ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart -
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato


Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Kabbe Frederick, teamster, bds 113 Orchard						

Kahl Adolph, barber, 96 Genesee, bds 114 Mechanic						

Kahl Anna, mill op, bds 115 Owasco						

Kahl Anna, widow Frank, res 35 1/2 Frances						

Kahl Delia, mill op, bds 115 Owasco						

Kahl Frank E, emp D M O & Co, h 35 1/2 Frances						

Kahl Frederick E, cigar maker, h 35 Frances						

Kahl Gustave, mill op, h 115 Owasco						

Kahl Joseph, mill op, h 114 Mechanic						

Kahl Joseph, Jr, mechanic, bds 114 Mechanic						

Kahl Lena, mill op, bds 114 Mechanic						

Kahn Leopold, salesman, 22 and 24 State, bds 4 Westlake ave						

Kaiser Adam, h over 47 North						

Kaiser Albert, emp D M O & Co, h 15 Chase						

Kaisar (sic) Johann, barber, 74 Genesee, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North						

Kaltenborn Alfred A, painter, h 4 Burt ave						

Kaltenborn Anthony, painter, h 42 Maple						

Kaltenborn Edward, painter, h 68 Frances						

Kaltenborn Ella, spinner, enq 20 Chapel						

Kaltenborn Frances, spinner, enq 20 Chapel						

Kaltenborn Joseph, laundryman, bds 17 Cayuga						

Kaletzky Abram S, clothing, h 71 Owasco						

Kaletzky Joseph, clothing, 19 1/2 Genesee, bds 71 Owasco						

Kamenz August, mill op, bds 119 Mechanic						

Kamenz Eddie, clerk, bds 119 Mechanic						

Kamenz Elizabeth, mill op, bds 119 Mechanic						

Kamenz Felix, pressman, over 23 genesee, bds 119 Mechanic						

Kamenz Richard, carpenter, bds 119 Mechanic						

Kanalay Anna, dressmaker, bds 5 Mary						

Kanalay Margaret E, widow Jeremiah H, h 23 Barber						

Kanaley Mary, domestic, 195 Genesee						

KANE, see also CAIN						

Kane Amelia, widow Michael H, housekeeper, 114 Van Anden						

Kane Clara E, res 156 Seymour						

Kane Edward C, shoe laster, bds 80 Washington						

Kane Ella, attendant, 169 Genesee						

Kane Frederick J, shoe maker, res 156 Seymour						

Kane Genevieve M, res 156 Seymour						

Kane James E, shoe maker, h 156 Seymour						

Kane Jennie, cook, 174 Genesee						

Kane John J, manager, 77 and 79 Orchard, bds 144 Wall						

Kane Mary, bds 22 Case ave						

Kane Mathew N, laborer, h 13 Baker ave						

Kane Nora, domestic, 18 Westlake ave						

Kane Patrick, emp D M O & Co, bds over 10 Garden						

Kane Thomas J, mechanic, h 75 Van Anden						

Kane William A, shoemaker, res 156 Seymour						

Karn Dwight, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Grant ave						

KARNES, see also CARNES						

Karnes Edward J, shoecutter, h 134 Clark						

Karnes Mary E, housekeeper, res 134 Clark						

Karnes Raymond L, shoe cutter, bds 134 Clark						

KASPER, see also CASPER						

Kastik Stephen, laborer, h 72 Cottage						

Katayma Tay, butler, 196 Genesee						

Katzmer Amelia, compositor, Daily Adv'r, res 16 Augustus						

Katzmer Elizabeth L, dressmaker, bds 16 Augustus						

Katzmer Grace, student, A H S, bds 16 Augustus						

Katzmer Henrietta, student, A H S, bds 16 Augustus						

Katzmer Mary C, weaver, bds 16 Augustus						

Katzmer Paul H, foreman, h 16 Augustus						

Kauffman Frances E, res 90 Perrine						

Kauffman Frank, machinist, h 90 Perrine						

Kauffman Katherine M, button op, bds 90 Perrine						

Kauffman Louisa A, bds 90 Perrine						

Kauffman Martin, blacksmith, h 87 Perrine						

Kauffman Michael, mechanic, bds 87 Perrine						

Kaul John, mechanic, h 1 Swift						

Kaul John, boat builder, h over 109 State						

Kavanagh Anna T, shoe op, bds 27 Myrtle ave						

Kavanagh Catherine, widow Richard, res 57 Division N						

Kavanagh Catharine A, res 15 Barber						

Kavanagh Charles J, painter, bds 76 Wall						

Kavanagh Christopher H, (Devitt & Co,) h 61 Seymour						

KAVANAGH & CO., (T. J. Kavanagh and P. J. Ryan,) importers and direct receivers of Southern Fruits and						
	Vegetables, also Oysters, &c, (wholesale and retail,) 30 State					

Kavanagh Daniel, shoemaker, bds 27 Myrtle ave						

Kavanagh Elizabeth E, res 202 State						

Kavanagh Genevieve A, shoe op, bds 15 Barber						

Kavanagh Henry, painter, h 27 Myrtle ave						

Kavanagh Henry T, machinist, bds 15 Barber 						

Kavanagh Julia, widow John, h 202 State						

Kavanagh Lizzie, weaver, bds 27 Myrtle ave						

Kavanagh Michael T, machinist, bds 15 Barber						

Kavanagh Theressa A, res 202 State						

Kavanagh Thomas H, machinist, h 15 Barber						

KAVANAGH THOMAS J., (Kavanagh & Co,) h 202 State						

Keane Helen A, housekeeper, 34 Ross place						

Keane James, gardener, 203 Genesee, h 34 Ross place						

Keane Margaret, student, A H S, res 34 Ross place						

KEARNEY, see also CARNEY						

Kearney Michael F, prop'r The Hub Clothing Co, 28 State, h 4 Seminary						

KEARNS JOHN H., (Weaver & Kearns,) h 75 Cottage						

KEATING, see also CATON						

Keating Agnes, mill op, bds 65 Hamilton ave						

Keating Anna, domestic, 5 Howard						

Keating Bridget, twine op, bds 65 Hamilton ave						

Keating Catharine, widow Patrick, h 65 Hamilton ave						

Keating Ellen, domestic, 186 Genesee						

Keating Ellen, widow Edward, res 44 Seymour						

Keating Ella T, seamstress, h 18 Walnut						

Keating George J, emp D M O & Co, bds 31 Academy						

Keating John F, mill op, bds 65 Hamilton ave						

Keating Mary, widow John, bds 18 Walnut						

Keating Michael E, emp D M O & Co, bds 65 Hamilton ave						

KEATING MICHAEL L., dealer in Choice Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, 44 Seymour,		
	h do   A Cordial Greeting Extended to All					

