ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
City Record & Miscellaneous Directory Section
 Misc. Sect. 2  Organizations & Clubs , County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.

Miscellaneous Directory


     Hardenburgh’s Corners settled in 1792. 
     Name changed to Auburn in 1805. 
     Formed as a Town from Aurelius, March 28, 1823. 
     Incorporated as a Village, April 18, 1815. 
     Incorporated as a City, March 21, 1848. 

     The administration consists of  a Mayor and Common Council, the latter composed of one Alderman from each Ward.  The election of these officers is held the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. 

Boundaries of Wards. 


Fred H. Hockeborn, Supervisor.                                                           Chas. W. Smith, Alderman.

     All that part of city south of the center of Genesee, and east of the center of the Owasco River. 


John L. Hunter, Supervisor.                                                           Wm. G. Burgess, Alderman.

     All that part of city west of the center of the Owasco river, south of the center of Genesee, east of the center of William to its junction with South and thence east to the center of South to the south line of the city. 


Geo. W. Penird, Supervisor.                                                           William H. Moon, Alderman.

     All that part of city south of the center of the Owasco river, north of the center of Genesee, and east of the center of Washington. 

                FOURTH WARD. 

 Frank J. Schell, Supervisor.                                                                           John H. Bennett, Alderman.

     All that part of city west of the center of State, north of the center of the Owasco river, east of the center of Washington, continuing to Grant, north of the center of Grant to a line running to the center of Washington, and east of the center of Washington to the north line of the city. 


Thomas J. Bell, Supervisor.                                                                           Jeremiah Corcoran, Alderman.

     All that part of city west of the center of North, north of the center of Owasco river, and east of the center of State. 


Robert J. Benham, Supervisor.                                                                           Geo. W. Elliott, Alderman.

     All that part of city west of the center of Grant avenue to its junction with Franklin, thence north of the center of Franklin, west of a line running from the center of Franklin south between the city hall building and engine house to the center of the Owasco river, north of the center of the Owasco river, and east of the center of North to the north line of the city. 


Francis X. Gilbert, Supervisor.                                                                           Thos. F. Kinsella, Alderman.

     All that part of city north of the center of aurelius avenue, north of the center of Wall, west of the center of Washington to Grant, south of the center of Grant to a line running to the center of Washington, and west of the center of Washington to the north line of the city. 


James A. Mc Cabe, Supervisor.                                                                           James J. Driscoll, Alderman.

     All that part of city north of the center of Genesee, west of the center of Washington, south of the center of Wall, and south of the center of Aurelius avenue to the west line of the city. 


Jay P. Nye, Supervisor.                                                                                           Chas. P. Mc Carty, Alderman.

     All that part of city south of the center of Genesee, west of the center of william to its junction with South, and thence west of the center of South to the south line of the city. 


Henry H. Guppy, Supervisor.                                                                           Fred H. Wiggins, Alderman.

     All that part of city east of the center of Grant avenue to its junction with Franklin, thence south of the center of Franklin, east of a line running from the center of Franklin south between the city hall building and the engine house to the center of the Owasco river, and north of the center of Genesee. 

CITY GOVERNMENT, 1900-1901. 

     The civil year and terms of office begin at noon on the fist Monday in January of each year.  The elective officers are:  Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, Recorder, City Judge, a Justice of the Peace, six Constables and three Assessors, elected by the city at large, and in each ward an Alderman and supervisor.  The appointive officers are:  Three Fire Commissioners, two Commissioners of charities and Police, City Attorney, City Surveyor, ten Commissioners of Deeds, Keeper of the City Hall, one or more Sealers of Weights and Measures, one or more Scavengers, one or more Dog Catchers, a City Sexton, and as many Inspectors of Election as are authorized by law.  the Superintendent of Charities is appointed by the Board of Charities and Police.

     The terms of official service are:  Mayor, Commissioners of Charity and Police, Alderman and Supervisors, two years each;  Assessors and Constables, three years each; City Clerk, City Treasurer, Recorder, City Judge, and Justice of the Peace, four years each.  Charter election is held on the Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November of each year, at the same time and place fixed for holding the General Election.

     The annual compensation of the Treasurer, Recorder, and City Attorney is $1,500; Superintendent of Charities, $1,200; City Judge, City Clerk and Street Superintendent, Registrar of Vital Statistics, Meat and Milk Inspector, and Clerk of Health Board, $1,000; Health Officer, $500; Plumbing and Sewer Inspector, $900; City Assessors, $700 each; City Hall Keeper, $600; City Sexton and Wire Inspector, $300; Janitor to Common Council, $180, and Scavenger, $75.  Sealer of Weights and Measures and Dog Catcher, fees.  Special Officers may at any time be appointed at a monthly pay of $50, to aid in enforcing the ordinances regulating Bicycles. 

     Police Department.--Yearly salary of the Cheif (sic) of Police, $1,200; Captain, $960; Special Duty Officers, $840, and Patrolmen, $750.  The latter at first, serve a probationary period of three months, at $50 per month, the remaining nine months of the year, at $55 per month, and, commencing with the second year of service, receive full pay. 

     Fire Department.--Chief Engineer, $1,000; Captains, $660; Drivers, $550; Superintendent of Hose, $660; Assistant Superintendent of Fire Alarm and Telegraph, $660; Engineer of Chemical, $540; Hose and Laddermen, $525; Callmen, $75 per year. 




Meets the 1st and 3d Monday evenings in each month. 

See Ward Boundaries, page 598. 


