Wabey Helen, domestic, 165 North Wabey Rose A, button op, bds r 33 Grover Wackenhut Jacob, tailor, 87 Genesee, h 54 Seymour Wackenhut Karl, baker, "Kiemele's," h 37 Frances Wackman Ella M, bds 11 Garden Wackman Nancy J, widow Smith D, h 11 Garden Wade C Leroy, mill op, bds 42 Barber Wade David T, conductor, L V R R, h 42 Barber Wade Eliza, button op, bds over 17 Academy Wade Frank A, blacksmith, h over 17 Academy Wade Ozias D, retired, h 57 Orchard Wadw William M, emp D M O & Co, bds over 17 Academy Wadsworth Anna, student, Wells Prep Sch, res 186 Genesee Wadsworth Charles T, spinner, bds 138 E Genesee WADSWORTH DAVID, (D, Wadsworth & son,) h 210 Genesee WADSWORTH DAVID & SON, (David, Jr,) Scythe Manufacturers, office and factory 42 Wadsworth WADSWORTH HON. DAVID, JR, (D. Wadsworth & Son) h 186 Genesee WADSWORTH EUGENE L., (6) letter carrier, h 65 Seymour Wadsworth James I, twine op, bds 138 E Genesee Wadsworth John E, spinner, bds 138 E Genesee Wadsworth John S, dyer, h 138 E Genesee Wadsworth Sara, res 210 Genesee Waffle Pearl, dressmaker, h over 98 state Wagner Albert J, carpenter, h over 52 Mattie Wagner Caroline R, widow Moritz E, h over 62 Frances Wagner Cornelia, dressmaker, bds 57 Fulton Wagner Charles, barkeeper, The Avery, bds do Wagner Emma, seamstress, bds 14 Dill Wagner Frederic, shoe op, r 3 Court Wagner Henry, shoe cutter, bds 14 Dill Wagner Jacob J, tailor, h r 25 Chapel Wagner Philip, h 14 Dill Wagner Philip, Jr, emp D M O & Co, h over 7 North Wagner Robert, gardener, bds over 47 North WAHL, see also WALL Waire Bessie E, student, C G S, res 35 Union ave Waire Grace L, domestic, 7 Elizabeth, bds 35 Union ave Waire Harrison D, coachman, bds 35 Union ave WAIRE JOHN H., shaving and hair dressing parlors 34 E Genesee, h 35 Union ave Have catered to the citizens of auburn 40 years with satisfaction to all Waire William H, scythe grinder, h 24 Union ave WAIT HORACE R.,carpets (sic), rugs, draperies, curtains, &c, also furniture Plush and Cane Seat Rocking Chairs a specialty, office and salesrooms 77 Genesee, h 215 do The completest in all details of any house in this city (see back cover) Wait James B, res 211 Genesee Wait James R, student, res 215 Genesee Wait Jennie B, res 211 Genesee Wait Nellie M, student, res 215 Genesee WAIT THOMAS, prop, The Central House, a working man's Hotel, where the necessities of life can be obtained at Rock Bottom Rates, 38 Water,
(See Card) Wait W Bryan, student, A H S, res 211 Genesee WAIT WILLIAM, F., Vice-Pres and Manager, Nye & Wait Carpet Co, also city Water Commissioner, h 211 Genesee Wake Frederick G, student, A H S, res 14 James WAKE LYNN D., m'g'r O'Neil's Traveling Grocery, Hd Qrs 150 Clark, h 14 James WALDORF (THE), James H. Gaynor, prop'r 33 State Waldron Lewis G, com trav, h 5 Lewis Walker Alexander, emp 17 Hulbert, h over 3 Church Walker Allen H delivery clerk, 17 Hulbert, h 3 Church Walker Andrew E, emp D M O & Co, h 9 Gibson square Walker Annie D, teacher, fulton st sch, bds 119 Division S Walker Carrie M, widow John K, dressmaker, h 51 Mechanic Walker Charles, mill op, bds 34 E Genesee Walker Charles H, shoe op, bds 22 Myrtle ave Walker Dollie, shoe liner, bds 22 Myrtle ave WALKER EBEN M., ass't undertaker and licensed embalmer, also Notary Public, (with seal), 25 Dill, res over do Walker Ebenezer M, treas, Central Pres Ch, h 11 1/2 Mary Walker Frank A, delivery clerk, 84 fitch ave, bds 292 Genesee WALKER FRED L., acc't Auburn Iron Works, res 28 Court Walker George F, polisher, bds 59 Fitch ave Walker Hannah, mill op, bds 25 Catlin Walker Harvey N, teamster, h 292 Genesee Walker H David, teamster, 52 Genesee, h 292 do Walker Hugh, clerk, 1 Genesee, h 9 Sheridan Walker Ida, twine op, bds 20 1/2 Lansing walker Isaac, cloth finisher, h 50 Maple Walker Janet L, shoe op, bds 9 Sheridan Walker John, emp city Water works, bds 1 E Genesee Walker John, twine op, h 66 Cornell Walker John F, salesman, 91 Genesee, h 40 Fitch ave Walker Lillian M, domestic, over 28 Clark Walker Lyman H, lumberman, h 7 Auburn ave Walker Mabel E, stenographer, bds 9 Sheridan Walker Mabel G, accountant, 12 Market, res 123 Fulton Walker Margaret, widow Burr D, h 22 garden Walker Margaret A, accountant, res 119 Division S Walker Margaret B, shoe op, bds 9 Sheridan Walker Mary A, domestic, 181 Division N Walker Mary E, h over 7 Clark Walker Michael, marketman, h 119 Division S Walker Nellie, housekeeper, 13 Cayuga Walker Rebecca, trained nurse, City Hosp, 15 Lansing WALKER T. DWIGHT, assistant undertaker and licensed embalmer, 25 Dill, h over do Walker Tenta A, widow william H, h 22 Myrtle ave Walker William, mill op, h over 57 Holley Walker William B, (Hadselle & Walker,) h 33 Fitch ave Walker Wm H, livery, etc, r 32 E Genesee, h 1 1/2 Owasco Walker Wm W, clerk cost dept, D M O & Co, bds 119 Division S WALL, see also WAHL Wall Anna, teacher, Seymour St Sch, bds 186 State Wall Annie S, button op, bds 90 Van Anden Wall Elizabeth, widow James, h 186 State Wall Mrs Ella H, h 13 Union Wall Esther, forelady, Aub Button W'ks, res 90 Van Anden Wall John H, sales agent, 40 Chapel, h 17 Cottage Wall Mary, tailoress, res 186 State Wall Mathew, fruits, etc, 19 3/4 Genesee, h over 11 E do Wall Michael, ass't janitor, A H S, h r 22 Owasco Wall Michael J, h 90 Van Anden Wall Nellie, accountant, 10 Genesee, res 186 State Wall Nellie S, shoe op, res 90 Van Anden Wall Roswell, twine op, bds 13 Union WALLACE, see also WALLIS Wallace Alexander, carpenter, h 21 Seward ave Wallace Alvin, carpenter, h 63 Hamilton ave Wallace Mrs Amelia, res 23 1/2 Court Wallace Mrs Betsey F, domestic, 10 Grover Wallace Charles S, carpenter, bds 63 Hamilton ave Wallace Flora B, widow Morgan, res over 22 State Wallace Isaac, weaver, h 54 Walnut Wallace James, emp E L & S H Co, h over 80 Genesee Wallace James J, cabinet maker, 48 and 50 Genesee, h 20 Capitol Wallace James L, mason, h 31 Augustus Wallace Jennie, dressmaker, res 21 Seward Wallace Marion A, h 75 Mechanic Wallace Mary A, domestic, 165 Genesee Wallace Richard, plumber, bds 34 E Genesee Wallace Richard A, constable also truant officer, h 18 Sherman Wallace Robert, carpenter, h 145 Van Anden Wallace Robert B, salesman, 8 south, h 63 Hamilton ave Wallace Robert C, carpenter, bds 145 Van Anden Wallace Rose A, bds 145 Van Anden Wallace Sarah, widow John, h over 39 Garrow Wallace Seeley, acc't, 19 Hulbert, res 33 Washington Wallace William, carpenter, bds 145 Van Anden WALLEY M. L. & CO., (M. L. Walley, Sr., M. L. Walley, Jr., and George W. Snyder,) wholesale and retail druggists and apothecaries, also dealers in paints, oils, varnishes, &c, 117 Genesee (See adv, next page) WALLEY MARTIN L., (M. L. Walley & Co,) h 177 Genesee WALLEY MARTIN L., JR., (M. L. Walley & co,) h 23 William Walling Charles G, salesman, 77 Genesee, h 8 Fulton