ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "GENOA" SECTION

GENOA - Genoa township is the central portion of what was originally organized as "Milton,"
January 27, 1789, ten years prior to formation of Cayuga County.
The population of Milton in 1800 was 3,553. Locke was taken off in 1802; the name
changed April 6, 1808, to "Genoa," and in 1810, with its limits reduced by a township, the
population was 5,425. In 1820, after giving off territory on the north and on the south,
reducing the town to its present boundary, the population was 2,585, being 223 more than
the census returns of 1865, forty-five years intervening.  
Genoa lies in the south-west corner of the county, is 4 miles across in latitude and 10
miles long. Cayuga Lake is the western boundary. The land along the shore rising rather
abruptly a mile inland, abounds in deep ravines, sporting slender streams, whirling and
eddying over the shale rock, of which the base of the soil is formed. From thence to the
summitt ridge, the rolling surface rises gradually to an elevation of 600 feet above the
lake, the soil a rich clay loam, forming pleasant situations and beautiful landscapes.  
From the summitt ridge still eastward, the declivities appear in rapid succession, often
abruptly, 50 to 150 feet, to Little Salmon Creek. The east branch, Big Salmon, is divided
from the west branch by beautifully rolling lands, extensively known as the "Indian Fields,"
the site of an Indian village. The eastern part of the town may be regarded as the third
undulating swell of land, still rising from the lake; the soil predominating to a rich friable
sandy loam.

Population, 2,329 Area, 24, 092 acres.

The postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Clearview, Five Corners, King
Ferry, East Genoa. Goodyears, Atwater and Genoa, in the town; East Venice, Ledyard and
Locke, in the adjoining towns.


