ALONZO P. LAMEY, Publisher.
Directory Office, 4 Market St., Auburn, N.Y.

Auburn Aurelius Brutus Cato Conquest Fleming Genoa Ira
Ledyard Locke Mentz Montezuma Moravia Niles Owasco Scipio
Sempronius Sennett Springport Sterling Summerhill Throop Venice Victory
Biginning Section - Contents - Property - Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart - Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section
- Miscellaneous Directory Section1  - Misc. Sect. 2 - Organizations & Clubs,  County Officers

1900  Directory -  "VICTORY" SECTION

Victory - Victory was formed from Cato, March 16, 1821. It lies on the west border of the
county, north-west of the centre, and has a gently undulating surface, the highest
points of which are scarcely 50 feet above the general level. Red and Little Sodus
Creeks are the principal streams. The underlying rocks consist of red shale and blue
limestone, deeply covered with drift deposit. The soil is a gravelly and sandy loam,
and a swamp in the south-west part covers several hundred acres.

Population, 1,706. Area, 20,877, acres.

The Postoffice addresses of the residents in this town are North Victory, Victory and
Westbury, in the town; Cato, in the town of Cato; Ira Station, town of Ira; Martville, town
of Sterling, and Red Creek, Wayne County.

Town Of VICTORY Page # 1

Adle Elmer, 97, N Victory Boyce Peter, 6, N Victory
Adle Jonas, 29, N Victory Bruce George, 72, Red Creek
Allanson Edward, 250, Cato Burghduff Anthony, 53, Westbury
Allen Anna E, 17, Martville Burghduff David, 31, Westbury
Ames L D, 52, Victory Burghduff E O, 3 1/2, Victory
Anthony Samuel, 203, Red Creek Burnett Henry, 75, Victory
Atwood Isaac, 49, Westbury Cairns Mary, 119, Victory
Bacon Adolphus, 115, Westbury Camp Philo (est), 276, Victory
Bacon E J, 80, Westbury Carter Cornelius, 37, Victory
Bacon Horace, 146, Victory Carter Mary, 30 1/2, Victory
Baker John, 104, Victory Cartner Mrs George, 4, Victory
Ballard Fred J, 3 1/2, Ira Station Chapman Addison, 5, Red Creek
Barr Mrs Martha, 72, N Victory Childs David R, 20, N Victory
Barr William O, 50, N Victory Clark James B, 49, Victory
Benedict William, 112, Victory Cole William, 12 1/2, Victory
Bennett Andrew, 91, Ira Station Coleman Ambert, 80, Victory
Bennett George, 57, Ira Station Coleman Ashabel, 15, Westbury
Bennett Henry, 110, Ira Station Coleman Fred, 40, Red Creek
Bennett Preston, 81, Red Creek Coleman Isaac, 16, Victory
Bird Daniel, 97, Victory Colemnn (sic) Samuel, 114, Red Creek
Bird Theodore, 50, Victory Collins William F, 52, Victory
Bixbu Henry, 36, Westbury Combs Mary, 76, N Victory
Blaisdell Henry, 47, Red Creek Combs Myron, 151, N Victory
Blaisdell Hiram, 57, Westbury Connor Nathan, 67, Red Creek
Blaisdell Willis, 26, Westbury Connor William, 7, Victory
Blake Mrs Sarah, 64, Victory Cooper Anna, 8, Westbury
Blanchard Charles, 15, N Victory Cooper George, 110, Victory
Blanchard Homer, 74, N Victory Cooper George A, 78, Cato
Blanchard & Holmes, 40, Victory Colwell F M, 20, Auburn
Blanchard M, 19, Victory Coppernoll Anna, 122, Victory
Blass Elias, 60, Westbury Coulling Stephen, 52, Victory
Blass Frank, 27, Westbury Cox Thomas, 91, Victory
Blinn Bert, 67, Red Creek Cramer Charles, 5, Victory
Bogardus Peter, 102, Ira Station Cramer Maddison, 122, Westbury
Bogart Charles, 31, Conquest Cramer Wellington, 189, Westbury
Bogart Miner, 70, Conquest Cramer William, 100, Victory

