager,) h 169 Van Anden								

Hager Lucy B, res 169 Van Anden								

Hager William J, order clerk, 45 Washington, bds 169 Van Anden								

Hahn Charles M, shoe op, bds 1 Frances								

Hahn Francis J, machinist, bds 28 Owasco								

Hahn George W, bicycle op, bds 1 Frances								

Hahn Nicholas, moulder, h 1 Frances								

Hahn Peter, prison keeper, h 28 Owasco								

Haigh Arthur E, mill foreman, bds 34 E Genesee								

Haigh Edward B, jeweler, 70 Genesee, res 6 Pine								

Haigh Mrs Etta E, widow Charles, res 6 Pine								

Haigh Mary, widow Edward, h 78 Division N								

Haight Charles, emp D M O & Co, bds 40 Lincoln								

Haight Elizabeth H, teacher, bds 9 Steel								

Haight Frances H, widow James, h 40 Lincoln								

Haight Helen I, teacher, bds 9 Steel								

Haight  Helen M, widow John W, h 9 Steel								

Haight Julia, seamstress, res 19 Court								

Haight S Adelaide, bds 3 Steel								

Haight Samuel C, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Haines Austin, carpenter, h 133 Owasco								

Haines George A, mechanic, bds 133 Owasco								

Haines Lella, accountant, 8 Lincoln, bds over 22 Easterly ave								

Haines Lyman T, h over 22 Easterly ave								

HAINES ORRIN T., Sup't of Construction and Maintenance, City Water Works, h 131 Owasco								

Hair Adelbert D, polisher, bds 266 1/2 Genesee								

Hair Frank, dyer, bds 266 1/2 Genesee								

Hair Permelia M, widow Baxter, h 266 1/2 Genesee								

Hakes Andrew S, twine op, bds 43 Pulsifer								

Hakes Rose, widow Wesley C, h 43 Pulsifer								

Halaiko Michael, saloon, 149 State, h over do								

Hale Fannie A, h over 44 State								

Hale Fred, emp D M O & Co, bds New Nat'l Hotel								

Hale George D, cash boy, 91 Genesee, bds over 44 State								

Hale Maude L, button op, bds 15 Maple								

Hale Johnson Titus, salesman, 33 Market, h 77 Mechanic								

Halen Margaret, widow Thomas, bds 99 Aurelius ave								

HALEY, see HEALEY, also HEALY								

Haley Abigail, shoe op, bds over 232 Seymour								

Haley Amos S, bds 37 Capitol								

Haley Andrew, laborer, h over 232 Seymour								

HALEY DANIEL W., proprietor "The American Steam Laundry," 10 1/2 and 12 Market, h					
	37 Capitol   (See adv)							

Haley Jeremiah, h 10 Walnut								

Haley John, mechanic, bds over 232 Seymour								

Haley John T, shoemaker, h 183 Perrine ave								

Haley Rose, button op, bds 58 Water								

Haley William H, emp D M O & Co, bds over 232 Seymour								

Halicy James, driver A Ex Co, h r 14 1/2 Lincoln								

Hall Mrs Adah S, res over 19 3/4 Genesee								

Hall Anna F, shoe op, bds 87 Orchard								

Hall Charles C, machinist, bds 25 Monroe								

Hall Charlotte R, seamstress, bds 52 Franklin								

Hall Daniel W, mason, h 1 Morris								

Hall David J, emp D M O & Co, bds 66 1/2 West								

Hall Edward C, contractor public works, bds The Avery, 38 State								

Hall Edward L, toolmaker, h over 10 Garfield								

Hall Emma J, widow Henry A, h 160 North								

Hall Florilla A, seamstress, bds 52 Franklin								

Hall Frank I, gardener, h 259 State								

Hall Fred, mechanic, bds 84 Perrine								

HALL FRED M., prop'r The Creamery and dealer in choice confectionery and Soda Waters; Ice				
	Cream parlors attached, 31 Genesee, h 17 Mann   Lautz Bro's Premiums for soap wrappers							
	exchanged here							

Hall George, iron heater, h 231 State								

Hall George B M, scythe maker, h 35 Barber								

Hall George W, scythe plater, h 169 Seymour								

Hall Helen M, seamstress, bds 52 Franklin								

Hall Henry B, barkeeper, bds 10 Augustus								

Hall Hiram H, painter, bds 20 Church								

Hall James S, Jr, shoemaker, bds 87 Orchard								

Hall James W, engineer, h 87 Orchard								

Hall John C, moulder, h 2 Seneca								

Hall Kate, widow Albert E, h 56 1/2 West								

Hall Lewie E, draper, (G W R & Son,) h 36 Mary								

Hall Lora A, widow John E, h 52 Franklin								

Hall Margaret, shoe op, bds 87 Orchard								

Hall Margartet J, widow John H, h 38 Orchard								

Hall Mary, mill op, bds 66 1/2 West								

Hall Mary R, h 16 Seminary								

HALL O. CLIFFORD, sup't industries, Aub State Prison, h 18 Westlake ave								

Hall Samuel H, machinist, h 25 Monroe ave								

Hall Mrs Sarah E, acc't supt's office, A C Ry Co, h 23 Holley								

Hall Stephen S, expressman, h 34 Maple								

Hall Sylvester J, shoe maker, 2 William, h 87 Orchard								

Hall Theodosia A, widow Frederick J, h 136 E Genesee								

Hall Thomas S, mason, h 20 1/2 Fulton								

Hall William H, shoemaker, bds 66 Wall								

Hall William P, mason, bds 52 Fulton								

Hall William S, mechanic, bds 34 Maple								

Halladay Augusta J, shoe op, bds 2 Bostwick ave								

Halladay Charles H, machinist, h 235 North								

Halladay Miss Eliza, h 235 North								

Halladay Elizabeth R, widow Edwin H, h 46 Mary								

Halladay George R, machinist, h 2 Bostwick ave								

Halladay Jessie A, shoe op, bds 2 Bostwick ave								

Halladay Sadie J, domestic, 20 Court								

Halling Roland L, shoe op, h 167 Clark								

Hallock Aaron B, student, Theo Sem, res do								

HALLOCK WILLIAM J., veterinary surgeon, also hitching, stabling and dealer in baled hay, straw, feed,								
	&c, 47 State, h 15 Elizabeth   Ample accommodations for transients							

Halpine Elizabeth E, dressmaker, bds 9 Liberty								

Halpine Eva, bds under 10 Barber								

Halpine Hattie, attendant, bds under 10 Barber								

Halpine Jennie E, button op, bds 9 Liberty								

Halpine Jessie, domestic, bds under 10 Barber								

Halpine Mary, widow Nicholson, h under 10 Barber								

Halpine Mattie, domestic, 35 Nelson								

Halpine Michael, coachman, 61 South, h 9 Liberty								

Halpine Nancy, attendant, 80 South								

Halstead Carolyn C, seamstress, bds over 7 Cayuga								

Halstead Celia F, widow William H, h over 7 Cayuga								

Halstead Daniel S, custom shoemaker, 42 Lewis, h 21 1/2 Seminary ave								

Halstead Frances E, seamstress, bds over 7 Cayuga								

Halstead George H, contractor and teamster, h 25 Orchard								

Halstead Mrs Harriet, bds 17 Westlake ave								

Halstead Herbert A, machinist, h 31 Division N								

Halstead Seymour C, carpenter, h 33 Lincoln								

Halstead Walter, clerk, 131 Genesee, bds 33 Lincoln								

Halty Michael, h 9 Dill								

HAMBLIN, see also HAMLIN								

Hamblin Mary I, widow Amasa B, res 5 Hulbert								

Hamilton Adaline, widow John P, bds 121 Washington								

HAMILTON ADELBERT H., druggist and analytical chemist, also city analyst and				
	manager American office Bayard Sons & Bayard, London, Eng, 51 Genesee and 60 Owasco,							
	h 41 1/2 Fulton   (See adv, next page)							

Hamilton Alexander, pattern maker, h 76 Fulton								

Hamilton Alexander R, shoe laster, h 21 Maple								

Hamilton Angela M, bds 121 Washington								

Hamilton Augusta M, drug clerk, 65 Genesee, res 12 Owasco								

HAMILTON BURTON G., mercantile and society printer, over 80 Genesee, bds 62				
	North   All kinds of printing artistically executed							

Hamilton Caroline A, widow John, laundress, bds 9 Mann								

Hamilton Donald M, shoe dealer, 17 Genesee, bds 63 E do								

Hamilton Edwin, emp D M O & Co, h 59 1/2 Owasco								

Hamilton Elizabeth S, res 140 Van Anden								

Hamilton Fred L, salesman, 75 Genesee, h 39 Cornell								

Hamilton George D, clerk, Burtis Opera House, bds 12 Owasco								

Hamilton George G, clerk, 101 Orchard, bds 66 West								

Hamilton George J, emp D M O & Co, h 12 Owasco								

Hamilton George M, engineer, bds 140 Van Anden								

Hamilton George R, draughtsman, bds 66 West								

Hamilton Gilbert M, student, Theo Sem, res 80 Seymour								

Hamilton Herbert K, shipping clerk, bds 18 1/2 Holley								

Hamilton James, real estate, 96 Genesee, h 13 Easterly ave								

Hamilton James D, clerk, 101 Orchard, bds 140 Van Anden								

Hamilton James G, machinist, h 140 Van Anden								

Hamilton John H, emp D M O & Co, h 121 Washington								

Hamilton John P, night operator, N Y C freight office, h over 65 Van Anden								

Hamilton John S, machinist, h 66 West								

Hamilton John S, Jr, student, A H S, res 66 West								

Hamilton Justin, machinist, h 5 Bellevue place								

Hamilton Mae E, stenographer, bds 18 1/2 Holley								

Hamilton Margaret G, res 121 Washington								

Hamilton Martha A, dressmaker, bds 66 West								

Hamilton Maud M, seamstress, bds 111 Owasco								

Hamilton Miles E, machinist, h 111 Owasco								

Hamilton Theodore S, driver H & L, A F D, h 18 1/2 Holley								

Hamilton William McB, shoe op, h 33 Morris								

HAMLIN, see also HAMBLIN								

Hamlin Amelia J, widow Dorr, res 41 Logan								

Hamlin Mrs Margaret D, weaver, bds 3 Chestnut place								

Hamlin Ruth McC, teacher, Grover st sch, res 41 Logan								

Hamm Edward L, shirt cutter, 24 Garden, h over 14 Fulton								

Hamm Emma, h over 21 William								

Hamm Erastus C, emp D M O & Co, h 60 Bradford								

Hamm Florence M, salesclerk, "Bell's Bee Hive," res 19 Van Anden								

Hamm Henry, horseman, h 19 Van Anden								

Hamm Jacob H, bds 60 Bradford								

Hamm Mrs Maggie, cook, Cayuga Asylum, 66 Owasco								

Hammer Mrs Mary F, tailoress, bds 50 Mechanic								

Hammond Ephraim H, driver U S Ex Co, h 22 Holley								

Hammond Harriet, domestic, 4 Linden place								

Hammond Howard E J, student Univ of Penn, res 22 Holley								

Hammond Lena B, acc't 82 Genesee, bds 25 Cayuga								

Hammond Robert E, fireman, L V R R, h 257 Genesee								

Hammond Samuel W, prison keeper, h 25 Cayuga								

Hammond Mary W, widow Joseph W, h over 15 Genesee								

Hampton Joseph, h 81 Franklin								

Hanbury George, mechanic, bds over 77 Van Anden								

Hancock Adelaide E, weaver, bds 12 Spring								

Hancock A Maude, seamstress, bds 273 1/2 Genesee								

Hancock Charles, teamster, h 35 Bristol ave, Melrose								

Hancock Emily B, bds 273 1/2 Genesee								

Hancock Frederick T, hostler, 304 Genesee, bds 273 1/2 do								

Hancock Harriet, widow John, res 149 York								

Hancock Henry, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Spring								

Hancock Henry W, mill op, h 12 Spring								

Hancock John, installment agent, bds 55 Market								

HANCOCK JOHN (THE), Mutual Life Insurance Co, Burdette Irish, ag't, rooms				
	201-202 Metcalf B'd'g, over 141 Genesee							

