Local, Literary, Miscellaneous
Auburn, NY - July 24, 1863

Transcribed by: Kathy Varela in 2002

To view images for sections of the 1863 newspaper showing this Cayuga County NY Civil War Draft List, click HERE (Courtesy Of Deborah Plugh in Sept. 2016)

The Draft.- Owing to the demand for copies of the list of conscripted men in this city, we re-publish the same to day, together with the names of all drafted for the county.

First Sub-District - Auburn, 1st Ward

**** ****Barth
Thomas F. Shaffer      	Calvin B. Gill		Thos Deering
William H. Curtiss	Adam F. Dates		Wm J Sutton
William H. Barntz	Rufus Sheldon		Wm White
Martin V. Babcock	John D. Harris		Jas Payne
William S. Daggett	Jas Mason		Francis W Atwood
William Billings	Michael Shay		Le Roy Kimberly
Franklin Martin		Mellen Mc Farland	Gilbert Warne
Edward A. Thomas	Alfred Mead		Wm L Sanford
Timothy Burns		Jabez H. Jameson	James Dwyer
Thomas Hudson		John Murphy		John Murphy
William Smith		Lawrence Burns	       	Ansel Waterman
William Bench		Chas Hyatt		S Hall Morris
Orlando Lewis		Rufus H. Law		John Hulbert
Henry Ward		Jacob Achardt		Peter Rogers
Norman B. Bowman	Clements Chsters	Andrew Ritchmyre
Henry P. Greene		Wm Burns		Munson C Cronk
Robert T. Paine		Jas Kent		Wm Tracy
John Bartholomew	Horace W. Taylor	John Willis
Edward Farry		Morris Evans Jr		Henry Lewis
Henry Barrett		Israel L. Hicks
Jacob Wride		Jas Sarr
Edward H. Wilcox	John Mc Ewen
Wm. Fox			Augustus Hockaburn
Jas S. Bradburn		Thomas Burn
Jas Blockman		Wm H Halsted
Gurnsey A. Curtis	Thomas Mullen
Jacob Osborn		Thomas McRoy
Eugene Babbett		John G Fowler
Peter McCarty		Abraham Cro*k
Edward Ryan		Jas Harri*
Heman Mauer		Wm F. Merrow
Wm Campbell		Geo W. Elliott
Michal Murphy		Patrick Henlon
Daniel Reyes		Wm Anderson
**bert E. Walpole	Geo Sanford
John Y. Selover		Wm H Boyington
John C. O'Brian		Wm Slade Jr

2d Sub District - Auburn, 2d Ward

Samuel F Reynolds	Bartlett Fanning
E Kellogg Beach		Wm P Robinson
Joseph Peel		Jabez Bradley
Napoleon B Reynolds	Henry Mayer
James Copperfield	Sterling Vosburgh
John Grover		Abner E Warriner
John Gilbert		John Dempsey
Ambrose Sh*el		Wm R Haynes
Wm D Slee
Peter Ging
Edward W Hicks
Charles S Harris
Charles Lovell
Nathan Fox
Edgar Bucklin
George Freeman
Edmond Root
Dorr Hamblin
Jabez Hawkins
Wm J Van Brunt
Stephen M Van Anden
Wm P Copes
John Burgess
Michael Kelly
Charles Y Morris
Albert Van Aumon
John Compston
David Wetherby
John Wesley
Alexander B Elliott
Horton Sturgess
Abram Seizer
Thomas Peacock
Geo Anderson
Frederick Vanderburg
Augustus W Cadmus
Ansun A Messing
Asa Priest
Wm Caypless
Joseph Blair
Aug A Henry
Edwin R Heath
Chas P Fitch
Michael Ganan

