ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

AUBURN'S  "Organizations & Clubs" SECTION

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V W  Y  Z
Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart -
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
Miscellaneous Directory Section1  Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs, County Officers

This 1900 Auburn NY Directory Also Includes Town Sections

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory

VOL. 30
FROM JULY, 1900, TO JULY, 1901.

For ab., read above; al., alley; ave., avenue; bds., boards; bel., below; bet., between; c. or cor., corner; ct., court; do., ditto or same place; E., east; h., house; A. H. S., Academic High School; N. Y. C. & H. R. R., New York Central Railroad; N., north; n., near; opp., opposite; pl., place; r., rear; res., residence; R. R., railroad; L. V. R. R., Lehigh Valley Railroad; W., west. The word street is implied.
Names in Bold Face Letters are Directory Patrons.


Fort Hill Cemetery--Incorporated May 16, 1851. Offices A and B Seward
Block. G V Loughborough, Pres’t; Samuel Titus and M L Walley, Vice Pres’ts;
Emmett Rhodes, Sec’y and Treas; Frederick Allen, Porter Beardsley, William C
Beardsley, D M Dunning, T M Osborne, Emmett Rhodes, E C Selover, William H
Seward, B B Snow, S C Tallman, Samuel Titus, M L Walley, Trustees.

St Joseph’s Cemetery (RC)--Incorporated August 23, 1880. Office of the
cemetery is at 7 Chapel St, Auburn. Office hours, 12 to 1 P M, and from 5:30 to
6:30 P M. Officers of the Board of Trustees, Rt Rev B J McQuaid, Pres’t; Rev
William Mulheron, Vice President; Rev J J Hickey, Treas; James L McGarr, Sec’y.

The Soule Cemetery--Located two miles east of Auburn, is beautifully
situated and improvements are constantly being made. It possesses a commodious
receiving vault, and is the property of the City of Auburn, under the control and
management of the following named Commissioners: Ed J Costa, J D Robinson and
John W Hulbert.


Auburn Cyclers--Organized May 1, 1891. Headquarters and rooms over 86
Genesee. Meetings held first Friday evening of each month. G Earle Treat, Pres’t;
William I Ferrey, Vice Pres’t; F Howard Hosmer, Treas; D L Sullivan, Cap’n;
Henry Brewer, Sec’y.

Auburn Gun Club--Organized June, 1886. Meeting rooms 41 and 43 Genesee
St. Regular meetings first and third Tuesday evenings of each month, Shooting
grounds Seward ave n Capitol. Regular Shoots every Wednesday afternoon at 3 P
M. Frank S Coburn, Pres’t; Orlando Lewis, Vice-Pres’t; Irving E Brigden, sec’y
and Trea’r.

Auburn (City Club of)--Organized January 22, 1884. Club house 158
Genesee St. Geo H Nye, Pres’t; George Underwood, Vice-Pres’t; C Eugene
Kirkpatrick, Jr, Treas; J Lewis Grant, Sec’y.

Auburn Turn Verein--Organized October 7, 1882. Meetings held at Turner’s
Hall, 95 Owasco St, first and third Sundays of each month. Frank J Simon, Pres’t;
Gottlieb Boehm, Vice-President; William Preg, Fin Sec’y; William Schicht, Treas;
Albert Raguse, Instructor.

Caledonian Club (The)--Re-organized February 17, 1897. Meetings held first
and third Wednesdays of each month, over 116 Genesee. Arthur Murray, Chief;
John Hamilton, 1st Chieftain; Robert G Wylie, 2d Chieftain; Malcolm C Weir, 3d
Chieftain; Douglass J Murray, 4th Chieftain.

Germania Glee Club--Organized August 11, 1861. Meetings held every
second Thursday in the month at Germania Hall, 92 Owasco street. Max Hoffman,
Leader; Anton F Vatter, Pres’t; Adolph Casper, Vice-President; Philip Pohle, Fin
Sec’y; Adolph Baier, Cor Sec’y; Peter Pfeiffer, Librarian; Ferd (sic) Wildner, Treas.