Town Of VICTORY Page # 2

Crandall (est), 96, Victory Hiserodt John D, 90, Spring Lake
Creller William, 100, Ira Station Hiserodt Wm, 93, Westbury
Crowell & Camp, 80, Westbury Holcomb Curtiss, 50, N Victory
Crowell John, 235, Westbury Holt Stephen, 45, Victory
Crowninshield David, 9, Cato Hooker John, 63, Victory
Cuyler William, 104, Victory Hornburg Bros, 122, Victory
Dabole Mrs, 28, Victory Hornburg Charles, 114, Victory
Daniels George, 188, Victory Hornburg Frank, 69, Victory
Darby Samuel, 72, Ira Station Hornburg Fred, 104, Victory
Darratt Hulbert, 68, Victory Houghtaling George, 10, Westbury
Dashman E, 19, N Victory Houghtaling Isaac, 68, Westbury
Dates Frank, 8, Westbury Howell Frank, 70, Cato
Day Seth, 33, Westbury Humphrey Catherine, 60, Cato
De Forrest Celestia, 73, Cato Hyde Alanson (est), 100, Red Creek
De Forrest Daniel, 82, Cato Jakeway David, 47, N Victory
De Forrest David, 12, Red Creek Jakeway Israel, 133, Victory
De Forrest George, 50, Westbury Jerolemon Mrs B, 49, Victory
De Forrest James, 85, Westbury Johnson Thos, 115, Victory
De Forrest John, 18, Westbury Jones A E, 62, Westbury
De Forrest Mary. 70, Victory Jones Geo, 141, Westbury
De Forrest Pulver, 70, Cato Jones Harvey E, 108, Ira Station
De Groff Vernon, 70, Port Byron Jones Harvey H, 100, N Victory
Derrinney Harleigh, 10, Cato Jones Jefferson, 65, N Victory
Diddy Philo, 51, Cato Kelly Hugh, 15, Ira Station
Diehl Peter, 51, N Victory Kerr John, 25, Victory
Dobbins William, 12, Victory Kerr Thos, 57, Victory
Doud C B, 58, Victory Kimball Wm, 40, Cato
Doud Guilford, 100, Victory Knapp John, 81, Victory
Douglass Peter L, 57, Red Creek Koon Alonzo, 11, Westbury
Drake Darius, 11, N Victory Landon John, 49, N Westbury
Dunbar Mrs Ellen, 49, Bethel Lee Mr, 64, Victory
Dunham Harvey, 130, Ira Station Legg Chauncey, 91, Victory
Dyckman Milan, 90, Cato Legg Nelia, 16, Red Creek
Eldredge John, 12, Red Creek (sic) Lockwood Homer, 93, Red Creek
Eldridge Niram, 12, Red Creek (sic) Lont Gideon, 49, Victory
Ellis Elisha, 11, Westbury Lont John, 65, Victory
Emerick George, 66, Victory Loomis H H, 111, Cato
Emerick J H, 114, Weedsport Lovejoy Jas, 65, Red Creek
Erwin Harriet, 16, Victory Manning Jas, 80, Westbury
Evans Elias, 72, Victory Manning Jno, 60, Westbury
Evans John, 69, Victory Manning Margaret, 35, Westbury
Fields Harvey S, 107, N Victory Maroney Anthony, 49, Victory
Finck Stephen (est), 175, Victory Maroney Thos, 71, Victory
Fisher Charles, 184, Victory Marshall Bro's, 80, Cato
Fitch Ed, 99, Westbury Mayhofer Augustus, 12, Victory
Fitch Giles, 170, Westbury Mc Intyre Charles, 74, Victory
Fitch John H, 60, Westbury Mc Intyre Wm, 75, Victory
Flatt Nathaniel, 18, Victory Mc Wethey John, 100, Victory
Flynn John, 17, Westbury Mehan Bartholomew, 13, Victory
Follett John, 95, Victory Mehan Cornelius, 20, Victory
Fosgate William, 6, Victory Merritt Martin, 65, Victory
Foster Albert, 60, Victory Michael Geo, 84, N Victory
Foster George, 13, Victory Miller Warren, 44, N Victory
French Elmer, 99, Westbury Monroe Gertie, 47, Victory
French Hulbert, 93, Victory Monroe John, 46, Victory
French Silas R, 104, Victory Monroe Reed, 108, Victory
Fuller Sophia, 45, Victory Mott Abel, (est), 35, Red Creek
Gates William, 68, Victory Mott Austin L, 35, Westbury
Gerry Smith, 20, Westbury Mott Chas, 18, Red Creek
Gilbert Upton, 110, N Victory Mott Henry, 69, Red Creek
Ging Peter, 50, Westbury Mott John, 32, Red Creek
Goodrich Allen, 80, Victory Munger Mrs N, 20, Westbury
Goss John, 76, N Victory Murphy Samuel, 72, Victory
Green Luther, 90, Westbury Nichols Alva, 90, Conquest
Gregory Rose P, 115, Ira Nichols Edward, 9, Westbury
Guyer Michael, 84, N Victory O'Brien Uriah, 13, Victory
Hadcock Charles, 50, N Victory Olmstead J J, 5, Victory
Hagar A B, 88, Victory Olmstead Wm, 56, Victory
Hagar Mathias, 166, Victory Osterhout Martin, 8, N Victory
Hagar W A, 80, Victory Parker Amasa J, 38, Cato
Halsey Mabel, 112, Victory Parsells C F, 52, Victory
Halsey Roxcey, 10, Westbury Parsons Argalus, 13, Victory
Halsey Wm A (est), 171, Victory Parsons Justice, 66, Victory
Harmon Corydon, 82, Red Creek Peake Amanda, 64, Cato
Harris Harvey, 135, Victory Philips Alfred, 21, Westbury
Harris Leon, 70, Victory Pierce Geo, 70, N Victory
Hawes William, 136, Victory Pinckney John, 100, Westbury

