ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "NILES" SECTION

Niles was formed from Sempronius, March 20, 1833. It lies south-east of the center
of the county, between Owasco and Skaneateles Lakes. The surface consists mainly of
a hilly and rolling upland, whose extreme summits lie 700 feet above Owasco Lake.
Toward Owasco the declivities are gradual, becoming more abrupt southerly. Dutch
Hollow Brook flows north through near the center, and is bordered by steep high banks.
On the highest point of land, three miles east of Owasco Lake, is a quarry of superior
flagging stone. The soil is a gravelly and clayey loam.
Population, 1,579. Area, 23, 582 acres.

The Postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Kelloggsville, New Hope,
Niles, Omro and Austin in the town, and Owasco in the adjoining town.

Town Of NILES Page # 1

Ackerman E C, 116, Niles Birch Ellis, 38, Owasco
Adriance J K, 116, Owasco Bodine Abram, 80, Owasco
Albring Jerome, 66, Niles Bodine Danforth, 144, Omro
Amerman Frank, 67, Niles Bodine Elizabeth, 97, Owasco
Amerman George, 83, Owasco Bodine Eugene, 63, Owasco
Amerman Isaac, 1, Owasco Bodine George, 142, Owasco
Amerman John C, 58, Owasco Bodine Henry, 59, Owasco
Amerman M A, 78, Owasco Bowen Mary E, 87, Owasco
Amerman Richard O, 80, Owasco Bradford Gilbert, 100, Kelloggsville
Andrews Albert, 270, New Hope Bradford William, 18, Kelloggsville
Austin Albert, 59, Niles Breed George, (est), 23, New Hope
Austin Joab, 135, Kelloggsville Brinkerhoff Mrs Abe, 114, Auburn
Austin K P, 4, Kelloggsville Brinkerhoff G F, 22, Owasco
Babcock J Madison, 82, Austin Brinkerhoff George G, 146, Austin
Badman Albert, 33, Niles Brinkerhoff J W, 83, Austin
Badman Ernest, 65, New Hope Brinkerhoff James, 78, Austin
Baker George W, 3 1/2 Niles Brinkerhoff John M, (est), 65, Austin
Baker Matilda, 56, New Hope Broadhead James, 72, Owasco
Balbirney Robert, 30, Owasco Brokaw Aaron, 11, Owasco
Banker Fred, 102, Austin Brokaw James, 59, Owasco
Banker Rosa, 104, Moravia Brokaw James W, 45, Austin
Barber Addison, 113, New Hope Brokaw Nelson, 49, Omro
Barber Bradford, 40, Niles Brokaw Jefferson, 24, New Hope
Barber Fred, 128, New Hope Brown Philip, 59, Omro
Barron David H, (est), 88, Niles Buckley John, 114, Niles
Beardsley Mary A, 11, Moravia Burke Samuel, 35, Niles
Bell James, 67, Kelloggsville Burr Charles P, 8, Auburn
Bevier Martin, 109, Owasco Cady George S, 96, New Hope
Bevier Palmyra, 55, Niles Camp Eugene, 43, New Hope
Birch Allan, 22, Niles Carver Amy S, 115, New Hope

