Transcribed here is a fragile 1843 ledger book covering 11 days of general store transactions for an unknown mercantile business. "Fleming, Cayuga County" is signed repeatedly on the front inside cover. The name "Franklin E. Thornton" is also written over and over upside down, but he was probably not the owner as F.E. Thornton is listed as a customer in the daily entries. A check of Town of Fleming cemetery listings on the Cayuga County NYGenWeb site shows that several of the regular customers are buried in the Fleming Hill Cemetery, so the business might have been located in that general area of the town.

For the daily entries, the handwriting is perfectly legible except in a few cases where writing was tiny and scrunched to fit in or abbreviated. Listed after the daily entries are several neat pages of lists of diverse items, which appear to be "shopping lists" of items the ledger's owner planned to order and stock. The "shopping lists" are written in pencil and faint in some areas. To transcribe the exact cost of every item would have been time-consuming and of no genealogical usefulness, so I've put in the cost for only a select few items. All spellings are exactly as written down in the original ledger and will not be "corrected."

Tuesday Oct 31
Iserel Taylor - 1 yd. green baize
W.P. Thornton - 20 lights sash, 1 lb. lead
Ira Perry's wife - ba. on calico, 1 2/4 pa. muslin, 1 lb. tea, 1/2 lb. Saleratus
W.P. Thornton - difference on cloth
Amos Morgan - 2 pitchers
Jacob Castler - 3 6/16 llb. cotton yarn
J. Crawford - pen knife
Pelogg Babcock - 1 fine comb, 1 pa. pins, 1/2 yd. mull, 5 lbs. nails, 6 lights glass, 1/2 lb. Y.H. tea,
1 lb. Seleratus, 1 ball wicking, 2 yds. calico, 3 lbs. sugar, 1/2 yd. cambrick, 4 yds. diaper, 1/2 yd. lace 1"
F.E. Thornton - 1 lb. spice
Asa Smith - 1/2 lb. tobacco
Amos Morgan - 9 1/2 lbs. butter
John Waldo - 2lbs. logwood, 1/4 lb. coprus
Orrin Gaston - 3 yds. gray cloth, 2 yds. blk beads ($64), trimming for 2 coats ($48)

Wednesday Nov. 1st 1843

W.P. Thornton - 1 sks. silk
F.E. Thornton - 2 lbs. coffee, salt
Amos Morgan - 8 yds. towling
W. of F. Thornton - buy 59 lbs. butter French ($5.31)
H. Witbeck - 1 gross buttons, 1 1/2 doz. buttons, blk tea, twist
F.E. Thornton - 1 1/2 lb. butter
Francis French - barrel salt ($12)
W. of F. Thornton - 1 barrel salt ($14)
Amos Morgan - 1 lb. tea
Joshua Baker - 1 lb. crackers, 1 lb. Saleratus, 1 1/4 lb. lump sugar
Horace A. Baker - 2 yds. factorey, 2 spools thread
Amos Morgan - 1/2 quire paper
L.C. Porter - paid man for papers 1 yd. calico
Pary Parker - 1 bu. peas

Thursday Nov. 2d 1843

Simon Hall - 1 1/2 yds. cambrick, 1 sks. silk, 1 box h. & Eyes, 1 bottle ink, 1/2 quire paper, 1/2 lb. Y.H. tea
J. Crawford - 1 back comb
Seth Comstock, P. Alanson - bolts & screws, 2 lb. nailes, latches & screws
F.E. Thornton - 22 sks. worsted, 6 needles
Elias Adams - 2 oz. silk twist
Amos Morgan - 4 1/2 lbs. butter
Luther Thornton - 1 gal. molasses
Lewis Canfield - 1 saw & frame ($107)
C. (O.?) F. Hoyt, Thornton boy - 2 lb. madder
Henry Witbeck - 5 doz. buttons, 1 lot buttons, 1 oz. silk
Calvin Leach - 2 gals. molasses, 16 lbs. sugar, 1 back comb, 1 ball wicking
Stephen Thornton - 11 3/4 cot. yarn

Friday Nov. 3d 1843

Ira Parker - 2 3/4 lbs. butter
Amos Morgan - 4 lbs. nailes
Orrin Gaston - 1/2 beaver cloth ($10)
Luther Thornton, per girls - 1/2 lb. snuff, 1/4 lb. lemmon
Charles Shaw - 1 axe ($12)
W.P. Thornton - 1 handle & butts
Samuel Sheapard - 1 pa. tobacco
W.P. Thornton - 6 lbs. nailes
Wilson Paul - 1/2 Y.H. Tea
L.C. Porter - to bill Trimming
Lewis Canfield - 1 pa. tobacco
Ransom Tidd - paid H. Gaston
S.S. Wheeler - 1/2 gal. molasses
Ransom Tidd - coat & lining, vest, pants ($20.58), 1 bu. oats

