ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "STERLING" SECTION

Sterling, named from William Alexander, Lord Sterling, of Revolutionary memory,
was formed from Cato, June 19, 1812. It lies in the extreme north part of the county, on
Lake Ontario, and has a rolling surface, with a trifling inclination toward the north. The
summits of the ridges in the south stand 200 to 300 feet above the lake, and Big Bluff, on
the lake shore, has about the same elevation. Little Sodus Creek, with its branches,
flowing into Little Sodus Bay, and Cortright Brook, flowing into Blind Sodus Bay, are the
streams. Little Sodus Bay is about two miles long and one wide, and is one of the best
natural harbors on the south shore of the lake. A swamp, covering several hundred
acres, extends along the lake shore, east of the bay, and another lies on the south
border of the town. The soil is a sandy and gravelly loam, and in some places is stony,
and difficult to cultivate. Outcrops of Medina sandstone and Oneida conglomerate, are
quarried in the town for building purposes. The former is extensively used for under-
pinnings of houses and farm buildings; and it has been observed that hogs are fond of
licking the stone whenever they have access to it. It causes them to foam at the mouth,
and hence they can be fattened only with difficulty.

Population, 2,959. Area, 26, 759 acres.

The PostOffice addresses of the residents of this town are Crocketts, Fair Haven, N.
Fair Haven, Martville, North Sterling, Sterling, Sterling Station and Sterling Valley, in
the town; North Victory, in the town of Victory, and Red Creek, Wayne Co.