Highland Social Club (The)--Organized November 5th, 1898. Rooms over 84
Genesee St. Meetings held first Thursday evening, of each month. Fred B Merritt,
Pres’t; Louis L Blakley, Vice-Pres’t; Douglass J Murray, Sec’y and Treas.

Masonic Club Rooms--New Metcalf Block, (5th floor), Nos 141-145 Genesee
St, Auburn, N Y. Organized Feb’y 8th, 1900. E R Carpenter, Pres’t; W H Foord,
Vice-Pres; Ernest Penney, Treas; F L Swart, Sec’y. Phones, Emp 180, Aut 734.

Press Club of Auburn (The)--Organized February, 1896. Annual meeting
and banquet held at any place where positive assurances can be secured that
nothing but the best of solids and liquids, and an abundance of them, will be served.
William J Donnell, Pres’t; Victor J Holland, Sec’y and Treas; H J Knapp, Rep to
National Association of Press Clubs; George R Peck, Ch’n of Entertainment Com.


Charles F Rattigan, 		Martin A Hanlon, 
F Howard Hosmer, Thomas J Gallagher,
Norman M Duncan, Patrick B Sheehan,
John J Murphy, Henry J Case,
George R Peck, Henry D Peck,
H J Knapp, E H Thomson,
William I Donnell, Fred H Putnam,
Frederick B Squyer, John H Farrell,
Edward T Quigley, William B Chisholm,
John L Land, John N Ross,
Paul R Clark, J Ripley Manning,
Swift Laurie, Julius J Chisholm.

Republican Club of Auburn--Organized October 20th, 1894. Headquarters
over 94 Genesee St, Seward Block. Officers, Emmett Rhodes, Pres’t; J Lewis Grant,
Treas; Samuel E Bell, Cor Sec’y; W T Howard, Acting Fin Sec’y; Frank P Taber,
Ch’n Ex Com.

Utopia Club--Organized December, 1899. Meetings held the 1st Thursdays of
each month at their parlors, 9 Fulton St. James Lettimore, Pres’t; Joseph Blumrich,
Vice-Pres’t; John Bohan, Rec Sec’y; Adolph Casper, Fin Sec’y; William Fulton,

Labor Organizations--Official.