Wallis Mary A, widow Daniel P, res 15 Seminary ave Wallis Maryette, saleslady, 129 Genesee, h 10 Sherman Wallis Susan, housekeeper, 10 Sherman WALSH see WELCH, also WELSH Walsh Agnes M, saleslady, 24 Clark, res 26 Jefferson Walsh Alice, widow James, res 16 Coon Walsh Andrew, button op, bds 5 Mattie Walsh Arthur J, teamster, 134 state, h 75 1/2 Wall Walsh Catherine L, shoe op, bds 29 Grant Walsh Edmond T, steel heater, h 29 Grant Walsh Edward J, salesman, bds 83 Perrine Walsh Edward J, shoe op, bds 29 Grant Walsh Elizabeth M, bookkeeper, bds 83 Perrine Walsh Frank J, miller, h 40 Wadsworth Walsh James, emp D M O & Co, bds 47 State Walsh James, mechanic, bds 83 Perrine Walsh James, salesman, 155 state, bds 83 Perrine Walsh J Herbert, hammersman, h 110 Van Anden Walsh John, emp D M O & Co, h 83 Perrine Walsh John, wringer op, bds 6 Guilfoile ave Walsh John A, truckman, h 75 Wall Walsh John J, helper, h 42 Frazee Walsh Julia, milliner, bds 6 Guilfoile ave Walsh Julia H, attendant, 150 North Walsh Marcella, wrapper op, bds 26 Jefferson Walsh Mary, bds 62 Washington Walsh Mary, housekeeper, 7 Chapel Walsh Mary T, spinner, bds 26 Jefferson Walsh Michael F, prison keeper, h 107 Lansing Walsh Nellie, seamstress, bds 6 Guilfoile ave Walsh Nellie T, bds 113 Orchard Walsh Nellie V, res 29 Grant Walsh Patrick, laborer, h 6 Guilfoile ave Walsh Patrick, Jr, emp D M O & Co, bds 6 Guilfoile ave Walsh Patrick M, moulder, bds over 15 Pleasant Walsh Thomas F, (T F Walsh Paving Co,) 113 Orchard, h do Walsh Thomas H, shipper, Henry & Allen, h 37 Wadsworth Walsh Thomas J, manager, bds 29 Grant Walter Charles, barber, 74 State, h 167 do Walter George J, mechanic, h r 81 Wall Walter George J, Jr, weaver, bds r 81 Wall Walter John, toys, confectionery and ice cream, 112 Genesee, h 5 Westlake ave Walter Robert M, iron worker, h 83 Wall Walters Emma, waitress, 67 South Walters Frank, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 Parker Walters Kathleen, housekeeper, 42 Seminary Walton Joseph, carpet weaver, h 44 Capitol Walton Lucy A, bds 123 North Walton Thomas J, machinist, bds Hotel O'Neil, 1 Monroe Wanderer Pauline L, soliciting agt, rooms over 3 William Wandke Karl, box maker, h 74 Elizabeth Wandke Paul C, student, Cornell Univ, bds 74 Elizabeth Wappler Herman, machinist, h 182 State Ward Agnes, widow James, h 14 Frazee Ward Anna, weaver, bds 49 Barber Ward Anna E, widow Charles L, h 6 Paul Ward Ancil D, sash maker, h over 15 Delevan Ward Ancil D, Jr, shoe cutter, bds over 15 Delevan Ward Arthur J, shipping clerk, bds 17 Wood Ward Bessie, domestic, 13 William Ward Carrie, weaver, bds over 116 Wall Ward Catharine C, widow Thomas, h 49 barber Ward Chalmer C, machinist, h 8 Academy Ward Charles H, emp D M O & co, h 41 Bradford Ward Charles J, machinist, h 17 Wood Ward Frank, plumber, h 14 Mattie Ward Garrie E, twine op, bds 41 Bradford Ward George S, wood worker, bds 17 Wood Ward Hiram, canvasser, res over 7 Dill Ward James E, coremaker, bds 14 Frazee Ward John, boiler maker, bds 21 Hoffman Ward John, emp D M O & Co, bds 21 Chapel Ward John, shipping clerk, bds 43 Grant ave Ward John M, mechanic, bds 15 Delevan Ward Lillie A, bds 14 Frazee Ward Mary, weaver, h over 116 Wall Ward Mary, widow James, h r 21 Hoffman Ward Mary L, student, A H S, bds 14 Lawton ave Ward Minnie A, housekeeper, 2 1/2 Grant ave Ward Olive J, domestic, res 41 Bradford Ward Peter, laborer, bds 97 Washington Ward Robert R, emp D M O & Co, bds 71 E Genesee Ward Wesley G, salesman, 66 Walnut, bds 2 1/2 Grant ave Ward William H, trav f't agt, C & G W R R, h 14 Lawton ave WARDEN, see also WORDEN Warden Cornelia, widow Charles A, h 18 Orchard Warden Ethan A, (G W R & Son,) h 18 Orchard Ware Elmer E, shipping clerk, bds 269 Seymour Ware Irene, stenographer, D M O & Co, res 269 Seymour Ware James A, mechanic, h 269 Seymour Ware M Louise, student, Vassar Coll, res 269 Seymour Waring Charles O, salesman, 12 North, h 16 3d ave, Melrose WARNE, see also WARREN Warne Burroughs P, carpenter, h 57 Capitol WARNE CICERO J., Deputy County Clerk, office 156 Genesee, h 86 1/2 Fulton Warne Cora, bds 61 Lewis WARNE MRS. ESTELLE, ladies' hair dressing and toilet furings (sic), over 17 North, h do Warne Gilbert F, painter, h 51 Holley Warne Gilbert F, Jr, moulder, h 88 York Warne James C, salesman, 67 Franklin, bds 81 do WARNE JOHN B., salesman, 17 North, h over do Warne John S, shipping clerk, D M O & Co, h over 81 Franklin Warne Joseph H, plumber, bds 51 Holley Warne Maude, bds 61 Lewis WARNE ROBERT L., staple and fancy groceries, flour, &c, also teas, coffees and spices, 17 North, h 61 Lewis Warne William G, moulder, h 13 Cady ave WARNER, see also WARRINER Warner Andrew R, teacher, A H S, bds 36 Franklin Warner Mrs Anna, laundress, h over 12 E Genesee Warner Ella N, dressmaker, bds over 67 Division N Warner Grace, shoe op, bds over 67 Division N Warner Jacob H, carpenter, h over 67 Division N WARREN, see also WARNE Warren Charles M, ins agent, h 12 1/2 Church Warren John, tailor, h 63 1/2 Owasco Warren William D, conductor, A C Ry, h over 33 Garrow Warrick Altie, res 25 Maple Warrick Clarence H, salesman, 145 Genesee, res 44 Clark Warrick George A, machinist, h 25 Maple Warrick Stanley C, salesman, G W R & Son, res 3 Mc Master Warrick Wilbur S, mechanic, bds 25 Maple WARRINER, see also WARNER Warriner Marcella H, widow Abner E, h 12 Hoffman Warter Joseph, iron worker, h 34 chase Warwick Lewis E, com trav, D M O & Co, res 31 E Genesee WASCO,--The most prominent Summer Resort on Owasco Lake, Electric Cars direct to the place, Frank P Tonkin, proprietor Waselewski Adam, laborer, bds 250 State Waselewski Joseph, laborer, bds 27 Chase Waselewski Peter, emp D M O & Co, h 27 Chase Waselewski Stella, tailoress, bds 27 Chase Washburn Charles A, machinist, h 22 Chapel WASHBURN CHARLES H., general freighting and trucking of all kinds promptly done Office and residence 103 Washington a specialty made of transporting Safes, Furniture, Pianos, etc, etc Washburn Eunice, salesclerk, Bell's Bee Hive, res 103 Washington Washburn Fred J, engineer, Chem No 1, A F D, h 33 Park ave Washburn H Addison, emp D M O & Co, h over 7 South Washburn Helen M, widow Lorenzo D, h 4 Gaylord Washburn Jay A, machinist, h 9 Washington Washburn Jennie P, widow Charles F, res 33 Park ave Washburn Lemuel C, res 6 1/2 William Washburn Lewis K, twine op, bds 33 Park ave Washburn Rachel, widow solomon, bds 78 Seymour Washington John, laborer, h 24 Cornell Washington Rev Joseph H, bds 24 Cornell Washington Mary Jane, domestic, bds 24 Cornell Washington Lulu A, domestic, bds 24 Cornell Washington Sarah M, domestic, 24 South, bds 24 Cornell Washington Theresa E, domestic, 12 Easterly ave, bds 24 Cornell Wasman Anna C, acc't, 8 Lincoln, bds 24 Maple Wasman Bertha E, seamstress, bds 24 