ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "CONQUEST" SECTION

CONQUEST - Conquest was formed from Cato, March 16, 1821, and took its name in commemoration of the victory achieved by those who favored a division of the town of Cato, over those who opposed it.  It is situated on the west border of the county, north of the center. The surface is rolling with north and south ridges. along the seneca River, in the south part, the land is marshy, and along the small stream which flows through Mud Pond, is a swamp, a quarter of a mile wide, extending north and south. Duck Pond, in the north-west, is about a mile in diameter. Howland's Island, in Seneca River, contains 2700 acres, one-third of which is swampy and submerged during high water. the soil consists of a sandy loam, intermixed with clay, with underlying red shale.
Population, 1,549 Area, 21,537 acres.

The postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Conquest, Emerson and Spring Lake, in the town, Cato, Victory, Weedsport and Port Byron, in the adjoining towns.


Abbey Charles, 37, Emerson Botsford H. C., 72, Cato
Abrams Bert, 20, Conquest Bramhall Joseph, 27, Conquest
Abrams Mrs Edward, 30, Conquest Brayton Chauncey, 49, Spring Lake
Aldrich Charles, 191, Conquest Brayton Perry, 53, Conquest
Aldrich Frank, 232, Conquest Brayton Wallace, 5, Conquest
Aldrich William Z, 115, Conquest Brooks Charles, 9, Spring Lake
Allen Ervin V, 69, Conquest Brown Lewis, 3, Spring Lake
Andrews Robert, 88, Spring Lake Burghduff Charles, 66, Spring Lake
Baker George, 79, Cato Burke William, 15, Conquest
Beebe Mrs Clarence, 13, Spring Lake Burns Austin, 50, Emerson
Beebe Mrs Isaac, 79, Spring Lake Burns Mrs Horace, 52, Cato
Beech Richard, 25, Spring Lake Burns Jerome, 166, Conquest
Bell John, 6, Conquest Burton Philander, 295, Spring Lake
Bell Ralph, 100, Conquest Campbell Mrs Lewis, 83, Cato
Bevier Smith, 100, Cato Campbell Mrs Sanuel B, 93, Cato
Blakeman Hiram, 8, emerson Carl Mrs Jacob, 10, Emerson
Blass Mrs Alvira, 109, Conquest Carl Peter, 35, Emerson
Blass Hiram, 74, Spring Lake Caswell Frank, 50, Spring Lake
Blass James, 35, Spring Lake Caswell Samuel, 95, Spring Lake
Blass Lafayette, 85, Spring Lake Chapman John, 97, Conquest
Blass Peter, 133, Port Byron Clark Alfred, 30, Port Byron
Blass Smith, 97, Conquest Clark Mrs Deborah, 71, Spring Lake
Blass Stephen, 81, Spring Lake Clary Mrs Letty, 50, Spring Lake
Blass Walter, 80, Spring Lake Collins Philo, 168, Conquest