Keating Michael H, meat cutter, 165 1/2 State, bds 154 Clark						

Keating Patrick J, emp D M O & Co, bds 65 Hamilton ave						

KEAYES, see KEYES, also KIES						

Keayes William J, artist, h 6 Myrtle ave						

Kedia Ludwig, laborer, bds 93 Perrine						

KEEFE, see also O'KEEFE						

Keefe Anna, housekeeper, 26 Baker ave						

Keefe Anna A, dressmaker, bds 14 James						

Keefe Delia, domestic, 52 1/2 Mary						

Keefe Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 26 Baker ave						

Keefe Eliza A, dressmaker, h 14 James						

Keefe James, conductor, A C Ry, bds 5 Mary						

Keefe James, iron worker, h 26 Baker ave						

Keefe James, mechanic, bds 14 James						

Keefe Jay, hame op, h over 264 Genesee						

Keefe William, painter, bds 46 Cottage						

Keegan Edward, city policeman, h 9 Woodruff place						

Keegan M Ella, laundress, bds 18 Washington						


Keeler Alice J, widow Michael F, h 82 1/2 North						

Keeler Daniel, flagman, N Y C R R, h 15 Rock ave						

Keeler Elizabeth, widow James, nurse, h 106 Seymour						

Keeler Emma A, seamstress, bds over 6 Spring						

Keeler Evelyn, teacher, res over 6 Spring						

KEELER HENRY T., teller, Cay Co Nat B'k, h 15 Seminary ave						

Keeler Johanna A, res 82 1/2 North						

Keeler Joseph M, mailing clerk, D M O & Co, bds 82 1/2 North						

Keeler Katherine, prof of Literature, Wells coll, res 15 Seminary ave						

Keeler Margaret E, tel op, bds 48 Nelson						

Keeler Mary F, student, A H S, res 82 1/2 North						

Keeler Minnie E, houssekeeper, 48 Nelson						

Keeler Nellie F, stenographer, D M O & Co, bds 48 Nelson						

Keeler Preston C, mechanic, bds over 6 Spring						

KEELER RALPH R., ass't cashier, Nat'l Bank of Auburn, h 26 Westlake ave						

Keeler Samuel, h over 6 Spring						

Keeley Anna C, housekeeper, 7 Frederick						

Keeley John E, mill op, h 7 Frederick						

Keeley Joseph E, salesman, 5 North, bds 5 Frederick						

Keeley Joseph P, salesman, 5 North, bds 7 Frederick						

KEELING FRANK A., designer and wood engraver, room 7 Smith B'd'g, over 102 Genesee, bds 55 Market						

Keenan Abbie, housekeeper, 181 Genesee						

Keenan Elizabeth B, button op, bds 32 Frances						

KEENAN FRANK J., (John C. Keenan & Son), h 150 Owasco						

Keenan Hannah, attendant, 76 South						

KEENAN REV. JAMES P., 1st ass't pastor, Holy Family (R. C.) Ch, res 7 Chapel						

KEENAN JOHN C., (John C. Keenan & Son), h 150 Owasco						

KEENAN JOHN C. & SON,(Frank J.) Marble and Granite cuttersn and dealers, 8 E		
	Genesee and N entrance to St Joseph's cemetery, foot of Owasco lake   The construction of					
	marble and granite vaults a specialty   (see page 2)					

Keenan John H, mill op, bds 32 Frances						

Keenan Joseph A, warper, h 23 1/2 Parker						

Keenan Joseph H, iron roller, h 32 Pulsifer						

Keenan Kitty E, music teacher, bds 148 Lake ave						

Keenan Margaret, domestic, 185 North						

Keenan Mary E, silk weaver, bds 32 Frances						

Keenan Miles, mill op, h 32 Frances						

Keenan Miles F, clerk, D M O & Co, bds 32 Frances						

Keenan Rose, attendant, 183 Genesee						

Keenan Theresa W, res 32 Frances						

Keenan Thomas P, iron roller, bds 32 Pulsifer						

Keenan William H, stone cutter, h 66 Cottage						

Keeney Rev Fred T, P E M E ch, h 7 Ross Place						

KEHOE, see also KEOUGH						

Kehoe Alice, widow Christopher, h 9 West						

Kehoe Anna, shoe op, bds 41 Walnut						

Kehoe Anna, shoe op, bds 9 West						

Kehoe Annie, attendant, 79 South						

Kehoe Christopher, hammersman, bds 9 West						

Kehoe Daniel, mason tender, bds 29 Howard						

Kehoe George, twine op, bds 41 Walnut						

Kehoe James, carpenter, h 72 Mary						

Kehoe James, meat market, 81 State, h 58 Water						

Kehoe James J, mill op, bds 29 Howard						

Kehoe Jennie T, box maker, bds 58 Water						

Kehoe John, mason, h 29 Howard						

Kehoe John, sawyer, h rear 9 Frances						

Kehoe Lizzie, mill op, bds 9 West						

Kehoe Martin, delivery clerk, 1 Genesee, bds 29 Howard						

Kehoe Mary A, shoe op, bds 41 Walnut						

Kehoe Michael, twine op, h over 171 Seymour						

Kehoe Michael A, twine op, bds 41 Walnut						

Kehoe Michael, laborer, h 41 Walnut						

Kehoe Miles, emp D M O & Co, bds 29 Howard						

Kehoe Miles S, meat cutter, 81 State, h 4 Cross						

Kehoe Minnie, mill op, bds 9 West						

Kehoe Nellie, seamstress, bds 22 Van Anden						

Kehoe Philip S, emp D M O & Co, bds 24 North						

Kehoe Rose A, attendant, 162 State						

Kehoe Rose E, domestic, 103 E Genesee						

Kehoe William W, bicycle op, bds 41 Walnut						

Keiber Philip, emp D M O & Co, h 21 Union						

KEIL ADOLPH, (Keil & Downer,) bookeeper, Aub Sav Bank, also agent German Line of Steamers, 74						
	Genesee, res 200 do					

KEIL & DOWNER, (Adolph Keil and Wm. S. Downer,) agents English and German Line of Steamers,						
	also Fire Insurance, office, Aub Sav Bank, 74 Genesee					

