Pace Charles A, sec'y Bowen M'f'g Co, h 146 Owasco Pachejieff John J, shoe op, bds 103 Fulton Padbury John, foreman, 307 Genesee, h 27 Lewis PADDOCK GEORGE A.,ass't general manager. The emp Tel and Tel Co, office over 102 Genesee, h 67 Seymour Paddock Lewis, h over 8 Grant ave Page Bessie, attache, Hotel Archie, 64 State Page Elmer E, engraver, over 93 Genesee, bds 2 1/2 Hamilton ave Page John, com trav, h 2 1/2 Hamilton ave PAINE, see also PAYNE Paine Ambrose, plumber, bds 9 1/2 State PAINE CO., (THE NEW,) Manuf'rs Fine Dress Shirts, (Custom Works a specialty,) 24 Garden Paine J Frank, shirt m'f'r, over 10 state, res 15 James Paine William H, res 110 1/2 Mechanic Painter Harry J, carpenter, h 30 Lansing Painter Laura A, seamstress, bds 30 Lansing PALACE THEATRE (THE), Jack Boone, prop'r, 47 Market st Matinees Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2:30 P M (See page 88) PALMER, see also PARMER Palmer Aaron L, com trav, bds 11 Maple Palmer Ada L, teacher, Fulton St Sch, bds over 11 Franklin Palmer Albert N, barber, 21 Genesee, bds 26 Chapel Palmer Clara M, widow J Forman, h over 11 Franklin Palmer Daisie M, nurse, 3 Linden Place, res 20 Fitch ave Palmer Edward A, U S N, res over 4 William Palmer Elizabeth, widow John, h over 4 William Palmer Ellen M, teacher, bds 20 Fitch ave Palmer Elsie M, saleslady, bds over 4 William Palmer Emma S, widow Sidney W, h over 11 Franklin Palmer Flora H B, music teacher, bds 108 Wall Palmer Rev Frederick W, pastor Cent Pres Ch, h 36 Seminary Palmer George W, h 5 Elizabeth Palmer Mrs Hanorah, h 9 1/2 Union Palmer Harriet S, teacher, bds 20 Fitch ave Palmer H Louis, expert D M O & Co, bds 20 Fitch ave Palmer Jane G, bds 20 Fitch ave Palmer John, twine op, bds 71 Clark Palmer John L, twine op, h 163 1/2 Clark Palmer John O, physician and surgeon, 20 Fitch ave, h do Palmer Joseph A, loom fixer, h 10 Wallace ave Palmer J Willard, coachman, The Cottage, 53 State Palmer Levi E, piano maker, h 37 Mary Palmer Lizzie, res 4 William Palmer Mary O, music teacher, res 20 Fitch ave Palmer Rettie, dressmaker, bds 45 Elizabeth Palmer Sidney, laborer, bds 9 1/2 Union Paltz George B, engraver, 70 Genesee, res 6 Pine Pamplion Hannah, domestic, enq 143 North Pamplion John H, grinder, h 65 Union Pamplion John H, Jr, mill op, bds 65 Union Pamplion Robert N, factoryman, bds 27 Derby ave Pangburn Sarah J, widow William, res 1 Church Papageorge John, salesman, 45 Genesee, bds over do PARCELLS, see also PARSELLS Parcells Charles D, machinist, h 28 Foote Parcells Charles D, Jr, shoe op, bds 28 Foote Parcells Christopher F, pharmacist, h 29 Grant ave Parcells Daisy, saleslady, 10 burt ave, h do Parcells Duane C, bartender, 108 Genesee, bds 28 Foote Parcells Eugene C, emp D M O & Co, bds 28 Foote Parcells Hortense A, accountant, 39 Genesee, bds 50 1/2 Clark Parcells John D, grocer and baker, 10 Burt ave, h do Parcells Pauline M V, student, A H S, bds 10 Burt ave Parcells William, agent, h over 32 Dill Parcells William H, drug clerk, bds 29 Grant ave Parke Edward S, bds 32 Sherman Parke James H, prison guard, h 32 Sherman Parker alfred J, coachman, 114 South, h 20 Cornell PARKER AMASA J., (Parker M'f'g Co,) also attorney at law, offices over 119 Genesee, h 193 do Parker Angelina L, domestic, bds 9 Worden ave Parker Anne E, widow Charles E, h 70 Prospect Parker Charles E, d'v'y clerk, h 198 Seymour Parker Charles H, moulder, h 175 Cottage Parker Clayton S, hammersman, h 62 1/2 Perrine Parker Daniel S, artist, h 32 Ross Place PARKER EDWARD D., The Parker Cafe, Liquors, Cigars and Wines, of unexceptional quality, 108 Genesee, h 6 1/2 William The finest appointed and best equipped gentleman's resort in the country Parker Edward J, emp D M O & Co, bds 33 Holley Parker Emma E, bds 62 1/2 Perrine Parker Eva E, bds 9 Worden ave PARKER F. EDWIN, general groceries, fresh, salt and smoked meats, also dealer in dry and fancy goods, hats, caps, boots, shoes, crockery, glassware, &c, &c, a complete line of drugs, medicines and toilet articles, 144 1/2, 146, 146 1/2 Wall, also coal, wood, lumber, and agent for the Eureka plaster, 120 Wall and 55 Barber, also branch stores 77 and 79 Orchard, h 144 Wall Parker Fred, emp D M O & Co, bds 9 1/2 State Parker Fred A, student, A H S, bds 193 Genesee Parker Frederick D, salesman, 18 North, bds 87 E Genesee PARKER FRED H., physician and surgeon, office and res 156 Genesee Office hours 1 to 4 and 8 to p P M Parker Mrs Frederick, res 34 Garrow Parker George C, twine op, bds 9 Worden ave Parker George J, shoe laster, bds 33 Holley Parker Harry, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 Bristol ave, Melrose Parker Isaiah, teamster, bds 56 Cornell Parker James F, carpenter, bds 9 1/2 State Parker