ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "OWASCO" SECTION

Owasco was formed from Aurelius, March 30, 1802. It lies southeast of the center of
the county, and east of the foot of Owasco Lake. The surface is rolling, with a north-
westerly inclination. It slopes gradually upward from the lake till the highest summits
reach an elevation of 500 feet. The only streams are Millers' Brook, in the north part,
Owasco Creek, flowing west across the south part. The soil consists of a clayey loam.
Population, 1,162. Area, 12,504 acres.

There are two Postoffices in this town, viz., Owasco and De Groff. Many of the
residents receive their mail at Auburn, and a few at Skaneateles, Onondaga Co.

Town Of OWASCO Page # 1

Adams John, 70 1/2. Auburn Finch N B, 98, Owasco
Adriance John K, 8 1/2, Owasco Fitzpatrick Patrick, 128, Omro
Aiken A C, 18, Auburn Flinter Mrs John, 3, Auburn
Alger Addison, 66, Owasco Foote Irving C, 50, Auburn
Amerman John, 99, Owasco Forbes & Crocker, 54 1/2, Auburn
Amerman Mrs P G, 89 1/2, Owasco Francis James, 59, Auburn
Amerman Richard O, 7 1/2, Owasco Freeland & Co, 3 1/2, Auburn
Anderson James, 38, Auburn Frye A M, 90, Auburn
Austin John R, 221, Owasco Frye Lucretia, 61, Auburn
Barrett Stephen H, 3, Auburn Frye Moses M, 51, Auburn
Barry James, 82, Auburn Ganey Wm, 80, De Groff
Bassett Thomas, 34, Owasco Gates Wm N, 3 1/2, Owasco
Bassett Willis, 41, Owasco Glanville John, 200, Skaneateles
Beecham W J, 162, Auburn Gleason James, 57, De Groff
Bennett Fred, 37, De Groff Gleason Michael, 16, De Groff
Bevier J M, 101, Owasco Hanrahan Edward, 14, De Groff
Bevier J M, exe, 134, Owasco Hapeman Al, 9 1/2, Auburn
Bevier Mc Neill, 16, Owasco Harmon John, 24 1/2, Auburn
Bisgrove Sidney, 98, Owasco Hatch Willis, 106, Skaneateles
Bodine John H, 11, Owasco Havens A B, 39, De Groff
Bodine J M, 76, Owasco Herrick Mrs A G, 124, Owasco
Bodine Nettie, 94, Owasco Hill W & H, 132, Skaneateles
Bowen Mrs Orson, 91, Owasco Hockeborn Fred, 3, Auburn
Boyd Arthur A, 8 1/2, Auburn Horle Wm, 16 1/2, De Groff
Boynton M & G, 10, Auburn Hornbeck Isaac, 81, Owasco
Boynton Rush, 10, Auburn Hoskins James, 5, Auburn
Brady John, 9 1/2, Auburn Howard George, 144, Auburn
Brinkerhoff G N, 53, De Groff Howland George, 120, De Groff
Brinkerhoff J B (est), 160, Owasco Howland Mrs Orrin, 11, Auburn
Brinkerhoff Miss L, 90, Owasco Howland Orrin, 39 1/2 Auburn
Brinkerhoff Martin, 50, De Groff Hoxie Nelson, 22, De Groff
Brokaw Garrett M, 65, Owasco Hughes Ellen, 90, Auburn
Brown Charles T, 105, De Groff Hunsicker Barton C, 58, Owasco
Burke Mrs Michael, 176, Auburn Hunsicker Sarah, 44, Owasco
Burnett Geo, 24, Auburn Joyce Clement, 78, Auburn
Burr Mrs Charles, 145, Auburn Kelley Mrs Mary, 12 1/2, Rochester
Burr N B, 96, Auburn Kelley Mrs Matthew, 19, Auburn
Byrnes Mrs Timothy, 103, Auburn Kelley Michael, 130, Auburn
Chamberlain J N, 113, Owasco Kemback Edward, 97, Owasco
Christian Isaac, 14, Auburn Kenney Lawrence, 16, Owasco
Church Charles F, 114, Owasco Kenney Thomas, 56, Owasco
Coleman Michael, 3 1/2 Auburn Kenyon James, 10, Owasco
Conklin Dwight, 117 1/2, Owasco Kilburn Mrs M A, 27, Auburn
Cook T B, 53 1/2, Auburn King Thomas, 33, De Groff
Corrigan Joseph, 277, Auburn Lawton Albert W, 5, Auburn
Corrigan Patrick, 120, Auburn Lee John, 20, Auburn
Coventry Emma, 3, Auburn Le Fever Frank, 83, De Groff
Cramer Jacob, 16, De Groff Leigh John E, 109, Owasco
Cross James, 26, Auburn Lester Alfred, 11, Owasco
Cully Ellen, 17 1/2, Auburn Letchworth Josiah, 7, Buffalo
Cuykendall Mrs Geo, 100, Owasco Loomis Frank J, 2, Auburn
Cuykendall J B, 149, Owasco Loyster Frank, 58 1/2, De Groff
Davis Mrs John, 3 1/2, De Groff Martin Mrs C E, 40, Auburn
Day Clarence Q, 39, Auburn Martin Mrs E T T (est), 140, Auburn
De Groff Mrs Martin, 124, Owasco Marvin E B, 30, Auburn
De Groff Mrs Wm, 73, De Groff Masdam John, 5, De Groff
De Puy George C, 66, De Groff Masdam Sebastian, 28 1/2, De Groff
De Puy James, 34, Owasco Maynard Mrs Wm, 8 1/2, Auburn
De Voe Mrs Izora, 48, Owasco Mc Garr James L, 259, Auburn
De Voe Thomas, 16, Owasco Miller Adam, 103, Auburn
De Voe Willis G, 106, De Groff Miller Dennis F, 33 1/2, De Groff
De Witt Horace, 15, Owasco Miller John, 84, Auburn
De Witt Horace B, 96, Owasco Miller William W, 25 1/2, Auburn
Donaldson David, 8, Skaneateles Mills George, 30 1/2, Auburn
Dougherty Peter, 10, Auburn Noyes William L, 86, Auburn
Durston Sarah, 44, Auburn Nye George H, 26, Auburn
Duryea David B, 38 1/2 De Groff O'Brien Patrick, 24, Auburn
Duryea Dorr, 98, Owasco Ogden H, 44, De Groff
Ellis Emma, 103, Owasco O'Hora Michael, 7 3/4, Owasco Lake
Elting Bro's, 206, Owasco Palmer Dr J O, 5, Auburn
Ely Mrs Geo, 39, Owasco Parsell H D, 8 1/2, Auburn