Collins Charles, 13, Spring Lake Hunter Clarence, 116, Conquest
Colvin Harriet, 44, Emerson Hunter Cornelius, 117, Conquest
Colvin Joseph, 5, Cato Hunter Elcanah, 99, Conquest
Connors Frank, 69, Conquest Hunter Wesley, 129, Emerson
Converse George, 17, Cato Ingersoll Henry, 72, Spring Lake
Cooper & Brayton, 72, Conquest Janes Nathan, 5 1/2, Conquest
Cooper Dexter, 92, Emerson Johnson Mrs Darius, 42, Conquest
Cooper Charles L, 85, Conquest Johnson Fred, 50, Spring Lake
Cooper James, 49, Conquest Johnson Marion, 30, Spring Lake
Cooper John, 49, Emerson Johnson Orville, 100, Spring Lake
Cooper Mrs Lucy, 104, Conquest Jones Hilburn, 60, Conquest
Cooper Obed, 72, Conquest Judson Herbert, 93, Emerson
Cooper Samuel, 146, Cato Judson Homer, 104, Conquest
Corfield John, 174, Conquest Judson William, 129, Conquest
Corner John, 148, Spring Lake Keegan Patrick, 108, Conquest
Cramer William, 101, Conquest Keegan Thomas, 10, Conquest
Crowell A P, (est) 50, Emerson Kennedy James, 62, Cato
Crowell John, 3, Emerson Ketchum Alonzo, 82, Conquest
Crowell William H, 107, Conquest Kibby Bert, 15, Spring Lake
Crowninshield David, 69, Cato Kick John, 30, Spring Lake
Cuddeback Erwin, 43, Spring Lake Kiley John, 40, Cato
Curran Lyman, 14, Spring Lake Laburn Dennis, 69, Cato
Curran Theodore, 14, Spring Lake Laburn John, 6, Conquest
Daley Mrs Amanda, 7, Emerson Lake byron, 100, Conquest
Dallison Eugene, 6, Cato Lake Brothers, 257, Spring Lake
Dallison Samuel, 32, Cato Lake Homer J, 90, Conquest
Daratt Arthur, 50, Spring Lake Lane Hamilton, 137, Spring Lake
Daratt Mark, 50, Spring Lake Legg Cornelius, 79, Emerson
Derby Ephraim, 3, Emerson Legg Peter, (est), 5, Emerson
Detsell Andrew, 49, Emerson Lewis Octave, 11, Cato
Detsell George, 63, Emerson Lewis William, 50, Conquest
Dykeman Mrs Cora, 10, Cato Lincoln Brothers, 137, Spring Lake
Dowling Mrs Julia, 29, Emerson Lincoln Milton, 22, Conquest
Drake Mrs Catherine, 7, Cato Locke Henry, 63, Conquest
Earl Aaron, 109, Emerson Lyon Eugene, 99, Conquest
Earl C D, (est), 96, Emerson Lyon J H, 70, Cato
Earl George, 99, Weedsport Mantayne Mrs Thomas, 171, Emerson
Earl William E, 58, Emerson Mantayne W E, 90, Emerson
Eastwood Mrs Warden, 16, Conquest Marbell Cory S, 58, Emerson
Elmore Raymond, 208, Emerson Marshall John, 5, Cato
Elmore William, 117. Conquest Marshall Joseph, 78, Weedsport
Emerson Ardell, 80, Emerson Marvin Abram C, 66, Conquest
Emerson George, 176, Emerson Marvin Alvin, 69, Conquest
Emerson Jerome, 161, Emerson Marvin William, 105, Emerson
Emerson Lewis, 150, Emerson Mc Comber John, 100, Spring Lake
Failey Mrs John, (est), 62, Emerson Mc Queen Caroline, 68, Port Byron
Filkins Cornelius, 100, Conquest Mills & Son, 12, Conquest
Filkins Henry, 27, Conquest Mills Samuel, 68, Cato
Forbes Charles, 20, Spring Lake Moore Henry, 60, Conquest
Forbes Newell, 70, Spring Lake Moore Jacob, 46, Spring Lake
Frier George, 48, Emerson Morris Eugene, 34, Victory
Frisbie Charles, 20, Spring Lake Morrison Ferguson, 5, Conquest
Frost Johnson, 84, Spring Lake Mosher John H, 58, Conquest
Frost Willis, 96, Spring Lake Mosher William, 22, Conquest
Frost William, 78, Spring Lake Mowbray Geo, 73, Conquest
Fuller Daniel, 59, Spring Lake Near Charles, (est), 138, Conquest
Fuller George, 88, Conquest Near Charles, Jr, 72, Spring Lake
Fuller Henry, 24, Conquest O'Connor William, 35, Conquest
Fuller Sherwood, 67, Conquest Parker Mrs Diken, 39, Conquest
Garrity Frank, 3, Spring Lake Partelow E C, 164, Emerson
Gilhooley James, (est), 4, Conquest Phelps Mathew, 32, Spring Lake
Gilmore D B, 120, Spring Lake Porter Hezekiah, 39, Cato
Goodell Adelbert, 68, Spring Lake Priddy William B, 189, Port Byron
Gordon Andrew J, 90, Conquest Rathbone Charles C, 274, Emerson
Goss Thomas, 29, Cato Rhodes Frank, 49, Weedsport
Green Samuel, 50, Conquest Rich C F, 34, Cato
Guthrie John, 81, Conquest Ring Mrs, 49, Throopsville
Halstead Sarah L, 31, Cato Ritter H D, 5, Emerson
Hammond H D, 88, Conquest Robinson Charles, 4, Conquest
Hare Mrs Jane, 10, Conquest Robinson Joseph, 25, Conquest
Hasbrook Lewis, 181, Conquest Rogers Caroline, 13, Emerson
Hart Enoch, 74, Conquest Ruloff Mrs Ellen, 61, N Sterling
Hickok Elijah, 20, Conquest Rumsey Ellen T, 189, Conquest
Hiserodt Amos, 32, Spring Lake Rumsey George, 43, Conquest
Hiserodt Clarence, 39, Spring Lake Sanders Mrs Martha, 10 1/2 Conquest
Howell Mrs Charles, 8, Conquest Scott Mrs Catherine, 49, Cato
Howell W J, 90, Conquest Shepherd Wallace, 48, Weedsport
Huffman David, 73, Emerson Sherman De Forest, 14, Emerson