Maple Wasman George A, salesman, 53 Genesee, bds 24 Maple Wasman Morris, tinsmith, h 24 Maple WATER BOARD OF THE CITY OF AUBURN, J. Lewis Grant, sup't, office 5 Seward Bl'k, over 94 Genesee Waterhouse Charles, machinist, bds 16 Clark Waterhouse Vernon, emp water works, bds 47 State Waters D Eugene, pattern maker, h 16 Brookfield Place Waters Edna J, milliner, bds 33 Hoffman Waters Edwin, foreman, D M O & Co, h 33 Hoffman Waters John, salesman, 102 Genesee, h 78 Cottage Waters Louise O, dressmaker, bds 33 Hoffman Waters Ruth, student, bds 33 Hoffman Waters Thomas, mechanic, h 2 Tehan ave Watkins Allington W, carpenter, h 19 1/2 Mary WATKINS EDWIN J., foreman, ice warehouses, h 52 Cornell Watson Clarence E, machinist, h 157 Van Anden Watson Ida J, bds 11 Aurelius ave Watson Katherine, res 18 William Watson Lillian M, res 11 Janet Watson Mrs Louise, domestic, 166 E Genesee WATSON OLIVER, general manager, Auburn Telephone Co, over 65 Geneseem res 18 William Watts Charles H, emp D M O & Co, h 3 Adams Waurich August F, tailor, h 97 Owasco Waurich Frederick E, student, bds 97 Owasco Way Charles E, emp D M O & Co, h 37 Mechanic Way Frederick, boarding house, 37 Mechanic Wayne Mrs Helen E, widow Robert, nurse, h over 66 North Weaver Catherine, weaver, bds 10 Janet Weaver Charles M, gardener, h 18 Holley WEAVER CHARLES W., (Weaver & Kearns,) h 7 1/2 Hoffman WEAVER & KEARNS, (Charles W. Weaver and John H. Kearns,) dealers in hardware, stoves, ranges and furnaces, 165 State Tin Roofing, Sheet Iron and Copper Work a Specialty Weaver Lawrence C, machinist, h 13 Garrow Weaver Lawrence H, machinist, bds 13 Garrow Weaver Mary F, tailoress, h 27 Hoffman Weaver William A, mechanic, bds 13 Garrow Weaver William H, machinist, foreman, E D C M'f'g Co, h 13 Van Patten Webb charles H, mechanic, bds 16 1/2 Parker Webb Mrs E R, res 21 Elizabeth Webb Ernest W, carpenter, h 31 Fist ave, Melrose Webb Frank, attendant, 3 Clark, bds 12 Lincoln Webb Harry B, bookkeeper, 101 Orchard, h 31 Garrow Webb Henry S, blacksmith, h 16 1/2 Parker Webb Marcus, ass't bookkeeper, Nat'l Bk Aub, h over 52 Genesee Webb Minnie A, seamstress, bds 19 Gaylord Webb Stephen, twine op, bds 12 Lincoln Webber Frank A, salesman 12 State, h 41 Fulton Webber Frederick, wood worker, h over 70 West Webber John, mechanic, h over r 229 State Webber Sarah, widow John, bds over 7 North Webber Sarah E, widow George, h r 4 Fort Weber Albert N, cigar maker, h 63 Owasco Weber Johanna, widow John, h 25 Hoffman Weber Louis, fireman Aub Woolen Mill, h over 63 Elizabeth Webner Charles, engineer, h 56 Seward ave Webner Eugene, accountant, 95 Genesee, bds 56 Seward ave Webster Abram, spinner, h 127 Wall Webster Chester A, salesman, 103 Genesee, h 15 Westlake ave Webster Ethel F, student, bds 2 Benton Webster Florence M, teacher, Fulton st sch, bds 12 Maple Webster Francelia S, widow Benjamin F, h 11 Hulbert Webster Frances M, student, A H S, bds 12 Maple Webster Fred M, (The Webster Portrait Co,) h 12 Maple Webster Helen E, teacher, Bradford St Sch, bds 107 North Webster Hettie L, widow Charles, h 2 Benton Webster Lewis E, com trav, h 52 1/2 Mary Webster Louise, res 160 State Webster Louisa R, milliner, res 107 North WEBSTER MARTIN S., (15) letter carrier, h 12 Maple Webster Milo, commission house, 85 State, h 9 Greene Webster Minerva, widow Cicero, bds 46 Grant ave Webster Portrait Co, (F M Webster and F H Wiggins) Photo Copying, 41 to 45 Market Webster Sarah H, (estate) millinery goods, 68 Genesee WEBSTER WILLIAM E.,general freighting A specialty made of moving Pianos, Safes, Machinery, Furniture and General Merchandise, office N Y C Freight House, h 107 North, Emp Phone 199, Auto 433 (See adv, next page) Weed Charles E, trainman, L V R R, h 3 Arlington ave Weed Ella J, widow James H, bds 19 Grant ave Weed Ella L, mill op, bds 73 Clark Weed Miss Lula M, bookbinder, Auburn Bulletin, res 33 Jefferson Weed William S, shoe cutter, bds 33 Jefferson WEEKLY BULLETIN (AUBURN,) Auburn Bulletin Co, Publishers, 27 and 29 Clark, (See adv, op page 55) WEEKLY DEMOCRAT-ARGUS, Auburn Bulletin Co, publishers, 27 and 29 Clark (See adv, op page 55) WEEKLY JOURNAL, (Knapp, Peck & Thomson,) office over 118 Genesee WEEKS C. ALBERT, auditor Empire State Tel & Tel Co, over 102 Genesee, h 29 Elizabeth Weeks Catherine, domestic, 110 South Weeks Edwin G, creamery, 17 Chapel, h do Weeks Evelyn M, teacher, North st sch, bds 96 Seymour Weeks Frank H, baker, 86 Van Anden, h 167 do Weeks Jane, widow William, h 96 Seymour WEEKS JAY C., (Auburn Draying Co,) h 73 Wall WEEKS & MONROE, (J. C. Weeks and J. W. Monroe,) proprietors Auburn Draying Co, office N Y C Freight House, Tel 305 Special attention given to storing and moving Household Goods, Safes, Pianos, &c, &c Weeks Sarah L, dressmaker, h 16 Easterly ave WEESE CHARLES C., manager The Tallman stables, 17 to 23 Dill, h 56 Lewis WEGMAN HENRY, with Wegman Piano Co, h 14 Swift WEGMAN MRS. JULIA, pres't Wegman Piano Co, h 100 South WEGMAN PIANO CO.,J. Wegman, president, Albert Crocker, vice-president, Wm. C. Burgess, secretary, treasurer and business manager, manufacturers of Fine Pianos, 5 to 11 Logan, salesrooms 133 Genesee (See adv, below and front cover) WEGMAN PIANO CO., WAREROOMS, Pianos, Organs, Music and Musical Merchandise, 133 Genesee As Manufacturers we can offer special inducements (See adv below and front cover) Wegner Augustus, blacksmith, h 59 West Wegner William A, twine op, bds 255 State Wegner William F, brewer, h 255 State Weidan Henry G, machinist, h 15 Parker Weiler Mrs Michael, tin shop, 129 Mechanic, h 123 do Weir Malcom C, dyer, 39 Water, h over 74 North Weir Margaret, widow william, h over 74 North Weis Anna E, res 181 State Weis Charles, baker, bds 181 State Weis Charles W, mason, h 12 Perrine Weis Edward, salesman, 155 State, h 5 Owasco Weis George, clerk, bds 73 Hamilton ave Weis John, baker, bds 181 State Weis Louis, bakery, 181 State, h do Weis William, core maker, bds 181 State Weitzel Charles B, moulder, h 188 Clark WELCH, see WALSH, also WELSH Welch Adelia, domestic, over 148 1/2 Wall Welch Agnes M, attendant, bds 4 Easterly place Welch Alice M, milliner, bds 46 Nelson Welch Bessie V, seamstress, bds 4 Easterly place Welch Catherine, housekeeper, 6 Parker Welch Catherine, widow John, h 63 West Welch Catherine T, res 63 west Welch Dora, shoe op, bds 4 Easterly place Welch Edward, grinder, bds 8 Perrine Welch Ella G, seamstress, bds 4 Easterly place Welch Ellen, widow Patrick, bds 28 Frazee Welch emma G, domestic, 39 William Welch George, emp D M O & Co, bds 55 Market Welch Hannah N, shoe op, bds 4 Easterly place Welch Ianthus G, carpenter, h 68 Lewis Welch J Harry, foreman, New Birdsall Co, h 46 Nelson Welch John, farmer, h 66 Garrow Welch John, mechanic, bds 4 Easterly place Welch John F, barkeeper, 