ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "SUMMERHILL" SECTION

Summer Hill was formed from Locke as "Plato," April 26, 1831, but its name was
changed March 16, 1832. It is situated in the south-east corner of the county and has a
rolling surface, 1,000 to 1,100 feet above tide. Fall Brook, the principal stream, flows
south through the east part, and its valley, 300 to 400 feet below the hill summits, forms
the only break of any account in the general surface level. Summer Hill Lake is a small
sheet of water in the north-east part, and discharges its water into Fall Brook. The soil
is a clay and gravelly loam, with clay predominating.

Population, 864. Area, 14,725 acres.

The Postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are Summer Hill and Como, in
the town, Dresserville and Moravia, in adjoining towns; Groton, Tompkins County, and
Homer, Cortland County.

Town Of SUMMERHILL Page # 1

Allen Geo H, 56 Summer Hill Alvord Van Etten, 90, Como
Allen J G, 135, Summer Hill Atwood A I, 122, Moravia

Town Of SUMMERHILL Page # 2

Atwood Calvin, 65, Genoa Hinman J D, 16, Groton
Anthony Wm, 10, Groton Honeywell G A, 103, Homer
Baker Albert, 63, Summer Hill Hopkins Clarence, 30, Homer
Bangs Loren, 140, Summer Hill Hopkins Dell, 108, Como
Beach Isaac A, 75, Cortland Hopkins Eugene, 66, Homer
Bentley Chas, 47, Groton Hopkins Louisa, 73, Como
Bentley Fred, 65, Groton Hopkins Olive, 40, Summer Hill
Bentley Ray, 47, Groton Horner Jos, 25, Groton
Bingham Chas, 95, Summer Hill Howe Fred, 15, Summer Hill
Bingham Geo, 69, Summer Hill Howe Zilpha, 68, Como
Bingham Henry, 27, Summer Hill Hunter Frank, 45, Genoa
Bingham Wm J, 77, Summer Hill Hunter Geo, 66, Summer Hill
Bliss J D, 131, Moravia Ingalls Wm, 8, Moravia
Booth Hiram, 15, Groton Ivory & Leffingwell, 57, Groton
Bowker Van Buren, 33, Summer Hill Johnson Chas, 112, Dresserville
Branch Earl, 10, Dresserville Johnson De Witt, 58, Summerhill
Branch Chas, 70, Como Johnson Sarah, 12, Groton
Branch Geo, 86, Como Jones Jos, 5, Moravia
Brennan Abner, 90, Moravia Kean Jas, 50, Summer Hill
Briggs C H, 127, Moravia Keeland Patrick, 70, Groton
Brogden Cornelius E. 90. Summer Hill Keller Chas, 25, Moravia
Brong Sarah, 5, Summer Hill Keeler Israel, 100, Moravia
Brong Smith, 65, Summer Hill Keeler Wm, 11, Moravia
Brown Darius, 79, Como Keenan John, 55, Summer Hill
Brown Mrs Frances, 140, Moravia Keenan Mrs Patrick, 45, Summer Hill
Buckley Mrs Chas, 59, Summer Hill Kennedy John, 16, Summer Hill
Burch Wm, 45, Groton King Ellen, 6, Locke
Caldwell Chas, 53, Dresserville Laselle Ezra, 61, Summer Hill
Campbell Alonzo, 36, Groton Lawrence Jasper, 95, Dresserville
Cantine De Ray, 17, Summer Hill Lawrence Kelsey, 81, Moravia
Carpenter Luther, 164, Summer Hill Letts Geo, 95, Moravia
Case James H, 57, Groton Lick Arthur, 200, Moravia
Champlin Byron, 186, Summer Hill Lick Clarendon, 200, Moravia
Champlin Edwin, 112, Groton Lick Dexter, 90, Moravia
Chipman Jay, 47, Summer Hill Lick Sophronia, 42, Moravia
Chipman Thos, 66, Summer Hill Lick Valorous, 150, Moravia
Churchill Jas, 90, Cortland Lombard John, 50, Groton
Clark Jas, 109, Como Loomis Simon, 80, Como
Clark Sarah, 25, Groton Loughborough Gerritt, 80, Auburn
Coats Frank, 70, Groton Marble Anson, 85, Summer Hill
Collier John, 115, Summer Hill Marble Freeman, 4, Homer
Court Frederick, 38, Summer Hill Marble Melvin, 7, Locke
Cummings Mrs Clark, 21, Groton Marshall Mathew, 62, Summer Hill
Demmon Mary J, 135, Locke Mastin Geo, 10, Moravia
Devonshire James, 16, Groton Mathers Asaph, 18, Dresserville
Devlin Cornelius, 14, Summer Hill Mattison Bro's, 65, Summer Hill
Dickerson Othello, 52, Groton Mc Guighan Hugh, 5, Como
Doud Patrick, 165, Cortland Mc Kane Anna, 64, Groton
Dresser Mrs James, 90, Summer Hill Mc Master John S, 105, Homer
Eaton Calvin, 93, Dresserville Mc Millan John, 140, Dresserville
Eaton Mrs Calvin, 40, Dresserville Merriman John, 85, Summer Hill
Eaton Eugene, 150, Como Merriman Bro's, 70, Summer Hill
Eaton Mrs Nathaniel, 168, Como Miles Charles, 60, Summer Hill
Elliott Marcellus, 53, Cortland Miles Columbus, 45, Summer Hill
Evans Mrs Wm, 17, Dresserville Mix Chas, 83, Summer Hill
Finch Sylvanus, 177, Como Montgomery Geo, 38, Groton
Fleming Mrs M, 98, Summer Hill Mosher Albert, 114, Summer Hill
Fleming Mrs Smith, 8, Summer Hill Mosher Roland, 20, Como
French Frank, 22, Summer Hill Mosher Wm H, 76, Moravia
French Martha, 10, Summer Hill Odell Harriett E, 44, Groton
Fuller Cornelia, 50, Groton Osterhoudt Perry, 90, Summer Hill
Fults David, 14, Summer Hill Parker Lulu, 45, Moravia
Fults Mrs Cornelia, 130, Homer Parker Simon, 90, Como
Gibson Anson, 203, Groton Parks James, 18, Como
Gillette Abolonia, 110, Homer Parks Mrs Patterson, 9, Summer Hill
Gillette Homer, 71, Summer Hill Pease Chas, 12, Dresserville
Goode John, 84, Summer Hill Pennard Martha, 40, Auburn
Green Edward, 27, Summer Hill Perry Cyrus, 80, Summer Hill
Griffin Frank, 93, Como Parker Emma, 42, Summer Hill
Grinnell Wm W, 52, Auburn Peters Eugene, 164, Dresserville
Hall J Etta, 55, Homer Peters Sanford, 22, Dresserville
Hare Wm, 100, Summer Hill Peters Oliver, 45, Summer Hill
Hart Chas, 8, Dresden Powers Edward, 105, Groton
Hart Chauncey, 145, Como Ranney Aldred C, 110, Summer Hill
Hatfield Alanson, 76, Groton Ranney Chas, 238, Summer Hill
Hatfield Geo, 86, Groton Ranney Jos, 217, Groton
Hatfield Dwight, 49, Groton Reynolds Arthur, 9, Moravia
Heald Abram, 45, Dresserville Rider Amanda, 15, Groton

