In the 1826 Circuit Court Minutes Book for Cayuga County NY (on file in the County Records Management Office), is found the following:
April 10th 1826
This day was put into the Owasco Lake, twenty two fish of the following kinds Viz: Pickerel, Pike, Oswego Bass, &Black Bass, which were caught in the Seneca River near Montezuma and put into said Lake in presence of 10 of the Citizens of Auburn who defrayed the expence ) all alive and in good swimming order, and it is to be hoped said fish will multiply as the sands of the lake in number for the benefit of future generations.
This Entry made by the subscriber at the special request of the above donors.
A. Gridley

A note placed in the margin of the above document cites the following:
This record is true – It is also too true that the fish were either dead or died soon after they were put into the water.
One of the 10
October 1836

1826 Owasco Lake Stocking

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