Town Of STERLING Page # 1

Acre Peter, 156, Fair Haven Andrews William R, 74, Sterling Valley
Adle Margaret, 59, N Sterling Ashley B, 10, Martville
Albright Caroline, 20, Sterling Baggs Edwin, 18, Sterling
Albring Betsey, 85 1/4, Sterling Baggs Samuel, 75, Fair Haven
Albring F, 37, Fair Haven Baker Otis, 21, Martville
Allen Ethan, 80, Martville Barnes Laurie, 46, Martville
Andrews John, 95, Sterling Valley Barnes Minerva, 29, Martville
Andrews Thomas, 97, Sterling Barrus O F, 278, Fair Haven
Bateman Mrs Ella, 82, Martville Dewell Lydia, 84, Sterling Valley
Bateman Oscar, 14 1/2, Martville Dominy George, 20, Sterling Valley
Baumgartner Jost, 50, Martville Dominy Phoebe, 23, Sterling
Baxter Jessie, 11, Martville Donoghue Cornelius, 73 N Sterling
Becker Elmer, 5, Martville Doud Mary, 145, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Becker James, 104, Red Creek, Wayne Co Douglass Albert, 70, Martville
Becker Luke, 135, Martville Douglass James E, 96, Martville
Bellinger Lydia, 35, Martville Douglass M E, 88, N Victory
Bellinger William, 81, Sterling Station Doyle Ellen, 47, Martville
Bennett Albert, 159, Fair Haven Duffy John, 57, Martville
Bently Fred, 63, Martville Dugan Hugh, 90, Sterling
Bidwell Almon, 146, Sterling Station Durbin Eunice, 5, Martville
Blaikie Richard, 44, Sterling Valley Elder Andrew, 5 1/2, Fair Haven
Blaisdell John, 5, Martville Ellis John, 10, Sterling Valley
Blythe Edwin, 135, Sterling Valley Elmer John, 5, Fair Haven
Bogart Mrs George, 82, Sterling Station Eno Nathan P, 75, N Victory
Bowman Norman, 18, Martville Farden James, 77, Sterling Valley
Bradley Sarah, 24, Sterling Farden John, 44, Sterling Valley
Bridges E H & M, 230, Sterling Valley Fields John, 9, Martville
Brink Edward, 48, Martville Fields Perry, 17, Martville
Brooks James, 80, Fair Haven Fitzgerald C P, 19, Crocketts
Brown Charles, 47, Fair Haven Flack David, 30, N Sterling
Brown Mrs Geo H, 18, Fair Haven Flack Fred, 70, N Sterling
Brown James, 32, Martville Fletcher Ranford H, 64, Martville
Brown Mattie, 14, Martville Ford James, 6, N Sterling
Brownell James, 52, Red Creek Foreman William, 33, Crocketts
Brundage Mrs Hannah, 10, Sterling Valley Forscutt Mrs Lavina, 40, Fair Haven
Buckland Jane G, 100, Martville Forscutt Richard, 112, Fair Haven
Burns Gavin, 12, Sterling Forscutt William, 140, Fair Haven
Byer James, 180, Sterling Forsyth Frank, 117, Martville
Byer & Reed, 159, Wolcott Forsyth Nettie, 47, Sterling
Calvert Alexander, 93, North Sterling Fralick Albert, 95, Sterling
Calvert Fred, 48, Sterling Valley Freeman Elbert, 12, Sterling
Calvert Harvey C, 53, Crocketts Fry Gilbert, 59, N Victory
Campbell Samuel, 48 S W Oswego Fry William H, 50, N Victory
Capron Angeline, 18, Martville Furbush George, 28, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Carey Nancy, 40, N Victory Gailey Josiah, 20, Sterling Station
Carter Jonas, 26, Martville Gauntley Patrick, 25, Crocketts
Carr George L, 50, Martville Gardner W A, 41, Sterling Station
Caswell Joseph, 75, Martville Gillett E, 4, N Sterling
Chapman Florence, 19, Martville Glynn James H, 15, N Sterling
Chrisler Harriett, 66, Fair Haven Godfrey H S, 74, Martville
Clark Charles, 30, Sterling Goodrich Chauncey, 35, Sterling
Clark John A, 70, Sterling Gray David, 31, N Sterling
Colvin Daniel, 20, Martville Gray Janes G, 54, N Sterling
Colvin Eugene, 15, Martville Gray John, 70, N Sterling
Colvin William, 63, Martville Green George W, 50, Martville
Connors Andrew, 39, Martville Green Joseph, 50, Sterling
Conright Eph A, 15, Sterling Valley Green Madison, 109, Sterling
Cooper & Green, 65,Sterling Green Wilford & Eva, 20, Fair Haven
Cooper John C, 58, Sterling Valley Griffin Mary A, 24, Martville
Cooper E P, 20, Sterling Valley Griffin Stephen, 49, Martville
Cooper Mary, 60, Martville Ha_cock Dennis, 26, N Victory
Cooper Mrs William, 50, Sterling Haggerty Mrs Elizabeth, 162, Sterling Valley
Cooper William A, 53, Sterling Valley Hall James B, 90, N Sterling
Cooper William D, 9, Fair Haven Halliday Sarah, 37, Sterling
Cosgrove Daniel, 19, Martville Hancock Edward, 30, Red Creek
Cosgrove Mrs Ellen, 59, Sterling Harrington Ben F, 10, N Sterling
Cosgrove Mathew, 38, Sterling Station Harrington George, 38, N Sterling
Cosgrove William, 56, Sterling Station Harris Burdette, 10, Martville
Counsell A E, 52, Martville Harris Harriet, 77, Fair Haven
Counsell Mrs Elizabeth, 96, Martville Harris Mrs James, 29, Sterling
Cox David, 52, N Victory Harris John, 4, Fair Haven
Crandall George, 88, Sterling Harris Joseph, 5, Sterling Valley
Crosman George W, 56, Sterling Valley Harrison Henry, 104, Fair Haven
Crysdale Mrs John, 224, Red Creek Hart C E, 66, N Sterling
Curry William, 60, Sterling Hartshorn Charles, 24, Fair Haven
Curry John, 12, Sterling Valley Hendricks Arthur, 23, Crocketts
Curtis Albert E, 64, Sterling Hendricks Lewis, 49, Crocketts
Curtis Mary A, 102, Martville Henry Clark, 49, N Victory
Curtis Mary J, 25, Sterling Hersey Veder N, 81, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Cuyler Nelson J, 85, Martville Hewitt Walter S, 78, N Sterling
Dates Kellogg, 8, Fair Haven Hewitt Wm, 40, N Sterling
Davy James, 9, N Victory Hickey Frank, 37, N Sterling
Deal John, 29, Crocketts Hickey Nancy, 39, N Sterling
Decker Jacob, 75, Martville Hickey Thomas, 80, Sterling Valley
Dedrick Charles, 55, Sterling Hilton Howard, 88, Fair Haven
Donnell David, 19, Martville Hitchcock S K (ag't), 230, Fair Haven