Hancock John A, machinist, bds 273 1/2 Genesee								

Hancock Lucy A, hame op, bds 273 1/2 Genesee								

Hancock Mertice A, bds 35 Bristol ave, Melrose								

Hancock Nellie M, bds 35 Bristol ave, Melrose								

Hancock Percy V, florist, bds 119 Aurelius ave								

Hancock S Blanche, bds 273 1/2 Genesee								

Hancock Walter, twine op, bds 12 Spring								

Hancock William, draughtsman, h 273 1/2 Genesee								

Hancock William, Jr, machinist, bds 257 Genesee								

Handy Sarah J, widow Thomas E, h 6 Myrtle ave								

Hanes James D, sash maker, h 64 State								

Hanes Mabel A, res 64 State								

Haney John J, iron roller, h over 216 State								

Hankins Howard R, ass't m'g'r cost dep't, D M O & Co, bds 30 Lincoln								

Hankins William L, clerk, coll dep, D M O & Co, res 23 Maple								

Hanley Alma M, dressmaker, bds 84 Orchard								

Hanley Bridget, shoe op, bds 43 1/2 Lansing								

Hanley Dennis, iron roller, bds 43 1/2 Lansing								

Hanley Ellen F, shoe op, bds 43 1/2 Lansing								

Hanley James T, delivery clerk, 4 Water, bds 43 1/2 Lansing								

Hanley John H, laborer, h 43 1/2 Lansing								

Hanley Lillian, shoe op, bds 10 James								

Hanley Mary, housekeeper, 43 1/2 Lansing								

Hanlon Alice M, attendant, 29 William								

Hanlon Anna, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 3 Academy								

Hanlon Anna, shoe op, bds 1 Park ave								

Hanlon Charles H, coachman, 196 Genesee								

Hanlon Dennis, tobacco and cigars, 40 Madison ave, h do								

HANLON EMORY, gen'l utility clerk, P O, bds 4 Chapel								

Hanlon Frank J, salesman, 85 Genesee, bds 36 Walnut								

Hanlon James, janitor City Hall, h 7 1/2 Burt ave								

Hanlon John C, clerk N Y Cent Frt office, res 7 1/2 Burt ave								

Hanlon Joseph T, student, A H S, bds 4 Academy								

Hanlon Josephine, domestic, 53 E Genesee								

Hanlon Kittie M, housekeeper, 36 Madison ave								

Hanlon Lizzie, dressmaker, h 3 Academy								

HANLON MARTIN A., city and sporting editor, Auburn Daily Bulletin, bds 4 Chapel								

Hanlon Mary F, salesclerk, 91 & 93 Genesee, bds 7 1/2 Burt ave								

Hanlon Miles L, clerk, 105 Genesee, bds 7 1/2 Burt ave								

Hanlon Nellie, attendant, 63 Clark								

Hanlon Patrick, laborer, h 36 Walnut								

Hanlon Patrick, plumber, h 4 Chapel								

Hanlon Thomas, laborer, h 40 Cottage								

Hannabel May B, student, A H S, bds over 78 Genesee								

Hannah Cora, res 187 Genesee								

Hannah Tootsey, res 187 Genesee								

Hannah William D, com trav, h 187 Genesee								

HANNING A. F. & CO., Upholstery, Curtains, Draperies, etc, also Imported Novelties, Bric-a-Brac, Art								
	Goods, etc,  128 Genesee (Tripp Block)   Window Shades made to order							

HANNING ALFRED F. J., (A. F. HJanning & Co,) h 15 Ross Place								

Hanning John, bds 18 Paddock B'l'k, r 78 Franklin								

Hanning John C, machinist, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North								

Hanning Mrs Martha, h 45 Augustus								

Hanning Martha M, dressmaker, bds 45 Augustus								

Hanning Rufus J, foreman, Smith & Pearson, bds 45 Augustus								

Hannum J Brua, cashier, U S Ex Co, res 34 Burt ave								

Hanrahan William H, attache, Tallman's Stables, bds 31 Park ave								

Hansen Charles W, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Hanson Holger, emp D M O & Co, bds 32 Lincoln								

Hapeman Charles H, carpenter, also constable, h 21 1/2 Seminary ave								

Hapeman Clinton T, fireman, L V R R, bds 21 1/2 Seminary ave								

Harbaugh (The A G Co,) petroleum products, H A B Morrow, m'g'r, 17 Sheridan								

Harbottle Helen M, res 39 William								

Harbottle Sarah M, widow George H, res 39 William								

Herdenbrook Enos, emp D M O & Co, h over 26 Owasco								

Harding John F, flagman, L V R R, h 25 Madison ave								

Harding Warren E, pressman, Aub Bulletin, h 13 Gaylord								

Hardwick Benjamin B, gardener, h 58 1/2 Orchard								

Hardwick Oney H, painter, bds 58 1/2 Orchard								

Hardwick John F, farmer, h 31 Division S								

Hardy Elias, farmer, res 7 Howard								

Hardy Lillian, shoe op, bds 116 Clark								

Hardy Saloby G, laborer, h 62 Garrow								

Hargett Hattie, domestic, 10 Capitol								

Haring Hannah, widow John, res 21 Academy								

Hariston Lucy, domestic, bds 32 Aurelius ave								

Harkness Amos J, loom fixer, h 13 West								

Harkness Amos J, Jr, laborer, bds 13 West								

Harkness Edward, laborer, bds over 1 Water								

Harkness Hannah L, weaver, bds 108 Clark								

Harkness Jesse O, woodworker, bds 13 West								

Harkness Rose, mill op, bds 13 West								

Harkness William H, loom fixer, h 108 Clark								

Harkness William J, loom fixer, h 11 Wadsworth								

HARLOW JOHN R., sup't Standard Bait M'f'g Co, h 24 Lincoln								

Harlow Maude A, res 24 Lincoln								

Harlow Stephen B, res 26 Easterly ave								

Harlow Stephen B, Jr, emp D M O & Co, h 26 Easterly ave								

Harmon Agnes F, dressmaker, bds 22 Evans								

Harmon Allie, bds 107 Franklin								

Harmon Anastasia, widow John, res 3 Underwood								

Harmon Catherine G, compositor, Bulletin, bds 22 Evans								

Harmon David F, emp D M O & co, h 17 Sheridan								

HARMON D. J., dealer in Select Family Groceries, also Choice Confectionery, Cigars and Notions,						
	201 State, h do   (See card)							

Harmon Edward J, salesman, Big Store, bds 22 Evans								

Harmon Edward R, shoe op, bds 234 Seymour								

Harmon Elizabeth, widow John J, h over 11 E Genesee								

Harmon Elizabeth A, stenographer, 133 1/2 Genesee, bds 92 Division S								

Harmon Elizabeth T, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 22 Evans								

Harmon Fay R, clerk, 88 Genesee, bds 17 Sheridan								

Harmon Florence L, bds 92 Division S								

Harmon Frank, shoe op, bds 234 Seymour								

Harmon Frank A, hame op, bds 92 Division S								

Harmon George A, mechanic, bds 39 Chase								

Harmon George H, emp D M O & Co, h 29 Augustus								

Harmon George H, laborer, bds 33 Division S								

Harmon Henry E, twine op, h 26 Garrow								

Harmon H Louise, res over 2 South								

Harmon John, foreman, E D C M'f'g Co, h 92 Division S								

HARMON JOHN, cigar manufacturer and dealer in tobaccos and smoker's supplies,					
	167 1/2 State, h 234 Seymour   (See card, next page)							

Harmon John H, meat cutter, 1 Genesee, h 7 Hockeborn ave								

Harmon John P, emp D M O & Co, h 32 Owasco								

Harmon Lawrence, mill foreman, h 22 Evans								

HARMON LE GRANDE J., ass't manager, R. J. Rogers Lumber and Coal Co, h 38 Hamilton ave								

Harmon L Joseph, accountant, 49 Genesee, res 22 Evans								

Harmon Mabel, student, James st sch, bds 7 Benton								

Harmon Mary E, widow anthony J, h 39 Chase								

Harmon Michael, emp D M O & Co, bds 29 Augustus								

Harmon Minnie C, res 22 Easterly ave								

Harmon Olive A, accountant, 201 State, res do								

Harmon Richard, iron melter, h 234 Seymour								

Harmon Richard M, laborer, bds 29 Augustus								

Harman (sic) Sarah J, dressmaker, bds 29 Augustus								

Harmon Thomas F, emp D M O & Co, h over 25 Hockeborn ave								

Harmon Thomas F, hame op, h 280 Genesee								

Harmon William H, shoe op, bds 29 Augustus								

Harmon Winnie, dressmaker, bds 29 Augustus								

Harnden Lula M, seamstress, bds 126 Mechanic								

Harper Frank, pattern maker, h 34 Logan								

Harrington Cyrena, widow Samuel J, res 18 Hoffman								

Harrington Dennis V, foreman Aub Gas Co, h 18 Hulbert								

Harrington Frank M, emp D M O & Co, h 16 Beach ave								

HARRINGTON JAMES E., clerk Aub Woolen Co, h 12 Howard								

Harrington Jeremiah, real estate, 22 Dill, h 14 Seminary								

Harrington Julia S, shoe op, bds 10 Howard								

Harrington Mahlon, laborer, h 174 South								

Harrington Mary A, bds 10 Howard								

Harrington Mrs Nellie M, dressmaker, res 82 Nelson								

HARRINGTON TERRACE, 76 and 78 North, also 1 Seminary								

Harrington Timothy, night watchman, h 10 Howard								

Harrington W Eugene, emp D M O & Co, h 82 Nelson								

Harris Anna G, silk op, bds 29 Logan								

Harris Catherine, widow Thomas, res 105 Cottage								

Harris Catherine F, mechanic, bds 14 Clark								

Harris Charles S, engraver, 138 Genesee, h 49 Logan								

Harris Clarence E, machinist, bds 66 Division N								

Harris Dudley K, res over 148 Genesee								

Harris George E, machinist, h over 20 Wright ave								

Harris Gilbert G, cook, bds 93 Cottage								

Harris Grace E, seamstress, bds 23 Mary								

Harris Herbert A, student, A H S, bds 4 1/2 Wright ave								

Harris James G, carpenter, h 29 Logan								

Harris Marie L, widow W Church, h 49 Logan								

Harris Samuel F, watchman, h 4 1/2 Wright ave								

Harris S Fred, machinist, h 20 Wright ave								

Harris John T, moulder, bds over 49 North								

Harris Thomas H, emp D M O & Co, h over 49 North								

Harris Walter M, pattern maker, h 7 John								

Harris William, emp D M O & Co, h over 11 Worden ave								

HARRIS WILLIAM H., ass't manager Collection Department, D M O & Co, h 10 Chestnut								

Harris William H, glass cutter, h 74 Walnut								

Harris William H, glazier, 137 Genesee, h over 7 Elm								

Harrison Ellsworth, carriage trimmer, h 115 E Genesee								

Harrison Gertrude H, school teacher, bds 115 E Genesee								

Harrison William, mason, h 48 Cornell								

Hart Adelbert H, shoe op, bds 22 Perry								

Hart Annie T, twine op, bds 28 Cross								

Hart Edward A, wringer op, bds 140 Cottage								

Hart Effie J, artist, bds 6 Ross place								

Hart Elizabeth B, shoe op, bds 140 Cottage								

Hart Emma S, bds 96 North								

Hart Eugene D, student, A H S, bds 32 Barber								

Hart Fred J, carpenter, bds 32 Barber								

Hart Fred J, grocer, 22 Perry, h do								

Hart Frederick, piano op, h 36 Burt ave								

Hart George, laborer, bds over 49 North								

Hart George H, blacksmith, h 94 Fulton								

Hart Hannah, weaver, bds 10 Garfield								

Hart Harry G, mason, bds 94 Fulton								

Hart Mrs Haynes L, widow, h 6 Ross place								

Hart Helen E, res 23 Easterly ave								

Hart H Lloyd, student, A H S, bds 6 Ross place								

Hart Isaac O, twine op, h 118 Franklin								

Hart James, machinist, bds Hotel O'Neil, 1 Monroe								

Hart James, quarryman, h 140 Cottage								

Hart James A, quarryman, bds 140 Cottage								

Hart James B, emp D M O & Co, h 12 Perry								

Hart James B, Jr, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Perry								

Hart James R, scythe heater, h 16 Wright ave								

HART HON. JAMES W., lawyer, also City Judge, office City Hall, h 96 North   Office hours 10 A M to 12 								
	M, (sic) and 1:30 to 4 P M							

Hart Jennie, bds 2 Bailey								

Hart Jessie A, res 16 Wright ave								

Hart John, machinist, h 22 Perry								

Hart John D, carpenter, h 61 Lansing								

Hart John F, teamster, bds 140 Cottage								

Hart John P, engineer, L V R R, h 32 Barber								

Hart Joseph, laborer, h 2 Bailey								

Hart Lena D, domestic, bds 2 Bailey								

Hart Lewis C, prison foreman furniture dep't, bds 34 Dill								

Hart Mary, attendant, bds 2 Bailey								

Hart Mary, widow Andrew, bds 61 Lansing								

Hart Mary S, res 23 Easterly ave								

Hart Mary Y, widow Rev William, h 96 North								

Hart Nellie C, housekeeper, 140 Cottage								

Hart Pearl M, bds 94 Fulton								

Hart Rosina Belle, clerk, 45 Washington, bds 6 Ross place								

Hart Sarah J, housekeeper, 61 Lansing								

Hart S Florena, student, A H S, bds 32 Barber								

Hart Susan F, res 96 North								

Hart Thomas H, machinist, h 43 Walnut								

Hart Thomas J, receiving teller, The Gold Dollar, 2 State, h 16 Lansing								

Harter Delbert A, salesman, "Kiemele's Bakery," h 11 Fulton								

Harter Fred B, grocery and meat market, 75 Owasco, h do								

Harter Frederick W, d'v'y clerk, 17 Hulbert, h 45 Pulsifer								

Harter J L, clerk, "Kiemele's," bds 11 Fulton								

Harter Jessie May, cashier, "Kiemele's Bakery," bds 65 Owasco								

Harter William H, bds 11 Fulton								

Hartmann Dora S, clerk, 15 Water, res do								

Hartnett Catherine E, domestic, 98 North								

Hartnett Maggie, domestic, 14 William								

Hartnett Mary, attendant, 41 Logan								

Hartnett Nora M, cook, 27 Court								

HARVARD DENTAL PARLORS, all Kinds of Surgical and Mechanical Dentistry executed by Professional								
	Experts at reasonable figures, office and operating rooms 141 Genesee, over Big Store							