Claims and Finance--Aldermen Burgess, Wiggins and Elliott.
Legal Proceedings--Aldermen Elliott, Wiggins and Driscoll.
Lamps and Lighting Streets--Aldermen Smith, Bennett and Mc Carty.
Streets and Bridges--Aldermen Kinsella, Moon and Corcoran.
Drains and Sewers--Aldermen Wiggins, Smith and Burgess.
City Buildings--Aldermen Corcoran, Burgess and Elliott.
Water Mains and Hydrants--Aldermen Mc Carty, Moon and Bennett.
Fire Department--Aldermen Driscoll, Burgess and Kinsella.
Police and License--Aldermen Moon, Corcoran, and Kinsella.
Poor Accounts--Aldermen Bennett, Driscoll and Smith.
Burying Grounds--Aldermen Moon, Bennett and Mc Carty. 


     TREASURER .                                   JUDGE.                          RECORDER.              
William C. Firth                                           James W. Hart.
                       Nathan Kent.                
Harry D. Shallish, Ass’t.

ATTORNEY            STREET SUP’T.                 SURVEYOR.                                
L. A. Pierce.             Chas. W. Jennings.              De Witt F.  Austin.
                                 Edward H. Wellner, Clerk. 

John F. Helfer. 

        SEALER.                                                       CITY SEXTON.                                SCAVENGER. 
George S. Ramage.                                              Charles Tuxell.                                Rob’t Hazlitt.


        CITY HALL KEEPER.                                 CITY WIRE INSPECTOR.             JANITOR.
          James Hanlon.                                             John W. Hulbert, Jr.                        Alonzo M. Hurd 

                                                                                 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE.
                                                                                         William S. Elder                                                               

Office over 94 Genesee St.

         Wm. F. Wait,                                                 S. J. Westfall,                                   Henry D. Titus.
                                                                                  J. Lewis Grant, Sup’t.
                                                                                  Wm. Anderson, Clerk. 

                                                           COMMISSIONERS OF CHARITY AND POLICE.

Hon. Orlando Lewis, Pres.,                                                                                             Ransom R. Cross

Cassius M. Turner,                                                                                                   Thomas Hoyle, Sec’y 

Thomas Hoyle. 


Hon. Orlando Lewis,                                                                                              Daniel M. Bennett,
Martin S. Cuykendall,                                                                                                  Charles W. Miles,
Wm. R. Laird, M. D.                                            John Meyer,                                   Wm. L. Noyes.
                                                                A. H. Hamilton, City Analyist. 

                                         Robert A. Dyer, Sec’y B’d and Reg. of Vital Statistics,
                                        also Sanitary, Meat and Milk Inspector.

                                           A. H. Brown, M. D., Health Officer.    

                                               STANDING COMMITTEES.   
Finance, Accounts and Salaries--Commissioners Cuykendall, Meyer, Laird.
Laws, Ordinances, Regulations and Printing--Commissioners Bennett, Noyes, Miles.
Garbage, Night Soil and General Nuisances--Commissioners Miles, Bennett, Cuykendall.
Sewers, Sewerage, Drainage, Wells and Water Supply--Commissioners Meyer, Miles, Bennett.
Vital Statistics and Infectious Diseases--Commissioners Cuykendall, Laird, Noyes. 

                                                                     CITY PHYSICIANS.
Frank D. Putnam.                                          Wm. R. Laird,
                                 Henry W. Coe. 

                                                                    De Witt F. Austin, Pres.

Irving W. Combs,                                                                                               Fred F. Irish,
James G. Copp,                                                                                                  William R. Meaker,
Irving W. Combs, Inspector.                                                                            W. W. Grinnell, Secretary

                                             CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSIONERS.

Emmett Rhodes,                                            Harry R. Kidney,                        Charles A. Smith.
                                                                Edward H. Herrling, Clerk.      

                                       SOULE CEMETERY COMMISSIONERS
Ed. J. Costa,                                                   J. D. Robinson,                            John W. Hulbert.      

                                                     CITY ASSESSORS.    
John M. Elder,                                              Charles A. Wills                         Irving E Brigden. 



                  CHIEF.                                                                                         CAPTAIN.
Charles E. Mac Master,                                                                                       Leander Birdsall.

                                                                           SPECIAL DUTYMEN.
                                       Patrick Graney,                                                    Peter P. Callahan.

Benjamin B. Roseboom,                                                                                     James Malone,
George Fullmer,                                                                                          Norman Parker,
Thomas O. Shaw,                                                                                         Jesse G. Atwater,
Arthur P. Titus,                                                                                           Thomas J. Hickey,
John A. Mc Carthy,                                                                                     Robert C. Breese,
Edward Holmes,                                                                                            Edward W. Hodgson,
Edgar W. Boynton,                                                                                       John A. Anton,
John J. Woodall                                                                                            Edward Keegan.

Adolphus C. Westlake,                                                                               Edward H. Wellner,
William Brooker,                                                                                        Richard A. Wallace,
Charles H. Hapeman,                                                                                   John E. Rich. 


Board of Commissioners--1900.

Offices and Headquarters No. 2 Franklin Street.
Phones, Auto. 633.                                                                 Emp. 275.

Residence, 205 Genesee Street.                                     Term Expires 1901. 

Residence, 6 Van Patten Street.                                     Term Expires 1902. 

Residence, 53 Market Street.                                     Term Expires 1903. 

W. G. RAMAGE, Clerk.
Residence, 45 Lewis Street. 

Standing Committees--1900. 

Apparatus and Horses--Com’rs Speares, Smith.
Furniture, Supplies and Fixtures--Com’rs Smith, Moore.
Buildings and Fire Alarm--Com’rs Moore Speares.
Regular Meeting of board, 1st Thursday of each Month, 8 P. M.  