Shoemaker Mrs F, 53, Spring Lake Van Ostrand Harris, 57, Conquest
Shoemaker Ernest, 8, Spring Lake Van Ostrand John, 225, Conquest
Shoemaker John H, 162, Conquest Van Ostrand & Mosher, 100, Conquest
Sibley Hiram (est), 2,702, Rochester Van Ostrand Philip, 121, Conquest
Slack H C, 121, Conquest Van Ostrand Wetzel, 28 Conquest
Slayton Frank H, 86, Conquest Vostler William, 85, Cato
Slayton Thos J, (est), 79, Conquest Walker Alfred S, 8, Spring Lake
Smith Alla J, 14, Spring Lake Walker Frank, 8, Cato
Smith Cora, 78, Conquest Walker Henry, 113, Spring Lake
Snow Mrs Jane, 34, Conquest Waterman Cyrus, 157, Spring Lake
Snyder Mrs William, 82, Conquest Waterman Lewis, (est), 73, Spring Lake
Starkes Alice, 4, Emerson Way Charles, 30, Spring Lake
Starkes Sylvester, 9, Emerson Weaver Hannah, 3, Spring Lake
Starks Will, 12, Emerson Weaver Jerusha, 12, Spring Lake
Starks William, 5, Conquest Welch Richard, 52, Port Byron
Strubell Daniel, 99, Conquest White David, 4, Spring Lake
Switzer Eber, 112, Spring Lake White Delia, 32, Spring Lake
Thomas William, (est), 22, Spring Lake White Jacob, 34, Spring Lake
Thompson Alfred, 57, Spring Lake Whitford Mrs Elias, 118, Emerson
Thompson Elizabeth, 32, Conquest Whiting George, 29, Spring Lake
Thompson Emory, 59, Spring Lake Widrig George, 73, Conquest
Titus John, 5, Conquest Wilcox Emmett, 74, Conquest
Townsend Samuel, 175, Emerson Wilcox John, (est), 79, Conquest
Treat Brothers, 21, Conquest Wilcox Robert, 56, Conquest
Turbity Patrick, 24, Emerson Wilkinson Nirum, 108, Conquest
Tyler Charles, 72, Emerson Williams Mrs Florence, 24, Spring Lake
Van Auken Elias, (est), 129, Conquest Wilson Sylvester, 3, Emerson
Van Auken James, 30, Emerson Winegar William, 49, Spring Lake
Van Auken John, 217, Conquest Wood Elias, 44, Conquest
Vanderhoff James, 60, Spring Lake Woolford Daniel, 140, Cato
Van Duzen Benj, 100, Spring Lake Wright Brothers, 172, Spring Lake
Van Duzen Porter, 84, Spring Lake Young Harlow B, 56, Conquest
Van Olinda Benjamin, 150, Spring Lake Young Henry, 100, Conquest
Van Ostrand David, 132, Conquest Young Sylvester, 95, Emerson
Van Ostrand Frank, 152, Conquest


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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