American Federation of Labor--Samuel Gompers, Pres’t, 423 G St N W,
Washington, D C; Frank Morrison, Sec’y; 423 G St N W, Washington, D C.
Workingmen’s Federation of the State of New York--Martin F Murphy,
Pres’t; Council Hall, Buffalo; Richard H Curran, Sec’y, Reservoir Ave, Rochester.
Central Labor Union--Meets at C L U Hall alternate Fridays, Luke Williams,
Sec’y. Address 124 Franklin street.
Labor League--Meets at C L U Hall alternate Fridays. J P Hennessey, Sec’y.
Address, 39 Jefferson street.
Coremaker’s Union--Meets alternate Mondays at C L U Hall, Jacob Simons,
Sec’y. Address, 177 1/2 Perrine street.
Meatcutters’ Union--Meets at C L U Hall alternate Tuesdays, James Sullivan,
Sec’y. Address, 80 Franklin street.
Building Trades Council--Meets at C L U Hall alternate Fridays. J F
Gaynor, Sec’y. Address, Burt avenue.
Bakers’ Union, 179--Meets at C L U Hall the 2d and 4th Saturdays of each
month. Willis J Raymond, Sec’y. Address, 110 Fulton street.
Barbers’ Union--Meets at C L U Hall alternate Mondays. Edmund H Pease,
Sec’y. Address, 112 Mechanic street.
Bartender’s Union No 230--Meets at C L U Hall weekly. Wm H Boyle,
Sec’y. Address, 44 Holley.
Master Plumbers Ass’n of Auburn--Meetings held every Thursday
afternoon at rooms 121-122 New Metcalf B’d’g, 141 Genesee st. John Holihan,
Pres’t; Seymour B Wheeler, Sec’y. Address, 38 Park ave.
U A of Plumbers, Steam Fitters, Gas Fitters and Steam Fitters’
--Meets every Monday at C L U Hall James Donovan, Sec’y. Address, 26
Howard St.
Brewers’ Union, Branch No 1--Meets the first Sunday of each month at
Steiner’s hall, over 153 State street Hugo Brust, Sec’y. Address, 28 Maple St.
Beer Drivers’ Union--Meets the fourth Tuesday of each month at Mantel’s
hall, 17 Water street. Thos Mallon, Sec’y. Address, 62 Perrine St.
Carpenters’ Union, 453--Meets alternate Mondays over 57 Genesee B F
Andrews, Pres; Albert Alling, V-Pres; Roderick White, Cor Sec’y. Address 59 Fitch
ave. Edward Koon, Fin Sec’y; Joseph Fourgette, Treas.
Cigarmakers’ Union 311--Meets the first Thursday of every month at C L U
hall. Frank H Rigby, Sec’y. Address, 28 Walnut St.
Iron Moulders’ Union, 107--Meets at Mantel hall, 17 Water street, every
Monday. W H O’Dea, Sec’y. Address, 28 Wall St.
Machinists’ Union (Empire)--Meets alternate Wednesdays at Mantel hall.
James Mc Connell, Sec’y. Address, 5 Church St.
Bricklayers’ and Masons’ Union, 31--Meets over 2 and 4 Franklin alternate
Wednesdays. P J McCabe, Sec’y. Address, 60 Hamilton ave.
Horse Shoer’s Union--Meets monthly at C L U hall. L Staunton, Sec’y.
Address, 57 Nelson St.
A F of Musicians, 21--Meets the third Sunday of each month. John E
Stapleton, Sec’y. Address, 43 Genesee St.
Painters’ Union, 113--Meets every Tuesday at C L U hall. Frank E Mott,
Sec’y. Address, 39 Fitch ave.
Retail Clerks’ Union--Meets alternate Thursdays at C L U hall. Frank B
Townsend, Sec’y. Address, 52 Hamilton ave.
Team Drivers’ Union--Meets monthly at C L U hall. F L Arnold, Sec’y.
Address, 11 Walnut St.
Builders Exchange--Organized May 1st, 1898. Meetings held the 1st, 3d and
5th Friday of each month at their rooms, over 84 Genesee. Wilbur B Barnes, Pres’t;
A W Roseboom, V-Pres; J L Alnutt, Fin Sec’y; H A Hompe, sec’y; res 7 Orchard;
John J Gardner, Treas.

Religious, Benevolent, Historical and Medical Societies.

