ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "SCIPIO" SECTION

Scipio was one of the original towns, having been formed March 5, 1794.
Sempronius was taken off in 1799; a part of Marcellus, (Onondaga Co.,) in 1804;
Ledyard, Venice and a part of Springport, in 1823. It is located on the west shore of
Owasco Lake, south of the center of the county, and has a rolling surface, the highest
summits being 500 feet above the lake. A steep bluff, 20 to 50 feet high, extends along
the lake, and from its summitt the land slopes gradually upwards for about a mile. The
streams are nothing but mere brooks, and the soil is a clayey loam.
Population, 1,836. Area, 22,079 acres.

The Postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Scipio and Scipioville, in
the town, and cascade, Ensenore, Fleming, Mapleton, Merrifield, Owasco Lake, Poplar
Ridge, Sherwoods and Venice Center, in adjoining towns.

Town Of SCIPIO Page # 1

Adriance Emeline, 108, Owasco Lake Batten William, 78, Mapleton
Aiken John W (est), 293, Scipio Beardsley & Smith, 13, Cascade
Aiken William, 136, Moravia Bennett George, 10, Scipio
Amerman Peter, 92, Ensenore Body James, 98, Fleming
Ames Clark, 93, Scipio Booth Jerome, 157, Scipio
Ames Dennis, 83, Ensenore Botsford Helen M, 48, Scipio
Ames Mrs Herman, 126, Scipio Botsford Nelson, 70, Scipio
Anthony Sarah B, 10, Scipioville Bowness John, 63, Merrifield
Austin Alonzo, 7, Scipio Bowness William, 3, Merrifield
Austin Mortimer (est), 1/4, Auburn Bresnihan Michael, 11, Merrifield
Babcock Madison, 4, Scipio Brewster Edwin, Sherwoods (no # listed)
Baker George, 116, Scipio Brewster Leonard, 42, Mapleton
Baker Lewis, 96, Mapleton Bruton Lawrence, 66, Mapleton
Balbirney Robert, 169, Scipio Buckhout Philip, 58, Scipioville
Baldwin Mrs Maria, 48, Merrifield Burke Thomas (est), 5, Scipio
Bancroft William, 193, Scipioville Burns Maggie, 14, Scipio
Banks Frank & Alton, 105, Moravia Burns Michael, 49, Scipio
Barnes Charles, 97, Scipio Cain Henry M, 9, Scipioville
Barnes Frank, 33, Scipio Case Willard E, 70, Ensenore
Barnes Mrs George, 130, Scipio Castler Mrs John, 78, Mapleton
Barnes Henry, 83, Scipio Chamberlain Day K, 84, Fleming