3d Sub- District - Auburn, 3d Ward

John L. Taylor		Patrick Gibben
John Chedell		Andrew J Knight
Robert Welch		Agodias Van Ord
Wm H Hotchkiss		William Hicks
Alex Wallace		James Foley
Albert L Clark		William H Soule
Chas F Durston		Samuel White
Wm G Merrill		Edward Brown
Patrick Creeden		B*itton W Spencer
John Moran		John Shilley
Geo W Elderton		Patrick Casey
James Corley		John Lisk
Merton Sullivan		Charles A Warden
Alonzo Sweet		Thomas McDonald
John Eman		Charles A Smith
Thomas N Choate		Martin Briggs
John Bendirge		Martin Lawler
Albert Salsbury		Jus*in L Baker
Calvin N Riggs		Wm Redmond
John Tierney		John O'Conner
Jas Mitchell		John Ch*llard
Nathaniel Kelsey	John Clarkson
Michael Carlton		Gideon Pettit
Frederick Baker       	Ebenezer M Walker
Chas D Kellogg
Edward L Tremain
Jas Horner
Hezekiah Shultz
Wm Dugall
Edson Gere
Patrick Coyle
Geo F Munger
Geo T Pomeroy
John Heron
Michael Boyle
Wm J Moses
Alex Carr
Fred Fillingham
John P Mosher
Jas Long
Patrick K*rwan
Geo Wilkinson
John S Brown
Geo A Van Dusen

4th Sub District - Auburn 4th Ward

Frank White		Orson Buck		Thos Quiqley			
Smith D Stiles		William Hart		Michael Walker
Benjamin F Pierce	John Polson		David T Lynch
William Hopping		Martin Pabar		John Calahart
 Daniel Hull		Michael Linebeck	Wm Hughes
Terrance Gill		John Harrigan		Peter Raymond
John Conger		Jas Gleason		Jas Barney
Patrick Kanliher	Wm B Loveland		Job Williams
Martin Lower		Jas Ryan		Jas Osterhoudt
A Marvin Shew		Orin Burdick Jr		Jas McDougall
Henry A Ranaham		Geo Davis		Thos Harrington		
Patrick Hanlan		Clark Wilson		Jas McGraw
Stephen Hopping		Patrick Quaid		Geo Perry
William Topping		Joseph Unser
James Hamilton		Edwin Lewis
William F LeRoy		T*os Beadle
Andrew W McDonald	Michael B*icks
Henry Heman		David Evarts
Stephen Miller		Chas Morgan
James Young		John Swarts
Peter Stringham		Henry Western
James Crowman		Timothy Murphy
William Goodwin		Lewis Wise
Horace M Richardson	Mortimer Sullivan
Henry Farrell		Abraham Goodrich Jr
Benjamin Burlios	David Barnes
Daniel O'Brian		Daniel Smith
John Hawley		Joseph Deal
William Cosgrove	John Smagg
John Thomas		Fay Hungerford
David Cook		Thos Furgeson
Frank Cook		Hugh Slater
Nathan Case		Jas Stafford
Andrew M Seymour	Kirk Harkness
John Duckett		Timothy Tyreny
Stephen Conley		Donot Bohn
George Seales		Thos Casey
James Mann		Gilbert Cook
Morris Kinney		Daniel S Williams
Albert Thompson		Joseph Norocott
Ellis B Coddington	Geo Winzor
Lewis M Upham		Albert Gilbert
Thos Towns		John Mellen
Jerry Long		Wm Siddons

5th Sub District - Aurelius, 2d Elec. Dist.

Richard Fear
William Glancey
Martin Doberty
Henry C. Hall
James McNinney
Frank Moore
William Rolf
William Carl
Lewis Hulitt
John Conley
Headen Carner
John Warwick
Elias A. Fighter
James B. Young
James Gleason
John Cumisky
Thomas Mansfield
George Blunn
Michael Martin
Patrick Danahue
Benjamin F. David
John Mitchell
Thomas Shea
Alfred H. Smith
Lewis Sawyer
David D. Terrill
George Counsell
James Patterson
Ira B. Ireland
James McCarthey
James Banker
Peter L. Davis
George Parcel
James Campen
Charles F. Shank
Nathaniel Blanchard
William S. Davis
Chauncey Wiley
John E. Patterson
James Guilderalieve

6th Sub-District - Aurelius, 1st Elec. Dist.

