From: []
Sent: Wednesday, September 16, 2015 1:42 PM
Subject: Some Cayuga County NY Newspaper References To Vital Record Events In The 1830s

I was browsing an archival newspaper site, and came across these items so I transcribed them for you.

Auburn Free Press (from the NYS Historic Newspapers Online) Marriages and Deaths
The dates are the dates of the newspaper and not the date of the event.
Married: In Mentz, on Thursday evening last, by Rev. Mr. Hopkins, of Weedsport, Mr. Charles Barnes, of Sennett, to Miss Sarah Sommers, of the former place.
Married: On the 21st, In Friends’ Scipio Meeting House, Augustus Howland, of New Bedford, Mass to Phebe Jane Howland, daughter of Humphry Howland, and grand daughter of Benjamin Howland.  A. Howland had living on the day of his marriage, eleven parents, and grandparents, all by the name of Howland, and none of them within the degree of consanguinity of fourth cousin.
Died:  Suddenly on the 23rd, Benjamin Howland, near Aurora, aged 76.  He was one of the early settlers in this county, much beloved by a numerous acquaintance, and died in peace with all men.
Died:  At Weedsport, on Monday the 19th instant, after a short illness, Mrs. Elizabeth Lathrop, consort of Mr. Gurden Lathrop, in the 59th year of her age.
Married:   On the 2d inst. By the Rev. J. Clark of Scipio, Mr. Daniel Gould, to Miss Angellina, daughter of E. Hammond, Esq. both of Fleming.
In Sennett, on the 3d inst. By Sylvester Shelden, Esq. Mr. Judah Everts, to Miss Augusta Bassett, all of that place.
Married:  On the 1st inst. By the Rev. Mr. Clark, Mr. Ezra D. Barnes, of Ledyard to Miss Sally Durkee of Scipio.
By the same on the 2d inst. Mr. Isaac Gray to Miss Lidia daughter of Mr. Henry Crane, all of Springport.
On the 2d inst. By the Rev. G. C. Boynton, Mr. Mason W. Gogswell to Miss Mathilda Austain,  both of Sennett.
Married:  In the Village of Moravia, on the 3d inst. By Ebenezer Smith, Esq.,  Mr. Jesse McCarty, of Venice, to Miss Hannah Platt, of the former place.

Married:  On Monday morning, the 8th inst. By the Rev. Mr. Hough, Mr. Vincent Clark of Jericho, to Mrs. Laura Lathrop, of Weedsport.
Married:  In Mentz on the 28th inst. By the Rev. Mr. Hopkins, Mr. James M. Leonard to Miss Catharine Donaldson.
Died:  On Onondaga, on Tuesday the 9th inst. Mr. Giles N. Cornish, in the 31st year of his age.
In Scipio on Thursday, 11th inst. Of Consumption, Mira C. Eldest daughter of Doct. Phinehas Hurd, aged 22 years 17 days.
Married:  In Genoa, on Thursday morning 17th inst. By Rev. Mr. Malin, A. C. Taber, M. D. to Miss Sarah E. daughter of Mr. John Seymour, all of that place.
Married: In East Genoa, on the 10th inst. By the Rev. Elder Draper, James S. Tilford Esq. of Sterling, to Miss Nancy Calvern of East Genoa.
Died: In this place, on Saturday morning, 4th inst, Mrs. Margaret Crane, wife of Albert Crane, Esq. of Conquest.
Married:  On Thursday the 7th inst. By the Rev. Mr. Ames, Mr. Alanson Robinson of Venice, to Miss Susan Lapham of Moravia.  In Sennett, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Joseph Castle, Mr. Silas Keeler of Mentz, to Miss Nancy Bagley of the former place.
Died:  Of consumption in the state of Ohio on the 24th Oct. last, Mr. John E. Powell in the 23d year of his age, son of Daniel Powell of Elbridge, Onodaga Co.
Died: At his residence in Ledyard, on the morning of the 19th inst. Mr. Cornelius Burlew aged 74 years.  For nearly forty years, he resided on the farm which he occupied at the time of his death.  He was one of the early settlers of the country.  Kind and obliging he conciliated the good will of his neighbors and acquaintances.

Married:  In Aurelius, Feb 4th, By Rev. S. M. Plumb, Mr. Horatio G. Holbroke, to Miss Polly Ann Wilcox, both of Aurelius.
Died: In Ledyard, on Friday the 9th inst. George W. Farnam, in the 66th year of his age.  He was born in New London county, (Conn) and removed to western New York in the year 1798-having occupied his late residence forty years.  Few men have left the state of life, more universally respected, or whose characters have been less sullied by the frailties of humanity.

Vicki Davey (Irwin Descendant)