Harvey Adelbert L, mason, h 1 1/2 Cayuga								

Harvey Alice M, widow Joseph, h over 63 State								

Harvey Charles A, teamster, bds 33 Wright ave								

Harvey Charles D, d'v'y clerk,, 37 E Genesee, bds 1 1/2 Cayuga								

Harvey Cora M, housekeeper, 121 Franklin								

Harvey Erwin A, engraver, 92 Genesee, h over 55 Van Anden								

Harvey Francis H, night watchman, h 4 Wheeler								

Harvey Frank H, fish, &c, 18 South, h do								

Harvey Fred W, brick m'f'r, 33 Wright ave, h do								

Harvey George D, machinist, h 113 Washington								

Harvey Irene M, student, A H S, res 216 Seymour								

Harvey Isaac M, h 121 Franklin								

Harvey Jane, widow John, h 33 Wright ave								

Harvey John M, bell boy, bds 3 Dexter ave								

Harvey John M, engineer, O R R R, h 3 Dexter ave								

Harvey Maude L, seamstress, bds 39 Seymour								

Harvey Nathaniel L, brick maker, h 99 Division N								

Harvey Nettie E, student, A H S, res 216 Seymour								

Harvey Truman S, carpenter, h 216 Seymour								

Harvey William H, Jr, tinsmith, h 9 Arch								

Harvey William T, gardener, 137 South, h r do								

Harwood Wesley M, expressman, h 10 Augustus								

Haskell Fred W, driver Hose 2, A F D, h 24 Hamilton ave								

Haskell Miles, coachman, h over 71 Fitch ave								

Haskins Catherine, domestic, 52 South								

Haskins Daisy, shoe op, bds 78 Fulton								

Haskins Hannah, widow Philo, bds 10 Maple								

Hassett Eugene, mechanic, bds 176 State								

Hassett Josie G, emp D M O & Co, bds 71 Lansing								

Hassett Nargaret A, emp D M O & Co, bds 71 Lansing								

Hassett Mary G, bds 71 Lansing								

Hassett Mathew, moulder, bds 176 State								

Hassett Nellie, res 176 State								

Hastings Mrs Lizzie, waitress, "Kiemele's," res 32 Chapel								

Hatch Clara D, dressmaker, bds 26 Jefferson								

Hatch Day E, fireman, L V R R, h 26 Jefferson								

Hatch Fred T, emp D M O & Co, h over 26 Washington								

Hatch Frederick D, shoe op, bds 26 Jefferson								

Hatch Henry G, emp D M O & Co, h 2 Hoffman								

Hatch John H, d'v'y clerk, 12 North, bds 15 Havens ave								

Hatch Lawrence A, engineer, h 180 Perrine ave								

Hatch Lawrence B, machinist, bds 180 Perrine ave								

Hatch Mary S, shoe op, res 26 Jefferson								

Hatch Robert W, mason, h 8 Mann								

Hatch William, delivery clerk, h over 2 Hoffman								

Hathaway Edgar, retired, bds 15 Park ave								

Hathaway Fred A, com trav, h 15 Park ave								

Hathaway Vernetta K, teacher, Fulton st sch, bds 11 Mac Dougall								

HAUSER, see also HOUSER								

Hauser Edward, moulder, bds 164 Cottage								

Hauser Jacob, h 164 Cottage								

Hauser William E, laborer, bds 164 Cottage								

Havens Arthur L, machinist, bds 41 Mattie								

Havens Clarence S, machinist, h 146 Perrine								

Havens Earl F, mechanic, bds over 3 State								

Havens Edwin D, engineer, h 18 Hoffman								

Havens Edwin F, cigar maker, bds 25 Franklin								

Havens Howard A, laundryman, h over 26 Market								

Havens H Ray, machinist, h over 78 Genesee								

Havens Jennie, res 22 Barber								

Havens Jennie, shoe op, res 52 Nelson								

Havens Maria E, widow John H, bds 9 Havens ave								

Havens Nettie, res over 78 Genesee								

Havens Sarah F, widow D Frank, res over 3 State								

Hawelka Annie, widow Frank, h 85 Lansing								

Hawelka Charles F, emp D M O & Co, bds 85 Lansing								

Hawelka Charles F, twine op, bds 128 Grant ave								

Hawelka Frederick J, mechanic, h 19 Florence								

Hawelka John N, meat cutter, 79 North, h 5 Parsons								

Hawelka Joseph A, wood worker, h 128 Grant ave								

Hawelka Nellie A, button op, bds 128 Grant ave								

Hawes Martha E, res 50 Clark								

Hawkins Cyntha A, teacher, bds 10 Seminary ave								

Hawkins Edwin E, custom shoemaker, 10 Seminary ave, h do								

Hawkins Frederick J, machinist, bds 110 Clark								

Hawkins Jabez E, shoe maker, h 110 Clark								

Hawkins Nancy J, widow Benjamin, res over 7 Union ave								

Hawkins Robert, coachman, 64 South, h 52 Steel								

Hawkins Samuel, bds 175 Van Anden								

Hawley Thomas B, machinist, h 29 West								

Hawley William, janitor, L V R R, h 19 Pleasant								

Hawthorne Jane, housekeeper, over 70 West								

Hayden Ann M, widow Thomas, h 15 Maple								

Hayden Mrs Austin B, bds 33 Fitch ave								

HAYDEN'S BARGAIN STORE, C. G. Hayden, prop'r, 139 Genesee								

HAYDEN CHARLES G.,(successor to Stowell & Hayden,) Shelf Groceries and House				
	Furnishing Goods of every description, 139 Genesee, h 3 Sheridan							

Hayden Daniel, machinist, h 69 Holley								

Hayden David, emp D M O & Co, h 22 Bradford								

Hayden Howard E, moulder, h over 18 Frederick								

Hayden Eliza A, widow Patrick, h 67 Cornell								

Hayden Elizabeth D, shoe op, bds 186 Seymour								

Hayden Frank, cashier, The Gold Dollar," 2 State, rooms over 64 Genesee								

HAYDEN FRED C., prop'r the Ideal Lunch Room, 3 Clark n State, res 62 North					
	Meals served to order--Cold Lunches on demand   The best and quickest service in the city							

Hayden Georgia P, widow Joel, h 224 State								

Hayden Henry, shoe cutter, bds 186 Seymour								

Hayden J Harry, attache Tallman's Stables, bds 44 Grover								

Hayden James F, emp D M O & Co, bds 248 State								

HAYDEN JAMES J., dealer in and handler of Real Estate, also Carpenter, Contractor and Builder, office								
	over 51 Genesee, h 18 1/2 Owasco							

Hayden James P, moulder, bds 186 Seymour								

Hayden Jerome E, coachman, 107 South, h 10 Janet								

Hayden John, engineer, Osborne House, h 30 Bradford								

Hayden John, mason, bds 15 Gaylord								

Hayden John H, mechanic, h 171 Seymour								

Hayden John J, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 Bradford								

Hayden Mrs Julia, h over 44 Grover								

Hayden Kittie L, res 110 South								

hayden Lawrence, laborer, h 9 1/2 Union								

Hayden Lewis D, livery, &c, 26 Water, h 10 Market, 3d fl								

Hayden Lola H, compositor, Daily Adv, res 117 Fulton								

Hayden Lucy A, assistant, 33 South								

Hayden Lydia A, widow Aaron, h 117 Fulton								

Hayden Maurice E, tailoress, bds 30 Bradford								

Hayden Mathew, shoe op, bds 67 Cornell								

Hayden Mathew J, laborer, h 248 State								

Hayden Patrick, laborer, h 186 Seymour								

Hayden Patrick H, shoe op, bds 186 Seymour								

Hayden Thomas, emp E D C Mfg Co, bds 67 Cornell								

Hayden Thomas F, moulder, h over 19 Cottage								

Hayden thomas, carpenter contractor, bds 18 1/2 Owasco								

Hayden William C, com trav, 36 Market, h 85 1/2 E Genesee								

Hayden William G, painter, bds 186 Seymour								

Hayden William J, emp D M O & Co, bds 248 State								

Hayes Anna, student, A H S, bds 154 Cottage								

Hayes Bridget, widow John, nurse, 18 Steel, h 82 Orchard								

Hayes Catherine, housekeeper, 154 Cottage								

Hayes Charles J, shoe op, bds 154 Cottage								

Hayes Mrs Delia, domestic, 11 Easterly ave								

Hayes, Frank, bartender, 145 Clark, bds do								

Hayes James J, fireman, L V R R, h 5 Pleasant								

Hayes John, emp D M O & Co, h 11 Moravia								

Hayes John, flagman, L V R R, h 154 Cottage								

Hayes John, twine maker, h 75 Division N								

Hayes John F, mechanic, bds 154 Cottage								

Hayes Julia, dressmaker, bds over 9 Hoffman								

Hayes Kate L, weaver, bds 73 1/2 Aurelius ave								

Hayes Kathie, bds over 9 Hoffman								

Hayes L Joseph, carpenter, h over 31 Genesee								

Hayes Louise A, dressmaker, bds 36 Morris								

Hayes Maggie, waitress, Osborne House, 77 State								

Hayes Margaret, widow Jacob, bds 57 Seward ave								

Hayes Margaret T, attendant, 154 Cottage								

Hayes Mary, mill op, bds 19 Frances								

Hayes Mary A, res 79 Division N								

Hayes Mary A, shoe op, bds 154 Cottage								

Hayes Mary G, domestic, bds 75 Division N								

Hayes Mary M, widow Lawrence, h over 9 Hoffman								

Hayes Maurice F, twine op, h 148 1/2 Cottage								

Hayes Nora G, mill op, bds 73 1/2 Aurelius ave								

Hayes Philip, emp D M O & Co, bds 55 Market								

Hayes Robert E, twine op, bds over 19 1/2 North								

Hayes Thomas, scythe polisher, bds 145 Clark								

Hayes thomas L, emp D M O & Co, bds over 9 Hoffman								

Hayes Timothy, insurance agent, bds 44 Clark								

Hayes Timothy, mechanic, h 44 Owasco								

Hayes William H, machinist, bds 154 Cottage								

Hayes William T, meat cutter, bds 34 Pulsifer								

Haylett Emma A, widow Henry, boarding house, 32 Seminary								

Haynes George B, bill clerk, L V R R ft office, bds 34 Dill								

Hayward Benjamin D, toilet supplies, h 144 Van Anden								

Hayward George A, emp D M O & Co, bds 2 Steel								

Hazard Forrest D, messenger, U S Ex Co, h 52 Fulton								

Hazard Juliet D, widow Arnold, res 14 1/2 Foote								

Hazard Thomas B, paper hanger, h 48 Walnut								

HAZLITT JAMES H., shipper, E D C M'f'g Co, res 90 Division N								

Hazlitt Maude M, compositor, Daily Adv'r, res 90 Division N								

Hazlitt Robert, oil m'f'r, fertilizers, etc, also City Scavenger, ft Allen, h 90 Division N								

Hazlitt William J, mechanic, bds 90 Division N								

Headd Patrick J, watchman, D M O & Co, h 12 Augustus								

Headd Rollin P, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Augustus								

Headd Vincent T, shoe op, bds 12 Augustus								

Heal Alfred L, painter, bds 33 Howard								

Heal Eunice, domestic, 41 Grover								

Heal Hattie P, seamstress, bds 30 Bristol ave, Melrose								

Heald Addison, h 64 Mechanic								

Heald Charles, iron worker, bds 214 Genesee								

Heald charles H, accountant, 1 to 7 Division S, res 161 Genesee								

Heald Cynthia G, bds 64 Mechanic								

Heald Dorr, mechanic, bds 20 South								

Heald Edward D, plumber, res 161 Genesee								

Heald Eldon, stenographer, bds 5 Havens ave								

Heald Emerson G, boat builder, h 5 Havens ave								

Heald George A, salesman, bds 5 Havens ave								

Heald Lena M, salesclerk, 94 State, bds 22 Garden								

Heald Louise C, student, A H S, bds 5 Havens ave								

Heald Luella E, button op, bds 9 Academy								

Heald Mattie, button op, bds 9 Academy								

Heald Orcelia, widow Dorr, res 22 Garden								

Healder E, mechanic, bds 16 Clark								

HEALEY, see HALEY, also HEALY								

Healey Frederick J, moulder, bds 44 Lansing								

Healey James, h 44 Lansing								

Healey John C, shoemaker, 136 Wall, h 107 do								

Healey John C, Jr, shoe cutter, bds 107 Wall								

Healey Mary E, accountant, Aub Button Works, res 44 Lansing								

Healey Nora, domestic, 14 Lewis								

Healey Patrick J, saloon, 190 State, h do								

Healey Raymond E, mechanic, bds 107 Wall								

Healey ruth M, mill op, bds 107 Wall								

HEALY, see HALEY, also HEALEY								

HEALY BROTHERS,	(Mason D. and George P.,) dealers in Soft and Hard Coal, Illuminating					
	Oils, Oil and Gasoline Stoves   Coal yards 73 Clark, office and salesroom 5 Genesee   Our							
	safety can furnished free to patrons   (See back cover)							

