I & J Sections
-I- Ibbotson George E, barber, 20 North, bds 16 Miller Ibbotson John E, twine op, h 16 Miller Ibbotson Joseph F, shoe op, bds 16 Miller Ibbs Mrs Alice, shoe op, bds over 50 1/2 Orchard Ibbs Blanche E, seamstress, bds 19 Camp Ibbs Grace, res 19 Camp Ibbs James, mason, h 19 Camp Ibbs James, Jr, tinsmith, bds 19 Camp Ibbs William, maltster, bds over 19 1/2 North Ide Clarence, delivery clerk, 12 South, bds 82 Fitch ave Ide Elizabeth, widow Henry, res 5 1/2 Florence Ide Harrison, mechanic, bds 82 Fitch ave Ide Joseph H, blacksmith, h 82 Fitch ave Ide Mabel, seamstress, res 82 Fitch ave Ide Stephen B, blacksmith, h over 49 Market IDEAL LUNCH ROOM (THE), Fred C, Hayden, prop'r Always open, and quick service rendered by competent attendants, 3 Clark n State Impson Gilbert, emp D M O & Co, bds 3 Greene ave Imson H Elnora, bds 212 North INCORPORATED COMPANIES (See appendix) Ingham Morton J, machinist, h 272 Genesee Ingraham Myra B, teacher, South St Sch, bds 20 Lincoln INNES, see also ENNIS Innes Frank M, painter, bds 3 1/2 Franklin INTERNAL REVENUE OFFICE, Wm. P. Robinson, dep coll, office Gov't B'd'g, 157 Genesee Ireland George D, hammersman, h r 60 1/2 Clark Ireland Ira B, emp D M O & Co, h 2 Arch Ireland Mary A, widow John, h 121 Owasco IRISH BURDETTE,representing the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co Office over 141 Genesee, rooms 201-202 New Metcalf Block, h 22 Ross Place Irish Chandler F, miller, h 16 Liberty Irish Dales L, pressman, Daily Adv'r, bds 16 Liberty Irish Fred F, (Carpenter & Irish,) also member Ex and Sup'g B'd of Plumbers, h 5 Mc Master Irish Maude L, accountant, Greene's Lumber Office, res 16 Liberty Irish Miles S, carpenter, h 8 Howard IRVING, see also ERVING Irving John, shoe cutter, bds 61 Clark Irving Mrs Hattie, housekeeper, Hotel Archie, 64 State, h 60 do Irving Newton, mason, h over 19 1/2 Genesee Irving Rose A, salesclerk, Big Store, res 14 1/2 Chapel Irving William J, carriage painter, h over 60 State Irvins Willis L, blacksmith, h 28 Division S IRWIN, see also ERWIN Isaac Jacob, pedler, h 3 O'Neil ave ISENGARD, see also ESENGARD Isengard Fred V, emp D M O & Co, h 34 Union Isengard William, eng'r, Ehrman Brew Co, h 26 Grant Ives Rev Benoni I, D D, Fin Sec'y, Syracuse Univ, h 111 South Ives Frank B, com trav, h 11 Westlake ave Ives J Isabelle, teacher, A H S, bds 111 South Ives Noah E, carpenter, h 92 1/2 Division N Ives Rosanna M, bds 92 1/2 Division N Ivison Emma J, res 179 Genesee Ivison Mary, res 179 Genesee -J- Jack Emma E, dressmaker, h over 32 Dill Jack William H, painter, h over 4 Cayuga Jackson Albert J, laborer, bds 43 Division S Jackson Albert M, oil merchant, h 43 Division S Jackson Andrew, Jr, d'v'y clerk, 159 State. bds 138 E Genesee Jackson Cora M, seamstress, bds 140 Perrine Jackson David H, laborer, bds 43 Division S Jackson E Morrison, laborer, h 7 Washington Jackson Fred A, bds 138 E Genesee Jackson Grace A, cashier, 109 Genesee, res 7 Adams Jackson Henry, mechanic, bds 138 E Genesee Jackson