ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "VENICE" SECTION


Venice is an interior town, south of the center of the county, and was formed from
Scipio, January 30, 1823. Owasco Lake borders on the north-east corner, and Salmon
and Little Salmon Creeks flow south in deep valleys which divide the surface into well
defined ridges. The surface is a roliing upland with the highest summits 300 to 400 feet
above Owasco Lake. The declivities on the lake and the west bank of Salmon Creek
are steep, but generally the hillsides are long narrow slopes. The soil is a fine quality
of clayey and gravelly loam.

Population, 1, 672 Area, 24, 039

The Postoffice addresses of the residents of this town are as follows, viz., East
Venice, Poplar Ridge, Venice and Venice Center, in the town, and Genoa, Kings Ferry,
Ledyard, Moravia and Sherwoods, in the adjoining towns.

Town Of VENICE Page # 1

Adams G D, 28 Venice Centre Dillon Michael, 123, Venice Centre
Aiken Mrs Wm, 105, Venice Divine C D, 72, Venice
Aldrich Homer, 114, Moravia Doan G W, 60, Moravia
Allen Ervin, 4 1/2, Venice Doan Mrs Mary, 29, Moravia
Allen William, 118, Venice Donald Mrs E G, 48, Venice
Alley Mrs H H, 6, Moravia Donald Jonathan, 105, East Venice
Andrews & Bennett, 199, Venice Centre Donovan Michael, 3, Poplar Ridge
Andrews Lucy, 132, Venice Centre Donovan Stephen, 125, Venice Centre
Andrews Victor, 67, Venice Centre Doty R T, 96, East Venice
Anthony & Bancroft, 98, East Venice Downing G H, 34, East Venice
Armstrong Robert, 200, Venice Doyle Mrs Mary, 8, Ledyard
Arnold N G, 122, Venice Dresser Horace, 19, Venice
Arnold B A, 137, East Venice Driscoll John, 90, Ledyard
Aspell Arthur V, 8, Moravia Eaton Mrs Samuel, 103, Venice Centre
Avery Charles, 54, Ledyard Edwards Eber, 62, Genoa
Avery H W, 200, Ledyard Ercanbrack A H, 48, Venice Centre
Baker Flora, 17, Moravia Fell John E, 118, Venice Centre
Baldwin W N, 135, Venice Ferris Edwin L, 85, Poplar Ridge
Barnes B F, 143, Venice Fessenden & Purdy, 28, Ledyard
Bastedo Mary, 94, Venice Fitts Louise, 122, Venice
Bates Samuel, 31, Ledyard Fullmer Mrs Jacob, 100, Poplar Ridge
Beatty & Quinlan, 10, Poplar Ridge Gallup Wayne, 652, Venice Centre
Beee Eben, 55, Venice Centre Gardner Elizabeth, 51, Poplar Ridge
Bennett C W, 46, Venice Centre Golden Catherine, 13, Ledyard
Bennett Phoebe S, 179, Venice Centre Gray W E, 11, East Venice
Boley William M, 87, Poplar Ridge Green Ida, 60, Venice
Booker John, 233, Genoa Green Jared, 84, Cascade
Boyce Amelia, 24, Ledyard Green William E, 85, E Venice
Boyce John, 18, Venice Centre Grinnell John, 27, Poplar Ridge
Brewster I N, 14, Sherwoods Groom Edwin, 42, Venice Centre
Bruton John, 80, Venice Centre Haines Mrs Susie A, 95, Poplar Ridge
Bruton Michael, 64, King Ferry Hammond L W, 117, Venice Centre
Burlingham W A, 88, Poplar Ridge Hartnett Dennis, 16, Cascade
Butler Daniel, 36, Poplar Ridge Heaton E S, 108, East Venice
Cahallon Patrick, 22, Poplar Ridge Heaton James, 88, East Venice
Cannon Michael, 46, Poplar Ridge Heaton Mrs Ella, 100, Venice
Clark Charles, 104, Venice Centre Hellen Patrick, 3 1/2, Poplar Ridge
Clark Frank, 40, Moravia Hoagland Mansfield, 33, Venice
Close Newell, 110, Ledyard Hodge Andrew J, 12, East Venice
Cobb Elisha B, 115, Ledyard Holden Mr & Mrs D, 27, East Venice
Coffin Burton, 60, Genoa Holley David, 7 1/2, Venice
Colgan Michael, 50, East Venice Holley Polly Ann, 53, East Venice
Colgan Miles, 47, Ledyard Howland Emily, 68, Poplar Ridge
Congdon Warren, 49, Moravia Howland William, 121, Poplar Ridge
Connell Thomas, 50, Genoa Howell John, 24, East Venice
Cook Elisha, 174, Poplar Ridge Hoyt Christopher, 46, East Venice
Cook J W, 63, Poplar Ridge Hudson Joseph, 193, Venice Centre
Cook S G, 50, Poplar Ridge Huested Geo B, 27, Poplar Ridge
Coon George, 74, Ledyard Huested Mrs H M, 200, Poplar Ridge
Coon G N, 16, Ledyard Hull Mrs Charles, 96, Venice
Counsell Horace G, 32, Ledyard Hurlbut A J, 47, East Venice
Covey Asa, 60, Moravia Hutchinson A E, 172, Venice Centre
Covey Jessie, 115, Venice Hutchinson Amos, 62, Venice Centre
Cranson Caleb (est), 95, Venice Centre Hutchinson Arthur, 46, Venice Centre
Cranson Connie M, 7, E Venice Jennings Ann F, 84, Venice
Crowfoot C F, 62, Venice Centre Jennings Henry, 97, Venice
Cruthers J H, 58, Genoa Jennings Joel, 30, Venice
Culver A J, 107, Poplar Ridge Jennings William, 70, Venice
Culver O B, 68, Poplar Ridge Judge Arthur, 130, Ledyard
Dalton & Beebe, 80, Venice Centre Judge Isaac, 95, Poplar Ridge
Dean William E, 100, Ledyard Jump Netus, 27, Ledyard