     The fire department is now a fully paid organization and its efficiency, in consequence, is all that could at present be desired; however, ideas of further improvement are being formulated, and the department will be perfected in all its details, as rapid as consistency and circumstances will permit.  The department compares favorably with others who are rated the best in the country, and may justly be termed “The Pride of Auburn.”

     The Department consists of the following:


     Hose One--Re-Organized January 1st, 1894.  Quarters, Market near City Hall.  John C. Windsor, Captain; John H. Clark, Driver; Lionel Morris, A. Colbert, Aug. E. Hemrich, Hosemen; Edward Burns, C. G. Wyllie and Lewis A. Gaumer, Call Hosemen.

     Hose Two--Re-Organized April 22d, 1899.  Quarters 57 Owasco.  Joseph L. Jewhurst, Captain; Fred W. Haskell, Driver; Morgan L. Olmstead and Patrick A. Ryan, Hosemen; David P. Schute, L. M. Skinner, J. J. Mc Keone and John Mc Govern, Call Hosemen.  Phones, Auto. 355.  Emp. 252.

     Hose Three--Re-Organized March 1, 1894.  Quarters, 129 Clark, foot Jefferson.  William R. Strong, Captain; William Bohn, Driver; Robert H. Nolan, W. G. Barnett, Hosemen; Jerry Sullivan, John Mansell and Frank Wright, Call Hosemen; Robert J. Otis, driver of supply wagon.  Phones, Auto. 661.  Emp. 256.

     Chemical Engine, No. One--Re-organized January 1, 1894.  Quarters, Market St., rear city Hall.  Frank B. Hughson, Captain; Patrick F. Morrissey, Driver; F. J. Washburn, Engineer; Thomas R. Frost, Hoseman and Chief’s Driver; Herman W. Traub, Call Hoseman.

     Hook and Ladder, No. One--Re-Organized January 1, 1894.  Quarters, Market St., rear City Hall.  Geo. A. Platt, Captain in charge; Theo. S. Hamilton, Driver; Edward L. Meade, Tillerman and Electrician; John D. Tyne and Wm. J. Barrette, Laddermen; Pietro Mowry, John Tennant, Thos. A. Moon, Call Laddermen.

     Exempt Firemen’s Association--Organized January 5, 1882.  Meets the first and third Thursday evenings of each month over 8 Genesee St.  Wm. H. Moon, Pres.; Patrick Bowen, Vice-Pres’t.; Daniel Lane, Sec’y.; James H. Walsh, Treas.; Pietro Mowry, Collector. 

Superintendent--E. J. Jewhurst.

  3--Chem’l Engine, Franklin St.                 35--Westlake cor Easterly ave
  4--N Y C, Washington St.                                36--Hamilton ave cor Steel.
  5--North cor Seymour.                                41--Prison Gate.
  6--Cayuga cor E Genesee.                                42--South cor Elizabeth.
12--S Division & N Y C cros’g.             43--Clapp M’f’g Co.
13--Aurelius ave. cor Wall.                         45--Osborne’s Rolling Mill.
14--Lewis cor Grant ave.                              46--State opp Union.
15--Seymour cor Holley.                              47--Col cordage Co, 10 Cottage
16--State cor Cottage.                                  51--Park ave cor North.
17--Lansing cor Lewis.                               52--East Genesee cor Fulton.
21--Clark cor Mc Master.                            53--Seymour cor Washington.
23--Frances cor Frederick.                         54--Wadsworth’s scythe factory.
24--Genesee cor Washington.               61--Madison cor Baker ave.
25--Genesee cor Mechanic.                                    62--State bet’n Dill and Water.
26--Logan cor Mary.                                      63--Orchard cor Jefferson.
31--No. 2 Hose H’se Owasco St.                  71--N Division c Perrine ave.
32--Genesee cor Exchange.                         72--Walnut cor Evans.
34--Fitch ave cor Parker.                             73--Franklin cor Cayuga.


     First Alarm Signal--One or more rounds of the box.
     Second Alarm Signal--Three twos, thus 2-2-2, and repeating number of box.
     Return Signal--Two Blows.
     One and eight o’clock P M on the fire alarm bell and gongs daily.


Board of Education--1900-1901. 

President--George B. Turner.
COMMISSIONERS.                                                                                                                   Term

Name                                                  Residendence or Office.                Expires.

E. Clarence Aiken..............................141 Genesee street..........................       1903
Charles H. Abbott..............................  12  Gaylord street...........................      1902
Charles B. Quick...............................   40  Washington street....................      1902
Edgar B. Mosher............................... 157  North street.............................       1901
Arthur S. Hoyt...................................   15  Seminary street........................       1901
John E. Myer....................................    23  Grover street...........................       1901
Charles S. Schellenger......................     4  Lawton ave...............................       1903
Frank W. Richardson........................   56  South street..............................       1902
George B. Turner.............................. 152  Genesee street........................        1903 

     Secretary and Superintendent--B. B. Snow, 10 Grover street.
     Office of Superintendent and Secretary, 16 Seward Block.  Office hours from
4:30 to 6 o’clock P M of each school day.  Regular meetings of the Board on the
first Tuesday of each month, at 8 o’clock P M, at office of the Board.
     Superintendent of Buildings--A. W. Roseboom, 16 Franklin street. 


Finance--Commissioners Richardson, Quick and Schellenger.
     Schools--Commissioners Mosher, Aiken and Myer.
     Teachers--Commissioners Hoyt, Richardson and Quick.
     High School--Commissioners Myer, Hoyt and Aiken.
     Text Books--Commissioners Aiken, Abbott and Hoyt.
     Grievances and Sanitation--Commissioners Abbott, Myer and Richardson.
     Supplies--Commissioners Schellenger, Mosher and Abbott.
     Buildings and Repairs--Commissioners Quick, Schellenger and Mosher.