Harriet F, domestic, 84 North Jackson Jacob, laborer, h 12 1/2 Barber Jackson John, bell hopper, Osborne House, 77 State Jackson John, carpenter, h Arlington ave, south end Jackson John Fred, res 12 1/2 Barber Jackson John W, laborer, bds 6 Cornell Jackson Mary E, bds 12 1/2 Barber Jackson Minnie A, attendant, bds 12 Barber Jackson M Louise, bds 43 Division S Jackson Morris, brickmaker, h 25 Division S Jackson Ruth, widow George, h 7 Washington Jackson Mrs Sarah E, laundress, h 6 Cornell Jackson Susan P, bds 6 Cornell Jackson Theodore D, carpenter, h 171 Franklin Jackson Thomas, conductor, L V R R, h 12 Jefferson Jackson Thomas, mill op, h over 28 Frances Jackson Willard, coachman, h over 13 Exchange Jackson William H, res 12 1/2 Barber Jacobs Albert L, emp D M O & Co, bds 62 Fulton Jacobs Clayton E, m'g'r lunch wagon, bds 42 E Genesee Jacobs George H, painter, h 9 South Jacobs George H, laborer, bds 41 Nelson Jacobs George W, mechanic, bds 9 South Jacobs George W, painter, h 30 Dill Jacobs Henry, horse shoer, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Jacobs Israel P, machinist, h 5 Pine Jacobs James, machinist, h 41 Nelson JACOBS JAMES C., pressman, Bulletin, h 10 Liberty Jacobs Lizzie, compositor, bds 62 Fulton Jacobs Melissa N, widow William H, h 62 Fulton Jacobs S Ethel, student, res 5 Pine Jacobs William H, emp D M O & Co, h over 84 Owasco Jacques Frank S, ass't cashier, D M O & Co, res 6 1/2 William Jacques Gertrude K, court stenographer, over 2 Exchange, res 6 1/2 William Jacques John, watchman, D M O & Co, h 27 Fulton Jacquette Allen, emp D M O & Co, bds 37 Mechanic Jacquette Dey, blacksmith, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Jaeckel Andrew, brewer, 132 York, h E Genesee n limits Jaeckel Charles H, musician, bds 3 Florence Jaeckel Christian, moulder, h 15 standart ave Jaeckel E Adelia, teacher, Grover St Sch, bds 3 Florence Jaeckel Elizabeth P, nurse, res 3 Florence JAECKEL JOHN P., N Y State Treas, h 29 Fulton Jaeckel Julia H, dressmaker, bds 3 Florence Jaeckel Peter, clerk, state Treas'r dep't, h 3 Florence Jago Abram, boiler maker, h 36 Frances Jago Abram, Jr, boiler maker, bds 36 Frances Jago Abram A, laborer, bds 30 Logan Jago Agnes T, student Aub Bus Coll, bds 36 Frances Jago Catherine L, button op, bds 30 Logan Jago Catherine, widow William, h 30 Logan Jago Gertrude M, salesclerk, bds 30 Logan Jago Helen G, weaver, bds 36 Frances Jago Henry P, barber, 41 1/2 State, h 22 Burt ave Jago Hugh S, machinist, bds 30 Logan Jago Kathleen J, mill op, bds 36 Frances Jago Mary G, clerk, bds 30 Logan Jago Robert J, laborer, bds 30 Logan Jago Samuel F X, meat cutter, bds 30 Logan Jago William A, iron worker, bds 36 Frances Jago William F, keeper, Matteawan Asylum, res 30 Logan James Harry F, emp D M O & Co, bds 64 Lansing James Margaret, widow Richard, h over, 42 Nelson James Paul A, carriage maker, 24 E Genesee, res 109 Mechanic James Richard A, moulder, h 64 Lansing James William, gardener, h 147 Lake ave JAMESON, see also JAMISON Jameson