HEALY GEORGE P., (Healy Brothers,) h 17 1/2 Washington								

Healy Hester A, widow Philo W, h 165 North								

Healy Mrs Mary I, bds 28 Grant ave								

HEALY MASON D., (Healy Brothers,) res 165 North								

Heaney Ann, widow Patrick, h over 56 Perrine								

Heaney Anna, housekeeper, 18 Union ave								

Heaney Anna, widow Patrick, h over 141 Clark								

Heaney Catherine, widow John, h 166 State								

Heaney Charles, moulder, bds over 56 Perrine								

Heaney Ellen, bds over 141 Clark								

Heaney Frank, moulder, h over 141 Clark								

Heaney Frank J, ins agent, h 130 E Genesee								

Heaney Frank, Jr, salesman, 120 E Genesee, bds 130 do								

Heaney John, mechanic, h 70 1/2 Cornell								

Heaney Mary E, bds 166 State								

Hearn Bridget, domestic, 102 South								

Heartwell Florence C, housekeeper, over 78 Genesee								

Heartwell William B, physician, over 78 Genesee, res do								

Heaton Edgar S, h 13 steel								

Heath Adelbert, laborer, bds 8 Van Anden								

Heath Maude, domestic, 175 North								

Heazlit Ledra, physician and surgeon, 6 1/2 William, res do								

HEAZLIT WILLIAM L., general insurance, officer over 91 Genesee, h 17 Logan								

Heckles Charles F, emp D M O & Co, bds 7 Hoffman								

Hedges Fred Otho, candy maker, "Kiemele's," h 24 Sherman								

Hedges Leonore E, chocolate dipper, "Kiemele's,' res 24 Sherman								

Heenan Mrs Johanna, res 72 Cornell								

Heenan John, laborer, bds 54 Water								

Heffernan Agnes A, dressmaker, res 114 Washington								

Heffernan Anna, domestic, 10 Cayuga								

Heffernan Bridget, dressmaker, bds 47 Holley								

Heffernan James, wood worker, also Com'r of Deeds, bds 119 Washington								

Heffernan Jane, cook, 186 Genesee								

Heffernan John, painter, h 119 Washington								

Heffernan Margaret, domestic, 37 Clark								
Heffernan Mrs Myra N, trained nurse, res 119 Washington								

Heffernan Patrick, quarryman, bds 138 Perrine								

Heffernan Richard, mason, h 7 Seymour								

Heffernan Thomas, foreman, Wringer W'ks, bds 97 Washington								

Heffernan Susan, cook, 40 South (ref)								

Heffron Edwin D, acc't, Aub Draying Co, h 45 Seward ave								

Heffron Jerome, painter, h 45 Seward ave								

Hei John, emp D M O & Co, h 6 Miller								

Heieck Antonia J, widow Joseph, h 45 Walnut								

HEIECK EDWARD A., (Heieck & Schreck,) res 45 Walnut								

Heieck Frank J, barber, 134 Genesee, bds 45 Walnut								

Heieck Joseph F, foreman, D M O & Co, h 327 Walnut								

HEIECK & SCHRECK, (E. A. Heieck and Schreck Bro's,) undertakers and embalmers, 14 E Genesee								

HEIECK WILLIAM A., shaving and hair dressing parlors, 4 Clark, h 14 Liberty   We execute					
	work in our line that cannot fail to please  Our old patrons remain with us, and new ones							
	will receive a cordial welcome and respectful attention   (See card, next page)							

Heinrich Rheinhold, baker, h 104 Seymour								

HEISLER REV. GEORGE F., 2d ass't pastor, Holy Family Ch (R C), res 7 Chapel								

Helfer Ada L, box maker, bds 56 1/2 Bradford								

Helfer Emma L, box maker, bds 56 1/2 Bradford								

HELFER JOHN F., sidewalk inspector, h 56 1/2 Bradford								

Helfer Louisa A, dressmaker, bds 56 1/2 Bradford								

Hellier William J, milk dealer, h 13 Elm								

Helm Rev Adelbert E, pastor St Lucas ch, h 8 Capitol								

Helmer Allen H, cigar maker, bds 64 1/2 Division N								

Helmer Edson L, mason, res over 64 1/2 Division N								

Helmer Fred, metal plater, bds 55 Market								

Helmer Grace, student A H S, bds 36 Chapel								

Helmer Harriet, widow William H, over 64 Division N								

Helmer Louis H, cigar maker, h 7 Cornell								

Helmer Sarah M, clerk, bds 36 Chapel								

Helmer William D, engineer L V R R, h 36 Chapel								

HEMANS ARTHUR P., manager Grand Union Tea Co, 95 Genesee, h 6 Nelson					

Hemans Ida M, teacher, res 17 Elizabeth								

Hemans Mary A, widow Charles A, bds 6 Nelson								

Hemenway Charles R, confectioner, h 7 Benton								

Hemenway Mrs Hattie M, saleslady, 145 Genesee, bds 50 Clark								

HEMINGWAY ABRAM L, teller Cay Co Sav Bank, h 14 Elizabeth								

Hemingway Edwin S, baker, 107 E Genesee, h do								

HEMINGWAY H. C. & CO, (THE) preserved fruits and vegetables (canned,) Business office Syracuse, N Y,								
	local factory foot Garfield							

Hemingway Marilla M, widow A DeWitt, res 14 Elizabeth								

Hemingway Ruth M, student, A H S, bds 87 E Genesee								

Hemmings Amos, janitor Fulton st sch, h 13 Hoffman								

Hemrick Augustus E, hoseman, Hose 1, A F D, h 64 Grant ave								

Hemrick Augustus, Jr, shoe op, bds 64 Grant ave								

Hemrick Caroline, widow Anton, h 64 Grant ave								

Hemrick Emma, shoe op, bds 64 Grant ave								

Hendrick William L, carpenter builder, h 27 Holley								

Hendy Frances P, machinist, bds 17 Jefferson								

Hennessy Adelbert R, mechanic, bds 166 State								

Hennessy Alice A, dressmaker, bds 27 Grant								

Hennessy Alonzo M, mechanic, bds 166 State								

Hennessy Bridget, mill op, bds 57 Division S								

Hennessy Catherine A, widow Michael E, h 25 Washington								

Hennessy Catharine M, seamstress, bds 57 Division S								

Hennessy Cecilia, mill op, bds 57 Division S								

Hennessy Charles C, core maker, bds 2 Grant								

HENNESSY CHARLES C., (Mansell & Hennessy,) res 28 Dill								

Hennessy Daniel P, shoemaker, bds 27 Grant								

Hennessy Esther J, milliner, bds 10 Perrine								

HENNESSY GEORGE F., undertaker and embalmer, 60 North, h 31 Hamilton ave  Phones--office, Emp								
	841; res, Emp 891							

Hennessy Hannah L, shoe op, bds 57 Division S								

Hennessy James, laborer, h 57 Division S								

HENNESSY JAMES A., stamp clerk, P O, bds 10 Perrine								

Hennessy James E, machinist, bds 25 Washington								

Hennessy John P, moulder, h 39 Jefferson								

Hennessy Mary, domestic, 21 Court								

Hennessy Mary, widow Jeremiah, res 84 Orchard								

Hennessy Mary A, shoe op, bds 10 Perrine								

Hennessy Mary C, shoe op, bds 27 Grant								

Hennessy Mary V, housekeeper, 57 Division S								

Hennessy May E, student, Syracuse Uni, bds 25 Washington								

Hennessy Michael, prop'r Railroad House, 84 Orchard								

Hennessy Michael C, attache, Opera House, bds 10 Perrine								

Hennessy Patrick, gardener, 168 Genesee, h 27 Grant								

Hennessy Patrick J, emp D M O & Co, h 2 Grant								

Hennessy Sarah A, bds 10 Perrine								

Hennessy Sadie H, salesclerk, 12 State, res 27 Grant								

Hennessy Susan, widow James, h 10 Perrine								

HENNESSY THOMAS J., (Hennessy & Van Gorder,) h 25 Washington								

HENNESSY & VAN GORDER, 	(T. J. Hennessy and John J. Van Gorder)				
	News Dealers, Periodicals, Magazines and other literature received soon as issued.  A							
	complete line of cigars, tobacco, confectionary, etc, etc  First class Billiard and Pool Rooms							
	attached, 14 Clark   Local h'd'qr's Rochester Herald (See adv, next page)							

Hennessy William J, shoe polisher, Wilder's Parlors, 45 1/2 State, bds 47 do								

Henninger Albert, laborer, bds 85 Clark								

Henninger Charles F, blacksmith, bds 85 Clark								

Henninger Florence, attendant, Empire House, 34 Dill								

Henninger Harry A, fireman, L V R R, h 85 Clark								

Henocksberg Clara, (Henocksberg & Co,) res 50 Clark								

Henocksberg & Co, millinery goods, 129 Genesee								

Henocksberg Samuel A, millinery goods, 129 Genesee								

HENRY & ALLEN, (Wm J. Henry, pres, and Gordon W. Allen, treas'r) manufacturers of Cutting Apparatus								
	for Harvesting Machinery, Bicycle Chains, Guard Plates, and prop'rs of Columbia Knife and							
	Bar Works, office and factory cor Aurelius ave and Wadsworth							

Henry C Percy, student Williston Sem'y, res 13 Court								

Henry De Witt C, manufacturer's agent, h 13 Court								

Henry John G, foreman, (Henry & Allen,) bds 113 Wall								

Henry Leland W, mechanic, bds 11 Mc Master								

Henry Levi W, teamster, h 117 Division N								

Henry Lydia A, widow Robert, res r 4 Fort								

Henry Marie E, stenographer, Henry & Allen, res 113 Wall								

Henry William E, emp D M O & Co, h 11 Mc Master								

HENRY WILLIAM J., pres't Henry & Allen, h 223 State								

Herbert Thomas H, furniture, &c, 1 and 3 Dill, h over do								

Herendeen Richard W, farmer, bds 123 Franklin								

HERLIHY, see also HURLIHY								

HERLING, see also HERRLING								

Herling Belle A, button op, bds 3 Van den Bosch ave								

Herling Fred N, shoe op, bds 3 Van den Bosch ave								

Herling John, farmer, h 3 Van den Bosch ave								

Herling John J, boiler maker, bds 3 Van den Bosch ave								

Herman Albert D, mechanic, bds 30 Hoffman 								

Hermanson Ernest B, piano finisher, h 10 Garrow								

Herrick Adam A, carpenter, h 3 Church								

Herrick Albert, student, res 107 Division ave								

HERRICK REV. CORDELLA, chap Aub Prison, h 3 Park ave								

Herrick Horace G, emp D M O & Co, res 20 Elizabeth								

Herrick William H, metal temperer, h 107 Division N								

HERRLING, see also HERLING								

Herrling Belle A, shoe op, bds 38 Barber								

Herrling Daniel F, emp D M O & Co, bds 38 Barber								

HERRLING EDWARD H., City Clerk, office City Hall, h 18 1/2 Nelson  Office hours, 10 to 12 A M and 1								
	to 4 P M							

HERRLING HENRY F., prop'r The Enterprise Market, dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats,					
	Sausage, Lard, &c, also Fish, Game and Poultry, 35 E Genesee, h 81 do							

Herrling Jennie J, accountant, 40 North, bds 51 Seymour								

Herrling John, tailor, bds Mantel's Hotel, 17 Water								

Herrling Joseph, emp 101 Orchard, h 22 Arch								

Herrling Mrs Mary, h 38 Barber								

Herrling Lizzie, shoe op, bds 38 Barber								

Herrling Nora, shoe op, bds 38 Barber								

HERRLING OSCAR G., salesman, 40 North, res 51 Seymour								

HERRLING WILLARD S., salesman, 40 North, res 51 Seymour								

HERRLING MRS WILLIAM F., dealer in fresh, salt and smoked meats, sausage, lard, &c, &c, also fish,								
game and poultry, 40 North, h 51 Seymour							

HERRLING'S MARKET, (Mrs. Wm. E. Herrling,) 40 North								

Herrman Catherine, widow Jacob, h 78 Van Anden								

Herrman Claire A, teacher, Division St Sch, bds 78 Van Anden								

Herrman Emma A, salesclerk, 142 Genesee, bds 78 Van Anden								

Herrman John M, emp D M O & Co, bds 78 Van Anden								

Herrman Joseph A, prison guard, h over 28 State								

Herrman Louise, tailoress, bds 78 Van Anden								

Herrman Mary J, tailoress, bds 78 Van Anden								

HERRON HARDWARE CO., (The P. M.,) (P. M. Herron, Wm. D. Ganey and Peter Herron,) dealers in								
	general hardware supplies, stoves, ranges, &c, &c, also paints, oils and turpentine, 34 and							
	36 Genesee							

