ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "SEMPRONIUS" SECTION

Sempronius was formed March 9, 1799, and a part annexed to Marcellus, (Onondaga
Co.,) March 24, 1804, and Moravia and Niles, March 20, 1833. It lies on Skaneateles Lake,
in the south-east part of the county. From the valley formed by the lake and inlet, the
hills rise abruptlt to a height of 800 to 1,000 feet, and from their summits the surface
spreads out into a rolling and hilly upland, the highest points being 1,700 feet above
tide. Mill Brook, flowing west, Bear Swamp Brook north, and Fall Brook south, have
worn deep valleys in the drift deposits and shales. The soil is a good quality of clayey,
sandy and gravelly loam, mixed with disintegrated slate and lime stone.
Population, 981. Area, 17, 351 acres.

The Postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Dresserville, Sempronius
and Glen Haven, in the town, Kelloggsville, Moravia and New Hope, in adjoining towns,
and Scott, Cortland County.

Town Of SEMPRONIUS Page # 1

Adams Augustus, 100 Dresserville Fritts Mariette, 16, Dresserville
Adams Edwin E, 133, Sempronius Fuller Charles, 9, Sempronius
Adams George, 79, Sempronius Fuller Frank W, 118, Dresserville
Baker Anson J, 49, Sempronius Fuller Maria, 24, Sempronius
Baker Warren, 84, Sempronius Fullmer James, 70, Sempronius
Baker Wm H, 21, Dresserville Franklin Hector, 76, Dresserville
Berrian Daniel P, 81, Moravia Ganey Dennis, 146, Kelloggsville
Birchman Betsey, 22, Dresserville Graham Alex, 178, Sempronius
Brogden John C, 4, Dresserville Griffin Lavalette, (est) 118, Sempronius
Brown George, 98, Sempronius Griffin Maggie, 100, Sempronius
Brown M T C, 70, Sempronius Hakes John C, 10, New Hope
Burgess Byron, 205, Kelloggsville Hale Charles (est), 8, New Hope
Burgess Charles, 7, Kelloggsville Hall Frank, 49, Moravia
Burke John, 27, Dresserville Hall Philetus, 16, Moravia
Burke Samuel, 38, Glen Haven Hand Stephen, 78, Dresserville
Bush Abram, 213, Sempronius Hardy Adelbert, 61, Sempronius
Bush Allen, 177, Kelloggsville Hardy Eli, 98, Sempronius
Byrne Wm, 38, Moravia Harmon Wm B, 110, Sempronius
Cady Charles H, (est), 128, New Hope Harter D A, 100, Moravia
Cady Ellie, 130, New Hope Hartnett Daniel, 90, Sempronius
Cady George C, 240, New Hope Hartnett John, 98, Sempronius
Cady George S, 180, New Hope Hathaway Elizabeth, 42, Sempronius
Carroll Stephen (est), 50, Sempronius Hathaway Henry, 151, Sempronius
Case E Nett, 71, Sempronius Hawley William, 49, Kelloggsville
Case Wm, 144, Sempronius Henry Ann E, 135, Sempronius
Chase Oscar, 134, Dresserville Heustis Benjamin (est), 119, Kelloggsville
Chipman Orson, 102, Dresserville Horan Michael, 182, New Hope
Clark Charles J, 25, Sempronius Howland Charles, 94, Sempronius
Clark James W, 55 1/2 Moravia Huff Oliver, 112, Moravia
Clark Orson, 85, Moravia Johnson William, 110, Dresserville
Cleveland Martin, 10, Sempronius Jones James A, 134, Dresserville
Colwell Alice J, 62, Sempronius Jones Robert, 67, Moravia
Collier Willis, 15, Sempronius Kehoe John, 35, Kelloggsville
Comerford Thomas D, 116, Sempronius Kehoe Timothy, 30, Kelloggsville
Couch Deborah, 18, Kelloggsville Kenyon Vincent A, 47, Dresserville
Covey Frank A, 58, Moravia Lane Dennis (est), 98, New Hope
Curtin Burtholomew, 128, Sempronius Lane John, 232, New Hope
Curtin David, 97, Sempronius Lane Thomas, 118, New Hope
Curtin John, 154, Sempronius Lawrence Burdette, 24, Moravia
Cutler D K, 144, Sempronius Lawrence Cynthia, 44, Dresserville
Cutler Wm, 51, Sempronius Lawrence Russell, 5, Dresserville
Delaney James, 105, New Hope Lawrence William, 163, Moravia
Dennis Jane and Dell, 90, Kelloggsville Lee Asabel D, 191, Moravia
Donahue Annie, 96, Kelloggsville Le Roy Frank, 110, Sempronius
Dougherty Daniel, 30, Sempronius Lester Edward, 13, Moravia
Downing Neil, 10, Kelloggsville Lester Jefferson, 66, Dresserville
Downs Fred, 48, Dresserville Lester Wayne, 56, Moravia
Dugan Michael, 93, New Hope Lillie William, 47, Dresserville
Eaton Orpha, 25, Dresserville Livermore Henry, 14, Dresserville
Edwards Caroline, 40, Dresserville Lynch Timothy, 39, New Hope
Evans Hannah, 9, Dresserville Main & Spohr, 54 Sempronius
Finch Sylvanus, 21, New Hope Mason Gardner, 159, Kelloggsville
Fitts Geo W & Co, 315, Dresserville Mather Albert, 10, Moravia
Fitts Julius, 235, Dresserville Mattison Albert, 9, Sempronius
Forbes Elmer, 70, Sempronius Mattison Byron, 195, Sempronius
Forbes John, 60, Sempronius Mattison Harrison, 142, Sempronius
Forrest John, 66, New Hope Mc Cartin Bros, 165, Moravia
Foster Allan B, 6, Sempronius Mc Connell Daniel, 110, Sempronius
Foster Charles, 48, Sempronius Mc Lean William A, 113, Moravia
Foster Chris, (est), 132 1/2, Sempronius Mc Sweeney Mortimer, 59, Sempronius
Foster & Sullivan, 12 1/2, Sempronius Morris Darius, 76, New Hope
Fowler Ralph, 60, Sempronius Morris Lewis, 62, Glen Haven