Fannie S, shoe op, bds over 7 John Jameson William H, clerk, Aub Agency D M O & Co, h 36 Capitol Jeffrey Charles L, mechanical engineer, 101 Orchard, h 18 Ross Place JEMISON, see also JAMESON Jemison Andrew, weaver, h 10 Wright ave Jemison Andrew, Jr, moulder, bds 10 Wright ave Jemison James, coremaker, bds 10 Wright ave Jemison Mary E, res 10 Wright ave Jemison William, woodworker, bds 10 Wright ave Jenkins Amelia, widow Joseph, res 148 Van Anden Jenkins Elizabeth, res 112 North Jenkins George, prison keeper, h 9 Beach ave JENKINS JAMES M., physician and surgeon, office and res 162 Genesee Hours 7 to 9 A M, 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 P M Jenkins Louis E, college student, res 162 Genesee Jenkins Mehitable, widow William E, h over 3 Sherwood JENKINS MRS. NETTIE E., physician and surgeon, office and res 162 Genesee Hours, 1 to 4 P M Jenkins William P, pattern maker, rooms 6 Chapel Jenks Adaline, widow George W, h 74 E Genesee Jenks Alice A, bds 74 E Genesee Jenks Charles N, agent, h 18 Morris Jenn Joseph E, manager Ehrman Bottling Works, 127 Clark, res 33 Washington Jenney George, spinner, bds 242 Seymour Jenney Mahlon D, painter, h 40 1/2 Grant ave Jennier John A, carpenter, h 56 Elizabeth JENNINGS CHARLES W., city street sup't, office City Hall, h 7 Beach ave Jennings Daniel, wagon maker, bds 7 Beach ave Jennings Daniel W, frame maker, over 4 Exchange, h 87 Fulton Jennings Edgar S, (Jennings' Art Store,) 4 and 6 Exchange, h 13 Westlake ave Jennings Elizabeth, housekeeper, res 165 Cottage Jennings Ella M, domestic, 33 South (ref) Jennings Frank A, student, res 9 Easterly ave Jennings Hattie J, bds 87 Fulton Jennings Louis N, engineer, h over 165 State Jennings Mae E, enq 97 North Jennings Nora, attendant, 169 Genesee JENNINGS WILLIAM H.,successor to Trowbridge & Jennings, dealer in pictures, views, frames, wall papers, shades, art materials, etc, etc, 4 and 6 Exchange, h 9 Easterly ave (see end of book) Jensen Mrs Josephine, mill op, bds over 2 Fulton Jensen Nels, twine op, h over 2 Fulton JEREMIAH JAMES J., (Aub Roofing Co,) h over 68 Mary Jerow James W, mason, h 6 1/2 York Jerow John D, iron roller, bds 6 1/2 York Jerow Matie E, salesclerk, "Kiemele's," res 6 1/2 York Jerow M Henry, mill op, bds 6 1/2 York Jeschike Frederick W, shoe cutter, h 23 Frazee Jetty Frederick, emp D M O & Co, h over 253 State Jetty Paul, iron worker, bds 46 1/2 Orchard Jewell Rev Charles E, pastor, Wall St M E Ch, h 138 Van Anden Jewell Charles E, wood turner, etc, 3 Greene, h 17 James Jewell Charles J, dental student, res 138 Van Anden Jewell Corwin T, delivery clerk, 9 Clark, bds 138 Van Anden Jewell John S, carpenter, h 49 Perry Jewell Maude N, res 138 Van Anden JEWETT, see also JUETT Jewett Grace R, res 3 Steel Jewett May W, teacher, Cent Gram Sch, bds 8 John Jewett Mollie, weaver, bds over 3 Genesee Jewhurst Edward B, horseman, bds 11 Steel JEWHURST EDWARD J., Chief Engineer, Aub Fire Dep't, H'd'q'rs Dep't Building, Franklin st, h 11 Steel JEWHURST JOSEPH