Saturday Nov. 4th

Morgan Backus - paid P. Parker
Jam. M. Thornton - 6 1/2 lb. sugar & bal. on trade
J. Crawford - paid Mrs. Wilkinson
W. & F. Thornton - paid Gaston
Iserel Taylor - candles
Samuel Hoskins - 1 gal. molasses
F.E. Thornton - 1 lb. Salertus
Robert Hunter - 1 gal. molasses, 1 lb. tea, 1 lb. tobacco, 1 1/2 yd. fleirrel, 1 oz. thread, 6 pipes
Amos Morgan - 7 lbs. butter, 7 lbs. sugar
W. of F. Thornton, buy Will. Chester apples ($2.30)
William Chester - dried apples
Ira Perry - 2 yds. check
Joshua Baker - 1/2 gal. molasses, 1 lb. candles, 1/2 lb. spice, 1/2 lb. ginger, nutmeg, pipes, 1 pa. tobacco, 1/2 pa. pins
Horace A. Baker - 2 lb. candles
L.C. Porter - paid for ___ cord
Pary Parker - 8 lbs. butter
Elias Thornton - 1/2 lb. tobacco, 1 pa. tobacco
Lewis Canfield - 1 cake soap

Monday Nov. 6th 1843

Stephen Thornton - trimming for coat, 6 yds. binding
Ethan Pease - 1 lb. nails
Morgan Chatfield - for cofe ($12)
W.P. Thornton - 6 lbs. nailes
Stephen Thornton - 1 1/4 yds. silesia
Elias Adams - 3 lbs. nailes, 1 cofe ($14), 1 p. gloves
William Adriance - 6 lights sash, 16 lights glass
W.P. Thornton - 2 lbs. nailes
W. of F. Thornton - order for ashes to Parker
James Thornton - 2 lbs. nailes
Ransom Tidd - 1 halter
Simon Hall - 1 hat ($20)
Horace A. Baker - allum
Alvin Freeman - 1 pr. shoes ($11)
Asa Smith's wife - bal. on trace after fethers, 1/2 lb. tobaco, 1 sett cups, gloves
John Waldo - 5 lbs. sugar
Horace Baker - 1 battin, 1/2 yd. cambrick
L.C. Porter - 1 yd. calico
Parry Parker - 3 lbs. candles
W.P. Thornton - 1 lb. tea
Isaac Peterson - 1 pa. brads
Samuel Hoskins - 12 sheets paper, 2 5/11 cot. yarn
Oren Gaston - 1 accordian ($34)
Lewis Canfield - 2 1/2 lb. cot. bat.

Tuesday Nov. 7th 1843

Lewis Canfield - bal. on battin
W.P. Thornton - 2 lbs. nailes, 4 lbs. nailes
David Myres - 3 1/2 yds. sattinett ($24)
Henry Witbeck - 1/2 lb. thread
Christopher Vanest - 1 pa. tobacco
W. of F. Thornton - paid order to K____
John B. Tallman - 2 balls wick, 1 lb. starch, 1/2 lb. tea
Isaac Peterson - 1 lb. logwood, thread
Cadwell Weaver - 3 oz. opium ($7.60)
Elias Thorn - 2 oz. magnesia, 1 stock, 2 pair butts, 1 dz. screws
Calvin Leach - 2 letters
John Waldo - 1/4 spice, 1/4 pepper, 1 lb. Salaratus
Isaac Peterson - 1 lb. ginger, 2 cakes soap, cinnamon, 1 u. yellow ocre
Allen Rood - 2 yds. green braze, 1 pr. gloves
Abraham Post - buy 1 trout
Eld Wheeler - 1 spool thread
Samuel Cooley - 1 oz. thread, 1 pa. tobacco, 1 pair horse blankets ($15), 2 yds. lane, 3 oz. indigo ($3)
J. Crawford - 1 Parleys Geography ($2.60), sweet oil
Philip Craver - 1 gal. molasses, 1/2 lb. tobacco, 1/2 lb. tea, 1/2 lb. tobacco, needles
Albert Wheeler - 1 lb. nailes
Hiram Thornton - 1 1/2 yd. lane Kentucky
Herman Waldren - 10 lbs. sugar, 2 lbs. coffee
W.P. Thornton - sugar, 1/2 lb. spice, 1/2 lb. pepper, 1 lb. Saleratus, 1 oz. nutmegs
Samuel N./W.(?) Wheeton - 2 lbs. sugr, 1/2 lb. candles, 1/2 lb. spice, 1/2 lb. Saleratus, paper, 1 1/2 soap
Ira Perry - 2 pa. tobacco