Janette L, domestic, res 9 Worden ave Parker John C F, marketman, 203 State, h 213 do Parker Kittie G, salesclerk, bds 33 Holley Parker Lena M, shoe op, bds 184 Seymour Parker Lewis E, emp D M O & Co, bds 62 1/2 Perrine Parker Lewis L, com trav, h 87 E Genesee PARKER LIQUOR STORE (THE), E. D. Parker, manager, importer and jobber of Fine Whiskies, Choice Wines and other Liquors, 108 Genesee the finest appointed and best equipped bar in Western New York---- Bar none PARKER M'F'G CO. (THE), (A. J. PARKER and R. M. TRAVER,) manufacturers Suits and Wrappers, 38 and 40 Market Parker Norman L, city policeman, h 138 Owasco Parker Raymond S, hammersman, bds 62 1/2 Perrine Parker Robert G, com trav, h 33 Holley Parker Robert W, d'v'y clerk, 24 1/2 Genesee, bds 33 Holley Parker Rose E, tailoress, bds 184 Seymour Parker Susette Louise, student, A H S, res 156 Genesee Parker Thomas, gardener, h 53 Cornell Parker William, gardener, 48 South Parker William H, laborer, h 9 Worden ave Parks Agnes L, mill op, bds 66 Mechanic Parks George B, fireman, N Y C, h 211 State Parks James, horseman, res 211 State Parks Kittie M, dressmaker, res 9 Cross Parks Mary R, button op, bds 66 Mechanic Parks William J, machinist, h 66 Mechanic Parmele Meta M, widow Edwin B, h 50 South Parmelee Edson T, painter, h over 14 Genesee PARMELEE EDWARD W., pres The H. C. Hemingway Co, res Syracuse, N Y Parmelee Harriet T, widow Reuben R, bds over 14 Genesee PARMER, see also PALMER Parrish Rowland, laborer, h 49 1/2 Fitch ave Parrish Mrs Ruth, seamstress, h 40 Holley Parrish Valentine, emp D M O & Co, bds 49 1/2 Fitch ave PARSELL, see also PARCELLS Parsell Charles I, sawyer, h 3 Sheldon ave Parsell Clarence E, manager, Meaker's Branch Grocery, 199 Seymour, h 197 do Parsell David L, shoe op, bds 3 Sheldon ave PARSELL HENRY D., lawyer, over 75 Genesee, h 48 Cayuga Parsell Susan, widow David, res 150 Perrine Parsell William, delivery clerk, 24 Clark, bds 3 Sheldon ave Parsell William I, delivery clerk, 146 Wall, bds 3 Sheldon ave Parsell Willis A, driver, Am Ex Co, h over 6 Market Parsons Alamanzo, twine op, h 78 Lansing Parsons Anne, widow Richard, bds 17 Elizabeth Parsons Clarence C, painter, h over 22 State Parsons Frank, salesman, 141 Genesee, bds 20 South PARSONS & FRANKLIN,(Mrs. L. Parsons and James J. Franklin,) proprietors Improved Carpet Cleaning Works, office and buildings 41 Moravia, Laying, Fitting and Scouring a specialty (See adv) Parsons Harriet E, accountant, 5 Wall, h 9 John Parsons Irving, mechanic, bds over 40 Water Parsons J Claire, salesman, Big Store, bds 8 Chapel Parsons John C, plumber, h over 5 Holley Parsons Joseph, twine op, bds 78 Lansing PARSONS MRS. L., (Parsons & Franklin,) h 41 Moravia Parsons Metta, trained nurse, City Hosp, 15 Lansing Parsons Nellie F, bds 24 Derby ave Parsons Phoebe E, widow Jacob H, h 9 John Parsons Sheridan, delivery clerk, h over 40 Water Parsons Theresa, housemaid, 7 William Partello Mary E, widow J Bishop, res 7 Steel Pasquale Annie, cook, The Avery, 32 to 42 State Pasquale Mastisiani, laborer, bds 99 Orchard Patchen Byron H, laborer, h over 13 Exchange Patchen Christina, widow Loren A, h 133 Wall Patchen Edward A, bank watchman, h 9 1/2 Beardsley Patchen Glenn, twine op, bds 9 1/2 Beardsley Patchen Lucius A, coachman, bds over 13 Exchange Patchen Milo, blacksmith, enq 17 Monroe PATRICK ALFRED, florist and prop'r Melrose Nurseries, 19 Seward ave, cor Frances, h do (See adv) Patrick Anna, res 19 Seward ave Patrick Clarence A, plumber, bds 96 Owasco PATRICK ERNEST A., florist, also manager Melrose Nurseries, 19 Seward ave, res do Patrick James A, salesman, 79 Genesee, h over 20 Grover Patrick John, collar maker, h 96 Owasco Patrick Percy B, emp D M O & Co, res 19 Seward ave Patrick Robert W, plater, bds 248 Genesee Patten Anna R, mill op, bds 48 Augustus Patten C Edwin, bookkeeper, 1 Genesee, bds 29 Sheridan PATTEN CHARLIE, dealer in fresh, salt and smoked meats, also fish, oysters and poultry, 1 Genesee, bds 4 Chestnut Patten Charles E, delivery clerk, 98 E Genesee, bds 4 Chestnut Patten David, machanic (sic), bds 330 Genesee Patten Edward D, moulder, h 56 Mechanic Patten Elizabeth A, widow John E, res 6 Hamilton ave Patten Elsie B, res 4 Chestnut Patten Fannie S, seamstress, bds 4 Chestnut Patten George W, carpenter, h 28 1/2 Lansing Patten Grace E, bds 48 Augustus Patten James, carpenter, h 185 State Patten James W, carpenter, h 48 Augustus Patten Lewis J, emp D M O & Co, h over 27 Chase Patten Louis, clerk, 1 Genesee, bds 29 Sheridan Patten Maude A, bds 48 Augustus Patten Mrs May, waitress, 41 Garden, h over 10 Market Patten May E, seamstress, bds 48 Augustus Patten Sophia B, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 4 Chestnut