L, capt Hose 2, A F D, h 6 Parsons Jewhurst William J, core maker, bds 11 Steel Jirdinston William C, patent dep't, D M O & Co, h 8 John John Joseph, pedler, bds 247 Genesee Johndrow Clarence F, conductor, A C Ry, h 71 Cottage Johndrow Francis, carpenter, h 198 Clark Johnson Adelbert D, iron worker, h 153 Franklin Johnson Albert N, conductor, L V R R, h 231 Genesee Johnson Andrew H, (Prentice & Johnson) h Janet st ext JOHNSON BENJAMIN T., SALESMAN, 69 Genesee, also treas 2d Sep Co, N G S N Y, h 2 Chapel ave Johnson Carl, mechanic, bds 5 sheldon ave Johnson Charles E, stenographer, 101 Orchard, bds 9 Ross Place Johnson Charles H, mechanic, h over 4 South Johnson Charles H, Jr, mechanic, bds over 4 South Johnson Cornelius B, emp D M O & Co, bds 172 E Genesee Johnson Daisy M, salesclerk, 22 Market, res Owasco Lake Johnson Daisy P, res 73 Cottage Johnson Edna J, res 73 Cottage Johnson Edward D, conductor, A C Ry, h 49 Hamilton ave Johnson Edwin F, shoemaker, bds 73 Cottage Johnson Esther R, widow John, h over 6 South Johnson Fred R, delivery clerk, 12 Dill, bds over 4 South Johnson Fred W, salesman, 10 Genesee, h 51 Moravia Johnson George H, news dealer, 23 Genesee, h 4 Elizabeth Johnson Grace G, attendant, Cayuga Asylum, 66 Owasco Johnson Hannah H, widow Luman, res 61 Perrine Johnson Harry, assistant, 38 Water, bds 4 Academy Johnson Harry S, motorman, A C R'y, bds r 25 Court Johnson Hattie, waitress, 33 South Johnson H Clyde, emp D M O & Co, h 161 North Johnson Henry T, laborer, h 65 Fitch ave Johnson Jane E, widow Nicholas, h 172 E Genesee Johnson Jane H, widow John, bds 9 Lawton ave Johnson Janette L, widow Burdette L, h 73 Cottage Johnson Jay J, shoemaker, h over 23 Academy Johnson Libbie M, widow Edward W, res Janet st ext Johnson Lotta A, laundress, bds 35 Parker Johnson Luther E, trainman, L V R R, h over 276 Genesee Johnson Lydia A, accountant, The Empire Laundry, 12 Dill, res 10 Woodruff Place Johnson Margaret, res 197 State Johnson Margaret, widow Nathaniel, res 34 Holley Johnson Mrs Mary, cook, "Kiemele's," res 5 sheldon ave Johnson Mary E, twine op, bds 4 Academy Johnson Mary L, widow Andrew W, h 188 Genesee Johnson Mrs Minnie, cook, Central House, res 4 Academy Johnson Oscar A, com trav, h 7 Easterly ave Johnson Patrick, laborer, bds 89 1/2 Orchard Johnson Percy H, shoe op, bds 30 Ross Place Johnson Ray G, conductor, L V R R, h 29 Division N Johnson Mrs Royal L, seamstress, h over r 24 E Genesee Johnson Robert J, salesman, bds 73 Cottage Johnson Mrs Sarah, chef, Home Restaurant, 24 North Johnson Sarah A, widow Oliver, h over 17 North Johnson susie E, dressmaker, bds 21 1/2 Seminary ave Johnson Ursula C, widow Thomas, h 2 Orchard ave Johnson Walter V, student, Theo Sem, res do Johnson William, res 21 1/2 Seminary ave Johnson William D, painter, bds 20 Beach ave JOHNSON WILLIAM H.,prop'r Empire Hand Laundry, also Custom Shirt Manufacturer, 12 Dill, h 10 Woodruff Place A trial of our work is the best test of its merits Goods called for and delivered without