NOTE--A few organizations do not appear in the following list, as no accurate
information could be obtained, and Secretaries have neglected to send in lists. In some
instances notices of the year previous are continued.
United Brewery Workmen No 124 of Maltsters--Michael J Byrne, Sec’y.
Address, 3 Seymour St.
Brotherhood of Andrew & Philip--Immanuel Baptist church, Friday
evening, 7:45. Pres, Clarence Patrick; V-Pres, Harry V Clements; Recording Sec’y,
Wilbur H Rothery; Treasurer, Frank Lutesinger; Fin Sec’y, Hesslar Gates; Cor
Sec’y, Le Roy Seccomb.
Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, 105--Organized May 11, 1887.
Meetings held every alternate Monday, over 96 Genesee St. Rev John Hickey,
Spiritual Advisor; Thomas A Whalen, Chancellor; Charles Quinn, Pres’t; James
Gullery, R Sec’y; Jas H Dobbins, Fin Sec’y; Jas Hamilton, Treas.
Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, 59--Organized June 13, 1882.
Meetings held at rooms 4 and 6 Franklin St, Tuesday evening of each week. Rev
Wm Mulheron, Spiritual Advisor; Frank J Mc Cauley, Fin Sec’y; John J Murray,
Rec Sec’y; John Harmon, Treas.
Catholic Mutual Benefit Association, 145--Meetings held at Mantel Hall,
17 Water St. Rev H Regenbogen, Spiritual Advisor; Frank Steigerwald, Pres’t;
Lawrence Weaver, Rec Sec’y; Anton Mantel, Treas.
Catholic Relief Benevolent Association--Organized August, 1890. Meets
bi-annually in August, over 146 Genesee St. Thos H O’Neil, Sup Pres’t; Thos Mc
Connell, Sup Vice-Prest; James L Mc Garr, Sup Treas’r; Mary G Connelly, 313-314
Metcalf Block, over 141 Genesee St, Sup Recorder; Frank W Maloney, M D,
Rochester, N Y, Sup Medical Examiner.
Council 1, C R B A--Meets every Tuesday evening over 146 Genesee St.
Stephen Kinsella, Pres’t; Joseph Mc Donald, Vice-Pres’t; Elizabeth Mc Garr,
Treas’r; Mrs Anna Mohr, Rec Sec’y; Mrs C M Hubbard, Fin Sec’y.
Council 7, C R B A--Meetings held 2d and 4th Thursdays over 2 and 4
Franklin St. Ed J Brannick, Pres’t; Margaret Burns, Rec Sec’y; John Murray,
Council 47, C R B A--Meets 2d and 4th Fridays in Mantel’s Hall, over 17
Water St. Mathias Erhart, Pres’t; Catharine Kierst, Rec Sec’y; Katherine
Kauffmann, Treas’r.
Council 51, C R B A--Meetings hald 2d and 4th Wednesdays over 2 and 4
Franklin St. Mary Daley, Pres’t; Elizabeth Woods, Sec’y; Celia Cox, Treas.
Cayuga County Historical Society--Founded March 22, 1876. Incorporated
Feb’y 2, 1877. Rooms 11 and 12 Seward Black (sic) cor Genesee and Exchange Sts.
Meetings held the 2d Tuesday evenings in each month. Wm H Seward, Pres’t; Benj
B Snow, Vice-Pres’t; F W Richardson, Cor Sec’y; Porter Beardsley, Rec Sec’y; C M
Baker, Historical Sec’y; Wm H Meaker, Treas’r; B C Smith, Librarian. Organized
for literary purposes.
Ithamar Court 1, Tribe of Ben Hur of Auburn, N Y--Instituted Feb’y 14,
1895. Meetings held at K of P Hall, over 10 State St, on the 1st and 3d Tuesday
evenings of each month. C Albert Weeks, Past Chief; Edwin R Worden, Chief;
Fred A Schuyler, Judge; Geo H Macomber, Teacher; Edwin D Heffron, Scribe and
K of T; Edward G Mowbray, Captain.