Principal Teachers Public Schools,

High School--Garden n North--Floyd J. Bartlett, principal; Elizabeth L. Lamey, preceptress.
     Central Grammar School--17 Garden Street--Charles E. Lawton, principal; Julia C. Ferris, assistant.
     Fulton St School--Fulton opp Grant ave--Margaret A. West, principal; Emma M Armstrong, assistant.
     James St School--James cor Orchard--Sibyl H Manro, principal; Jessie B Barnes, assistant.
     Grover St School--Grover cor Mechanic--Mary Judge, principal; Mary E. Moroney, assistant.
     North St School--Seymour n North--Annis D Kenney, principal; Kathleen E Briggs, assistant.
     Seymour St School--Seymour n Washington--Emily H. White, principal; Minnie S Murdock, assistant.
     Bradford St School--Bradford n Howard--Caroline A Kosters, principal; Effie M Rose, assistant.
     Division St School--Division n Wall--Maude E Howland, principal; Minnie E O’Sullivan, assistant.
     Franklin St School--Franklin cor Foote--Anna T Carlon, principal; Mary Mosher, assistant.
     Genesee St School--Genesee cor Garrow--Clara O Rindge, principal; Katherine M Collins, assistant.
     Madison Ave School--Madison ave n Jefferson--Anna Conover, principal; Fannie E Noble, assistant.
     Evans St School--Evans n E Genesee--Anna Van Sickle, principal; Bessie Kennedy, assistant.
     South St School--Cornell n South--Anna T Rattigan, principal; Louise Beebe, assistant.
     Orphan Asylum--Owasco n Walnut--Anna M Giltrap, principal; Elizabeth F Cooper, assistant.
     Music--Anna V Dunn and Edward E Scovill.
     Drawing--Kate Gertrude Sanders.
     Teacher’s Training Class--Florence T Wardle. 

Schools and Seminaries. 

     The Theological Seminary of Auburn--Seminary street--Incorporated 1820.  Opened and commenced instruction 1821  Rev  Geo B Stewart, D D, LL D, president; Rev Samuel M Hopkins, D D, emeritus; Rev Ezra A Huntington, D D, L L D, emeritus; Rev Willis J Beecher, D D, Rev Anson J Upson D D, LL D, emeritus;

Rev James S Riggs, D D, Rev Timothy G Darling, D D, Rev Arthur S Hoyt, D D, Rev Edward W Miller, M A, professors.  The Library of the Seminary, in the Dodge and Morgan Memorial Building, is open several hours daily, except Sunday, for the use of the public, as well as the Faculty and students.  The income of the permanent Library Fund secures the steady growth of the Library, which now numbers over 26,378 volumes and over 7,892 pamphlets.  About 699 volumes and 250 pamphlets have been added to the Library since last year.  Rev A S Hoyt, D D, Librarian.

     The museum, founded in 1841, is systematically arranged, in the spacious and convenient rooms designed for it, in the basement of the Library.  It consists of a large and varied collection of curiosities, from our own countrt and all parts of the world.
     Sisters of Mercy School--(Catholic)--Chapel n North.
     Sisters of St Joseph--(Catholic)--Clark n State.
     St Alphonsus School--(German R C)--14 Seminary 


     Calvary Presbyterian--Junction Franklin and Capitol streets.  Rev Edward Adriance, pastor, residence 101 Franklin.
     Central Presbyterian--William street n Genesee.  Rev Frederic W Palmer, pastor,
residence 36 Seminary.
     Church of Christ--(Disciples)--Division n Wall.  Rev Daniel H Patterson, pastor, residence 58 Division N.
     _hurch of the Holy Family--(Roman Catholic)--North n Chapel.  Rev John J Hickey, pastor, residence 7 Chapel.
     First Baptist--Genesee street cor James.  Rev Giles H Hubbard, D D, pastor, residence 4 Orchard.
     First Methodist--Exchange street.  Rev Charles M Eddy, pastor, residence 27 Grover.
     First Presbyterian--North cor Franklin.  Rev William H Hubbard, pastor, residence 35 Franklin.
     Free Methodist--24 Wood.  Rev Frank E Fitch, D D, residence 24 Wood.
     First Universalist--South street cor Lincoln.  Rev O M Hilton, D D, pastor, res 127 E Genesee.
     Immanuel Baptist--Owasco n Bradford.  Rev J C Brookins, pastor, residence, 32 Cayuga.
     Prison Chapel--Rev Cordello Herrick, chaplain, res 3 Park ave.
     Second Baptist--East Genesee cor Owasco.  Rev Amos Naylor, pastor, residence 59 E Genesee.
     Second Presbyterian--South street n Lincoln.  Rev J Wilson Brainard, pastor, residence 28 Nelson.
     St Alphonsus--(German Roman Catholic)--water n North.  Rev Herbert Regenbogen, pastor, residence 13 Water.
     St John’s--(Episcopal)--East Genesee c Fulton.  Rev Lewis Post Franklin, rector, residence 93 North
     St Lucas--(German Protestant)--Seminary ave n Franklin.  Rev Adelbert E Helm, pastor, residence 8 Capitol.
     St Mary’s--(Roman catholic)--Clark street cor Green.  Rev Wm Mulheron, pastor, residence 15 Clark.
     St Peter’s--(Episcopal)--Genesee street n James.  Rev John Brainard, D D, rector, residence 169 Genesee.
     Trinity--(Methodist)--Evans street n E Genesee.  Rev Henry W Sanford, pastor, residence 146 E Genesee.
     Wall St--(Methodist)--Wall street cor Washington, Rev C E Jewell, pastor, residence 138 Van Anden.
     Westminster--Cor Genesee and Delevan streets.  Rev Tracey B Griswold, D D, pastor, residence 2 Pleasant.
     Zion’s Church--(Colored)--33 Parker street,  Rev C A Smith, D D, pastor, residence 18 1/2 Parker. 