Town Of VICTORY Page # 3

Pople Jas, 125, Cato Teachout Adelbert, 133, Red Creek
Porter Hezekiah, 65, Cato Terwilliger John, 91, N Victory
Porter Nelson, 65, Victory Thompson A V, 120, Victory
Porter W W, 95, Westbury Thompson Fred, 191, Victory
Pulver Wm, 129, Port Byron Tighe Patrick, 20, Cato
Raynor Jos, 122, N Victory Timerson Christopher, 143, Victory
Reed John, 7, N Victory Timerson Jacob, 63, Victory
Reynolds Harvey, 45, Victory Tinkey Mrs Margaret, 16, N Victory
Reynolds Harvey, Jr, 90, Victory Traver John, 74, Victory
Rich Mrs Harriet, 75, Cato Treat Manley, 68, Westbury
Rich John K, 73, Cato Treat Roswell, 65, Victory
Root Jas P, 70, Victory Turner Charles, 46, Red Creek
Roraback Emma, 62, N Victory Vanderpool Alfred, 87, Westbury
Roraback John, 60, N Victory Vanguilder Simon, 60, Conquest
Rose John W, 118, Cato Van Housen Hiram, 50, Ira Station
Rosecrans Emma, 5, Victory Van Housen Lizzie, 55, Ira Station
Sabin Aaron, 138, Victory Van Wie George, 100, Ira Station
Sabin John, 5, Victory Van Wie William, 50, Ira Station
Sampson Chas, 5, Red Creek Veile Philo, 34, Westbury
Sayre Mary C, 51, Victory Vosler George W, 108, Victory
Schoolcraft Elijah, 50, N Victory Vosler William, 10, Victory
Scoot Ella, 50, Victory Wager Charles, 78, Westbury
Sherman Stephen, 25, Victory Waldron Mrs Benj, 56, Red Creek
Slack David, 19, Victory Waldron H M, 69, Westbury
Sliter Cornelius, 14, Victory Walker G D, 63, N Victory
Smith Adelbert, 21, Victory Walker Hoxie, 20, N Victory
Smith David, 10, Westbury Wallace Robert, 95, Victory
Smith Earl, 24, Westbury Wetherby Addison, 3, Victory
Smith Ervin, 58, Victory Wetherby Daniel, 6, Victory
Smith Frank, 90, Victory Wetherby Henry, 53, Victory
Smith Malcomb, 18, Victory Wetherby James R, 69, Victory
Smith Norton, 87, Victory White John, 19, Victory
Smith Richard (est), 164, Ira White William, 26, Victory
Smith Wm W, 9, Victory Whiting Horace, 115, Red Creek
Snyder Henry, 4, Victory Wilcox George, 12, Victory
Soule Eugene, 81, Victory Wilde Andrew, 84, Westbury
Soule Geo, 60, Victory Wilds Mrs A P, 131, Ira Station
Spickerman Benson S, 152, Westbury Wilkinson Wheeler, 108, Westbury
Spurr Edwin, 49, Victory Wilson David, 27, Victory
Stahlnecker Mrs Jacob, 39, Victory Wood Cyrus, 82, Victory
Stickle Henry, 12, Victory Wood Henry P, 60, Victory
Stoddard Andrew, 118, Victory Wood John A, 150, Victory
Streeter Clarence, 81, Ira Station Wood Smith D, 135, Cato
Sturn Sebastian, 28, N Victory Wood William, 68, Victory
Tabor Henry, 75, Victory Woodford Alonzo, 45, Victory
Taylor Henry, 46, Westbury


A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  IJ  K  L  M  N O  P  Q  R  S-SK  SL-SY  T  U  V  W  Y  Z

Click on the "Surname Letter" above to view that section of
LeMay's Auburn, NY 1900 City Directory

Auburn Street Index 'ACADEMY - 29 1/2 FITCH'
Auburn Street Index '30 FITCH - 81 GRANT AVE' Section
Auburn Street Index '89 GRANT AVE - 158 MECHANIC ST.' Section
Auburn Street Index '157 MECHANIC ST.- YORK ST.' Section
Biginning Section - Contents - Property
Index To Advertisers - Public Buildings & Halls -
Auburn Blgd. # & Des. Changes - Dist. Rate Chart
Received Too Late to be Classified in Regular Order Section

Miscellaneous Directory Section1 Misc. Sect. 2
Organizations & Clubs

CopyrightThis OnLine Transcription-Copyright by Linda Jasztal 2002, All Rights Reserved

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