7 North, bds 63 West Welch John H, carpenter, h over 8 Academy Welch John J, supervisor, L V R R, h 22 Pleasant Welch Julia F, weaver, bds 63 West Welch Lillian G, salesclerk, Big Store, res 46 Nelson Welch Lydia G, widow Ransom B, h 115 North Welch Mary, res over 63 Washington Welch Mary, attendant, Quinn's Hotel, 3 North Welch Mary, widow Henry, h 3 Lewis Welch Mary E, shoe op, bds 63 West Welch Mary E, widow Michael, res 4 Easterly place Welch Mary F, dress cutter, bds 3 Lewis Welch Nellie L, dressmaker, bds 46 Nelson Welch rose M, bds 46 Nelson Welch Theresa M, housekeeper, 111 Wall Welch Thomas, mechanic, bds 4 Easterly place Welch thomas B, shoe cutter, bds 63 West Welch William J, emp D M O & Co, bds 3 Lewis Wellington Fred W, barber, 8 State, h 65 North Wellner Belinda E, widow Edward K, h over 72 Fulton Wellner edward H, city constable, clerk city st dep't, pension att'y and notary, (with seal,) office City Hall, h 72 Fulton Wellner Mrs Susan C, music teacher, h 72 fulton Wells albert E, mechinist (sic), h 122 Division S Wells Benjamin F, painter, h 10 Sheridan Wells Bertie, bicycle op, bds 25 Fulton Wells Eliphalet G, machinist, bds 25 Fulton Wells Ella J, bds 13 Perry Wells Emma A, widow James E, h 13 Perry Wells Etta G, compositor, Daily Adv, res 13 Perry Wells Frank A, twine op, bds 104 Washington Wells Franklin A, foreman, D M O & Co, h 54 Fulton Wells Fred, carpenter, bds 41 Fulton Wells Fred A, mechanic, bds 10 Sheridan Wells Fred M, machinist, h 76 Warren Ave WELLS FRED R., territorial manager, Aub Agency, D M O & Co, h 13 William Wells Harriet E, domestic, 93 Wall Wells Minnie S, bds 13 Perry WELLS RALPH A., prop'r The Hotel Avery, 36 to 42 State Wells William I, shoemaker, h 104 Washington WELSH, see WALSH, also WELCH Welsh James, gardener, 165 Genesee Welsh James, laborer, h 3 Willard Welsh Thomas, mechanic, bds 5 Cornell WELSHE MRS. ANNA M., matron woman's Prison, 50 Wall WELTON CORNELIUS J., barkeeper, Carmody's Pleasure Island, Lake Owasco, bds do Welts Flora A, widow George W, h over 55 Van Anden Welts Harry D, electrical supplies, r 136 Genesee, h over 7 State Welts Katherine D, stenographer, 51 Genesee, res over 55 Van Anden Welty Elizabeth A, h 20 Havens ave Welty John, com trav, bds 50 Franklin Welty Martha, widow Adam, h 20 Havens ave Welty Mathias H, h Owasco n Lake ave Wendley Anna, widow Jacob, h r 25 Fulton Wendley George, cigar maker, h 42 Nelson Wendover Charles H, emp D M O & Co, bds 4 Adams Wendover Helen M, rec clerk, Co Clerk's office, res 14 Fort Wendover Henry S, machinist, h 4 Adams Wenzell Bernard, clothing, &c, 53 Market, res do Wenzell Charles, button op, bds 43 Augustus Wenzell Fritz, sausage maker, 32 Dill, bds 43 Augustus Wenzell Gustav, plumber, bds 43 Augustus Wenzell George, emp D M O & Co, h 22 Chase Wenzell Justina, dressmaker, bds 43 Augustus Wenzell Marie, domestic, 180 North Wenzell Richard, confectioner, h 13 Catlin Wenzell Theresa, widow Michael, h 43 Augustus Wenzell William, button op, bds 43 Augustus Wesley Edward J, baker, h 88 Cottage Wesley John, coachman, 173 Genesee. h do Wesolowski Michael, moulder, h 9 Wall West Harry, emp D M O & Co, bds 9 1/2 State West Harry, d'v'y clerk, 9 State, bds 27 Wood West Harvey H, twine op, h 7 Chestnut place West John T, treas'r Wm H West's Minstrels, h over 24 Bradford West Margaret A, principal Fulton St Sch, bds 7 Court West William G, twine op, bds 7 Chestnut place Westcott Fannie H, widow Edwin R, h 4 Beach ave Westcott Hayes W, fireman, L V R R, bds 9 Delevan Westcott Irving, brakeman, L V R R, h 9 Delevan Westcott Olive, widow William, bds over 28 Seymour Westcott William A, blacksmith, h over 55 State Westcott William A, clerk D M O & Co, h 9 Adams WEST END HOTEL, Ferd (sic) Mundt, prop, 172 Clark (See page 369) WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH OFFICE, Hiram F Horton, manager, offices 122 Genesee Westfall Fannie C, res 99 Franklin WESTFALL SIDNEY J., U S Loan, City Water Com'r, Court Crier and Special Dep Co Clerk, h 99 Franklin Westlake Adolphus C, city constable, h 14 Fort Westlake George H, emp D M O & Co, bds 14 Fort Westlake Mae H, bds 14 Fort Westlake Stephen T, emp D M O & Co, bds 14 Fort Westlake William, carpenter, h 3 Swift Weston Albert M, res 11 Hulbert Weston Henry G, electrician, h 4 Gaylord Weston Melvina F, widow Reuben, h 14 Fulton Weston Porter E, bicycle op, h 10 Adams Westover Anna E, bds 44 Perry Westover Charles H, guard Woman's Prison, h 44 Perry Westover Fred A, salesman, 145 Genesee, h 41 Seminary Westover Nellie P, emp Tel op, bds 44 Perry Wetherby Florence A, bds 6 James Wetherby Harriet P, teacher, Grover st sch, bds 6 James Wetherby J Howard, bds 6 James Wetherby Mary J, widow David, h 6 James WETHEY ALFRED C., accountant, The H. C. Hemingway Co, h 52 Genesee Wethey Eugene E, painter, h 16 Kitchell Wethey fidelia E, shoe op, bds 16 Kitchell Wethey Mrs Mary E, h 16 Kitchell Wetmore Ira C, lather, bds 16 Chapel Wethington John, laborer, h over 11 Genesee WETS A. L., dealer in fresh, salt and smoked meats, all kinds of Beef and Pork products, also Vegetables, Butter, Eggs, &c, a specialty, 98 E Genesee, h 67 Seward ave Wetzel Charles H, wringer op, bds 19 Steel Wetzel Nicholas J, clerk, 79 Genesee, bds 19 Steel Wetzel Sarah J, widow Adam A, h 19 Steel WHALEN, see WHELAN, also WHEELAN Whalen Edward, coachman, bds 9 1/2 State Whalen Elizabeth, widow Thomas F, h 28 Cross Whalen Frank, iron worker, bds 44 Seymour Whalen Frederick B, shoe op, bds 28 Cross Whalen John, painter, bds over 58 Holley Whalen Joseph, twine op, bds 104 Washington Whalen Lawrence J, emp D M O & Co, h over 74 Elizabeth Whalen Margaret, shoe op, bds 80 1/2 Clark Whalen Mary A, housekeeper, 285 Division N Whalen Michael, farmer, bds 285 Division N Whalen Patrick, gardener, bds 9 1/2 State WHALEN THOMAS A., (16) letter carrier, h 91 Fulton Whalen William, emp D M O & Co, h over 58 Holley Whalen William J, farmer, h 285 Division N Whalen William J, shoe op, bds 28 Cross Whalen Winifred, nurse, 76 South WHALEY FRED M., dealer in choice family groceries and country produce All kinds of fruit and garden products in season, also fresh, salt and smoked meats, 44 and 46 Lewis, h 47 Clark Whaley Luke J, fireman, C C C, h 14 Division S Whaley Randolph R, ass't eng'r, E L Co, h 43 Cayuga Wheadon George, laborer, h over 9 Genesee Wheatley Maude B, office manager, W M Brinkerhoff, also Notary Public, over 146 Genesee, res 7 Easterly ave Wheaton Cordelia, h 8 Orchard Wheaton Ephraim B, h 269 Seymour Wheaton Ferdinand F, painter, h 39 Wall Wheaton James, h 25 Orchard Wheaton James K P, painter, h 46 Owasco Wheaton Mona B, accountant, res over 64 Genesee Wheaton Margaret, widow Lucius, h 25 1/2 Fulton Wheaton Ora H, piano maker, h 41 Augustus Wheaton Walton L, musician, h 