Keim Charles S, button op, bds 135 Mechanic						

Keim Christopher, laborer, bds 135 Mechanic						

Keim Jacob, carpenter, h 135 Mechanic						

Keim Jacob W, carpenter, bds 135 Mechanic						

Keirst Angeline J, weaver, bds 10 Union						

Keirst Catherine M, weaver, bds 10 Union						

Keirst Martin D, temperer, bds 10 Union						

Keirst Michael A, boiler maker, h 46 Pulsifer						

Keirst Nicholas, emp D M O & Co, h 10 Union						

Keith Mrs Hattie, h 47 Perry						

Keith Schuyler C, extracts, rooms 84 Fulton						


Keliher Dan J, carpenter, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North						

Keliher Thomas, blacksmith, h 250 State						

Kell John, machinist, h 30 Wood						

Kelland Edith F, stenographer, res 21 Frazee						

Kelland Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds 66 Lansing						

KELLAND JOHN B., (7) letter carrier, h 21 Frazee						

Kelland William H, machinist, h 19 Frazee						

Kellar Irving W, emp D M O & Co, bds 65 1/2 Perrine						

Kellar Peter H, machinist, h 165 Seymour						

Kellar Raymond J, barber, 188 1/2 State, bds 65 1/2 Perrine						

Kellar William F, m'g'r Windsor Hotel, 161 State, h 65 1/2 Perrine						

KELLEY, see also KELLY						

Kelley Edward F, core maker, bds 35 Morris						

Kelley James B, emp D M O & Co, bds 15 Chestnut 						

KELLEY J. B., clerk, Osborne House, 77 State						

KELLEY J. E. H., prop'r Osborne House, 77 State cor Water						

Kelley Mrs John, widow, res Osborne House, 77 State						

Kelley Joseph E, shoe op, bds 15 Chestnut						

Kelley Lynton G, coal clerk, E D C M'f'g Co, res 211 Seymour						

Kelley Mary, widow Bernard, bds 48 Owasco						

Kelley Mary, widow Thomas T, boarding house 47 State						

Kelley Mary T, shoe op, bds 15 Chestnut						

Kelley Mathew J, mechanic, h 187 Seymour						

Kelley Michael, saloon, 48 Owasco, h do						

Kelley Mollie E, accountant, 86 and 88 State, res over do						

Kelley Nellie L, widow Sanford W, h 211 Seymour						

Kelley Patrick, moulder, h 15 Chestnut						

Kelley Peter F, salesman, 85 Genesee, h 108 Owasco						

Kelley Peter J, plumber, h 35 Morris						

KELLEY RICHARD C., proprietor Troy Steam Laundry, 86 and 88 State, h over 88 do			
	(See adv)    Unequaled facilities for executing all kinds of laundry work in a perfect manner					

