
Company I
111th NYS Volunteer Infantry Regiment


MUSTER-IN ROLL of CAPTAIN SIDNEY MEAD's Company (I), in the 111th Regiment of N.Y.S. Volunteers, 

commanded by COLONEL JESSE SEGOINE, called into the service of the United States by the 

President, from the twentieth day of August, 1862 (date of this master), for the term of three

years, unless sooner discharged.


							  	  AND ENROLLED

								When		Where		

Sidney Mead Capt Merrill W. Murdock 1st Lt Arthur W. Marshall 2nd Lt 1 Marcellus R. Mosher 1st Sergt 23 July 23 Venice 2 Allen E. Hoxie 2d do 21 do 20 Scipio 3 Andrew M. Heath 3d do 26 do 24 Locke 4 Daniel J. Lumbard 4th do 35 do 21 Moravia 5 George Peckham 5th do 20 Aug. 7 Venice 1 Harvey F. Smith 1st Corp'l 24 do 6 Ledyard 2 Levi White 2d do 24 do 9 Moravia 3 Geo. Holliday 3d do 21 do 8 Sempronius 4 Nathan Booth 4th do 25 do 6 do 5 William S. Bothwell 5th do 25 July 25 E. Genoa 6 Nelson Mason 6th do 22 Aug. 7 Ledyard 7 Alonzo Arnold 7th do 40 do 14 Moravia 8 Aaron W. Chase 8th do 22 do 6 Sempronius 1 Andrews, Glenn Private 18 July 23 Venice 2 Burgess, Andrew C do 41 do 21 Moravia 3 Booth, Richard do 18 do 25 do 4 Birdsell, William H do 22 Aug. 14 do 5 Bailey, John E do 30 do 5 Sempronius 6 Barber, Stephen C do 33 do 13 Niles 7 Burlingham, Sanford do 24 do 11 Moravia 8 Bowen, William M do 18 do 11 do 9 Briggs, Cary M do 19 do 8 Locke 10 Booth, Marten do 45 July 28 Moravia 11 Brister, James do 18 do 25 do 12 Booher, William H do 21 do 25 do 13 Crawford, David H do 22 do 24 do 14 Cruthers Leander do 23 Aug. 9 do 15 Davenport, Oren E do 28 do 5 do 16 Davis, Lewis B do 29 do 15 Niles 17 Dean, Seward do 22 do 11 Ledyard 18 Fox, George do 24 do 4 Moravia 19 Foster, Henry C do 19 do 7 Sempronius 20 French, William R do 22 do 7 do 21 Fuller, Samuel G do 18 do 11 Ledyard 22 Gilbertson, James do 44 do 13 Venice 23 Gray, Amos H do 18 do 8 do 24 Gould, Benjamin F do 18 do 7 Scipio 25 Green, William H do 19 July 28 Moravia 26 Gray, John G do 23 do 25 Venice 27 Grinnell, John do 22 Aug. 8 do 28 Hull, Bishop A do 18 July 21 do 29 Hoagland, Alfred do 44 do 29 Moravia 31 Huff, Daniel do 26 Aug. 13 Niles 32 Harrington, Martin do 29 do 5 Venice 33 Huff, Harvey W. do 34 do 11 Niles 34 Impson, Gilbert do 18 do 8 Moravia 35 Jenkins, John do 44 do 9 do 36 Knapp, David do 19 July 24 Venice 37 Knapp, Theodore do 18 do 28 do 38 Ludlow, John G do 25 Aug. 5 Locke 39 Learn, Franklin do 21 July 20 Venice 40 Lillie, Alonzo do 24 Aug. 8 Moravia 41 Lillie, Jabez do 30 do 6 do 42 Moore, Giles D do 21 do 14 Ledyard 43 Munn, Hosea do 27 do 13 Niles 44 Moss, Frederick T. do 30 July 19 Locke 45 Miller, Charles do 20 Aug. 3 Moravia 46 Mullaly, Anthony do 24 do 7 Ledyard 47 Olney, Martin V. B. do 21 do 6 Sempronius 48 Palmer, Morton M do 21 do 8 Ledyard 49 Peckham, Frederick A do 19 do 14 do 50 Patchin, William H do 22 do 11 do 51 Parker, Morrell do 27 do 8 Moravia 52 Post, Charles F do 24 July 28 Ledyard 53 Robinson, Albert do 19 Aug. 11 Venice 54 Richardson, Vinson C do 28 do 8 Block 55 Robinson, George E do 20 do 8 Venice 56 Ross, David do 21 do 5 Scipio 57 Reynolds, Robert W do 33 do 6 Sempronius 58 Royce, Tyler do 28 do 9 Moravia 59 Steel, Jacob do 32 do 3 Genoa 60 Stearns, Zenas D do 42 July 7 Moravia 61 Slarrow, John S do 19 Aug. 5 do 62 Smith, Ansel do 19 do 9 Ledyard 63 Sweet, Daniel W do 20 do 6 Sempronius 64 Sherman, William H do 30 do 9 Moravia 65 Sandwick, Thomas do 19 do 8 Venice 66 Slarrow, Lorenzo do 44 do 8 Moravia 67 Shaw, John Wesley do 19 July 28 Venice 68 Sherman, Lester do 23 do 25 do 