Abstracts from Auburn Daily Advertiser in 1849

Source: Auburn Daily Advertiser (Auburn NY) published in evening.  This newspaper was published every evening except Sunday. The information comes from the microfilm located at Cornell University.  I have no other info other than what is included on the spreadsheet.  Transcribed by: Karen Bradley.
Abstracts of Marriages - September 1849
Abstracts of Deaths - September 1849
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Auburn Sept. 1, 1849
Abstracts of Marriages - October 1849
Abstracts of Deaths - October 1849
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Auburn Oct 1, 1849
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Port Byron, Oct 1, 1849
Abstracts of Marriages - November 1849
Abstracts of Deaths - November 1849
List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Auburn NY - Nov. 1, 1849

Under Construction
Source: Auburn Daily Advertiser (Auburn NY) published in evening.  This newspaper was published every evening except Sunday. The information comes from the microfilm located at Cornell University, which is missing a copy of September 19, 1849. I have no other info other than what is included on the spreadsheet. The column labeled Transcriber's Notes indicates that there is some additional info, mostly personal qualities, in the notice, but no other names.  Transcriber does not have the microfilm in personal possession so cannot do any lookups. Transcribed by: Karen Bradley.

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