Joseph Berry
John Slinger
*arnes E. Pinckney
Patrick Dempsey
Patrick Mohan
George French
Eugene White
Michael Butler
Levi Lines
John Nolan
Charles E. Talbot
Jerry Sullivan
Robert W. *stover
James Kidd
John Kernan
Michael Riley
Lewis Macumber
Aaugustus Stringham
Patrick Sullivan
Joseph Delany
John Ellis
John Walker
Nicolas Mathews
Patrick Ryan
Augustus D. Baker
John G. Hosmer
David Beach
Edward Elwood
Lyman W. Demerest
Smith Canniff
Ambrose Bond
Isaac F. Chase
George B. Van Etten
Emerson White

7th Sub-District - Brutus

Isaac H. Holcomb	Patrick Cain
William Hamilton	Theodore Rogers
Isha B. Remington	Elias Cady
William Gardiner	Charles W Burrett
Wm Aumock		Chas Halsey Silliman
Douglass Calhoun	Seneca Philips
David Banks		Patrick Eagan					
Amaziah H. Holden	Patrick McVoy
Robert G. Adams		Corydon Case
John T. M. Davie	Sylvester Skelton Jr
Chauncey C. Caywood	Stillman Livingston
James Whalen		Geo S. Phelps
Frank McGonda		Geo A. Rude
George Wilson		William Skelton
Lewis W. Terwillegar	Hugh Quinn
Martin Gibbs		Patrick Hickey
Hugh Riley		Warner A. Lawrence
Thomas Durlieu		Frink Faatz
James O'Mearn		Henry Aumock
Harvey L. Hall		Asa W. Shurtliff
Geo Van Schroick	Richard Breer
Thomas Ward		John Horigan
Edwin J. Dixon		Benjamin Smith
John M. Aumock		Delevan Hodges				
Chauncey P. Horton	Reuben H. Lamphire
Madison J. Rude		Charles Rhodes
Mathias Lanmire		Charles M. Whiteside
John Wilson		Wm Van Berger
Patrick O'Niel		John Conley
Frank W. Putnam
Edwin Rowley
Samuel Howard
Michael McCarty
George Rhodes
Michael Thinneram
Theodore P. Stevens
John Crane
Edwin Henderson
Charles Aumock
Albert Horton
Joseph B. Turner
Clifton Havens
Andrew Hill

8th Sub-District - Cato

Edward W. Horton	Mortimer Barker
Joseph Ogilsbie		Anthony Hodgson
Ira Edwards		Frances A. Mills
James McDennel		Henry Evarts Jr
Daniel Fink		Obed A. Morey
Joshua O'Bryne		Chauncey Drake
Frantz Bachman		Richard De Witt
Charles H Edger		Lewis Tice
Clinton Rockwell	Darwin C. Knapp
John P Genett		Thadeus W. Case
Wm Fulman		Miles Pooler
Henry Baldwin		Edward Pow*ers
George H. Bradt		Wallace Pooler
Daniel Gornear		Mortimer Rider
David Sleight		Chester Morley Jr
George Gornear		Frankin L. Webb
Samuel A. Dalton	Stephen Borgardis
Chauncey L. Fetterly	Alex L Shriver
Cornelius Van Dusen
Henry Botsford
Leonard Mids
John Pooler
Wm E. Robinson
Samuel Young
Charles Applegate
Edgar Drew
Jacob Strickland
Henry Titus
Marcus D. Drew
Isaac Putnam
George De Graff
Alexander Labertoux
John Wood
Daniel Hoyt
Fernando N. Burke
James H. Whitman
Ulysas Finck
Wm Blake
John W. **intz
Theron Cool
David Robinson
Wm H. Evar*s
Abram B. Ladew
Patrick J. O'Mulligan