delay (Our Custom Shirt Department is stocked with all of the latest designs, in all qualities, to suit the taste and purse of buyers) Johnson William M, brakeman, L V R R, h 46 Orchard Johnson Winnie A, shoe cutter, bds over 17 North Johnston Alfred J, emp D M O & Co, bds 22 1/2 Holley Johnston Charles, mechanic, bds 15 Logan Johnston David, engineer, h 53 Seward ave Johnston Edgar A, twine op, bds 192 Seymour Johnston E Gilbert, machinist, h 15 Logan Johnston Fred S, shipping clerk, 22 Market, bds 53 Seward ave Johnston Frederick, machinist, bds 28 Washington Johnston Frederick S, salesman, 22 Market, h 51 Moravia Johnston George E, lunch rooms, 83 state, bds 15 Logan Johnston George W, driver, Am Ex Co, h 9 Academy Johnston Janette, widow Marshall K, h 192 Seymour Johnston Katie, attendant, 84 E Genesee Johnston Le Roy, salesman, 22 Market, bds 53 Seward ave Johnston Lucetta T, widow Charles M, h 9 Academy Johnston Margaret M, dressmaker, bds 77 Cornell Johnston William, barkeeper, 21 North, h over 11 do Johr Jennie, attendant, The Avery, 32 to 42 State Joice Michael, laborer, h 4 O'Neil ave Jolin Adelard, scythe op, bds 170 Van Anden Jolin George, scythe maker, bds 170 Van Anden Jones Ada E, teacher James St Sch, bds 60 Division N Jones Adelbert K, mill op, bds 145 Lake ave Jones Adelbert M, salesman, 199 Seymour, bds 45 Barber Jones Alice M, organist, 2d Presbyterian Ch, bds 5 1/2 Cayuga Jones Alida E, button op, bds 16 Perrine Jones Anna, domestic, 8 John Jones Benjamin, mason, bds 33 Melrose Jones Bertha E, accountant, 60 Division N, res do Jones Bird F, student, bds 1 1/2 Sheridan Jones Blanche C, shoe op, bds 26 Lansing Jones Bridget, shoe op, bds 236 Seymour Jones Celestia, widow James V, h 2 Tehan ave Jones Charles, chef de cuisine, New Nat'l Hotel Jones Charles E, machinist, h 70 Prospect Jones Charles W, U S Army, res 50 Mechanic Jones David E, master mechanic, D M O & Co, h 185 Seymour Jones Edith A, bds 50 Mechanic Jones edward, hammersman, h 33 Division S Jones Elmer A, twine op, bds 8 Perrine Jones Emma A, widow Edward, h 16 Perrine Jones Mrs Emma B, shoe op, bds 26 Lansing Jones Floyd, milk pedler, bds 253 North Jones Francis, laborer, h over 56 Cornell Jones Frank, mechanic, bds 12 1/2 Union Jones Fred B, teacher of languages, bds 1 Sheridan Jones Fred M, mechanic, bds 32 Seminary Jones Frederick A, optician, h 1 1/2 Sheridan Jones Gale L, engineer, 18 Water, bds 30 Lincoln Jones George, U S Army, res 50 Mechanic Jones George E, emp L V R R, bds 16 Perrine Jones George W, wood worker, h 120 Division S Jones Gertrude A, widow fred G, acc't, 75 Genesee, h 3 Mc Master Jones Hardy T, laborer, bds 73 Fitch ave Jones Harry, teamster, bds 73 Fitch ave Jones Harry E, accountant, res 3 Sherman Jones Harry L, emp D M O & Co, bds 91 Van Anden Jones Hattie, widow Benjamin, bds over 19 Barber Jones Henry, teamster, h over 56 Cornell Jones Hezekiah, bookkeeper, 137 Genesee, h 8 Park ave Jones Howard C, twine op, bds 145 Lake ave Jones James A, bookkeeper, Cay Co