Saturday bank hours 9 A M to 12 M. 

     Auburn Savings Bank--Established in 1849.  Office Genesee cor South.  Edwin R Fay, Pres’t; E H Townsend, treas; Wm S Downer, Ass’t Treas; Adolph Keil, Bookkeeper; Chas H Holley, Ass’t Bookkeeper; Hon George Underwood, Att’y.  Open from 10 o’clock A M to 3 P M.  Monday evening 7 to 8.  (See page 52.)

     Banking House--Edwin R Fay & Sons, (E R, F H and C R Fay,) 72 Genesee street, Auburn Savings Bank Building.  Open from 9 A M to 4 P M   Herring’s Safety Deposit Vault in connection with the bank.

     Banking House--Wm H Seward & Co, (Wm H Seward, Theodore M Pomeroy, Jos C Anderson and Wm H Seward, Jr, co-partners).  Genesee cor Exchange.  Jas E Elder, Teller; Wm B Haeffner, Bookkeeper; Arthur G Gilbert, Ass’t Bookkeeper; Josie O Dietel, Cor Clerk; Fred J Stupp, Disc Clerk.  Office hours from 9 A M to 3 P M.  (See page 5.)

     Cayuga Co National Bank--43 Genesee.  Original charter 1833; re-organized 1865.  Capital $200,000.  Geo H Nye, Pres; Charles Hoskins, Cashier; Henry T Keeler, Teller; James A Jones, Bookkeeper; Wm H Schicht, Ass’t Bookkeeper; W S Crowninshield, Discount Clerk; George E Snyder, Collection Clerk.  Office hours from 10 A M to 3 P M.  (See page 6.)

     Cayuga Co Savings Bank--Genesee cor State.  Organized 1865  Gen Wm H Seward, Pres; Chas C Dwight, 1st Vice Pres; Wm F Wait, 2nd Vice Pres; W H Meaker, Sec’y and Treas; A L Hemingway, Teller; S M Eddy, Bookkeeper; James Lyon, Attorney.  Open daily (except legal holidays) from 10 A M to 3 P M, and Monday evenings from 7 to 8  (See page 7).

     The National Bank of Auburn--Genesee opp State.  Organized 1817; re-organized 1865.  Capital $200,000.  Edward H Avery, Pres; George B Longstreet, Cashier; Ralph R Keeler, Teller; Chas F Stupp, Bookkeeper; Marcus Webb, Ass’t Bookkeeper; Wm C Denman, Discount Clerk; Sadie S De Witt, Stenographer.  Office hours from 10 A M to 3 P M.


     Auburn Bulletin (Daily)--Nos 27 and 29 Clark street.  Auburn Bulletin Co, Publishers.  Terms, 50 cents per month.   (See adv, opp page 55).
     Auburn Daily Advertiser--118 Genesee street.  Knapp, Peck & Thomson, Publishers and Proprietors.  Terms, city subscribers, per year $6; per month 50 cents.
     Auburn Weekly Bulletin--Issued semi-weekly on Tuesday and Friday, 27 and 29 Clark.  Auburn Bulletin Co, Publishers.  Terms $1.00 per year, in advance.  (See adv, opp page 55).
     Auburn Weekly Journal--118 Genesee street.  Knapp, Peck & thomson, Publishers and Proprietors.  Subscription rates, $1.50 per year.  $1.00 in advance.  Club rates $1.00.
     Auburn Democrat-Argus--Issued semi-weekly on Tuesday and Friday, Auburn Bulletin Co, Publishers; office 27 and 29 Clark street.  Terms (in advance), $1.00 per year.  (See adv, opp page 55)
     Cayuga Co Independent--Published every Friday.  Price $1.50 per year.  Wm B Chisholm, Editor and Proprietor; office 4 Genesee street (up stairs)  (See opp page 120) 

Post Office. 

     Located at 153, 155 and 157 Genesee (Government Building).  Paul R Clark, Postmaster; John S Fowler, Principal Ass;t P M.  Open 6:45 A M to 9 P M.  On Sunday from 9:30 to 10:40 A. M.  The time of the opening and closing of the mails is subject to changes, and complete information relating thereto may be found in the daily and weekly papers.

     Special Mail Boxes--All mail boxes from the New National Hotel on East Genesee street west to the Post Office building are special collection boxes as are also all boxes on North street from Genesee to Van Anden, all on State from the Prison gate to Genesee street and the box in front of the Empire House on Dill street.  Special collection boxes are made from them as indicated by cards on these boxes.  Collections are made from all street boxes by carriers on their return trips.

     Geo B Catton, Sup’t U S P O Delivery; David D Hulbert, Mailing Clerk; Wm H Ross and Stephen B Murray, Ass;t Mailing Clerks; Watson N Hudson, Money Order Clerk; Wm W Scott.  Money Order and Ass’t Registry Clerk; James A Hennessy, Stamp Clerk; Emory Hanlon, General Utility Clerk.