Town Of SEMPRONIUS Page # 2

Morris Uriah, 19, Glen Haven Smith Ann, 64, Dresserville
Morse B & D, 95, Moravia Smith Arthur L, 85, Sempronius
Mosher Charles, 50, Dresserville Smith Dorr, 4, Sempronius
Mosher Francis, 98, Kelloggsville Smith Silas, 63, Sempronius
Mott Edmond C, 64, Sempronius Snyder Theodore, 98, Kelloggsville
Mulholland Patrick, 6, Dresserville Spafford Calvin, 61, Dresserville
Patchen William, 153, Sempronius Splain Thomas, 144, New Hope
Perry Arthur, 61, Sempronius Spore William, 4, Sempronius
Perry Myron, 68, New Hope Stone John, 190, Moravia
Perry William, 123, Sempronius Taylor Mary Jane, 67, Dresserville
Phelps Horace, 107, Sempronius Thayer Ezra (est), 287, Sempronius
Pidge John, 5, Glen Haven Thomas & Mourin, 130, Glen Haven
Pierce Julia, 75, Glen Haven Tinker Jefferson, 111, Sempronius
Powers Charles, 25, Moravia Tinker Lee, 132, New Hope
Quinn Thomas, 210, Moravia Titus Grant, 49, Dresserville
Rathbun Edwin, (est), 40, Sempronius Tompkins Levins, 91, Sempronius
Reynolds Asa, 116, Sempronius Totman Henty (sic), 8, Dresserville
Reynolds Edward, 100, Sempronius Tuthill Charles, 130, Kelloggsville
Reynolds George W, 107, Sempronius Tyson Delaney, 11, Dresserville
Reynolds Horace, 89, Sempronius Vosburg John, 71, Sempronius
Reynolds & Wood, 108, Sempronius Ward Robert O, 101, Dresserville
Rhodes Charles M, 8 1/2, Dresserville Ward Welby, 57, Kelloggsville
Rhodes Stephen J, 164, Dresserville Weaver Ernest, 11, Sempronius
Richardson Joseph, 96, Sempronius Webster William, 8, Dresserville
Richardson Lewis, 20, Dresserville Westfall Abram, 48, Sempronius
Richardson O L, 132, Moravia White Albert, 85, Kelloggsville
Ripley Amon, 14, Glen Haven White Rachael, 53, Moravia
Ripley Geo V, 68, Sempronius Wilcox Allen, 25, Sempronius
Rounds E B, 5, New Hope Wilcox Henry, 49, Sempronius
Ryan Frank B, 74, Moravia Wilcox Merritt, 103, Sempronius
Ryan James, 290, Sempronius Williams Charles, 12, New Hope
Sawyer Charles, 94, Kelloggsville Williams Eliza, 49, New Hope
Searles James, 60, Sempronius Williams Herman, 256, New Hope
Selover Jane, 50, Sempronius Williams Orrin, 122, New Hope
Selover Oscar (est), 107, Sempronius Williams Philinda, 9, Sempronius
Sickles Ludo, 119, New Hope Willis J A, 27, Sempronius
Sincerbeaux Philander, 100, Kelloggsville Wilson John, 33, Sempronius
Singleton Samuel, 150, New Hope Wood Clifford, 77, Dresserville
Slade Herbert D, 42, Moravia Youngs Benjamin, 69, Sempronius
Slade Rosa D, 65, Sempronius Youngs Caleb, 74, Sempronius
Slade Sarah, 49, Moravia Youngs & Mattison, 5, Sempronius


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

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