Patten Sophia H, widow Charles E, h 4 Chestnut Patterson Alexander H, emp D M O & Co, h 57 Hamilton ave Patterson Catherine, widow William, h r 78 Owasco Patterson Rev Daniel H, pastor Disciples ch, h 58 Division N Patterson Duncan M, loom fixer, h 3 Walnut Patterson Ella May, mill op, bds 4 Pleasant Patterson George A, fireman, L V R R, h 4 Pleasant Patterson George A, mechanic, bds r 11 Holley Patterson Hannah, widow Samuel J, h 68 Orchard Patterson James W, laborer, h r 11 Holley Patterson Samuel J, mechanic, bds 68 Orchard Patterson William, draughtsman, 101 Orchard, bds 95 Fulton PATTERSON WILLIAM C., hospital steward, Auburn Prison, h 36 Chapel Patty David L, coal clerk, 80 Genesee, bds 3 Mary Patty Elizabeth, widow John B, h 3 Mary Patty Jane, widow John E, res 9 Kitchell Patty John C, emp Cordage Co, bds 3 Mary PAUL CHARLES E., with H. R. Olmstead's Portrait House, 5 Delevan, h 22 Wood PAUL CLINTON A., with H. R. Olmstead's Portrait House, h 171 Division S Paul Elizabeth S, widow Ephraim, res 27 Holley PAUL ELLIS S. S., (Paul & Schmeink,) h 27 Holley Paul Mrs Eva C, h 113 Fulton PAUL & SCHMEINK, (E. S. S. Paul and H. M. Schmeink,) Ladies' Tailors, Cloths and Furnishings, rooms 309 to 312 Metcalf "B'd'g, over 141 Genesee Pauly Carl, emp D M O & Co, h 3 Augustus Pauly George P, mechanic, h 43 Grant Pauly Regina. twine op, bds 43 Grant Pavey Thomas H, painter, h 31 Maple PAYNE, see also PAINE Payne Albertine E, widow Robert T, rooms 7 Franklin Payne Alice, clerk, 124 Genesee, h North n limits Payne Clara A, res 3 Orchard Payne Edith F, weaver, bds 241 1/2 Seymour PayneGeorge W, blacksmith, h 241 1/2 Seymour Payne Ida A, res 3 Orchard Payne Jane N, widow Alfred, enq 96 Washington Payne James, fireman, D M O & Co, h 9 Silver ave Payne John A, mill op, bds 241 1/2 Seymour Payne Joseph, emp D M O & Co, h 102 Division N Payne Lila A, widow William H, h over 50 1/2 Clark Payne Lily E, teacher, North St Sch, bds North n limits Payne Marion H, res 3 Orchard Payne Nelson, plumber, bds 9 1/2 State PAYNE HON. SERENO E., (Payne, Van Sickle & Payne,) also Member of Congress 28th Dist, h 11 James PAYNE, VAN SICKLE & PAYNE, (Hon. Sereno E. Payne, John Van Sickle and Wm. K. Payne,) attorneys at law, offices over 131 Genesee Payne William C, brakeman, L V R R, rooms 80 Washington PAYNE WILLIAM K., (Payne, Van Sickle & Payne,) res 11 James Peabody George N, shoe op, h 19 Bradford Peabody Julia E, artist, res 28 State Peabody Lemuel, musician, bds over 19 Bradford Peabody Robert A, coremaker, bds over 19 Bradford Peach James P, painter, h over 90 Clark Peach John, bds over 90 Clark Peach Nellie, mill op, bds 18 Wright ave Peacock Charles J, plumber, h 53 Elizabeth PEACOCK HOUSE, James H. Peacock, prop'r, 1 E Genesee PEACOCK HOWARD G., accountant, 42 Chapel, res 39 Mechanic PEACOCK JAMES H., prop'r Peacock House, also livery and hack stables, 1 E Genesee, h 63 Van Anden Peacock Ray L, carpenter, bds 39 Mechanic Peacock Thomas, agent, h 39 Mechanic PEARCE, see also PIERCE Pearce Edward, mechanic, bds 109 State Pearce Eliza, widow Robert, res 232 North Pearce Ellis E, mechanic, h over 109 State Pearce Frank W, milk pedler, bds 232 North PEARCE GEORGE H., (Carris & Pearce,) farmer, dairyman and stock dealer, 232 North, h do Pearce Jennie R, bds over 109 State Pearce Martha J, dressmaker, h 10 Myrtle ave Pearce Sidney R, milk pedler, bds 232 North Pearce William, coachman, 88 North, bds do PEARL PRINTING OFFICE, James M. Bryson, prop'r job printing and designing, all kinds of plain and ornamental work, executed with artistic skill, office over 8 State (See opp page) Pearsall Archie W, painter, bds 117 E Genesee Pearsall Charles F, painter, bds 117 E Genesee Pearsall Charles H, shoe designer, h 45 Jefferson Pearsall Charles P, bookkeeper, bds 112 E Genesee Pearsall Dwight, fireman, A C Ry, h 24 Van Anden Pearsall Frank, emp D M O & Co, bds 117 E Genesee PEARSALL GEORGE H., (Smith & Pearson,) h 181 Lake ave Pearson Jennie M, widow Isaac E, h 124 Owasco Pearson J Had, (Durston & Pearson,) also Coal, (wholesale & retail) and wholesale meat dealer, office and res 10 Lincoln Pearson J Had, Jr, salesman, 107 Genesee, bds 10 Lincoln Pearson Mary A, widow Uriah N, h 11 Aurelius ave Pearson Mary Elizabeth, housekeeper, 34 Aurelius ave Pearson Murt, laborer, bds 58 Van Anden Pearson William S, com trav, h over 31 State Pease Amelia V, button op, bds 55 Owasco Pease Mrs Augusta E, bds 55 Owasco Pease Charles C, coachman, h 110 Mechanic Pease David H, shoe maker, 99 Mechanic, h 55 Owasco Pease Edmund H, shaving parlors, also sec'y Barber's Union, 109 1/2 Mechanic, h 112 do Pease Fatima A, button op, bds 55 Owasco Pease William W, teamster, h 11 Wall PEAT, see PEET, also PEETS