Town Of SCIPIO Page # 2

Chapman Andrew J, 130, Scipio Hill Hiram, 187, Merrifield
Chapman Frank B, 25, Merrifield Hitchcock James B, 98, Scipioville
Chapman Lee, 89, Scipio Holcomb Elizabeth, 19, Ensenore
Chase Arthur T, 122, Fleming Holcomb William, 65, Ensenore
Chase Eva, 87, Sherwood Hoskins A G, 94, Scipio
Clark Fred, 3, Merrifield Hoskins E P, 80, Fleming
Clark George, 21, Ensenore Hoskins Wm H, 85, Scipio
Close Huron (est), 122, Fleming Howell Frank, 166, Auburn
Colling Daniel 6, Scipio Howland Emily, 175, Sherwoods
Conklin Mary A, 51, Scipioville Howland Susie (ex), 110, Sherwoods
Connaughty John, 48, Scipio Howland William, 64, Sherwoods
Conran John, 9, Scipio Hoxsie George, 6, Scipioville
Cooper Edwin, 59, Scipioville Hoxsie Martha, 123, Scipioville
Costello Patrick, 138, Fleming Hoxsie Phoebe, 110, Scherwoods
Cotter William, 89, Fleming Hulburt Amos, 150, Cascade
Coulson William, Sr, 58, Scipio Hunter Abigail, 38, Sherwoods
Cowles Orseville, 138, Fleming Hunter Duryea, 153, Scipio
Coy David, 49, Scipio Hunter Lyman B, 18, Scipioville
Cranston Samuel, 23, Merrifield Hull Mrs Henry, 69, Auburn
Crapo Humphrey, 175, Owasco Lake Jacquette Alpheus, 51, Scipio
Crawford Robert, 6, Ensinore (sic) Johnson Omar, 152, Owasco
Culver Ephraim, 69, Ensenore Jones Ambrose, 6, Scipio
Culver Mary E, 38, Ensenore Jump Isaac, 48, Ensenore
Cumber William, 67, Sherwoods Kanalay John, 28, Merrifield
Curtis Loren, 101, Fleming King John, 40, Mapleton
Daniels Hiram, 58, Ensenore King John, Jr, 84, Mapleton
Devine Walter F, 100, Owasco Lake King Lillian, 25, Scipioville
Donnelly John, 61, Fleming King Mrs Mary J, 2, Scipioville
Donovan Dennis, 48, Merrifield Kinsella Dennis, 20, Merrifield
Doran Michael, 20, Owasco Kinsella Patrick, 7, Merrifield
Dowd C B, 25, Mapleton Knox John, 170, Owasco Lake
Doyle Patrick, 23, Merrifield Koon Henry, 6 1/2, Sherwoods
Dwyer Thomas, 9, Scipio Lacey Anna, 2 1/2, Scipio
Eaker Mrs John R, 98, Merrifield Lacey Martin, 49, Merrifield
Eaker Robert B, 94, Merrifield Lawrence Sarah, 3, Scipioville
Eggleston William, 74, Ensenore Lawson Clarence, 190, Mapleton
Elliott Henry, 89, Auburn Leeson Joseph, Sr, 54, Scipio
Farley John, 64, Merrifield Lester Charles, 70, Ensenore
Farley Patrick, 15, Merrifield Lester George, 25, Ensenore
Feister Isaac, 89, Fleming Letchworth Josiah, 214, Buffalo
Fish Nancy, 22, Scipio Lovelace Hinman, 147, Merrifield
Fisher John, 19, Scipioville Loyster George, 112, Merrifield
Fitch Mrs Alva, 16, Cascade Lynch Thomas, 22, Mapleton
Flynn Francis, 70, Merrifield Lyon James V, 43, Sherwoods
Flynn Joseph, 98, Merrifield Mack Jasper L, 6, Scipioville
Flynn Michael, 5, Scipio Main Ephraim, 111, Scipio
Foley John D, 74, Mapleton Mallison John, 67, Scipio
Foran Andrew, 115, Merrifield Manchester Edwin S, 86, Scipioville
Fordyce George, 39, Youngstown, O Manchester Robert, 64, Scipioville
Fordyce N Horton, 59, Scipio Manchester William, 101, Scipioville
Fordyce Wheaton C, 64, Scipio Marsh Henry, 135, Fleming
Forgason Alex, 46, Cascade Mathers Charles, 79, Cascade
Forgason William, 3, Cascade Mc Cormack George, 145, Scipio
Gagan Thomas, 13, Scipio Mc Cormack Mrs James, 9, Scipio
Gallery Charles, 15, Owasco Lake Mc Cormack John, 122, Scipio
Gallery John, 6, Owasco Lake Mc Donald Dennis, 6 1/2, Scipio
Gleason Daniel, Jr, 5, Merrifield Mc Donald Mrs John, 47, Owasco Lake
Gleason Daniel, Sr, 20, Merrifield Mc Dowell Robert, 59, Cascade
Gleason James, 70, Merrifield Mc Dowell Thomas, 14, Cascade
Gould Benjamin, 152, Scipioville Mc Intyre P, 20, Merrifield
Gould Benjamin F, 49, Fleming Meagher John, 28, Merrifield
Gould James A, 95, Sherwoods Merry Livius, 17, Fleming
Gould James A, 26, Sherwoods Morgan C A, 5, Merrifield
Grady James, 65, Mapleton Morgan John, 5, Owasco Lake
Grant William, 13, Merrifield Morgan John, 13, Merrifield
Gray Thomas, 49, Scipioville Morgan Joseph, 14, Scipio
Grover Sarah, 12, Scipio Mosher Amos, 72, Mapleton
Gulliver William, 32, Scipioville Mosher E D, 145, Mapleton
Hanlon Patrick, 15, Ensenore Muldoon Michael, 5, Scipio
Hanlon Thomas, 7, Merrifield Mullally Daniel, 175, Scipio
Hanlon William, 100, Ensenore Mullally John, 3, Scipio
Hartnett Lawrence, 71, Scipio Munger E C, 144, Scipio
Hathaway Mary, 48, Scipio Munger William, 95, Owasco Lake
Hathaway William, 120, Scipio Murphy Jerry, 49, Scipio
Havens E B, 38, Owasco Lake Murphy John, 124, Mapleton
Hefferman Andrew, 100, Venice Murphy John, 50, Scipio
Hefferman James, 45, Merrifield Murphy John, 3 1/2, Mapleton
Highland Anna E, 26, Mapleton Murphy Martin, 99, Scipio