9th Sub-District - Conquest

Thos Brown		Philander Burton
Jas Brown		Wm Lawrence
Andrew Crowell		Wm J Wilson
Burdick M Winegar
Samuel D. Sherwood
Daniel Fuller
Henry Crounce
Henry Wilcox
Henry Curren
Francis H. Slayton
Francis Aldridge
Wm McCullum
Ephraim Switzer
Wallace Brayton
John W. Cowles
Dennis Colvin
Geo Blaken
Albert Kelley
Norman Judson
John Ru*off
Elmore Cooper
Obadiah Cooper
Wm Knapp
Jas Hotailing
John Blass
Sherwood Fuller
Geo Cutter
Wm L. Cowell
Abram C. Marvin
Ezra Rhodes
Thos E. Montague
Thos H. Starks
Robert Wilson
Silas Wilson
Andrew E. Beebee
Stephen Brayton
Geo Nichols
Geo Guilepus
Mortimer Van Auker
David C. Horton
David Van Ostrand
Levi Bell Knapp
John Roorback
Wm J. Durham

10th Sub-District - Fleming

Edgar Thorp
Franklin Thornton
Harian Hoskins
Volney Pease
Michael Darry
Horace Post
Geo Pratt
Milton Veeder
Reuben C Foy
Orson S Chapman
Geo Stevenson
Wilson Kilmer
Geo R Peterson
John Shehan
Henry Ingraham
Lyman S Baker
Darius B C*ose
Wm Mobbs
Gilbert Greggory
John Vorhies
Philo F Burnet
John Woods Jr
Patrick Whaler
Jas Colefield
Alp**us Jaq**et
Thos Hi*key
Asa Cornell 2nd
Jacob T Benson
Chas H Coffin
Edward Smith

11th Sub-District - Genoa - 1st Election District

Andrew Vandemark
John Callahan
Samuel Close
Enos Price
Henry Marshall
Reynold Lyon
Chas C Gould
Edwin Purdy
John R Jessup
Edgar Thomson
Chas Townley
Wm A Purdy
Marcus D King 2nd
Edwin H Moe
Marcus Reynolds
Benjamin Brown
Lafayette Shaw
Christopher Wheeler
John Duning
Alfred Palmer
Samuel Bates
Jas D Cunningham
Benjamin F. Covert
John Holland
Stephen Brown
Jas R Barnes
Henry B Hunt
Chas Kendall
Norman B Atwater
Ezra A Burne
Howard R Pitcock
Albert Ferris
Joseph Howland
Lyman Miller

12th Sub-District - Genoa - 2nd Election Dist.

Wm F Wood
John Miller
Elmore Brown
Chauncey Henn
Wm S Saxton
Chas Cook
Freeman Blanchard
Wm A Cropsey
Henry Woodford
Jared N Smith
Francis Dangerfield
Friend H Shangle
Anderson Lewis
David Snider
Geo Miller
Orlando Avery
Theodore N Miller
Luther Opston
Wm F Rundle
Oscar Bowker
Geo Marshall
Dennis O Keaf
Delos Hopkins
Edwin L Wood
Nathaniel Rundle
Geo Carson
Phillip Haws
Cyrus W Pratt
Andrew H Farr
Jefferson Thomas

13th Sub-District - Ira

Andrew Campbell 	John B Sheldon
Calvin W Burrett	Elisha H Teller Jr
Jas M Dutton		Elias G Van Ostrandt
Calvin Jones		Van Dorn Marvin
John Slancer		Daniel D Wallace
Geo Merrett		Bartlett M Bunsh
Benjamin Van Derhiden	Miles F Morgan
We*ls Allen		Cortland T Parson
Geo Baldwin
Jas Smith
Thompson T T Hart
Clayton G Phelps
Hiram Abbott
Josiah Talmadge
Martin Pierce
Darius T Cook
David F Harmon
Norton K Par*ne
Isaac Curtis
Albert Cook
Alfred W Palmer
John Spafford
John H Baldwin
George K Emerick
Jas Walker
Isaac O Blake
Jas Joice
Silas W Conger
John Livingston
Stephen Olmstead
Elias Q Dutton
Azariah Judson
Aaron Wormath
Chas H Bates
Samuel C McGraw
derome Beardsley
Jared Foot
Martin Bebee
Wm Culver
Chas R Dallas
Hiram Merrill
Ira H Baldwin
Arnold Wells
Chas Knolton