Town Of VENICE Page # 2

Keenan Peter, 55, Poplar Ridge Parker Melissa, 9, Venice
Kellogg Dwight, 9, Venice Parker Mrs N C, 155, Venice
Kellogg N D, 57 1/2, Venice Parker T M, 73, Moravia
Kenyon Henry, 36, Venice Centre Parker Warren, 24, Moravia
Kenyon J J, 70, Venice Centre Parks Seymour, 76, Venice Centre
Kimball Delos, 107, East Venice Parrington Frank, 180, Genoa
King E & J, 95, Poplar Ridge Peacock John, 27, Venice Centre
King Frank M, 55, Ledyard Peacock Charles, 155, Poplar Ridge
King Fred J, 32, Ledyard Pearsall George, 10, Venice Centre
King John, 64, Poplar Ridge Peckham F A, 90, Poplar Ridge
Knox John, 25, Venice Phillips Mrs L M, 65, Genoa
Lamkin Ward, 67, Ledyard Pierce Smith, 93, Venice Centre
Landon Allen, 170, Poplar Ridge Potter J W, 90, East Venice
Lavin Patrick. 285, Venice Powell Mrs Emiline, 100, Poplar Ridge
Lawrence Emma, 8, Venice Pulver E C, 11, Cascade
Leader Fred, 40, Poplar Ridge Purdy William P, 223, Ledyard
Lester Ann, 8, Venice Putman Charles, 58, Venice
Lester Elias, 85, East Venice Putman D D, 78, Venice
Lester Fred, 70, East Venice Raymond Hannah, 56, East Venice
Lester Lewis H, 96, East Venice Reynolds James, 85, Venice Centre
Lester Orrin, 80, East Venice Reynolds S B, 115, Ledyard
Lisk C T, 10, Ledyard Ridley George, (ex'r), 178, Venice Centre
Mack John, 15, East Venice Riley Burney, 140, Genoa
Mahaney Peter, 27, Ledyard Rynders Charles, 4, Poplar Ridge
Main Adaline, 15, Venice Saxton Wm B, 90, Venice Centre
Main Ephraim, 11, Cascade Scudder Emory, 197, Moravia
Main Fanny, 15, Venice Scudder Sarah, 50, Moravia
Main Lucy, 56, East Venice Sharpsteen W H, 110, Genoa
Manchester J L, 37, Venice Shaw Mrs E & M, 135, Genoa
Mason Lorenzo, 95, Ledyard Sherman George, 39, Moravia
Mason Lowell, 140, Ledyard Sherman Levi, 10, Cascade
Mason Nelson, 58, Ledyard Shields Elizabeth, 655, Ledyard
Mc Allister William, 166, Poplar Ridge Signor Louisa, 26, Moravia
Mc Dermott James, 131, Genoa Signor Simon, 60, Moravia
Mc Donald Owen, 12, Ledyard Sisson A V, 96, E Venice
Mc Donald Robert, 15, Cascade Smith James, 95, Poplar Ridge
Meader Wm C, 38, Poplar Ridge Smith John J, 15, East Venice
Merritt Henrietta, 96, Poplar Ridge Smith L V, 22, East Venice
Middletown Andrew, 38, Ledyard Snyder Edwin, 58, Venice Centre
Miller J P, 125, Genoa Snyder Seneca, 40, Venice
Miller J W, 69, East Venice Stanton Harvey, 43, Venice Centre
Miller W E, 157, Venice Centre Stanton William, 98, East Venice
Mills L H, 90, Genoa Stevens George P, 91, Venice Centre
Miner J C, 85, Venice Stevens John N, 4, Venice
Misener N H, 118, Venice Stevens N L, 15, Venice
Mitchell John, 8 1/2, Poplar Ridge Storms Eliza, 81, Venice