Town Of STERLING Page # 2

Holmes Henry, 83, N Victory Mc Knight John B, 420, Sterling Valley
Hollenbeck Mrs Will, 25, Fair Haven Mc Neil Libbie, 92, Sterling
Horton Geo, 20, Martville Mc Pherson Ann M, 12, Sterling Station
Horton Stephen, 49, N Victory Miller Henry, 12, Sterling
Howell Thomas, 95, Red Creek, Wayne Co Mills Charles, 100, N Victory
Howell Harriett, 50, Red Creek, Wayne Co Mitchell Nancy M, 33, Fair Haven
Howell Frank, 148, Fair Haven Moore John J, 5, Fair Haven
Howland Bert, 38, N Victory Moore Philander, 8, Fair Haven
Hume John W, 109, Martville Morgan Elmira, 20, N Sterling
Hume Thomas C, 60, Martville Mosher Catherine, 37, Martville
Humphrey Enos, 177, Fair Haven Mosher James A, 25, Martville
Hunter Mrs Catherine, 13 1/2, Sterling Moulton C V, 12, N Victory
Hunter James C, 12, Sterling Myers Charles, 60, Martville
Hunter Margaret A, 170, Red Creek, Wayne Co Myers Edward, 10, Sterling Valley
Hunter Thos, 268, Sterling Myers Egbert, 11, Martville
Hunting John W, 20, Fair Haven Mylcraine Dorr, 90, Martville
Ingersoll J Royal, 80, Sterling Valley Neisler Frederick, 51, Fair Haven
Ingham Jacob, 39, Martville Noble Albert, 38, N Fair Haven
Irwin E P, 40, N Sterling O'Brien Agnes, 11, Martville
Irwin Henry, 14, N Sterling O'Brien John, 15, Martville
Irwin James C, 100, N Sterling O'Brien Sarah L, 60, Sterling
Irwin James H, 242, N Sterling O'Brien Thomas, 17, Martville
Irwin Mrs Jennie, 108, N Sterling Odell Mrs, 4 1/2, Fair Haven
Irwin Wm D, 34, N Sterling Oliver Andrew, 58, Sterling
Ireland Andrew, 49, N Sterling Oliver S H & A M, 24, Sterling
Ireland Lewis, 57, N Sterling Oliver Stephen, 59, Sterling
Jackson Richland, 39, Fair Haven Orr Luther J, 88, Martville
Jenkins Monroe, 108, Red Creek, Wayne Co Osborne John, 79, Martville
Jerrett Chas, 26, Sterling Valley Owens Andrew, 9, Martville
Jerrett Fred, 72, N Sterling Palmer Noyes, 100, Martville
Johnson Amelia, 3, Sterling Valley Parcells William J, 90, N Sterling
Johnson Samuel, 55, Sterling Valley Parker Amasa J, 22 1/2, Auburn
Jones Wm, 49, Sterling Valley Parsons William, 8, Martville
Jones Nathaniel, 90, Red Creek Pelton George, 24, N Victory
Kevill Floyd, 16, Sterling Station Pelton John, 24, Martville
King Corydon, 14, Martville Pennoyer Lewis, 46, Martville
King Geo, 3, Fair Haven Peters John H, 30, Sterling Valley
King James H, 10, S W, Oswego Pettit Dorastus, 126, Fair Haven
Kirk Jas A, 39, Sterling Pickett Aaron, 85, Sterling
Kirk Wm H, 115, Sterling Pickett Egbert, 18, Sterling
Kyle Everett, 50, N Victory Pitter George, 51, Sterling Station
La Barge Charles, 25, N Sterling Place M S, 28, S W Oswego
Laxton Luke, 88, Sterling Valley Powell Isaac & Co, 116, Sterling
Lay John, 3, Martville Prince Charles, 46, N Victory
Lee Mary Helen, 59, Sterling Station Pringle Albert, 24, Martville
Lester David, 50, Sterling Station Querean Peter I, 90, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Lewis Frank D, 118, Martville Quinn Patrick, 22, N Victory
Lewis H J, 44, Martville Ramage James B, 24, Sterling
Loveless Harriet E, 26, Martville Randall Frank, 6, Sterling
Lund Orson, 43, Martville Randall William, 25, Fair Haven
Lyon Hiram J, 42, Fair Haven Reed Gorman, 60, Fair Haven
Lyon Mrs Nancy, 25, Fair Haven Reed Henry M, 6, Sterling
Lyon Riley H, 85, Fair Haven Reed William, 110, Sterling
Lyon William J, 45, Fair Haven Rice David, 33, Sterling
Mahaney Catherine, 86, Sterling Station Richmond Lewis, 10, Sterling Valley
Mahaney Murty, 118, N Sterling Riley Charles, 229, N Victory
Manning Fred, 97, Sterling Valley Riley James, 67, Crocketts
Manning John, 76, N Sterling Rossiter George, 48, N Victory
Manning Sydney, 106, Sterling Rossiter George H, 10, N Victory
Marsh Edward H, 25, Sterling Valley Rossiter William, 30, Sterling
Marvin & Blackwell, 25, Fair Haven Ryder Edward, 75, Martville
Marvin James H, 73, Fair Haven Sampson Jane E, 3, Martville
Marvin Lewis S, 50, Fair Haven Saulsbury Homer J, 60, Sterling Valley
Mason Howell, 50, Martville Sarts Jerry, 50, Martville
Mc Crea John, 225, Fair Haven Schofield A H, 58, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Mc Eachron John, 4, Sterling Valley Schoolcraft Lucius, 74, Fair Haven
Mc Eachron John P, 79, Sterling Scott Henry (est), 230, Sterling Valley
Mc Fadden C A, 15, Fair Haven Shader C C, 42, Martville
Mc Fadden Elinor, 42, Sterling Shattuck M L, 5, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Mc Fadden James E, 60, Sterling Sheridan Alexander, 15, N Sterling
Mc Fadden Maria, 15, Sterling Shortsleeve Lewis, 10, Martville
Mc Farland Daniel L, 83, Sterling Valley Simmons S A, 58, Sterling Valley
Mc Farland Fred, 4, Sterling Valley Simpkins Clara J, 39, Sterling
Mc Farland George T, 55, N Sterling Simpkins Lucy A, 39, Sterling
Mc Farland John W, 11 1/2, N Sterling Sitts Peter, 56, Sterling Valley
Mc Intyre Mrs E K, 24, Sterling Valley Smith Charles W, 146, Sterling
Mc Intyre William, 14, Martville Smith Fannie A, 48, Sterling

