Revolutionary War Bounty Land
In "The Military Tract Of Central NY"
For The Area Within Cayuga County, New York

The following list displays the names of individuals who were balloted to receive Revolutionary War bounty land in the area known as "The Military Tract of Central New York".  This chart displays only the names for bounty land areas that are within the current boundaries of Cayuga County, NY.  These names and related information were obtained from the book: The Balloting Book and Other Documents Relating to Military Bounty Lands, In The State Of New York-Pub. Albany: Printed By Packard & Van Benthuysen- 1825 (Source: Cayuga County Clerk's Office, Office of Records Management , 160 Genesee St, Auburn, NY   13021)  Current town locations of military tract lots were obtained from tax maps.

"A" - "C"

"D" - "G"

"H" - "L"
"M" - "Q"

"R" - "T"

"U" - "Z"

Military Tract

1875 Map

Tompkins Co.
Name List

Surnames "A" - "C"     

Surname First Name Original Township Lot # Current Town
Ackerson Cornelius Sterling 54 (500 Acres) Sterling
Ackerson Cornelius Sterling 55 (22 Acres) Sterling
Adams Emanuel Cato 6 Victory
Adams Paleg Cato 92 Conquest
Addoms Jonas (lieutenant) Scipio 90 Ledyard
Addoms Jonas (lieutenant) Milton 3 Genoa
Alling John Brutus 97 Sennett
Alport John Scipio 98 Venice
Ammerman James Sempronius 20 Niles
Ammerman Cornelius Sempronius 32 Niles
Anspaugh Peter (lieutenant) Locke 36 Summerhill
Anthony Francis Cato 60 Ira
Aorson Aaron (Capt.) Brutus 25 Conquest
Atkinson Philip Cato 33 Ira
Avery Nicholas Aurelius 56 Auburn
A.K.A. Bennet
Reuben Cato 1 Victory
Baclannen Henry Aurelius 32 Sennett
Balis Elias Scipio 89 Venice
Barnes Solomon Sempronius 13 Niles
Barnhart John Scipio 81 Ledyard
Barrett William Scipio 83 Venice
Barrett James Scipio 95 Venice
Bartlett Lemuel Aurelius 28 Sennett
Barton Robert Sempronius 64 Moravia
Bason Daniel Aurelius 21 Sennett
Bates Conradt Sempronius 34 Niles
Bates David Sterling 46 (500 Acres) Sterling
Bears David Brutus 23 Conquest
Beekman Terrick (lieutenant) Sempronius 99 Sempronius
Belmy Silas Sempronius 24 Niles
Benjamin Samuel Brutus 79 Brutus
A.K.A. Babbet
Reuben Cato 1 Victory
Bennet Henry Aurelius 25 Throop
Bevens Benjamin Brutus 94 Throop
Bevier Philip D. B. (Capt.) Brutus 5 Conquest
Bill Elijah (lieutenant) Sempronius 68 Sempronius
Bishop Nathaniel Brutus 22 Cato
Black David Cato 86 Cato
Black John Brutus 64 Brutus
Blake James Sterling 67 (500 Acres) Sterling
Blaze Christian Aurelius 73 Fleming
Bleecker Leonard Locke 38 Summerhill
Bliss Theodore (captain) Scipio 33 Scipio
Blue Christian Aurelius 34 Aurelius
Bonnel John Aurelius 72 Fleming
Bonnett Joseph Locke 30 Summerhill
Bouy William Cato 29 Victory
Bradley James Sterling 54 (100 Acres) Sterling
Brewster Henry Sterling 43 (200 Acres) Sterling
Brindley Francis (lieut.) Aurelius 100 Owasco
Brombley John Locke 43 Locke
Brower Garret Locke 45 Locke
Brown John Brutus 43 Cato
Brown James Brutus 56 Brutus
Brown Samuel Sterling 9 (200 Acres) Sterling
Brumley William Scipio 59 Venice
Brush Eliakim Aurelius 70 Owasco
Bryan John O. Milton 32 Genoa
Buggarow John Scipio 62 Venice
A.K.A. Burge/ Burdge
Michael Cato 22 Ira
Burges Archibald Sterling 65 (200 Acres) Sterling
Burkdoff John Aurelius 10 Sennett
Burnet Robert (Lieut.) Cato 91 Conquest
Burnett Ebenezer Locke 3 Locke
Burnham William Scipio 94 Venice
Burrows Samuel Aurelius 52 Sennett
Bynders James Sterling 19 (500 Acres) Sterling
Cahall John Sempronius 71 Moravia
Cain Abel Cato 23 Ira
Callaghan John Brutus 50 Mentz
Campbell Andrew Brutus 15 Conquest
Campfield Timothy Scipio 10 Scipio
Casedy Edward Brutus 30 Cato
Caulfield Lames Cato 24 Ira
Cavender Moses Brutus 37 Conquest
Chatfield Samuel Brutus 21 Cato
Chatfield David Aurelius 90 Fleming
Christian Peter Brutus 6 Conquest
Christian John Locke 14 Locke
Christie John Cato 69 Ira
Christopher Andreas Scipio 7 Scipio
Clearwater Martin Aurelius 86 Owasco
Clement Nicholas Sempronius 92 Moravia
Cline Jacob Brutus 29 Cato
Clinton Alexander (Lieut.) Cato 76 Conquest
Clinton James (brig. general) Aurelius 69 Owasco
Clinton George (brig. gen) Scipio 40 Scipio
Closer Christopher Scipio 56 Ledyard
Clough Benjamin Locke 46 Summerhill
Cochran Robert Scipio 28 Scipio
Cochran Robert (lieut. colonel) Scipio 53 Venice
Code William Brutus 8 Cato
Coldbreath William (lieutenant) Locke 37 Summerhill
Cole John Cato 20 Ira
Cole Henry Sempronius 39 Niles
Cole Benjamin Milton 36 Genoa
Cole David Milton 39 Genoa
Collier Richard Aurelius 77 Owasco
Concklin Joseph Scipio 48 Venice
Conine Philip (lieutenant) Scipio 84 Venice
Conner John Cato 55 Victory
Connor Timothy Milton 21 Genoa
Cook John Aurelius 42 Sennett
Cook George Milton 20 Genoa
Cooley Sanuel Sterling 2 (450 Acres) Sterling
Cooley Samuel Sterling 3 (81.4 Acres) Sterling
Coombs Peter Brutus 57 Brutus
Cooper John Sterling 12 Sterling
Cooper John Sterling 27 (100 Acres) Sterling
Coppernol Adam Sterling 26 Sterling
Cornwall William Cato 21 Ira
Cornwall David Sempronius 84 Moravia
Corwin Gershom Sterling 3 (450 Acres) Sterling
Coteree Richard Scipio 58 Ledyard
Countryman Jacob Brutus 90 Brutus
Cox John Locke 32 Locke
Crabb Abijah Cato 3 Victory
Crafts Henry Aurelius 6 Throop
Crafts Jacob Sterling 63 (200 Acres) Sterling
Crandle Godfrey Locke 23 Locke
Crawford Samuel Sterling 28 (450 Acres) Sterling
Crawson Samuel Brutus 69 Montezuma
Crimshire John D. (paymaster) Sempronius 79 Sempronius
Cronin Patrick (lieutenant) Sempronius 66 Sempronius
Crouse Elbert Scipio 20 Scipio
Crumb Christopher Sempronius 5 Niles
Cuffman John Brutus 17 Conquest
Cummings Ebenezer Sempronius 42 Moravia
Cunningham Henry (Lieut.) Cato 41 Victory
Curvin Samuel Cato 15 Victory