Knights of Columbus, Auburn Council--Organized February 21, 1897.
Meetings held at K of C Hall, over 140 to 146 Genesee St. Thos H O’Neil, G K;
Martin A Hanlon, D G K; Martin F Dillon, Chancellor; Wm J Taylor, Cor Sec’y; M
A Crehan, Fin Sec’y; Peter J Ryan, Treas’r; P H Dunn, Warden.
Dr Loughlin Council, 311--Organized July 6, 1880. Meets 2d and 4th Friday
evenings in Mantel’s Hall, over 17 Water St. Rev H Regenbogen, Spiritual Advisor;
Edward O’Keefe, Pres’t; Wm H Burke, Vice-Pres’t; James F Finn, Sec’y; L J
Powers, Col; Miles S Kehoe, Orator; Jno Graney, Marshall; Chas Williams, Treas.
Medical Society of the County of Cayuga--Organized August 7, 1806.
Meetings--Annual, second Thursday in May; semi-annual, second Thursday in
November. Regular meetings, the second Thursday in August and February. B I C
Buckland, Pres; Andrew J Forman, Sec’y; Amelia W Gilmore, Treas.
Ancient Order of Hibernians, 1--Organized December 31st, 1877. Meetings
held over 96 Genesee St, first and third Thursdays of each month. James Nolan,
Pres’t; John J Mc Carthy, Rec Sec’y; M J Mooney, Fin Sec’y; Stephen Murphy,
A O of H, 2--Organized July 13, 1892. Meetings held over 105 Genesee St,
second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Martin E Cahill, Pres’t; Wm R Cross,
Vice Pres’t; Francis J Conboy, Treas; William T Flynn, Rec Sec’y; James F
Condley, Fin Sec’y.
A O of H, 3--Organized February 10, 1895. Meetings held over 96 Genesee St,
alternate Friday evenings. M Joseph O’Brien, Pres’t; Daniel F Young, Rec Sec’y;
Thomas G Hayden, Fin Sec’y; James Hamilton, Treas; Rev J J Gibbons, Chaplain.
Sons of St George, (Gen Gordon Lodge)--Organized June 21, 1886. Meetings
held at St George’s Hall, over 8 Genesee St, first and third Wednesday evenings of
each month. Headley Tutton, W P; Charles Spencer, Sec’y; James Williamson,
Daughters of St George, (Red Rose Lodge No. 112)--Organized March 10,
1897. Meets alternate Wednesday evenings at American Hall, over 145 Genesee St.
Mrs. Georgia Kober, W P; May Sandham, W V P; Mrs Elizabeth Kerslake, Sec’y;
Mrs Ada Williams, Treas.
Seymour Library Association of Auburn (Free)--Rooms in Auburn
Savings Bank Building, Genesee cor South. Hon C C Dwight, Pres’t; Rev John
Brainard, Vice Pres’t; Porter Beardsley, Sec’y and Treas; Miss Martha A Bullard,
Librarian. Free to the public. Open from 10 A M to 1 P M, 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 P M.
Women’s Educational and Industrial Union--Organized 1882. Rooms 25
Williams St. Public meetings held at the rooms on the first Tuesday of October,
December, February, April and June, at 3 P M. Mrs D M Osborne, Pres’t; Mrs
William Hart, Rec Sec’y; Mrs Eva White; Cor Sec’y; Mrs S P Allen, Treas; Janet M
Alexander, Sup’t. A free reading room and library for the special use of women.
Open from 9 A M until 9 P M.
Young Men’s Christian Association--Organized October 7th, 1859;
re-organized November 14th, 1864. Reading rooms and library 64 and 66 Genesee
St. Open from 8:30 A M to 10 P M. G B Longstreet, Pres’t; Fred M Hall, Treas; A
H Dadmun, Gen Sec’y; G H Zahn, Ass’t Sec’y.