Nat'l B'k, h 173 E Genesee Jones James V, shoe op, bds 2 1/2 Tehan ave Jones Jane, widow Albert, h over 23 Court Jones John, mill op, bds 294 State Jones Mrs Josephine, res 23 Court Jones Katie, housekeeper, 125 Division S Jones Lastly, machinist, h over 14 Washington Jones Lavinia, widow Increase, res 26 Grant ave Jones Lewis, wood worker, h 91 Van Anden Jones Lewis H, porter, 13 Genesee. h 15 Moravia Jones Lizzie A, widow George, bds 58 Cottage Jones Louise E, bds 73 Fitch ave Jones Lucy A, widow John, h 15 Moravia Jones Lucy M, mill op, bds 28 Division N Jones Mabel, res 185 Seymour Jones M Adelbert, delivery clerk, bds 45 Barber Jones Margaret M, maid, 24 Washington Jones Maria A, widow John L, bds 28 Moravia Jones Mrs Martha E, laundress, h 73 Fitch ave Jones Martin V, emp D M O & Co, h 50 Mechanic Jones Mattie, (Winegar & Jones,) res 50 State Jones Michael, emp D M O & Co, bds over 19 1/2 North Jones Minnie, mill op, bds 145 Lake ave Jones Minnie A, organist, res over 23 Court Jones Morgan, blacksmith, h 45 Barber Jones Mrs Nellie L, h over 30 Seminary Jones Noel C, delivery clerk, h 14 Beardsley ave Jones Richard, res 8 Park ave Jones Rixie, widow Robert J, h 145 Lake ave Jones Sarah M, widow Charles W, bds 5 Evans Jones Sophia, widow William R, h 5 1/2 Cayuga Jones Sylvia, widow Griffith W, h 12 Myrtle ave JONES THOMAS, dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats, Fish, Oysters and Poultry also Canned Goods and Country Produce, 57 North, h 3 Sherman (See card) Jones Mrs Timothy, attendant, Lewis House, 35 Chapel JONES WILLIAM, dealer in fresh, salt and smoked meats, also sausage manufacturer, 60 Division N, h do Jones William, mason, h 80 Cottage Jones William A, emp D M O & Co, bds 29 Barber Jones William E, wholesale and retail paper dealer, 20 Market, res 12 Lewis Jones William F, carpenter, h 28 Van Anden Jones William H, grinder, h 18 1/2 Barber Jones William O, laborer, h 76 Franklin Jones Willis, emp D M O & Co, bds 91 Van Anden Jordan Alexander, clerk, bds 92 Perrine Jordan Anton, emp D M O & Co, h 92 Perrine Jordan Carl F, shipping clerk, bds 92 Perrine Jordan Edward, mechanic, bds 57 Pulsifer Jordan Frank A, grocer, 191 State, bds 92 Perrine Jordan Fred, twine op, bds 92 Perrine Jordan Frederick, emp N Y C R R, h 5 Hulbert Jordan John A, mechanic, h over 75 Perrine Jordan Orin, brakeman, L V R R, bds 5 Hulbert Jordan T Frank, shoemaker, h 2 Logan Jose William, salesman, 31 Genesee, bds 4 James Joslyn William, emp D M O & Co, bds 16 Chapel Joslyn William, teamster, h 133 Cottage Joyce John W, guard, Woman's Prison, h 228 State Judge Alice M, seamstress, bds 25 Court Judge Mary A, principal, Grover St Sch, res 30 South Judson A De Mont, delivery clerk, 12 Market, h 55 1/2 Capitol JUETT, see also JEWETT Julian John, emp D M O & Co, bds rear 137 South June Jesse G, transitman, L V R R, h 12 William June Martha M, widow Soloman, res 99 Wall Juozkiews Franconia, iron worker, bds 69 Perrine
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