25 Fulton WHEELAN, see WHELAN, also WHALEN Wheelan Josephine, attendant, 29 William Wheeler Mrs Alice, boarding house, over 19 1/2 North Wheeler Austin M, conductor, L V R R, h 61 Clark WHEELER BLOCK, G. Fred Brunt, janitor, 6 and 6 1/2 William Wheeler Charles C, plumber, h 1 Walnut Wheeler Charles H, painter, h 164 Van Anden Wheeler Frank M, delivery clerk, L V R R, bds 61 Clark Wheeler Frederick E, mechanic, bds 164 Van Anden Wheeler Frederick E, marine engineer, h 196 Clark Wheeler George E, granite cutter, h 33 1/2 Walnut Wheeler George N, wood worker, bds 75 Washington Wheeler Grace M, teacher North St Sch, res 37 Elizabeth Wheeler Harriet F, res 33 William Wheeler Harry P, mechanic, bds 47 Barber Wheeler Henry E, salesman, h over 92 Washington Wheeler James, wood worker, bds 75 Washington Wheeler Jay W, emp D M O & Co, bds over 19 1/2 North Wheeler Jessie G, dressmaker, res 1 Walnut Wheeler Justus E, U S Calvary, bds 87 Van Anden Wheeler Lemuel C, parcel delivery, h over 19 1/2 North Wheeler Lewis, bronzer, bds 196 Clark Wheeler Lucy M, h 33 William Wheeler Mina M, widow Eber O, bds 60 E Genesee Wheeler Nellie M, weaver, bds 87 Van Anden Wheeler Norman L, laborer, bds 195 Clark Wheeler Raymond C, mechanic, h 11 Beardsley Wheeler Sarah I, accountant, over 99 Genesee, res 164 Van Anden WHEELER SEYMOUR B., (Hurn & Wheeler,) also Sec'y Master Plumber's Ass'n, h 38 Park ave Wheeler Thomas E, wood worker, bds 6 Derby ave Wheeler Willet T, janitor, Y M C A B'd'g, res over 64 Genesee Wheeler William D, painter, h 7 Walnut Wheeler William Mechanic, h 87 Van Anden Wheeler William F, Jr, twine op, bds 87 Van Anden Wheelock Judson E, machinist, h 212 North WHELAN see WHEELEN also WHALEN Whelan Charles T, law cl'k, over 131 Genesee, bds over 4 Grant ave Whelan Julia, widow Thomas, h over 4 Grant ave Whalen Thaddeus E, mechanic, h 26 Moravia Whetstone John J, civil engineer, bds 15 Franklin Whipple Catherine F, seamstress, bds 25 Steel Whipple Catherine S, widow Justus, bds 15 Sheridan Whipple Charles B, emp D M O & Co, bds 60 Fitch ave Whipple Frederick R, machinist, h 25 Steel WHIPPLE HORACE L., dealer in high grade bicycles, also the best brand of cigars and tobaccos, new rooms attached, the leading dailies, weeklies and monthlies received soon as issued Bicycle repairing a specialty, 70 1/2 Genesee, res 71 Van Anden A large variety of sporting goods in Stock Whipple Jacob, h 25 Steel Whipple John M, wood worker, h 51 Fitch ave Whipple Leonard E, emp D M O & Co, h 40 Lansing Whipple Mary H, widow Samuel J, h 16 Chapel Whipple Samuel A, machinist, enq over 7 Westlake ave Whipple Theresa L, widow Horace M, h 71 Van Anden Whipple Waty, widow Alfred B, res 11 Maple Whipple William N, inventor, bds 50 Fitch ave Whipps Arthur, farmer, h 172 South Whipps Harry, bds 205 Mechanic Whipps Harry, sexton, St Peter's ch, h 9 Burt ave Whitaker Mathew, gardener, h 64 Clark Whitaker William H, hame op, bds 259 Genesee Whitbeck Henry D, physician, bds 9 1/2 State Whitcomb James, coachman, 172 Genesee, h 6 Bostwick ave WHITE see WIGHTm also WHYTE White Alanson S, h 78 Grant ave White Albert G, student, A H S, bds 59 Fitch ave White Andrew M, student, A H S, bds 59 Orchard White Anna M, widow Reuben F, res over 26 Genesee WHITE ARCHIE, manager The Hotel Archie, 62 and 64 State White Brooks, salesman, bds over 4 Gaylord White Charles H, yardman, Gov't B'd'g, h 9 William White Clara L, bds 3 1/2 Myrtle ave Wghite Damain (sic), marble cutter, bds 20 Washington White Eleanor, widow John J, h 74 Franklin White Eliza A, widow George W, h 3 1/2 Myrtle ave White Ellen, nurse, 137 South White Emily H, principal Seymour st sch, bds 78 Grant ave White Eva G, widow Edward, h 23 Easterly ave White Flora M, res 177 Van Anden White Franc L, cashier, The Emp State Tel and Tel Co, res 94 North WHITE FRANK C., choice family groceries, also teas, coffees, and spices, 7 Burt ave, h 7 1/2 do (See card) White George D, shoe foreman, h 20 Washington White George P, machinist, bds 59 Orchard White Gorrell R, student, A H S, res 20 James WHITE & HAGER, (William A. White and Henry W. Hager) dealers in and manufacture of agricultural implements, also farmers' supplies, 41 and 43 Water White Harvey L, bds 12 Evans White Helen H, res 59 Orchard WHITE HENRY J., Sup't American Wringer Co, (Auburn Factory) also Health Commissioner, h 110 Wall White James L, machinist, h 9 Frances White Jesse, mill op, bds 26 Garrow White Jesse M, chief op, Emp State Tel and Tel Co, res 59 Orchard White John, machinist, bds 59 Orchard WHITE JOHN C., office 7 Burt ave, h 240 E Genesee White John J, foreman, Emp Wringer Co, h 149 Perrine White John J, teamster, bds 35 First ave, Melrose White Lewis M C, carpenter, h 177 Van Anden White Lily Laundry, 60 State White Mabel H, res 7 Howard White Margaret, widow John, h 59 Orchard White Margaret E, stenographer, 55 Genesee, res 20 James White Maria, widow Alanson D, res 16 Sheridan White Mary E, cloth folder, res 20 James White Mary M, res 110 Wall White Minnie E, widow Edwin L, res 130 Van Anden White Oscar, carpenter, h 7 Howard White Patrick K, prison guard, h over 4 Garfield White Ray P, bookkeeper, 41 Washington, bds 12 John White Rhoda, compositor, Daily Adv, res 4 Westlake ave WHITE ROBERT, blacksmith and carriage ironer, job work and repairing a specialty, 16 Franklin, h 20 James White Robert G, baker and grocer, 83 Clark, h do White Robert O, mechanic, bds 130 Van Anden White Roderick, carpenter, h 59 Fitch ave White Susan L, widow Nelson, h 94 North White Stephen, emp D M O & Co, bds 77 Fulton White Wilber, emp D M O & Co, bds over 4 Gaylord WHITE WILLIAM A., (White & Hager) h 41 Clark White William H, gardener, h 35 First ave, Melrose White William J, clerk, D M O & Co, h over 20 Beach ave White William J, shipping clerk, h 119 Wall WHITE WILLIAM J.,cafe, sample rooms, dining hall and reception parlors, 16 State also prop'r The Gold Dollar, No 2 do Wine rooms "Au Fait," Cuisine unexcelled, service incomparable, strictly first-class in all appointments, and a cordial welcome to all (See card) White William M, salesman, bds 59 Orchard Whitehead Elizabeth, dressmaker, bds 14 Fort Whitehill John B, student, Theo Sem, res do Whitfield George W, carriage repairer, h over 10 Dill Whitfield Kittie, mill op, bds over 20 Grant ave Whitfield Louise S, bds over 10 Dill Whitfield William J, emp D M O & Co, bds over 10 Dill Whitford Arthur H, machinist, h 87 Owasco Whitford Mrs Jennie, bds 87 Owasco Whiting Adelbert C, moulder, bds 13 Seymour Whiting Charles R, printer, bds 13 Seymour Whiting Clarence J, meat cutter, 40 North, bds 13 Seymour Whiting Cora, milliner, h 45 Clark Whiting Mrs Emma, dressmaker, 4 Grant ave, h do Whiting Fred, expressman, h 289 State Whiting John S, moulder, h 13 Seymour