Town Of NILES Page # 2

Carver Andrew, 29, Omro Forbes D J, 72, Niles
Case George, 70, Auburn Forbes Geo, 150, Lansing
Casey Frank P,13, Auburn Forbes James, 75, Kelloggsville
Chamberlain Henry, 212, Owasco Frair Horace, 219, Austin
Chamberlain Robert, 119, Niles Frair Martin, 5, Kelloggsville
Champanay John R, 75, Niles Frost Wm, 9, Niles
Chapman Dwight, 64, Niles Fuller Betsey, 5, New Hope
Cheney Sterling D, 95, New Hope Ganey Jeremiah, 89, Kelloggsville
Conklin Charles, 96, Owasco Ganey John, 110, New Hope
Conklin Eugene, 60, Auburn Gere Henry, 11, Niles
Conklin George, 139, Kelloggsville Gorman Michael, 25, Owasco
Conklin Wilson, 5, Austin Gavitt Mrs Andrew R, 81, New Hope
Cooper Charles, (est), 13, New Hope Greenfield Alonzo, 24, Niles
Cooper James, 9, Austin Greenfield Charles, 12, Niles
Cornish James W, 74, Kelloggsville Greenfield James H, 110, New Hope
Corrigan James, 111, Niles Greenfield Martha, 215, New Hope
Corrigan Patrick, 60, Niles Greenfield Rachael, 5, New Hope
Couch Polly, 92, New Hope Greenfield Schuyler, 110, New Hope
Coulson Samuel, 87, Moravia Greenway B, 74, Kelloggsville
Covert Bevier, 50, Niles Hall Barney, (est), 62, Niles
Covert Dewitt, 22, Niles Harmon D F, 102, Auburn
Covert Edward, 9 1/2, Niles Harter Geo W, 68, Kelloggsville
Covert William, 96, Niles Harter Henry, 86, Owasco
Crowley Eliza, 60, Omro Hartnett John, 160, Owasco
Cuddeback Nelson, 144, Niles Hartnett Timothy, 58, Austin
Cuff H, 59, Owasco Hawley Andrew, 81, Moravia
Curtain Peter, 107, Kelloggsville Hayden Thomas, 78, Austin
Cuykendall Fannie, 106, Niles Hayden Jerome, 32, Austin
Cuykendall Frank, 166, Cortland Hayden Mrs Lawrence, 91, Owasco
Cuykendall Isaac, 10, Niles Hazard Wm, 29, New Hope
Darrow Addison, 71, Niles Helmer Frank, 100, Kelloggsville
Darrow George, 28, Niles Helmer Joseph, 40, Kelloggsville
Darrow Peter, 8, Niles Helmer Wm J, 45, Niles
Davidson John, 53, Austin Hoyt Charles, 95, New Hope
Day S E, 48, Moravia Hoyt George, 98, New Hope
Decker Mrs Hiram, 85, Niles Hoyt Stanton, 28, New Hope
Deeley John, 46, Moravia Huff George, 71, New Hope
Defendorf E, 3 1/2 Niles Husk Harmon, 91, Owasco
Defendorf Geo, 94, Kelloggsville Husk Selover, 65, Owasco
Defendorf Hale, 99 Niles Jayne John, 117, Kelloggsville
Defendorf Lewis, 75, Kelloggsville Jayne Munson, 75, Kelloggsville
De Groff George, 15, New Hope Jennings Joel, 98, Moravia
Delaney James, 50, Austin Jenks Rennsalaer, 98, New Hope
Dennis Charles, 90, New Hope Johnson Reed, 115, Niles
Dennis Ralph, 100, Auburn Jones Fidelia, 4, New Hope
Derby John C, (est), 136, Kelloggsville Kenney Thomas R, 35, Owasco
De Voe William J, 36, Austin Kenney Thomas S, 151, Owasco
De Witt Brothers, 64, Owasco Kenney Lawrence, 19, Austin
De Witt Dorr, 94, Kelloggsville Kies Norman, 71, Owasco
De Witt Geo, 127, Kelloggsville Kilburn Willis, 53, Kelloggsville
De Witt George I, 114, Niles Knapp M, 3, New Hope
De Witt John, 250, Niles Knight William, 30, Niles
De Witt Paul, 140, Niles Kohler Charles, 9, Niles
De Witt Truman, 150, Kelloggsville Lacey James O, 75, Kelloggsville
Drake Dell, (est), 54, Kelloggsville Landers Dorlesky, 95, New Hope
Drake Milton, 136, Niles Landers Eugene, 24, New Hope
Drake Mrs C, 11, New Hope Lee John E, 5, Kelloggsville
Durbin Joseph, 3 1/2, Niles Lester Charles, 87, Kelloggsville
Durbin John, 21, Niles Lester Zylphia, 58, New Hope
Durbin Robert, 10, Niles Lewis Burton, 38, New Hope
Duryea Amos, 54, Auburn Lewis Charles, 24, New Hope
Duryea Day, 114, Omro Lewis Frank, Jr, 15, New Hope
Duryea Mary, 70, Omro Lewis L, 124, Auburn
Duryea M B, 180, Moravia Lewis Smith B, 18, New Hope
Dygart George, 68, Kelloggsville Love John, 97, Owasco
Eaton W A, 74, New Hope Loyster Harvey, 63, Niles
Ellis Anthony W, 100, Auburn Loyster L B, 137, Kelloggsville
Elster David, 10, New Hope Loyster Lucy, 76, Kelloggsville
Elster Mrs H, 92, New Hope Mack John, 142, Kelloggsville
Elster Sylvester, 70, New Hope Mack Wm, 105, Niles
Ely Mrs Emma, 60, Owasco Marsden Charles, 4, Niles
Embody Daniel, 39, Auburn Mason Hiram, 150, Owasco
Ennis James, 102, Owasco Mc Laughlin John, 2, New Hope
Farnum Henry, 8, Niles Mc Sweeney E, 78, Killoggsville (sic)
Fitzpatrick Patrick, 230, Omro Mc Sweeney Johanna, 68, Kelloggsville
Fitzpatrick Thomas, 68, Omro Mc Sweeney Patrick, 78, Kelloggsville
Ford Mrs Ellen, 51, Niles Meade Daniel W, (est), 27, Niles