Note that the name Reuben Babbet is also apparently the same person listed as Reuben Bennet in the 'Balloting Book'.
Lot number 1 of the original Township of Cato (Township #3) was balloted to Reuben Bennet as cited on page 117, of the book titled "The Balloting Book And Other Documents Relating To The Military Bounty Lands, In The State Of New York" (1825).  However, on page 68 of this same book, under the heading 'The Dead Of The Several Regiments' it lists: Reuben Babbet in the 1st Regiment, M'Kean Company, Balloted for land in Township #3,Lot #1, 500 acres on Sept. 13, 1790.  On page 103 of this same book, in the section, 'Connolly's Original Return Of The Dead-'A RETURN Of The Dead Of The Several New-York lists:
Name & Rank - Babbet, Reuben
Regiment - 1st
Company - M'Keen (note it was spelled M'Kean on page 68)
Remarks - Died... 1 May '78

On page 152 of this same book, in the section, 'Delivery of Patents For Land In The Military Tract' cites:
Patentees' Names - Babbet, Reuben, dead.....
Patent to whom delivered - To Richard Edwards, Administrator

I don't know why the name is spelled both ways in this book.

Note: The Balloting Book Cites The Surname Spelled "BUNDGE"
Below Is A Message From Mick Burdge Indicating That The Correct Spelling May be "BURGE" or "BURDGE"
From: Mick Burdge
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 5:22 AM
Subject: Correction to web page

Your page says:
Bundge Michael Cato 22 Ira
Actually, Michael's name was BURDGE.

The 1841 Pensioners List, New York State - Excerpts, pg 273:
Michael Burdge, b. ca 1764; in 1835, living in Cayuga Co

The History of Cayuga County 1789-1879, by Elliot Storke, pg 274:
Town of Ira
In 1802 the settlements were augmented by Daniel Parker, from Marcellus; John C. Barnes and his sons, from Sempronius; Edward Wood, from Sennett; and Rev. Michael Burge. Parker settled on lot 69, where Abiah Cook now lives, his farm extending to the south line of the town. In his log house much of the business of the town was transacted at an early day. He died on the old homestead, which is still held by the family, his daughter being Abiah Cook's mother. Barnes settled on lot 70, on the farm now owned by Eleazer F. Jaynes, where he died about 1837. His sons were Amos, John, Luther, Zadoc and Silas, all of whom are dead. The later two died during the epidemic of 1811. Silas settled on the same lot with his father, and Zadoc on lot 83, on the west part of Isaac R. Merritt's farm. The death of the wife of Silas Barnes, in 1802, was the first in the town. Norton C. Barnes, a son of Luther, is living in Cato. Wood settled on lot 89. Burge drew lot 22 as a soldier's claim and settled on it. He was great-grandfather of David H. Marvin, who now resides on lot 24.

Mick Burdge
Dayton, Ohio

"D" - "G"

"H" - "L"
"M" - "Q"

"R" - "T"

"U" - "Z"

Military Tract

1875 Map

Tompkins Co.
Name List

Note:  This chart displays only the names of individuals who were balloted to receive Revolutionary War bounty land for areas that are within the current boundaries of Cayuga County, NY.  

CopyrightCopyright 1998 Bernie & Susan Corcoran

To view the names of people who were balloted to receive bounty land within the Military Tract area that is now in Tompkins County, click HERE.  Additional websites with information about 'The Military Tract' can be found among sites provided by the Seneca County NYGenWeb Project by clicking HERE.

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