69 Smith, Charles F do 19 do 19 do 70 Thompson, Hudson do 31 Aug. 6 Sempronius 71 Tuttle, Charles do 37 do 7 Moravia 72 Thompson, Sobeski do 19 Aug. 6 Sempronius 73 Tripp, William C do 19 do 11 Venice 74 White, Charles do 20 do 8 Moravia 75 White, John P do 20 July 21 Locke 76 Whipple, Josephus H do 20 do 20 Venice 77 Wilder, George H do 21 Aug 5 Scipio 78 Williams, Leonard do 28 do 10 Venice 79 Hudson, John A do 18 do 5 do I certify, on honor, that this Muster Roll exhibits the true state of Captain Sidney Mead's Company (I) of the 111th Regiment N.Y. State Volunteers, for the period herein mentioned: that each man answers to his own proper name in person; and that the remarks set opposite the name of each officer and soldier are accurate and just. SIDNEY MEAD, Capt., Commanding the Company (I) Date---August 20th, 1862. Station---Auburn, N.Y. I certify, on honor, that I have carefully examined the men whose names are borne on this Roll, their horses and equipments, and have accepted them into the service of the United States, for the term of three years, from this twentieth day of August, 1862. W. G. EDGERTON, Capt. 111th inf. Mustering Officer Date---August 20th, 1862 Station---Auburn, N.Y.
The United States Army Military History Institute at Carlisle Pennsylvania lists the following sources of additional information on the 111th Regiment. If not available elsewhere the Carlisle Barracks does participate in Interlibrary Loans and will also make photocopies of references. Dyer, Frederick H. A Compendium of the War of the Rebellion. Vol. 2. Dayton, OH: Morningside, 1979. Ref. See p. 1448 (1 photocopied page) for a concise summary of the regiment's service. Murray, R.L. The Redemption of the "Harper's Ferry Cowards": The Story of the 111th and 126th New York State Volunteer Regiments at Gettysburg. n.p., 1994. 177 p. E475.53M87.1994. New York (State). AGO. Annual Report...for the Year 1902. No. 34. Albany, NY: Oliver Quayle, 1903. pp. 671-920. E523.2N6no34. (Alphabetical roster of the regiment). Monuments Comm for the Battlefields of Gettysburg and Chattanooga. Final Report on the Battlefield of Gettysburg. Vol. 2. Albany, NY: J. B. Lyon, 1900. E475.53N58v2. See pp. 791-805 (16 photocopied pages) for a photo of the regimental monument at the Gettysburg National Military Park and addresses delivered at its dedication. Phisterer, Frederick, comp. New York in the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1865. Vol. 4. Albany, NY: Weed and Parsons, 1890. E523P582v4. See pp. 3305-20 (16 photocopied pages) for a brief history of the regiment and a roster of officers. Thompson, Benjamin W. "Flight From Florida." CWTI 12 (Aug 1973): pp. 12-21 (10 photocopied pages). Per. "'This Hell of Destruction.'" CWTI 12 (Oct 1973): pp. 12-23 (12 photocopied pages). Per. "Back to the South." CWTI 12 (Nov 1973): pp. 28-39 (2 photocopied pages). Per. "A President's Jailor." CWTI 12 (Dec 1973): pp. 24-33 (10 photocopied pages). Per. The following pertinent personal papers are in the Institute's Manuscript Archive: Failing, Charles M. - CWMiscColl (Pvt's service hist, discharge paper & letter from U.S. Grant, 1862-1902) Gifford/Holmes Family - CWMiscColl (Capt Sebastian D. Holmes Letters, Jun 16, 1861- Dec 21, 1862) Smith, Harry F. - CWMiscColl (Enlisted man's letters, Mar 1-Apr 6, 1864) Thompson, Benjamin - CWTIColl (COL's recollections of war, 1861-65) Thompson, Benjamin - BrakeColl (Capt's personal narrative of Gettysburg, Jul 1-4, 1863)

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