Town Of NILES Page # 2

Parsell V & C, 134, Owasco Spafford M Everett, 56, Owasco
Parsons Frank, 35, Auburn Strong Mrs, 10, De Groff
Parsons Frank (ex'r), 312, Auburn Sullivan Mrs Jerry, 17 1/2, De Groff
Parsons Vanette, 132, Auburn Swain James, 13 1/2, De Groff
Peacock Smith, 20, Owasco Swartwout Daniel, 158, Auburn
Peacock Mrs Wm, 20, Owasco Tippett Mrs Charles, 48, Owasco
Pearson George, 35, Auburn Underwood Geo, 65, Auburn
Pearson I Elihu, Jr, 114, De Groff Van Duyne James, 59, Auburn
Perkins William, 12 1/2, Owasco Venn William, 12 1/2, Auburn
Pickard James, 5, Auburn Voke Mrs Henry, 27, Owasco
Porter Lansing, 85, Auburn Volentine Mrs Jane, 50, Owasco
Powers Bridget, 26, Auburn Wells Eugene, 49, Auburn
Ramsey David, 68, Auburn Welty Mrs H D, 14 1/2, Auburn
Raymond Thomas, 86, De Groff Welty Elizabeth, 9 1/2, Glen Haven
Roach Mrs Wm, 18, Auburn Westfall Sidney J, 4 1/2, Auburn
Robinson H J, 106, Auburn Wetherby Mrs E A, 10, Auburn
Rochester Evaline, 4, Auburn White Robert, 106, Auburn
Schneider Wm C, 7, Auburn White & Son, 60, Owasco
Seeley George, 104, Owasco Wicks William R, 38, Auburn
Selover H M, 44, Owasco Williams D L, 136, De Groff
Seward Mrs L E, 87 1/2, Auburn Wilson Mrs, 180, Auburn
Shaver J C, 57, Owasco Wilson William, 162, Owasco
Shaw Anthony, 95, Auburn Wyant John, 49, Owasco
Smith Abram, 31, Owasco Youngs Calvin, 22, Auburn
Sittser J T, 60, Auburn Youngs Edwin, 15, Owasco


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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