Town Of STERLING Page # 3

Smith I C, 55, Sterling Valley Van Patten David R, 113, Sterling Station
Smith John F, 57, Sterling Van Patten Harmon, 43, Sterling Station
Smith Mary E, 130, Wolcott Van Patten James, 46, Sterling Station
Snyder Judson, 84, Sterling Van Patten John A, 10, Fair Haven
Southard Henry, 31, Red Creek Van Patten Peter, 66, Fair Haven
Stafford Van Buren, 10, Fair Haven Van Patten Walter, 16, Fair Haven
Stearns Clarissa, 14 1/2, Sterling Station Viele Cornelius, 64, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Stevens O B, 263, Red Creek, Wayne Co Viele Royal, 130, Red Creek, Wayne Co
Stewart William, 6, Sterling Valley Vincent Arthur, 30, N Sterling
Stickles Hiram, 62, Sterling Vine Andrew J, 13, N Victory
Stickles Rensalaer, 45, Sterling Waldron E & J, 17, Sterling
Stock George, 31, Sterling Valley Waldron Edwin, 139, Fair Haven
Streeter Clarissa, 50, Red Creek Waldron John, 83, Sterling
Swartwout Margaret, 104, Sterling Station Wallace Jos, 16, Martville
Switzer Charles H, 106, Sterling Station Walrath Alonzo, 21, N Sterling
Tabor Lewis, 348, Sterling Walrath David, 87, S W Oswego
Tabor Frank, 100, Sterling Ward Ira, 29 1/2, N Sterling
Tappen Emily, 98, Martville Wasson Jas, 38, Sterling
Teachout Levi, 5, Sterling Way Jane, 58, Martville
Teachout Riley, 7, Sterling Whiting Bertie, 170, Martville
Tebedo Amy, 56, Fair Haven Whiting Cornelius, 167, Fair Haven
Thompson Harry, 30, N Sterling Whiting Horace, 105, Martville
Tilford Catherine, 10, Sterling Valley Whitlock Catherine, 84, N Victory
Timerson Charles W, 118, Martville Wickes Hiram, 50, Martville
Timerson Frank, 22, Martville Wickes Jerome, 35, Martville
Timerson Fred, 15, Martville Wilcox Frank, 14, Martville
Timerson George, 23, Martville Wildie A C P, 100, Martville
Timerson James, 30, Martville Wildie Alonzo H, 38, Martville
Tinkey Joseph, 20, N Sterling Wildie A P, 82, Sterling
Titus Marion, 3, Martville Wildie Charles, 140, Fair Haven
Torbet Mrs Mary, 72, Sterling Valley Wildie Elizabeth, 64, Martville
Trotter William, 13, Martville Wildie Geo, 56, Fair Haven
Turner Fred, 16, Fair Haven Wildie Jay, 22, Martville
Turner George C, 125, Fair Haven Wildie John, 50, Martville
Turner M C, 6 1/2, Fair Haven Wildie Rennsalaer, 50, Martville
Turner Myron, 97, Fair Haven Wildie Will, 5, Sterling
Twitt John, 4, N Sterling Wilkinson Irving, 8, Fair Haven
Upcraft George, 58, N Sterling Willey Abram R, 29, Fair Haven
Upcraft John, 91, Sterling Valley Willey Edward A, 29, Fair Haven
Van Allen Daniel, 45, Crocketts Williams John T, 51, Martville
Van Duzer Charles (est), 118, Martville Williams Richard, 21, Sterling Valley
Van Duzer & Slocum, 140, Martville Williams Wm, 48, Sterling Valley
Van Duzer William, 95, Martville William W H, 20 1/2, Sterling Valley
Van Epps Mrs Jane, 37, Fair Haven Wood Frank, 50, Sterling
Van Hoosen Mynard, 78, Martville Woodworth C E, 200, N Sterling
Van Patten Frank, 60, Fair Haven Wright William R, 165, Fair Haven
Van Patten Fred, 9 3/4, Auburn Wyman Sidney, 38, Fair Haven


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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