14th Sub-District - Ledyard

Calvin T Hoxie		Jas Cunningham
John Shea		Jas Owens
Hiram D Lyon		Horace P Wardwell
Geo Jones		Abraham W Locke
Oscar Thompson		Alonzo D Morgan
Giles F Slocum		Richard Murphy
David Stewart		Wm Cooper
Wm C Smith		Louis Potvine
Winchester G Mattison	Lemuel D Hussey
John L Searing		Geo Iden
Nathaniel Davis		Alonzo Armwood
Norman A Lockwood	Benjamin F Taber
Geo S Mosher		David Stewart
Erastus H Hussey
Ames Mosher
Wm H Stewart
Cornelius Dwyor
Wm H White
Joseph Jenner
Chas Peckham
Christopher B Morgan
Thos Seely
Edwin A Avery
Austin Reynolds
Chas Jenning
Emanuel Dade
Frederick D Richmond
Alanson Sands
Joseph Co*es
Geo Wilsher
Chas McGee
Daniel Dalley
Warren Higley
Geo Baker
John D Hussey
Oliver Wood
Abnes S Gifford
Jacob Bastedo
Fredrick Smith
John Linch
Wm Judge
Henry Gun
Geo E Lockwood
Jas Thomas

15th Sub-District - Locke

Theodore Dunksf
Zenas Te*ter
Joha W Ingley
John P Hamb*in
Geo Harris
Freeman Lane Jr
Timothy Silcox
Parker Booth Jr
Oscar Slocum
Jas H Case
Emot Leghorn
Jason W Palmer
Alonzo Mattoon
Jas M King
Clinton C Main
Van Buren Bowker
John F Demmon
Martin Oakly
Ira Fish
Chas Brigden
Porter B Clark
Allen Clemant
Jas Howard
Thos Barney
Geo Englehart
Hiram Booth
Harvey Cook
Geo Brown
Rodney Wood
Wm H Campbell
David J Brown
Richard Boyce
Chauncey Trumble

16th Sub-District - Mentz

Geo B Gillespie		Jas Murry
Ezra Hayden		Jeremiah Sullivan
Chas Curtiss		John A Stewart
John Y Wilson		John L Putnam
Geo H Greene 		Patrick McCullum
Henry A Dougherty	John W Barnes
Wm H Carr		Geo W Mead
Cyrenus Horton		David K Smith
Wm H Ashdown		Sylvester June
Egbert Homel		Nathan Brotherton
Richard Murphy		Warren Christian
Chas Devore		Sabin V Babcock
Oscar Gutchess		Henry Rodgers
Patrick Hayes		Theodore Stevenson
Joseph F Hadger
Alfred R Chr*stian
John Moorehouse
Wm Halsted
John Wilson
Melburn H Olmsted
Edwin Besmer
Jeremiah Mury
Wm O Duvall
Oscar F Hardenburgh
John D Spaulding
John Maroney
Adelbert C Olmsted
John Baldwin 
Martin Bennett
John Wall
John Murry
Ira Guilfoose
Jas Burke
Henry Gu*chess
Chas S Knapp
Isaac Knapp
Chas Henry
Silas Blass
Jonas Moore
Jas Gutchess
Jas O Seymour
Edward Avery
Levi Stevens Jr