Kelley Sylvester J, laborer, h 112 Van Anden						

KELLEY WILLIAM H., clerk, Osborne House, 77 State						

Kelley William J, moulder, h 185 State						

Kellogg Augustus C, student, Theo Sem, res do						

Kellogg Daniel J, forman, Birdsall Co, h 18 Orchard						

KELLY, see also KELLEY						

Kelly Anna, mill op, bds 49 Lansing						

Kelly Anna E, widow Mathew, bds 49 Lansing						

Kelly Arthur, city mission, res over 106 State						

Kelly Bernard J, shoe op, bds 112 Van Anden						

Kelly Bridget, domestic, 6 Pine						

Kelly Catherine, mill op, bds 5 Mary						

Kelly Catherine, weaver, bds 7 Mary						

Kelly Catherine A, bds 14 Van Anden						

Kelly Charles H, music teacher, bds 21 Chapel						

Kelly Daniel, emp D M O & Co, bds over 78 Genesee						

Kelly Dennis, gardener, h 49 Lansing						

Kelly Edward, gardener, h 21 Chapel						

Kelly Edward P, wood worker, h 331 Genesee						

Kelly Elizabeth, weaver, bds 7 Mary						

Kelly Ella, shoe op, bds 49 Lansing						

Kelly George W, baggage agent, N Y C & H R R R, h 7 John						

Kelly Jennie L, shoe op, bds 112 Van Anden						

Kelly John H, mason tender, h over 9 Genesee						

Kelly Lizzie, mill op, bds 5 Mary						

Kelly Mary, domestic, 63 South						

Kelly Mary, attendant, 77 South						

Kelly Michael W, shoe op, bds 112 Van Anden						

Kelly Patrick F, shoe op, bds 25 Washington						

Kelly Patrick F, twine op, h 14 Van Anden						

Kelly William J, salesman, bds 21 Chapel						

Kelly William J, clerk, h 185 State						

Kelmsk Jacob, emp D M O & Co, h over 42 1/2 Pulsifer						

Kelsey Adelaide R, widow Sidney, nurse, h over 16 Fulton						

Kelsey Delgenia, bds 3 Dexter ave						

Kelsey George T, res 31 Orchard						

Kelsey James, laborer, h under 14 1/2 Barber						

Kelsey Maude M, teacher, James St Sch, bds over 16 Fulton						

Kelsey Royden H, accountant, bds 4 Sherman						

KELSEY THEODORE, foreman, job dep't, Bulletin, h 31 Orchard						

Kelsey Webster, salesman, 103 Genesee, h 4 Sherman						

Kelts Charles A, machinist, h 14 Washington						

KEMBLE, see also KIMBALL						

Kemble Charles E, h 37 Perry						

Kemble Herbert W, machinist, h 12 Elm						

Kemp Francis J, wood worker, bds 15 Swift						

Kemp Sarah A, widow Andrew G, res 15 Swift						

Kemeig William, laborer, h 17 Coon						

Kendrick Permelia C, res 35 Wood						

Kenfield John, dining car, 44 Market, h over 20 do						

Kenna Dennis, emp D M O & Co, bds 46 Cottage						

Kenna Lawrence, emp D M O & Co, h r 46 Cottage						

Kennedy Bessie, teacher, Evans St Sch, bds 42 fulton						

Kennedy Catherine E, weaver, bds 214 Perrine ave						

Kennedy Daniel, shoe cutter, bds 20 Coon						

Kennedy Edith, attendant, 86 South						

Kennedy Frances S, student, A H S, bds 40 Grover						

Kennedy James, iron worker, h 20 Coon						

Kennedy Jannette M, widow Arthur S, h 26 Grant ave						

Kennedy Joseph, shoe op, bds 214 Perrine ave						

Kennedy Margaret M, mill op, bds 214 Perrine ave						

Kennedy Mary, mill op, bds 20 1/2 Division N						

Kennedy Mary c, housekeeper, h over 24 Wood						

Kennedy Michael, farmer, h 214 Perrine ave						

Kennedy Michael, laborer, bds 141 Clark						

Kennedy Michael, shoemaker, h over 101 Cottage						

Kennedy Norma, res 42 Fulton						

Kennedy Norman H, h 42 Fulton						

Kennedy Olive, cook, 86 South						

Kennedy Patrick J, blacksmith, h 22 Seymour						

KENNEDY SAMUEL V.,General supt, D. M. O. & Co., h 40 Grover		

Kennedy Thomas, dyer, h 20 1/2 Division N						

Kennedy William, laborer, bds 46 Cottage						

KENNEY see KINNE, also KINNEY						

Kenney Annis D, principal, North st sch, bds 73 Seymour						

Kenney George, carpenter, bds 46 Cottage						

Kenney Hettie, h 73 Seymour						

Kenney John, twine op, bds 3 Colburn ave						

Kenney Maria, h 73 Seymour						

Kenney Mary, cook, 34 Grover						

Kenney Maurice J, laborer, h 10 1/2 Walnut						

Kenney Michael J, boilermaker, bds 3 Colburn ave						

Kenney Oscar J, shoe cutter, bds 3 Hulbert						

Kenney Thomas, emp D M O & Co, h 26 Mattie						

Kenney William, twine op, bds 21 Chapel						

Kenney Frank H M, drug clerk, 141 State, bds 62 Cottage						

Kenney Michael F, prison guard, h 62 Cottage						

Kent Angeline, widow J Harrison, enq over 8 South						

Kent Joseph, carpenter, bds over 27 Genesee						

KENT HON. NATHAN, City Recorder, office City Hall, h 14 Grant ave,    Hours 9 A M to 12 M and 2 to 4 P M						

Kent Nettie, widow Horace, h 23 Seymour						

Kent Oscar E, mechanic, bds 21 Elm						

Kent & Wilder, (Wm X Kent and James J Wilder), hair dressers, 143 State						

Kent William X, (Kent & Wilder), h 67 1/2 Van Anden						

Kenty Andrew, laborer, h 6 O'Neil ave						

Kenyon Edna F, bds 86 Washington						

Kenyon Elbert S, machinist, bds 86 Washington						

Kenyon Foster, bds 30 Capitol						

Kenyon William E, machinist, h 86 Washington						

Keogan Augustus, office attendant, over 112 Genesee, bds 66 Holley						

Keogan Dennis J, shoe cutter, bds 66 Holley						

Keogan Edward J, core maker, bds 66 Holley						

Keogan Eliza M, button op, bds 66 Holley						

Keogan Margaret M, shoe op, bds 66 Holley						

Keogan Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds over 19 1/2 North						

KEOUGH see also KEHOE						

Keough Jennie, box maker, bds 63 Washington						

Keough John, sawyer, h 108 Lewis						

Keough Miles S, meat market, h 4 Cross						

Keppel Charles H, painter, h 171 State						

KERN see also CURRAN						

Kern Bessie M, res 6 Washington						

Kernance annie, chambermaid, Osborne House, 77 State						

KERR, see CARR, also KARR						

Kerr James, grocer, h 164 State						

KERR J. HENRY  (Hurlburt & Kerr), lawyer, also Com'r of Deeds, res 164 State						

Kerr Mansfield B, auctioneer, h 46 Clark						

Kerr William M, bill distributor, bds 46 Clark						

KERRICK CHARLES S.,  Harvard Dental Parlors, office over 141 Genesee						

KERSLAKE HARRY A.,Licensed Plumber and Contractor also Steam Fitter and dealer in			
	supplies, 20 E Genesee, h 94 Lansing   All kinds of Furnaces Cleaned and Repaired					

Kersten George C, student, Theo Sem, res 113 Fulton						

KERWIN, see also KIRWAN						

Kesselling Tony, pastry cook, Osborne House, 77 State						

Ketcham Anna, widow Henry, housekeeper, 80 Cottage						

Ketcham anna P, dressmaker, bds 15 Grover						

KETCHAM HENRY H.  (Harvard Dental Parlors), h 96 Washington						

Ketcham Herman B, foreman, Emp M'f'g Co, h 96 Washington						

KETCHAM, TELLER & KERRICK  (H. H. Ketcham, W. E. Teller and C. S. Kerrick), surgeon dentists						
	         Harvard Dental Parlors, 			141 Genesee over Big Store		

Ketchum Irving W, student, Theo Sem, res 80 E Genesee						

KEYES see KEAYES also KIES						

Keyes Eliza W, housekeeper, 27 Van Anden						

Keyes Emma, cashier, 78 Genesee, res 37 1/2 Franklin						

Keyes Frank E, teamster, h 126 Division S						

Keyes Jennie E, widow Daniel B, h 12 1/2 John						

Keyes Louis W, mechanic, bds 27 Van Anden						

Keyes William R, book seller and stationer, also news and periodicals, 78 Genesee, h 37 1/2 Franklin						

KHUNER NOBERT C., with the Ehrman Brewing Co, h 13 William						

Kholburn C Belle, waitress, 30 Lincoln						

Kick Maria, widow William, res 269 Seymour						

Kick William, laborer, bds 11 Augustus						

Kidder Erastus B, machinist, h 21 Barber						

Kidder Mrs Mary E, res 21 Barber						

Kidney-Brigden Co  (The), H R Kidney, pres and treas, C W Storke, vice pres and sec'y, silk goods						
	manufacturers, 44 Washington					

Kidney Harry R, pres and treas The Kidney-Bridgen Co, also civil service com'r, h 31 Easterly ave						

Kiemele Charles E, salesman, "Kiemele's Bakery," res 8 Seminary ave						

Kiemele Fred, salesman, "Kiemele's Bakery," h 65 Owasco						

Kiemele Mrs Genevieve, accountant, 75 Owasco, h 65 do						

Kiemele Henry, Manufacturer, also Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fine Baked Goods			
	and Confectionery   Jobber for National Biscuit Co   Proprietor Bakery   Lunch and Dining					
	Hall, 23 and 25 E Genesee   Branch store 42 North, res 8 Seminary ave   (See adv, next page)					