Whiting Marcellus B, bar tender, h 4 Grant ave WHITING WILLIAM F., miller, also dealer in flour, feed and grain, salesrooms 1 Clark, elevator 36 Van Anden, miils at Throopsville, h 31 E Genesee Whitley Ellen, widow Philo B, h 88 Mechanic Whitley Herbert, wood worker, h over 29 Elizabeth Whitman Melvin, emp D M O & Co, bds 22 Garden Whitmee Charles S, emp A C Ry, bds over 56 Capitol Whitmee George H, city express, h over 56 Capitol Whitmee May F, acc't, 16 North, res 7 Lawton ave Whitmore James, laborer, h 26 Cornell Whitmore Luther S, laborer, bds 26 Cornell Whitney George W, physician and surgeon, also oculist and aurist, over 72 Genesee, h 199 do Whitney Mark L, lawyer, over 133 1/2 Genesee, h 19 Park Place Whittle Eva R, widow Frank, dressmaker, 103 Genesee, bds 46 Mary WHYTE see WHITE also WIGHT Whyte William, foreman, Birdsall Co, h 9 Park ave Wickes Anna E, res 6 Janet Wickes Charles R, machinist, h 1 Evans Wickes Edward G, insurance, h over 9 Westlake ave Wickes John R, stenographer, res 6 Janet Wickes Oren R, machinist, h 6 Janet Wickes Ruth A, student, A H S, res 6 Janet Wickes William O, clerk, 87 Genesee, bds 6 Janet Widrick Henry M, salesman, 7 South, h 32 Grant ave Widrick Ida M, cashier, 139 Genesee, bds 32 Grant ave Wiethuechter Frank, mill op, h 69 Frances Wiggins Don C, h 45 Franklin WIGGINS FRED H., (Webster Portrait Co,) also Alderman, 10th ward, h 12 Cayuga Wiggins John, painter, h 7 Beardsley Wiggins John, Jr, cigars and tobaccos, 23 Genesee, h 50 Nelson Wiggins Thomas, bds 13 Adams Wiggins Thomas, moulder, h 47 Augustus Wiggins Volentine, gardener, h 125 Franklin WIGHT see WHITE also WHYTE Wight Juliette A, widow Russell, res 11 Sherman Wightman Robert S, student, Theo Sem, res 52 Lewis Wilbert Michel, tailor, 87 Genesee, bds 61 Mechanic Wilcock Dorothy, widow William, bds 6 Van Anden WILCOS HON. BENJAMIN M., State Senator, 39th District, also Pres Aub Tel Co, office over 87 Genesee, h 10 Elizabeth Wilcox Dudley K, student, Cornell Univ, res 10 Elizabeth Wilcox Florence J, student, A H S, bds 10 Elizabeth Wilcox George E, laborer, bds 52 Mechanic Wilcox J Stanley, index clerk, bds 10 Elizabeth Wilcox Lydia, widow Joseph, h 19 Grove ave Wilcox Mrs Mary A, laundress, h 52 Mechanic Wilcox Miller, wood worker, h 16 Fitch ave Wilcox Oliver, res 158 North Wilder Mrs Frances S, teacher James St Sch, res 37 Elizabeth WILDER HOLLAND W., footwear polishing store, 45 1/2 State, bds The Avery Expert Artists employed as Shoe Polishers A large line of leather preservatives, Polishes and Dressings of Standard Makes, Wholesale and Retail Wilder James J, (Kent & Wilder,) bds 31 Wall Wilder Jane, widow Joseph T, h 170 State Wilder William J, expressman, h 111 Cottage Wildey Nancy A, widow Harvey B, fur dresser and repairer, h 142 Wall Wildey Nellie, dressmaker, res 142 Wall Wildner Barbara, widow William, h 132 York WILDNER FERDINAND, dealer in Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, also prop'r Germania Hall, 92 Owasco, h do Wildner George, real estate, h 57 Orchard WILDNER GEORGE J., (G. J. & Wm. Wildner,) res 132 York WILDNER G. J. & WM., (Cold spring Brewery,) manufacturers Fine Ales, 132 York, h do (See card) Wildner Rose A, res 132 York WILDNER WILLIAM, (Geo. J. and Wm. Wildner,) res 132 York WILDNER'S BREWERY, (COLD SPRING,) Ales, Stock and Porter, 132 York (See card, near name) Wilds Charles W, h 26 South Wiley Thomas P, accountant, 101 Orchard, res Cayuga Wilkins Edson L, photo artist, 5 Delevan, h 15 Perry Wilkins Mrs Carrie B, res over 20 Seminary ave Wilkins elizabeth, widow Edward, bds 6 Mary Wilkins Stella, milliner, res 89 Wall Wilkinson Benjamin F, janitor, L V R R, h 212 Seymour Wilkinson Frank E, printer, over 4 Exchange, bds over 157 State Wilkinson John M, chandler, 38 Garden, h over 157 State WILKINSON VAN BUREN, cigar manufacturer, (Dark Horse,) 9 Holley, h do Will Frank S, horseman, h 80 1/2 Clark WILLARD MISS CAROLINE, res 203 Genesee WILLARD MISS GEORGIANA, res 203 Genesee Williams Ada E, widow John S, h 8 Wright ave Williams Albert D, com trav, bds 64 Mechanic Williams Albert H, salesman, 37 Genesee, h 70 1/2 Van Anden Williams Charles, attache, Troy Livery, r 86 State, bds 47 do Williams Charles, carpenter, h 1 Chapel ave Williams Charles P, student, North St Sch, res 129 North Williams Eliza A, widow Samuel C, h 26 Seminary Williams Emma S, widow Frederick, h 21 Elizabeth Williams Frank A, shoe op, bds over 131 Genesee Williams Frank H, confectioner, h over 131 Genesee Williams Fred H, shoe op, h over 142 Wall Williams Fred S, button op, h 14 Aspen Williams George, mill op, bds 54 1/2 Orchard Williams Georgia A, stenographer, bds 63 Fitch ave Williams Hattie M, widow Burr R, res 41 Barber Williams Horace, laborer, h 63 Fitch ave Williams Hugh, teamster, h 76 Cornell Williams James F, painter, h 158 Van Anden Williams John, h over 46 1/2 Lansing Williams John, mill foreman, Wait's, h 54 1/2 Orchard WILLIAMS JOHN H., (Williams and Snow,) h 158 North Williams Julia A, widow Sherman S, h 170 State WILLIAMS & KOON, (L. Williams and E B Koon,) contractors and builders, 22 Water, Emp Phone 482 (See adv, next page) Williams Laura C, res 73 South Williams Laura M, h 129 North Williams Lillie, housekeeper, 115 South Williams Lucy S, bds 158 Van Anden WILLIAMS LUKE, (Williams & Koon,) h 124 Franklin Williams Mabel L, student, Maltby Sch, N Y , res 129 North Williams Margaret E, stenographer, res 26 Seminary Williams Martin L, laborer, bds 54 Water Williams Mary A, stenographer, 45 Washington, bds 33 E Genesee Williams Mary C, widow Alphonso T, h 23 Van Anden Williams May C, housekeeper, 157 Seymour Williams Melita L, res 73 South Williams Minnie, widow Herrick J, h 129 North Williams Mortimer, meat market, 15 Derby ave, h 47 Barber Williams Mrs Nellie smith, res 233 North Williams Osca J, machinist, h 41 Mattie Williams Perry, bank porter, h 35 Parker WILLIAMS ROSE C., proprietress The Williams' Short Hand and Type Writing School, office and class rooms 307-308 New Metcalf B'd'g, over 141 Genesee, res 26 Seminary WILLIAMS MRS. S. E., milliner and dealer in millinery furnishings, 2 Exchange, h 158 North Feathers, Artificial Flowers, Artistic Trimmings, etc WILLIAMS' SHORT HAND AND TYPE WRITING SCHOOL (THE), Miss Rose C Williams, prop'rs, office and class rooms 307-308 Metcalf Building, over 141 Genesee Williams Simon, florist, 110 South, h over 36 Burt ave WILLIAMS & SNOW, (J. H. Williams and Miss Mary Snow) manufacturers wrappers, sacks, suits, etc, office and factory 2 Exchange Williams Sylvester J, mechanic, bds 8 Wright ave Williams William T, carpenter, h over 31 Elizabeth Williamson Edwin J, carpenter, h 27 First ave, Melrose Williamson Ellen M, shoe op, bds 12 Arch Williamson James, dyer, h 176 Van Anden Williamson J Percy, U S