     Carriers--(1) James H Ross, (2) Clements W Anton, (3) Eburn H Coutant, (4) Bradford C Barber, (5) C O Goodrich, (6) E L Wadsworth, (7) J B Kelland, (8) C M Blodgett, (9) James A Nickason, (10) Wm H Corcoran, (11) Geo H Brill, Jr, (12) John A. Davis, (13) Fred C Bucknam, (14) S H Taylor, (15) Martin S Webster, (16) Thomas A Whalen, (17) Frank Blair.  Subs--John Armstrong, Jr, Samuel J Rice, Henry D De Groff and Howard H Clack.

     Auburn Branch No. 151  of the National Association of Letter Carriers--John B Kelland, pres’t; George H Brill, Jr, vice pres’t; John A Davis, sec’y; Bradford C Barber, treas’r and collector.

     City and County Stage and Mail Routes--Stages leave Auburn daily, excepting Sundays as follows:  For De Groff, Owasco, Niles, Kelloggsville and New Hope at 1:30 P M; for Fleming, Scipioville, Sherwoods, Poplar Ridge, Ledyard and King Ferry at 2:30 P M; for Fleming, Merrifield, Scipio, Venice, Venice Center, East Venice and Genoa at 2:30 P M; for Throopsville, Port Byron, Conquest and Spring Lake at 2:30 P M; for Aurelius, Fosterville, Montezuma and Fox Ridge at 2 P M   Each stage making its morning trip from the last named place above to Auburn, arriving about 10:30 A. M.  Stage orders may be left at Walley’s drug store, 117 Genesee cor State. 

Auburn State Prison. 

     State street cor Wall.  Located in 1816.  first convicts received 1817.  Number of convicts May 1st, 1,195 including 3 condemned.  J Warren Mead, Agent and Warden; B Frank Winegar, Clerk; Robert G Shaw, Assistant Clerk; John Gerin, Physician; Rev Cordello Herrick, Chaplain; O Clifford Hall, Industrial Clerk; John N Ross, Stenographer; Allen P Tupper, Principal Keeper; Fred K Boomhower, Electrical Engineer; ________  _________ Yard Master and Engineer; Lyman S Gibbs, Store Keeper; William C Patterson, Hospital Steward; James C Fulton, Kitchen Keeper; John C Hiser, Sergeant of Guards; A Howard Bates, Cap’n of the Night Watch; James Griffin, Front Gate Keeper. 

Women’s Prison. 

     Established May, 1893.  Main entrance 50 Wall.  Number of prisoners May 1st, 101.  Mrs Anna M Welshe, Matron; M Carroll Sullivan, Engineer. 

United States Revenue Department . 

     Hon Wm P Robinson, Deputy Collector.  Office Government Building, 157 Genesee. 

U. S. Pension Examining Board of Surgeons. 

     Office Government Building, 153, 155 and 157 Genesee.  Meeting held every Wednesday at 10 A. M.  F B Ryan, President; Dr A D Hall, Secretary; Dr John D Tripp, Treasurer Board of Examiners. 

Auburn City Hospital. 

    Incorporated July, 1878.  Opened April 20th, 1879.  Located on Lansing street n North.
     Board of Managers--Chairman, Mrs. Douglas Beardsley; Vice Chairman, Mrs B. B. Snow; Secretary, Mrs. D. L. Hurlburt; Treasurer, Mrs. J. C. Anderson; Superintendent, Miss Emma Gorbert.

The Auburn Orphan Asylum (R. C.) 

     Located 124 North street.  Incorporated May 19th 1887.  Rev William Mulheron, Rev John J. Hickey, Rev James O’Connor, Rev J. J. Nelligan, Rev Thomas O’Connell, Rev Hugh Rafferty, Rev Joseph J. Netzel and Rev Alfred Evans.

     Board of Trustees--Rev John J. Hickey, President; Rev Herbert Regenbogen, Vice-President; Rev William Mulheron, Treas’r; Sister DeChantel, Superintendent. 

Cayuga Asylum for Destitute Children. 

     The Cayuga Asylum for Destitute Children is located at No 66 Owasco street, and was founded by the unwearied efforts of a few benevolent ladies, in the spring of 1852, and incorporated by an act of the Legislature, the 27th of November following.  Mrs. Clara A. Sprague, Sup’t.  Mrs. Eliza Sheldon, Pres. Board of Managers.

     Home for the Friendless--46 Grant ave; organized in 1864.  Sustained by voluntary contributions for the relief of the aged and respectable poor.  Miss Sarah J. Wilson, Superintendent.

     The Pines--Established in 1892.  Located at 137 South street.  A Home for Mental and Nervous Invalids.  Frederick Sefton, M. D., Physician in charge.   Catalogues furnished on application. 

Express Companies. 

     United States Express Co--Office 90 Genesee.  Samuel E. Cowell, Agent; J. Brua Hannum, Cashier; D. Hazzard, Messenger.

     American Express Co--Office 114 Genesee street.  John E. Leonard, Agent; Bruce A. Skeel, Cashier; Wm J. Mac Master, Chief Clerk. 


     Lehigh Valley Railroad, Auburn Division--From North Fair Haven, N. Y., to Sayre, Pa., Auburn to Cayuga and Ithaca, and Elmira to Camden.  General Offices at Passenger Station, corner Clark and Monroe streets.  H. D. Titus, Superintendent; E. G. Wride, Chief Clerk; J. H. Wimble, Stenographer; E. D. McKay, N. M. Merrill, I. L. Merrill, L. E. Phelps, Accountants; F. J. Fuller, Collector Real Estate Dep’t; R. R. Cross, Train Master; F. J. McCauley, J. W. Cuineen and G. R. Lewis, Train Dispatchers; E. L. Colby and H. B. Tanner, Operators; E. F. Swart, Division Engineer; J. G. June, Transitman; F. K. Bennett, Rodman; Dennis O’Neil and John J. Welch, Supervisors.    