Secret Societies.

Auburn Lodge 158, A O U W--Organized June 6th, 1878. Meets second
and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month; rooms over 8 Genesee St. J M
Wilkinson, P M W; Wm Kober, M W; J T Sullivan, Ov; A R Chrisler, Recorder; V
B Wilkinson, Receiver; A D Ward, Financier.
Griswold Lodge, 243, A O U W--Organized June 13, 1879. Meets every
Friday evening over Fraternity Hall, 135 Wall St. Mortimer Williams, P M W;
Charles A Worden, M W; Henry La Motte, Foreman; Fred G Montgomery, Ov; C
L Hickok, Treas; J C Chetham, Receiver; Thomas J Worden, Recorder.
German Kaiser Lodge, 561, D O H--Meetings held second and fourth
Wednesday evenings of each month at Mantel Hall over 17 Water St. Fritz
Rittman, D D; Christopher Yeckley, O B; Anton Jordan, U B; Philip Keiber, Treas;
Otto Presser, Sec’y; Fred Faustman, Fin Sec’y.
Harugari Saenger Chor--Organized December, 1891. Meets at Rittmann’s
Deutsche Heimath, 49 Market St, every fourth Monday of each month. Fritz
Rittman, Pres’t; Charles Seidewitz, Vice-Pres’t; Michael Wilbert, Sec’y; Christian
Yesinger, Fin Sec’y; William Lidi, Treas.
Hermon Lodge, 103, D O H--Organized September 24th, 1864. Meets
second and fourth Tuesday evenings in each month. Mantel Hall, 17 Water St. Fritz
Rittman, D D; Fritz Friedle, O B; Frank Yantch, U B; Albert Raguse, R S; Carl
Fleischman, Fin Sec’y; F Sibus, Treas.
Olga Frauer Lodge 31, D O H--Organized January, 1892. Meetings held at
Mantel Hall, 17 water St, first and third Sundays of each month. Fritz Rittman, D
D; Mary Heinrich, O B; Ann Preuss, U B; Rosa Selley, Sec’y; Johanna Spiedle, Fin
Sec’y; Lena Friedle, Treas.
Auburn City Lodge, K of P, 195--Organized June 7th, 1883. Meets first
and third Tuesday evenings, Masonic Hall, over 7 and 9 Exchange St. F J Stewart,
P C; Wm M Hodgkiss, C C; Lewis Bartlett, V C; Charles Morris, Prelate; H R
Dixon, M of F; Eugene L Wadsworth, M of W; W E Taylor, K of R and S.
Uniformed Division K of P, 11--Organized January, 1884. Meetings held
1st Wednesdays of each month at Pythian Hall, over 10 and 12 State St. Regular
drills every Wednesday evening. Geo A Platt, S K C; Fred L Tournier, S K Lt C;
Geo Coneybear, S K Recorder; W O McGeer, S K Treas.
Cayuga Lodge 143, K of P--Organized 1876. Meets every Friday evening at
Pythian Hall, over 10 State St. D A Chatelle, P C; James Cole, C C; F B Perkins, V
C; John S Titus, P; Fred Tournier, M at A; E A McClarnon, K of R and S; Paul A
James, M of E; James Ostrander, M of F.
Endowment Bank, Section 531, K of P--Meets at Pythian Hall, over 10
State street, monthly, subject to order of the presiding officers, Geo W Snyder, Pres;
Geo W Hoffman, V P; Wm E Taylor, Sec’y and Treas.
Auburn Lodge 474, B P O Elks--Organized April 1, 1899. Meetings held
every Friday evening at Pythian Hall, over 10 State St. Sam’l L Meddaugh, Exalted
Ruler; Geo W Benham, E Leading Kn; Edward L Ross, E Loyal Kn; Fred H Stout,
E Lect’g Kn; Martin A Hanlon, Sec’y; Wm C Firth, Treas.
Foresters of America (The)--Organized March 30th, 1898. Meetings held