Peat Robert, res 35 Grover Pecani Frederico, laborer, bds 13 Underwood Peck Alma L, widow George W, h 61 South PECK EDMOND B., (Aub Roofing Co,) h 70 Orchard Peck Edmund B, engineer, D M O & Co, h 10 Cady ave Peck Fannie F, widow William H, h over 35 1/2 Genesee Peck Frank, bds 150 North Peck Frank H, machinist, h 150 North Peck Mrs Frank H, milliner, 10 State, h 150 North PECK GEORGE R., (Knapp, Peck Thomson,) also editor Auburn Daily Advertiser, h 61 South PECK HENRY D., (Knapp, Peck & Thomson,) also city editor Auburn Daily Advertiser, h 43 Grover Peck Mabel R, stenographer, Col Cord Co, res 9 William Peck Nora, mill op, bds 67 Lansing Peck Platt N, baggageman, L V R R, bds 151 Clark Peck William, mill op, h 67 Lansing Peck William G, clerk, bds 150 North Peckham Mrs Helen H, dressmaker, over 31 Genesee, h do Pedrick Addie, widow Dennis, dressmaker, res 173 Cottage PEET, see PEAT, also PEETS PEET COL. FREDERICK T., Wholesale Coal Dealer, office over 111 Genesee, h 6 1/2 William Peeling Frederick W, shoe op, bds 160 Perrine Peeling George D, mechanic, bds 160 Perrine Peeling Monelia, widow Dudley O, h 160 Perrine Pelcha Albert, iron worker, bds 170 Van Anden Pelham Robert, carpenter, bds 3 1/2 Franklin Pelton Allison D, teamster, h 2 Cottage Place Pelton Charles H, teamster, bds 134 Van Anden Pelton Stephen, flagman, N Y C R R, h 134 Van Anden Peluso Louis, barber, 2 1/2 Dill, h 21 Monroe Penird Arthur, weigher, bds 15 Perrine Penird David, agent, h 21 Perrine PENIRD GEORGE W., (Coy & Penird), also supervisor 3d ward, h 66 Clark Penird Grace S, housekeeper, bds 15 Perrine Penird Lillian M, mill op, bds 117 Perrine Penird Martha J, widow David, h 15 Perrine Penird William J, junk handler, 23 Perrine Penny Bertha M, domestic, enq 18 Capitol Penny Ernest F, piano op, h over 15 Exchange Penny Laura B, mill op, enq 13 Derby ave Penny Walter E, student, A H S, bds over 15 Exchange Peppler Lewis D, barber, 34 North, bds do Percy Hattie, attendant, bds 70 Franklin Percy James, moulder, h 31 Walnut Percy William, laborer, bds 70 Franklin Perdrix Constantine C, U S Army, bds 29 Frances Perdrix John, piano maker, h 29 Frances Perdrix William, tailor, bds 29 Frances Perfect Jay F, clerk coll dept, D M O & Co, h 11 Mary Perkins Abbie M, widow Hamilton J, h 13 James Perkins Carlton A, foreman, Daily Adv'r, h 30 Ross Place Perkins Clarence D, laborer, bds over 191 State Perkins Clarence E, ladies' furnishings, 94 Genesee, h 163 North Perkins David H, clerk, bds over 191 State Perkins Elias M, enq 27 Frazee Perkins Frank B, shoe op, h 38 Bradford Perkins Harriet E, res 13 James Perkins James, carpenter, h 31 Melrose Perkins James G, expressman, bds over 191 State Perkins Jay, carpenter, bds 31 Melrose Perkins John E, shipping clerk, bds 47 Mattie Perkins Smith c, painter, h over 191 State Perkins Thomas J, teamster, h 47 Mattie Perkins Watson N, res 30 Ross Place Perkins William J, machinist, bds 47 Mattie Perkinson Francis, shoe cutter, h 43 Orchard Perkinson Mrs Francis, mill op, bds over 50 Orchard Perkinson George A, shoe cutter, bds 43 Orchard Pernicelli Gaetano, laborer, bds 60 Division S Perrigo Charles, emp D M O & Co, bds over 14 Genesee Perrigo Edward L, machinist, h 9 Bradford Perrigo Percy, emp D M O & co, bds over 14 Genesee Perrigo Rachael, widow Benjamin F, res 65 1/2 Washington Perrigo William B, fireman, h 71 Division S Perillo Frank, laborer, bds 47 Van Anden Perrin John, teamster, bds 30 Cayuga Perrine Medici E, tailoress, h 78 Franklin Perry Clifford M, bicycle op, bds over 34 Market Perry Ella F, mill op, bds 18 James Perry Ellen M, res 24 Grover Perry Emily M, widow Henry B, h 27 E Genesee Perry Ernest E, emp D M O & Co, bds 4 Foote Perry E Stanton, h 24 Grover Perry Eva M, box maker, bds 94 Owasco Perry Frank A, emp D M O & Co, h 10 Elm Perry Frank E, emp D M O & Co, h 10 Gaylord Perry Fred J, emp D M O & Co, h 4 Foote Perry George E, shoe op, bds over 34 Market Perry Harriet, widow John W, h 94 Owasco Perry Herbert A, emp D M O & Co, h over 144 Van Anden Perry Lyle E, mill op, bds 10 Elm Perry Mary, dressmaker, res over 90 Mechanic Perry Mary, widow Walter, housekeeper, 20 Perrine Perry Mary E, widow William II, dressmaker, h 57 Fulton Perry Milton S, patternmaker, h 18 James Perry Nellie, musician, res 27 E Genesee Perry Sarah A, widow Jefferson T, bds 10 Elm Perry Theodore C, bicycle op, h over 34 Market Perry William, wood worker, bds 33 Division S Pershing Orlando B, student, Theo Sem, res do Pestell George H, coachman, 128 North, h 25 William PETERSEN, see also PETERSON Petersen Charles, artist, studio over 4 Exchange, h 4 Steel Petersen Josephine A, res 4 Steel Petersen Maria E H, teacher, Grover St Sch, bds 4 Steel Petersilie