KIES, see KEAYES, also KEYES						

Kies Mrs Alice Wood, nurse, res 1 Sheridan						

Kies Etsel, quarryman, bds 1 Sheridan						

Kies William P, grocer, h 1 Sheridan						

Kiessel Paul, brewer, h over 50 State						

Kilburn Allan, carpenter, h 5 Grove ave						

Kilburn Alonzo, laborer, h 5 Grove ave						

Kilburn John A, piano op, h 35 Mary						

Kilburn William, shoe op, bds 5 Grove ave						

Kiley Bridget, weaver, bds 3 Baker ave						

Kiley Helen T, mill op, bds 34 Garrow						

Kiley James, mechanic, h 33 Garrow						

Kiley John, sexton, St Mary's Ch, h 15 Clark						

Kiley Joseph P, shoe op, bds 34 Garrow						

Kiley Mamie, shoe op, bds 33 Garrow						

Kiley Margaret, housekeeper, 13 Cross						

Kiley Mary, widow William, h 38 Bradford						

Kiley Michael, gardener, h 6 Railroad ave						

Kiley Michael, iron heater, bds 13 Cross						

Kiley Nellie, domestic, 43 Grover						

Kiley Patrick, coachman, 211 Genesee, h 34 Garrow						

Kiley Robert, emp A C R'y, bds 58 Van Anden						

Kiley Thomas, coachman, 124 North, bds do						

Kiley Thomas, iron worker, bds 13 Cross						

Kilgennon Lizzie, attendant, The Avery, 32 to 42 State						

Kilgore William R, h over 12 Exchange						

Kilman Joseph, laborer, h 34 Havens ave						

Kilman Joseph, Jr, mechanic, bds 34 Havens ave						

Kilmer Alice C, widow Adelbert, h 35 Delevan						

Kilmer Edward W, machinist, h 100 Marvine ave						

Kilmer Evaline H, widow Ezra W, res 102 Marvine ave						

Kilmer Joseph A, emp D M O & Co, h 13 Chestnut						

Kilmer Lizzie E, widow William, bds 12 Hoffman						

Kilmer Peter B, carpenter, h 8 Orchard						

Kilmer Stella M, housekeeper, 13 Chestnut						

Kilmer William H, mechanic, bds over 13 Chestnut						

KIMBALL, see also KEMBLE						

Kimball Augustus, mechanic, res 9 South						

Kimball Charles H, emp D M O & Co, h 20 Wood						

Kimball Christopher A, garment cutter, h 6 Hulbert						

Kimball Christopher C, moulder, h over 27 Wood						

Kimball Grace E, wrapper op, bds 21 Pleasant						

Kimball Leonard, porter, Lewis House, 35 Chapel						

Kimball Loring E, machinist, h 8 Delevan						

Kimball Margaret A, widow Smith B, h 21 Pleasant						

Kimball Smith B, accountant, h 21 Pleasant						

Kimberly Elsie, widow Leroy H, h 6 Logan						

Kimberley Frederick G, salesman, 57 Genesee, bds 7 Franklin						

Kimmock William, laborer, h 17 Coon						

Kimmock William, Jr, button op, bds 17 Coon						

Kimner Annie J, weaver, bds 73 Division N						

Kimner eugene, mechanic, bds 73 Division N						

Kimner Frank, mechanic, bds 73 Division N						

Kimner Odele, widow Eugene, h 73 Division N						

Kinary Martin, mechanic, h 111 Orchard						

KINCHELEY, see also KINSELLA						

Kincheley Bridget, widow Michael, h over 11 Chestnut						

Kincheley Gertrude G, dressmaker, bds 18 Howard						

Kincheley James J, cloth fuller, h 18 Howard						

Kincheley Mamie, attendant, h over 17 North						

Kincheley Mary, housekeeper, over 11 Chestnut						

Kincheley Michael, mill op, bds 25 Gaylord						

King Andrew H, bds 124 Owasco						

King Anna, widow Thomas, bds 11 Wallace ave						

King Artemas C, h 183 Seymour						

King Arthur H, farmer, h 11 Wallace ave						

King Benjamin, laborer, h 29 Fitch ave						

KING BERT, orchestra leader, Boone's Palace Theatre, 47 Market, also professor, composer, and						
	arranger of music, studio and res The Brunswick Flats, 55 Market					

