1898 Stock Certificate - National Car Truck Co. - Port Byron, N.Y.

Stock Certificate

Rochester Democrat And Chronicle - December 15, 1897 - Page 4
"Big Car Truck Company" -
Largest Enterprise Ever Organized by Port Byron Capitalist- Looking For A Boom -
Great Things Expected From The New Car Truck Company Which Has Been Organized With A Capital Stock of $200,000 - Cayuga-

One of the largest enterprises ever organized by Port Byron capitalists has just been incorporated under the laws of New York. The company is to be known as the Port Byron Car Truck Company and numbers among its stockholders several prominent capitalists and substantial business men. The capital stock is $200,000, most of which is held by Port Byron men. The company is organized for the purpose of manufacturing and selling six-wheel radial street car trucks. The truck is the invention of John P. Faye of Binghamton. The company was organized through the efforts of Charles Thompson, a mechanical engineer of New York. John W. Barrus is president of the new company. The vice-president is Edward M. Slayton, postmaster. The secretary is William I. Gallt, member of the firm of Gallt & Branch, shirt manufactures. Richard Warren, coal and lumber dealer, is treasurer. Besides the above named officers the board of directors includes Henry Fenn and Benjamin Lathrop, members of the Port Byron Hardware Company. S. F. Dixon, proprietor of the large milling establishment. William Blake, proprietor of the Port Byron Drug Company. L. H. King, Proprietor of the Port Byron Chronicle and superintendent of section No. 7 of the Erie canal. Among the stockholders are John W. Barrus, Edward M. Slayton, William T. Gallt, Henry Fenn, Benjamin Lathrop, T. Fayette Dixon, Walter S. Caton, Carrie M. Kinnie, Lena Gardner, Thomas Gardiner, Richard Warren, Lavern Newkirk, George Newkirk, William Blake, John A. Topliff, Daniel Baldwin, Thomas Crane, Benson C. Smith, L. H. King, O. B. Tanner, Warren L. Young, John L. Davis, and others.

After several months of hard work Mr. Faye succeeded in evolving a satisfactory truck and then the work of organizing a company to manufacture and sell it was commenced.

The great advantage of the Faye truck is: The entire absence of any vacillating motion of car endwise no matter how rough the track; second, it will turn on a 28-foot curve with a foot wheel base on a groove or a "T" rail without any danger of leaving the track, and avoids the ordinary binding of car wheels in making such a curve; third they have what they term a life saving fender which is always in front of the truck; fourth, they also have a device for a car brake which they think will supercede all other car brakes. The truck is so constructed as to fit any car body longer or shorter; fifth, another strong feature is the fact that the car body is lower than any truck now in use; sixth, it is not necessary to slow up in passing switches or in rounding curves, as it is always sure to keep the track.

It is confidently expected the new concern will give 500 men steadily employment at their shops, which in all probability will be located on Main Street near the West Shore depot. Port Byron will, it is thought, have a boom such as has been known since the days of the old grist mill which the citizens never tire talking about, which burned in 1857. Since the old town has been practically asleep, only awakening spasmodically to look at the mince pie factory and the shirt factory, the former of which has ceased to exist. According to the story of the oldest inhabitants the paper mill which was started sometime in 1868, was a death blow to the future prosperity of Port Byron, because of the fact that all of the shareholders sank all of their hard earned cash, the loss being well in the $100,000. Since then the succeeding boards of trade have been vainly pleading with to allow other enterprises to locate at the place, but all to no avail. Among the many enterprises which sought to locate here were the Elgin Watch Company, Oswego Starch Company, Remington Manufacturing Company, Geneva Stove Works. Barton Edge Tool Works, Syracuse Salt Company and a great many others which have all prospered.

Upon a recent trial of the truck at Waterloo, where it was constructed, Editor Vair, formerly of Port Byron, has the following article in a recent publication: "A party of gentlemen styling themselves The National Car Truck Company, of Port Byron, were in town yesterday trying their invention on our electric road. The party consisted of Charles Thompson, William Blake, T. F. Dixon, W. T. Gallt, O. B. Tanner, Henry Fenn, George Newkirk, B. R. Lathrop, Richard Warren, J. W. Barrus, Thomas Gardiner, John L. David, Warren Young, B. C. Smith and E. M. Slayton. The truck was attached to one of the cars and the party rode back and forth over the road with ease and comfort. There was an absence of jolting and pounding, a feature claimed for the new invention, and an evenness and smoothness that made riding delightful. Curves were rounded with like ease and without the usual grinding and binding sound. Noise is reduced to a minimum. The gentlemen mentioned were delighted with the trial and were enthusiastic in support of their new invention. They returned home more than ever convinced of the excellence of their invention."

After the trial of the truck, which is constructed of steel, was dissected and brought to Port Byron on heavy drays and was again put together and is now in E. M. Slayton's building on exhibition. The promoters think that a few years will see the new truck adopted on all the street railroads. The business promises to become Port Byron's greatest industry. It is proposed to inaugurate the new industry with imposing ceremonies. The program of which has not yet been completed. But the general sentiment is to have a grand parade, speeches by prominent men, fireworks and a banquet and ball.


Auburn NY Weekly Bulletin (Newspaper) December 16, 1897 – Page 5
Lower half of 2nd column-
>Several men from this place, who are interested in the development of the Faye car truck visited Waterloo during the past week and witnessed a very successful trial of the invention.  One of the Geneva & Waterloo Electric Railroad Company’s heaviest cars were placed on the truck and the ride was made with such ease and comfort.  There was an unusual absence of jolting and pounding which is a feature claimed for the invention.  The company is to be known as the National Car Truck Company of Port Byron. Work on a new and improved truck will be commenced at once.  About $100.00 of stock has already been taken.  Port Byron is very fortunate to secure what promises to be such an important business.<

This stock certificate image was shared with the Cayuga County NYGenWeb Project by John M. Szabol
in March 2007