Herron Joseph, tinsmith, P M Herron Hardware Co, h 27 Burt ave								

HERRON PATRICK M., (The P. M. Herron Hardware Co,) h 14 Lewis								

HERRON PETER, (The P M Herron Hardware Co,) bds 22 Market 								

Hervieux Frederick L, accountant, bds 173 Van Anden								

Heslin Mary, waitress, 110 South								

Hess Albert, mill op, h 75 Seymour								

Hess Charles M, mill op, bds 75 Seymour								

Hess Grant, brakeman, L V R R, bds 57 Orchard								

Hester James, d'v'y clerk, 165 1/2 State, bds 44 Clark								

Hetzel Henry, meat cutter, 165 1/2 State, h 127 Van Anden								

Heuberger Elizabeth, housekeeper, 5 Beardsley								

Heuberger Jacob, h 5 Beardsley								

Heverin Charles, salesman, 38 Chapel, h 27 do								

Hevey Delia, domestic, 84 South								

Hewitt Cynthia, res 139 Division S								

Hewitt Harlla G, barber, 77 State, bds 43 Capitol								

Hewitt Lewis G, tallyman, N Y C R R, h 13 Mc Master								

Hewlett William, gardener, h 31 Cornell								

Heywood Almeda, widow David T, h over r 32 Dill								

Heywood Harry, mill op, h 22 1/2 Jefferson								

Heywood Inez M, domestic, bds over r 32 Dill								

Heywood James, shoe op, h 40 Mattie								

Heywood Olive E, bds over r 32 Dill								

Heywood John A, twine op, bds over r 32 Dill								

Heywood William M, baker, bds over r 32 Dill								

Hibbard George G, student, A H S, bds 20 Capitol								

Hibbard Susan L, widow Charles D, dressmaker, h 20 Capitol								

HICK THOMAS, (Thomas Hick & Son,) h 150 Owasco cor Melrose ave								

HICK & SON THOMAS, (Walton T.,)   florists, Violets a specialty,also Roses,
	Carnations, etc, etc, floral designs made to order, Green houses 152 Owasco cor Melrose ave							
	(See adv, next page)							

HICK WALTON T., (Thomas Hick & Son,) res 150 Owasco cor Melrose ave								

Hickey Agnes M, dressmaker, bds 12 Walnut								

Hickey Andrew, emp D M O & Co, bds 8 1/2 Paul								

Hickey Annie J, weaver, bds 43 Seward ave								

Hickey Bridget, shoe op, bds 7 Underwood								

Hickey Catherine, widow Patrick, h 7 Underwood								

Hickey Catherine M, widow John, h 5 Franklin								

Hickey Ella L, res 5 Franklin								

Hickey Francis S, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Walnut								

Hickey Henry bell boy, The Avery, 32 State								

Hickey James, engineer, L V R R, h 1 Seneca								

Hickey James, mechanic, bds 7 Underwood								

Hickey James E, machinist, h 81 Mechanic								

Hickey J Garrett, student U of P, bds 81 Mechanic								

Hickey John J, emp D M O & Co, h 8 1/2 Paul								

Hickey John J, ins ag't, bds 48 Nelson								

Hickey John J, iron worker, bds 7 Underwood								

HICKEY REV. JOHN J., pastor, Holy Family (R C) Ch, h 7 Chapel								

Hickey Joseph L, clerk, 53 Genesee, bds 12 Walnut								

Hickey Maggie, domestic, 250 Genesee								

Hickey Margaret J, weaver, bds 43 Seward ave								

Hickey Maria, widow James, h 12 Walnut								

Hickey Maria L, student, A H S, bds 12 Walnut								

Hickey Mary E, housekeeper, 43 Seward ave								

Hickey Michael, fireman, L V R R, h 22 Wallace ave								

Hickey Michael, laborer, bds 7 Underwood								

Hickey Oliver J, plumber, bds 49 Seward ave								

Hickey Susie E, shoe op, bds 12 Walnut								

Hickey Thomas F, machinist, h 10 Miller								

Hickey Thomas J, city policeman, h 47 Seward ave								

Hickey Thomas E, carpenter, bds 49 Seward ave								

Hickey William H, carpenter, h 99 Mechanic								

Hickok Charles A, salesclerk, 64 Genesee, h 11 Myrtle ave								

HICKOK CHAUNCEY L., dealer in general groceries and produce, also news and				
	periodical depot, Pension Attorney, Notary Public and Commander Seward Post G A R, No 37,							
	office and store 135 Wall, h 11 Myrtle ave							

Hickok Elbert L, salesman, 64 Genesee, h 122 Wall								

HICKOK HARRY R., salesman, 135 Wall, also Notary Public (with seal), h 60 Division N								

Hickok Nan M, res 11 Myrtle ave								

Hickok Paul R, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Hicks Ada, domestic, 19 Franklin								

Hicks Clayton J, mechanic, h over 2 Bostwick ave								

Hicks Cora B, bds over 51 North								

Hicks Frederick C, res 14 Steel								

Hicks John, expressman, h 95 1/2 Franklin								

Hicks Kittie, cook, h 9 Wood								

Hicks Matilda, laundress, h over 11 Genesee								

Hicks Sarah O, widow Richard, bds 95 1/2 Franklin								

Hicks Wilbur F, meat cutter, 32 Dill, h over 51 North								

Hicks William, gardener, h 14 Steel								

Hicks William C, gardener, h 7 Foote								

Hickstein Adolph L, piano op, h 47 Steel								

Hickstein William L, student, A H S, bds 47 Steel								

Higginbotham Bridget, widow Patrick, h 59 Lewis								

Higginbotham Winifred, pad maker, bds 59 Lewis								

Higgins Bernard, iron worker, bds 3 Colburn ave								

Higgins Catharine, widow John, h 3 Colburn ave								

Higgins Dora A, bds over 17 Sherman								

Higgins Fred M, twine op, bds 3 Colburn ave								

Higgins James, tool maker, h 194 Clark								

Higgins Margaret, mill op, nds 3 Colburn ave								

Higgins Mary E, mill op, bds 3 Colburn ave								

Higgins Mrs Mary J, h over 17 Sherman								

Higgins Patrick J, laborer, h 1 Colburn ave								

Higgins Raymond, stenographer, D M O & Co, bds 194 Clark								

Higgs Mrs Emily S, dressmaker, h 1 Parsons lane								

Higgs James, carpenter, h 71 1/2 Owasco								

Hight Melvin J, laborer, h 147 Franklin								

Hike Charles H, painter, h 15 VanPatten								

Hike Eri W, cigar agent, h 8 Market, 2d floor								

Hike John H, mason, res 15 VanPatten								

Hike W Harvey, laundry, h 44 Frazee								

Higley William F, machinist, bds 17 Jefferson								

Hilborn Adam D, mechanic, h over 22 State								

Hilborn Harriet A, h over 22 State								

Hildner Ernest G, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Hildreth Emma S, widow John, res 19 Coon								

Hildreth William A, emp D M O & Co, h 19 Coon								

Hill Brownie C, stenographer, over 146 Genesee, res 23 1/2 Lewis								

Hill Carrie, domestic, 9 James								

HILL EUGENE F., Manufacturer of Fine Carriages and Sleighs, office and factory 19 and 21					
	Water, h over 19 E Genesee   All kinds of repairing attended to.  First-class work at reasonable							
	rates  (See adv, p 258)							

Hill Emma A, seamstress, bds 19 Easterly ave								

Hill Frank E, painter, h 44 Hamilton ave								

Hill George, carriage painter, bds 1 E Genesee								

Hill Marmaduke, blacksmith, h 73 Aurelius ave								

Hill Orlin H, emp D M O & Co, h 23 1/2 Lewis								

Hillger Samuel E, architect, over 96 Genesee, res 82 North								

Hillier Kate, dressmaker, bds 73 South								

Hillier Nelson H, carpenter, h 43 Bradford								

Hilliker Eliza A, widow George, res r 78 1/2 Owasco								

Hillman Anna E, widow Samuel, res over 9 McMaster								

Hills Abraham, h 82 Fulton								

Hills Alexander M, accountant, res 171 Genesee								

Hills De Witt A, territorial manager, D M O & Co, h 82 Fulton								

HILLS HERBERT M., with Romig M'f'g Co, 8 Lincoln, h 20 Westlake ave								

Hills Jannat S, widow William, h 171 Genesee								

Hills Murray M, res 171 Genesee								

Hills Sarah B, res 171 Genesee								

Hills William M, lawyer, over 41 Genesee, h 77 South								

Hiltner Mary, widow Lewis, h 93 Van Anden								

Hilton George, laborer, bds 22 Garden								

Hilton Rev Ora M, pastor Univ ch, h 127 E Genesee								

Himrod Sophronia, widow Peter, bds 46 Grant ave								

Hinde Frank G, mechanic, bds 150 Seymour								

Hindle Albert E, salesman, bds 97 Wall								

Hindle Mary J, widow Merritt R, h 97 Wall								

Hine Andrew J, engineer, L V R R, h 24 Pleasant								

Hine andrew W, meat cutter, bds 55 Market								

Hine Henry W, wringer op, h over 11 Exchange								

Hine Raymond E, prison keeper, h 1 Seminary								

Hines Ella, attendant, 28 Grover								

Hines Katie, cook, 79 South								

Hinger Adolph, blacksmith, h over 153 State								

Hinman Curtis B, retired, res over 15 Exchange								

Hinton Henry, glazier, 102 Genesee, bds 156 Lake ave								

Hinton James, Jr, engineer, h 156 Lake ave								

Hintz Arthur, emp D M O & Co, bds 69 E Genesee								

Hirons Charles, mill op, bds 121 Aurelius ave								

Hirons George, iron heater, bds 121 Aurelius ave								

Hirons Jennie, weaver, bds 121 Aurelius ave								

Hirons William, hame op, bds 121 Aurelius ave								

Hirons William H, brick layer, h 121 Aurelius ave								

Hirsch Frank, mechanic, rooms over 64 Genesee								

Hiser Asenath A, widow Edwin P, res 2 Church								

HISER JOHN C., sg't of guards, Aub Prison, h 2 Church								

Hiser Maria C, res 17 James								

HISLOP WILLIAM B., (Hislop, Angus & Co,) h 119 South								

HISLOP WILLIAM B., ANGUS & CO.,  (W. B. Hislop and Alex'r Angus,) dry goods and gen'l mdse, 91 and								
	93 Genesee							

HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF CAYUGA CO., Porter Beardsley, sec'y, rooms 11-12 Seward Block, over 96								

Hitchcock Helen E, student, A H S, res 62 Wall								

Hitchcock Marie, widow Harvey H, bds 113 Wall								

Hitchcock Ruby A, widow Nelson, res 62 Wall								

Hladeck Adolph, machinist, h 158 Mechanic								

Hlavsa Charles, emp d M O & Co, h 7 Van den Bosch ave								

Hlavsa Joseph, button op, bds 7 Van den Bosch ave								

Hoagland Willard A, advertising agent, h r 183 1/2 State								

Hockeborn Augustus, h 15 Frances								

Hockeborn Augustus, grocer, 37 Augustus, h 35 do								

Hockeborn Charles P, emp D M O & Co, h over 56 Bradford								

Hockeborn Emma C, housekeeper, 35 Augustus								

Hockeborn Frank, laborer, bds 56 Bradford								

Hockeborn Fred F, farmer, h 7 Hockeborn ave								

HOCKEBORN FRED H., staple and fancy groceries, meat market, produce, &c, also Supervisor 1st ward,								
	24 Bradford, h 27 do							

Hockeborn Fred J, clerk, 37 Augustus, bds 35 do								

Hockeborn Gustav, machinist, h 35 Augustus								

Hockeborn James, h 56 Bradford								

Hockeborn Joseph E, farmer, bds 7 Hockeborn ave								

Hockeborn Joseph L, mechanic, h over 58 Frances								

Hockeborn Louis J, blacksmith, h 58 Frances								

Hockeborn Mary L, silk op, bds 35 Augustus								

Hockeborn Paul F, salesman, 24 Bradford, bds 27 do								

Hockeborn Robert W, milk pedler, h 25 Hockeborn ave								

Hockey George, iron roller, bds 34 E Genesee								

Hodder Alida, bds 3 Union ave								

Hodder Frederick W, mason, h 6 Union ave								

Hoddeer Gertrude M, nurse, bds 3 Union ave								

Hodder Isabella A, dressmaker, bds 3 Union ave								

Hodder Joseph, mason, h 15 Swift								

Hodder Joseph, Jr, mason contractor, h 3 Union ave								

Hodder Joseph N, student, bds 3 Union ave								

Hodder Nathaniel, conductor, A C Ry, h 22 Easterly ave								

Hodder Ross L, accountant, 144 Genesee, res 22 Easterly ave								

Hodder Sophronia J, nurse, bds 15 Swift								

Hodder Wm L, clerk cost dep't, D M O & Co, bds 22 Easterly ave								

Hodgkiss Edwin G, mill op, bds 6 Garrow								

Hodgkiss William M, engineer, h 6 Garrow								

HODGMAN ALFRED F., physician and surgeon, oculist and aurist (Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat) also								
	medical examiner State Civil Service Board, office 6 William, (1st floor) h 2 Janet   Hours							
	9 to 12 M, 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 P M  Auto phones, office 643, residence 795							