Wednesday Nov. 8 1843

W. of F. Thornton - 20 lbs. rasin ($4)
Amos Morgan - 9 1/2 lbs. butter
Wm. P. Thornton - 6 u. fine nails
Stephen Thornton - 1/2 lb. tea
Smith Titus - 1 p. gloves, 1 pail sette
Joseph Martin - 1 lb. nailes
Isaac Peterson - door trimmings, 4 1/2 doz. screws, 1/2 u. umber, 5 lb. yarn, 2 sheets sand paper
James M. Thornton - 1 lb. nailes
Ira Perry - paid to Liddy Ronyon $12
Liddy Ronyon - bal. on dress $16
N.P. Thornton - 1 lb. candles, screws
Luther Thornton - 1/2 lb. tea, 1/2 lb. salts
Lewis Canfield - 1 pa. tobacco, 1 spool thread, 1 set cups & Saucers
Emerey Rugelsbe (?) - 1/2 lb. tobacco, 1 fine comb

Thursday Nov. 9

Eathan Peaes - 1 Sanders S. book
L.S. (S.S.?) Wheeler - 2 yds. cambrick, 1 spool thread, 1 sks. silk
W. of F. Thornton - paid Thomas for Ashes
W. of F. Thornton - paid S. Plumb Ashes, paid J Griffis Ashes
W.P. Thornton - door trimmings
Joshua Baker - 1/2 lb. Y.H. tea, 1/2 lb. saltes, 1 lb. logwood, coprus
Isaac Peterson - 8 lbs. sugar
Eathan Pease - 1 lb. Saleratus
W. of F. Thornton - paid Andrews Ashes, paid John Wallace bal. on oats, paid Jaquette
W.P. Thornton - 1/2 box glas, 3 lb. whiting
Horace A. Baker - 1 gal. molasses

Friday Nov. 11th [Note: error on date here]

Stephen Thornton - 1 sks. silk, 1 doz. buttons, 1/2 yd. lilliten, 3/4 yd. cambrick
Samuel Shepherd - buy bal. on sheep skins
W. of F. Thornton - paid on flower
Amos Morgan - 2 lbs. rice
Samuel W. Cooley - 1 gal. molasses
Wilbur Cooley - 1 1/2 bu. turnips
Parry Parker - 1 bu. pease
Calvin Leach - buy old iron, buy 2 sheep skins, 2 lbs. madder, 1 lb. allum, 6 buttons, 450 feet lumber ($9) for
346 lb. old iron ($5.19)
Samuel N. Cooley - 12 sheets paper, 1/2 lb. tea, 1 lb. rasins, 2 lbs. sugar
William Yewels - 1 lb. O.H. Tea



Memorandum for the City
Fleming Feb. 13th 1844

Blue vitrel
Irish black powder
Lump Sugar and Loafs
Gum Arabec
Red Chalk
Large Pencils
Small Paint Stripeing Brushes
Lip Salve (Rose)

Blk Mitts
Dimity for Collers
Coat Faceing Fine
Mens 1/2 Mis. Shoes
Cotton Boned H___s
Door Locks

4 Black Cambric
3 Furniture Calico Cheap
2 " good
2 Pink calico
8 " light and dark
Reg. silk haks(?)
Cheap silk small coat
Summer cravats nice
Summer vesting nice
1/2 p. ginham pink
2 lbs. blk silk
1 lb. all brown cotton thread
1 lb. white fine
blk kid ladies gloves


the stile of goods to wear around the neck
2 pc. 2 inch blk ribbin
1 pc. 1 inch blk co
2 pc. 1 & 1 1/2 inch blue do
fashionable hat ribbands
1/2 lb. twist corse
oil silk for hat lining
stay laces, cords & straps
silk & cotton boot string
1 pc. brown towling
3 1/2 yd. diaper
4 doz. light & dark spool
worsted binding roll
silk coat cord brade
3 lbs. fine linen Marshal thread no. 50 & 60
1 pc. __ linen edging
1 doz. stk. narrow linen tape
1 " balls do cotton do
2 " white wide "
1 pc. fine sash linen
4 gross suspender buttons
2 " perrell coat "
1 " " vest "
1 " __ velvets "
1 gross strap
2 boxes shirt buttons
1 box needles
1 bross bunting
cheap wallets
6 paaacks large pins
Silesia 1 pc. brown
1 " 1 " blk
2 pc. dress silk
1 nice bonnett silk