Town Of NILES Page # 3

Miller Wilson O, 60, New Hope Ryan Frank, 15, Moravia
Milliman Henry, 64, Austin Sartwell Amarilla B, 3 1/2, Auburn
Morehouse Louis, 8, New Hopr Selover Charles, 29, Auburn
Morgan Evans, 62, Owasco Selover Floyd B, 52, Austin
Morris Joseph, 30, New Hope Selover Horace, 127, Austin
Morris Phoebe, 27, New Hope Selover Mary O, 155, Moravia
Morris George, 70, New Hope Selover Peter M, 75, Austin
Moseman Betsey, 44, New Hope Selover Smith, 23, Owasco
Murphy Dennis, 87, Omro Selover Watson, 115, Austin
Murphy Michael, 58, Omro Seward & Pomeroy, 35, Auburn
Murphy Timothy, 125, Omro Shaver Frank, 47, Niles
Murray Cornelius, 209, Niles Shaw George W, 70, New Hope
Murray John, 30, Owasco Sheldon George, 40, New Hope
Murray John J. 162, Kelloggsville Sheldon Mary, 5 1/2, New Hope
Newell De Witt, 60, Kelloggsville Shell Aaron, 133, Niles
Newell Mary, 56, Kelloggsville Shepard Acsa, 10, Niles
O'Brien Timothy, 110, Owasco Slade Mary, 70, Kelloggsville
Odden Edmund, 160, Austin Smith George W, 27, Kelloggsville
Odell Charles, (est), 150, Kelloggsville Spafford Fred E, 90, Austin
Odell Henry, 100, Kelloggsville Stoker Robert, 360, New Hope
O'Neill John, 35, New Hope Stoyell Charles, 60, Austin
O'Neill Michael, 35, New Hope Strohmenger C, (est), 6 1/2, Kelloggsville
O'Toole Patrick, 80, Austin Sturtevant (est), 59, Omro
Parcell Charles, 45, Kelloggsville Sumner William, 50, New Hope
Parcell David, (est), 180, Niles Sutphen Mrs David, 57, Owasco
Parker Charles D, 106, Austin Tanner Chauncey, (est), 5, Niles
Partello Frank, 68, Kelloggsville Taylor Charles, 138, Kelloggsville
Peacock Ed W, Jr, 78, Niles Tobin John, 27, Austin
Peacock Edward W, 196, Owasco Tobin Patrick, 48, Owasco
Pennell Frank, 112, Niles Tuttle Charles, 50, Kelloggsville
Pennell George, 47, New Hope Twomy Mortimer, 104, Austin
Pennell James, 60, Niles Underwood George, 8, Auburn
Pennell Silas, 54, Niles Van Arsdale George, 15, Austin
Perkins George, 37, Owasco Van Arsdale Isaac, 87, Owasco
Perry Emma M, 106, Auburn Van Arsdale John F, 71, Moravia
Phillips Mary, 59, Moravia Van Arsdale Peter, 73, Owasco
Place Norman, 19, Moravia Vanderbilt Andrew, 100, Austin
Prime George, 114, Kelloggsville Vanderbilt Byron, 128, Austin
Prime John, 80, Owasco Van Duyne Watson L, 107, Moravia
Prime Martin, 65, New Hope Van Etten Levi, 64, Moravia
Proctor Edwin, 14, Owasco Van Ness George, 107, Moravia
Reilly Peter, 30, Austin Van Tuyle Sarah A, (est), 90, Omro
Reilly Thomas, Jr, 59, Owasco Wait W F, 5, New Hope
Reynolds James, 102, Niles Wallace Laura, 56, New Hope
Rice J W, 5, Austin Ward Patrick, (est), 72, Kelloggsville
Rice Mary, 16, Niles Warne Claude, 91, Owasco
Richardson Erastus, 57, Niles Warne Benjamin, 60, Omro
Richmond M, (est), 5, Moravia Watts John, 32, Kelloggsville
Robertson Allis, 38, New Hope Wheeler & Co, 4, New Hope
Robinson Dennis, 14, Austin Wheeler Russell B, 34, New Hope
Robinson Fred, 90, Austin Whiting John, 96, New Hope
Robinson Harmon J, 104, Owasco Wilcox Day L, 5, Kelloggsville
Robinson S De Witt, 47, Niles Wilcox Frank, 112, New Hope
Robinson William, 141, Austin Williams Warren, 41, Kelloggsville
Rooks Charles, 60, Kelloggsville Wood Calvin, 26, New Hope
Rounds E B, 58 1/2, New Hope Wyckoff Henry, 56, Niles
Royce Day, 39, Niles  


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

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