Hodgson Alfred R, coremaker, bds 26 Mary								

Hodgson Alice, milliner, res 49 1/2 Clark								

Hodgson Edward W, city policeman, bds 26 Mary								

Hodgson Hannah, widow Thomas, h 26 Mary								

Hodgson Harry M, emp D M O & Co, bds 41 Mechanic								

Hodgson James, foreman, Nye & Wait's, h over 31 1/2 Division N								

Hodgson Joseph, foreman, A C Ry Co, h 39 Mary								

Hodgson Martha, widow Samuel, res over 31 1/2 Division N								

Hodgson Thomas, carpenter, bds 26 Mary								

Hoey John, shoe op, bds 75 Lansing								

Hoey Robert F, laborer, h 128 Mechanic								

Hoey William, blacksmith, bds 100 Mechanic								

HOFF, see HOUGH, also HUFF								

Hoff Mrs Ida M, dressmaker, h 233 North								

Hoff James M, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 Lincoln								

Hoff W D, salesman, "Big Store," 141 Genesee, bds 22 Holley								

HOFFMAN CLAUDE E, (Hoffman's Portrait House) 31 E Genesee, res 1 Linden Place								

Hoffman Frank, salesman, 141 Genesee, res 40 Clark								

HOFFMAN GEORGE W.,Portrait House, Frames, Mouldings and Mats cut to order,				31 E Genesee
	(New Nat'l Hotel Bl'k,) h 1 Linden Place							

Hoffman Hannah, widow Joseph, h over 20 Market								

Hoffman Henry A, tinsmith, bds over 20 Market								

Hoffman Irene E, bds 1 Linden Place								

Hoffman John F, machinist, h 71 Orchard								

Hoffman Louise, bds over 20 Market								

Hoffman Martin, emp D M O & Co, rooms over 64 Genesee								

Hoffman Max, piano maker, h 8 Bradford								

Hoffman Ruby L, student, A H S, bds 1 Linden Place								

Hoffman Theodore, laborer, bds Cebtral House, 38 Water								

Hoffman William J, shoe op, h 137 VanAnden								

Hoffmeyer George H, machinist, h 4 Wright ave								

Hogan Dennis, blacksmith, bds 9 Union								

Hogan Dennis, emp D M O & Co, bds 62 Washington								

Hogan Gertrude T, bds 39 Walnut								

Hogan James, gate tender, L V R R, bds 30 Pleasant								

Hogan James, mechanic, bds 170 Van Anden								

Hogan Michael, mechanic, bds 9 Union								

Hogan James M, shoe laster, bds 37 West								

Hogan John F, moulder, h 168 Grant ave								

Hogan Samuel F, shoe op, bds 37 West								

Hogan Thomas, laborer, h 9 Union								

Hogan Thomas F, emp D M O & Co, bds 37 West								

Hogan Thomas J, moulder, h 39 Walnut								

Hogan Thomas M, meat cutter, 36 1/2 Genesee, h 9 Frederick								

Hogan William, laborer, bds 9 Union								

Hogan William, quarryman, h 37 West								

Hogan William F, quarryman, bds 145 Clark								

Hogan William H, meat cutter, 9 Genesee, bds 42 Perry								

Hogan William T, shoe op, bds 37 West								

Hogan Winifred, widow James, h 70 West								

Hogan Widifred (sic) M, shoe op, bds 37 West								

Hogeboom Edward Earl, student, res 8 Westlake ave								

Hogeboom Mary E, widow James E, h 8 Westlake ave								

Hogle Mrs Harriet F, res 19 Hamilton ave								

Hogle William H, emp D M O & Co, bds 7 Hoffman								

Holbrook Orilla, mill op, bds 19 Canoga								

Holcombe H Gertrude, bds 164 E Genesee								

Holcombe Horatio W, wagon maker, h 164 E Genesee								

Holcombe James, teamster, h over 113 Washington								

Holcombe May, widow Burt, h 4 William								

Holden Carlton, machinist, bds 46 Perry								

Holden Claude D, plumber, h 99 Lansing								

Holden Frank, pattern Maker, res over 78 Genesee								

Holden Mrs Hannah, mill op, bds 59 Cornell								

Holden James J, moulder, h r 24 Owasco								

Holden John, emp D M O & Co, h 34 Bradford								

Holden John F, shoemaker, h 175 Seymour								

Holden Lewis E, baker, bds 25 1/2 Seymour								

Holden Mary, button op, bds 34 Bradford								

Holden Michael J, shoe op, bds 62 Washington								

Holden Nellie, seamstress, bds 25 1/2 Seymour								

Holden Phoebe, widow Grant, res 106 Division S								

Holden Mrs Rose, h 83 Owasco								

Holdridge Frank G, carpenter, h 43 Seward ave								

Hole Elmer, laborer, h over 82 Garrow								

Hole emily, domestic, 9 Jefferson								

Hole Mabel, domestic, over 12 State								

Hole Mary, attendant, 5 Swift								

Holihan Catherine L, widow William J, h 162 Seymour								

Holihan Charles J, shoe op, bds 76 Orchard								

Holihan Dennis J, mechanic, h 77 Cottage								

Holihan Ida M, res 162 Seymour								

Holihan James E, mechanic, h 80 Washington								

Holihan John, painter, bds 38 Cottage								

HOLIHAN JOHN, Plumber, Steam and Gas Fitter, also contractor, office and works 31 State, h 8 Pine								

Holihan Mrs Mary, res 5 Court								

Holihan Mary, widow John, h 38 Cottage								

Holihan Patrick, prison guard, h 76 Orchard								

Holihan William E, plumber, bds 76 Orchard								

Holihan William J, emp D M O & Co, bds 77 Cottage								

Holland Albert T, mill foreman, h 10 Myrtle ave								

Holland Cornelius, laborer, bds 41 Pulsifer								

Holland George E, salesman, bds 48 Division N								

Holland Herbert A, spinner, h 10 Myrtle ave								

Holland Iva M, student, A H S, bds 15 Lawton ave								

Holland Mary, bds 46 Grant ave								

Holland Nellie, housekeeper, 22 Van Anden								

HOLLAND & QUIGLEY, (T. D. Holland and P. T. Quigley,) Wholesale Dealers in wines				
	and Liquors, also Standard Brands of Ales and Lagers, office and salesrooms 27 Genesee							
	(See adv, page 263)							

Holland Thomas A, (Melrose Woolen Co,) h 48 Division N								

HOLLAND THOMAS D., (Holland & Quigley,) h 15 Lawton ave								

HOLLAND VICTOR T., journalist, also reportorial staff Daily Bulletin, h 1 Grant ave								

Hollenbeck Allen, machinist, bds 32 Van Patten								

Hollenbeck Carrie, milliner, bds over 109 State								

Hollenbeck David H, carpenter, h 202 Perrine ave								

Hollenbeck Mary E, housekeeper, 202 Perrine ave 								

Holleran Minnie, laundress, 86 State								

Holleran Nellie, domestic, 33 William  (?)								

Holley Albert W, merchant miller, 7 Clark, h 11 Lawton ave								

Holley Ambrose E, clerk, Empire House, 34 Dill, bds do 								

Holley Bertha, student, A H S, bds 11 Lawton ave								

HOLLEY CHARLES H., clerk, 22 Clark, bdsw 25 Fulton								

Holley Eli K, com trav, h 11 Lawton ave								

Holley Hattie J, res 109 Franklin								

Holliday Mary J, res 6 Mc Master								

Hollingshead Charles W, stair builder, h 4 Westlake ave								

Hollis Hiram, porter, Palace Theatre, h 94 Clark								

HOLLISTER AlFRED N., (Hollister & Noble,) h 197 Genesee								

Hollister Caroline A, widow Wadsworth, h 172 Genesee								

Hollister Mary E, res 197 Genesee								

HOLLISTER & NOBLE, (Alfred N. Hollister and Henry D. Noble,) Wholesale Dealers in Rubber Boots and								
	Shoes, 21 and 23 Market, also 2 and 4 Franklin							

Hollub Theresa, widow Ferdinand, res 42 Maple								

Holman Edward, mechanic, h 150 Wall								

HOLMES' BOTTLING WORKS, (Jas. H. Holmes, proprietor) 38 and 40 Chapel			
	Phones, Emp 60, Auto 481   (See adv)							

Holmes Charles, sash maker, h over 5 Lewis								

Holmes Charles E, salesman, 79 Genesee, bds 80 Clark								

HOLMES & DUNNIGAN, (M. T. and J. H. Holmes also T. H. Dunnigan,) dealers in foreign and domestic dry								
	goods, also cloaks, capes, &c, 79 Genesee							

Holmes Edward, city policeman, h 3 Cayuga								

Holmes Fred, mill op, bds 205 Perrine ave								

Holmes George, mechanic, h 18 Derby ave								

Holmes Henry F, expressman, bds 2 Miller								

HOLMES JAMES H., (Holmes & Dunnigan,) also proprietor Holmes' Bottling Works, 					
	manufacturer and bottler of soda, mineral waters, ales and lagers, 38 and 40 Chapel, h over do							
	Phones, Auto, 481, Emp 60   (See adv)							

Holmes John H, mechanic, bds 205 Perrine ave								

Holmes John J, prison keeper, h 154 State								

Holmes Mrs Julia S, salesclerk, 91 & 93 Genesee, h 3 Hulbert								

Holmes Levi, mill op, h 74 Division N								

Holmes Lillie, mill op, bds 51 Pulsifer								

Holmes Louise, res 3 Hulbert								

Holmes Maggie G, weaver, bds 205 Perrine ave								

HOLMES MARGARET T., (Holmes & Dunnigan,) h 80 Clark								

Holmes Maria M, res over 8 Wood								

Holmes Martha M, widow John, bds 106 Owasco								

Holmes Mary, music teacher, h 74 Walnut								

Holmes Mary E A, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 80 Clark								

Holmes Sarah, accountant, 203 State, res North n city line								

Holmes Theodore, baggage express, also Hd Porter Osborne House, 77 State, h 40 Clark								

Holmes Theodore, Jr, student, A H S, bds 40 Clark								

HOLY FAMILY CHURCH, (R. C.) Rev. John Hickey, pastor, 87 North								

HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL, Sisters of Mercy in charge, 11 Chapel								

Holzhauer Jacob, laundryman, 49 North, h 74 do								

Holzhauer John M, cabinet maker, bds 74 North								

Holzhauer Peter, salesman, 7 State, h 3 1/2 Grove ave								

Holzhauer Theresa, widow Peter, h 47 Lewis								

HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS, Sarah J. Willson, sup't, 46 Grant ave								

Hompe Angeline H, res 35 Market								

HOMPE & CO., (Harry Huntsman,) contractors, general painters and decorators, office and						
	salesrooms 35 Market   (See bottom lines)							

Hompe Henry A, painter, over 5 Genesee, h 7 Orchard								

Hompe Henry A, Jr, student, A H S, bds 7 Orchard								

HOMPE MARTINUS H., (Hompe & Co,) h over 35  Market				

Hompe Mina C, music teacher, res over 35 Market								

Hood Clarence, com trav, h over 7 Lawton ave								

Hood Emma, asas't cashier, 64 Genesee, res 39 Seymour								

Hood Jane F, widow william, h 39 Seymour								

Hood Jesse L, mechanic, bds 39 Seymour								

Hood Millard F, bds 39 Seymour								

Hood Peter, h 27 Elm								

Hooker Jane E, widow James, nurse, 128 North								

Hooper Benjamin R, emp D M O & Co, h 36 Maple								

Hooper Frank J, barkeeper, bds 63 Cottage								

Hooper James T, saloon, 123 Wall, bds 63 Cottage								

Hoople Alice B, attendant, over 26 Genesee								

Hoose Clarence A, com trav, h 34 Holley								

Hoose Leroy M, shipping clerk, D M O & Co, bds 34 Holley								

Hop Sam, Chinese Laundry, 39 State, h do								

HOPE CHAPEL, Lansing cor Fulton								

Hopkins Andrew J, rope maker, h 33 Lansing								

Hopkins Bessie M, shoe op, bds over 2 Water								

Hopkins Carrie L, accountant, Emp Tel and Tel Co, res 5 VanAnden								

Hopkins Elizabeth, bds 12 Seminary								

Hopkins Florence, widow Chauncey C, h 5 VanAnden								

Hopkins Helen, attache, Quinn's Hotel, 3 North								

Hopkins John, student, bds over 2 Water								

Hopkins Lizzie, attache, Quinn's Hotel, 3 North								

Hopkins Margaret, bds 74 Seymour								

Hopkins Nettie, widow Benjamin, h over 2 Water								

Hopkins Rev Samuel M, D D, Prof Theo Sem, h 12 Seminary								

Hopkins Rev Stephen G, bds 12 Seminary								

Hopkins William A, shoe op, bds over 2 Water								

Hopkins Woolsey R, lawyer, room 119 over 141 Genesee, res 12 Seminary								

Hopper Edwin C, carpenter, h 64 Frances								

Hopper Estella M, dressmaker, h 21 Academy								

Hopper Esther, widow Menzo J, res 21 Academy								

Hopper John M, carpenter, h r 2 1/2 Grant ave								

Hopper Maude, twine op, bds 64 Frances								

Hopper sarah, widow John, h over 68 Lewis								

Hopping Caroline S, widow George R, res 132 Van Anden								

Hopping Edward N, salesman, 74 Wall, h 132 Van Anden								

Horan John, blacksmith, bds over 19 1/2 North								

Horle Ellen, widow Thomas, res 178 E Genesee								

Hornbeck Augustus, coachman, bds 20 Delevan								

Hornbeck Mrs Cornelia, h 20 Delevan								

Hornbeck Cornelia A, widow John, h 28 Jefferson								

Hornbeck John J, laborer, bds 20 Delevan								

Hornbeck Maude May, waitress, bds 20 Delevan								

HORNE & CHRISLER,(John Horne and J. R. Chrisler,) General Repairing on Carriages and					
	Sleighs, also all kinds of Rubber Tiring for Vehicles, office and factory 11 Dill							