Army, res 12 Arch Williamson Julia A, widow William, h 12 Arch Williamson Samuel, dyer, h 24 1/2 Jefferson Williamson william C R, clerk, 131 Genesee, bds 12 Arch Willis Mrs Addie, weaver, h over 3 Genesee Willis Adelbert D, hammersman, h 1 Baker ave Willis Charles A, mason, res over 3 Genesee Willis G Walter, emp D M O & Co, rooms 65 E Genesee Willis John, boiler maker, bds 21 Hoffman Willis Ray W, accountant, Standard Oil Co, 3, 5 and 7 Monroe, bds 66 1/2 Wall Willits Albert T, teamster, h 125 Owasco Willits George H, salesman, 120 Mechanic, h 34 Grant ave Willman John C, lineman, h 120 North Willmarth Irvin C, laborer, h r 20 Arch Willmarth Jay E, twine op, h 25 Wood WILLS CHARLES A., carriage painter, also City Assessor, h 36 Orchard Wills David, janitor, Bradford st sch, h 24 Mary Wills Floyd M, student, A H S, bds 143 Franklin Wills Frederick B, student, Williams Coll, bds 6 Elizabeth WILLS GEORGE F., carriage and sleigh manufacturer, office and works 81 Clark, h 6 Elizabeth (See page 2) WILLS JAMES G.,(successor to Rea & Wills,) General Painter, Sign Writer and Decorator, office and salesrooms 26 Clark, h 143 Franklin Contracts respectfully solicited Emp phone 825 (See adv, next page) Wills Jessie I, student, A S, bds 6 Elizabeth Wills Lura B, bookkeeper, 26 Clark, bds 143 Franklin Wills Sidney S, salesman, 24 1/2 Mary, h 87 1/2 Owasco Wills Mrs Zillah S, grocer, 24 1/2 Mary, h 24 do Willson Mary A, carpet designer, 19 Division N, bds 56 Fulton Willson Mrs Sarah J, sup't, The Home, 46 Grant ave Wilmont Adelia, widow Samuel G, res 13 Hulbert Wilson Ada A, housekeeper, 288 Division N Wilson Alice E, mill op, bds 144 Perrine Wilson Charles, teamster, h 106 Division N Wilson Charles E, emp D M O & Co, h over 11 Pleasant Wilson Charles R, student, Theo Sem, bds 103 Fulton Wilson Charlotte E, shoe op, bds 13 Orchard ave Wilson Delbert F, machinist, bds 13 Orchard ave Wilson Elijah, mechanic, h 144 Perrine Wilson Fannie P, enq 157 North Wilson Florence H, music instructor, res 9 Baker ave Wilson Francis M, mill op, h 9 Baker ave Wilson Francis, bds 288 Division N Wilson George, farmer, h 288 Division N Wilson George M, emp D M O & Co, h 37 Morris Wilson George W, Owasco Lake Caterer, h over 6 South Wilson Mrs Hester, domestic, res 76 Cornell Wilson Iva, attendant, over 7 E Genesee Wilson Mrs James, res 15 Elizabeth Wilson James H, contractor, h 55 Hamilton ave Wilson James H, Jr, mechanic, h 1 1/2 Mary Wilson John C, teamster, h over 147 State Wilson John L, mechanic, h 17 Foote Wilson Kate B, housekeeper, 55 Hamilton ave Wilson Mayme, silk warper, bds 13 Orchard ave Wilson Mrs Nettie M, waitress, Peacock's, 1 E Genesee Wilson Peter, twine op, h 76 Franklin Wilson Samuel S, machinist, h 212 Seymour Wilson Sarah E, widow Phineas, h 13 Orchard ave Wilson Thomas, shoe laster, bds 65 Clark Wimble James D, upholsterer, h 16 Morris Wimble J Hobart, stenographer, L V R R, h 28 Easterly ave Winch Alice, dressmaker, h over 11 Florence Windsor Hotel, Nell Porter, proprietress, 161 State Winegar Frances, widow Henry, bds 6 Mann WINEGAR B. FRANK, clerk, Auburn Prison, h 136 North Winegar Ella, (Winegar & Jones,) res 50 State Winegar & Jones, (Ella W and Mattie J,) dining rooms, 50 State Winegar Maude, cashier, 50 State, res do Wingerder Lena, attendant, 52 South Winne Daniel J, prison guard, h 16 Park ave Winslow Alfred L, teamster, h 32 Parker Winslow Elizabeth, widow James, h over 92 Washington Winsor Almira P, widow George R, bds 46 Mechanic Winsor Charles E, pressman, over 23 Genesee, bds over 26 Market WINSOR JOHN C., capt, Hose 1 A F D, h over 26 Market Winter Charles, iron worker, bds 9 Sheldon ave Winter Dorr A, student, Aub Bus Coll, bds 1 Lawton ave Winter Lewis, grinder, bds 9 Sheldon ave Winter William H, carpenter, h 9 Sheldon ave Winters Bernard J, shoe op, bds 24 Mattie Winters Carrie, button op, bds 24 Mattie Winters Charles S, bus driver, h over 3 Water Winters Edward, moulder, h 24 Mattie Winters Edward, emp D M O & Co, bds over 119 Mechanic Winters James F, student, Rochester Univ, bds 69 Orchard Winters John, mechanic, bds 12 Steel Winters John P, prison guard, h over 100 State Winters Joseph H, clerk, coll dep D M O & Co, bds 69 Orchard Winters Patrick, retired, h 67 Orchard Winters Santa M, res 81 E Genesee Winters Stephen A, insp furniture, (prison,) res Albany, N Y Winters Thomas, emp D M O & Co, h 69 Orchard Wise Frederick, moulder, h 25 Seymour Wise Henrietta C, student, A H S, res 8 Lewis Wise Henry G, life insurance, h 8 Lewis Wise James, laborer, bds 24 Cross Wise James, Jr, m'f'r and dealer in cigars, &c, 52 State, h 24 Cross Wise Margaret, shoe op, bds 24 Cross Wise Mary C, student, Mt Holyoke, res 8 Lewis Wise Winslow, bds 280 Genesee Wiseman Mrs Jennie, res 138 Perrine Wishart Alice E, widow Jesse, h 109 Wall Wishart Frederick W, emp D M O & Co, bds 109 Wall Witham Ida S, stitcher, bds 16 Owasco Witherell Dennis, delivery clerk, 114 wall, bds 101 do Witherell John D, teamster, h 101 Wall Witherell Orville E, trainman, L V R R, h over 132 Wall Witherell Ray, bds 101 Wall Wolever John E, student, Theo Sem, res do Wolf Mrs C W, salesclerk, Big Store, res 3 William WOLF CHARLES W., manager, The Model Clothing Co's Store, 110 Genesee, h 3 William Wolffe Frank F, moulder, r 32 Orchard Wolffe Hannah Mc L, widow John B, h over 30 Genesee Wolffe Richard F, machinist, h 105 Wall Wolffe William J, machinist, h 32 Orchard Wolfert Lavinia, domestic, 98 North Wolven Herbert, emp D M O & Co, rooms over 64 Genesee WOMAN'S EDUCATIONAL AND INDUSTRIAL UNION, Janet M Alexander, Sup't, rooms 25 William Wood Mrs Ada, h over 2 Garden Wood Albert, mechanic, bds 55 Capitol Wood Alanson J, carpenter, h 4 1/2 Paul Wood Alonzo S, shoe op, bds over 26 Lincoln Wood Alpha K, mechanic, h 55 Capitol Wood Anna L, bds over 2 1/2 Seminary ave Wood Catherine M, bds 98 Clark Wood Charles B, horseshoer, 2 1/2 Seminary ave, h over do Wood Charles B, Jr, blacksmith, bds over 2 1/2 Seminary ave Wood Charles F, machinist, h 14 Washington Wood Charles H, trimmer, E L Co, h over 6 Morris Wood Cornelia C, widow Oliver, res 1 Janet Wood Mrs Dora, shoe op, hj over 24 Garrow Wood Elizabeth A, bds 98 Clark Wood Mrs Ella M, canvasser, res 16 Court Wood Elmer, night clerk, Empire House, 34 Dill Wood Ernest T S, machinist, h 76 Franklin Wood Eugene H, emp D M O & Co, bds 12 First ave, Melrose Wood Eugene J, twine op, h 4 Academy Wood Frank, confectioner, bds 7 Benton Wood Frank, night watchman, h 24 Division N Wood Frederick, moulder, bds 29 Lincoln WOOD GEORGE S., Sheriff Cay Co, 154 Genesee, h 10 Court Wood Georgia H, shoe cutter, bds 98 Clark Wood Mrs Henrietta, cook, 225 Genesee Wood Henrietta E, bds over 2 1/2 Seminary ave Wood Henry A, com trav, bds 227 Seymour Wood Henry C, carpenter, h 12 First