17th Sub-District - Montezuma

Gabriel E Davis
Jerome Bradly
Samuel Bradley
Chas Andrews
Henry Western
Norman Watson
Hiram Clark
Jay Stewart
John D Buckingham
Henry Thompson
Geo Walling
Samuel Cole
Jeremiah A Stokes
John M Jones
Henry White
John Farrell
Jessie Neale
Wm Groff
Wm H Stanley
Edward Mosher
Jas D Nye
Lucius Western
Silas Carrier
Robert Esker
Wm May
Wm K Wheat
John J Farmington
Chester Mills
John Greene
Marcus D Herrick
Wm Phenis
Frank Harrington
Jas Bowkman
Wheaton B Jones
Chas Bell
Milo Morgan
Chas Mapes
Benjamin P Ransom
Henry D Harley

18th Sub-District - Moravia

Chester W Ames		Jacob B Smith
John Alley		Eugene Storm
Wm Stovell		Jas Woosley
Samuel Merrow		Thos Lyon
Chas Polley		Wing Tabor
Isaac Chase		Daniel Secans
Benj. L Avery		Phillip Kenyon
John G Williams		Lyman Edmonds
Proctor Me*len
Chas Chandler
Joseph Alley
Henry Je*nings
Henry Loomis
John Miller
Hector H Tuthill
J Oscar Sn*der
Geo Alley
Jas K Gould
Byron J Lumbard
Chas Albion Conant
Joseph Butler
Oliver Platt
Martin V B Decker
Wm Fiero
John Van Dyck Tripp
Archibald Timmerman
John Parsons
Geo W Bowen Jr
Wm Booth
Daniel Harter
Patrick McNamara
Chas Wilson
John Andrews
John A Fulmer
Geo Sheewood
Wesley W Palmer
Porter Rosekrans
Orlando Lillie
Jerome Smith
Jerome Palmer
Dwight Heald
Wm Brockway
Morris Selover
Wm Dennis

19th Sub-District - Niles

Henry Ammerman
Stephen Church 
Selovar Husk
Edgar R Selover
David A Brinkerhoff
Abram De*art
Martin A Selover
Geo N Brokaw
Benjamin F Smith
Abram Smith
John Hi*l
Malcom Smith
Benton Mattoon
Jas Degraw
Horace Friar
Watson L Vanduyne
John B Sheers
Martin P Selover
Wm Gardner
Geo R Bodine
Ira J Ammerman
Levi V Shaver
Richard Ammerman
Daniel Lane
Benjamin Van Arsdale

20th Sub-District - Niles

Robert Haynor
Jas Forbes Jr
Chauncey Tamar
Byron Church
Byron G Westlall
Jas W Pennell
Chas Carpenter
Henry Cuykendall
Levi Beagle
Edward H Streeter
John Dennis Jr
Isaac Sharpsteen
Allen Kenyon
Edgar Bevier
Robert Chamberlain
L Lewis
Chester Sincerbox
Anthony Pidge
Jas A Halt
Warren S Clark
Truman Dewitt
Henry Ames
Calvin Lester
Nelson Cutterback
Patrick M Lawflin
John B Chamberlain
Denton Kenyon
Parmilee D Hakes
Thad W Maxwell
Daniel Dewitt
Dwight Heald

22nd Sub-District - Scipio

Michael Doyle		John W Aikin
Joseph Lull		John Hadsel
Numan Smith		Joseph Jones
Joseph Bishop Jr	Fredrick Yale
Samuel Searing		Wm H Reynolds
Hugh McGrath		Charles Elliott
Eugene Bresnard		Erwin Emmons
Daniel O Herron		Charles Coffin
Franklin Coffin		Henry O'Hara Jr
Jerome Booth		Richard Stagg
Henry Seaman		Lutheron White
Barton K Hoxie		Wm Smith
Alfred W Conklin	Chauncy Culver
Daniel Nichols		Henry Batten
Geo Helm		Riley Banks
Chas Shaw
John Jones
Theron Smith
Madison Babcock
Moses C Lowe
Samuel Maynard
Zachariah Howell
Oscar Hunter
Geo Baker
David Smith
Chas Curtiss
Wm Ide
Jacson Obin
Wilson Medmon
Harvey Morgan
Augnstine Bould
Artemas Ward
Isaac Close
Lorain Smith
Isaac Brewster
Michael Conk*in
Thos O'Brian
Conrad Coon
Henry Ingram
John Doyle
Charles Ward
Wm Sculley
Daniel Donehu
Daniel Gleason