Horne Mrs H B, res 60 North								

HORNE JOHN, (Horne & Chrisler,) h 6 E Genesee								

Hornung Delia, button op, bds 23 Pulsifer								

Hornung Eva, widow Querin, h 23 Pulsifer								

Hornung Otto K, iron worker, D M O & Co, rooms over 64 Genesee								

Hornung Robert F, tallyman, N Y C, bds 23 Pulsifer								

Horr Joseph A, teamster, h 52 Orchard								

Horr Polly, res 52 Orchard								

Horrigan Mary E, widow John, stenographer, D M O & Co, res 15 1/2 Parker								

Horsley Amelia, waitress, 85 South								

Horsley Edith, attendant, 42 Franklin								

Horsley Mabel B, salesclerk, 86 Genesee, bds 16 Gaylord								

Horsley Mary, cook, 85 South								

Horton Fred J, carpenter, h 17 Van Anden								

Horton Gertie M, button op, bds over 118 Mechanic								

HORTON HIRAM F., manager Western Union Telegraph office, 122 Genesee, h 7 Grant ave								

Horton J hn (sic), night watch, h 17 Canoga								

Horton Julia M, attendant, bds r 90 Van Anden								

Horton Leonard, mechanic, bds r 90 Van Anden								

Horton Mrs Maggie, housekeeper, h r 90 Van Anden								

Horton William I, laborer, h r 90 Van Anden								

Horwitz Jacob, pedler, bds 150 Mechanic								

Horwitz John, mechanic, bds 150 Mechanic								

HOSE COMPANIES (See appendix)								

Hoskins Aurora B, widow Charles V, h 17 Hamilton ave								

HOSKINS CHARLES, cashier, Cayuga County National Bank, 41 and 43 Genesee, res 7 					
	Hamilton ave							

Hoskins Clara E, student, Syracuse Univ, res 17 Hamilton ave								

Hoskins Eugene, lineman, bds 55 Market								

Hoskins Florence V, res 25 1/2 Fulton								

Hoskins Harry P, shoe op, h 78 North								

HOSKINS JAMES H., (Hoskins & simpson,) h 64 Wall								

Hoskins Marie E, widow George, h 78 North								

Hoskins Marion E, teacher, South St Sch, bds 17 Hamilton ave								

HOSKINS MICHAEL P., sup't Billiard and Pool Rooms, Hotel Brunswick, 55 Market, res do								

Hoskins & Olney, (W G Hoskins and B L Olney,) m'f'r's waists, &c, over 31 and 33 Market								

Hoskins Roy, salesman, 15 Genesee, bds 103 Fulton								

HOSKINS & SIMPSON, (J. H. Hoskins and J. D. Simpson,)  insurance and real estate, office over 50 State								

Hoskins Willis G, (Hoskins & Olney,) h 10 Hulbert								

Hosmer Clara E, teacher, h over 23 Washington								

HOSMER F. HOWARD, reportorial staff, Daily Bulletin, bds 18 Steel								

HOSMER FRED M., special dep Co Cl'k, also Com'r of Deeds, 154 Genesee, bds 18 Steel								

Hosmer James J, student, A H S, bds 18 Steel								

Hosmer Jane F, teacher, res 18 Steel								

HOSMER JOHN G., Under Sheriff Cay Co and Clerk Board of Supervisors, office Court House, 154								
	Genesee, h 18 Steel							

Hosmer William M, farmer, h 40 Swift								

Hosmer Wilson G, bds 18 Steel								

HOTCHKISS WILLIAM H., (Carpenter & Hotchkiss,) h 1 Bostwick ave								

Hotel Archie, Archie White, manager, 62 and 64 State								

HOTEL AVERY (THE,) R A Wells, prop'r, 34, 36 and 38 State								

HOTEL BRUNSWICK, Ed J Moore, prop'r, 53 and 55 Market								

HOTEL DE ASSMAN, Laper & Farrell, prop'rs, 109 and 109 1/2 Mechanic								

HOTEL O'NEIL (THE), John J O'Neil, manager, 1 Monroe, (See adv)								

HOUGH, see HOFF, also HUFF								

Houghtaling Albert S, emp D M O & Co, bds 3 Grove ave								

Houghtaling George W, emp D M O & Co, h 3 Grove ave								

Houghton Janet E, seamstress, bds over 1 Gibson Square								

Houhton Nellie H, laundress, h over 1 Gibson Square								

Houghton Warren, delivery clerk, 35 E Genesee, h over 37 do								

Houjeck John, twine op, bds 93 1/2 Perrine								

Houldsworth Thomas, carpenter, h 149 Mechanic								

Houlighan John F, laborer, h over 1 Water								

Houlton Jennie, domestic, 26 Dill								

House Charles W, physician, 6 John, h do								

House Fred, iron worker, bds 26 Cross								

House Jacob, mechanic, h 26 Cross								

House James B, milk dealer, 113 Van Anden, h do								

House Sigmond, iron worker, bds 26 Cross								

HOUSER, see also HAUSER								

Houser George W, shoe trimmer, h 23 1/2 Hoffman								

Houser Jacob G, coremaker, bds 23 1/2 Hoffman								

Houser Jennie B, compositor, bds 23 1/2 Hoffman								

Houston Hannah, widow William, h 68 1/2 Orchard								

Hovey John P, engineer, h 86 Division N								

Hovey Oliver S, emp D M O & Co, bds 126 Van Anden								

How Catherine V R, h 16 Fort								

Howard A E, res 12 Janet								

Howard Elizabeth, widow Dyer D, h 130 Owasco								

Howard James, city mission, res over 106 State								

Howard J Mabel, hame op, bds 20 Van Patten								

HOWARD WILLIAM T., dealer in flour, feed and grain, baled hay and straw, 51 North, h 28 Fulton								

Howe Albert, emp D M O & Co, h 97 Lansing								

Howe Anna M, student, bds 114 1/2 E Genesee								

Howe Frederick D, drug clerk, 1465 1/2 Wall, h 191 Clark								

Howe Harry, laborer, bds 53 Mechanic								

Howe Howard, laborer, bds 108 Mechanic								

Howe Lewis B, sup't Gospel Knowledge and Mission Union, 36 E Genessee, h 114 1/2 E Genesee								

Howe Moses, blacksmith, h 53 Mechanic								

Howe Raymond R, student, bds 114 1/2 E Genesee								

Howe Sophia J, widow George, h 108 Mechanic								

Howe Tila A, domestic, 3 Fort								

Howell Avis L, student, A H S, bds 54 Elizabeth								

Howell David A J, cabinet maker, 59 State, h 19 Easterly ave								

Howell David C, gardener, Woman's Prison, 50 Wall								

Howell Frank, grocery and meat market, 37 Steel, h 54 Elizabeth								

Howell Harold L, tinsmith, bds 144 E Genesee								

Howell Hattie M, saleslady, bds 19 Easterly ave								

Howell Jennie M, res 144 E Genesee								

Howell Jerome, h 30 Elizabeth								

Howell Lafayette P, machinist, h 144 E Genesee								

Howell Lewis C, collector, The Aub Telephone Co, h 56 Hamilton ave								

Howell Susan, widow John, res 12 Catlin								

Howell Vernie S, bds 54 Elizabeth								

Howland A Warner, res 42 Barber								

Howland Charles B, twine op, h 61 Perrine								

HOWLAND & CLARK, (H. N. Howland and Abel H. Clark,) lumber dealers, 9 to 13 Seminary ave					
	(See adv)							

Howland Frank, emp D M O & Co, h over 4 Paul								

HOWLAND HARVEY N., (Howland & Clark), h 13 Cayuga								

Howland Josephine, physician, office and res 42 South								

Howland Louisa A, widow Horace V, h 60 E Genesee								

Howland Mabel L, teacher, Franklin sch, bds 38 Fulton								

Howland Martha, housekeeper, Cayuga Asylum, 66 Owasco								

Howland Mary E, widow Joseph, h 80 Wall								

Howland Maude E, principal Div st sch, res 80 Wall								

Howland Roy P, emp D M O & Co, bds 38 Fulton								

Howland Susie A, teacher, bds over 26 Steel								

Howland Thomas, emp D M O & Co, h 10 Market, 3d floor								

Howland Thompson P, salesman, 9 Seminary, h 38 Fulton								

Hoxsie Burton K, physician, office and res 42 Elizabeth								

Hoxsie Evelyn, carpenter, bds over 63 State								

HOXSIE MISS MARTHA, res 30 Fulton								

Hoyle Elizabeth, res 56 1/2 Mary								

HOYLE THOMAS, supt of Charities and Clerk of Board of C & P, office City Hall, h 4 Frances.  Hours from								
	9 A M to 3 P M							

HOYT REV. ARTHUR S., D. D., prof and librarian Theo Sem, also School Commissioner, h 15 Seminary								

Hoyt Dana S, res 163 E Genesee								

Hoyt Mrs Emma E, res 137 North								

Hoyt Emma H, widow Rev Arthur S, h 15 Seminary								

Hoyt Fred, delivery clerk, 120 Mechanic, bds 109 Owasco								

HOYT HARRISON L., insurance and real estate, 101 and 102 Metcalf B'd'g, 141 Genesee, h 124 E do								

Hoyt Harry B, farmer, h 146 Franklin								

Hoyt Isabella, widow Edward S, res 49 Franklin								

Hoyt Rufus K, carpenter, h 163 E Genesee								

Hub Clothing Co, (The) M F Kearney, prop'r, 28 State								

HUB THE, Lunch Rooms, (day and night) Crofoot & Crofoot, proprietors, 5 South								

Hubbard Alida, salesclerk, Kiemele's, res 4 Hoffman								

Hubbard Anna H, widow William H, h 35 Franklin								

Hubbard Anna M, res 72 South								

Hubbard Catherine K, box op, bds 4 Hoffman								

Hubbard Charles, machinist, h 24 case ave								

Hubbard Charles K, barber, 134 Genesee, bds 4 Hoffman								

Hubbard Daniel, carpenter, bds over 45 Genesee								

Hubbard Edward W, collector, bds 31 Steel								

Hubbard Edwin W, cloth finisher, (Prison) h over 61 Wall								

Hubbard Elliott S, student, A H S, res 31 Washington								

Hubbard F Morse, student, Harvard Coll, res 4 Orchard								

Hubbard Rev Giles H, pastor, 1st Baptist ch, h 4 Orchard								

Hubbard John, laborer, bds over 45 Genesee								

Hubbard John H, salesman, 49 Genesee, h 31 Steel								

Hubbard John W, prison foreman, cabinet dep't, h 31 Washington								

Hubbard Lyra E, res 4 Orchard								

Hubbard William E, blacksmith, h 4 Hoffman								

Hubbard William E, Jr, emp D M O & Co, bds 4 Hoffman								

HUBBARD REV. WILLIAM H., pastor, 1st Presbyterian Ch, res 35 Franklin				

Hudon Eugene B, shoe cutter, h 99 Van Anden								

Hudson Abel, wholesale cracker dealer, 116 E Genesee, h do								

Hudson Ann, widow Abel, h 2 Westlake ave								

Hudson Boyd F, res 180 Grant ave								

Hudson Rev Charles H, h 180 Grant ave								

HUDSON CROCKERY STORE (THE), M Hawley Hudson, prop'r, 131 Genesee   (See adv)			

Hudson Edward D, carpenter, h 28 Holley								

Hudson Ella E, bookkeeper, bds 28 Holley								

Hudson Ethan F, clerk, 65 Genesee, bds 180 Grant ave								

Hudson Frank, coachman, 167 Genesee, bds 16 Clark								

Hudson Harley J, student, C G S, res 2 Westlake ave								

Hudson Herbert G, auctioneer, &c, over 18 Clark, h do								

Hudson Howard, shoe cleaner, 70 1/2 Genesee, h 29 1/2 Grover								

HUDSON JOSEPH M., accountant, 103 Genesee, h 2 Westlake ave								

Hudson Jennie H, res 2 Westlake ave								

HUDSON M. HAWLEY, prop'r The Hudson Crockery Store, 131 Genesee, h 80 E do   					
	A Complete Line of Crockery, Glass and China Ware, also Novelties and Notions in Art and							
	Bric-a-Brac   (See adv)							

Hudson Polly, widow Thomas, bds over 102 Franklin								

Hudson Purdy, delivery clerk, 12 dill, bds 24 North								

Hudson Richard D, clerk, coll dep't, D M O & Co, res 13 William								

HUDSON RICHARD N., operative and prosthetic dentist, office and parlors over 76 and 76 1/2 Genesee cor								
	South, res 13 William							

Hudson Sarah J, res 2 Westlake ave								

Hudson Thomas, mason, h 23 Cayuga								

HUDSON WATSON N., money order clerk, P O, h 7 Holley								

HUDSON WILLIAM T., physician and surgeon, office and res over 14 North   Hours 8 to 10 A M, 1 to 3 and								
	6 to 8 P M, Sundays 12 to 2 P M   Special treatment and rooms for Alcohol and Opium Cases							