Town Of SUMMERHILL Page #3

Roberts J L, 13, Summer Hill Smith Arthur B, 120, Como
Robbins B C, 105, Summer Hill Smith Frank, 60, Groton
Robbins Adelbert, 4, Dresserville Spoore Peter, 45, Moravia
Robbins Daniel, 81, Summer Hill Sprowles Meredith, 80, Summer Hill
Robbins Darius, 9, Summer Hill Stewart James, 151, Summer Hill
Robbins H B, 62, Groton Stiles Mrs Ada M, 72, Como
Robinson Fred & Irva, 40, Moravia Stoyell Amos, 118, Summer Hill
Robinson Lyman, 8, Locke Tarble Eddie, 70, Groton
Robinson Riley, 59, Moravia Tone Frank J, 25, Moravia
Robinson Mrs Wm A, 85, Moravia Toolin Bernard, 57, Summer Hill
Rodee Freeman, 90, Summer Hill Van Benschoten G N, 44, Como
Rodgers Albert, 112, Summer Hill Van Benschoten Ransom, 95, Groton
Ryan Jno, 6, Locke Van Benschoten Walter, 18, Groton
Satterlee Daniel, 8, Locke Van Buskirk Conelius (sic) E, 53, Summer Hill
Schoonover Mrs Jno, 45, Dresserville Van Marter Philinda, 6, Summer Hill
Selover Ellen, 75, Homer Van Schaick Humprey (sic), 113, Summer Hill
Shaw Mrs Erastus, 95, Groton Vosburg Richmond, 33, Moravia
Shaw Isaac, 46, Summer Hill Walker I H, 140, Summer Hill
Shaw Martha, 45, Summer Hill Webster Frank, 14, Como
Sherman Brice, 50, Summer Hill Webster William, 103, Como
Sherman Erastus, 90, Summer Hill Westfall Helen, 90, Dresserville
Sherman Fred, 65, Como White Jay, 31, Dresserville
Sherman Wm, 125, Dresserville Wieting Mrs T B, 7, Summer Hill
Sherman Henry, 80, Dresserville Wilkins Rev Wm S, 72, Cortland
Sherman Hiram, 58, Dresserville Wilkinson George, 65, Moravia
Simonds John S, 18, Homer Willis Solomon, 84, Locke
Slafter Mrs E P, 165, Cortland Wood Frank, 28, Groton


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Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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