     Passenger Department--Passenger Station 140 Clark and 8, 10 and 12 Monroe streets.  Jos F. Mee, City Passenger Agent; Bert P. Conklin, Ticket Agent; Peter Mee, Baggage Master; James Danahey, Assistant Baggageman; Wm. Hawley, Janitor.

     Freight Department--Freight Station, 34 Washington, corner Clark street.  Frank W. Lyons, Soliciting Freight Agent; Fred D. Cleveland, Freight Agent; John B. Gunn, Cashier; George G. Haynes, Bill Clerk; Edwin H. Dayton, Transfer Clerk; Joseph G. Moon, Demurrage Clerk; E. R. Worden, Tallyman; Wm. H. Dean, Receiving Clerk.

     New York Central & Hudson River Railroad Co--Depot State cor Garden.  From New York to Buffalo.  Benj J. Allen, Ticket Agent; Wm. D. Carpenter, Ass’t Ticket Agent; Geo. W. Kelly, Baggage Agent; Marcus E. Alger, Ass’t Baggageman.  Ticket Office, Waiting Rooms and Station, 47 to 53 Garden street.

     Freight Dep’t--M. Graney, Freight Agent; Jere Graney, Chief Clerk; John F. McGuire, Cashier; Geo. A. Luce, Billing Clerk; John C. Hanlon, Clerk; A. Percy Briggs, Stenographer; Milo E. Maycumber and John P. Hamilton, Night Clerks.

     Merchants’ Dispatch Transportation Co--Kilborn Ward, Agent; Wm. T. Shapcott, Local Agent; Wm. Graney, Bill Clerk.

     Auburn City Railway Co--Organized October 1, 1886.  Capital $300,000.  Offices and Station State cor Chapel.  C. D. Beebe, Pres’t; William Nottingham, Att’y; W. S. Holden, Vice-Pres’t amd Treas; Robert A. Dyer, Jr, Sup’t.  Extending from junction Wall and Aurelius ave to Seward ave, via Seymour, State, Genesee and E Genesee.  Owasco street line to Owasco Lake.  At present, operating eight miles of track within city limits and constructing more, also three miles outside to Owasco Lake; running through Genesee, State, North, Seymour, Lansing, Park ave, Nelson, Fulton, Lewis, Franklin, Perry, and Owasco, South through Lincoln, Mechanic, Mary, Hamilton ave and Moravia to Lake.  Leaving each terminus every fifteen minutes.

     Auburn Inter-Urban Electric Railway Co--Auburn to Skaneateles a distance of eight miles, now in process of construction and equipment and to be operated in connection with the Auburn City Railway Co. 

Telephone and Telegraph Co’s. 

     Auburn Telephone Co--Organized Feb’y, 1897.  Capital stock $40,000.  Offices over 65 Genesee.  Hon A. P. Rich, Pres’t; Hon B. M. Wilcox, Vice-Pres’t; E. C. Aiken, Treas’r and Att’y; Tracey C. Becker, Sec’y; Oliver watson, Gen’l Manager.

     Empire state Telephone and Telegraph Co (The)--Executive office over 102 and 104 Genesee.  Public office 82 Genesee.  Open day and night continuously.  Henry L. Storke, Pres’t and Gen’l Manager; Dexter A. Smith, Vice-Pres’t; Charles I. Avery, Treas’r; Murray M. Storke, Sec’y; George A. Paddock, Ass’t Gen’l Manager; C. Albert Weeks, Auditor.  (See Alphabetical Caption Lines).

     Postal Telegraph Cable Co--H. O. Derby, Manager; office 115 Genesee, basement Cay Co Sav Bank.  Open from 7 A M to 12 P M

     Western Union Telegraph Office--122 Genesee  Open from 7 A M to 12 P M.  Sundays 8 to 11:30 A M, 4 to 7:30 P M.  Hiram F. Horton, Manager. 

Military Companies. 

     Second Separate Co Fourth Brigade N G S N Y--Headquarters State Armory, 57 Water, 97 and 99 State.  Officers--Military--C James Barber, Captain; Edgar S. Jennings, 1st Lieut; Lewie E. Hall, 2d Lieut; A. F. Hodgman, 1st Lieut and Ass’t Surgeon; F. J. Stupp, 1st Serg’t; Fred H. Stout, Q M Serg’t; W. C. Case, 1st Duty Serg’t; Chas H. Manro and W. C. Crowninshield, Serg’ts; James O. Thomas, J. E. Osterhout, Benj T. Johnson, Wm L. Duckett, Charles M. Vernier, C. E. Race, F. E. Wilkinson, and C. A. Chamberlain, Corporals; F. H. Stout, Musician.  Civil officers--C. J. Barber, Pres’t; F. H. Stout, Secretary; Ben T. Johnson, Treas’r; Serg’t Frank J. Stupp, Armorer; Corp James O. Thomas, Ass’t Armorer and Engineer.

     Crocker Post, 45, G A R--Organized September 30, 1867.  Meets every Tuesday evening, over 57 Genesee.  Dr. W. J. Emens, Post Com; Wm H. Clapp, Senior Vice-Com; C. B. Alliger, Junior Vice-Com; Roderick White, Adjutant; Adolphus C. Westlake, Quartermaster; W. R. Laird M D, Surgeon; W. W. Grinnell, Chaplain; E. J. Watkins, Officer of Day; Harmon Thorne, Officer of Guard; Abram Jago, Serg’t Major; Robert A. Dyer, Quartermaster Serg’t.