Frederick, emp D M O & Co, bds 100 Van Anden Petersilie Harmon H, iron worker, h 210 State Petersilie Harmon J, baker, h 100 Van Anden Petersilie Helen, widow Harmon J, h over 105 State Petersilie John, laborer, bds 100 Van Anden Petersilie John, laborer, bds over 105 State Petersilie Michael, emp D M O & Co, bds 100 Van Anden Petersilie William M, baker, h 65 Pulsifer PETERSON, seealso PETERSEN Peterson Augusta M, widow John C, res 11 Van Anden Peterson Charles E, clerk, bds 6 Florence Peterson Charles H, laborer, bds 32 Union ave Peterson Charles P, teamster, h 32 Union ave Peterson Mary, widow Charles, h South n limits Peterson Mary E, widow John, h 6 Florence Peterson Thomas, cigar m'f'r, h 30 Grove ave Perttigrass Jeosph (sic), laborer, bds 110 Orchard Pettigrass Paoli, laborer, bds 21 Monroe Petty Charles I, carpenter, bds 97 Van Anden Petty Clara S, music teacher, res 48 Fitch ave Petty Edward D, agt Ehrman Bottling Works, h 97 Van Anden Petty Mrs Emma O, dressmaker, res 48 Fitch ave Petty Frank E, salesman, 40 Chapel, h 103 Van Anden Petty George W, carpenter, h 48 Fitch ave Petty William, clerk, 40 Chapel, bds 97 Van Anden Pfeiffer C Fred, carpenter, bds 100 Cornell Pfeiffer Frederick, ice pedler, bds 100 Cornell Pfeiffer Peter, emp D M O & Co, h 55 Mattie Pfleider Charles, brewer, h 43 1/2 Pulsifer Pfleider Bertha, weaver, bds 43 1/2 Pulsifer Phalen Perry J, machinist, h 100 Wall Phayer Harry P, photographer, over 99 Genesee, h over 106 do Phelan Margaret, domestic, 186 Genesee Phelps Andrew B, attache Tallman's stables, h 8 Academy Phelps Mrs Cora E, weaver, h over 3 Sherwood Phelps Mrs Emma, dressmaker, res 8 Academy Phelps Etta M, artist, res 5 Lincoln Phelps George A, laundryman, h over 8 Elm Phelps George T, emp D M O & Co, bds 8 Academy Phelps Harriet A, widow andrew B, h over 46 Orchard Phelps Ira A, inspector, D M O & Co, h 3 Lincoln Phelps Jane, widow Jerome, h under 16 Fort Phelps Le Roy E, accountant, L V R R, bds 6 Mc Master Phelps Lucy A, widow Edson L, h 3 Lawton ave Phelps Marietta, widow Nelson G, h 10 Wallace ave Phelps Mary T, widow William E, h 16 Foote Phelps Oliver H, clerk, 4 Exchange, bds 16 Foote Phelps Rachel E, milliner, bds 16 Foote Phelps W Ernest, salesman, 127 Genesee. bds 16 Foote Philipsen Albert, emp D M O & Co, bds 14 Van Anden Philipsen William J, barber, 20 North, bds 14 Van Anden Phillips Anna S, widow Edwin E, h 70 Wall PHILLIPS A. S. (Chamberlain & Phillips) h 70 Wall Phillips charles A, mechanic, bds 74 Owasco Phillips Mrs Elizabeth, res 175 North Phillips Frank, laborer, h 61 Cornell Phillips Frederick C, shoe op, bds 88 Owasco Phillips George H, engineer, bds 2 Danforth Phillips Harry B, twine op, bds 74 Owasco Phillips Jairus P, scythe temperer, h over 52 Genesee Phillips James P, carpenter, bds 41 Mechanic Phillips Julia E, res 70 Wall Phillips Leon S, shoe op, bds 88 Owasco Phillips Lewis, mechanic, bds 41 Mechanic Phillips Mary R, widow Charles J, h 88 Owasco Phillips Molly, student A H S, res over 52 Genesee Phillips Octavius F, gardener, bds 34 Union ave Phillips Silas A, carpenter, res 5 Lincoln Phillips Theodore L, plumber, h 74 Owasco Phippen Charles, emp D M O & Co, bds 24 North Pickard James, farmer, h 30 Letchworth, Melrose Pickard John, emp D M O & Co, h 67 Elizabeth Pickard John B, clerk, 65 Elizabeth, bds 67 do Pickard Harry, gardener, bds 30 Letchworth, Melrose Pickard Irving L, emp D M O & Co, bds 30 Letchworth, Melrose Pickard Nancy, widow, Conrad H, h 197 State Pickens Andrew, sash maker, bds 27 Garden PIERCE, see also PEARCE Pierce Abram, clothing, etc, 26 Garden, h 59 Perrine Pierce Arthur E, shoe op, h 135 Owasco Pierce Augusta, widow Everardus, bds 135 Owasco PIERCE BLOCK, 38 to 42 Water Pierce Clair H, clerk cost dept, D M O & Co, bds 9 Perry Pierce Edward, mechanic, bds 45 Jefferson PIERCE EDWIN HALL, teacher of piano, violin, harmony and composition, studio and residence 16 Seminary (See card) Pierce Eva A, milliner, bds 135 Owasco Pierce Frances H, widow Rev James E, private tutor, h 16 Seminary Pierce Frank A, agent, res 3 Greene ave Pierce Grace, shoe op, bds 59 Perrine Pierce Harriet M, widow John C, h r 18 garden PIERCE LAVERN A., lawyer, also City Attorney, office City Hall, h 9 Perry Hours 6 to 12 A M and 2 to 5 P M Wednesday and Saturday evenings 7:30 to 10 P M Pierce Loyd S, ins agent, bds 48 Seymour Pierce Maude L, res r 18 Garden Pierce Melancthon M, wood worker, h 48 Seymour Pierce Mina, shoe op, bds 59 Perrine Pierce Nellie H, button op, bds 59 Perrine Pierce Stella M, twine op, bds 59 Perrine Pierce wilma E, widow Elias C, res 41 Elizabeth PIERSON, see also PEARSON Pierson Mrs Jane, enq 74 1/2 Van Anden Pigott Anna, widow John, h 154 Clark Pigott Catherine M, twine