Aldrich William, 87, E Venice Cowan Mrs Clark, 100, East Genoa
Algard Andrew, 39, Five Corners Crim John P, 177, Lake Ridge
Algard Charles, 60, Five Corners Cummings James, 8, Five Corners
Algard John H, 19, Five Corners Curtis George, 96, Five Corners
Algard Mrs S L, 49, Five Corners Cusick & Murray, 202, King Ferry
Andrews W O, 142, Genoa Daily William, 60, King Ferry
Armstrong John, 117, East Genoa Davis Mrs Joshua, 75, Lake Ridge
Atwater Emily H, 24, King Ferry Davis John, 49, East Genoa
Atwater Fred T, 62, King Ferry Dearmond A C, 32, East Genoa
Atwater George W, 51, Atwater Dempsey Patsey, 59, King Ferry
Atwater Jason G, 348, Clearview Dempsey Mrs Peter, 30 Five Corners
Atwater N J, 69, Atwater De Witt Daniel, 38, Locke
Atwater Mrs Phoebe, 48 Atwater Dickerson Mrs Wm, 107 King Ferry
Atwater S L, 73, Goodyears Dimmick Mrs Warren, 7 East Genoa
Atwood Calvin, 213, East Genoa Dolson Barbara, 28 1/2 Genoa
Avery E A & J, 201, King Ferry Doyle Mrs Dennis, 68, King Ferry
Avery O M, 61, Genoa Doyle Stephen, 39, Five Corners
Bacon Matilda, 69, Five Corners Drake Rufus J, (est), 115, King Ferry
Barber William, 92, Five Corners Dudley Fred A, 96, King Ferry
Barger T G, 68 1/2 Goodyears Dutton William, 177, Locke
Barger K T & H A, 80, Goodyears Ellison Mary E, 70, Five Corners
Bastedo William, 18, Five Corners Ellison D G, 70, Five Corners
Bates W J & F E, 19, Five Corners Ellison Kit, 11, Atwater
Beardsley Mrs Manley, 3, Genoa Fallon Wm, 32, East Genoa
Beardsley Roswell, 13 1/2 N Lansing Ferris Albert, 45, Five Corners
Beet Anna, 70, King Ferry Ferris Mrs Geo, 27 Five Corners
Bigelow Clara & Belle, 3 Atwater Ferris Mrs Geo L, 49, Atwater
Boles Hattie W, 130, King Ferry Ferris Mrs Margaret, 30 Five Corners
Bothwell Frank, 54, East Genoa Ferris Robert B, 12, Five Corners
Bourne Sally, 67, Genoa Fessenden Edwin, 108, King Ferry
Bower John I, 45, King Ferry Fessenden Samuel C, 108, King Ferry
Bower M E, 47, Genoa Flynn Mrs Frances, 8, Five Corners
Bowers Mrs George W, 32, Genoa Flynn Frank W, 15 1/2 Goodyears
Boyer Mrs Jacob, 156, Genoa Flynn Patrick, 16, Goodyears
Boyer John, 26, Five Corners Foster Charles, 48, Goodyears
Boyer & Reeves, 135, Atwater French Jerry, 95, Five Corners
Bradley Daniel, 70, King Ferry Gard John & Wm, 85, Five Corners
Bradley Mrs Victoria, 24, King Ferry Gillespie Frank, 110, Genoa
Bradley W C, 60, King Ferry Goodyear Mrs Fanny, 110, Goodyears
Bradt Jay E, 78, King Ferry Goodyear Harrison, 24, Kings Ferry
Brigden William, 157, East Genoa Goodyear L A, 49, Goodyears
Brink Samuel, 113, Genoa Goodyear Sidney S, 55, Goodyears
Brown Mrs Alanson, 72, King Ferry Gorman Charles, 110, Locke
Bruton Frank, 135, Genoa Gorman Thomas, 59, Locke
Bruton John, 145, Auburn Gorman William, 30, Locke
Bruton William, 22, King Ferry Green Fred, 167, Moravia
Burgett John E, 4, King Ferry Green William E, 267, Moravia (est)
Burns William H, 24, King Ferry Griffith William, 5, Locke
Bush Mrs Calvin, 15 East Genoa Hall Charles J, 39, King Ferry
Caldwell Mrs J S, 5, King Ferry Hall Isaac, 100, King Ferry
Callahan James, 113, King Ferry Hall William B, 118, Goodyears
Carter George, 5, Goodyears Hand Hiram G, 144, Genoa
Chaffee Albert, 77, Five Corners Hand Mrs Hiram G, 101, Genoa
Chase Alonzo, 137, King Ferry Harris Maria & Wm, 98, Genoa
Chase Mrs Henry, 137 1/2 King Ferry Haskell Daniel, 64, East Venice
Cheeseman A G, 70, Five Corners Henry Thomas, 66, Genoa
Cheeseman E Delos, 49, Five Corners Hewitt Augustus, 10, Genoa
Cheeseman J B, 29, Five Corners Hewitt Cynthia, 25 Genoa
Close Frank, 12, Five Corners Hewitt Eva, 11, Genoa
Close Mrs Henry, 30, Genoa Hewitt Mrs Urania, 84, Genoa
Close Lamar, 12, Genoa Holden George J, 65, Locke
Connell Thomas, 3, King Ferry Holden Hiram, 30, Genoa
Cook L Jerome, 5, Goodyears Holden John H, 3, Genoa
Coon Lewis, 11, King Ferry Holland Samuel, 49, King Ferry
Coon Morris, 7 East Genoa Hollister Francis, 50, Five Corners
Coon Sidney, 100, Genoa Hollister John Q, 75, Five Corners
Coon Mrs Wm, 7, King Ferry Hopkins Mrs Emily, 3, Genoa
Corwin Caleb H, 67, Five Corners Howe Mrs Emma, 62, Genoa
Corwin Joel, 20, Five Corners Hubert John, 37, Genoa
Covert Benjamin, 103, King Ferry Hunt G W & O, 107, Five Corners