30th Sub-District - Victory

Thomas Wallace		Ephraim N Derby
George Bush		Orrin M Haws
Charles H Coon		Mills Douglass
James Dodge
Eugene Soulet
Jonathan P Evans
Mortimer Wood
George Jakway
Edward Alanson
Horatio Hooker
Warren C Langdon
Wm McMullen
Isaac Lockwood
James H DeForest
Hiram Moon
Wm Devoe
John Fields
Harris D Derby
Robert Gardner
George Bruce
Gilbert Fleming
Charles Chapman
Charles D Knapp
Stephen Hyde
Erwin W Fitch
Wm D Parker
James Van Pelt
Peter Terpening
Edward Blanchard
Albert Halsey
Theodore Bird
Adam Pulver
John Launt
Josiah Crippin
Sylvester Halleck
Roswell Treat Jr
Abijah P Hager
Wm Hota*ing
Benedict Wetherby
Alex Drummond
James McIntyre
Albert Bruce
Charles W Haws
Samuel Murphy

23rd Sub-District - Sempronius

Daniel L Sawyer
Edmond C Mott
Ephriam H Mott
Abra** Bush
Patrick McGuckin
John O'Brien
Wm Knight
Daniel W Sweet
Byron Cutler
John Lille
Horatio David
Jonah Brown Jr
David Elster
James E Searles
Aristides Dayton
Samuel Wilcox
Luke A Spoore
John Stone
Horace D Hawk
Nathan J Henry
Vernum Southwick
Leland Griffin
Gurdon Merchant
Robert Bush
Benjamin Beryea

24th Sub-District - Sennett

Filas White		Edmond D Fellows
George B Gates		Albert W Bowen
Hiram H Glass		James A N Taylor
John Kimble		George Case
Charles Chamberlin	George Gernand
James N Calhoun
Charles W Crossman
Charles Taylor
Nelson A Burrill
Eugene Wells
Pierson E Wood
Henry P Depue
Emott B Davis
Charles Starr
Orson B Sunderlin
John J A Stockwell
Horatio Lockwood
Wm Jago
Patrick Dawling
Charles Stephens
Albert A Mellen
George Harris
John S Gates
Kurral Thomas
Hoyatt Parcel
Leander J Olmstead
Joshua N Young
James Dursten
Benjamin Seeley
Daniel Cadwalider
George H Reed
Michael Quinland
Jacob N Waldron
Sereno E Payne
Edward Keeler
Alanson Harwood
Elias Tomason
George Leonard
Bradford F Cleveland
Moses Converse
John Marshall
James H Drake
Edson L Phelps
John W Ramsey

25th Sub-District - Springport

John N Van Buren	Lawrence Clark
Peter Newcomb		Abel H Fink
Nathan M Saunders	John V B Yawger
Joshua M Hamblin	George H Chase
Harace T Durkee		Edward S Gould
Edwin Tobins		Nathan Jennings
Edward Smith		Franklin G Allen
William Burgess		Samuel Jones
George E Carr		Philander Comstock
Charles N Brock
James L Hammond
Abel Kendell
Harrison Schenck
John A Shrader
Lafayette Yawger
Johnson Smith
Joseph Knapp
Daniel P Meserean
James Dewitt
John Long
George Day
Frank I Burdick
Goorge E Barney
Isiah F Yawger
James Millman
Wm Martin
Cyrus D Huff
Samuel Hibbard
Austin Quiqley
Nathan S Roberts
Alex C Stewart
Patrick M Wires
George Padinton
Sidney Wright
George Schenck
Luther A Stewart
Preserved Tripp
John Miller
Lewis Ludlow
James Clark
Wm H Snider
Thomas Burch
Benjamin Fowler
George Myres