op, bds 154 Clark Pigott Francis P, mill op, bds 154 Clark Pigott James, emp D M O & Co, h 18 Havens ave Pigott John J, shoe cutter, bds 154 Clark Pigott Nellie, laundress, City Hosp, 15 Lansing Pigott William V, emp D M O & Co, bds 154 Clark Piltz Anna J, weaver, bds 38 Augustus Piltz John, laborer, h 127 Cottage Piltz Joseph, laborer, bds 127 Cottage Piltz Joseph, piano maker, h 38 Augustus Piltz Martin, laborer, bds 127 Cottage Piltz Mary I, button op, bds 38 Augustus Piltz Peter, stone grainer, bds 133 Van Anden Pimm Florence E, student, A H S, bds 133 North Pimm Harry E, merchant, h 133 North PIMM, JOHN B., Central Storage Ware House, Pimm Block, 14 to 18 Market Household Goods and Merchandise of all kinds stored, under careful and responsible management, res 118 E Genesee Prices Reasonable--Electric Power Elevator--Emp Tel 695 (See adv, next page) Pinckney Agnes, waitress, bds over 101 State Pinckney Charles A, agent, h 67 Franklin Pinckney H Ardell, hammersman, h 97 1/2 Division N Pinckney Ira D, retired, res 71 South Pinckney J Eugene, tamster, h 97 Division N Pinckney J Sackett, agent, h 16 Sheridan Pinckney Louis W, mechanic, bds 16 Sheridan Pinckney Maggie, waitress, Osborne House, res over 101 State Pinckney Russell W, mechanic, h over 101 State Pinckney Sallie, widow Abram J, res 197 State PINES (THE) A home for mental and nervous invalids Frederick Sefton, M D, physician in charge, 131, 133, 135, 137, 139, and 141 South Pingree Adaline M, widow John T, h 185 Genesee Pingree Lucy C, res 185 Genesee PINNEY ERNEST M., with Armistead's Wholesale and Retail Hat Emporium, 1 State, res 5 Court Piper Catherine M, mill op, bds 21 Paul Piper Mary A, mill op, bds 21 Paul Piper William E, blacksmith, h 21 Paul Piscitello Tony, laborer, bds 99 Orchard Pitcher Belle D, housekeeper, 10 Derby ave Pitcher Bert, scythe welder, h 174 Van Anden Pitcher Charles H, mill op, h 42 Jefferson Pitcher Egbert J, iron worker, h 10 Derby ave Pitcher Elizabeth, widow Frank, h 170 Cottage Pitcher Franklin U, laborer, bds 52 Orchard Pitcher James B, laborer, bds 52 Orchard Pitcher John W, hair dresser, 178 Van Anden, h 178 1/2 do Pitcher May, weaver, bds 170 Cottage Pitman Frank, mechanic, bds 2 Hoffman PITT DANIEL C., manager, Standard Oil Co of New York, 3, 5 and 7 Monroe, h 20 Seminary ave Pitts William N, emp A C Ry, h 70 West Place Edward L, salesman, 42 Seymour, bds 109 Fulton Place Norman, stone cutter, h 109 Fulton Place Raymond, stone dealer, h 123 E Genesee PLATT GEROGE A., assistant chief engineer and captain in charge of Hook and Ladder Co No 1, A F D, h over 36 Market Platt Harry M, accountant, 134 State, bds over 36 Market Platt Thomas J, laborer, h 71 Clark Platt Warren C, stock fitter, bds 63 Wall Plumbley Ulysses G, emp D M O & Co, res 5 Lincoln Plumley Eugene, coachman, bds 24 North PODWORSKY BROS.,(Max and Solomon), m'f'rs and dealers in cigars and tobaccos, 16 1/2 E Genesee An endless variety of smoker's articles (See adv) PODWORSKY MAX, (Podworsky Bro's,) bds 6 Lincoln PODWORSKY SAMUEL, cigar maker, h over 9 E Genesee PODWORSKY SOLOMON, (Podworsky Bro's,) h 57 Holley Pohle Emil, weaver, h 4 Miller Pohle George P, barber, 4 Clark, bds 68 Elizabeth Pohle Philip, weaver, h 68 Elizabeth Poindexter Fatima, domestic, 33 Seminary Poinsette Lizzie S, bds over 13 Foote Poinsette Thaddeus L, emp D M O & Co, h over 13 Foote Polhamus Frederick M, horse shoer, 19 Water, h over 87 Wall Polhamus Henry W, blacksmith, h over 19 Water Pollard John W, emp D M O & Co, h 68 Mechanic Pollard Margaret C, mill op, bds 68 Mechanic Pollard William J, mechanic, bds 68 Mechanic Polles George Amos, wood worker, bds 257 Genesee Pollock amelia, mill op, bds 51 Owasco Pollock Bertha, housekeeper, bds 51 Owasco Pollock John L, h 7 fort Pollock Maurice B, shoe cutter, h 102 Washington Pollock Pearl M, student, A H S, res 7 Fort Pollock William, cloth dresser, bds 58 Canoga Pollock William, mill op, h 51 Owasco Pollock William, Jr, mill op, bds 51 Owasco POMEROY HON. THEO. M., (Wm. H. Seward & Co,) h 168 Genesee POMEROY THEODORE M., JR, (Everts Bro's & Pomeroy,) h 27 Court Pomroy Henry R, h 22 Lansing Pomroy Michael M, law clerk, also Com'r of Deeds, res 32 Lincoln Pontius Blanche E, accountant, bds over 23 Orchard Pontius Emma, dressmaker, h 67 Van Anden Pontius Fanny A, res over 23 Orchard Pontius Jacob F, baker, h over 23 Orchard Poole Eleanor A, housekeeper, 160 North Poole Garrett J, laborer, h r 4 O'Neil ave Poole John, machinist, h 80 Lansing Poole Margaret, widow Patrick F, bds 14 Underwood Poole Mrs Margaret, h 3 Underwood Poole Mrs Mary A, shoe op, bds 3 Underwood Poole Thomas, mechanic, bds 209 State Poole William, mason, h 82 Lansing Poolos George, salesman, 45 