every Wednesday evening at Pythian Hall, over 10 State St. e A McClarnon,
Deputy Grand Chief Ranger; Wm H McNaney, Chief Ranger; Timothy Donovan,
Sub Chief Ranger; Thos Wilson, Fin Sec’y; Michael Kavanagh, Rec Sec’y; Hugh
Flanagan, Senior Woodward; Wm Deegan, Junior Woodward; Chas Hennessy,
Treas; David La Motte, Wm O’Brien, Beadles; Dr F E O’Brien, Physician.
Logan Tribe, I O R M, 83--Organized April 8, 1886. Meets 1st and 3d
Wednesday evenings of each month, over 116 Genesee St. John Greenwood,
Prophet; Fred E Bidwell, W S; Thomas S Fowler, Sr Sagamore; George E Crofoot,
Jr Sagamore; H H Rhodes, C of R; George H Halstead, K of W.
Royal Arcanum, Auburn Council 407--Meets in Maccabee Temple, 120
Genesee St, the 1st and 3d Thursday evenings in each month. A W Montgomery, P
Regent; John D Parcells, Regent; Oren R Wickes, Vice Regent; Chas W Jennings,
Orator; J H Van Kleek, Sec’y; W Charles Bray, Treas’r; Frank B Townsend,
Maccabee Temple--Over Nat’l Bank of Auburn, No 120 Genesee. Organized
June 1st, 1899. J Frank Stevens, Chairman; Glenn F Mosher, Sec and Treas.
Sec’y’s address, 138 Genesee St.
Standard Tent K O T M, 437--Organized May 26th, 1896 Reviews held 2d
and 4th Wednesday evenings at Maccabee Temple, over 120 Genesee St. Wilford M
Cottle, Com’r; Isaac Walker, Record Keeper; Chas E Blakley, Finance Keeper.
Ladies of the Maccabees--Auburn Hive 152. Organized------. Meetings held
2d and 4th Thursday evenings of each month at Maccabee Temple, over 120
Genesee St. Bertha Clark, Com’r; Maggie Merrick, Record Keeper; Phoebe
Clements, Finance Keeper.
Standard Hive 334, K O T M--Organized March 11, 1899. Meets 1st and 3d
Friday evenings of each month in Maccabee Temple, over 120 Genesee St. Nellie
House, Com’r; Sarah E Koon, Record Keeper; Eva J. De witt, Finance Keeper.
Knights of Maccabees, Auburn Tent, 125--Organized Aug 18, 1892.
Meetings held at Maccabee Temple, over 120 Genesee st, 1st and 3d Wednesdays of
each month. J B House, P C Com’r; James B Maynard, Com’r; H J Koon, Record
Keeper; Harry D Benham, Finance Keeper; John Conner, Chaplain; E E Ferrin,
Sergeant; H A Havens, Master at Arms.
Junior Order, U A M--Pride of Cayuga council No 23.--The Council was
instituted Nov 18, 1892, by the State Council of New York, and meets every Friday
evening, over 116 Genesee street. Henry Randall, Councilor; Fred Hart, Rec Sec’y.
Daughters of America--True American No 4--Organized December, 1895.
Meetings Thursday evenings, over 116 Genesee street. Mrs Mary Smith, Councilor;
Mrs Nellie Huttee, A C; Mrs Aggie Davis, V C; Mrs Emma Case, A V C; Mrs Ida
Duncan, Con; Mrs Franc Bedell, W; May Harvey, A R S; Mrs Sarah Osborne, I J;
Mrs Lois Halstead, C S; Mrs Janet Fairchilds, Jr P C; Mrs Maggie Hamlin, Jr H P
C; Edward Dayton, trustee, 18 months.
Sandilands Commandery 245, Knights of Malta--Organized April 5th,
1898. Convenes in Maccabee Temple, over 120 Genesee street, every Tuesday
evening, Walter F Armitage, Com’r; Fred Mahannah, Rec’r.