Mitchell Thomas, 215, Poplar Ridge Storms P Cranson, 106, Venice Centre
Montgomery Mrs W S, 140, Venice Centre Streeter J F, 13, Venice Centre
Mosher Frank, 120, Poplar Ridge Stuart Mrs C E, 46, Venice
Mosher Hermon, 130, East Venice Stuart Ledyard, 46, Ledyard
Mosher Nelson, 93, East Venice Sullivan Timothy, 126, Ledyard
Moravia National Bank, 65, Moravia Tabor Austin, 46, East Venice
Morgan Frank, 137, Poplar ridge Tate James, 68, Venice
Mullally John, 14, Venice Centre Tate William, 90, Ledyard
Mullally Peter, 47, Cascade Taylor Caleb, 13, Venice Centre
Mulvaney John, 92, Ledyard Taylor Lewis, 130, East Venice
Murdock John H, 123, Venice Centre Tehan John, 4, Venice Centre
Murdock M W, 215, Venice Centre Teeter Robert, 70, East Venice
Murphy John, 34, Moravia Tierney James, 655, Ledyard
Murphy William, 60, Venice Tillott Thomas R, 94, East Venice
Myers Mrs John, 75, Genoa Tighe Hugh, 95, Genoa
Nettleton David, 93, Moravia Tremaine J K, 70, Ledyard
Nichols James, 42, Poplar Ridge Tremaine N D, 126, Ledyard
Niles Frank, 26, E Venice Tripp William, 24, Sherwoods
Nolan David, 5, Venice Centre Tupper Charles, 96, Genoa
Nolan James, 1, Venice Utter Adelia, 111, Moravia
Norway J P, 95, Venice Van Marter Albert, 75, Venice
Nostrand Jacob, 62, Venice Van Marter John, 98, East Venice
Oliver Arthur, 67, Poplar Ridge Viele Jacob D, 97, Ledyard
Oliver William, 47, Venice Vosburg Clinton, 55, Moravia
Olney H J, 9, Venice Walker J Fitch, 60, Moravia
Ostrander Milan, 27, Poplar Ridge Walker Silas, 4, Poplar Ridge
Otis J J, 68, Poplar Ridge Wallace Hiram, 83, Venice Centre
Owens James, 51, Venice Centre Wallace James, 217, Venice
Owens Thomas, 95, Poplar Ridge Wallace Lewis, 10, Venice
Parker Mrs Brad, 63, Venice Walpole Ann, 48, East Venice
Parker Charles, 190, Venice Ward Darwin, 25, Cascade

Town Of VENICE Page # 3

Welch Thomas, 78, Venice Willis Chester, 52, Moravia
Wheat A B, 34, Venice Wilson Lauren M, 84, Venice Centre
Wheat John, 136, Cascade Wilson George, 120, Venice Centre
Wheat S J & L, (ex), 140, Venice Wiseman William, 81, Sherwoods
Wheeler Dexter, 112, Poplar Ridge Wood G S, (ex'r), 106, Venice Centre
Wheeler Henry J, 120, Poplar Ridge Wood Mrs James, 95, Venice Centre
Whitten Henry, 246, Genoa Young Edwin, 5, East Venice
Whitten Sarah J, 51, East Venice Young Frank, 40, East Venice
Whitman Aaron, 120, Venice Young Fred S, 133, Venice
Whitman Calvin, 152, Venice Young G Smith, 55, East Venice
Whitman William, 106, Venice Young John S, 100, Venice
Whitney Mrs S B, 89, East Venice Young W H, 122, East Venice
Wilcox William, 5, Venice


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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