     Seward Post, 37, G A R--Organized October 18, 1875.  Meets every Tuesday evening, over 6 Genesee.  Chauncey L. Hickok, Commander; W. H. Coe, Adj’t; Henry S. Webb, S V C; Erastus W. Allen, J V C; Geo W. Ennis, Q M; D. B. Robbins, Serg’t Maj; C. H. Lakey, Chaplain; J. M. W. Mattoon, Surgeon; John W. Wilkinson, O D; John J. Lane, O G. 

Incorporated and Joint Stock Companies. 

     American Wringer Co--Providence R I, and New York City.  Organized 1891.  Joseph Banigan, Pres’t; Geo Reuter, Jr, Gen’l Manager and Treas’r; Jno F. Hemenway, Ass’t Gen’l Manager; A. G. Beardsley, Jr, Manager Auburn Branch, 51 to 55 Washington.

     Auburn Button Works--Organized 1883.  Office and Manufactory No 40 Washington.  J. H. Woodruff, Manager. 

     Auburn Electric Light Co and City Steam Heating Works--Office and Station rear 24 North.  James S. McCabe, Gen’l Sup’t.

     Auburn Gas Light Co--Organized 1848.  Capital $100,000.  Office 122 Genesee street.  E. H. Avery, Pres’t; J. C. Reed, V P; D. M. Dunning, Sup’t and Treas; J. B. Stupp, Bookkeeper.

     Auburn Woolen Co--Mill street rear big dam.  T. M. Clark, Superintendent.

     Boyle & Everts Co--F. P. Taber, Pres; D. E. Clapp, Vice Pres; Wm S. Everts, Gen’l Manager, Sec’y and Treas.  M’f’rs doors, sash and blinds.  Office 62 Division S.

     Columbian Cordage Co--Incorporated 1892.  Capital $300,000.  Office and works 10 to 30 Cottage street.  Edwin D. Metcalf, Pres; James J. Storrow, Jr, Vice Pres; Hon George Underwood, Sec’y; Joseph C. Anderson, Treas; Edwin F. Metcalf, Ass’t Treas.  Manufacturers of Manila and Sisal Binder Twine, Rope and Cordage.

     D M Osborne & Co, M’f’rs Mowers and Reapers--Organized April 29, 1875.  Factory No 1 Genesee cor Mechanic.  Thos M. Osborne, Pres’t; Edwin D. Metcalf, Treas and Manager; J. H. Osborne, Sec’y.   (See page 628)

     E D Clapp M’f’g Co--Located on Genesee cor Division.  Manufacturers of carriage makers’ hardware.  Capital $150,000   D. E. Clapp, Pres’t; Frank A. Eldredge, Sec’y and Treas.   (See adv, page 6)

     Ehrman Brewing Co (The)--Organized Jan’y 8th, 1898.  Capital stock, $200,000.  Anton Ehrman, Pres’t; Nobert C. Khuner, Manager. 

     Birdsall Co (The New)--Foot of Mc Master street.  Re-organized December 31, 1894.  (Successors to the Birdsall Co.)  Capital $300,000.  Gen’l C D Mac Dougall, Pres’t; E B Mosher, Sec’y; A G Treat, Treas; C D Mac Dougall, G W Nellis, G A Willey, A C Dallman, E B Mosher, Directors. 

     H C Hemingway & Co (The)--Organized 1897.  Office Clyde, N Y, and Factory foot Garland street, auburn, N Y.  Capital $100,000.  E W Parmelee, Pres’t; Harvey C and Dwight E Hemingway, Directors. 

     Henry & Allen Co--Incorporated Jan’y, 1899.  M’f’rs cutting apparatus for Harvesting Machinery, &c.  Wm J Henry, Pres’t; G W Allen, Treas. 

     Kidney-Brigden Co (The)--Organized February, 1897.  Capital $50,000.  Silk Manufacturers.  Factories located 44 Washington street.  H R Kidney, Pres’t and Treas; C W Storke, V Pres’t and Sec’y. 

     Nye & Wait Carpet Co--Organized June, 1889.  Office 13 Division N.  Capital $100,000.  George H Nye, Pres’t; William F Wait, Vice Pres’t and Manager; Joseph W Anderson, Sec’y. 

     Ohio Tool Co--Located 183 Clark street.  Office over 67 Genesee St.  Organized 1864.  capital $350,000.  Francis P. Casey, Pres’t; William P Beardsley, Sec’y; W E Jones, Treasurer; N L Casey, Ass’t Treas. 

     Oswego Starch Factory--Organized 1848.  Office Genesee cor North, factory at Oswego.   Thomas Kingsford, Pres’t; A G Beardsley, Treas; W P Beardsley, Ass’t Treas. 

     Melrose Woolen Co--Organized April, 1897.  Capital $15,000.  Office and mills Canoga St on Owasco outlet.  Manufacturers Dress Goods and Woolens.  Charles E Selover, Pres’t and Treas’r; T A Holland, Sup’t and Sec’y. 

     Rogers (The) R J--Lumber and Coal Co, (wholesale and retail.)  Incorporated 1895.  Capital $50,000.  Geo P rogers, Pres; George W Foster, Sec’y and Treas.  Office and yards 30 Perrine, on N Y C & H R R R.  (See bottom lines.) 

     Wegman Piano Co (The)--Organized January, 1874.  Capital $125,000.  Office and manufactory 5 to 11 Logan St, warerooms 133 Genesee.  J Wegman, Pres’t; Albert W Crocker, Vice Pres’t; Wm C Burgess, Sec’y and Treas; Charles A Noble, Accountant   (See front cover and page 525.)

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z

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