26th Sub-District - Sterling

James Ramage		Stilman S Cobb
George Cooper		Benjamin Cooper
Wm Hewitt		Caleb H Howland
Abram Ingersoll
James Hickey
Charles Upcraft
Nathan O Lawton
James Moak
Sylvanus Knapp
David R Van Patten
David Cole
James Hunter
Warren Willard
Edward F Sampson
Charles A Pulver
Alfred J Dann
James Bingham
Thomas Elder
Philip Crowfoot
Alonzp C P Wilder
John Hartman
George B Brooks
James Becker
Nelson Wilder
Frederick VanPatten
Edward H Bridge
Harmon Whitlock
Edward Rowland
Thomas Doyle
Stephen Trent
Zenas J Smith
Charles Miller
Geo McBride
James McLain
Elias Culver
Simon Nichols
John O'Neal
Charles Garner
Riley H Lyon
John Van Horn
Isaac S Wyman
William Narracon
Allen M Struble
Peter Harris

27th Sub-District - Summer Hill

James M Fleming
Le Roy Robinson
Wm A Robinson
Elon Cornell
Columbus Miles
Diodatus Parks
Sylvester D Carpenter
Charles Stoyell
Justis Watson
Albert Rodgers
Goddad Chase
Clark Hinman
Franklin Bentley
Dwight Springer
Ashbel E Hathaway
Joseph Miles
Charles W Jones
Horace Phelps
Lemuel Wood
Gilbert J Hinman
Wm H Wormer
Byron Champlin
Levi Johnson
Chester Willis
Stephen A Carpenter
William Bowker

28th Sub-District - Throop

George F Hinds
John Mullen
John R Ellis
Michael Burke
Wm N Gwin
James Butler
John Powers
Wellington S Taylor
George Crowfoot
William Burtoil
Michael Maddes
Charles A Clarey
Sidney E Sitzer
Benjamin Berber
John Galvin
Abiah H Mullen
John W Bell
Smith Feck
Ebenezer V Cole
John Pierce
David Smith
John Lefevor
Obadiah Hadden
John Nicholson
Sylvester Treat
Abraham Myers
Stephen Butler
Louis Allen
Nathaniel P Walley

29th Sub-District - Venice

Harvey Stanton		Lafayette Raymond
Amos Whiting		Corydon E Congdon
Darius Snider		Wm H Smith
Morgan L Jennings	David B Nye
Hermon J Olney		Dwight Brewer
Wm H Jennings		Wm Proud
Charles S Hull		Alex Mead Jr
Wm Penn Purdy		James Sullivan
Geo S Wood		George E Mass*n
Henry S Lanning		Charles Knapp
Proctor B Mason		John Perry
John R Burch
Joseph Caulkins
Wm Kellett
Wm H Jacobs
Charles Bennett
Wm C Meader
Chas Holley
Franklin Hutchinson
Dexter Wheeler
Eugene B Murdick
Franklin Ramond
Jonathan B Proud
Thomas Rophy
Richard Brown
Michael Kelley
Lewis B Mosher
Charles H Breed
Wm McMann
Milton Shaw
Aseph Whiting
Therhon C Starke
Sylvester Lewis
Wm Ryan
Horace H Baker
Geo Studwell
Chris O'Neil
Geo Howland
Jno Cunningham
Jno Tiff
Albert Mason
Jarard P Brace
Edwin Lester
John P Miller

To view images for sections of the 1863 newspaper showing this Cayuga County NY Civil War Draft List, click HERE (Courtesy Of Deborah Plugh in Sept. 2016)

The * in the names are those that did not type originally, or an ink spot from the typeset or the fold in the newspaper. Everything is typed exactly as written.
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