King Blanche I, widow Charles O, bds 23 Sherman						

King Charles W, musician, h 35 Nelson						

King Chester, emp D M O & Co, bds 19 Mann						

King Mrs Emma J, res 46 Clark						

King Eugene, salesman, 104 Genesee, bds 37 Nelson						

King Frances B, shoe op, bds 47 Perrine						

King Fred, cabinet maker, bds Radney House, 34 E Genesee						

King George W, carpenter, h 12 Paul						

King George W, student, Theo Sem, res do						

King Grace I, bds 12 Paul						

King Henry B, carpenter, bds 12 Paul						

King Jennie, attendant, 174 Genesee						

King Joseph, h 33 Division S						

King Julia C, twine op, bds 47 Perrine						

King Mary E, weaver, bds 47 Perrine						

King Nellie G, seamstress, bds 12 Paul						

King Obadiah, sash maker, h 44 Cayuga						

King Patrick, blacksmith, h 11 Underwood						

King Paul, carpenter, bds 80 Washington						

King Rose J, domestic, over 1 Division S						

King thomas, moulder, h 47 Perrine						

KingThomas J, laborer, bds 47 Perrine 						

King Mrs Thomas, h 11 Wallace ave						

King William, teamster, bds 9 Derby ave						

King William C, mechanic, bds 49 Lansing						

King William F, carpenter builder, h 37 Nelson						

King William W, farmer, h 11 Wallace ave						

Kingsbury Frank D, hairdresser, 147 Clark, h 11 William						

Kingkiner J Elmer, city mission, res over 106 State						

KINNE, see KENNEY, also KINNEY						

Kinne Erastus M, sup't, 305 Genesee, h 248 do						

Kinne Frank M, machinist, bds 248 Genesee						

Kinne Raymond W, student, A H S, bds 248 Genesee						

KINNEY, see KINNE, also KENNEY						

Kinney John, mechanic, bds 65 Clark						

Kinney William, mechanic, bds 48 Clark						

Kinney William, mechanic, h over 107 State						

Kinscher Mrs Caroline, laundress, h over 18 E Genesee						

Kinscher Effie, domestic, bds over 18 E Genesee						

Kinscher Martha C, domestic, bds over 18 E Genesee						

KINSELLA, see also KINCHELEY						

Kinsella Alice A, weaver, bds 182 Seymour						

Kinsella Anna S, button op, bds 69 Van Anden						

Kinsella Anna S, accountant, Aub Button Works, bds 249 Genesee						

Kinsella Catherine, widow John, h 22 Owasco						

Kinsella Dennis, shoe op, bds 182 Seymour						

Kinsella James F, shoe op, bds 49 Bradford						

Kinsella James F, shoe op, bds 182 Seymour						

Kinsella John J, pattern maker, bds 69 Van Anden						

Kinsella Lizzie E, h 14 1/2 Chapel						

Kinsella Luke, moulder, h 182 Seymour						

Kinsella Mamie, res 128 1/2 Van Anden						

Kinsella Mary A, dressmaker, res 14 1/2 Chapel						

Kinsella Mary G, milliner, bds 22 Owasco						

Kinsella Mary R, weaver, bds 182 Seymour						

Kinsella Mathaw (sic) J, shoe op, bds 182 Seymour						

Kinsella Michael A, student, bds 22 Owasco						

Kinsella Peter, barnman, Peacock's, bds 1 E Genesee						

Kinsella Peter, blacksmith, h 69 Van Anden						

Kinsella Peter, emp D M O & Co, h over 28 Owasco						

Kinsella Satie M, shoe op, bds 11 Cottage						

Kinsella Stephen F, blacksmith, h 178 Seymour						

Kinsella Terence J, emp D M O & Co, bds 49 Bradford						

KINSELLA THOMAS F., dealer in Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also Alderman 7th Ward, 153 State,						
	h 128 1/2 Van Anden					

Kinsella Timothy, laborer, h 30 Chase						

Kinsella William, emp D M O & Co, h 49 Bradford						

Kinsella William, painter, bds 38 Water						

Kinsella William T, clerk, 18 North, bds 22 Owasco						

Kion Fanny E, attendant, 56 South						

Kirby Andrew J, laborer, h 33 1/2 Lincoln						

Kirby Elizabeth C, widow William A, res 180 Genesee						

Kirby Ethel, student, res 180 Genesee						

KIRBY GEN'L WILLIAM M., N Y S Inspector Small Arms Practice, h 180 Genesee						

Kirk Aaron, coachman, h 35 Park ave						

Kirk Ada C, seamstress, res 35 Park ave						

Kirkpatrick A V, widow Alexander, h 21 burt ave						

Kirkpatrick Bertha F, waitress, Brunswick Hotel						

Kirkpatrick Charles L, d'v'y clerk, h 86 North						

Kirkpatrick Clarence W, mechanic, bds 86 North						

KIRKPATRICK C. EUGENE, acc't Aub Woolen Co, also Treas'r City Club, h 23 Hamilton ave						

Kirkpatrick Dudley T, com trav, res 21 Burt ave						

Kirkpatrick Edward S, salesman, Big Store, bds 21 Burt ave						

Kirkpatrick Edwin M, mechanic, bds 86 North						

Kirkpatrick E Maude, teacher, res 23 Hamilton ave						

Kirkpatrick Frances E, salesclerk, Big Store, res 21 Burt ave						

Kirkpatrick George W, h 23 Hamilton ave						

Kirkpatrick Hattie L, res 23 Hamilton ave						

Kirkpatrick Johanna, widow Charles H, res 4 Howard						

Kirkpatrick Louis H, night watch, Woman's Prison, h 2 Burt ave						

Kirkpatrick Louisa J, widow James, res 4 Howard						

Kirkpatrick Robert E, salesman, 127 Genesee, bds 3 North						

KIRWAN, see also KERWIN						

Kirwan Catherine M, widow Patrick, h 179 Van Anden						

Kirwan Elizabeth A, shoe op, bds 15 Division S						

Kirwan Elizabeth I, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 179 Van Anden						

Kirwan Ella, bds 22 Van Anden						

Kirwan James J, bartender, 113 Orchard, h 15 Division S						

Kirwan John F, tinsmith, h over 74 Wall						

Kirwan Katherine, widow Bernard, res 28 West						

Kirwan Patrick, moulder, h over 175 Seymour						

Kirwan Patrick F, plumber, h 28 West						

Kirwan Patrick W, iron worker, h 15 Division S						

Kirwan Redmond, laborer, h 64 Washington						

Kirwan Theresa V, widow Thomas H, res 183 Perrine ave						

Kirwan Thomas, saloon, 113 Orchard, h 7 Underwood						

Kirwan Thomas H, shoe op, bds 183 1/2 Perrine ave						

Kirwan William, engineer, O R R R, h 158 Cottage						

KIRWIN, see also KIRWAN						

Kishpaugh Aaron M, emp D M O & Co, h 77 Fulton						

Kishpaugh Willis G, salesman, 81 Genesee, bds 77 Fulton						

Kissick Mary, widow John, res 189 Perrine ave						

Kissick Robert J, grocer, h 102 Van Anden						

Kitchel Charles N, emp D M O & Co, bds 63 E Genesee						

Kittredge Charles F, student, Theo Sem, res do						

Klanic Joseph, mechanic, h 14 Paddock Bl'k, Franklin						

Klapetzky Emma, housekeeper, 18 South						

Klein Henry, decorator, Big Store, res 40 Clark						

Kleinczak Andrew, emp D M O & Co, bds 108 Cottage						

Kleinczak Jacob, laborer, h 108 Cottage						

Kleintjes Christian E, accountant, 18 Capitol, res 20 Perry						

Kleintjes John J, pattern maker, bds 20 Perry						

Kleintjes Peter, teamster, A C R'y Co, h 20 Perry						

Kleintjes Peter, Jr, emp A C R'y Co, bds 20 Perry						

Kleintjes Stephen, salesman, 18 Capitol, h over 29 Perry						

Kleintjes Thomas, emp D M O & Co, bds 20 Perry						

KLEMM FRANK A.,Electrical Engineer and Contractor, main office 700 East 139th st, New			
	York City, Local Headquarters Quinn's hotel, 3 North st, Auburn, N Y   (see adv, next adv)					