Hunt H B, 60, Five Corners Norman L B, 76, Genoa
Hurlburt R W, 102, Genoa Norris Olive, 11, Atwater
Jewell Harrison, 2, Genoa Northcott George, 50, Five Corners
Jump Netus, 144, King Ferry Obed Mrs Susan, 50, Five Corners
Karnes D M, 61, Genoa O'Donnell James, 46, Five Corners
Kelley Orlin, 3 1/2 Genoa Ogden Weston A, 7, King Ferry
Kelley Timothy, 70, Five Corners O'Neil Mathew, 29, Five Corners
King Arthur A, 120, King Ferry Osmun Helen, 148, North Lansing
King C B, 68, Five Corners Palmer Mrs Alfred, 98, Five Corners
King David W, 62, Atwater Palmer Alfred A, 90, Five Corners
King Ellen W, 90, King Ferry Palmer Alfred M, 53, Locke
King William H, 147, Atwater Palmer David, 15, Locke
King John L, 110, Atwater Palmer John W, 26, Five Corners
King John M, 93, King Ferry Palmer Levi, 30, Locke
King Mary M, 68, King Ferry Peck Alanson B, 103, Five Corners
King Vern P, 70, Atwater Perkins Ezra H, 118, King Ferry
Knapp Henry, 86, Five Corners Pierson Harvey, 224, East Genoa
Knapp S C, 13, Five Corners Post George H, 4, King Ferry
Kratzer Charles, 4 1/2 Five Corners Pest (sic) Mrs Nathaniel, 3, King Ferry
Lane Mrs William, 168, Genoa Post Wm & M A, 74, Goodyears
Lanterman Alfred, 90, King Ferry Potter Mrs Joseph, 194, Genoa
Leonard Cornelius, 3, Genoa Price David, 81, Goodyears
Lester Ann, 85, Genoa Raymond H M, 114, Genoa
Lester Charles, 3, Genoa Raynor David, 59, Locke
Lester George, 90, Genoa Raynor Delia, 30, Locke
Lester G P, 83, Genoa Raynor Hannah, 43, Locke
Lester W P, 22, Genoa Reeves Aurora, 95, Five Corners
Lewis Clarence, 22, Genoa Reynolds Nancy, 78, King Ferry
Lewis Morgan, 98, Genoa Reynolds Stephen B, 90, King Ferry
Lockwood Sarah, 69, Locke Reynolds W & S, 108, King Ferry
Lowe John, 50, Locke Richardson Wm, 92, Locke
Lyon Brainard, 125, King Ferry Rider N C, 11, King Ferry
Lyon Edgar J, 50, Atwater Rider Mrs Sarah, 17 1/2 King Ferry
Lyon Frank, 12 1/2 King Ferry Riley Barney, 4 1/2 Genoa
Lyon Katherine, 109, King Ferry Riley Bennett, 12, Genoa
Mack Sarah, 2 1/2 Genoa Riley Mrs Bennett, 15, Genoa
Mahaney Mathew, 53, King Ferry Riley James, 5, King Ferry
Main Amos, 269, Genoa Robinson Mrs Albert, 2, Genoa
Mann William, 95, Five Corners Rowland Mrs George, 170, Five Corners
Marshall Henry, 68, Five Corners Rundell Ellen, 54, Genoa
Mason Lowell, 115, Ledyard Seaman Fred, 36, Genoa
Mastin Mrs Helen, 8 1/2 Genoa Sellen Arthur, 68, Genoa
Mastin A A, 98, Genoa Sellen Frank, 6 1/2 Genoa
Mastin Mrs S, 90, Genoa Sellen Newton, 70, Genoa
Mc Allister William, 200, East Venice Shaffer Philip, 132, East Genoa
Mc Carthy Bridget, 23, Five Corners Shangle Mrs Eugene H, 92, Atwater
Mc Carthy James, 71, Five Corners Sharp Edwin, 90, Genoa
Mc Carthy William, 7, Five Corners Sharp W N, 98, Genoa
Mc Mahan Kate, 32, Genoa Sharpsteen Mrs Jacob, 97, East Genoa
Mc Ravey George, 11, Goodyears Sharpsteen John, 68, Ithaca
Meade Anna, 82, Genoa Shaw G Wilbur, 141, King Ferry
Meade Mrs D L, 8, Genoa Shaw H M, 20, Genoa
Meade Mrs Irving, 111, King Ferry Shaw John J, 115, King Ferry
Meade John A, 167 Genoa Shaw Howard, 121, Lake Ridge
Meade Lucien B, 107, Genoa Shaw Theron, 186, Genoa
Meade S B, 17, Five Corners Sill Catherine, 98, Genoa
Merritt C W, 101, Atwater Sill Oliver, 108, Genoa
Metzgar Charles, 68, Five Corners Sill Thomas, 107, Genoa
Miles Louisa, 23, Genoa Sill William, 105, East Genoa
Miller Theodore, 4, Genoa Singer Dana, 62, North Lansing
Miner John, 8, Genoa Skinner J W, 5 1/2 Genoa
Mitchell Daniel, 81, Goodyears Slocum Benj F, 256, King Ferry
Mitchell George H, 15, King Ferry Slocum Charles E, 126, King Ferry
Montague John, 5, Genoa Smith A H, 24, King Ferry
Morrison George J, 105, Five Corners Smith Austin F, 30, Genoa
Morse Charles, 23, Genoa Smith Harrison, 11, Genoa
Morse Mrs J L. 32, Genoa Smith Mrs De Witt, 3 Genoa
Mosher Mrs Arvid, 130, Genoa Smith Isaac L, 50, Five Corners
Mosher C & J, 94, King Ferry Smith James H, 78, Genoa
Mosher D C, 65, Genoa Smith James M, 68, King Ferry
Mulligan Christopher, 181, King Ferry Smith Jay R, 47, Five Corners
Niles Charles, 36, Locke Smith Lydia W, 4, King Ferry
Niles Delos, 48, Genoa Smith Ray G, 107, East Venice
Niles Frank, 10, Locke Smith Wm, 23, Genoa
Niles Mary, 24, Locke Snyder David, 7, Five Corners
Nolan John, 6, Five Corners Snyder Nelson, 70, Five Corners
Nolan Thomas, 98, Genoa Snyder Wallace, 5, Five Corners