Huested William H, emp D M O & Co, h over 23 Academy								

Huestis Clara A, h over 6 Ross								

HUFF, see HOFF, also HOUGH								

Huff Harvey, salesman, 16 North, bds 20 Gaylord								

Huff James, machinist, D M O & Co, rooms 64 Genesee								

Hugg Caroline A, bds 32 Steel								

HUGG JOHN J., (Manro & Hugg,) h 32 Steel								

Hugg John J, Jr, salesman, bds 32 Steel								

HUGG ROBERT R., Carpenter, Contractor and Builder, also manufacturer Hand Made					
	Furniture, office and factory over 16 Water, bds 50 State   (See adv)							

Hughes Annie, shoe op, bds 63 North								

HUGHES ARCHIE, operatic manager and vocalist,   res					         The Ideal Lunch Parlors,			3 Clark
	(Receptions held daily)							

Hughes Elizabeth A, bds 131 Lewis								

Hughes Emma E, domestic, bds 131 Lewis								

Hughes Georgia, seamstress, h over 7 South								

Hughes James, carpenter, h 131 Lewis								

Hughes James, machinist, bds 63 North								

Hughes James M, insurance agent, h 5 Baker ave								

Hughes John J, shoe maker, bds 63 North								

Hughes Kate A, tailoress, h 11 Academy								

Hughes Lizzie E, domestic, 9 Lewis								

Hughes Margaret, widow John, h 63 North								

Hughes Mary E, shoe op, bds 63 North								

Hughes Mary L, housekeeper, 5 Baker ave								

Hughes Michael, laborer, bds 6 1/2 Bradford								

Hughes Patrick, dyer, bds 63 North								

Hughes Rosie, seamstress, bds 131 Lewis								

Hughes Samuel, hammersman, bds 5 Baker ave								

Hughes Walter H, painter, h 39 Cornell								

HUGHES WILLIAM, surgeon dentist, office and parlors over 139 Genesee, h 182 do								

Hughes William F, mill op, h 6 1/2 Bradford								

Hughes William J, shoe op, bds 131 Lewis								

Hughitt Caroline A, res 62 South								

Hughitt Charles W, ass't acc't, Aub Agency D M O & Co, h 83 Seymour								

Hughitt Fred E. lawyer, over 41 Genesee, h 62 South								

Hughitt Nina, button op, bds 29 Lincoln								

HUGHSON FRANK B., cap,n Chem No 1, A F D, h 35 1/2 Walnut								

Hughson George B, shoe op, h 59 Washington								

Hulbert Albert H, harness maker, bds 14 1/2 Canoga ave								

Hulbert Angelica V R, widow John P, res 16 Fort								

HULBERT DAVID D., mailing clerk, P O, h 14 Westlake ave								

Hulbert John P, salesman, 132 York, h 88 Washington								

Hulbert John T, salesman, h 100 Washington								

Hulbert John W, tobacconist, also com'r Soule Cemetery, 69 1/2 Genesee, h 83 Fulton								

Hulbert John W, Jr, city wire insp, also electrician, Aub Prison, h 79 Fulton								

Hulbert Nellie B, nurse, 191 Genesee								

Hulbert Ulrich S, mechanic, bds 100 Washington								

Hulbert William H S, cigar m'f'r, 22 Fitch ave, h do								

Hull Cora A, dressmaker, bds 9 Gibson square								

Hull Eunice A, widow Henry, res 18 Grover								

Hull George M, jailor Cay Co Jail, bds 10 Court								

Hullar Mrs Emogene M, h 5 Lawton ave								

Hullar Maude L, compositor, Daily Adv, res 5 Lawton ave								

Hultz Edward, laborer, bds 24 Division N								

Hume John W, collector, h 28 Lewis								

Hume Willis P. student, Theo Sem, res do								

Hume William T, livery, bds 28 Lewis								

Humiston Horace, mason, bds 3 Franklin								

Hummel De Kalb, mechanic, h 20 Chapel								

Hummel Eugene L, wood worker, bds 20 Chapel								

Hummer Daniel W, laborer, h 5 Garrow								

Hummer Wilbur W, clerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 5 Garrow								

Humphreys Anna, widow Johnson, h 34 Owasco								

Humphreys Clara M, compositor, Daily Adv, bds 34 Owasco								

Humphreys Elizabeth A, shoe op, bds 34 Owasco								

Humphreys Joseph P, attache 108 Genesee, bds 34 Owasco								

Humphreys Nellie, shoe op, bds 34 Owasco								

Hungerford Kittie, widow Jonathan, h over 85 State								

Hunt Mrs Alice, hospital nurse, Cay Asylum, 66 Owasco								

Hunt A R, clerk, coll dep't D M O & Co, bds 34 Dill								

HUNT ERNEST, manager The Club House, Sample Rooms and Pool Parlors, also dealer in						
	Cigars, Tobaccos, &c, 13 North, h over do   (See card)							

Hunt Eva M, music teacher, bds 22 Aspen								

Hunt F Albert, stage m'g'r, Opera House, h 7 Mary								

Hunt Fred, laborer, bds 22 Aspen								

Hunt Frederick E, wood worker, h 22 Aspen								

Hunt George, laborer, h 16 Division S								

Hunt Laura, widow Lockwood, res 71 South								

Hunt Lewis, soliciting coal ag't, 132 Genesee, h 8 Easterly ave								

Hunt Mertice L, bds 22 Aspen								

Hunt Raymond, clerk, D M O & Co, bds 34 Dill								

Hunt Ruth D, widow Alexander H, res 27 Elizabeth								

HUNT THOMAS M., (Teller & Hunt,) lawyer, h 10 Easterly ave								

Hunt Wallace M, carpenter builder, 8 Franklin, h 65 Wall								

Hunt Walter W, cigar and news dealer, 58 State, h 18 Lincoln								

Hunt William, salesman, h 52 Franklin								

Hunter Alice K, teacher, bds 119 Owasco								

Hunter Caroline P, widow John P, h 35 Grover								

HUNTER CHARLES L., Market Gardener and Grower of small Fruits, Hot House Plants a					
	Specialty, office and res Hunter Ave n E Genesee							

Hunter Cornelius H, carpenter, h 4 Ross								

Hunter Eleazer, farmer, h 147 Franklin								

Hunter Eliza, widow David, h over 7 Sherman								

Hunter Francis, farmer, h Hunter ave, n e Genesee								

Hunter Frank E, moulder, h Hunter ave, n E Genesee								

Hunter George W, mason, h 2 Greene								

Hunter Jane D, widow Stephen, h 41 Morris								

HUNTER JAY S., vegetable gardener and grower of small fruits, hot house plants a					
	specialty, office and residence Hunter ave n E Genesee							

Hunter Jennie L, shoe op, bds 119 Owasco								

Hunter John J, moulder, h 119 Owasco								

HUNTER JOHN L., attorney at law, also Supervisor 2d ward, 303-304 Metcalf B'd'g, 141 Genesee, h 35								

Hunter Katherine L, stenog'r, 303 Metcalf B'k, 141 Genesee, res 4 Ross								

Hunter Mary, domestic, 90 Cottage								

Hunter Sylvester W, druggist, bds 41 Morris								

Hunter William W, wringer op, bds 2 Greene								

HUNTINGTON REV. EZRA A., D. D. LL. D., emeritus professor, Theo Sem, h 11 Seminary								

Huntley Esther, res 27 Easterly ave								

Huntoon Joseph W, motorman, A C Ry, h 101 Fulton								

Huntsman Charles, painter, h 19 Fulton								

HUNTSMAN HARRY, (Hompe & Co,) h over 35 Market					

Huntsman Leo, painter, h 49 1/2 Lewis								

HURD ALONZO M., janitor Common Council, h 5 William								

Hurd Charles A, carpenter, h 11 Delevan								

Hurd Elizabeth C, res 5 William								

Hurd Emma E, bds 26 Fulton								

Hurd Emma E, mill op, bds 59 Case ave								

Hurd Fred L, coal handler, h 73 Clark								

Hurd George L, laborer, bds 59 Case ave								

Hurd James H, baker, h over 61 State								

Hurd Jennie R, widow Fred C, dressmaker, h 23 1/2 Court								

Hurd Jessie, domestic, bds 59 Case ave								

Hurd John, teamster, bds 274 Genesee								

Hurd Mary A, widow John M, h 26 Fulton								

Hurd Philip J, salesman, 29 State, bds 5 William								

Hurd Samuel J, farmer, h 59 Case ave								

Hurd Samuel J, moulder, h 165 Perrine								

Hurlbut Arabella, housekeeper, City Hosp, 15 Lansing								

HURLBUT DANIEL L., (Hurlbut & Kerr,) lawyer, h 17 Orchard						

Hurlbut Homer L, machinist, h over 15 Perry								

HURLBUT & KERR, (D. L. Hurlbut and J. Henry Kerr,) attorneys at law, offices over 81 Genesee								

Hurley Timothy, blacksmithing & genl work, 24 Water, h 75 Nelson								

HURLIHY, see also HERLIHY								

Hurlihy Daniel F, shoe maker, bds 174 Seymour								

Hurlihy Mrs Mary, h 174 Seymour								

Hurlihy Mary F, bds 174 Seymour								

Hurlihy Nora, shoe op, bds 174 Seymour								

Hurn Delia A, widow Frank, bds 69 North								

Hurn Frank H, plumber, bds 6 Mary								

Hurn George A, iron worker, h 110 Division S								

Hurn Mrs Grace B, res 22 South								

Hurn Mrs Hattie M, milliner, 68 Genesee, bds 110 Division S								

HURN HENRY J., (Hurn & Wheeler) h 6 Mary								

Hurn Kezia, widow George, h 5 Aurelius ave								

Hurn Mary L, accountant, 72 State, bds 6 Mary								

Hurn Tessa P, salesclerk, "Big Store," res 69 North								

HURN & WHEELER, (Henry J. Hurn and Seymour B. Wheeler,) plumbers, steam and gas					
	fitters, 72 State  (See adv, next page)							

Husk Avery G, shoe cutter, bds 70 Holley								

Husk Dorr, carpenter, h over 4 South								

Hussey Austin A, carpenter, h 36 E Genesee								

HUTCHINGS BENJAMIN, (Hutchings Bros) h 103 Division N								

HUTCHINGS BROTHERS,(Benjamin and Charles,) blacksmiths, horse shoers, general				
	repairing and jobbing, also carriage, wagon and sleigh makers; rubber tiring and carriage							
	painting a specialty, 35 Garden  (See adv, end of book)   Our new building enables us to							
	accomplish more and better work, with promptness.  We guarantee satrisfaction							

HUTCHINGS CHARLES, (Hutchings Bros,) h 32 Elm								

Hutchings Jesse M, baker and confectioner, 22 Clark, also ice cream parlors, 22 1/2 do, res do								

Hutchins Mrs Nellie, nurse, 171 Genesee, h over 20 Arch								

Hutchins Richmond, actor, res 20 Arch								

Hutchinson Allen, twine op, h 214 State								

Hutchinson Byron M, machinist, bds 18 Foote								

HUTCHINSON DAVID, Livery, hacks and boarding stables, office and barns, 13 Exchange, 					
	bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North   Emp Tel 221  (See adv, page 278)							

Hutchinson Ellen M, nurse, widow Jacob O, bds over 98 Wall								

Hutchinson Etta, domestic, 106 South								

Hutchinson Garry B, foreman, D M O & Co, h 45 Logan								

Hutchinson George D, carpenter, h 4 Paddock B'l'k, 74 Franklin								

Hutchinson Harold F, electrician, D M O & Co, bds 45 Logan								

Hutchinson John, assistant, Opera House								

Hutchinson John W, painter, h 15 Adams								

Hutchinson Lloyd M, emp D M O & Co, bds 45 Logan								

Hutchinson Mary A, widow William, bds 15 Adams								

Hutchinson Thomas, painter, bds The Cottage, 53 State								

Hutchinson William, twine op, h 39 Van Anden								

Hutson Charlena M, button op, bds over 12 Dill								

Hutson Joseph N, barkeeper, 2 Dill, h over 12 do								

Hutson Josephine E, shoe op, bds over 12 Dill								

Hutte Nellie E, widow William, res 32 Division N								

Huyler Edwin, student, Theo Sem, res do								

Hyatt Frank E, carpenter, h 97 Fulton								

HYATT FRANCIS M., physician and surgeon, also City Physician, office and residence 49 E Genesee								
	Hours 8 to 9 A M, 1 to 2 and 7 to 8 P M							

Hyatt Grace E, student, A H S, res 9 1/2 John								

Hyatt Horace A, machinist, h 9 1/2 John								

Hyatt Jessamine E, bds 97 Fulton								

Hyatt Lillian A, salesclerk, bds 9 1/2 John								

Hyde Letitia S, widow William C, h 23 Mann								

Hyland Anna, attendant, 28 South								

Hyland John, emp Birdsall Co, bds 116 Lewis								

Hyland Mary, widow Patrick, h 116 Lewis								

Hyland Mortimer, mechanic, bds 116 Lewis								

Hyland Nellie F, domestic, 10 Elizabeth								

HYNES DANIEL A., (successor to Emmett C. Lathrop,) dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers,					
	          Fine Grades a Specialty,also Trunks, Valises and Satchels, 57 Genesee, res				
	          Harrington Terrace, 1 Seminary (See back cover)							

Hyzer Mrs Adelaide, dressmaker, h over 93 Owasco								

Hyzer Cordelia, widow George, h over 24 Market								

Hyzer Frank, painter, bds over 24 Market								

Hyzer Lelia M, shoe op, bds over 93 Owasco								

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

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