Genesee, res over do POOLOS NICHOLAS, dealer in foreign and domestic fruits, choice confectionery, also ice cream parlors, 45 Genesee, h over do We receive goods direct from growers (See card) Pope Harry L, moulder, h 38 Lincoln Pope Herbert, moulder, h over 18 Evans Pope Sarah, widow Thomas, bds 35 Seward ave Popowski Mary, widow John, h over 45 Perrine Popple Louise, trained nurse, res 9 Westlake ave Porge Rosa, domestic, The Avery, 38 State Pors Adam, grinder, h 13 Wall Port Jane, widow James, h over 63 Clark Port Stanley J, teamster, bds over 63 Clark Porten Carl, emp D M O & Co, h 9 Camp Porter Alonzo S, hair dresser, 188 1/2 State, h 8 Van Anden PORTER CARLTON A.,Lumber dealer, office and yards 76 to 82 State, storage grounds on N Y C R R cor Van Anden, h 171 North, Emp Tel 144, Aut 192 (See adv, next page) Porter Carlton A, Jr, student, Dartmouth Col, res 171 North Porter Mrs Ella, prop'r The Windsor Hotel, 161 State Porter Etta C, stenographer and clerk, Sup't's office Board of Education, Seward Bl'k, res 94 E Genesee PORTER FRED T., accountant, 80 State, h 8 Elm Porter George H, carpenter, bds Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Porter Lorne O, salesman, 17 Genesee, res 63 E do Porter Nelly L, student, Smith Col, res 171 North Porter May Victoria, student, Smith Col, res 171 North Porter Olive, weaver, bds over 8 1/2 Spring Porter Capt William H, ag't, The Hammond Co, h 134 North Posselt Emma, widow Ferdinand, h over 137 Van Anden Post Bertha, saleslady, bds 9 Steel Post Blanche E, bds 12 Janet Post Eva E, student, A H S, bds over 20 Beach ave Post Frank I, piano finisher, h 2 1/2 Bradford Post George F, emp D M O & Co, h 12 Mattie Post George S, h 12 Janet Post Homer L, law clerk, over 75 Genesee, bds 10 Gaylord Post Jay C, machinist, h 35 Fitch ave Post John H, accountant, 88 Genesee, h 57 Steel Post Lloyd S, emp L V R R, bds 25 Washington Post Mrs Mary E, h 12 Janet Post Mary E, widow James, h 6 Chapel Post Maude A, accountant, 83 North, res 6 Chapel Post Morgan S, student, Theo Sem, res do POST OFFICE, Hon. Paul R. Clark, Post Master, John S. Fowler, Principal Ass't, 153 to 157 Genesee, U S Gov't B'd'g Post Rachael D, res 135 State POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE CO., H. O. Derby, manager, office (basement) 115 Genesee cor State, (Cay Co Sav B'k B'd'g) Prompt and efficient messenger service can be obtained at this office Potter Charles, twine op, bds 71 Clark Potter Florence A, kindergarten teacher, 29 Cayuga, bds 7 Evans Potter Hannah C, widow Charles H, h 28 Havens ave Potter William W, carpenter, h 77 Steel Poulin Paul, teacher of languages, h over 163 North Poulson Laura A, widow William, h over 138 Genesee Powell Anna E, widow Peter J, res over 7 Woodruff Place Powell Charles L, solicitor, The Emp State Tel Co, h over 7 Woodruff Place Powell Elizabeth, widow Samuel, bds 53 Perrine Powell Frank, machinist, bds 30 Lincoln Powell Jacob, h 11 Holley Powell Sarah J, widow Fred H, h 28 Grant ave Powers Alice L, mill op, bds 7 Wallace ave Powers Catherine, weaver, bds 4 Hulbert Powers Ella D, button op, bds 6 Fourth ave, Melrose Powers Grace L, student, A H S, res 16 Court Powers James H, saloon, 176 State, h do Powers James J, barkeeper, 33 State, res 18 Lincoln Powers Johanna, widow John, h 7 Wallace ave Powers John H, farmer, bds 6 Fourth ave, Melrose Powers Katie, weaver, bds 4 Hulbert Powers Lawrence J, mechanic, h 19 Cross Powers Margaret E, housekeeper, bds 6 Fourth ave, Melrose Powers Mary A, mill op, bds 7 Wallace ave Powers Michael, orderly, City Hosp, 15 Lansing Powers Michael, emp D M O & Co, h 6 Fourth ave, Melrose Powers Michael S, teamster, Aub Prison, h 18 Fitch ave Powers Morell R, electrician, h 11 Mc Master Powers Morris, machinist, bds 44 Grover Powles George W, wood worker, bds 274 Genesee Prahsaw Clarence, emp D M O & Co, bds 32 Havens ave Pratt Arthur J, cigar maker, h 8 Canoga ave Pratt Charles M, laborer, h 225 Seymour Pratt Clayton W, twine op, bds 225 Seymour Pratt Flora B, bds 225 Seymour Pratt Florence E, res 49 Walnut Pratt Frank S, scythe maker, bds 225 Seymour Pratt George, lineman, A C Ry Pratt James, real estate, h 10 Florence Pratt Melvin L, machinist, h 2 Grove ave Pratt Morris A, mechanic, bds 225 Seymour Pratt Orville E, h 49 Walnut Pray Sarah, widow Edward, res 103 Moravia Prechtel Frank, salesman, 93 Genesee, h 42 Hamilton ave PREG FRANK R., tailor, 8 Clark, bds 98 Mechanic PREG JOSEPH, merchant tailor, 8 Clark, h 98 Mechanic The finest variety of suitings kept constantly in stock and at satisfactory prices Preg Joseph, Jr, piano op, bds 98 Mechanic Preg Mary A, tailoress, res 98 Mechanic Preg William F, tailor, bds 98 Mechanic PRENTICE DE WITT, dealer in