Town Of SCIPIO Page # 3

Murphy Thomas, 4, Mapleton Smith Theodore F, 5 1/2, Mapleton
Neville & Howland, 130, Merrifield Smith W D, 250, Mapleton
Neville James, 104, Merrifield Snyder John, 49, Scipio
Neville John, 113, Scipioville Snyder Seneca, 160, Venice Centre
Neville William, 13, Scipio Spangler Henry, 61, Fleming
Nichols Daniel, 7 1/2. Scipioville Strang Lydia, 38, Fleming
Nichols Gershom, 109, Merrifield Story M A (est), 84, Owasco Lake
O'Brien Thomas, 7, Owasco Lake Strong & Neville, 51, Merrifield
O'Connell James, 60, Mapleton Tate Mrs Helen, 180, Scipioville
O'Connell Thomas, 5, Merrifield Tehan Patrick, 38, Merrifield
O'Hara J B & O, 141, Fleming Toan & Miller, 51, Mapleton
O'Hara John, 220, Fleming Toohill Bartley, 25, Merrifield
O'Hara Nelson, 150, Owasco Lake Tracy Elvira, 220, Sherwoods
O'Herron Daniel, 4, Merrifield Underhill Amanda, 97, Merrifield
Orchard James, 27, Merrifield Van Arsdale Benj, 255, Scipio
Osborne Mrs D M, 17, Auburn Van Duyne William, 83, Scipio
Osborne John, 2, Auburn Van Liew Fayette, 98, Scipio
Otis Charles, 98, Sherwoods Van Liew George, 76, Scipio
Otis Jessie M, 119, Sherwoods Van Liew Mrs Guy, 59, Mapleton
Otis Samuel G, 136, Sherwoods Van Liew John, 95, Mapleton
Parker George, 70, Scipio Van Liew William, 89, Scipio
Parkhurst Edgar D, 64, Scipio Waldron George, 97, Mapleton
Parkhurst Mrs P, 71, Owasco Lake Walker Alexander, 155, Owasco Lake
Payne John, 33, Mapleton Wallace Lottie, 16, Fleming
Payne Maria, 49, Scipio Wallace Sally, 72, Fleming
Perry George, 12, Mapleton Ward Artemus, 99, Scipio
Pope Edgar J, 79, Scipio Ward Mrs Charles, 76, Moravia
Pope Middleton, 78, Scipio Ward Edwin, 95, Scipio
Pope William, 72, Scipio Ward Wm & David, 78, Scipio
Post Allen, 115, Owasco Lake Warring George S, 60, Scipio
Post Jacob, 121, Scipio Watkins A Q, 67, Scipioville
Powers Edward, 70, Fleming Watkins Arlington, 68, Scipioville
Powers Michael, 5, Scipio Watkins B L, 102, Scipioville
Quinn Mrs Ella, 2, Scipioville Watkins George, 2, Scipioville
Rafferty H F, 4, Scipio Watkins Ledra, 54, Scipioville
Randall Edwin, 4, Scipio Wattles Calvin H, 28, Scipio
Reynolds Caroline, 95, Merrifield Webster Mrs Martha, 4, Scipioville
Rice Frank, 154, Scipio Webster N E, 158, Auburn
Ringwook James, 234, Fleming Weeks Jay C, 128, Auburn
Roach Patrick, 48, Scipio Welch Lawrence, 96, Scipioville
Robertson J A, 3 1/2, Merrifield Welch Mrs Patrick, 37, Owasco Lake
Sanders Levi, 12, Mapleton Welch Thomas, 93, Merrifield
Saint Bernard, 13, Scipio West Eber, 8, Scipioville
Searing Samuel, 61, Sherwoods Wheat Henry A, 11, Moravia
Searing William F, 120, Sherwoods Wheat Samuel, et al, 147, Scipioville
Seeber Casper, 8, Cascade Wheat Mrs William, 89, Merrifield
Seeley Alvin, 34, Scipio Whelan Michael, 23, Scipio
Shaw Enos, 118, Scipioville Whelan James, 12, Merrifield
Shaw Hattie, et al, 59, Merrifield Whitten Camelia, 35, Scipio
Simonds Jerry, 117, Scipio Wiggins Thomas, 57, Fleming
Skillett Thomas, 82, Scipio Williamson Leonard, 13, Merrifield
Slocum Giles F, 130, Sherwoods Wiseman Wm, 60, Sherwoods
Slocum Henry C, 208, Sherwoods Wiltshire William, 5, Scipioville
Smith Adaline, 4, Scipio Wood George S, 85, Venice Centre
Smith Alina, 45, Mapleton Woodburn John, 56, Scipio
Smith Glen, 47, Venice Centre Wright Frank, 121, Auburn
Smith James K, 23, Scipio Wyant James (est), 52, Scipio
Smith Luther B, 94, Scipio Wyant William, 56, Ensenore
Smith Mary E, 195, Mapleton Young William, 83, Mapleton
Smith Theodore, 13 1/2, Mapleton  


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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