lace nice for caps 1 yard wide
shirting fine bleach
bales heavey & cheap
1 pc. blue & white apren check
1 pc. blue lane
2 pc. cheaper summer cloth
1 nice for coars
1 nice for pants
1 pc. Kentucky lane
1 box ___ suspenders
1 bunch whale bones
1 lb. black ball cord in box
1 bunch ratans
1/2 doz. cheap umbrella
1/2 good "
2 doz cheap purls
3 lbs. broom twine
cheap battin
2 p. cord drilling

cheap tumblers 3 doz.
thick bottom 3 do
tapering 1 do
1 gross tea cups & saucers
1 box ashes to reurned
1 Bottle Sandnum (?)
percussion caps
Vitrel Blue
Cream Tarter
good blk ink powder
Gumb Arobect


hare brushes
___ chalk lines
___ flesh(?) lines
4 matts cassin
Epsom salts
6 lbs. Borax
1 gross vials
Corkes Vials & Jugs
Scotts snuff
1/2 White pitchers
3 doz. brekfess Plates
2 " dinner
Red Lead
___ deep plates
Shot 2 bags No. 1
2 Sett ___ handel knive & forks
assorted setts
Door Handles
Padlocks for your own use
Cubberd locks
drawer do
Grass Sythes Harnises
3/4 7/8 & 1 inch scrwees
Butts 2 1/2, 3 1/2, 3 3/4 butts
Pepper spice
Iron Files Large Saw
Blk Smith Iron Files
Loaf Refind Sugar
Lump cheap
1 bag good coffee
Grafton Tea
Twisted Plug Tobacco
mice traps


1 Barrel Rice
Cod fish
Sugar 2 ___ good
8 boxes Raison
2 gallons Castor oil
2 gals. sweet oil
1 doz. shoe varnish
1 barrel logwood
2 doz. close lines
4 barrels tobacco, 2 oz. each
Round pointed shovels
Iron " do


M___ down 44
Narow Blk Velvet ribbon
Pink Ginham
Small Wafers
1 p. Blk Silesia
1 p. Light do
1 p. Dark Brown do
Narow Linen Edgeing
Inserting Good
Small Looking Glasses
Large & small Servers
Money Purses
1 doz. nice chest locks
Martingale rings
Bridle bitts
Halter Rings
1 Ball ___cking
small Lamblack
2 lbs. cloves
Blue Vitrel
Brass Candle Sticks
British Luster
large & Small Servers
Licorish stick
Oil Cloth
Curtain calico
Blk crape
cheap glass white
" blk do
Whale bones


Large Saadirons 7 x 8
Carpet Tax
7/8 inch Spanables 4 doz.
Servers 3/4 & 1 inch 1/2 heavy
Knives & Forks Ivory
Door handles
Horse Cards 1 doz.
Good Shoe Thread
Halter Rope
Good Padlocks
Serving Alls
Assortment knives
Gun Caps
Firmer Chisels
Rasor Straps
Tobacco boxes
5 u. Antimony
1 Reg. Saltpeter
1 u. Sena
Shovel Strong cheap & small
1 m--ll Edgeing & inserting
Narow Linen Edgeing
Narow Edgeing
Brown Twine
Knitting yarn
Steel Beads
Gilt Beads
Extract Logwood



4 p. Blk Cambrick
6 Assorted Brown ___
4 Blk Calico
6 Blue Calico
6 high collers
12 midling
10 Cheepish
4 p. Vary Cheap
Plain Blk Alpaca
1 p. Laceing big
Cashmer for ___
narow Blk Sattin Ribband
Blk Ribband 1 1/2 inch & 1 1/2
Morning big Ribband
narow White Sattin
Narrowish Blue
1 Box Hats Ribbands


Names from ledger which might or might not be persons listed above:


THORNTON, Francis E. d. Mar. 22, 1872 ae 62y 7mo 5da "Father"
HALL, Simon 1785-1856 "Father"
WALDO, John d. Aug. 25, 1878 in 86th yr
THORNTON, Luther 1798-1866 "Father"
WHITBECK, Henry Jr. d. June 22, 1859 ae 31yrs Flem D.#18 Henry Sr.
THORNTON, Stephen d. Dec. 14, 1854 ae 73y 5mo 13da
BAKER, Joshua d. Sept. 19, 1851 ae 82 yrs
TALLMAN, John B. d. July 10, 1864 ae 71y 9mo
MYERS, David 1805-1886 (Nov 6 ae 81-5-19 Flem. D. #27)
PEASE, Ethan 1806-1897


PARKER, Perry d. July 25, 1888 ae 72 yrs

Transcribed and contributed by: Martha S. Magill, Coordinator, Herkimer/Montgomery Counties NYGenWeb
© 2001 Martha S. Magill
All Rights Reserved.
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