KLINE, see also CLINE						

Kline George, emp D M O & Co, h 12 1/2 Rock ave						

Kline Nellie, housekeeper, New National Hotel						

Klingbeil Henry, emp D M O & Co, h 60 Frances						

Klink Lawrence, coremaker, bds 76 Wall						

Klinkert Peter F, painter, h 34 Cayuga						

Klock Emily A, widow John H, bds over 220 State						

Klock Frank A, carpenter, h 253 State						

Klock Frederick, moulder, bds over 220 State						

Klock George, com trav, h over 220 State						

Klock William, stock keeper, 134 State, bds over 220 do						

Knapp Ambrose J, janitor and eng'r Gov't B'd'g, h 18 William						

Knapp Arietta M, widow Oscar, h 207 Genesee						

Knapp Arnold, twine op, bds 50 Mechanic						

KNAPP CHARLES H., with Knapp, Peck & Thomson, res 9 James						

KNAPP CHARLES M., com trav, 21 Market, h 31 Fulton						

KNAPP CHARLES R., attorney at law, office over 91 Genesee  res 74 South						

Knapp Emma M, widow Eugene, h over 57 State						

Knapp Etta T, res 207 Genesee						

Knapp Mrs Eva, milliner, 10 State, bds 16 Clark						

Knapp Grayson G, res 107 South						

KNAPP HORACE J., (Knapp, Peck & Thomson) h 9 James						

Knapp James D. machinist, h 273 Genesee						

Knapp James G, h 74 South						

Knapp James M, electrician, bds 74 South						

Knapp Jane E S, widow Gen'l John N, h 107 South						

KNAPP JOSEPH N., com trav, 21 Market, h 51 Fulton						

Knapp Mary E, dressmaker, h over 9 John						

Knapp Winne L, bds over 57 State						

Knapp M S, emp D M O & Co, bds 23 Barber						

KNAPP, PECK & THOMSON,(H. J. Knapp, Geo. R. and Henry D. Peck and Edward H. 		
	Thomson, publishers Auburn Daily Advertiser and Weekly Journal, also Book and Job Printing,					
	118 Genesee   (See adv)					

Knecht Charles F, machinist, h 169 Cottage						

Kneeshaw Orrin R, emp D M O & Co, h over 17 Florence						

Knierim William, mechanic, h r 229 State						

Kniffin Mary, widow Lewis, bds 8 Aurelius ave						

KNIGHT, see also NICHT						

Knight Alfred, farmer, h 6 Standart ave						

Knight Dayton R, emp D M O & Co, h 50 Seymour						

Knight Frank J, printer, bds over 16 Garrow						

Knight Frederick, farmer, bds 232 North						

Knight Harold B, clerk, Meaker's Ins Agency, bds 141 Franklin						

Knight Le Roy W, clerk, 18 North, h over 18 Lansing						

Knight Lydia B, widow Andrew, h over 16 Garrow						

KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS HALL, 140 to 146 Genesee (over)						

Knina Anna, bds 34 Grover						

KNOBLES & BYRNES,(Charles F. Knobles and James L. Byrnes,) restaurant and dining rooms,			
	          also	  Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cordials and Cigars				of the most popular makes, 
	          15 North   Ladies' dining Room attached  Quiet and comfort assured  Prompt and					
	          respectful service					

KNOBLES CHARLES F., (Knobles & Byrnes,) h 63 Clark						

Knobles Elizabeth B, clerk, D M O & Co, res 7 Garden						

Knollin Edward M, machinist, h 11 Howard						

Knollin Lulla E, student, A H S, bds 11 Howard						

Knopp William, grinder, h 13 Chase						

Knowlton Julia J, widow Charles, h over 107 E Genesee						

KNOX ARTHUR R., (Knox's Shoe House,) res Altoona, Pa						

Knox Bessie M, teacher, Genesee St Sch, bds 14 Chestnut						

KNOX CLYDE E.,manager, Knox's Grocery House, 33 Sheridan, res 23 Sherman			
	(See adv)					

KNOX ELMER H., (Knox's shoe House,) res Altoona, Pa						

Knox Elnora D, widow Thomas, h 23 Sherman						

Knox Fred C, bds 23 Sherman						

Knox Grace B, student, A H S, bds 14 Chestnut						

Knox Harold C, bds 23 Sherman						

KNOX HENRY, (Knox's Shoe House,) h 14 Chestnut						

KNOX JOHN C., (Knox's Shoe House,) res 14 Chestnut						

Knox Mabel G, compositor, Aub Bulletin, res 23 Sherman						

Knox Maude M, dressmaker, bds 23 Sherman						

Knox Sarah W, accountant, Knox's Shoe House, 14 State, res 14 Chestnut						

Knox Seymour H, student, A H S, bds 14 Chestnut						

Knox Thomas W, shoe op, bds 23 Sherman						

KNOX'S  dealers in Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Trunks, Satchels, etc, etc, 14 State   				
	We invite comparison in quality and prices--Your judgment will favor us					

KNOX'S GROCERY HOUSE,(Clyde E. Knox, manager,) general groceries, country		
	produce, fruits and vegetables, toilet articles, notions, etc, etc, 33 Sheridan   (See adv)					

Kober Catherine, widow Joseph, h 16 Garden						

Kober Emma L, shoe op, bds 16 Garden						

Kober William H, shoe cutter, h 9 Barber						


Koehler Ada L, twine op, bds rear 194 Seymour						

Koehler Anna, widow Frank, h 23 Frances						

Koehler Bertha L, mill op, bds 23 Frances						

Koehler Jennie, cook, bds rear 194 Seymour						

Koehler Mrs Nettie P, res 194 Seymour						

KOENIG BOTTLING WORKS (THE) C. August Koenig, prop'r, John F Acker, manager,	
	manufacturing and bottling of Soda, Mineral Waters, Ales and Lagers, 6 to 14 Grant   (See					
	front cover)					

KOENIG C. A. & CO.,(Wm. G. Koenig)  brewers fine Ales and Lagers, 245 State			
	Our Mammouth Breweries are equipped with the latest modern appliances  Our product					
	equal to the best  Our methods based on honor  Our aim to give satisfaction  (See front					

Koenig Carrie M, res 239 State						

KOENIG C. AUGUST, (C. A. Koenig & Co, also The Koenig Bottling Works,) h 245 State						

Koenig Charles G, brewer, bds 239 State						

Koenig Emma E, res 239 State						

Koenig Katherine H, res 239 State						

KOENIG'S MAMMOUTH BREWERIES, C. A. Koenig & Co, prop'rs, Producing Superior	
	Ales and Lagers by the latest and best approved scientific and sanitary processes  Offices					
	and buildings 245 State   (See front cover)					