Stark Edward W, 75, Atwater Todd J D, 42, Five Corners
Stark Mary, 4, King Ferry Tree Edwin, 40, Genoa
Starner Levi, 250, Genoa Tuthill Florence, 8, Goodyears
Starner Wm, 108, Genoa Tuthill Fred, 102, King Ferry
Stearn s (sic) George D, 35, King Ferry Tuthill O H, 42, Atwater
Stephenson Frank, 47, Five Corners Underwood H D, 98, Genoa
Stickles Henry, 74, Genoa Upson Charles, 40, Locke
Stilwell A Q, 80, Five Corners Upson Luther, 112, Locke
Strong Charles D, 83, Genoa Van Marter Albert, 5, Genoa
Strong Charles F, 52, East Genoa Wager E O, 53, Atwater
Strong Fred, 48, East Genoa Wager Lewis O, 50, Goodyears
Strong Lewis, 3 1/2 East Genoa Weeks Edwin, 118, Locke
Strong Rufus, 166, East Genoa Weeks J M, 70, King Ferry
Sullivan John, 180, Genoa Westmiller James, 113, N Lansing
Sullivan Michael, 116, Genoa Westmiller Warren, 98, E Genoa
Swartwood Isaac, 3 1/2 Five Corners Whipple Charles, 63, Locke
Sweazy Myron, 34, King Ferry White Mrs Orlin, 27, Genoa
Tarbell J M, 15, Genoa Whitten & Tarbell, 15, Genoa
Taylor Martha, 42, Genoa Wilcox Wm, 145 N Lansing
Terrill Thomas, 174, Genoa Wood Walker, 110, Moravia
Thorpe Abbie J, 63 1/2 King Ferry Young Cornelia H, 58, Atwater
Tifft Mrs Amasa, 107, Genoa Young Mrs Henry, 57, Genoa
Tifft Mrs E, 9, Genoa Young Hyland, 88, atwater
Tifft Mrs John, 8 1/2 Genoa Youngs James J, 150, Atwater
Tifft Oscar, 64 N Lansing


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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