ave, Melrose Wood James W, ag't, Ehrman Brew Co, h 98 Clark Wood Jessie, shoe op, bds 27 Garden Wood J Etsel, piano polisher, bds 1 Sheridan Wood Lawrence A, salesman, 91 Genesee, bds 98 Clark Wood Lewis R, bartender, 11 State, bds 98 clark Wood Mabel M, salesclerk, 83 Genesee, res 14 Washington Wood Maude E, seamstress, bds 12 First ave, Melrose Wood May G, seamstress, bds 12 First ave, Melrose Wood Mrs Minnie E, res 22 Park ave Wood Oscar, engineer, h 21 Sherwood Wood Pearl L, bds over 2 1/2 Seminary ave Wood Walter C, cook, bds over 32 Dill Wood Walter L, leather insp, 41 Washington, h 1 Janet Woodall George F, hame maker, bds 2 Wright ave Woodall John J, city policeman, h 2 Wright ave Woodall Robert B, shoe op, bds 2 Wright ave Woodburn Fannie, bds 23 Park ave Woodburn Sarah A, widow James A, res 37 Elizabeth Woodcock Esther M, widow Alexander B, res 5 Derby ave Woodcock Leonard M, manufacturer, h 1 Sherman Woodcock May B, acc't, 102 Genesee, res 1 Sherman Woodford Mrs Helen S, salesclerk, Big Store, res 18 Fort Woodhall Alfred, iron worker, bds over 145 State Woodhall Alice, music teacher, bds over 145 State Woodhall B May, widow James, weaver, bds 4 Spring Woodhall Elizabeth, widow Philip, h over 8 1/2 Spring Woodhall Isaiah, iron worker, bds over 8 1/2 Spring Woodhall Luther, iron worker, bds over 145 State Woodhall Philip, iron worker, h over 145 State Woodhead Elizabeth, widow George, h 50 Logan Woodhead Frederick H, emp Daily Adv, bds 50 Logan Woodin Ella A, widow Edwin A, res 105 Franklin WOODIN WALTER E., Attorney and counsellor at law, offices over 133 1/2 Genesee, (Flint Block), h 2 Beach ave Woodin William B, weighing clerk, columbia Cordage Co, bds 38 Water Wooding Frank E, foreman, D M O & Co, h 74 Hamilton ave Wooding Marietta, widow Edmond C, h 23 Florence Wooding Uretta A, widow Louis G, nurse, h over 8 Wood Woodruff Mrs Alida M, res 177 1/2 Seymour Woodruff Alonzo, (Superb Pad Co,) h 175 North Woodruff Anna B, res 15 Fort Woodruff Anna G, widow E Delevan, h 67 South Woodruff Carlton H, student Yale College, res 15 Fort Woodruff Caroline B, widow Paul C, h 48 South Woodruff Carrie Belle, res 15 Fort Woodruff Charles E, collecting agent, bds 143 E Genesee Woodruff Charles R, moulder, h over 99 Lansing Woodruff Douglass, student, Hotchkiss sch, res 15 Fort WOODRUFF E. GOULD, physician and surgeon, office and res 29 William Office hours until 9 A M, 1:30 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 P M Sundays 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 P M Woodruff George W, shoe cutter, h 107 Franklin Woodruff Hermione, res 15 Fort WOODRUFF J. HERMON, (The Auburn Button Works) 40 Washington, h 15 Fort WOODRUFF JOHN, foreman Holmes' bottling Works, 40 Chapel, h 177 1/2 Seymour Woodruff William H, salesman, 102 Genesee, res 67 South Woods Elizabeth, compisitor, Daily Adv'r, res 36 Owasco Woods Thomas F, shoe op, h 38 Owasco Woodward Clarence E, student, Theo Sem, res do Woodward Roland, student, Theo Sem, res do Woodworth Anna J, bds 46 Augustus Woodworth Charles A, ins agent, h 224 State Woodworth Olivia, widow John R, h 46 Augustus Woodworth Sarah G, widow Daniel, h 149 Seymour Woolsey Mrs Ellen M, res over 52 Barber WOOLWORTH C. S. & CO., House Furnishing Goods and Novelties, E. J. Streeter, manager, 83 Genesee Popular Prices Please People---Hence our success Wooster James B, chief op, W U, h 3 Easterly Place WORDEN, see also WARDEN Worden Adelbert F, delivery clerk, bds 11 Frazee Worden Ann, widow Morris M, h 83 Division N Worden Carrie, milliner, bds 196 State Worden Chas A, oiler, h 17 Aurelius ave Worden Eben E, coachman, h 64 North Worden Edwin R, tallyman, L V R R, h 11 Frazee Worden Frank E, barber, also cigars, etc, 147 Clark, h 82 Division N Worden George M, salesman, 91 Genesee, h 2 Cottage Worden John W, barber, 5 1/2 Walnut, h do Worden Leola M, weaver, bds 11 Frazee Worden Mary E, widow John C, h 17 Aurelius ave Worden Rachael A, widow Morris M, enq 83 Division N Worden Theodore A, machinist, h 17 Perry Worden Thomas J, carpenter, h 83 Division N WORKINGMEN'S HOTEL, Thomas Wait, prop'r, 38 Water The cheapest and best for the money that can be obtained (See card, page 515) WORKMAN FREDERICK W., accountant, 21 and 23 Market, h 18 Mann Wormer Minnie M, res 31 Wall Wormer Sarah J, widow Henry, h 31 Wall Wormwood Charles V, h 23 Cross Wride Charles T, (Wride & Son,) h 73 1/2 Aurelius ave WRIDE EDWARD G., chief clerk, Aub Div, L V R R, office 140 Clark, h 8 Chapel Wride Jacob, (Wride & Son,) h 119 Aurelius ave Wride Jacob & Son, (Chas T,) florist, 117 Aurelius ave Wride Jessie M, res 119 Aurelius ave Wride Robert M, shoe cutter, h 35 Fitch ave Wride Samuel T, teamster, h 121 Division S WRIGHT ARTHUR Z., druggist and pharmacist, also dealer in toilet and fancy articles, 141 State cor Wall, h 162 do Wright A Sidney, engineer, D M O & Co, h 13 1/2 Park ave Wright Bernice A, domestic, 5 Ross Place Wright Bridget, laundress, City Hosp, 15 Lansing Wright Mrs Celia W, seamstress, bds 23 Florence Wright Charles F, carpenter, h 146 Perrine Wright Edith M, student, A H S, bds 9 Grant ave Wright Emily L, widow Algernon S, res 235 North Wright Florence, widow George L, res 159 E Genesee Wright Frank, coachman, h 29 Barber Wright Frank, call hoseman, Hose 3, A F D Wright Frank D, lawyer, over 61 Genesee, h 159 E do WRIGHT FRANK S., attorney at law, offices room 114, over 141 Genesee, h 14 Cayuga Wright George B, dentist, h 148 Genesee WRIGHT GEORGE B., JR., office and operating parlors over 141 Genesee, rooms 326 to 329 Metcalf B'l'k, h 3 elizabeth Wright Judson G, brakeman, L V R R, bds 49 Jefferson Wright Lucius F, pressman, h 260 Seymour Wright Lucy, trained nurse, res over 3 Washington Wright Mary O, widow Reuben, seamstress, res 122 Van Anden Wright Seth, laborer, h 14 Barber Wright Thatcher B, machinist, h over 23 1/2 Park Place Wright William L,, ass't sup't Metropolitan Life, h 32 Maple Wrinkle Kittie, waitress, The Avery, 32 to 42 State Wyant Eugene, mechanic, bds 112 Wall Wyckoff James N, clerk, cost dep't, D M O & Co, res 32 1/2 Franklin Wyer Frederick, h 42 Franklin Wyllie Charles G, call hoseman, Hose 1 A F D, h 19 Maple Wyllie Clara E, spooler, bds 38 Owasco Wyllie George T, moulder, bds 19 Maple WYLLIE JAMES N., prop'r Radney House, 34 E Genesee Wyllie John, emp D M O & Co, bds 38 Owasco Wyllie John S, moulder, h 20 Maple Wyllie Kittie, button op, bds 38 Owasco Wyllie Mrs Mary Ann, res 6 Van Patten Wyllie Robert, engineer, Hotel Avery Wyllie Robert G, moulder, h 19 Maple Wyllie William, moulder, h 19 1/2 Maple Wyman Adelbert M, mill op, bds 38 Wadsworth Wyman Charles S, scythe temperer, h 38 Wadsworth Wyman William H, spinner, bds 38 Wadsworth Wynne Ellen, h over 39 Steel
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