KOENIG WILLIAM, brewer, h 239 State						

KOENIG WILLIAM G., (C. A. Koenig & Co,) res 239 State						

Koennaen John M, machinist, h 98 Division S						

Kolberg Anton, emp D M O & Co, h 13 Hockeborn ave						

Kolberg Frank, moulder, h 15 Hockeborn ave						

Kolloff Elizabeth, widow Charles, h 44 Burt ave						

Kolloff Fred, salesman, 77 Genesee, bds 44 Burt ave						

Kolloff George C, piano op, bds 44 Burt ave						

Kolloff Lizzie L, mill op, bds 44 Burt ave						

Kolloff William F, clerk, 77 Genesee, bds 44 Burt ave						

Komar Andrew, twine op, bds over 205 State						

Komar Michael, emp D M O & Co, h over 205 State						

Komenski Adam, laborer, h 6 Rock ave						

KOON, see also COON						

KOON EDWARD B., (Williams & Koon,) h 116 Franklin						

Koon Elizabeth H, widow Joseph M, h over 64 North						

Koon Elmer M, clerk coll dep, D M O & Co, bds 64 North						

Koon Erastus, teamster, bds 191 E Genesee						

Koon Fred B, carpenter, bds 1 Hoffman						

Koon Frederick B, carpenter, h 67 Hamilton ave						

Koon Henry J, carpenter, h 67 1/2 Hamilton ave						

Koon Katherine, teacher, res Melrose Lodge c Lake ave						

Koon Lavanchie E, widow Chas B, res Melrose Lodge c Lake ave						

Koon Margaret, teacher, South St Sch, bds Melrose Lodge						

Koon Martin I, carpenter, bds 1 Hoffman						

Koon Nina E, accountant, 12 Market, res 64 North						

Koon Sidney G, student, Cornell Univ, res Melrose Lodge c Lake ave						

KOPP, see also COPP						

Kopp Andrew, mechanic, h 6 York						

Kopp Annie, twine op, bds 7 Willey						

Kopp Carl J, sand cutter, bds 7 Willey						

Kopp Frank, button op, bds 6 York						

Kopp Fred C, emp D M O & Co, bds 7 Willey						

Kopp Hattie, button op, bds 6 York						

Kopp John, emp D M O & Co, h 7 Willey						

Kopper Katie, housekeeper, 289 State						

Korilla John, mill op, bds 46 Perrine						

Korn Augustus, shoe cutter, h over 18 Clark						

Kosters Abbie L, widow Max, h 10 Moravia						

Kosters Caroline A, principal, Bradford st sch, bds 26 Holley						

Kosters Emily J, salesclerk, 103 Genesee, bds 26 Holley						

Kosters Emma, nurse, bdxs 9 1/2 Burt ave						

Kosters Frederick C, piano maker, h 18 Bradford						

Koster (sic) Henry J, h 9 1/2 Burt ave						

Kosters Louise, nurse, bds 9 1/2 Burt ave						

Kosters Max H, piano maker, bds 18 Bradford						

Kosters William J, cabinet maker, h 26 Holley						

Koury Charles, pedler, bds 247 Genesee						

Koury Frank, confectioner, h over 247 Genesee						

Koury G & Bro, clothing, &c, 247 Genesee						

Koury George, (G Koury & Bro), h over 247 Genesee						

Kraemer Emil J, salesman, 57 Genesee, h 14 Frederick						

Kraemer Pauline M, widow Julius, h 17 Union						

KRAFT JULIUS (Kraft & Schwartz), h 5 Ross Place						

KRAFT & SCHWARTZ, (Julius Kraft), dealers in leather and findings, also hides, peltries, furs and wool,						
	13 Genesee and 42 Market, chandlers and m'f'rs poultry food, 38 and 40 Garden					

KRAUS, see also CROUSE						

Kraus Andrew, dealer in gloves, mittens, bicycle and sporting goods, 6 Genesee, h 12 Miller						

Kraus John A, cigar store, 4 Genesee, res 12 Miller						

Kraus Katherine A, clerk, 6 Genesee, bds 12 Miller						

Kraus William A, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Miller						

Krause Abelonia, widow Florian, bds 26 Frances						

Krause Frank J, emp D M O & Co, h 26 Frances						

Krause Minnie B, button op, bds 26 Frances						

Krell Charles, emp D M O & Co, h 76 Perrine						

Krell Jacob, core maker, bds 76 Perrine						

Krell Louisa A, shoe op, bds 76 Perrine						

Krell William, emp D M O & Co, bds 76 Perrine						

Kriegelstein John S, lumberman, rear 52 Genesee, h 18 Paul						

Kroeninger Frank E, shoe op, h 62 Orchard						

Kromer Jacob, emp D M O & Co, h 36 Hamilton ave						

Kromer William, emp D M O & Co, h 5 Willey						

Kroner Kittie, shoe op, res over 3 Washington						

Krueger August A, emp D M O & Co, bds 78 Perrine						

Krueger Charles G, shoemaker, bds 15 Grant						

Krueger Ernest R, mill op, h 15 Grant						

Krueger Robert, delivery clerk, 193 State, bds 15 Grant						

Krueger Rudolph E, emp D M O & Co, bds 15 Grant						

Krueger William F, mill op, bds 15 Grant						

Kruse Charles F, moulder, h over 87 Perrine						

Kruse Matilda, widow Frank, h 1 Florence						

Kuehlmann Anton, emp D M O & Co, bds 34 Havens ave						

Kuehlmann Joseph, baker, bds 34 Havens ave						

Kuehlmann Joseph E, emp D M O & Co, bds 34 Havens ave						

Kuehlmann Marie, bds 34 Havens ave						

Kuhlzer Frederika, widow Martin, h over 15 Standart ave						

Kuney Frederick, emp D M O & Co, h over 42 Lewis						

Kuney Herbert, baker, bds over 42 Lewis						

Kunkel Ewalt, temperer, bds 4 Grant						

Kunkel Leo, temperer, h 4 Grant						

Kuntz Samuel, baker, bds 1 Hoffman						

Kurtz George L, mechanic, bds 196 Perrine ave						

Kurtz John, emp D M O & Co, h 196 Perrine ave						

Kurtz Peter C, clerk, bds 196 Perrine ave						

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z
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