Rags, Iron, Rubbers, Metals, etc, etc, 29 1/2 Water, bds 42 state Prenctice Fred M, (Prentice & Johnson,) h 8 Lawton ave Prentice & Johnson, (F M P, and A H J,) wholesale grocers, 27 Water PRESBYTERIAN (FIRST) CHURCH, Rev. Wm. H. Hubbard, pastor, North cor Franklin Presho Vincent F, mason, h 61 Wall Presman John, emp D M O & Co, bds 61 Mechanic Presser Otto, machinist, h 71 Perrine Preston Edward G, chief eng'r E L Co, h over 9 Lawton ave Preston Lee H, twine op, h over 70 Fulton Preston William A, painter, h 23 1/2 Howard Preuss Bertha W, clerk, 15 Water, bds do Preuss John, dyer, 15 Water, h do Preuss Julius, broom m'f'r, 24 Moravia, h do Preuss Paul, mill op, bds 24 Moravia PRICE, see also PRYCE Price Mrs Amanda M, grocer, 3 Paul, h do Price Charles H, mill op, h 172 Cottage Price Edith M, stenographer, over 43 Genesee, res 62 Wall Price Elmer F, salesman, 1 clark, h over 198 1/2 Seymour Price Emanuel, blacksmith, h 3 Paul Price Herbert, lawyer, over 89 Genesee, h 17 Elizabeth Price James, junk dealer, h 9 Dill Price Jessie, domestic, 35 Grover Price Lucius G, physician and surgeon, office and res 164 Genesee Price Mabel A, res over 62 Wall Price Madeleine, trained nurse, res 164 Genesee Price Margaret J, widow William J, h over 62 Wall Price Mary, widow Joseph, res 164 Genesee Price Ziba E, teamster, h 71 Van Anden Priddy Eliza A, widow George, h 35 Seward ave Priddy Harry J, emp D M O & Co, bds 35 Seward ave Priest Mary A, widow Asa, h over 68 Genesee Priest Thomas H, iron worker, h 12 Van Patten Prime Charles, attache, 26 Water, res do Prime Frank H, coachman, 174 Genesee, h 1 Burt ave Prime Raymond, bds 43 Cayuga Prine (sic) William, bartender, h 43 Cayuga Prince Anna M, bds r 83 E Genesee Prince Charles H M, engineer, h r 83 E Genesee Prince Noyes A, shoe laster, bds r 83 E Genesee PRINCESS STABLES (THE), D. F. Gove, prop'r, 1 Greene n U S Gov't B'd'g (See page 224) Prindle Elizabeth, tailoress, h over 47 Genesee Pritchard Luella M, mill op, bds over 57 State Probasco George, emp D M O & Co, bds 34 Dill Prokop John, laborer, h 23 Monroe Proper Elizabeth, widow George O, h 6 Cayuga Proud William, retired, h 22 Washington PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CO. (THE), Of America, John F. Mc Keon, sup't and gen'l agent, rooms 7, 8 and 9 Nat'l B'k B'd'g of Auburn, over 120 Genesee (See adv, end of book) PRYCE, see also PRICE Pryce Albert W, janitor, James St Sch, h 15 Orchard ave Pryce Archie G, printer, bds 11 Orchard ave Pryce Eddie H, salesman, 9 Exchange, bds 11 Orchard ave Pryce Pearl E, res 11 Orchard ave Pryce Walter, ins and real estate, over 89 Genesee, h 11 Orchard ave Pryce Thomas, janitor, Seymour St Sch, h 198 1/2 Seymour Pucci Jeos, laborer, bds 20 Dill Pucci Nicola, laborer, bds 20 Dill Pucci Paoli, laborer, bds 52 Mechanic Pugh John, emp Hotel O'Neil, 1 Monroe Pugil Albert, iron worker, h over 96 Division S Pullman Herbert H, twine op, bds 38 Orchard Pulsifer Charles L, res 6 Hamilton ave Pulsifer Elizabeth C, student, res 6 Hamilton ave Pulsifer Frank H, chief engineer, U S R M, h 6 Hamilton ave Pulsifer Harold M, res 6 Hamilton ave Pulsifer Howard D, res 6 Hamilton ave Pulsifer Julia, student, Vassar Coll, res 6 Hamilton ave Pulsipher Floyd, salesman, 178 State, bds 58 Cottage Pulver Edna Belle, bds r 248 Genesee Pulver Ellis E, (Fleming & Pulver,) h r 248 Genesee Pulver John M, machinist, h r 253 1/2 Genesee PURDY CHARLES W., salesman, 31 and 33 Water, bds Lewis House Purdy James H, motorman, A C Ry, h 209 Seymour Purdy John, bds 3 1/2 Hulbert Purdy John, bds 6 Pine PURDY JOSEPH M., Merchant Tailor, over 82 Gnesee, res over 31 Water The latest patterns and designs for Suitings can be found on our Counters--CALL Purdy Kittie, twine op, bds 57 Perrine Purdy Margaret E, accountant, 133 Genesee, res 209 Seymour Purdy Mary, widow Thomas, res 59 Mechanic Purdy William F, teamster, h 57 Perrine Purnell Albert E, scythe maker, h 26 Delevan Purnell Minnie M, dressmaker, bds 54 Garrow PURO FRANK C.,dealer in general groceries, 12 Clark, h 27 1/2 Lincoln (See adv) Purser Edward R, horse shoer, 35 Water, h 135 1/2 Seymour Purser Edward R, Jr, student, A H S, bds 139 Seymour Purser Margaret, widow William H, h 139 Seymour PUTNAM FRANK D., physician and surgeon, also City Physician, office and res 93 Wall Hours 8 to 9 A M, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P M Phones, Auto 554, Emp 267 PUTNAM FRED H., journalist, also reporter, Daily Advertiser, bds The Avery Putziger I & Son, (Union Shoe and Clothing Co,) 39 Genesee Putziger Solly, (Union shoe and Clothing Co,) res Syracuse Pyne William, car inspector, L V R R, h 94 Orchard PYTHIAN HALL, over 10 State
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