Temperance Organizations.

United Lodge, I O of G T, 242--Meets Saturday evenings at Maccabee
Temple over 120 Genesee. Lodge deputy, Edith A Arnold, 12 Grant ave.
Logan Council R T of T--Instituted Nov 3, 1875. Meetings held every Friday
evening over 57 Genesee st. M Emma Blaikie, S C; Chas R Emerick, R S; Mrs O E
Eldridge, F S and Treas.
\ St Mary’s Temperance Union, Organized Oct 22, 1886--Meetings held
every Wednesday evening at rooms over 2 Exchange st. Rev J J Gibbons, Chaplain;
John V Murray, Chancellor; John B Ginnity, Pres; Dennis H Gaynor, 1st V P;
James F Quigley, Rec Sec’y; Thomas G Hayden, Fin Sec’y; Joseph Mc Donald,
Treas; Patrick Cowmey, Marshall.

General Masonic Directory.
Masonic Hall over 141 Genesee St, New Metcalf B’k.

Salem Town and A & S Rite Bodies--Lodge Perfection, 4 (degrees) to 14
(degrees), Council Princes of Jerusalem 15 (degrees) to 16 (degrees), Chapter of
Rose Croix, 17 (degrees) to 18 (degrees). Council of Kadosh, 19 (degrees) to 30
(degrees). Meets twice a year. Fred Cossum, Sec’y.
Salem Town Commandery, 16 K T--Frank W Lyons, E C; J N Starner,
Rec; Fred Cossum, Sec’y. Regular conclaves 1st and 3d Fridays in each month.
David’s Chapter 34, R A M--C Eugene Kirkpatricki, Excellent High Priest,
George B Sweeting, Scribe; E R Carpenter, Treas’r; A B Livermore, Sec’y. Regular
convocations 2d and 4th Mondays in each month.
St Paul’s Lodge 124, F & A M--W H Foord, W M; Frank J Stupp, Treas;
Fred Cossum, Sec’y. Regular meetings, 2d, 4th and 5th Fridays in each month.
Auburn Lodge 431, F & A M--Reg Com 2d and 4th Fridays in each month.
L A Pierce, W M; C E Kirkpatrick, Treas; J N Starner, Sec’y; Walter Bray,
Auburn Chapter No 169, Order of the Eastern Star--Organized
February 14th, 1899. Meetings held at Masonic Hall, over 7 and 9Exchange St, 1st,
3d and 5th Tuesdays. Ida Harvey, W M; E B Peck, W P; Hattie Harvey, A M;
Carrie Dratt, Cond; Eliza Patty, A Cond; Ida Reigal, Treas; Mary Lewis, Sec’y.
Salem Town Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star No 58--Meetings 1st,
3d and 5th Tuesdays. Georgianna Luce, W M; Ernest Penny, W P; Clara Penny, A
M; Phebe M Rusco, Treas; Ella B Collins, Sec’y; Minnie Williamson, Cond; Mary
Perrigo, A C; Sarah A Williamson, Warder; Ida M Schilling, Adah; Eda G
Robinson, Ruth; Lillian A Hyatt, Esther; Cora E Crane, Ruth; Sophrona Carl,
Electa; Jacob B Erhart, Sentinel.
Masonic Relief Association--Organized March 28, 1882, Meetings held
second Tuesday of each month, 20 Lincoln street. D MacKay, Pres’t; W F
Claudius, Vice Pres; W E Taylor, Sec’y; A W Roseboom, Treas’r.
Odd Fellows.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Ensenore Lodge 438--Organized
September 23, 1875. Meets every Wednesday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, over 7
and 9 Exchange St. Lucius P Meaker, N G; J S Kreiglestein, V G. Wm Lamey,
Sec’y. Garry R Lewis, Treas; Wm Lamey, Representative to Grand Lodge.
Brutus Encampment 90, I O of O F--Meets third Wednesday evening of
each month, at Odd Fellows Hall, over 7 and 9 Exchange St. B D Livermore, Chief
Patriarch; John P Hart, H P; William Lamey, Scribe; Charles E Denman, Treas.
Hardenburg Lodge 748, I O of O F--Organized March 17, 1896. Meetings
held every Tuesday evening at Odd Fellows Hall, over 131 Wall street. O J
Williams, P G; Edwin L Amidon, N G; James Hazlitt, Sec’y; Myron T Moore,
Treas; Fred Buckman, Perm Sec’y.
Auburn Encampment 142, I O of O F--Organized Dec, 1896. Meetings
held 2d and 4th Friday of each month, at Odd Fellows Hall, over 131 Wall. J J
Thorn, Chief Patriarch; Ed C Beers, Scribe; Myron T Moore, Treas.
Thelma Rebekah Lodge 188, I O O F--Instituted May 7, 1896. Nellie
Barber, N G; Miss Ida Lawson, Sec’y; Mrs Phoebe Rusco, Treas. Meetings held 2d
and 4th Wednesdays, Odd Fellows Hall, 131 Wall.

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