Pultneyville Oct. 31 51
Miss Howland
I rec'd yours making enquiries in reference to the facilities for the escape
of Fugitives to Canada from this place. In Answer, l would say, that
the opportunities at this season of the year are not good at all but in the
Summer pretty good. We have no direct communication with Canada. In
the Season of the running of Boats our Steam Boats call here (when the weather
is good) say, once a week on their way to Rochester thence to Lewiston, where
they cross. Sometimes Sail Boats pass over to Kingston for freight,
but of course at uncertain periods. Thus you See the means are not
very favorable, and yet doubtless more so, than more inland Situations.
As to a Situation for a man to labour, it is the same with us probably as
with you, not much needed at present, and l do not now know of a house. As
to the AntiSlavery Sentiment it is as good as the average of this thrice
quality people. As to advising the Fugitive to remain or go, it
is difficult to determine. I do not think however there is
much danger in your community or ours. They will not come in the country
for Fugitives. I am in great haste or l would add more. Please
excuse this brief answer.
Yours for freedom
S. C. Cuyler
P.P. Remember me affectionately to your Father and all who love free
principles. |